Keyword: Adaptation
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Big changes in Kentucky bluegrass: Improvements in density, color, disease resistance and heat tolerance have introduced a low-maintenance alternative for fairways Access Restrictions |
Brede, Doug. 1996. Golf Course Management. June. 64(6): p. 61-66. |
37823 |
Race course blues |
Wrigley, Martin; Fleming, Philip. 1996. New Zealand Turf Management Journal. May. 10(2): p. 14. |
38451 |
Seashore paspalum: The next-generation turf for golf courses: Research is currently under way to learn more about how the range of this promising turfgrass can be expanded Access Restrictions |
Duncan, R. R. 1996. Golf Course Management. April. 64(4): p. 49-51. |
37192 |
Desiccation resistance in populations of the red imported fire ant (Hymenoptera: formicidae) Access Restrictions |
Phillips, Sherman A. Jr.; Jusino-Atresino, Rafael; Thorvilson, Harlan G. 1996. Environmental Entomology. April. 25(2): p. 460-464. |
37437 |
Kikuyu: is it always a weed? |
Ormsby, David. 1996. New Zealand Turf Management Journal. February. 10(1): p. 9-10. |
38429 |
Genetic variability for leaf development in perennial ryegrass populations Access Restrictions |
Hazard, L.; Ghesquière, M.; Barraux, C. 1996. Canadian Journal of Plant Science. January. 76(1): p. 113-118. |
37152 |
A perspective on Poa annua | Beard, James B. 1996. TURFAX. January/February. 4(1): p. 5-6. |
213571 |
1993-95 home lawn/fairway bermudagrass trials |
Dudeck, A. E. 1995. Turfgrass Research in Florida: A Technical Report. May. p. 19-24. |
277323 |
National zoysiagrass trial - 1993 data |
Riordan, T. P.; Johnson-Cicalese, J. 1994. Turfgrass Research Report for 1994 [Nebraska]. p. 7-8. |
37459 |
Application of somatic embryogenesis in turfgrass - 1994 progress | Bowley, S. R.; McKersie, B. D. 1994. 1994 Annual Research Report [Guelph]. 8: p. 1-2. |
22698 |
Microlaena (Microlaena stipoides (Labill.) R.Br.): A native turf for native gardens |
Jones, Christine E.; Whalley, R. D. B. (Wal). 1994. ATRI Turf Notes. Autumn. 13(1): p. 2. |
39203 |
`Crenshaw' creeping bentgrass - adaption and potentials |
Engelke, M. C.; Lehman, V. G.; Kneebone, W. R.; Colbaugh, P. F.; Reinert, J. A.; Knoop, W. E. 1994. Texas Turfgrass Research - 1993. August. p. 36-40. |
45324 |
Assessments of creeping bentgrass selections on a high-sand putting green |
Sifers, S. I.; Beard, J. B.; Hall, M. J. 1994. Texas Turfgrass Research - 1993. August. p. 55-58. |
45377 |
Chemical control of southern chinch bug in St. Augustinegrass |
Crocker, Robert L.; Hersi, Abdirizack M. 1994. Texas Turfgrass Research - 1993. August. p. 66-67. |
45406 |
Poa trivialis: From pasture to prominence Access Restrictions |
Edminster, Craig. 1994. Golf Course Management. May. 62(5): p. 58-61, 96. |
32004 |
Top choice in transition zone: Bermudagrass |
Riggs, Nancy. 1994. Turf: Central. May. 5(5): p. 24-27. |
43093 |
Update of research relating to biostimulant impact on turfgrass management Access Restrictions |
Schmidt, R. E. 1993. Conference Proceedings: 64th International Golf CourseConference and Show. p. 6. |
129631 |
Understanding enhanced biodegradation of pesticides Access Restrictions |
Turco, Ronald F. 1993. Conference Proceedings: 64th International Golf Course Conference and Show. p. 15. |
129638 |
Is Oregon's turf industry changing? | Buffett, Chuck. 1993. Northwest Turfgrass Topics. Summer. 36(4): p. 6-8. |
264825 |
