Author: Elmore, Matthew T.
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Effects of temperature, light and, water stress on false-green kyllinga germination | Amgain, Naba R.; Patton, Aaron J.; Elmore, Matthew T. 2024. Canvas: ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting. p. 157573. |
341723 |
Evaluation of improved cold hardy bermudagrass and zoysiagrass for use in New Jersey | LaBarge, Mark; Tkach, Christopher; MacPherson, Eric; Elmore, Matthew T.; Murphy, James A.; Bonos, Stacy A. 2024. Canvas: ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting. p. 161586. |
341683 |
Effect of growth regulators and hard fescue cultivar on fine fescue maintained as a naturalized area | Elmore, Matthew T.; Vines, Phillip L.; Diehl, Katherine H.; Tuck, Daniel P. 2024. Canvas: ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting. p. 162158. |
341722 |
Cultural management and plant growth regulators affect competition of Eleusine indica ecotypes in turfgrass | Tuck Diehl, Katherine; Elmore, Matthew T. 2024. Canvas: ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting. p. 162521. |
341785 |
Understanding false-green kyllinga and strategies for integrated management | Elmore, Matthew T.; Watson, Trevor S.; Tuck, Daniel P. 2024. Proceedings of the Thirty-Third Annual RutgersTurfgrass Symposium. 33: p. 22. |
335864 |
The golf course pest, annual bluegrass weevil, operates as a beneficial control agent of Poa annua at reduced weed cover | Brown, Matthew S.; Sousa, Ana Luiza; Diehl, Katherine H.; Elmore, Matthew T.; Islam, Tarikul; Koppenhöfer, Albrecht M. 2024. Proceedings of the Thirty-Third Annual RutgersTurfgrass Symposium. 33: p. 25. |
335866 |
Tulipalins: A natural herbicide for turfgrass from a tulip bulb waste stream | Peters, Jeanne S.; Elmore, Matthew T.; Gianfagna, Thomas J. 2024. Proceedings of the Thirty-Third Annual RutgersTurfgrass Symposium. 33: p. 37. |
335879 |
Phosphorus and soil pH effects on immature annual bluegrass and creeping bentgrass grown in competition |
McNally, Brandon C.; Elmore, Matthew T.; Murphy, James A.; Murphy, Stephanie L. 2024. Golf Course Management. April. 92(4): p. 72-76. |
335625 |
Annual bluegrass and creeping bentgrass tiller response to phosphate fertilizer and soil pH |
McNally, Brandon C.; Elmore, Matthew T.; Murphy, James A.; Murphy, Stephanie L. 2024. Crop Science. January/February. 64(1): p. 511-522. |
334645 |
Halosulfuron and sulfentrazone combinations for false-green kyllinga (Kyllinga gracillima) control | Tuck, Daniel P.; Elmore, Matthew T.; Silcox, Charles A. 2023. Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the Weed Science Society of America. p. 86. |
331162 |
Mowing height influences false-green kyllinga (Kyllinga gracillima) establishment in perennial ryegrass turf | Elmore, Matthew T.; Tuck, Daniel P. 2023. Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the Weed Science Society of America. p. 88. |
331166 |
False-green kyllinga (Kyllinga gracillima) establishment from seed is influenced by turfgrass management regime | Watson, Trevor S.; Elmore, Matthew T.; Tuck, Daniel P. 2023. Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the Weed Science Society of America. p. 232. |
331113 |
Evaluation of various preemergent herbicides at different rates to control false-green kyllinga (Kyllinga gracillima) from seed | Elmore, Matthew T.; McNally, Brandon C.; Patton, Aaron J.; Tuck, Daniel P.; Watson, Trevor S. 2023. Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the Weed Science Society of America. p. 292. |
331175 |
Advances in turfgrass weed management |
Elmore, Matthew T.; Patton, Aaron J.; Gannon, Travis W.; Brosnan, James T. 2023. p. 339-387. In: Fidanza, Michael, ed. Achieving Sustainable Turfgrass Management. Cambridge, England, United Kingdom: Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing Limited; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing. |
