Author: Miller, Grady L.
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Duration of fraise mowing's effects on organic matter and soil physical properties | McCauley, Raymond K.; Perkinson, Payton C.; Miller, Grady L. 2024. Canvas: ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting. p. 161279. |
341689 |
Improved resilience and increased sustainability: Warm-season SCRI cultivars | Milla-Lewis, Susana R.; Chandra, Ambika; Wu, Yanqi; Raymer, Paul; Zhang, Jing; Pudzianowska, Marta; Miller, Grady L.; Martin, Dennis L.; Fontanier, Charles Henry; Jespersen, David; Waltz, Freddie Clinton; Kenworthy, Kevin E.; Schwartz, Brian M.; Gouveia, Beatriz T.; Baird, James H.; Khanal, Sameer; Unruh, J. Bryan; Wherley, Benjamin; Moss, Justin Quetone; Schiavon, Marco; Chavarria Sanchez, Manuel Roman. 2024. Canvas: ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting. p. 161357. |
341730 |
Are mulching mowers necessarily better? |
Miller, Grady L.; McCauley, Raymond K. 2024. North Carolina Turfgrass. January/February. p. 14, 16, 18, 20-21. |
334406 |
Evaluation of seeding versus sprigging for establishment of centipedegrass (Eremochloa ophiuroides) germplasm in North Carolina | Carbajal Melgar, Esdras Manuel; Milla-Lewis, Susana R.; Van Der Laat, Rocio; Miller, Grady L.; Gouveia, Beatriz T. 2023. ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting. p. 149184. |
333395 |
Gaining insights into the polygenic inheritance of large patch resistance in zoysiagrass | Houting, Kirtus P.; Kerns, James P.; Miller, Grady L.; Schwartz, Brian M.; Patton, Aaron J.; Milla-Lewis, Susana R. 2022. ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting. p. 142461. |
324862 |
Evaluation of a zoysiagrass mapping population for field performance and correlations with large patch resistance | Houting, Kirtus P.; Kerns, James P.; Miller, Grady L.; Schwartz, Brian M.; Patton, Aaron J.; Milla-Lewis, Susana R. 2022. ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting. p. 142472. |
331428 |
Evaluation of shade tolerance and genetic diversity in South African bermudagrass accessions | Carbajal Melgar, Esdras Manuel; Van Der Laat, Rocio; Miller, Grady L.; Dunne, Jeffrey C.; Schwartz, Brian M.; Milla-Lewis, Susana R. 2022. ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting. p. 143455. |
324875 |
Topdressing with colored sand to improve turfgrass quality | Miller, Grady L.; McCauley, Ray. 2022. ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting. p. 144674. |
325180 |
Evaluation of seeding versus sprigging for establishment of centipedegrass (Eromochloa ophiuroides) germplasm in North Carolina | Milla-Lewis, Susana R.; Carbajal Melgar, Esdras Manuel; Gouveia, Beatriz T.; Houting, Kirtus P.; Van Der Laat, Rocio; Miller, Grady L. 2022. ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting. p. 145089. |
324926 |
Evaluation of South African common bermudagrass germplasm for shade tolerance Access Restrictions |
Carbajal Melgar, Esdras M.; Miller, Grady L.; Dunne, Jeffrey C.; Schwartz, Brian M.; Milla-Lewis, Susana R. 2022. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. June. 14(1): p. 1074-1079. |
321555 |
Assessing UAV-based imagery for drought stress phenotyping in St. Augustinegrass | Rockstad, Greta; Austin, Robert; Miller, Grady L.; Milla-Lewis, Susana R. 2021. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 134199. |
317147 |
Increasing insights into the polygenic inheritance of large patch resistance in zoysiagrass | Houting, Kirtus P.; Kerns, James P.; Miller, Grady L.; Schwartz, Brian M.; Patton, Aaron J.; Milla-Lewis, Susana R. 2021. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 134408. |
317149 |
