Keyword: American Society of Golf Course Architects
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Projects at 7 golf courses earn Enviromental Excellence Awards | Parker, Linda. 2020. The Golf Course Trades. February 5. 29(2): p. 26, 28. |
310571 |
Embracing the new Access Restrictions |
Evans, J. Rhett. 2020. Golf Course Management. January. 88(1): p. 16. |
309941 |
ASGCA announces 2019 Design Excellence Recognition Program honorees: Projects in five states and Mexico lauded for addressing design challenges |
Anonymous. 2020. Golf Course Industry. January. 32(1): p. 11-12. |
310380 |
Growing up in golf |
Whitney, Marc. 2019. By Design. Summer. 44: p. 18-19, 21. |
307852 |
Michael Benkusky, ASGCA |
Anonymous. 2019. By Design. Summer. 44: p. 24. |
307876 |
"We are trying hard to make golfers think" |
Anonymous. 2019. Golf Course Architecture. October. 58: p. 41. |
309183 |
ASGCA announces first Environmental Excellence Awards honorees |
Anonymous. 2019. Golf Course Industry. October. 31(10): p. 10-11. |
308890 |
Sustainability leads annual meeting agendas |
Anonymous. 2019. Golf Course Architecture. July. 57: p. 32-33. |
308927 |
Facelift wishlists Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 2019. Golf Course Management. May. 87(5): p. 22. |
305333 |
Bates, ASGCA, returns to Circling Raven for renovation project | Anonymous. 2019. The Golf Course Trades. May 5. 29[32](5): p. 10. |
306004 |
Nice life, Alice: Saying goodbye to a legend and friend | Whitten, Ron. 2019. Golf Digest. April. 70(4): p. 52. |
304875 |
NGCOA sets sail on GIS partnership |
Anonymous. 2019. Golfdom. March. 75(3): p. 8. |
304281 |
Alice Dye, 1927-2019: Groundbreaking architect was a pioneer for women in the golf industry and a key partner in many of golf's most iconic designs |
Vasilak, Robert J. 2019. Golf Inc.. March/April. 28(2): p. 28. |
306143 |
Working together: ASGCA members often team up to help projects succeed |
Humphreys, Richard. 2019. By Design. Spring. 43: p. 12-17. |
307818 |
Champion of golf: ASGCA past president Alice Dye was a champion golfer, but she also spent most of her life championing the sport. ASGCA members share their stories about Alice's influence on them and the profession |
Anonymous. 2019. By Design. Spring. 43: p. 18-21. |
307820 |
Dave Heatwole, ASGCA |
Anonymous. 2019. By Design. Spring. 43: p. 24. |
307828 |
Obituary - Alice Dye: Alice Dye, the first female president of the American Society of Golf Course Architects (ASGCA), a Fellow and 2017 Donald Ross Award recpient, died on 1st February 2019, at the age of 91 |
Anonymous. 2019. Pitchcare. February/March. 83: p. 7. |
306221 |
Planning to succeed: Meticulous planning is one of the hallmarks of golf design projects that are completed on time and within budget |
Ingleton, Toby. 2018. By Design. Summer. 39: p. Cover, 12-17. |
298936 |
International flavor, from the heart of Texas: Jeff Blume brings a world of experience to his clients, and the ASGCA presidency |
Whitney, Marc. 2018. By Design. Summer. 39: p. 20-21. |
298939 |
Free rein: Are golf course architects ever allowed to create precisely what they want? |
Humphreys, Richard. 2018. By Design. Winter. 41: p. Cover, 12-17. |
303452 |
Giving back: Many ASGCA members share their expertise in golf course design through formal education |
Humphreys, Richard. 2018. By Design. Winter. 41: p. 18-21. |
303453 |
Recognizing the return on golf investments |
Whitney, Marc. 2018. By Design. Winter. 41: p. 22-23. |
303454 |
Kevin Ramsey, ASGCA |
Anonymous. 2018. By Design. Winter. 41: p. 24. |
303455 |
New additions |
Humphreys, Richard. 2018. By Design. Fall. 40: p. 20-23. |
300998 |
What are golf course architects doing? |
Last, Jon. 2018. By Design. Fall. 40: p. 24-25. |
300999 |
Troy Vincent, ASGCA |
Anonymous. 2018. By Design. Fall. 40: p. 26. |
301000 |
Tartan tales |
Cipriano, Guy. 2018. Golf Course Industry. May. 30(5): p. 6-7. |
298331 |