329804 |
Improving weed control and playability in naturalized fine fescue areas | Elmore, Matthew T.; Vines, Phillip L.; Diehl, Katherine H. 2023. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2023 Progress Reports. p. 339-342. |
336639 |
Using survey results to direct future extension efforts in annual bluegrass management |
Kowalewski, Alec R.; Mattox, Clint M.; Brosnan, J. T.; Kaminski, J. E.; Patton, Aaron J.; McCurdy, Jay D.; Bowling, Rebecca G.; Gannon, Travis W.; Askew, Shawn D.; McElroy, J. Scott; Unruh, J. Bryan; Elmore, Matthew T.; Carroll, D. E.; de Castro, Edicarlos B. 2023. Natural Sciences Education. December. 52(2): p. e20123. |
334746 |
Evaluation of goosegrass response to combinations of topramezone and chlorothalonil |
Peppers, John M.; Elmore, Matthew T.; Askew, Shawn D. 2023. Weed Technology. September/October. 37(5): p. 554-559. |
334633 |
Developing and implementing a sustainable, integrated weed management program for herbicide-resistant Poa annua in turfgrass |
McCurdy, James D.; Bowling, Rebecca G.; de Castro, Edicarlos B.; Patton, Aaron J.; Kowalewski, Alec R.; Mattox, Clint M.; Brosnan, James T.; Ervin, David E.; Askew, Shawn D.; Goncalves, Clebson G.; Elmore, Matthew T.; McElroy, J. Scott; McNally, Brandon C.; Pritchard, Benjamin D.; Kaminski, John E.; Bagavathiannan, Muthukumar V. 2023. Crop, Forage and Turfgrass Management. June. 9(1): p. 20225 [1-13]. |
331105 |
Efficacy of preemergence herbicides for false-green kyllinga (Kyllinga gracillima) control from seed | Watson, Trevor S.; Elmore, Matthew T.; Patton, Aaron J.; McNally, Brandon C.; Tuck, Daniel P. 2023. Proceedings of the Thirty-Second Annual Rutgers Turfgrass Symposium. March 16. p. 44. |
330874 |
Evaluation of goosegrass and creeping bentgrass response to combinations of topramezone and chlorothalonil | Peppers, John M.; Elmore, Matthew T.; Askew, Shawn. 2022. Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the Weed Science Society of America. p. 131. |
329482 |
Improving weed control and playability in naturalized fine fescue areas | Elmore, Matthew T.; Vines, Phillip L.; Diehl, Katherine H. 2022. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2022 Progress Reports. p. 361-370. |
328696 |
False-green kyllinga (Kyllinga gracillima) competitiveness from seed in turfgrass | Watson, Trevor S.; Elmore, Matthew T.; Tuck, Daniel P. 2022. ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting. p. 141950. |
324992 |
Evaluating the seedbank persistence of annual bluegrass (Poa annua L.) across multiple environments in the United States | Osburn, Andrew; Grubbs, Rebecca; Harris, Jim; Patton, Aaron J.; Vargas, Javier J.; McCarty, Lambert B.; McNally, Brandon; Mattox, Clint; McElroy, J. Scott; Vukovic, Vera; Brosnan, James T.; Taylor, Jacob; Elmore, Matthew T.; Kowalewski, Alexander R.; Bagavathiannan, Muthu. 2022. ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting. p. 144105. |
324994 |
Effect of spring ethephon timing on annual bluegrass seedhead suppression programs initiated in late fall | Elmore, Matthew T.; VanDyke, Adam; Tuck, Daniel P. 2022. ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting. p. 145002. |
324902 |
Preemergence herbicides for false-green kyllinga (Kyllinga gracillima) control from seed | Watson, Trevor S.; Elmore, Matthew T.; Patton, Aaron J.; McNally, Brandon C.; Tuck, Daniel P. 2022. ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting. p. 145393. |
325014 |
TAU1 alpha tublin missense mutation found in several goosegrass (Eleusine indica) populations in New Jersy | Diehl, Katherine H.; Elmore, Matthew T.; Patterson, Eric. 2022. ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting. p. 145641. |