Screening accessions of bermudagrass for shade and drought tolerance | Carbajal Melgar, Esdras Manuel; Miller, Grady L.; Dunne, Jeffrey C.; Schwartz, Brian M.; Milla-Lewis, Susana R. 2021. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 135861. |
317155 |
Developing stress coefficients in hybrid bermudagrass | Ketchum, Cory C.; Miller, Grady L.; Milla-Lewis, Susana R. 2021. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 136354. |
317058 |
Multispecies genotype × environment interaction for turfgrass quality in five turfgrass breeding programs in the southeastern United States Access Restrictions |
Gouveia, Beatriz Tomé; Rios, Esteban Fernando; Nunes, José Airton Rodrigues; Gezan, Salvador A.; Munoz, Patricio R.; Kenworthy, Kevin E.; Unruh, J. Bryan; Miller, Grady L.; Milla-Lewis, Susana R.; Schwartz, Brian M.; Raymer, Paul L.; Chandra, Ambika; Wherley, Benjamin G.; Wu, Yanqi; Martin, Dennis L.; Moss, Justin Q. 2021. Crop Science. September/October. 61(5): p. 3080-3096. |
317009 |
Creeping bentgrass summer decline as influenced by climatic conditions and cultural practices Access Restrictions |
Miller, Grady L.; Brotherton, Mark A. 2020. 7th European Turfgrass Society Conference Proceedings. p. 70-71. |
330660 |
Fraise mowing and hollow-tine aerification impact bermudagrass surfaces | McCauley, Raymond K.; Pinnix, Drew; Miller, Grady L. 2020. ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting. November. p. 124695. |
331631 |
Genotype-by-environment interaction for turfgrass quality in bermudagrass across the southeastern United States Access Restrictions |
Gouveia, Beatriz Tomé; Rios, Esteban Fernando; Rodrigues Nunes, José Airton; Gezan, Salvador A.; Munoz, Patricio R.; Kenworthy, Kevin E.; Unruh, J. Bryan; Miller, Grady L.; Milla-Lewis; Susana R.; Schwartz, Brian M.; Raymer, Paul L.; Chanrda, Ambika; Benjamin G.; Wu, Yanqi; Martin, Dennis; Moss, Justin Q. 2020. Crop Science. November/December. 60(6): p. 3328-3343. |
315612 |
Evaluation of UAV-based imagery for drought stress traits in St. Augustinegrass | Rockstad, Greta; Austin, Robert; Yu, Xingwang; Carbajal, Esdras M.; Dunne, Jeffrey C.; Miller, Grady L.; Jespersen, David; Milla-Lewis, Susana R. 2020. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. November 9-13. p. [1]. |
315275 |
Creeping bentgrass summer decline as influenced by climatic conditions and cultural practices Access Restrictions |
Miller, Grady L.; Brotherton, Mark A. 2020. Agronomy Journal. September/October. 112(5): p. 3500-3512. |
313075 |
Creeping bentgrass summer decline as influenced by climatic conditions and cultural practices | Miller, Grady L.; Brotherton, Mark A. 2020. European Journal of Turfgrass Science. 3rd Quarter. 51(3): p. 70-71. |
320187 |
Fraise mowing impacts soil physical properties of bermudagrass surfaces | McCauley, Raymond; Pinnix, Drew; Miller, Grady L. 2019. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 119401. |
310328 |
Across and within-species genotype-by-environment interaction for turf quality using germplasm from five turfgrass breeding programs in the southeastern united states | Gouveia, Beatriz; Rios, Esteban F.; Rodrigues Nunes, Jose Airton; Gezan, Salvador; Munoz, Patricio R.; Kenworthy, Kevin E.; Unruh, J. Bryan; Milla-Lewis, Susana R.; Miller, Grady L.; Schwartz, Brian M.; Raymer, Paul L.; Chandra, Ambika; Wherley, Benjamin; Wu, Yanqi; Martin, Dennis L.; Moss, Justin Quetone. 2019. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 119701. |
310346 |
Comparing installation techniques of zoysiagrass for North Carolina roadsides | Gragg, Benjamin; Miller, Grady L.; Milla-Lewis, Susana R.; Pinnix, Drew. 2019. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 120281. |
310311 |
