Author: McCarty, Lambert B.
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Late season poa annua control on non-overseeded TifEagle green - Glufosinate vs. diquat |
Taylor, Derrick H.; McCarty, Lambert B.; Stoudemayer, Timothy. 2024. Weed Science Society of America - Southern Weed Science Society Joint Meeting. p. 295-296. |
335960 |
Mid- to late-season post-emergent control of Virginia buttonweed | Gore, Adam; McCarty, Lambert B.; Stoudemayer, Timothy. 2024. Weed Science Society of America - Southern Weed Science Society Joint Meeting. p. 299-300. |
335964 |
Exploring warm-season turfgrass tolerance to natural alternative weed control methods | Taylor, Jacob W.; McCarty, Lambert B.; Stoudemayer, Timothy. 2024. Proceedings of the Southern Weed Science Society 77th Annual Meeting. 77: p. 40. |
342219 |
Survey of target site resistance alleles conferring resistance in Poa annua Access Restrictions |
Unruh, J. Bryan; McCurdy, Jay; McCullough, Patrick E.; Gonçalves, Clebson; Gannon, Travis W.; Patton, Aaron J.; McCarty, Lambert B.; Bowling, Rebecca G.; Brosnan, James T.; Hathcoat, Daniel; Bagavathiannan, Muthukumar V.; Russell, Eli C.; Askew, Shawn D.; McElroy, Scott; Patel, Jinesh; Hall, Nathan D.; Rutland, Claudia Ann. 2024. Golf Course Management. January. 92(1): p. 97-101. |
334108 |
Survey of target site resistance alleles conferring resistance in Poa annua |
Rutland, Claudia Ann; Bowling, Rebecca G.; Russell, Eli C.; Hall, Nathan D.; Patel, Jinesh; Askew, Shawn D.; Bagavathiannan, Muthukumar V.; Brosnan, James T.; Gannon, Travis W.; Gonçalves, Clebson; Hathcoat, Daniel; McCarty, Lambert B.; McCullough, Patrick E.; McCurdy, James D.; Patton, Aaron J.; Unruh, Joseph Bryan; McElroy, Joseph Scott. 2023. Crop Science. September/October. 63(5): p. 3110-3121. |
331927 |
Multi-state survey of target site resistance alleles for four modes of action in annual bluegrass (Poa annua) | Rutland, Claudia A.; Russell, Eli C.; Hall, Nathan D.; Patel, Jinesh; Askew, Shawn; Bagavathiannan, Muthukumar V.; Bowling, Rebecca; Brosnan, James; Gannon, Travis; Goncalves, Clebson G.; Hathcoat, Daniel; McCarty, Lambert B.; McCullough, Patrick; McCurdy, James D.; Patton, Aaron; Unruh, J. Bryan; McElroy, Joseph S. 2022. Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the Weed Science Society of America. p. 188. |
329483 |
Evaluating the seedbank persistence of annual bluegrass (Poa annua L.) across multiple environments in the United States | Osburn, Andrew; Grubbs, Rebecca; Harris, Jim; Patton, Aaron J.; Vargas, Javier J.; McCarty, Lambert B.; McNally, Brandon; Mattox, Clint; McElroy, J. Scott; Vukovic, Vera; Brosnan, James T.; Taylor, Jacob; Elmore, Matthew T.; Kowalewski, Alexander R.; Bagavathiannan, Muthu. 2022. ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting. p. 144105. |
324994 |
Herbicide-resistance in turf systems: Insights and options for managing complexity |
Allen, Jennifer H.; Ervin, David E.; Frisvold, George B.; Brosnan, James T.; McCurdy, James D.; Bowling, Rebecca G.; Patton, Aaron J.; Elmore, Matthew T.; Gannon, Travis W.; McCarty, Lambert B.; McCullough, Patrick E.; Kaminski, John E.; Askew, Shawn D.; Kowalewski, Alec R.; Unruh, J. Bryan; McElroy, J. Scott; Bagavathiannan, Muthukumar V. 2022. Sustainability. October. 14(20): p. 13399 [1-17]. |
323710 |