325009 |
Postemergence rescuegrass control in bermudagrass turf in Texas |
Reasor, Eric H.; Elmore, Matthew T. 2022. Crop, Forage and Turfgrass Management. 8(1): p. e20172 [1-4]. |
329856 |
Phosphorus influences annual bluegrass competitiveness at seeding in perennial ryegrass and creeping bentgrass |
McNally, Brandon C.; Elmore, Matthew T.; Kowalewski, Alexander R.; Cain, Alyssa B. 2022. Agrosystems, Geosciences & Environment. 5(4): p. e20321 [1-11]. |
336990 |
Phosphorus influences annual bluegrass competitiveness at seeding in perennial ryegrass and creeping bentgrass |
McNally, Brandon C.; Elmore, Matthew T.; Kowalewski, Alexander R.; Cain, Alyssa B. 2022. Agrosystems, Geosciences & Environment. 5(4): p. e20321 [1-11]. |
339427 |
Herbicide-resistance in turf systems: Insights and options for managing complexity |
Allen, Jennifer H.; Ervin, David E.; Frisvold, George B.; Brosnan, James T.; McCurdy, James D.; Bowling, Rebecca G.; Patton, Aaron J.; Elmore, Matthew T.; Gannon, Travis W.; McCarty, Lambert B.; McCullough, Patrick E.; Kaminski, John E.; Askew, Shawn D.; Kowalewski, Alec R.; Unruh, J. Bryan; McElroy, J. Scott; Bagavathiannan, Muthukumar V. 2022. Sustainability. October. 14(20): p. 13399 [1-17]. |
323710 |
Non-selective herbicides to establish and maintain bare ground | Elmore, Matthew T.; Tuck, Daniel P. 2022. 2021 Turfgrass Proceedings: Research Report. July. 53: p. 153-159. |
330065 |
Postemergence nimblewill control with Speedzone herbicide | Elmore, Matthew T.; Tuck, Daniel P. 2022. 2021 Turfgrass Proceedings: Research Report. July. 53: p. 161-163. |
330066 |
Tall fescue interseeding and postemergence herbicides for false-green kyllinga (Kyllinga gracillima) control in turfgrass |
Elmore, Matthew T.; Tuck, Daniel P. 2022. Weed Technology. July/August. 36(4): p. 548-552. |
321610 |
Effect of hollow-tine cultivation on crabgrass infestation in cool-season turf Access Restrictions |
Elmore, Matthew T.; Tuck, Daniel P. 2022. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. June. 14(1): p. 770-775. |
321491 |
Influence of phosphorus on annual bluegrass competitiveness in creeping bentgrass | McNally, Brandon C.; Elmore, Matthew T.; Murphy, James A.; Murphy, Stephanie L. 2022. Proceedings of the Thirty-First Annual Rutgers Turfgrass Symposium. March 17. p. 29. |
330779 |
Glyphosate and fluazifop application timing affects deertongue grass (Dichenthelium clandestinum) control in naturalized fine fescue | Diehl, Katherine H.; Elmore, Matthew T.; Vines, Phillip L. 2022. Proceedings of the Thirty-First Annual Rutgers Turfgrass Symposium. March 17. p. 46. |
330786 |
Tall fescue seeding improves false-green kyllinga (Kyllinga gracillima) control with herbicides | Watson, Trevor S.; Elmore, Matthew T.; Tuck, Daniel P. 2022. Proceedings of the Thirty-First Annual Rutgers Turfgrass Symposium. March 17. p. 60. |
330799 |
Identification of two Eleusine indica (goosegrass) biotypes of cool-season turfgrass resistant to dithiopyr |
Elmore, Matthew T.; Diehl, Katherine H.; Di, Rong; Chen, Jinyi; Patterson, Eric L.; Brosnan, James T.; Trigiano, Robert N.; Tuck, Daniel P.; Boggess, Sarah L.; McDonald, Steven. 2022. Pest Management Science. February. 78(2): p. 499-505. |
316876 |
Mesotrione and amicarbazone tank-mixtures for annual bluegrass (Poa annua) control in cool-season turfgrass |
Elmore, Matthew T.; Patton, Aaron J.; Thoms, Adam W.; Tuck, Daniel P. 2022. HortScience. January. 57(1): p. 10-16. |
316789 |
Annual bluegrass weevil (Listronotus maculicollis) and paclobutrazol control annual bluegrass (Poa annua) in creeping bentgrass fairways |
Diehl, Katherine H.; Elmore, Matthew T.; Koppenhöfer, Albrecht M.; Murphy, James A.; Kostromytska, Olga S. 2022. Weed Technology. January/February. 36(1): p. 137-144. |