Grass profile: Queensland blue couch (Digitaria didactyla Wild.) |
Beehag, Gary W. 1993. ATRI Turf Notes. Summer. 12(4): p. 11. |
30134 |
Orchardgrass |
Henning, Jimmy; Risner, Norman. 1993. MU Turfgrass Research Center Web Site. October 1. p. 1-6. |
38486 | |
Evaluation of selected warm-season turfgrass species grown in Riyadh Region of Saudi Arabia |
Al-Mana, Fahed A.; El-Kiey, Tariq M.; Al-Khalifa, N. 1993. HortScience. May. 28(5): p. 466. |
30413 |
Grass profile: Buffalo grass (Stenotaphrum secondatum) [Stenotaphrum secundatum] |
Beehag, Gary W. 1993. ATRI Turf Notes. Spring. 12(3): p. 10. |
30137 |
Shade adaptation study | Christians, N. E. 1992. 1992 Iowa Turfgrass Research Report. p. 31-32. |
70285 |
Evaluation of selected perennial ryegrass and tall fescue cultivars for adaptation to the midwest |
Fermanian, T. W.; Haley, J. E.; Wessels, K.; Han, S. W.; Wilkinson, H. T. 1992. Agronomy Abstracts. p. 168. |
25631 |
Evolved responses to landscapes |
Orians, Gordon H.; Heerwagen, Judith H. 1992. p. 555-579. In: Barkow, Jerome H.; Cosmides, Leda; Tooby, John, eds. The Adapted Mind: Evolutionary Psychology and the Generation of Culture. New York, New York: Oxford University Press Inc. |
123525 |
The lawnscape: A natural science laboratory |
Duble, Richard L. 1992. Texas Turfgrass. Winter. 44(4): p. 13, 15-27. |
23238 |
Buffalograss? | Salaiz, Tom. 1992. The Grass Roots. September/October. 20(5): p. 25. |
25370 |
Buffalograss roams beyond the plains | McIver, Terry. 1992. Landscape Management. March. 31(3): p. 74. |
23398 |
Genecology of Agrostis capillaris L. (Poaceae) - an invader into New Zealand 2: Responses to light, soil fertility, and water availability Access Restrictions |
Rapson, G. L.; Wilson, J. Bastow. 1992. New Zealand Journal of Botany. March. 30(1): p. 13-24. |
171935 | |
Breeding and development of zoysiagrass | Engelke, M. C. 1991. 1991 Turfgrass Research Summary [USGA/GCSAA]. p. 22. |
29775 |
Fine fescue adaptations to water deficit |
Wojcik, M. K.; Skogley, C. R. 1991. Agronomy Abstracts. October. p. 185. |
22054 |
The origins of Cotula |
Davies, Brent. 1991. New Zealand Turf Management Journal. August. 5(3): p. 22-23. |
22225 |
Shade adaptation study | Christians, N. E. 1991. 1991 Iowa Turfgrass Research Report. July. p. 18-19. |
29290 |
Cool season turfgrasses for Nebraska | Riordan, T. P.; Horst, G. L. 1991. Nebraska IANR Web Site. February. p. [1-6]. |
71330 | |
Bentgrass in Florida: Some Important Considerations |
McCarty, L. B.; Cisar, J. L.; Dudeck, A. E.; Freeman, T. E.; Simone, G. W.; Dunn, R. A. 1990. Gainesville, Florida: Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida. 4 pp. |
58737 |
Endophytes promote increased adaptation of turfgrass plants | Poitras, Steve. 1990. Lawn and Landscape Maintenance. November. 11(11): p. 72, 74, 76. |
21091 |
Empirical study of turfgrass adaptation |
Busey, P. 1990. Agronomy Abstracts. October. p. 170. |
19705 |
Cold temperature problems in turf management |
Fushtey, Stephen G. 1990. The Turf Line News. June/July. 98: p. 1J-8J. |
253123 |
Inheritance of host adaptation in the southern chinch bug (Heteroptera: Lygaeidae) |
Busey, Philip. 1990. Annals of the Entomological Society of America. May. 83(3): p. 563-567. |
83815 | |
Building successful programs: The dimensions of IPM today: A balanced system will optimize the health and vigor of turfgrass by reducing the impact of pests Access Restrictions |
