Author: Hebblethwaite, P. D.
Showing items 1 to 14 of 14.
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
The use of growth regulator RSW0411 in seed crops of Lolium perenne L. Access Restrictions |
Wiltshire, J. J. J.; Hebblethwaite, P. D.; Esslemont, R. E.; McGilloway, D. A. 1989. Grass and Forage Science. June. 44(2): p. 139-150. |
15325 |
The effect of lodging on 14C-assimilate distribution after anthesis in Lolium perenne cv. S24, grown for seed. Access Restrictions |
Hampton, J. G.; Clemence, T. G. A.; Hebblethwaite, P. D. 1987. Grass and Forage Science. June. 42(2): p. 121-127. |
10428 |
A comparison of seed harvesting methods for perennial ryegrass treated with the growth retardant paclobutrazol Access Restrictions |
Hampton, J. G.; Hebblethwaite, P. D. 1985. Grass and Forage Science. September. 40(3): p. 361-363. |
7477 |
The effect of the growth regulator paclobutrazol (PP333) on the growth, development and yield of Lolium perenne grown for seed Access Restrictions |
Hampton, J. G.; Hebblethwaite, P. D. 1985. Grass and Forage Science. March. 40(1): p. 93-101. |
5004 |
The effect of fungicide application on seed yield in perennial ryegrass cv. S.24 Access Restrictions |
Hampton, J. G.; Hebblethwaite, P. D. 1984. Annals of Applied Biology. April. 104(2): p. 231-239. |
229338 |
Volunteer winter wheat: Its effects and control in ryegrass seed production Access Restrictions |
Wright, D.; Hebblethwaite, P. D. 1983. Weed Research. October. 23(5): p. 273-281. |
231584 |
Response of amenity types and influence of a growth regulator Access Restrictions |
Hampton, J. G.; Clemence, T. G. A.; Hebblethwaite, P. D. 1983. Grass and Forage Science. June. 38(2): p. 97-105. |
4352 |
The preharvest use of glyphosate in the ryegrass seed crop Access Restrictions |
Hampton, J. G.; Hebblethwaite, P. D. 1982. Grass and Forage Science. September. 37(3): p. 243-248. |
7763 |
Some Physiological Aspects of Seed Yield in Lolium Perenne L. (Perennial Ryegrass) |
Hebblethwaite, P. D.; Wright, D.; Noble, A. 1980. p. 71-90. In: Hebblethwaite, P. D., ed. Seed Production. London: Butterworths. |
35088 |
The effect of nitrogen and water stress Access Restrictions |
Hebblethwaite, P. D.; McLaren, J. S. 1979. Grass and Forage Science. September. 34(3): p. 221-227. |
200486 |
Timing of nitrogen application Access Restrictions |
Hebblethwaite, P. D.; Ivins, J. D. 1978. Journal of the British Grassland Society. September. 33(3): p. 159-166. |
199203 |
Irrigation and nitrogen studies in S.23 ryegrass grown for seed. 2. Crop transpiration and soil-water status |
Hebblethwaite, P. D.; McGowan, M. 1977. Journal of Agricultural Science, UK. 88(3): p. 615-624. |
4840 | |
Production of amenity grass seed in the UK with particular reference to the chemical control of Poa annua Access Restrictions |
Hebblethwaite, P. D.; Ahmed, M. E. 1977. Journal of the Sports Turf Research Institute. 53: p. 115-116. |
3096 |
Level of application Access Restrictions |
Hebblethwaite, P. D.; Ivins, J. D. 1977. Journal of the British Grassland Society. December. 32(4): p. 195-204. |
200485 |