Evaluating biological thatch control on Zoysia matrella (L.) Merr. golf greens Access Restrictions |
Weaver, Josh R.; McCarty, Lambert B.; Quisenberry, Virgil L.; Hubbard, L. Ray Jr.; Bridges, William G.; Brown, Philip J. 2022. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. June. 14(1): p. 480-486. |
321285 |
Evaluating biological thatch control in turfgrass Access Restrictions |
Weaver, Josh R.; McCarty, Lambert B.; Quisenberry, Virgil L.; Hubbard, L. Ray Jr.; Bridges, William G.; Brown, Philip J. 2022. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. June. 14(1): p. 539-543. |
321295 |
Poa annua (annual bluegrass) presents a large diversity of mutations that endow target-site resistance | Rutland, Claudia A.; Hall, Nathan D.; McCurdy, James D.; McCarty, Lambert B.; Brosnan, James; Gannon, Travis; Hathcoat, Daniel; Bagavathiannan, Muthukumar V.; McElroy, Joseph S. 2021. Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the Weed Science Society of America. p. 112. |
322703 |
Survey of target site resistance alleles conferring resistance in annual bluegrass | Rutland, Claudia Ann; Russell, Eli C.; Patel, Jinesh; Hall, Nathan; Askew, Shawn D.; Bagavathiannan, Muthu; Brosnan, James T.; Gannon, Travis W.; Goncalves, Clebson Gomes; Grubbs, Becky; Hathcoat, Daniel; McCarty, Lambert B.; McCullough, Patrick E.; McCurdy, James D.; Patton, Aaron J.; Unruh, J. Bryan; McElroy, J. Scott. 2021. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 132928. |
317097 |
A granular fertilizer carrier impregnated with metsulfuron injures centipedegrass when applied at excessive rates |
Gonçalves, Clebson G.; McElroy, J. Scott; Brown, Austin M.; McCullough, Patrick E.; Leon, Ramon Gonzalez; McCarty, Lambert B. 2021. Crop, Forage and Turfgrass Management. June. 7(1): p. e20091. |
315849 |
Control of Japanese stiltgrass (Microstegium vimineum) in golf course natural areas Access Restrictions |
Weaver, Josh R.; Brown, Philip J.; McCarty, Lambert B.; Gambrell, Nathaniel. 2020. Weed Technology. December. 34(5): p. 776-778. |
315252 |
Evaluating biological thatch control on golf greens | Weaver, Joshua; McCarty, Lambert B.; Quisenberry, Virgil L.; Hubbard, Lewis Ray; Bridges, William C. 2020. ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting. November. p. 124611. |
331630 |
The evaluation of effects of biostimulants on Tifeagle bermudagrass | Stoudemayer, Timothy; McCarty, Lambert B. 2020. ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting. November. p. 124885. |
331717 |
Various Kentucky bluegrass leaf extracts on their ability to suppress weed establishment | Cain, Alyssa; Kowalewski, Alexander R.; McCarty, Lambert B.; Patton, Aaron J. 2020. ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting. November. p. 125338. |
331639 |
Effect of nitrogen source and rate on Rhizoctonia leaf and sheath spot disease development in interspecific hybrid bermudagrass | Dant, Lukas; Martin, S. Bruce; McCarty, Lambert B.; Kerns, James P. 2019. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 118416. |
309539 |
Diamond zoysiagrass seedhead control with plant growth regulators | Ledford, Silas; McCarty, Lambert B. 2019. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 120506. |
310337 |
Evaluating biological thatch control on golf greens | Weaver, Joshua; McCarty, Lambert B.; Quisenberry, Virgil L.; Hubbard, Lewis Ray; Bridges, William C. 2019. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 121579. |
