Keyword: Agrostis stolonifera
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
New nanotechnology for turfgrass nutrient uptake |
Dwyer, Phil; Cauceglia, Joey. 2024. GreenMaster. Summer. 60(2): p. 24-26. |
337241 |
The role of Oxalic acid in Clarireedia jacksonii virulence and development on creeping bentgrass Access Restrictions |
Huo, Daowen; Westrick, Nathaniel M.; Nelson, Ashley; Kabbage, Mehdi; Koch, Paul. 2024. Phytopathology. November. 114(11): p. 2394-2400. |
341623 |
Inducible defense phytohormones in annual bluegrass (Poa annua) and creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera) in response to annual bluegrass weevil (Listronotus maculicollis) infestation |
Simard, Audrey; Gendjar, Megan; Merewitz, Emily; McGraw, Benjamin A. 2024. Journal of Economic Entomology. October. 117(5): p. 2113-2122. |
340736 |
Development of a low-cost automated greenhouse imaging system with machine learning-based processing for evaluating genetic performance of drought tolerance in a bentgrass hybrid population |
Kim, Yonghyun; Barnaby, Jinyoung Y.; Warnke, Scott E. 2024. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. September. 224: p. 108896 [1-10]. |
340654 |
Effect of turfgrass care products on soil biological health, disease suppression, and turfgrass quality |
Ofori, Bright; Habteselassie, Mussie; Martinez-Espinoza, Alfredo. 2024. Applied Soil Ecology. September. 201: p. 105499 [1-8]. |
338967 |
Will the turfgrass species most tolerant of snow mold, please stand up |
Fidanza, Mike. 2024. Golf Course Management. September. 92(9): p. 84. |
340024 |
Comprehensive assessment of turfgrass wear tolerance: A study on mechanical and chemical traits Access Restrictions |
Głab, Tomasz; Szewczyk, Wojciech; Kopeć-Jarosz, Aneta. 2024. Industrial Crops & Products. September 15. 216: p. 118837 [1-12]. |
337207 |
Disease management for golf courses |
Dykema, Nancy; Clifford, Miles; Paige, Logan; Choroba, Claire. 2024. Turfgrass Field Day. August 14. p. 5. |
340342 |
Winterkill research update |
Holm, Emily; Chalise, Devendra Prasad; Miao, Ruilin. 2024. Turfgrass Field Day. August 14. p. 5. |
340343 |
Root metabolites remodeling regulated by γ-aminobutyric adic (GABA) improves adaptability to high temperature in creeping bentgrass |
Li, Zhou; Zhou, Min; Zeng, Weihang; Zhang, Yan; Liu, Lin; Liu, Wei; Peng, Yan. 2024. Plant and Soil. July. 500(1-2): p. 181-195. |
338966 |
Influence of controlled condition ice encasement of creeping bentgrass and annual bluegrass on plant recovery, gas evolution, and metabolites |
Gendjar, Megan; Prasad Chalise, Devendra; Beaudry, Randolph; Merewitz, Emily. 2024. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science. July. 149(4): p. 230-242. |
339800 |
Brown patch severity as affected by cool-season turfgrass species, cultivar, and nitrogen rate |
Powlen, Jada S.; Kerns, James P.; Fidanza, Michael A.; Bigelow, Cale A. 2024. Crop Science. July/August. 64(4): p. 2393-2403. |
339141 |
Safety of carfentrazone-ethyl following application of bensulide to creeping bentgrass putting greens |
Raudenbush, Zane; Sousek, Matt; Thompson, Cole S.; Gaussoin, Roch. 2024. Crop, Forage and Turfgrass Management. June. 10(1): p. e20285 [1-6]. |
337847 |
Foliar application of diethyl aminoethyl hexanoate (DA-6) alleviated summer bentgrass decline and heat damage to creeping bentgrass Access Restrictions |
Li, Zhou; Zhou, Min; Qi, Hongyin; Cheng, Bizhen; Hassan, Muhammad Jawad. 2024. Crop Science. March/April. 64(2): p. 1039-1050. |
335489 |
Short-term soil carbon mineralization on golf course sand-based putting green and its effect on creeping bentgrass nitrogen uptake |