319884 |
Improving weed control and playability in naturalized fine fescue areas | Elmore, Matthew T.; Vines, Phillip L.; Diehl, Katherine H. 2021. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2021 Progress Reports. p. 335-341. |
317430 |
Tall fescue seeding and herbicide programs for false-green kyllinga (Kyllinga gracillima) control | Watson, Trevor S.; Elmore, Matthew T.; Tuck, Daniel P. 2021. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 133690. |
317103 |
Annual bluegrass and creeping bentgrass tiller response to phosphate fertilizer and soil pH when grown in competition | McNally, Brandon C.; Elmore, Matthew T.; Kowalewski, Alexander R.; Murphy, James A.; Murphy, Stephanie. 2021. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 133828. |
317064 |
Tolerance of fine fescues to indaziflam formulations in minimal-to-no mow golf course rough Access Restrictions |
Braun, Ross C.; Patton, Aaron J.; Reiter, Maggie; Elmore, Matthew T.; Tuck, Daniel P. 2021. Crop, Forage and Turfgrass Management. 7(2): p. e20134 [1-4]. |
316781 |
Evaluating injury potential from a midwinter application of carfentrazone-ethyl to putting greens |
Raudenbush, Zane; Benelli, Jesse; Elmore, Matthew T.; Hoyle, Jared A.; Patton, Aaron J.; Thompson, Cole. 2021. Crop, Forage and Turfgrass Management. 7(1): p. e20107 [1-5]. |
329852 |
Smooth crabgrass control programs with Harrell's Fertilizers | Elmore, Matthew T.; Tuck, Daniel P. 2021. 2020 Rutgers Turfgrass Proceedings. July. 52: p. 149-154. |
320979 |
Preemergence yellow nutsedge control with Vexis | Elmore, Matthew T.; Tuck, Daniel P. 2021. 2020 Rutgers Turfgrass Proceedings. July. 52: p. 155-157. |
320980 |
Annual bluegrass weevil, paclobutrazol, and overseeding for annual bluegrass control in cool-season turfgrass |
Diehl, Katherine H.; Elmore, Matthew T.; Koppenhöffer, Albrecht M.; Murphy, James A.; Kostromytska, Olga S. 2021. Crop Science. March/April. 61(2): p. 1458-1467. |
315104 |
Herbicide application timing affects deer-tongue grass (Dichanthelium clandestinum) control in native areas | Diehl, Katie H.; Elmore, Matthew T.; Vines, Phillip L. 2021. Proceedings of the Thirtieth Anniversary Rutgers Turfgrass Symposium. March 18. p. 27-28. |
330739 |
Improving weed control and playability in naturalized fine fescue areas | Elmore, Matthew T.; Vines, Phillip L.; Diehl, Katherine H. 2020. Turfgrass and Environmental Research Program: 2020 Research Summaries. p. 322-327. |
313750 |
Preemergence herbicides applied in February are less effective than herbicides applied in April for smooth crabgrass control in New Jersey Access Restrictions |
Elmore, Matthew T.; Tuck, Daniel P. 2020. Crop, Forage and Turfgrass Management. 6(1): p. [1-4]. |
311123 |
December ethephon applications in combination with mineral oil improve annual bluegrass seedhead suppression |
Raudenbush, Zane; Elmore, Matthew T.; Nangle, Edward J.; Tuck, Daniel P. 2020. Crop, Forage and Turfgrass Management. 6(1): p. [1-3]. |
314227 |
Establishment competition of perennial ryegrass and annual bluegrass when fertilized with various rates of phosphorus | Cain, Alyssa; Mattox, Clint; Kowalewski, Alexander R.; McNally, Brandon C.; Elmore, Matthew T. 2020. ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting. November. p. 125325. |
331689 |
A model to predict goosegrass (Eleusine indica) seedling emergence in cool-season turfgrass | Elmore, Matthew T.; Prorock, Michael; Tuck, Daniel P. 2020. ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting. November. p. 127796. |
331777 |
Effects of mowing height and irrigation frequency on annual bluegrass in perennial ryegrass | McNally, Brandon C.; Elmore, Matthew T.; Kowalewski, Alexander R.; Cain, Alyssa; Braithwaite, Emily T. 2020. ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting. November. p. 127891. |