Evaluation of turfgrass clippings from mulching versus side discharge mower operation | Miller, Grady L.; Pinnix, Drew; McCauley, Ray. 2019. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 120583. |
310243 |
'Tahoma 31' bermudagrass: A new cold hardy, drought resistant and traffic tolerant turf cultivar | Wu, Yanqi; Martin, Dennis L.; Moss, Justin Quetone; Fontanier, Charles Henry; Walker, Nathan; Chandra, Ambika; Wherley, Benjamin; Kenworthy, Kevin E.; Unruh, Bryan; Munoz, Patricio R.; Schwartz, Brian M.; Raymer, Paul L.; Waltz, Freddie Clinton; Milla-Lewis, Susana R.; Miller, Grady L. 2019. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 121015. |
310303 |
Crop coefficients for tall fescue and hybrid bermudagrass in the transition zone Access Restrictions |
Pinnix, Garland D.; Miller, Grady L. 2019. Crop, Forage and Turfgrass Management. 5(1): p. 1-7. |
322573 |
Fraise mowing as a spring transition aid Access Restrictions |
McCauley, Raymond K.; Pinnix, Garland D.; Miller, Grady L. 2019. Crop, Forage and Turfgrass Management. 5(1): p. 1-5. |
322586 |
Evaluation of turfgrass clippings from mulching versus side discharge mower operation Access Restrictions |
Miller, Grady L.; Pinnix, Garland D.; Bartley, Paul C.; McCauley, Raymond K.; Jackson, Brian E. 2019. Crop, Forage and Turfgrass Management. 5(1): p. 1-5. |
322594 |
Solubility of soil-applied iron: Soil applied iron can be an effective fertilizer for turf if chelated iron sources are used and the soil has the proper pH Access Restrictions |
Shaddox, Travis W.; Fu, Hanzhuo; Gardner, David S.; Goss, Ryan M.; Guertal, Elizabeth A.; Kreuser, William C.; Miller, Grady L.; Stewart, Barry R.; Tang, Kaiyuan; Unruh, J. Bryan. 2019. Golf Course Management. August. 87(8): p. 65-71. |
307497 |
Shallow soil compaction following fraze mowing Access Restrictions |
McCauley, Raymond; Miller, Grady L.; Pinnix, Drew. 2019. Golf Course Management. August. 87(8): p. 73. |
307503 |
Comparing evapotranspiration rates of tall fescue and bermudagrass in North Carolina Access Restrictions |
Pinnix, Garland D.; Miller, Grady L. 2019. Agricultural Water Management. August 20. 223: p. 1-7. |
308685 |
Leaf wetness influences turf colorant application Access Restrictions |
Pinnix, Garland D.; McCauley, Raymond K.; Miller, Grady L. 2019. Crop, Forage and Turfgrass Management. April. 5(1): p. 1-6. |
305085 |
Solubility of ten iron fertilizers in eleven North American soils | Shaddox, Travis W.; Fu, Hanzhou; Gardner, David S.; Goss, Ryan M.; Guertal, Elizabeth A.; Kreuser, William Collin; Miller, Grady L.; Stewart, Barry; Tang, Kaiyuan; Unruh, J. Bryan. 2018. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 11595. |
302007 |
Shallow soil compaction following fraise mowing | McCauley, Raymond; Miller, Grady L.; Pinnix, Drew. 2018. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 113147. |
302090 |
Sand topdressing influences fraise mowing recovery of bermudagrass | McCauley, Raymond; Pinnix, Drew; Miller, Grady L. 2018. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 113152. |
302168 |
Turfgrass water consumption under varying moisture availability | Pinnix, Drew; Miller, Grady L. 2018. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 113327. |
302051 |
Impact of fraise mowing on soil physical properties of bermudagrass surfaces |
McCauley, Raymond K.; Miller, Grady L.; Pinnix, Garland D. 2018. North Carolina Turfgrass. November/December. p. 14-16. |
302696 |
Air temperature effects on turfgrass colorant transfer Access Restrictions |
Pinnix, Garland D.; McCauley, Raymond K.; Miller, Grady L. 2018. Crop, Forage and Turfgrass Management. November. 4(1): p. 1-6. |
302841 |
'DT-1', a drought-tolerant triploid turf bermudagrass |
