Author: Carrow, R. N.
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Evaluation of several sampling procedures for spatial analysis of natural turfgrass sports field properties |
Straw, C. M.; Henry, G. M.; Love, K.; Carrow, R. N.; Cline, V. 2017. Journal of Testing and Evaluation. 46(2): p. [1-16]. |
291471 |
Enzymes and water repellency: A progress report from UGA | Carrow, R. N.; Huang, Q. (Jack); Raymer, P. L. 2013. Through The Green [Georgia]. September/October. p. 33-34. |
230145 |
Bicarbonates and carbonates in irrigation water and soils: High levels of bicarbonates and carbonates can stress turfgrass, but superintendents can develop cost-effective management plans Access Restrictions |
Carrow, R. N.; Duncan, R. R. 2011. Golf Course Management. November. 79(11): p. 92-99. |
193056 |
Best management practices for salt-affected golf courses: Why and how? |
Carrow, R. N.; Duncan, R. R. 2011. USGA Green Section Record. July 1. 49(26): p. 1-5. |
183788 |
Performance of a mobile salinity monitoring device developed for turfgrass situations |
Krum, J. M.; Flitcroft, I.; Gerber, P.; Carrow, R. N. 2011. Agronomy Journal. January/February. 103(1): p. 23-31. |
176783 |
Mobile mapping of spatial soil properties and turfgrass stress: Applications and protocols Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Krum, J. M.; Carrow, R. N.; Flitcroft, I.; Cline, V. 2008. 9th Proceedings of the Conference on Precision Agriculture. p. 236-251. |
152218 |
Water conservation and sod industry |
Carrow, R. N. 2008. Georgia Sod Producers Association News. July. 18(2): p. 23-24, 26-27. |
138163 |
Applied turfgrass wateruse efficiency/conservation: Agronomic practices and building cooperation between industry trade associations and regulatory authorities Access Restrictions |
Waltz, F. C. Jr.; Carrow, R. N. 2008. Acta Horticulturae. February. 783: p. 239-246. |
136405 |
Beyond site-specific best management practices for water conservation: A statewide best management practices plan benefits all water users Access Restrictions |
Carrow, R. N.; Waltz, C.; Esoda, M. 2008. Golf Course Management. January. 76(1): p. 164-169. |
131671 |
Seashore paspalum: Breeding a turfgrass for the future: Work continues at the University of Georgia on the development of this salt-tolerant species | Raymer, P. L.; Braman, S. K.; Burpee, L. L.; Carrow, R. N.; Chen, Z.; Murphey, T. R. 2008. USGA Green Section Record. January/February. 46(1): p. 22-26. |
131784 |
Effect of salt concentration on germination and establishment of seashore paspalum | Raymer, Paul; Carrow, R. N.; Chen, Z. 2007. Abstracts: 2007 International Annual Meetings[ASA/CSSA/SSSA]. p. [1]. |
132653 |
Seashore paspalum: Breeding a turfgrass for the future | Raymer, P. L.; Braman, S. K.; Burpee, L. L.; Carrow, R. N.; Chen, Z.; Murphy, T. R. 2007. USGA Turfgrass and Environmental Research Online. November 1. 6(21): p. [1-8]. |
129225 |
Kalium voor een betere slijtageweerstand |
Trenholm, L. E.; Carrow, R. N.; Duncan, R. R. 2006. Rasenmanager. p. 6-7, 9. |
149461 |
A case study: The implementation of a water conservation plan by Georgia golf course superintendents | Waltz, F. C. Jr.; Carrow, R. N.; Esoda, Mark; Siple, F. T. 2005. Proceedings of the 2005 Georgia Water Resources Conference. p. [1-4]. |
276297 |
Seashore paspalum management in Florida: Should you change grasses on your golf course? |
Duncan, R. R.; Carrow, R. N. 2005. The Florida Green. Summer. p. 40, 42-44. |
106929 |
Salinity and turfgrasses: Issues and research status |