331702 |
Update on the lesser of two weevils |
Diehl, Katherine H.; Elmore, Matthew T.; Murphy, James A.; Koppenhöfer, Albrecht M.; Kostromytska, Olga S. 2020. Golfdom. October. 76(10): p. 49. |
311911 |
The annual bluegrass seedbank vs. perennial ryegrass establishment: Effective perennial ryegrass establishment requires post-seeding herbicide programming where a large annual bluegrass soil seedbank exists Access Restrictions |
Park, Bradley S.; Elmore, Matthew T.; Murphy, James A. 2020. Golf Course Management. August. 88(8): p. 70-76. |
311339 |
Herbicide-resistant weeds in turfgrass: Current status and emerging threats |
Brosnan, James T.; Elmore, Matthew T.; Bagavathiannan, Muthukumar V. 2020. Weed Technology. May/June. 34(3): p. 424-430. |
315066 |
Goosegrass (Elusine [Eleusine] indica) resistance to mitotic inhibiting herbicides in cool-season turfgrass | Diehl, Katherine H.; Elmore, Matthew T.; Brosnan, James; Boggess, Sarah; Trigiano, Robert N. 2020. Western Society of Weed Science Annual Meeting 2020. March. 73: p. 99-100. |
319708 |
Post-emergence goosegrass (Eleusine indica) control with SpeedZone and Speedzone + topramezone mixtures | Tuck, Daniel P.; Elmore, Matthew T. 2020. Western Society of Weed Science Annual Meeting 2020. March. 73: p. 106-107. |
319716 |
Moisture status affects efficacy of foramsulfuron for postemergence goosegrass (Eleusine indica) control | Brosnan, James; Shekoofa, Avat; Elmore, Matthew T.; Vargas, Jose J.; Tuck, Dan; Breeden, Greg; Simon, Joaquin. 2020. Western Society of Weed Science Annual Meeting 2020. March. 73: p. 276-277. |
319728 |
Annual bluegrass weevil (Listronotus maculicollis) for annual bluegrass (Poa annua) control in fairways | Diehl, Katherine H.; Elmore, Matthew T.; Murphy, James A.; Koppenhöfer, Albrecht M. 2020. Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth Annual Rutgers Turfgrass Symposium. January 10. p. 28-29. |
330711 |
Late winter and early spring pre-emergence programs for smooth crabgrass control | McNally, Brandon C.; Elmore, Matthew T.; Tuck, Daniel P. 2019. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 121372. |
309574 |
Annual bluegrass weevil (Listronotus maculicollis) and paclobutrazol for annual bluegrass (Poa annua) control in creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera) fairways | Diehl, Katherine H.; Elmore, Matthew T.; Murphy, James A.; Koppenhofer, Albrecht M.; Kostromytska, Olga S. 2019. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 121494. |
309450 |
False-green kyllinga (Kyllinga gracillima) freeze tolerance is affected by herbicide treatment | Elmore, Matthew T.; Tuck, Daniel P.; Diehl, Katherine H. 2019. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 122210. |
310267 |
Multi-state survey and preliminary screening to evaluate herbicide resistance epidemic in annual bluegrass (Poa annua L.) in managed turfgrass systems | Grubbs, Becky; Askew, Shawn D.; McCarty, Lambert B.; Elmore, Matthew T.; Brosnan, James T.; McCurdy, James D.; McCullough, Patrick E.; Unruh, Bryan; Gannon, Travis W.; Patton, Aaron J.; Kaminski, John E.; Kowalewski, Alec; McElroy, J. Scott; Bagavathiannan, Muthukumar. 2019. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 122620. |
309578 |
Glyphosate alternatives for tall fescue and white clover control, 2019 | Elmore, Matthew T.; Tuck, Daniel P. 2019. 2019 Rutgers Turfgrass Proceedings. 51: p. 187-192. |
318188 |
Post-emergence goosegrass control with SpeedZone herbicide | Tuck, Daniel P.; Elmore, Matthew T. 2019. 2019 Rutgers Turfgrass Proceedings. 51: p. 193-198. |
318189 |
Using herbicides and perennial ryegrass to renovate turf dominated by annual bluegrass Access Restrictions |