Schwartz, Brian M.; Hanna, Wayne W.; Baxter, Lisa L.; Raymer, Paul L.; Waltz, F. Clint; Kowalewski, Alec R.; Chandra, Ambika; Genovesi, A. Dennis; Wherley, Benjamin G.; Miller, Grady L.; Milla-Lewis, Susana R.; Reynolds, William C.; Wu, Yanqi; Martin, Dennis L.; Moss, Justin Q.; Kenna, Michael P.; Unruh, J. Bryan; Kenworthy, Kevin E.; Zhang, Jing; Munoz, Patricio R. 2018. HortScience. November 1. 53(11): p. 1711-1714. |
302857 |
Analysis of multispectral reflectance data from unmanned aerial vehicles to estimate quality, color and nitrogen content in turfrgasses Access Restrictions |
Peacock, Charles H.; Edenhart-Pepe, Skylar; Wall, John; Miller, Grady L. 2018. 6th European Turf Society Conference Proceedings. June. 6: p. 44-45. |
311084 |
Iron fertilizer solubility in soils managed for golf course fairways Access Restrictions |
Shaddox, Travis W.; Fu, Hanzhuo; Gardner, David S.; Goss, Ryan M.; Guertal, Elizabeth A.; Kreuser, William C.; Miller, Grady L.; Stewart, Barry R.; Tang, Kaiyuan; Unruh, J. Bryan. 2018. 6th European Turf Society Conference Proceedings. June. 6: p. 54-56. |
311089 |
Color, transfer, and application parameters of turfgrass colorants |
Pinnix, Garland D.; Miller, Grady L.; Bowman, Daniel C.; Grabow, Garry L. 2018. Agronomy Journal. January/February. 110(1): p. 66-76. |
294929 |
Investigation into soil microbiome and nitrogen cycling patterns in warm and cool season turfgrass systems | Xia, Qing; Chen, Huaihai; Yang, Tianyou; Miller, Grady L.; Shi, Wei. 2017. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 104933. |
290828 |
Development of large patch resistant and cold hardy zoysiagrass cultivars for the transition zone | Xiang, Mingying; Fry, Jack D.; Kennelly, Megan M.; Chandra, Ambika; Genovesi, Dennis; Meeks, Meghyn; Richardson, Michael D.; Patton, Aaron J.; Moss, Justin Quetone; Ervin, Erik H.; Xiong, Xi; Miller, Grady L.; Sorochan, John C.; Benelli, Jesse; Nangle, Edward J. 2017. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 105295. |
290200 |
Effect of fraise mowing on soil physical properties | McCauley, Raymond; Miller, Grady L.; Pinnix, Drew. 2017. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 106327. |
290247 |
Effect of application timing on turf colorant transfer and quality | Pinnix, Drew; Miller, Grady L.; McCauley, Raymond. 2017. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 108317. |
290456 |
Shade response of bermudagrass accessions under different management practices Access Restrictions |
Dunne, Jeffrey C.; Miller, Grady L.; Arellano, Consuelo; Brandenburg, Rick L.; Schoeman, A.; Milla-Lewis, Susana R. 2017. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening. August. 26: p. 169-177. |
286403 |
Evaluation of key methodology for digital image analysis of turfgrass color using open-source software |
Zhang, Chenxi; Pinnix, Garland D.; Zhang, Zheng; Miller, Grady L.; Rufty, Thomas W. 2017. Crop Science. March/April. 57(2): p. 550-558. |
281201 |
Athletic field paint impacts transpiration and canopy temperature in bermudagrass | Reynolds, William Casey; Miller, Grady L.; Rufty, Thomas W.; Livingston, David. 2016. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 99483. |
278316 |
Evaluating cut quality testing methods for consumer lawn tractors | Miller, Grady L.; Pinnix, Drew; Grabow, Garry. 2016. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 99947. |
278126 |
Comparison of color parameters of green turf colorants applied to bermudagrass | Pinnix, Drew; Miller, Grady L.; Bowman, Dan; Grabow, Garry. 2016. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 99951. |
278214 |
Surfactant-modified soil amendments reduce nitrogen and phosphorus leaching in a sand-based rootzone |