Zhou, Qiyu; Soldat, Douglas J.; Ruark, Matthew D. 2024. Crop Science. March/April. 64(2): p. 1051-1060. |
335490 |
Irrigation of sand-based creeping bentgrass putting greens with nanobubble-oxygenated water |
DeBoer, Eric J.; Richardson, Michael D.; McCalla, John H. 2024. HortTechnology. February. 34(1): p. 60-70. |
334977 |
Auxin mediated elevated CO2-induced stolon growth and soluble sugar accumulation in creeping bentgrass Access Restrictions |
Li, Ruonan; Wang, Ruying; Li, Meng; Zheng, Yunpu; Zhang, Xiaxiang; Yang, Zhimin; Yu, Jingjin. 2024. Environmental and Experimental Botany. January. 217: p. [1-14]. |
334135 |
Annual bluegrass and creeping bentgrass tiller response to phosphate fertilizer and soil pH |
McNally, Brandon C.; Elmore, Matthew T.; Murphy, James A.; Murphy, Stephanie L. 2024. Crop Science. January/February. 64(1): p. 511-522. |
334645 |
Characterization of an antifungal protein from the fungal endophyte of strong creeping red fescue with activity against the dollar spot pathogen | Belanger, Faith C.; Clarke, Bruce B. 2023. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2023 Progress Reports. p. 1-5. |
336570 |
Selection and evaluation of shade tolerance in creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera) | Bonos, Stacy A.; MacPherson, Eric. 2023. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2023 Progress Reports. p. 10-17. |
336578 |
A national evaluation of cool-season turfgrass cultivar water use and drought tolerance under golf course fairway management | Morris, Kevin. 2023. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2023 Progress Reports. p. 79-82. |
336589 |
Developing management tools for new greens-type zoysiagrasses | Richardson, Michael; McCalla, John; Chandra, Ambika; Martin, Chase; Brosnan, Jim; Breeden, Greg. 2023. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2023 Progress Reports. p. 96-100. |
336593 |
Understanding factors associated with successful re-establishment of golf course putting greens following winterkill | DaCosta, Michelle; Watkins, Eric; Ebdon, Scott; Petrella, Dominic; Aamlid, Trygve S.; Espevig, Tatsiana; Waalen, Wendy; Dalmannsdottir, Sigridur; Lönnberg, Carl-Johan. 2023. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2023 Progress Reports. p. 144-153. |
336605 |
Effects of equipment traffic on turfgrass during frost conditions | Kowalewski, Alec; Schmid, Chas; McDonald, Brian; Stover, Cole; Hamilton, Zach. 2023. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2023 Progress Reports. p. 154-164. |
336606 |
Determining irrigation thresholds to optimize water use, turf health, and playability | Friell, Josh; Schwab, Ryan; Watkins, Eric. 2023. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2023 Progress Reports. p. 214-218. |
336611 |
Characterizing immune system responses of select plant health products for putting greens | Ervin, Erik; Kaur, Charanpreet; Bais, Harsh; Guertal, Beth; Fidanza, Mike. 2023. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2023 Progress Reports. p. 253-257. |
336618 |
Silicon to induce resistance to annual bluegrass weevil in annual bluegrass and creeping bentgrass | Koppenhöfer, Albrecht M.; Sousa, Ana Luiza; Islam, Tarikul; Brown, Matthew S. 2023. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2023 Progress Reports. p. 301-305. |
336627 |
NC1208 dollar spot cultivar project | Koch, Paul; Bonos, Stacy; Jung, Geunhwa; Dykema, Nancy; Kaminski, John; Kennelly, Megan; Latin, Richard; Murphy, James; Vargas, Joe. 2023. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2023 Progress Reports. p. 383-386. |