Carrow, R. N.; Duncan, R. R. 2005. p. 87-93. In: Anonymous, ed. International Salinity Forum: Managing Saline Soils and Water: Science, Technology, and Social Issues: Oral Presentation Abstracts. Riverside, California: Riverside Convention Center. |
209572 |
Salinity monitoring methods and issues for golf course and other complex turfgrass sites |
Carrow, R. N.; Duncan, R. R.; Jiang, Y. 2005. p. 95-98. In: Anonymous, ed. International Salinity Forum: Managing Saline Soils and Water: Science, Technology, and Social Issues: Oral Presentation Abstracts. Riverside, California: Riverside Convention Center. |
209584 |
Screening for salt tolerance in seashore paspalum |
Raymer, Paul L.; Carrow, R. N.; Wyatt, D. A. 2005. p. 129-133. In: Anonymous, ed. International Salinity Forum: Managing Saline Soils and Water: Science, Technology, and Social Issues: Poster Presentation Abstracts. Riverside, California: Riverside Convention Center. |
209668 |
Roughing it: Managing seashore paspalum |
Duncan, R. R.; Carrow, R. N. 2005. Superintendent: The Magazine for Golf Course Superintendents. September. 4(9): p. 40, 42-43. |
107113 | |
Preventing failure of seashore paspalum greens: Proper management techniques can prevent problems and failure in paspalum greens Access Restrictions |
Duncan, R. R.; Carrow, R. N. 2005. Golf Course Management. March. 73(3): p. 99-102. |
102715 |
Managing seashore paspalum greens Access Restrictions |
Duncan, R. R.; Carrow, R. N. 2005. Golf Course Management. February. 73(2): p. 114-118. |
100930 |
Broad-band spectral reflectance models for monitoring drought stress in different turfgrass species |
Jiang, Yiwei; Carrow, R. N.; Duncan, R. R. 2004. 2004 Annual Meeting Abstracts [ASA/CSSA/SSSA/CSSS]. p. [1]. |
100413 |
Soil salinity monitering: Present and future: Monitoring salinity in the soil has become a necessity for superintendents using lower-quality water, and the need for monitoring will only increase in the future Access Restrictions |
Carrow, R. N.; Duncan, R. R. 2004. Golf Course Management. November. 72(11): p. 89-92. |
98851 |
Clarifying soil testing: II. Choosing SLAN extractants for macronutrients Access Restrictions |
Carrow, R. N.; Stowell, L.; Gelernter, W.; Davis, S.; Duncan, R. R.; Skorulski, J. 2004. Golf Course Management. January. 72(1): p. 189-193. |
93212 |
Clarifying soil testing: III. SLAN sufficiency ranges and recommendations Access Restrictions |
Carrow, R. N.; Stowell, L.; Gelernter, W.; Davis, S.; Duncan, R. R.; Skorulski, J. 2004. Golf Course Management. January. 72(1): p. 194-198. |
93213 |
Acclimation of soluble protein, antioxidant enzymes and lipid peroxidation to low light in seashore paspalum |
Jiang, Y.; Carrow, R. N.; Duncan, R. R. 2003. 2003 Annual Meeting Abstracts [ASA/CSSA/SSSA]. p. [1]. |
92009 |
Assessment of shade tolerance of seashore paspalum and bermudagrass |
Jiang, Y.; Duncan, R. R.; Carrow, R. N. 2003. 2003 Annual Meeting Abstracts [ASA/CSSA/SSSA]. p. [1]. |
92016 |
Integrating real-time soil moisture monitoring into turfgrass irrigation scheduling |
Carrow, R. N.; Duncan, R. R.; Jiang, Y.; Waltz, C. 2003. 2003 Annual Meeting Abstracts [ASA/CSSA/SSSA]. p. [1]. |
92112 |
Clarifying soil testing: I. Saturated paste and dilute extracts: Superintendents who know how to interpret soil tests correctly can save their grass Access Restrictions |
Carrow, R. N.; Stowell, L.; Gelernter, W.; Davis, S.; Duncan, R. R.; Skorulski, J. 2003. Golf Course Management. September. 71(9): p. 81-85. |
90353 |
Turfgrass irrigation with wastewater Access Restrictions |
