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Elm in G - bad for turf
Date Information
Date on Slide05/02/1950
Month from Ledger5
Year from Ledger1950
Description Information
Title[Elm tree on green damaging turf]
On-Slide InformationLarge Elm Tree In G. Makes Turf Bad; North Hills Mil. Wis. 5-2-50
Original Ledger InformationElm in G - bad for turf
Geographic Ledger InformationElm in G bad for turf
Subject Ledger InformationElm in G bad for turf
Location Information
FacilityNorth Hills, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Facility from LedgerNorth Hills
Geographic Ledger TermWisconsin
City, ExpandedMilwaukee
State, ExpandedWisconsin
Country, ExpandedUSA
Other Information
Subjects from LedgerARCHITECTURE
DescriptorsGolf greens; Trees; Tree environmental effects
SectorGolf courses
Slide Information
Slide Number from Ledger2092
Number on Slide2092
Mounting TypeGlass
Film TypeKodachrome
On-Slide Sequence1 (1-3)