336658 |
PGRs: The best of growth worlds Access Restrictions |
Stricker, Sara. 2023. GreenMaster. Summer. 59(2): p. 22-24. |
331875 |
Plant clustering generates negative plant-soil feedback without changing the spatial distribution of soil fauna |
Zhang, Peihua; Bonte, Dries; De Deyn, Gerlinde; Vandegehuchte, Martijn L. 2023. Web Ecology. 23(1): p. 1-15. |
327256 |
Chitosan-enhanced heat tolerance associated with alterations in antioxidant defense system and gene expression in creeping bentgrass |
Li, Qiuguo; Bian, Yingji; Li, Ruonan; Yang, Zhimin; Liu, Nanqing; Yu, Jingjin. 2023. Grass Research. 3: p. 7 [1-11]. |
337805 |
Regulatory roles of morphactin on suppressing chlorophyll degradation under heat stress in creeping bentgrass |
Rossi, Stephanie; Huang, Bingru. 2023. Grass Research. 3: p. 11 [1-8]. |
337809 |
Phosphite, phosphate, and their interactions in soil and turfgrass |
Chang, Baoxin; Guertal, Elizabeth. 2023. Grass Research. 3: p. 13 [1-9]. |
337810 |
Candidacolonium agrostis, a novel species associated with summer patch-like disease on Agrostis stolonifera in East China |
Geng, Jiamei; Zhou, Yuxin; Dong, Yinglu; Lamour, Kurt; Yang, Zhimin; Liu, Jun; Hu, Jian. 2023. Grass Research. 3: p. 20 [1-7]. |
337815 |
Spo0A-dependent antifungal activity of a plant growth promoting rhizobacterial Bacillus sublitis strain UD1022 against the dollar spot pathogen (Clarireedia jacksonii) Access Restrictions |
Kaur, Charanpreet; Fidanza, Mike; Ervin, Erik; Bais, Harsh P. 2023. Biological Control. September. 184: p. 105284 [1-9]. |
336982 |
Rhizobacteria-enhanced drought tolerance and post-drought recovery of creeping bentgrass involving differential modulation of leaf and root metabolism Access Restrictions |
Errickson, William; Huang, Bingru. 2023. Physiologia Plantarum. September/October. 175(5): p. e14004 [1-15]. |
336678 |
First report of melting out on creeping bentgrass caused by Bipolaris sorokiniana in China |
He, Yan; Xu, Kexuan; Liu, Jun; Hu, Jian. 2023. Plant Disease. September. 107(9): p. 2852. |
332397 |
Evaluation of goosegrass response to combinations of topramezone and chlorothalonil |
Peppers, John M.; Elmore, Matthew T.; Askew, Shawn D. 2023. Weed Technology. September/October. 37(5): p. 554-559. |
334633 |
Creeping bentgrass nutritional, morpholigcal, and putting green performance response to Ca/Mg-silicate slag liming agent |
Pruyne, Derek T.; Schlossberg, Maxim J. 2023. Horticulturae. September. 9(9): p. 958 [1-12]. |
336991 |
Topdressing biochar compost mixtures and biological control organism applications suppress foliar pathogens in creeping bentgrass fairway turf Access Restrictions |
Doherty, Joseph R.; Roberts, Joseph A. 2023. Plant Disease. August. 107(8): p. 2346-2351. |
331823 |
Photosynthetic rate and root growth responses to Ascophyllum nodosum extract-based biostimulant in creeping bentgrass under heat and drought stress |
Zhang, Xunzhong; Taylor, Zachary; Goatley, Mike; Wang, Kehua; Brown, Isabel; Kosiarski, Kelly. 2023. HortScience. August. 58(8): p. 917-921. |
332998 |
Promotive effects of endophytic rhizobacteria on tiller and root growth in creeping bentgrass during drought stress and post-stress recovery involving regulation of hormone and sugar metabolism |
Errickson, William; Zhang, Ning; Huang, Bingru. 2023. Crop Science. July/August. 63(4): p. 2583-2593. |
331126 |
Growth of creeping bentgrass after applying micobial consortium BM-S-1 |
Kim, Young-Sun; Kang, Sun Chul; Lee, Geung-Joo. 2023. Weed and Turfgrass Science. June. 12(2): p. 175-184. |
331139 |
Heat-induced leaf senescence in creeping bentgrass suppressed by aminoethoxyvinylglycine involving regulation of chlorophyll metabolism |
