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Full Detail for Noer Slide #4339
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Fairy Ring in G kills ryegrass
Date Information
Date on Slide04/1954
Month from Ledger4
Year from Ledger1954
Description Information
On-Slide InformationFairy ring kills rye grass but not bermuda. close-up; Sunset Hills Corrollton Ga. 4/54
Original Ledger InformationFairy Ring in G kills ryegrass
Geographic Ledger InformationFairy Ring in G kills rye grass
Location Information
Facility from LedgerSunset Hills
Geographic Ledger TermGeorgia
City, ExpandedCarrollton
State, ExpandedGeorgia
Country, ExpandedUSA
Other Information
Subjects from LedgerDISEASES
Slide Information
Slide Number from Ledger4339
Number on Slide4339 1-D
Mounting TypeGlass
Film TypeN. Koda
On-Slide Sequence2 (1-2)