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Full Detail for Noer Slide #1411
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Milorg. less snowmold than sulfate
Date Information
Date on Slide04/11/1947
Month from Ledger4
Year from Ledger1947
Description Information
On-Slide InformationMilorganite - less Snow mold than sulfate Calaclor Monthly to Oct.; Brynwood Milwaukee April 11, 1947
Original Ledger InformationMilorg. less snowmold than sulfate
Geographic Ledger InformationNo N - no snowmold - Mil. less than sulfate bad in Amm. sul. plots
Location Information
Facility from LedgerBrynwood C. C.
Geographic Ledger TermWisconsin
City, ExpandedMilwaukee
State, ExpandedWisconsin
Country, ExpandedUSA
Other Information
Subjects from LedgerDISEASES
Slide Information
Slide Number from Ledger1411
Number on Slide1411
Mounting TypeGlass
Film TypeAnsco
On-Slide SequenceB (A-C)