Rossi, Stephanie; Huang, Bingru. 2023. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science. May. 148(3): p. 126-133. |
329387 |
Genetic diversity of colonial bentgrass Agrostis capillaris based on simple sequence repeat markers and high-resolution melt analysis and haplotype scoring Access Restrictions |
Warnke, Scott E.; Barnaby, Jinyoung Y. 2023. Crop Science. May/June. 63(3): p. 1628-1633. |
329830 |
Effect of plant growth regulators on creeping bentgrass during heat, salt, and combined stress |
Drake, Arly Marie; Danneberger, T. Karl; Gardner, David S. 2023. HortScience. April. 58(4): p. 410-418. |
327070 |
Genome resources for four Clarireedia species causing dollar spot on diverse turfgrasses |
Zhang, Huangwei; Dong, Yinglu; Jin, Peiyuan; Hu, Jian; Lamour, Kurt; Yang, Zhimin. 2023. Plant Disease. March. 107(3): p. 929-934. |
327886 |
Effect of core cultivation, fertility, and plant growth regulators on recovery of voided creeping bentgrass greens canopies following annual bluegrass control via methiozolin |
Venner, Katelyn A.; Ervin, Erik; Koo, Suk-Jin; Peppers, John M.; Askew, Shawn D. 2023. Weed Technology. March/April. 37(2): p. 185-191. |
331110 |
Managing bentgrass putting greens without plant growth regulators | Booth, Jordan. 2023. USGA Green Section Record. February 3. 61(2): p. [1-7]. |
325101 |
Winter injury prevention strategies in midwinter |
Moeller, Adam. 2023. USGA Green Section Record. February 3. 61(2): p. [1-2]. |
325104 |
The effects of soil test philosophy recommendations on creeping bentgrass and annual bluegrass | Frank, Kevin W.; Perkinson, Payton; Guevara, Jackie. 2022. Turfgrass Field Day. p. 6. |
322876 |
Winterkill reestablishment | Frank, Kevin W.; Perkinson, Payton; Guevara, Jackie. 2022. Turfgrass Field Day. p. 6-7. |
322877 |
Selection and evaluation of shade tolerance in creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera) | Bonos, Stacy A.; MacPherson, Eric. 2022. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2022 Progress Reports. p. 13-23. |
328654 |
Characterization of an antifungal protein from the fungal endophyte of strong creeping red fescue with activity against the dollar spot pathogen | Belanger, Faith C.; Clarke, Bruce B. 2022. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2022 Progress Reports. p. 24-29. |
328655 |
Expression profiling of host plants and Ophisophaerella spp. during infection and colonization of diseased and asymptomatic hosts | Walker, N. R.; Hagen, D.; Garzon, C. D.; Wu, Y. 2022. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2022 Progress Reports. p. 40-42. |
328651 |
A national evaluation of cool-season turfgrass cultivar water use and drought tolerance under golf course fairway management | Morris, Kevin. 2022. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2022 Progress Reports. p. 96-99. |
328658 |
Topdressing sand size effects on mat layer development during treatment years 5-7 | Murphy, James A.; Xu, Zhongqi. 2022. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2022 Progress Reports. p. 147-158. |
328666 |
Determining irrigation thresholds to optimize water use, turf health, and playability | Friell, Josh; Schwab, Ryan; Watkins, Eric; Spokas, Kurt. 2022. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2022 Progress Reports. p. 222-228. |
328688 |
Optimizing irrigation strategies through remote stress detection | McCall, David; Roberson, Travis. 2022. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2022 Progress Reports. p. 233-238. |
328692 |