Park, Bradley S.; Elmore, Matthew T.; Murphy, James A. 2019. Crop, Forage and Turfgrass Management. 5(1): p. 1-7. |
322570 |
False-green kyllinga (Kyllinga gracillima) control in cool-season turfgrass Access Restrictions |
Elmore, Matthew T.; Patton, Aaron J.; Tuck, Daniel P.; Murphy, James A.; Carleo, Jenny. 2019. Weed Technology. April. 33(2): p. 329-334. |
306434 |
A lesser of two weevils? |
Diehl, Katherine H.; Elmore, Matthew T.; Koppenhöfer, Albrecht M.; Murphy, James A. 2019. Golfdom. February. 75(2): p. 33. |
307496 |
Goosegrass emergence and control of suspected herbicide resistant populations | Elmore, Matthew T.; Tuck, Daniel P. 2019. Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth Annual RutgersTurfgrass Symposium. January 11. p. 29-30. |
330663 |
Annual bluegrass weevil (Listronotus maculicollis), paclobutrazol and interseeding effects on annual bluegrass (Poa annua) in creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera) fairways | Diehl, Katherine H.; Elmore, Matthew T.; Koppenhöfer, Albrecht M.; Murphy, James A.; Kostromytska, Olga S.; Tuck, Daniel P. 2019. Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth Annual RutgersTurfgrass Symposium. January 11. p. 40-41. |
330669 |
Seed-vectored bacterial endophytes of grasses: What are they and how do they work? | White, James F. Jr.; Chen, Qiang; Kingsley, Kathryn L.; Elmore, Matthew T.; Verma, Satish K. 2018. Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh Annual Rutgers Turfgrass Symposium. p. 13-14. |
298884 |
Early efforts to understand and control false-green kyllinga (Kyllinga gracillima) and goosegrass (Eleusine indica) | Elmore, Matthew T.; Patton, Aaron J.; Tuck, Daniel P.; Diehl, Katherine H. 2018. Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh Annual Rutgers Turfgrass Symposium. p. 18-19. |
298890 |
Poa pratensis cultivar responses to mesotrione in a controlled environment | Daddio, Ryan M.; Bonos, Stacy A.; Ward, Daniel L.; Elmore, Matthew T.; Meyer, William A. 2018. Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh Annual Rutgers Turfgrass Symposium. p. 34. |
298906 |
Bacteria associated with smooth crabgrass (Digitaria ischaemum) seed inhibit competitor plant species | Diehl, Katherine H.; Elmore, Matthew T.; White, James F.; Kingsley, Kathryn L.; Tuck, Daniel P. 2018. Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh Annual Rutgers Turfgrass Symposium. p. 35. |
298907 |
Documenting water use for turfgrasses in the United States | Stier, John C.; Baird, James H.; Chandra, Ambika; Elmore, Matthew T.; Henderson, Jason; Karcher, Douglas E.; Kopp, Kelly L.; Schiavon, Marco; Watkins, Eric. 2018. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 111481. |
302115 |
Optimizing creeping bentgrass establishment and controlling annual bluegrass in golf course fairway renovations | Esponda, Zoe; Inguagiato, John C.; Henderson, Jason; Miele, Kevin M.; Elmore, Matthew T. 2018. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 112555. |
302003 |
Seasonal Goosegrass (Eleusine indica) emergence in turfgrass | Elmore, Matthew T.; Tuck, Daniel P.; Diehl, Katherine H. 2018. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 112720. |
302086 |
Annual bluegrass weevil (Listronotus maculicollis), paclobutrazol and interseeding effects on annual bluegrass (Poa annua) in creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera) fairways | Diehl, Katherine H.; Elmore, Matthew T.; Koppenhofer, Albrecht M.; Murphy, James A.; Tuck, Daniel P.; Kostromytske, Olga S. 2018. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 113413. |
302059 |
Effects of ethephon application timing and pigment-containing products on annual bluegrass seedhead suppression in putting greens | Raudenbush, Zane; Elmore, Matthew T.; Nangle, Edward; Tuck, Daniel P. 2018. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 113695. |