Carrow, R. N.; Duncan, R. R. 2003. Greenkeeper International. July. p. 16-17. |
90318 |
Improving drought resistance and persistence in turf-type tall fescue |
Carrow, R. N.; Duncan, R. R. 2003. Crop Science. May/June. 43(3): p. 978-984. |
86298 |
Effects of morning and afternoon shade in combination with traffic stress on seashore paspalum |
Jiang, Y.; Carrow, R. N.; Duncan, R. R. 2002. 2002 Annual Meeting Abstracts [ASA/CSSA/SSSA]. p. [1]. |
83514 |
Multispectral approaches to irrigation scheduling and moisture stress monitoring |
Carrow, R. N.; Jiang, Y.; Broomhall, P.; Duncan, R. R. 2002. 2002 Annual Meeting Abstracts [ASA/CSSA/SSSA]. p. [1]. |
83611 |
Turfgrass water conservation part 2: Strategies and challenges: Successfully facing the challenges of water conservation on golf courses requires uniting everyone in golf course operations and design Access Restrictions |
Carrow, R. N.; Broomhall, Peter; Duncan, R. R.; Waltz, Clint. 2002. Golf Course Management. June. 70(6): p. 49-53. |
80438 |
Turfgrass water conservation Part 1: Primary strategies: Water conservation should be the first priority of golf courses and other recreational turf venues Access Restrictions |
Carrow, R. N.; Broomhall, Peter; Duncan, R. R.; Waltz, Clint. 2002. Golf Course Management. May. 70(5): p. 49-53. |
79703 |
Growing in seashore paspalum with multiple challenges: A systems approach to maintaining this useful turfgrass | Duncan, Ronny R.; Carrow, R. N. 2002. USGA Green Section Record. May/June. 40(3): p. 22-28. |
79927 |
Seashore paspalum offers alternative for the future | Duncan, Ronny R.; Carrow, R. N. 2002. TurfGrass TRENDS. May. 11(5): p. T7, T10-T12. |
79816 |
Thou shalt not scalp seashore paspalum: Scalping is especially hard on seashore paspalum Access Restrictions |
Duncan, R. R.; Carrow, R. N. 2002. Golf Course Management. April. 70(4): p. 57-60. |
79183 |
Genetic approaches to developing salt tolerance in warm season turfgrasses |
Duncan, R. R.; Carrow, R. N. 2001. 2001 Annual Meeting Abstracts [ASA/CSSA/SSSA]. p. [1]. |
78631 |
Developing regional soil and water baseline information for golf course turf |
Carrow, R. N.; Stowell, L. J.; Davis, S. D.; Fidanza, M. A.; Unruh, J. B.; Wells, W. 2001. 2001 Annual Meeting Abstracts [ASA/CSSA/SSSA]. p. [1]. |
78640 |
Influence of silica on growth, quality, and wear tolerance of seashore paspalum Access Restrictions |
Trenholm, L. E.; Duncan, R. R.; Carrow, R. N.; Snyder, G. H. 2001. Journal of Plant Nutrition. 24(2): p. 245-259. |
72907 |
Providing relevant information to turfgrass managers: Challenges and implications Access Restrictions |
Carrow, R. N.; Duncan, R. R.; Shearman, R. C. 2001. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 9(Part 1): p. 53-60. |
74216 |
Turfgrass traffic (soil compaction plus wear) simulator: Response of paspalum vaginatum and cynodon spp. Access Restrictions |
Carrow, R. N.; Duncan, R. R.; Worley, J. E.; Shearman, R. C. 2001. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 9(Part 1): p. 253-258. |
74297 |
Turfgrass traffic simulators: A description of two self-propelled devices simulating wear and compaction stress injury Access Restrictions |
Shearman, R. C.; Carrow, R. N.; Wit, L. A.; Duncan, R. R.; Trenholm, L. E.; Worley, J. E. 2001. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 9(Part 1): p. 347-352. |
74413 |
Turfgrass research and information programs in Georgia |
Carrow, R. N. 2001. Georgia Sod Producers Association News. November. 11(2): p. 10-11. |
166302 |