Characterizing immune system responses of select plant health products for putting greens | Ervin, Erik; Kaur, Charanpreet; Bais, Harsh; Guertal, Beth; Fidanza, Mike. 2022. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2022 Progress Reports. p. 262-270. |
328717 |
Characterization of turfgrass plant induced defenses in response to annual bluegrass weevil feeding | Merewitz-Holm, Emily; McGraw, Benjamin A. 2022. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2022 Progress Reports. p. 340-347. |
328689 |
Engineering turfgrass rhizobacteria for selective control of fall armyworm | Beckmann, John F.; Held, David; Cotton, Janiyah. 2022. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2022 Progress Reports. p. 348-351. |
328691 |
Putting green canopy reflectance by time from colourant and spray oil combination product application Access Restrictions |
Leiby, Nathaniel L.; Schlossberg, M. J. 2022. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 43(19-24): p. 7024-7038. |
340110 |
Occurence of the lance nematode Hoplolaimus stephanus infecting bentgrass Agrostis stolonifera in Georgia, U.S.A. Access Restrictions |
Jagdale, Ganpati B.; Nugraha, Gema Takbir; Martin, Katherine; Martinez-Espinoza, Alfredo Dick; Hajihassani, Abolfazl. 2022. Plant Health Progress. 23(2): p. 162-165. |
336737 |
2021 Creeping bentgrass putting green National Turfgrass Evaluation Program trial |
McFadden, Dani; Fry, Jack D. 2022. 2022 Turfgrass Research: Research Reports [Kansas State University]. 8(5): p. [1-7]. |
323034 |
An examination of turfgrass species use on golf course putting greens |
Brosnan, James T.; Peake, Jason B.; Schwartz, Brian M. 2022. Crop, Forage and Turfgrass Management. 8(1): p. e20160 [1-4]. |
329854 |
Reduced creeping bentgrass fairway reflectance following synthetic colorant application |
Leiby, Nathaniel L.; Schlossberg, Maxim J. 2022. Agricultural and Environmental Letters. 7(1): p. e20064 [1-6]. |
316868 |
Phosphorus influences annual bluegrass competitiveness at seeding in perennial ryegrass and creeping bentgrass |
McNally, Brandon C.; Elmore, Matthew T.; Kowalewski, Alexander R.; Cain, Alyssa B. 2022. Agrosystems, Geosciences & Environment. 5(4): p. e20321 [1-11]. |
336990 |
Regulation of nutrient accumulation by γ-aminobutyric acid associated with GABA priming-enhanced heat tolerance in creeping bentgrass |
Li, Zhou; Burgess, Patrick; Peng, Yan; Huang, Bingru. 2022. Grass Research. 2: p. 5 [1-8]. |
337754 |
Growth and physiological effects of chitosan on heat tolerance in creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera) |
Li, Qiuguo; Li, Ruonan; He, Fahui; Yang, Zhimin; Yu, Jingjin. 2022. Grass Research. 2: p. 6 [1-7]. |
337755 |
Standardization of seed rates for turf establishment under mid hill conditions Access Restrictions |
Acharya, Ashna; Wazir, J. S.; Bhalla, Rajesh. 2022. Indian Journal of Horticulture. December. 79(4): p. 471-477. |
326945 |
Evaluation of hollow-tine core aerification recycling on a sand-based putting green soil properties and playability |
Lindsey, Alex J.; Thoms, Adam W.; Christians, Nick E.; Pease, Ben W. 2022. HortTechnology. December. 32(6): p. 529-533. |
323192 |
New insights into the mechanism of Trichoderma virens-induced developmental effects on Agrostis stolonifera disease resistance against dollar spot infection |
Gan, Lu; Yin, Yuelan; Niu, Qichen; Yan, Xuebing; Yin, Shuxia. 2022. Journal of Fungi. November. 8(11): p. 1186 [1-18]. |
336979 |
The Epichloë festucae antifungal protein Efe-AfpA protects creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera) from the plant pathogen Clarireedia jacksonii, the causal agent of dollar spot disease |