Shaddox, Travis W.; Kruse, Jason K.; Miller, Grady L.; Nkedi-Kizza, Peter; Sartain, Jerry B. 2016. Journal of Environmental Quality. September/October. 45(5): p. 1549-1556. |
286291 |
Athletic field paint color impacts transpiration and canopy temperature in bermudagrass |
Reynolds, William Casey; Miller, Grady L.; Livingston, David P. III; Rufty, Thomas W. 2016. Crop Science. July/August. 56(4): p. 2016-2025. |
273976 |
Shade response of bermudagrass accessions under varying management practices | Dunne, Jeffrey C.; Reynolds, W. Casey; Arellano, Consuelo; Miller, Grady L.; Milla-Lewis, Susana R. 2016. 5th European Turfgrass Society Conference Proceedings. June. p. 27-28. |
317631 |
Evaluation of key methodology for digital image analysis of turfgrass color | Zhang, Chenxi; Pinnix, Garland D.; Zhang, Zheng; Miller, Grady L.; Rufty, Thomas W. 2016. 5th European Turfgrass Society Conference Proceedings. June. p. 65-66. |
317566 |
Shade response of bermudagrass accessions under varying management practices | Dunne, Jeffrey C.; Arellano, Consuelo; Miller, Grady L.; Milla-Lewis, Susana R. 2015. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 92153. |
266936 |
Outreach education achievements from a 2011-2015 project focused on improving drought and salinity resistance in warm-season turfgrasses | Martin, Dennis L.; Miller, Grady L.; Chandra, Ambika; Unruh, J. Bryan; Moss, Justin Quetone; Milla-Lewis, Susana R.; Waltz, Freddie Clinton Jr.; Reynolds, W. Casey; Schwartz, Brian M.; Kenworthy, Kevin E.; Boyer, Tracy; Raymer, Paul L.; Wu, Yanqi. 2015. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 93393. |
267074 |
Plant genetics and genomics to improve drought and salinity tolerance for sustainable turfgrass production in the Southern United States | Chandra, Ambika; Kenworthy, Kevin E.; Schwartz, Brian M.; Raymer, Paul L.; Wu, Yanqi; Milla-Lewis, Susana R.; Nelson, Lloyd R.; Munoz, Patricio; Yu, Qingyi; Moss, Justin Quetone; Wherley, Benjamin; Miller, Grady L.; Martin, Dennis L.; Waltz, Freddie Clinton Jr.; Unruh, J. Bryan; Reynolds, W. Casey; Boyer, Tracy; Chung, Chanjin; Palma, Marco. 2015. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 94615. |
266987 |
Identification of South African bermudagrass germplasm with shade tolerance |
Dunne, Jeffrey C.; Reynolds, W. Casey; Miller, Grady L.; Arellano, Consuelo; Brandenburg, Rick L.; Schoeman, A.; Yelverton, Fred H.; Milla-Lewis, Susana R. 2015. HortScience. October. 50(10): p. 1419-1425. |
267487 |
Turf quality and transition of annual and intermediate ryegrass lines in southern USA in 2011-12 | Nelson, Lloyd R.; Chandra, Ambika; Wherley, Benjamin G.; Martin, Dennis L.; Miller, Grady L.; Milla-Lewis, Susana R.; Kenworthy, Kevin E.; Raymer, Paul L.; Schwartz, Brian M.; Wu, Yanqi. 2014. ASA, CSSA and SSSA Annual Meetings [2014]. p. 85731. |
249952 |
Evaluation of South African bermudagrass germplasm for shade tolerance | Dunne, Jeffrey C.; Reynolds, W. Casey; Miller, Grady L.; Arellano, Consuelo; Brandenburg, Rick; Schoeman, At; Yelverton, Fred; Milla-Lewis, Susana R. 2013. ASA, CSSA and SSSA Annual Meetings [2013]. p. 80089. |
232436 |
Accumulation of silicon in Cynodon dactylon x C. transvaalensis and Poa trivialis used as an overseed grass Access Restrictions |
Espinosa, Adriana; Miller, Grady L.; Datnoff, Lawrence E. 2013. Journal of Plant Nutrition. 36(11): p. 1719-1732. |
228682 |
Influence of spray volume, post-application irrigation and canopy height on the persistence and distribution of prodiamine residues following application to a tall fescue lawn Access Restrictions |