Wear tolerance, growth, and quality of seashore paspalum in response to nitrogen and potassium |
Trenholm, L. E.; Carrow, R. N.; Duncan, R. R. 2001. HortScience. July. 36(4): p. 780-783. |
74887 |
Paspalum vaginatum Swartz: A gramineae case for environmental diversity and multiple abiotic/edaphic stress tolerance |
Duncan, R. R.; Carrow, R. N. 2000. 2000 Annual Meeting Abstracts [ASA/CSSA/SSSA]. p. 149-150. |
70728 |
Strategies for water conservation in turfgrass situations Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Carrow, R. N.; Duncan, R. R. 2000. Proceedings of the Irrigation Association of Australia Conference. p. 543-548. |
275992 |
Wastewater and seawater use for turfgrasses: Potential problems and solutions Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Carrow, R. N.; Duncan, R. R. 2000. Proceedings of the Irrigation Association of Australia Conference. p. 678-683. |
275994 |
The next generation of turf-type tall fescues is Southern: By maximizing environmental stresses, researchers optimze persisitence and performance |
Duncan, R. R.; Carrow, R. N. 2000. Diversity. 16(1/2): p. 46-47. |
67657 |
Leaching for salinity management on turfgrass sites | Carrow, R. N.; Huck, M.; Duncan, R. R. 2000. USGA Green Section Record. November/December. 38(6): p. 15-24. |
70760 |
Mechanisms of wear tolerance in seashore paspalum and bermudagrass |
Trenholm, L. E.; Carrow, R. N.; Duncan, R. R. 2000. Crop Science. September/October. 40(5): p. 1350-1357. |
69365 |
Understanding water quality and guidelines to management: An overview of challenges for water usage on golf courses for the 21st century | Duncan, R. R.; Carrow, R. N.; Huck, M. 2000. USGA Green Section Record. September/October. 38(5): p. 14-24. |
68198 |
Salinity tolerance of Paspalum vaginatum and Cynodon spp. genotypes |
Lee, G.; Duncan, R. R.; Carrow, R. N. 2000. Australian Turfgrass Management. June/July. 2(3): p. 30-32. |
65750 |
Soon on golf courses: New seashore paspalums: Georgia research program produces cultivars for environmental future Access Restrictions |
Duncan, R. R.; Carrow, R. N. 2000. Golf Course Management. May. 68(5): p. 65-67. |
64768 |
Effluent water: Nightmare or dream come true? | Huck, Mike; Carrow, R. N.; Duncan, R. R. 2000. USGA Green Section Record. March/April. 38(2): p. 15-29. |
64243 |
Effective use of seawater irrigation on turfgrass | Duncan, R. R.; Carrow, R. N.; Huck, Mike. 2000. USGA Green Section Record. January/February. 38(1): p. 11-17. |
63021 |
Superior drought resistance in tall fescue: Research protocol and field performance |
Carrow, R. N.; Duncan, R. R. 1999. 1999 Annual Meeting Abstracts [ASA/CSSA/SSSA]. 91: p. 125. |
62902 |
Salinity tolerance mechanisms in seashore paspalum ecotypes |
Carrow, R. N.; Duncan, R. R. 1999. 1999 Annual Meeting Abstracts [ASA/CSSA/SSSA]. 91: p. 126. |
62906 |
The influence of silica on wear tolerance of seashore paspalum |
Trenholm, L. E.; Carrow, R. N.; Duncan, R. R.; Snyder, G. H. 1999. 1999 Annual Meeting Abstracts [ASA/CSSA/SSSA]. 91: p. 128. |
63097 |
Root growth, distribution, and turnover of fieldgrown tallfescue genotypes |
Ingram, K. T.; Carrow, R. N. 1999. 1999 Annual Meeting Abstracts [ASA/CSSA/SSSA]. 91: p. 130-131. |
63249 |
Turfgrass molecular genetic improvement for abiotic/edaphic stress resistance | Duncan, R. R.; Carrow, R. N. 1999. Advances in Agronomy. 67: p. 233-305. |
60854 |
Tolerance of zoysiagrass (Zoysia spp.) cultivars to preemergence herbicides |
Johnson, B. Jack; Carrow, R. N. 1999. Weed Technology. October-December. 13(4): p. 706-712. |