Making golf fun: What exactly is it that makes golf fun? Should clubs simply make their courses easier, or is there more to it than that? |
Ingleton, Toby. 2018. By Design. Spring. 38: p. Cover, 12-17. |
301435 |
President George H.W. Bush to receive ASGCA Donald Ross Award |
Anonymous. 2018. By Design. Spring. 38: p. 4. |
301433 |
Weed hired to design Michael Jordan's new Florida course |
Anonymous. 2018. By Design. Spring. 38: p. 5. |
301434 |
In the footsteps of founders: By Design reflects on the lives and careers of ASGCA Fellows Jeff Hardin and Dick Nugent, who both passed away on January 1, 2018 |
Anonymous. 2018. By Design. Spring. 38: p. 18-19. |
301436 |
What do clubs (and golfers) want? |
Last, Jon. 2018. By Design. Spring. 38: p. 20-21. |
301437 |
Restoring the best: A meticulous renovation project has returned a seminal Pete Dye course to its original glory |
Anonymous. 2018. By Design. February. p. 7. |
295145 |
President George Herbert Walker Bush to receive ASGCA Donald Ross Award | Anonymous. 2018. Earth Shaping News. 1st Quarter. p. 24. |
303700 |
David W. Gordon, ASGCA Fellow, Dies at 95 | Whitney, Marc. [2017]. Brookfield, Wisconsin: American Society of Golf Course Architects. [1] p. |
291295 |
Tripp Davis completes restoration work at Whippoorwill Club |
Anonymous. 2017. By Design. Summer. 34: p. 9. |
285647 |
The first lady of golf course architecture: A pioneer for women's golf and one of the industry's most influential golf course architects, ASGCA Past President Alice Dye, ASGCA Fellow, has been presented with the 2017 Donald Ross Award |
Anonymous. 2017. By Design. Summer. 34: p. 20-21. |
285649 |
Strategic, estratégico, stratégique...: In any language, the work of ASGCA President John Sanford, ASGCA, is strategic in nature |
Whitney, Marc. 2017. By Design. Summer. 34: p. 26-27. |
285661 |
David Dale, ASGCA |
Anonymous. 2017. By Design. Summer. 34: p. 28. |
285663 |
Looking into the future |
Lawrence, Adam. 2017. By Design. Winter. 36: p. Cover, 12-17. |
294150 |
Projects recognized for design excellence |
Anonymous. 2017. By Design. Winter. 36: p. 4-5. |
294141 |
Redesign: Smyers redesigns Eastwood course |
Anonymous. 2017. By Design. Winter. 36: p. 9. |
294147 |
A life on the course: Pennsylvanian architect David William Gordon passed away this October aged 95. By Design reflects on a career that saw him work alongside his father to create many revered layouts in the northeastern U.S. |
Anonymous. 2017. By Design. Winter. 36: p. 22-23. |
294153 |
The case for taking the road not taken |
Crace, Nathan. 2017. Golf Course Industry. December. 29(12): p. 50-52. |
293949 |
South Shore Country Club grant to be driver for course improvements |
Anonymous. 2017. The Newsletter [New England]. October. p. 6. |
295108 |
Fresh thinking | Anonymous. 2017. By Design. Fall. 35: p. 24-27. |
288870 |
Robert Frederick (Bob) Moote, ASGCA Fellow, dies at 92 | Anonymous. 2017. American Society of Golf Course Architects: In the News. June 2. p. [1-2]. |
286642 |
Moving forward: By Design speaks with a panel of golf course architects about the Longleaf Tee Initiative |
Anonymous. 2017. By Design. April. Special: p. 4-6. |
284419 |
Mixing it up: Multiple tee location initiatives are proving a great way for clubs to appeal to players of all abilities and ages. It's why many leading courses are forging ahead with their own plans to introduce them. We report on some of the most prominent developments |
Anonymous. 2017. By Design. April. Special: p. 14-17. |
284422 |
70 years of ASGCA: 2017 marks the 70th anniversary of the American Society of Golf Course Architects |
Ingleton, Toby. 2017. By Design. Spring. 32: p. 10-17. |
282320 |
A positive impact on the game of golf: ASGCA Foundation President Clyde Johnston explains how the non-profit organization is supporting facilities and enabling a better golfer experience |
Anonymous. 2017. By Design. Spring. 32: p. 20-21. |
282321 |
Jeffrey Brauer, ASGCA |
Anonymous. 2017. By Design. Spring. 32: p. 22. |
282322 |