Bishop, David. 1990. Golf Course Management. March. 58(3): p. 56, 58, 60, 64. |
18238 |
Intra-population variation in nuclear DNA amount, cell size and growth rate in Poa annua L. |
Mowforth, M. A.; Grime, J. P. 1989. Functional Ecology. 3: p. 289-295. |
57731 | |
Shade Adaptation Study | Christians, N. E. 1989. 1989 Iowa Turfgrass Research Report. July. p. 30-31. |
18029 |
Seeding: Growth Characteristics of New Turf Type Perennial Ryegrasses | The Lawn Institute. 1989. ALA: Lawn and Landscape Management. May. 10(5): p. 47. |
14940 |
Seeding: New Turf-types are Best Adapted to Transitional Zone | Anonymous. 1989. ALA: Lawn and Landscape Management. April. 10(4): p. 60. |
14650 |
Adaptation and Differentiation of Golf Course Populations of Annual Bluegrass (Poa annua). | Lush, W. Mary. 1989. Weed Science. January. 37(1): p. 54-59. |
14467 |
The Co-Adaptation of amenity grass cultivars to environmental stress factors |
McHugh, S. 1988. p. 70-71. In: Gibbs, R. J.; Adams, W. A., eds. Proceedings of the Sixth Discussion Meeting of Amenity Grass Research. Aberystwyth, Wales: University College of Wales. |
115277 |
Ryan Lawn Care: Planting the Seeds for Tomorrow's Turf | Anonymous. 1988. Lawn and Landscape Maintenance. November. 9(11): p. R15-R16. |
16523 |
Effective management of annual bluegrass: Because this species covers such a wide spectrum, maintaining or even killing it requires an extensive knowledge and understanding of the turfgrass Access Restrictions |
Danneberger, Karl. 1988. Golf Course Management. April. 56(4): p. 18, 20. |
12214 |
Adaptation of Grasses in the Netherlands to Air Pollution Access Restrictions |
Dueck, Th. A.; Dil, E. W.; Pasman, F. J. M. 1988. New Phytologist. February. 108(2): p. 167-174. |
11927 |
Dr. James B. Beard - Gounds Maintenance 1988 Turf Master |
Copley, Kathy. 1988. Grounds Maintenance. February. 23(2): p. 10-14. |
11740 |
Turfgrass drought resistance | Nus, Jeff. 1988. Landscape Management. January. 27(1): p. 32, 36. |
11531 |
Plant Science |
Barden, John a.; Halfacre, R. Gordon; Parrish, David J. 1987. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Book Company. |
13468 |
Evidence that Arsenic Tolerance in Holcus lanatus L. is Caused by an Altered Phosphate Uptake System Access Restrictions |
Macnair, Mark R.; Cumbes, Quinton. 1987. New Phytologist. October. 107(2): p. 387-394. |
11190 |
Tall Fescue Cultivar Update |
Beard, James B. 1987. Grounds Maintenance. September. 22(9): p. 48-52. |
11032 |
Common couch -- Its identification and adaption |
Aldous, David E. 1987. Official Journal of the Australian Golf Course. September/October. 4: p. 50-53. |
18671 |
Kentucky Bluegrass Cultivar Update [1987] |
Beard, James B. 1987. Grounds Maintenance. August. 22(8): p. 20-22. |
10978 |
Perennial Ryegrass Cultivar Update |
Beard, James B. 1987. Grounds Maintenance. July. 22(7): p. 22-66. |
10689 |
Tall Fescue Lawns |
Hurley, Rich. 1987. Lawn Servicing. March. 4(3): p. 27-28. |
15617 |
Plant Responses Associated with Adaptation to Low Nitrogen Stresses in Selected Cynodon Cultivars |
Sifers, Samuel I. 1986. M.S. Thesis: Texas A&M University. ix, 42 pp. |
11439 |
Climatic Zones for Turfgrass Adaptation |
Meyer, William A. [1986]. Hubbard, OR: Turf-Seed, Inc. [1], 3 [11] pp. |
110317 |
Current technology and your trees Access Restrictions |
Chapman, Douglas J. 1986. Proceedings of the 57th International Golf Course Conference and Show. p. 14-20. |
75137 |
Turfgrass Management for Weed Control |