302238 |
Herbicide regimens for creeping bentgrass control in Kentucky bluegrass |
Elmore, Matthew T.; Murphy, James A.; Park, Bradley S. 2018. HortScience. November 1. 53(11): p. 1689-1694. |
302853 |
Annual bluegrass control with Xonerate, 2017 | Elmore, Matthew T.; Tuck, Daniel P. 2018. 2017 Rutgers Turfgrass Proceedings. July. 49: p. 123-127. |
305537 |
Pre-emergence goosegrass control with commercially available herbicides, 2017 | Elmore, Matthew T.; Tuck, Daniel P. 2018. 2017 Rutgers Turfgrass Proceedings. July. 49: p. 129-131. |
305541 |
Pre-emergence smooth crabgrass control with alternative products, 2017 | Elmore, Matthew T.; Tuck, Daniel P. 2018. 2017 Rutgers Turfgrass Proceedings. July. 49: p. 133-135. |
305542 |
Post-emergence white clover and common dandelion control with experimental Scotts herbicides, 2017 | Elmore, Matthew T.; Tuck, Daniel P. 2018. 2017 Rutgers Turfgrass Proceedings. July. 49: p. 137-143. |
305543 |
Post-emergence white clover and smooth crabgrass control with experimental Scotts herbicides, 2017 | Elmore, Matthew T.; Tuck, Daniel P. 2018. 2017 Rutgers Turfgrass Proceedings. July. 49: p. 145-151. |
305544 |
White clover control with EH1608 and EH1609, 2017 | Elmore, Matthew T.; Tuck, Daniel P. 2018. 2017 Rutgers Turfgrass Proceedings. July. 49: p. 153-155. |
305545 |
White clover control with EH1526, EH1580, and Switchblade, 2017 | Elmore, Matthew T.; Tuck, Daniel P. 2018. 2017 Rutgers Turfgrass Proceedings. July. 49: p. 157-160. |
305547 |
White clover control with GameOn herbicide, 2017 | Elmore, Matthew T.; Tuck, Daniel P. 2018. 2017 Rutgers Turfgrass Proceedings. July. 49: p. 161-165. |
305549 |
White clover and prostrate knotweed control with 4-Score, 2017 | Elmore, Matthew T.; Tuck, Daniel P. 2018. 2017 Rutgers Turfgrass Proceedings. July. 49: p. 167-170. |
305550 |
Post-emergence crabgrass control with pre-packaged mixtures containing quinclorac or fenoxaprop, 2016 | Elmore, Matthew T.; Alea, Stephanie; Park, Bradley S.; Murphy, James A. 2018. 2017 Rutgers Turfgrass Proceedings. July. 49: p. 171-175. |
305551 |
Post-emergence false-green kyllinga control with Dismiss and Dismiss NXT, 2017 | Elmore, Matthew T.; Tuck, Daniel P.; Carleo, Jenny S. 2018. 2017 Rutgers Turfgrass Proceedings. July. 49: p. 177-184. |
305552 |
Post-emergence false green kyllinga control with sequential applications of Dismiss and Dismiss NXT, 2017 | Elmore, Matthew T.; Tuck, Daniel P.; Carleo, Jenny S. 2018. 2017 Rutgers Turfgrass Proceedings. July. 49: p. 185-191. |
305555 |
Tolerance of native and ornamental grasses to over-the-top applications of topramezone herbicide |
Marble, S. Christopher; Elmore, Matthew T.; Brosnan, James T. 2018. HortScience. June. 53(6): p. 842-849. |
299609 |
Controlling false-green kyllinga in cool-season turf |
Elmore, Matthew T.; Patton, Aaron J.; Park, Bradley S.; Murphy, James A. 2018. SportsTurf. May. 34(5): p. 18-20. |
298786 |
Controlling Poa annua in creeping bentgrass fairways Access Restrictions |
Diehl, Katherine; Elmore, Matthew T.; Koppenhöfer, Albrecht M.; Murphy, James A. 2018. Golf Course Management. January. 86(1): p. 123. |
294097 |
Seed endophytes of smooth crabgrass (Digitaria ischaemum) increase white clover (Trifolium repens) and dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) seedling mortality | Elmore, Matthew T.; White, James F.; Kingsley, Kathryn L.; Diehl, Katherine H. D.; Tuck, Daniel P.; Verma, Satish K. 2017. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 108294. |
290318 |
The future of turfgrass weed science at Rutgers | Elmore, Matthew T. 2017. Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth Annual Rutgers Turfgrass Symposium. 26: p. 29. |
281788 |