Cooper, Richard J.; Shea, Damian; Peacock, Charles H.; Miller, Grady L.; John, Christopher, V. 2013. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 12: p. 47-52. |
223106 |
Sprig establishment rate varies among zoysiagrass species and cultivars Access Restrictions |
Cooper, Richard J.; Miller, Grady L.; Peacock, Charles H.; Hinton, Jason. 2013. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 12: p. 201-206. |
223178 |
Athletic field paint color differentially alters light spectral quality and bermudagrass photosynthesis |
Reynolds, William Casey; Miller, Grady L.; Rufty, Thomas W. 2013. Crop Science. September/October. 53(5): p. 2209-2217. |
230881 |
Nitrate leaching from two Kentucky bluegrass cultivars as affected by nitrate uptake capacity and subsurface soil compaction |
Zhang, Chenxi; Miller, Grady L.; Rufty, Thomas W.; Bowman, Daniel C. 2013. Crop Science. July/August. 53(4): p. 1722-1733. |
225857 |
Nitrate uptake rates of Kentucky bluegrass genotypes and their effect on nitrate absorption under competitive conditions |
Zhang, Chenxi; Rufty, Thomas W.; Miller, Grady L.; Bowman, Daniel C. 2013. Crop Science. May. 53(3): p. 1179-1188. |
221040 |
How green do you want your turf? | Miller, Grady L. 2012. 66th Annual Southeastern Turfgrass Conference [Proceedings]. p. [1-68]. |
273092 |
Using variability within digital images to improve tall fescue color characterization |
Ghali, Ihab E.; Miller, Grady L.; Grabow, Garry L.; Huffman, Rodney L. 2012. Crop Science. September. 52(5): p. 2365-2374. |
210050 |
Athletic field paint impacts light spectral quality and turfgrass photosynthesis |
Reynolds, William Casey; Miller, Grady L.; Rufty, Thomas W. 2012. Crop Science. September. 52(5): p. 2375-2384. |
210051 |
Freeze tolerance of nine zoysiagrass cultivars using natural cold acclimation and freeze chambers |
Hinton, Jason D.; Livingston, David P. III.; Miller, Grady L.; Peacock, Charles H.; Tuong, Tan. 2012. HortScience. January. 47(1): p. 112-115. |
197207 |
High-performance grasses in NC State's cultivar-evaluation program |
Miller, Grady L. 2011. North Carolina Turfgrass. May/June. p. 12, 14, 16-17. |
185002 |
Impact of smart technologies on residential water use in North Carolina Access Restrictions |
Grabow, Garry L.; Nautiyal, Mayank; Vick, Robert L.; Huffman, Rodney L.; Miller, Grady L. 2010. 5th National Decennial Irrigation Conference Proceedings. p. 1-8. |
290155 |
Sensor-based automation of irrigation on bermudagrass during dry weather conditions Access Restrictions |
Cardenas-Lailhacar, Bernard; Dukes, Michael D.; Miller, Grady L. 2010. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering. March. 136(3): p. 184-193. |
251532 |
Variable responses of zoysiagrass genotypes to the sting nematode Access Restrictions |
Schwartz, Brian M.; Kenworthy, Kevin E.; Crow, William T.; Ferrell, Jason A.; Miller, Grady L.; Quesenberry, Kenneth H. 2010. Crop Science. March/April. 50(2): p. 723-729. |
161800 |
Sustainable turf care | Peacock, Charles H.; Miller, Grady L. 2010. TurfFiles - Turfgrass Information for North Carolina. February 3.78 slides. |
168031 |
Fertility program: Balancing conservation and plant health | Miller, Grady L. 2009. TurfFiles - Turfgrass Information for North Carolina. March 9.108 slides. |
168299 |
Turf management update | Miller, Grady L. 2009. TurfFiles - Turfgrass Information for North Carolina. February 3.83 slides. |
168491 |
Cultivar evaluations for tall fescue drought tolerance and new zoysiagrass for North Carolina | Miller, Grady L. 2009. TurfFiles - Turfgrass Information for North Carolina. January 29.51 slides. |
168497 |
Evaluation of evapotranspiration-based and soil-moisture-based irrigation control in turf Access Restrictions |