310344 |
Alternative control options for annual bluegrass in the transition zone | Kerr, Robert A.; McCarty, Lambert B.; McElroy, Scott; Harris, Jim; Brown, Philip J. 2019. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 122351. |
310266 |
Multi-state survey and preliminary screening to evaluate herbicide resistance epidemic in annual bluegrass (Poa annua L.) in managed turfgrass systems | Grubbs, Becky; Askew, Shawn D.; McCarty, Lambert B.; Elmore, Matthew T.; Brosnan, James T.; McCurdy, James D.; McCullough, Patrick E.; Unruh, Bryan; Gannon, Travis W.; Patton, Aaron J.; Kaminski, John E.; Kowalewski, Alec; McElroy, J. Scott; Bagavathiannan, Muthukumar. 2019. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 122620. |
309578 |
Goosegrass control and turfgrass injury following metribuzin and topramezone application with immediate irrigation Access Restrictions |
Kerr, Robert Andrew; McCarty, Lambert B.; Cutulle, Matthew; Bridges, William; Saski, Christopher. 2019. HortScience. September. 54(9): p. 1621-1624. |
308583 |
Control of torpedograss (Panicum repens) and Southern watergrass (Luziola fluitans) in bermudagrass turf Access Restrictions |
Brown, Philip J.; Cross, Robert B.; McCarty, Lambert B.; Kerr, Robert A. 2019. Weed Technology. August. 33(4): p. 616-619. |
308680 |
Immediate irrigation improves turfgrass safety to postemergence herbicides Access Restrictions |
Kerr, Robert Andrew; McCarty, Lambert B.; Brown, Philip J.; Harris, James; McElroy, J. Scott. 2019. HortScience. February. 54(2): p. 353-356. |
304614 |
Key morphological events following late-season goosegrass (Eleusine indica) germination Access Restrictions |
Kerr, Robert Andrew; McCarty, Lambert B.; Bridges, William C.; Cutulle, Matthew. 2019. Weed Technology. February. 33(1): p. 196-201. |
304751 |
The use of moisture retention curves to establish rootzone depths when sand capping | Brown, Philip; McCarty, Lambert B.; Quisenberry, Virgil L.; Hubbard, L. Ray; Smith, Bill. 2018. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 113036. |
302009 |
Key morphological events following late-season goosegrass (Eleusine indica germination | Kerr, Bobby; McCarty, Lambert B.; Bridges, William; Cutulle, Matthew. 2018. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 113117. |
302078 |
Analysis of sand capping depth based on moisture retention curves | Brown, Philip; McCarty, Lambert B.; Quisenberry, Virgil L.; Smith, Bill; Hubbard, L. Ray. 2017. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 105906. |
290377 |
Innovative approaches to goosegrass (Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn.) control and turfgrass safety | Kerr, Bobby; McCarty, Lambert B.; Cutulle, Matthew; Gambrell, Nathaniel; Bridges, William; Saski, Christopher. 2017. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 105925. |
290278 |
Postemergence tropical signalgrass (Urochloa subquadripara) control with nonorganic arsenical herbicides Access Restrictions |
Cross, Robert B.; McCarty, Lambert B.; Estes, Alan G. 2016. Weed Technology. July-September. 30(3): p. 815-821. |
285715 |
A Pro106 to Ala substitution is associated with resistance to glyphosate in annual bluegrass (Poa annua) Access Restrictions |
Cross, Robert B.; McCarty, Lambert B.; Tharayil, Nishanth; McElroy, J. Scott; Chen, Shu; McCullough, Patrick E.; Powell, Brian A.; Bridges, William C. Jr. 2015. Weed Science. July-September. 63(3): p. 613-622. |