63269 |
Wear tolerance, shoot performance, and spectral reflectance of seashore paspalum and bermudagrass Access Restrictions |
Trenholm, L. E.; Duncan, R. R.; Carrow, R. N. 1999. Crop Science. July/August. 39(4): p. 1147-1152. |
60915 |
Establishment and grow-in of paspalum golf course turf: Techniques evolve for replacing bermudagrass Access Restrictions |
Duncan, R. R.; Carrow, R. N. 1999. Golf Course Management. May. 67(5): p. 58-62. |
59300 |
Relationship of multispectral radiometry data to qualitative data in turfgrass research Access Restrictions |
Trenholm, L. E.; Carrow, R. N.; Duncan, R. R. 1999. Crop Science. May/June. 39(3): p. 763-769. |
60021 |
Wear tolerance mechanisms in fairway-type Paspalum vaginatum and Cynodon spp. |
Trenholm, L. E.; Carrow, R. N.; Duncan, R. R. 1998. 1998 Annual Meeting Abstracts. p. 126-127. |
56846 |
Diversity of salinity tolerance within Paspalum vaginatum and selected Cynodon spp. |
Lee, G. J.; Duncan, R. R.; Carrow, R. N. 1998. 1998 Annual Meeting Abstracts. p. 127. |
56847 |
Summer and fall/spring cultivation programs on bentgrass greens: I. Cultivation and amendments on summer bentgrass decline and rooting on a USGA green (T-109) |
Carrow, R. N. 1997. The University of Georgia Turfgrass Field Day. p. 45-47. |
75322 |
Summer and fall/spring cultivation programs on bentgrass greens: II. Cultivation and amendments on root development of bentgrass on a USGA green (T-108) |
Carrow, R. N. 1997. The University of Georgia Turfgrass Field Day. p. 48-49. |
75359 |
Turfgrass improvement for environmental stress tolerance |
Duncan, R. R.; Carrow, R. N. 1997. 1998 Annual Meeting Abstracts. 89: p. 124. |
41492 |
Trinexapac- ethyl influence on bermudagrass response to cultivation operations |
Carrow, R. N.; Johnson, B. J. 1997. Agronomy Abstracts. 89: p. 127. |
41511 |
Stress resistant turf-type tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.): Developing multiple abiotic stress tolerance |
Duncan, R. R.; Carrow, R. N. 1997. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 8(Part 1): p. 653-662. |
55976 |
Root spatial distribution and activity of four turfgrass species in response to localised drought stress Access Restrictions |
Huang, B.; Duncan, R. R.; Carrow, R. N. 1997. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 8(Part 1): p. 681-690. |
55985 |
Drought-resistance mechanisms of seven warm-season turfgrasses under surface soil drying: I. Shoot response Access Restrictions |
Huang, B.; Duncan, R. R.; Carrow, R. N. 1997. Crop Science. November/December. 37(6): p. 1858-1863. |
20728 |
Drought-resistance mechanisms of seven warm-season turfgrasses under surface soil drying: II. Root aspects Access Restrictions |
Huang, B.; Duncan, R. R.; Carrow, R. N. 1997. Crop Science. November/December. 37(6): p. 1863-1869. |
20782 |
Registration of 'Tift 94' bermudagrass |
Hanna, W. W.; Carrow, R. N.; Powell, A. J. 1997. Crop Science. May/June. 37(3): p. 1012. |
40367 |
Influence of summer cultivation, topdressing, and fungicide practices on creeping bentgrass performance |
Carrow, R. N. 1996. Agronomy Abstracts. 88: p. 139. |
41649 |
Root morphological and physiological characteristics in relation to drought resistance in turfgrasses |
Huang, B.; Duncan, R. R.; Carrow, R. N. 1996. Agronomy Abstracts. 88: p. 142. |
41674 |
Common problems encountered in review of journal manuscripts |
Carrow, R. N. 1996. Agronomy Abstracts. 88: p. 153. |
41765 |
Turfgrass wear stress: Effects of golf car and tire design |