Elmore, Clyde L. 1986. Proceedings of the 1986 Desert Turfgrass Conference. December. p. J1-J4. |
11805 | |
Tall Fescue Turfs in Illinois |
Fech, John C.; Fermanian, Thomas W. 1986. Urbana, Illinois: Illinois Cooperative Extension Service. 2 pp. |
108931 |
Kentucky Bluegrass Turfs in Illinois |
Fech, John C.; Fermanian, Thomas W. 1986. Urbana, Illinois: Illinois Cooperative Extension Service. 2 pp. |
108930 |
Technology and trees: Modern biological advancements will dramatically impact the golf course of tomorrow with healthier, tailored plants requiring less care Access Restrictions |
Chapman, Douglas J. 1986. Golf Course Management. March. 54(3): p. 42, 44, 46, 48. |
123694 |
Perennial ryegrass cultivar evaluations for lawn adaptations in Tennessee [1985] | Callahan, L. M.; Lester, L. D. 1985. 1985 Turfgrass Management Annual Research Summary Report [Tennessee]. p. 1-4. |
236099 |
Ecological adaptation in Lolium perenne L.: physiological relationships among persistence, carbohydrate reserves and water availability Access Restrictions |
Arcioni, Sergio; Falcinelli, Mario; Mariotti, Domenico. 1985. Canadian Journal of Plant Science. July. 65(3): p. 615-624. |
6369 |
Ecological origins of California's mediterranean grasses Access Restrictions |
Jackson, Louise E. 1985. Journal of Biogeography. July. 12(4): p. 349-361. |
235297 |
Buffalograss |
Duble, Richard L. 1985. Texas Turfgrass. January/February. 38(1): p. 8-10. |
5856 |
Kentucky bluegrass variety evaluations |
Powell, A. J. Jr.; Tapp, Linda. 1984. Kentucky Turfgrass Research. p. 2-6. |
8147 |
1983 St. Augustinegrass cultivar characterizations - including brown patch susceptibility |
Menn, W. G.; Beard, J. B.; Grisham, M. P.; Toler, R. W. 1984. Texas Turfgrass Research - 1984. p. 45-49. |
1015 |
The challenges from Britain's variable foe |
Jones, Vartyn. 1984. Parks, Golf Courses & Sports Grounds. November. 50(2): p. 6,8-9. |
8260 |
Differences among nematode populations in tall fescue pastures in North, Central, and South Alabama |
Pedersen, J. F.; Rodriguez-Kabana, R. 1984. Crop Science. July/August. 24(4): p. 819-821. |
166077 |
Kentucky bluegrasses and their culture | Funk, C. Reed; Engel, R. E. 1984. Weeds Trees & Turf. June. 23(6): p. 46-48, 50-52, 54, 56-57, 60-62. |
1602 |
Texscape for Conservation |
Duble, Richard L.; Welch, William C. 1984. Texas Turfgrass. May/June. 37(3): p. 5-8. |
12067 |
Lazy Man's Grass: Centipede Grass |
Duble, Richard L. 1984. Texas Turfgrass. May/June. 37(3): p. 9-10. |
12068 |
Improved ryegrasses: Overcoming overseeding problems Access Restrictions |
Hogevoll, Jerry. 1984. Golf Course Management. January. 52(1): p. 13, 15, 17. |
18714 |
Bermudagrass |
Duble, Richard L. 1984. Texas Turfgrass. January/February. 37(1): p. 16-21. |
12060 |
Lawns: Basic Factors, Construction, and Maintenance of Fine Turf Areas |
Vengris, Jonas; Torello, William A. 1982. Fresno, California: Thomson Publications. [6], 195 pp. Revised 3rd Edition. |
9317 |
Tall fescue varieties and their culture in New Jersey turfs |
Funk, C. Reed; Johnson-Cicalese, Jennifer M. 1982. 1982 Rutgers Turfgrass Proceedings. 13: p. 80-103. |
68845 |
Adaptation des especes et cultivars de graminees a gazon au climat mediterraneen (Adaptation of turfgrass species and cultivars to Mediterranean climate) |
Billot, C.; Chevallier, C.; Peyriere, J. 1982. Rasen, Grunflachen, Begrunungen. December. 13(4): p. 79-86. |
1006 | |