265168 |
Evaluating annual bluegrass herbicide resistance evolution in golf course fairways Access Restrictions |
Cross, Robert B.; Bridges, William C. Jr.; McCarty, Lambert B.; McElroy, J. Scott. 2015. Weed Technology. July-September. 29(3): p. 488-500. |
266814 |
Comparison of enzyme and growth characteristics in ALS-inhibitor susceptible and resistant annual bluegrass (Poa annua) biotypes Access Restrictions |
Cross, Robert B.; McCarty, Lambert B.; McElroy, J. Scott; Tharayil, Nishanth; Bridges, William C. Jr. 2015. Weed Science. January-March. 63(1): p. 220-228. |
258865 |
Postemergence tropical signalgrass control | Estes, Alan; McCarty, Lambert B. 2014. ASA, CSSA and SSSA Annual Meetings [2014]. p. 86141. |
250318 |
Winter frost traffic impacts on 'Crenshaw' creeping bentgrass putting green in the transition zone | Li, Mohan; Bethea, Frank Gibson Jr.; McCarty, Lambert B.; Liu, Haibo. 2014. ASA, CSSA and SSSA Annual Meetings [2014]. p. 86491. |
250196 |
Amicarbazone application timing influences overseeded perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) safety and annual bluegrass (Poa annua L.) control |
Leon, Ramon G.; McCarty, Lambert B.; Estes, Alan G. 2014. Applied Turfgrass Science. December. 11(1): p. 1-5. |
269601 |
Control of American burnweed (Erechtites hieraciifolia) in bermudagrass turf |
Atkinson, Jeffrey L.; Cross, Robert B.; McCarty, Lambert B.; Estes, Alan G. 2014. Weed Technology. October-December. 28(4): p. 646-652. |
253384 |
Creeping bentgrass field response to pigment-containing products |
McCarty, Lambert B.; Gann, James R.; Wells, Christina E.; Gerard, Patrick D. 2014. Agronomy Journal. July/August. 106(4): p. 1533-1539. |
269757 |
Developing a yearly aerification program for bentgrass greens located in heat-stressed environments |
Hubbard, L. Ray Jr.; McCarty, Lambert B.; Quisenberry, Virgil L.; Bridges, William C.; Owino, Thomas O. 2014. 4th European Turfgrass Society Conference Proceedings. June. 45(2): p. 29-30. |
317764 |
Effect of a humectant and two wetting agents on soil moisture content and hydophobicity on creeping bentgrass and bermudagrass putting greens and sports pitches |
McCarty, Lambert B.; Landry, Robin S.; Quisenberry, Virgil L.; Bridges, William C.; Cross, Robert B. 2014. 4th European Turfgrass Society Conference Proceedings. June. 45(2): p. 59-60. |
317769 |
Postemergence tropical signalgrass control | Estes, Alan; McCarty, Lambert B. 2013. ASA, CSSA and SSSA Annual Meetings [2013]. p. 77492. |
232398 |
Pigments and paints - Turf health promotors or (money) pits? | McCarty, Lambert B.; Gann, James R.; Wells, Christina; Bruce, Terri. 2013. ASA, CSSA and SSSA Annual Meetings [2013]. p. 78590. |
232431 |
Physiological responses of creeping bentgrass to pigment-containing products |
McCarty, Lambert B.; Gann, James R.; Wells, Christina E.; Bruce, Terri F.; Gerard, Patrick D. 2013. Agronomy Journal. November/December. 105(6): p. 1797-1802. |
233571 |
Detecting annual bluegrass (Poa annua) resistance to ALS-inhibiting herbicides using a rapid diagnostic assay Access Restrictions |
Cross, Robert B.; McCarty, Lambert B.; Tharayil, Nishanth; Whitwell, Ted; Bridges, William C. Jr. 2013. Weed Science. July-September. 61(3): p. 384-389. |
225833 |