Fardella, Patrick A; Tian, Zipeng; Clarke, Bruce B.; Belanger, Faith C. 2022. Journal of Fungi. October. 8(10): p. 1097 [1-29]. |
328263 |
Phosphite-mediated enhancement of defence responses in Agrostis stolonifera and Poa annua infected by Microdochium nivale Access Restrictions |
Dempsey, John J.; Wilson, Ian; Spencer-Phillips, Peter T. N.; Arnold, Dawn L. 2022. Plant Pathology. September. 71(7): p. 1486-1495. |
339384 |
Distribution and prevalence of plant-parasitic nematodes of turfgrass at golf courses in China |
Dong, Yinglu; Jin, Peiyuan; Zhang, Huangwei; Hu, Jian; Lamour, Kurt; Yang, Zhimin. 2022. Biology. September. 11(9): p. 1322 [1-15]. |
328195 |
Successful fairway regrassing starts with proper planning |
Nicoludis, Zach. 2022. USGA Green Section Record. September 2. 60(16): p. [1-3]. |
321571 |
Practice tee divot recovery in the upper transition zone - Hybrid bermudagrass vs. creeping bentgrass | Moeller, Adam. 2022. USGA Green Section Record. August 19. 60(15): p. [1-8]. |
321561 |
Differential regulation of amino acids and nitrogen for dought tolerance and poststress recovery in creeping bentgrass |
Chapman, Cathryn; Rossi, Stephanie; Yuan, Bo; Huang, Bingru. 2022. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science. July. 147(4): p. 208-215. |
323984 |
Benefits of a soil surfactant on putting greens under dry and wet conditions Access Restrictions |
Aamlid, Trygve S.; Pettersen, Trond. 2022. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. June. 14(1): p. 157-168. |
321242 |
Comparison of nitrogen assimilation components among Agrostis species and cultivars Access Restrictions |
DaCosta, Michelle; Ebdon, Jeffrey Scott; Chappell, Lindsey Hoffman. 2022. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. June. 14(1): p. 236-249. |
321250 |
Humic acids-based biostimulants impact on root viability and hormone metabolism in creeping bentgrass putting greens Access Restrictions |
Zhang, Xunzhong; Goatley, Mike; McCall, David; Kosiarski, Kelly; Reith, Frank. 2022. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. June. 14(1): p. 288-294. |
321264 |
Effects of plant biostimulants on seedling root and shoot growth of three cool-season turfgrass species in a controlled environment Access Restrictions |
Acuña, Alejandra; Gardner, David; Villalobos, Luis; Danneberger, Karl. 2022. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. June. 14(1): p. 416-421. |
321292 |
Glycerin-based nitrogen applications for turfgrass growth Access Restrictions |
Mertz, Isaac; Christians, Nick; Thoms, Adam. 2022. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. June. 14(1): p. 422-432. |
321279 |
Evaluating the use of branched-chain amino acids in combination with urea on creeping bentgrass at establishment Access Restrictions |
Mertz, Isaac; Thoms, Adam; Christians, Nick. 2022. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. June. 14(1): p. 433-440. |
321280 |
Influence of mowing height of cut and frequency for golf tournament preparation on putting green ball roll distance and turfgrass quality Access Restrictions |
Lulis, Timothy L.; Kaminski, John E. 2022. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. June. 14(1): p. 470-479. |
321284 |
Practical reestablishment of golf greens following winter damages - A field study Access Restrictions |
Lönnberg, Carl-Johan; Aamlid, Trygve S. 2022. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. June. 14(1): p. 533-538. |
321294 |
Influence of foot traffic, irrigation, nitrogen fertilization, and weather factors on tissue N content in creeping bentgrass 'Focus' Access Restrictions |