Grabow, Garry L.; Vasanth, Arjun; Bowman, Dan; Huffman, Rodney L.; Miller, Grady L. 2008. Proceedings of World Water and Environmental Resources Congress: 2008. p. 1-9. |
251461 |
How to deal with an end of summer CRABGRASS infestation | Reynolds, Casey; Miller, Grady L. 2008. TurfFiles - Turfgrass Information for North Carolina. September 2. p. [1]. |
168872 |
Fall seeding of cool-season grass lawns - a water conservation effort | Peacock, Charles H.; Miller, Grady L.; Yelverton, Fred. 2008. TurfFiles: NCSU Web Site. August 21. p. [1]. |
140811 |
Sensor-based automation of irrigation on bermudagrass, during wet weather conditions Access Restrictions |
Cardenas-Lailhacar, Bernard; Dukes, Michael D.; Miller, Grady L. 2008. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering. April. 134(2): p. 120-128. |
254390 |
Turfgrass selection for drought survival and implications during non-drought periods | Miller, Grady L. 2008. TurfFiles: NCSU Web Site. March 26.37 slides. |
140679 |
Poa trivialis overseeding rates on FloraDwarf and Tifdwarf and the transitional spring growth response | Miller, Grady L. [2007]. University of Florida Turfgrass Science Web Site. p. [1]. |
128821 |
Water and nutrient availability as influenced by a porous ceramic soil amendment | Miller, Grady L. [2007]. University of Florida Turfgrass Science Web Site. p. [1]. |
128823 |
Poa trivialis overseeding rates on Floradwarf and Tifdwarf and the transitional spring growth response | Miller, Grady L.; Weinbrecht, Jan S. [2007]. University of Florida Turfgrass Science Web Site. p. [1]. |
128827 |
Season-long grassy weed control with various preemergence herbicides | Miller, Grady L.; Weinbrecht, Jan S. [2007]. University of Florida Turfgrass Science Web Site. p. [1]. |
128830 |
UF publications and the Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary program? | Miller, Grady L. [2007]. University of Florida Turfgrass Science Web Site. p. [1-2]. |
128833 |
Effluent water influences turfgrass growth compared to potable water | Miller, Grady L. [2007]. University of Florida Turfgrass Science Web Site. p. [1-2]. |
128835 |
How to get the most out of fertigation | Miller, Grady L.; Brown, Eric A. [2007]. University of Florida Turfgrass Science Web Site. p. [1-3]. |
128839 |
Growing in a new bermudagrass green | Miller, Grady L. [2007]. University of Florida Turfgrass Science Web Site. p. [1-2]. |
128841 |
Turfgrass establishment using a liquid source of phosphorus | Miller, Grady L. [2007]. University of Florida Turfgrass Science Web Site. p. [1-2]. |
128844 |
Primo influences on overseeded perennial ryegrass and poa trivialis | Miller, Grady L. [2007]. University of Florida Turfgrass Science Web Site. p. [1-3]. |
128848 |
Evaluation of turf damage and traction from athletic shoe cleats | Miller, Grady L. [2007]. University of Florida Turfgrass Science Web Site. p. [1]. |
128857 |
Evaluation of soccer fields for turf Standards | Miller, Grady L. [2007]. University of Florida Turfgrass Science Web Site. p. [1]. |
128858 |
Evaluation and demonstration of evapotranspiration-based irrigation controllers |
Davis, Stacia; Dukes, Michael D.; Vyapari, Sudeep; Miller, Grady L. 2007. Proceedings of the World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2007. p. Unknown. |
163028 |
Temperature increase on synthetic turfgrass |
Jia, Xinhua; Dukes, Michael D.; Miller, Grady L. 2007. Proceedings of the World Water and Environmental Resources Congress 2007. p. Unknown. |
163038 |
Evaluation of evapotranspiration and soil moisture-based irrigation control on turfgrass Access Restrictions |
Shedd, Mary; Dukes, Michael D.; Miller, Grady L. 2007. Proceedings of World Water and Environmental Resources Congress: 2007. p. 1-21. |
163037 |