Annual bluegrass control in overseeded golf course fairways when mitosis-inhibiting herbicides are not effective |
Cross, Robert B.; McCarty, Lambert B.; Estes, Alan G.; Sharp, Julia L.; Toler, Joe E. 2012. Applied Turfgrass Science. December. 9(1): p. [1-9]. |
205273 |
Effect of core aerification frequency, area impacted, and topdressing rate on turf quality and soil physical properties |
Atkinson, Jeffrey L.; McCarty, Lambert B.; Bridges, William C. Jr. 2012. Agronomy Journal. November. 104(6): p. 1710-1715. |
214352 |
Annual bluegrass control in overseeded bermudagrass fairways: When mitosis-inhibiting herbicides are not effective at controlling annual bluegrass, other options are available Access Restrictions |
Cross, Robert B.; McCarty, Lambert B.; Estes, Alan G. 2012. Golf Course Management. August. 80(8): p. 90-92, 94, 96-97. |
209737 |
Diamond zoysiagrass golf green response to reduced light environments with the use of trinexapac-ethyl |
Atkinson, Jeffrey L.; McCarty, Lambert B.; Liu, Haibo; Faust, Jim; Toler, Joe E. 2012. Agronomy Journal. July. 104(4): p. 847-852. |
210039 |
'TifEagle' bermudagrass response to plant growth regulators and mowing height |
McCarty, Lambert B.; Willis, Thomas G.; Toler, Joe E.; Whitwell, Ted. 2011. Agronomy Journal. July/August. 103(4): p. 988-994. |
185433 |
Perennial ryegrass allelopathic potential on bermudagrass germination and seedling growth |
McCarty, Lambert B.; McCauley, Raymond K.; Liu, Haibo; Totten, F. Wesley; Toler, Joe E. 2010. HortScience. December. 45(12): p. 1872-1875. |
174750 |
Optimizing overseed spring transition by integrating mowing height, nitrogen rate and sulfonylurea herbicide use Access Restrictions |
McCauley, Raymond K.; McCarty, Lambert B.; Liu, Haibo; Toler, Joe E. 2009. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 11(Part 1): p. 399-415. |
151032 |
Foliar vs. granular fertilization on creeping bentgrass Access Restrictions |
Totten, Wes; Liu, Haibo; McCarty, Lambert B.; Baldwin, Christian M.; Toler, Joe E. 2009. Golf Course Management. October. 77(10): p. 74-76, 78, 80. |
156100 |
'Diamond' zoysiagrass putting green establishment affected by sprigging rates, nitrogen sources, and rates in the southern transition zone |
Stiglbauer, John B.; Liu, Haibo; McCarty, Lambert B.; Park, Dara M.; Toler, Joe E.; Kirk, Kendal. 2009. HortScience. October. 44(6): p. 1757-1761. |
157240 |
Impacts of altered light spectral quality on warm-season turfgrass growth under greenhouse conditions |
Baldwin, Christian M.; Liu, Haibo; McCarty, Lambert B.; Luo, Hong; Wells, Christina E.; Toler, Joe E. 2009. Crop Science. July/August. 49(4): p. 1444-1453. |
152227 |
Nitrogen and plant growth regulator influence on 'Champion' bermudagrass putting green under reduced sunlight |
Baldwin, Christian M.; Liu, Haibo; McCarty, Lambert B.; Luo, Hong; Toler, Joe E. 2009. Agronomy Journal. January/February. 101(1): p. 75-81. |
143694 |
Nitrogen source and rate effects on 'Diamond' zoysia putting green establishment with two sprigging rates | Stiglbauer, Brandon; Liu, Haibo; McCarty, Lambert B.; Park, Dara; Sarvis, Williams; Baldwin, Christian; Toler, Joe; Kirk, Kendall. 2008. 2008 Joint Annual Meeting: [Abstracts][GSA/SSSA/ASA/CSSA/GCAGS/HGS]. p. 44336. |
145040 |