Zhou, Qiyu; Soldat, Douglas J. 2022. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. June. 14(1): p. 560-564. |
321299 |
Plant parasitic nematodes, substrates or grass species as reasons for poor reestablishment of a sand-based putting green after winter kill Access Restrictions |
Xiao, Kemeng; Hesselsøe, Karin Juul; Magnusson, Christer; Espevig, Tatsiana; Pettersen, Trond; Aamlid, Trygve S. 2022. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. June. 14(1): p. 569-574. |
321301 |
Viability of five fairway turfgrasses with and without chemical inputs Access Restrictions |
Pease, Benjamin W.; Stier, John C. 2022. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. June. 14(1): p. 575-582. |
321302 |
Divot recovery of cool-season turfgrass species and mixtures in low maintenance fairways Access Restrictions |
Bonos, Stacy A.; Weibel, Eric N.; Honig, Josh; Murphy, James A.; Hoffman-Chappell, Lindsey; Meyer, William A. 2022. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. June. 14(1): p. 583-596. |
321303 |
A novel method of generating RNAi libraries for high-throughput gene function analysis of creeping bentgrass Access Restrictions |
Hao, Jingjie; Ma, Conglie; Yin, Yanhai; Fei, Shui-zhang. 2022. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. June. 14(1): p. 622-631. |
321306 |
Gene expression differences for drought stress response in three cool-season turfgrasses Access Restrictions |
Bushman, B. Shaun; Robbins, Matthew D.; Warnke, Scott E.; Martin, Ruth; Harris-Shultz, Karen; Amundsen, Keenan E. 2022. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. June. 14(1): p. 694-700. |
321314 |
Seed mixtures of red fescue and colonial, creeping, or velvet bentgrass for pesticide-free management of Nordic golf greens Access Restrictions |
Hesselsøe, Karin Juul; Heltoft, Pia; Espevig, Tatsiana; Aamlid, Trygve. 2022. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. June. 14(1): p. 701-707. |
321316 |
Selective perennial ryegrass control in creeping bentgrass with flazasulfuron Access Restrictions |
Goddard, Matthew J. R.; Gonçalves, Clebson G.; Askew, Shawn D. 2022. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. June. 14(1): p. 742-746. |
321482 |
Response of creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera) and weed species to plant growth regulators Access Restrictions |
Henry, Gerald M.; Moore, Madison; Tucker, Kevin A. 2022. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. June. 14(1): p. 791-796. |
321454 |
Utilizing organic amendments for general suppression of dollar spot on creeping bentgrass turf Access Restrictions |
Beckley, Cody James; Roberts, Joseph Anthony. 2022. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. June. 14(1): p. 835-850. |
321468 |
Etiology and management of Pythium root rot in golf course putting greens Access Restrictions |
Hampy, Halle D.; Van Ryzin, Benjamin J.; Butler, E. Lee; Kerns, James P. 2022. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. June. 14(1): p. 851-860. |
321471 |
Strategies for increasing ferrous sulfate efficacy against dollar spot of creeping bentgrass Access Restrictions |
Hutchens, Wendell J.; Roberson, Travis L.; Shelton, Camden D.; Askew, Shawn D.; McCall, David S. 2022. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. June. 14(1): p. 861-872. |
321473 |
Effects of fungicides on creeping bentgrass health and rooting characteristics under abiotic stress Access Restrictions |
Schiavon, Marco; Petelewicz, Pawel; Orlinski, Pawel M.; Baird, James H. 2022. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. June. 14(1): p. 893-901. |
321477 |