Full TGIF Record # 95040
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Author(s):Moore, James Francis
Author Affiliation:Director, Green Section's Construction Education Program
Title:Revising the USGA's recommendations for a method of putting green construction: A true team effort
Source:USGA Green Section Record. Vol. 42, No. 3, May/June 2004, p. 26-28.
Publishing Information:Far Hills, NJ: United States Golf Association, Green Section
# of Pages:3
Keywords:TIC Keywords: USGA Recommendations; Golf green construction; Golf greens
Abstract/Contents:Presents the USGA's recommendations of putting green construction as the method mainly used by golf courses and their explains how they are constantly revised. Discusses the introduction of new unresearched products and the USGA's actions to cope with these products. Lists reasons eighteen projects were funded by the USGA since 1993. Describes the initial actions taken by the Green Section's Construction Education Program. Lists the members of the Putting Green Guidelines Review Committee. Describes actions taken to include all members of the committee without actually having to meet face to face. Discusses the forming and meeting of the Final Review Committee in order to reduce the number of revisions made by the Putting Green Guidelines Review Committee. Lists and briefly detail seach of the six revisions made.
See Also:See also the 2004 USGA putting green recommendations R=94463 R=94463
Note:Pictures, color
ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-Like - may be incomplete):
Moore, J. F. 2004. Revising the USGA's recommendations for a method of putting green construction: A true team effort. USGA Green Sec. Rec. 42(3):p. 26-28.
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