Nitrogen source and rate effects on 'Seadwarf' Seashore paspalum putting green establishment with two sprigging rates | Stiglbauer, Brandon; Liu, Haibo; McCarty, Lambert B.; Park, Dara; Sarvis, Williams; Baldwin, Christian; Toler, Joe; Kirk, Kendall. 2008. 2008 Joint Annual Meeting: [Abstracts][GSA/SSSA/ASA/CSSA/GCAGS/HGS]. p. 44347. |
145043 |
Efficiency of foliar versus granular fertilization: A field study of creeping bentgrass performance |
Totten, Frederick W.; Liu, Haibo; McCarty, Lambert B.; Baldwin, Christian M.; Bielenberg, Douglas G.; Toler, Joe E. 2008. Journal of Plant Nutrition. 31(5): p. 972-982. |
188059 |
Winter foot and equipment traffic impacts on a 'L93' creeping bentgrass putting green |
Baldwin, Christian M.; Liu, Haibo; McCarty, Lambert B.; Luo, Hong; Toler, Joe; Long, Steven H. 2008. HortScience. June. 43(3): p. 922-926. |
136692 |
Optimum spring ryegrass transition using cultural and chemical options | McCauley, Raymond K.; McCarty, Lambert B.; Liu, Haibo; Toler, Joseph E.; Estes, Alan. 2007. Abstracts: 2007 International Annual Meetings[ASA/CSSA/SSSA]. p. [1]. |
132248 |
Altered light spectral quality impacts on warm-season turfgrass growth and development | Baldwin, Christian M.; Liu, Haibo; McCarty, Lambert B.; Rajapakse, Nihal C.; Luo, Hong; Toler, Joe E. 2007. 2007 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 64. |
132609 |
Thatch and mat management in an established creeping bentgrass golf green |
McCarty, Lambert B.; Gregg, Matthew F.; Toler, Joe E. 2007. Agronomy Journal. November/December. 99(6): p. 1530-1537. |
131334 |
Trinexapac-ethyl applicaiton regimens influence growth, quality, and performance of bermuda grass and creeping bentgrass putting greens |
McCullough, Patrick E.; Liu, Haibo; McCarty, Lambert B.; Toler, Joe E. 2007. Crop Science. September/October. 47(5): p. 2138-2144. |
128779 |
Postemergent annual bluegrass control in dormant nonoverseeded bermudagrass turf |
Toler, Joe E.; Willis, Thomas G.; Estes, Alan G.; McCarty, Lambert B. 2007. HortScience. June. 42(3): p. 670-672. |
125239 |
Dwarf bermudagrass tolerance to preemergence herbicides |
McCullough, Patrick E.; Whitwell, Ted; McCarty, Lambert B.; Liu, Haibo. 2007. HortScience. June. 42(3): p. 673-677. |
125240 |
Influence of fertility and mowing height on performance of established centipedegrass |
Toler, Joe E.; Higingbottom, Jason K.; McCarty, Lambert B. 2007. HortScience. June. 42(3): p. 678-681. |
125241 |
Nutrient allocation of 'TifEagle' bermudagrass as influenced by trinexapac-ethyl |
McCullough, Patrick E.; Liu, Haibo; McCarty, Lambert B.; Whitwell, Ted; Toler, Joe E. 2006. Journal of Plant Nutrition. 29(2): p. 273-282. |
110376 |
Suppressing sting nematodes with Brassica sp., poinsettia, and spotted spurge extracts |
Cox, Campbell J.; McCarty, Lambert B.; Toler, Joe E.; Lewis, Stephen A.; Martin, S. Bruce. 2006. Agronomy Journal. July/August. 98(4): p. 962-967. |
113649 |
Bermudagrass putting green growth, color, and nutrient partitioning influenced by nitrogen and trinexapac-ethyl |
McCullough, Patrick E.; Liu, Haibo; McCarty, Lambert B.; Whitwell, Ted; Toler, Joe E. 2006. Crop Science. July/August. 46(4): p. 1515-1525. |
112933 |
'Tifway' bermudagrass growth regulation with the use of trinexapac-ethyl and flurprimidol Access Restrictions |
Totten, Frederick W.; Toler, Joe E.; McCarty, Lambert B. 2006. Weed Technology. July-September. 20(3): p. 702-705. |
127699 |
Bermudagrass putting green performance influenced by nitrogen and trinexapac-ethyl |