Carrow, R. N.; Johnson, B. J. 1996. HortScience. October. 31(6): p. 968-971. |
39141 |
Drought avoidance characteristics of diverse tall fescue cultivars Access Restrictions |
Carrow, R. N. 1996. Crop Science. March/April. 36(2): p. 371-377. |
37358 |
Seeding rate and drought stress effects on zoysiagrass seedling development |
Carrow, R. N.; Choi, J. S. 1995. Agronomy Abstracts. p. 148. |
38084 |
Managing turf for maximum root growth | Carrow, R. N. 1995. Landscape Management. November. 34(11): p. 28-29. |
85566 |
Performance of seeded bermudagrasses |
Carrow, R. N.; Landry, Gil. 1995. The University of Georgia Turfgrass Field Day. July. p. 7-10. |
75824 |
Performance of N carriers on bermudagrass |
Carrow, R. N. 1995. The University of Georgia Turfgrass Field Day. July. p. 13-20. |
75834 |
Bentgrass fertilization, cultivation and management for summer decline |
Carrow, R. N.; Burpee, Lee; Landry, Gil. 1995. The University of Georgia Turfgrass Field Day. July. p. 24-31. |
75875 |
Seeded bermudagrass performance as affected by traffic and mowing height |
Landry, G.; Carrow, R. N. 1994. Agronomy Abstracts. 86: p. 181. |
41852 |
Zoysiagrass cultivar performance as affected by traffic and N level |
Carrow, R. N. 1994. Agronomy Abstracts. 86: p. 183. |
41861 |
Wear tolerance of sports turf areas |
Carrow, R. N. [1994]. Proceedings of the 13th Australian Turfgrass Conference and Trade Exhibition. 13: p. 10-12. |
83080 |
Potential resistance in zoysiagrasses to tawny mole crickets (Orthoptera gryllotalpidae) | Braman, S. K.; Pendley, A. F.; Carrow, R. N.; Engelke, M. C. 1994. Florida Entomologist. September. 77(3): p. 301-305. |
35584 |
Chemical suppression of bermudagrass in creeping bentgrass greens: Four experiments over a six-year period explore the use of certain herbicides and PGRs to limit encroachment Access Restrictions |
Johnson, B. J.; Carrow, R. N. 1994. Golf Course Management. March. 62(3): p. 90, 92, 94, 96, 100, 102, 104. |
32139 |
Registration of 'Midlawn' turf bermudagrass Access Restrictions |
Pair, J. C.; Keen, R. A.; Taliaferro, C. M.; Martin, D. L.; Barber, J. F.; Carrow, R. N. 1994. Crop Science. January/February. 34(1): p. 306-307. |
29715 |
Registration of 'Midfield' turf bermudagrass Access Restrictions |
Pair, J. C.; Keen, R. A.; Taliaferro, C. M.; Martin, D. L.; Barber, J. F.; Carrow, R. N. 1994. Crop Science. January/February. 34(1): p. 307. |
29716 |
Zoysiagrasses: Response to fertility, traffic, and drought |
Carrow, R. N. 1993. The University of Georgia Turfgrass Field Day. p. 11-13. |
82842 |
Bentgrass and bermudagrass greens management research |
Carrow, R. N.; Johnson, B. J.; Burpee, Lee; Duncan, R. R.; O'Brien, Pat. 1993. The University of Georgia Turfgrass Field Day. p. 24-29. |
82857 |
Hydro-Ject vs. solid tine vs. hollow tine aeration |
Carrow, R. N. 1993. Proceedings of the 41st Annual Florida Turf-Grass. 41: p. 30-36. |
30596 |
Common bermudagrass control in tall fescue with fenoxaprop Access Restrictions |
Johnson, B. J.; Carrow, R. N. 1993. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 7: p. 303-309. |
20972 |
Turfgrass cultivation methods: Influence on soil physical, root/shoot, and water relationships Access Restrictions |
Wiecko, G.; Carrow, R. N.; Karnok, K. J. 1993. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 7: p. 451-457. |
28096 |
Canopy temperature irrigation scheduling indices for turfgrasses in humid climates Access Restrictions |
Carrow, R. N. 1993. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 7: p. 594-599. |
28120 |