Performance of Kentucky bluegrass and Perennial ryegrass cultivars in coastal north central California |
Harivandi, M. A.; Gibeault, V. A. 1982. Agronomy Abstracts. November. p. 142. |
7153 |
The possible polyphyletic origin of copper tolerance in Agrostis tenuis (Gramineae) | Nicholls, Michael K.; McNeilly, Thomas. 1982. Plant Systematics and Evolution. July. 140(2-3): p. 109-117. |
171968 | |
Establishment and management of turfgrasses Access Restrictions |
Goss, Roy L. 1981. Proceedings of the International Turfgrass Research Conference. 4: p. 97-103. |
1150 |
Kentucky bluegrasses and their culture in New Jersey lawns |
Funk, C. Reed; Engel, R. E.; Duell, R. W. 1981. 1981 Rutgers Turfgrass Proceedings. 12: p. 117-137. |
70063 |
Turfgrass performance of sixty fescue, bluegrass, and ryegrass cultivars in Arkansas |
King, John W.; Miller, Erica. 1981. Agronomy Abstracts. November/December. p. 127. |
7535 |
The Adaptation of Stenotaphrum Secundatum (Walt.) Kuntze and Festuca Arundinacea Schreb. to Three Shade Environments as Affected by Mowing Heights Access Restrictions |
Almodares, Abbas. 1980. Ph.D. Dissertation: Texas A&M University. xvi, 121 pp. |
11336 |
Lawns Across America |
The Lawn Institute. [19XX]. Rolling Meadows, IL: The Lawn Institute. 4 pp. |
109632 |
Kentucky bluegrass growth and adaptation to southwestern environments |
Horst, Garald L. 1980. Proceedings of the 1980 Arizona Turfgrass Conference. p. 13-18. |
90167 |
An approach to turfgrass cultivar evaluation Access Restrictions |
Turgeon, Alfred J.; Vargas, Joe M. Jr. 1980. Proceedings of the Third International Turfgrass Research Conference. p. 19-30. |
224889 |
How to grow and maintain quality Poa annua | Goss, Roy L. 1980. Proceedings of the 34th Northwest Turfgrass Conference. p. 43-48. |
32578 |
Tree shade adaptation of turfgrass species and cultivars in France |
Chesnel, A.; Croise, R.; Bourgoin, B. 1980. Proceedings of the Third International Turfgrass Research Conference. p. 431-436. |
224970 |
Introduction to Turfgrass Science and Culture: Laboratory Exercises |
Beard, James B.; DiPaola, Joseph M.; Johns, Don Jr.; Karnok, Keith J. 1979. Minneapolis, Minnesota: Alpha Editions, Burgess Publishing Company. v, 217 pp. |
9296 |
Turfgrass shade adaptation Access Restrictions |
Karnok, Keith J. 1979. GCSAA 50th International Turfgrass Conference and Show: Proceedings. p. 93-95. |
103512 |
Turf |
Murray, J. J.; Powell, Jerrel B. 1979. p. 293-306. In: Buckner, Robert C.; Bush, Lowell P., eds. Tall Fescue. Madison, Wisconsin: American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, Soil Science Society of America, Inc. |
4027 |
Annual Bluegrass (Poa annua L.): Description, Adaptation, Culture and Control |
Beard, J. B.; Rieke, P. E.; Turgeon, A. J.; Vargas, J. M. Jr. 1978. East Lansing, Michigan: Agricultural Experiment Station, Michigan State University. 31, [1] pp. |
2214 |
Kentucky bluegrass growth and adaptation to southwestern environments | Horst, Garald L.; Carter, Jerold M. 1978. Proceedings of the Thirty-Third Annual Texas Turfgrass Conference. p. 102-110. |
94532 |
Leaf epidermal transmittance of ultraviolet radiation and its implications for plant sensitivity to ultraviolet-radiation induced injury |
Robberecht, R.; Caldwell, M. M. 1978. Oecologia. 32(3): p. 277-287. |
3280 | |
Kentucky Bluegrass Growth and Adaptation to Southwestern Environments. |
Horst, G. L.; Carter, J. M. 1978. Agronomy Abstracts. December. p. 117. |
15489 |