McCullough, Patrick E.; Liu, Haibo; McCarty, Lambert B.; Toler, Joe E. 2006. HortScience. June. 41(3): p. 802-804. |
111611 |
Mowing height, nitrogen rate, and biostimulant influence root development of field-grown 'TifEagle' bermudagrass |
Tucker, Brian J.; McCarty, Lambert B.; Liu, Haibo; Wells, Christina E.; Rieck, James R. 2006. HortScience. June. 41(3): p. 805-807. |
111612 |
Effects of trinexapac-ethyl on the salinity tolerance of two ultradwarf bermudagrass cultivars |
Baldwin, Christian M.; Liu, Haibo; McCarty, Lambert B.; Bauerle, William L.; Toler, Joe E. 2006. HortScience. June. 41(3): p. 808-814. |
111613 |
Growth and nutrient partitioning of 'TifEagle' bermudagrass as influenced by nitrogen and trinexapac-ethyl |
McCullough, Patrick E.; Liu, Haibo; McCarty, Lambert B.; Whitwell, Ted; Toler, Joe E. 2006. HortScience. April. 41(2): p. 453-458. |
110314 |
Ethephon and trinexapac-ethyl influence creeping bentgrass growth, quality, and putting green performance |
McCullough, Patrick E.; Liu, Haibo; McCarty, Lambert B.; Toler, Joe E. 2006. Applied Turfgrass Science. March 24. p. [1-7]. |
110358 |
Response of 'TifEagle' Bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon x C. transvaalensis) to fenarimol and trinexapac-ethyl Access Restrictions |
McCullough, Patrick E.; McCarty, Lambert B.; Liu, Haibo. 2006. Weed Technology. January-March. 20(1): p. 1-5. |
127615 |
Prospects for managing turf weeds without protective chemicals Access Restrictions |
McCarty, Lambert B.; Tucker, Brian J. 2005. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 10(Part 1): p. 34-41. |
105291 |
Evaluation of three burmudagrass cultivars and meyer japanese zoysiagrass grown in shade |
Bunnell, B. Todd; McCarty, Lambert B.; Bridges, William C. Jr. 2005. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 10(Part 2): p. 826-833. |
105719 |
Field evaluation of soil amendments used in rootzone mixes for golf course putting greens Access Restrictions |
Waltz, Freddie C. Jr.; McCarty, Lambert B. 2005. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 10(Part 2): p. 1150-1158. |
106392 |
Response of 'tifEagle' bermudagrass to fenarimol and gibberellic acid |
McCullough, Patrick E.; Whitwell, Ted; McCarty, Lambert B.; Liu, Haibo. 2005. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 10(Part 2): p. 1245-1250. |
106718 |
Trinexapac-ethyl application regimens influence creeping bentgrass putting green performance |
McCullough, Patrick E.; Liu, Haibo; McCarty, Lambert B. 2005. HortScience. December. 40(7): p. 2167-2169. |
109736 |
Ethephon and gibberelic acid inhibitors influence creeping bentrgrass putting green quality and ball roll distances |
McCullough, Patrick E.; Liu, Haibo; McCarty, Lambert B. 2005. HortScience. October. 40(6): p. 1902-1903. |
111954 |
Effects of misting and subsurface air movement on bentgrass putting greens |
Rodriguez, Ian R.; McCarty, Lambert B.; Toler, Joe E. 2005. Agronomy Journal. September/October. 97(5): p. 1438-1442. |
107684 |
Dwarf bermudagrass responses to flurprimidol and paclobutrazol |
McCullough, Patrick E.; Liu, Haibo; McCarty, Lambert B. 2005. HortScience. August. 40(5): p. 1549-1551. |
112014 |
Minimizing thatch and mat development in a newly seeded creeping bentgrass golf green |
McCarty, Lambert B.; Gregg, Matthew F.; Toler, Joe E.; Camberato, James J.; Hill, Hoke S. 2005. Crop Science. July/August. 45(4): p. 1529-1535. |
105580 |
Response of creeping bentgrass to nitrogen and ethephon |
McCullough, Patrick E.; Liu, Haibo; McCarty, Lambert B. 2005. HortScience. June. 40(3): p. 836-838. |
111988 |
Soil CO2 concentration effects on creeping bentgrass grown under various soil moisture and temperature conditions |
Rodriguez, Ian R.; McCarty, Lambert B.; Toler, Joe E.; Dodd, Roy B. 2005. HortScience. June. 40(3): p. 839-841. |
111992 |
Response of six dwarf-type bermudagrasses to trinexapac-ethyl |
McCullough, Patrick E.; Liu, Haibo; McCarty, Lambert B. 2005. HortScience. April. 40(2): p. 460-462. |
111968 |
Mowing operations influence creeping bentgrass putting green ball roll following plant growth regulator applications |
McCullough, Patrick E.; Liu, Haibo; McCarty, Lambert B. 2005. HortScience. April. 40(2): p. 471-474. |
111971 |
Response of 'TifEagle' bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon X Cynodon transvaalensis) to ethephon and trinexapac-ethyl |
McCullough, Patrick E.; McCarty, Lambert B.; Liu, Haibo; Whitwell, Ted. 2005. Weed Technology. April-June. 19(2): p. 251-254. |
109541 |
Quantifying a daily light integral requirement of a 'TifEagle' bermudagrass golf green |
Bunnell, B Todd; McCarty, Lambert B.; Faust, James E.; Bridges, William C.; Rajapakse, Nihal C. 2005. Crop Science. March/April. 45(2): p. 569-574. |
102901 |
'TifEagle' bermudagrass response to growth factors and mowing height when grown at various hours of sunlight |
Bunnell, B. Todd; McCarty, Lambert B.; Bridges, W. C. 2005. Crop Science. March/April. 45(2): p. 575-581. |
103018 |
Physiological response of 'TifEagle' bermudagrass to paclobutrazol |
McCullough, Patrick E.; Liu, Haibo; McCarty, Lambert B.; Whitwell, Ted. 2005. HortScience. February. 40(1): p. 224-226. |
111962 |
Response of 'TifEagle' bermudagrass to seven plant growth regulators |
McCullough, Patrick E.; Liu, Haibo; McCarty, Lambert B.; Whitwell, Ted. 2004. HortScience. December. 39(7): p. 1759-1762. |
111113 |
St. Augustinegrass response to plant growth retardants |
McCarty, Lambert B.; Weinbrecht, Jan S.; Toler, Joe E.; Miller, Grady L. 2004. Crop Science. July/August. 44(4): p. 1323-1329. |
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Soil gas, temperature, matric potential, and creeping bentgrass growth response to subsurface air movement on a sand-based golf green |
Bunnell, B. Todd; McCarty, Lambert B.; Hill, Hoke S. 2004. HortScience. April. 39(2): p. 415-419. |
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New options for annual bluegrass control in overseeded bermudagrass putting greens |
Toler, Joe E.; McCarty, Lambert B.; Higingbottom, Jason K. 2003. HortScience. October. 38(6): p. 1232-1234. |
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Physical and hydraulic properties of rootzone mixes amended with inorganics for golf putting greens |
Waltz, Freddie C. Jr.; Quisenberry, Virgil L.; McCarty, Lambert B. 2003. Agronomy Journal. March/April. 95(2): p. 395-404. |
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Creeping bentgrass growth response to elevated soil carbon dioxide |
Bunnell, B. Todd; McCarty, Lambert B.; Dodd, Roy B.; Hill, Hoke S.; Camberato, James J. 2002. HortScience. April. 37(2): p. 367-370. |
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