ASGCA forum: Putting surfaces and water management | Anonymous. 2016. 2016 GCSAA Education Conference: Conference Session Presentations. p. [1-77]. |
270836 |
Golf participation |
Weisser, Steve. 2016. The Greenerside. Summer. 40(3): p. 13. |
282064 |
The simple interaction of man and nature: Recently-elected ASGCA President Greg martin reflects on his beginnings in the game and career thus far |
Whitney, Marc. 2016. By Design. Summer. 28: p. 14-15. |
272808 |
John Fought, ASGCA |
Anonymous. 2016. By Design. Summer. 28: p. 22. |
272814 |
Advancing the game is key for the ASGCA |
Martin, Greg. 2016. The Boardroom. November/December. 20(267): p. 44-45. |
281897 |
A renaissance man |
Anonymous. 2016. By Design. Fall. 29: p. 10-11. |
275530 |
Welcoming new talent |
Anonymous. 2016. By Design. Fall. 29: p. 24-27. |
275602 |
Innovation and technology discussed at architect meetings |
Anonymous. 2016. Golf Course Architecture. July. 45: p. 17. |
280488 |
Bob Cupp | Anonymous. 2016. Earth Shaping News. 3rd Quarter. p. 33. |
290650 |
USGA, ASGCA to take hands-on approach at six U.S. courses |
Anonymous. 2016. Golfdom. May. 72(5): p. 9. |
272020 |
Tartans of a new era |
Jones, Pat. 2016. Golf Course Industry. May. 28(5): p. 66. |
271824 |
Simsbury Farms Golf Course chosen for pro-bono consultation | Walsh, Michael. 2016. The Hartford Courant. May 24. p. [1-3]. |
274636 |
Century old course takes futuristic approach to renovation project: Innovative project first to receive USGA-ASGCA grant | Dunlap, Jim. 2016. The Pellucid Perspective. March. 7(3): p. 5-6. |
272227 |
A public service | Ingleton, Toby. 2016. By Design. Spring. 27: p. 8-13. |
270941 |
Scoring for all | Anonymous. 2016. By Design. Spring. 27: p. 16-18. |
270943 |
Small projects: The wise decision | Anonymous. 2016. By Design. Spring. 27: p. 20-21. |
270944 |
USGA, ASGCA team up to improve public golf facilities |
Anonymous. 2016. Golfdom. January. 72(1): p. 9. |
268394 |
Uneven lies in search of a level playing field: Some industry stakeholders are more equal than others | Lindsay, Stuart. 2016. The Pellucid Perspective. January. 7(1): p. 5. |
272222 |
Transcript of Twitter Chat with Pete Dye on Whistling Straits | Anonymous. [2015]. Brookfield, Wisconsin: American Society of Golf Course Architects. [3] pp. |
274715 |
Golf Course Architects' Gallery: A Joint Project Proposal |
American Society of Golf Course Architects; Turfgrass Information Center. 201X. [Brookfield, Wisconsin]: American Society for Golf Course Architects; [East Lansing, Michigan]: Turfgrass Information Center, Michigan State University. [9] pp. |
288388 |
Golf course renovations continue to rise | Anonymous. 2015. The Commonwealth Crier. Summer. p. 10. |
265983 |
Design excellence: A variety of skills and expertise are required to take golf projects from concept to reality | Whitney, Marc. 2015. Green Pages. p. 23. |
274500 |
Investing in golf |
Ingleton, Toby. 2015. By Design. Winter. 25: p. 8-11. |
267951 |
Site evaluation: Providing expertise for improvements |
Smith, Aileen. 2015. By Design. Winter. 25: p. 14-15. |
267953 |
Rising tide |
Jones, Pat. 2015. Golf Course Industry. October. 27(10): p. 4, 6. |
266848 |
First Nicklaus design in Vietnam |
Anonymous. 2015. By Design. Fall. 24: p. 5. |
265645 |
Flood resistance at Oak Meadows |
Anonymous. 2015. By Design. Fall. 24: p. 5. |
265651 |
Stillwater renovation completed |
Anonymous. 2015. By Design. Fall. 24: p. 7. |
265653 |
Perfect practice |
Ingleton, Toby. 2015. By Design. Fall. 24: p. 8-15. |
265646 |
Design debate: Celebrating golf's variety |
Smyers, Steve. 2015. By Design. Fall. 24: p. 16-17. |
265647 |
The height of professionalism |
Anonymous. 2015. By Design. Fall. 24: p. 18-21. |
265648 |
Master planning: A key to club renovation |
Idle, Brian. 2015. By Design. Fall. 24: p. 22-23. |
265649 |
Tripp Davis, ASGCA |
Anonymous. 2015. By Design. Fall. 24: p. 24. |
265650 |
Steve Smyers begins term as ASGCA President |
Anonymous. 2015. Earth Shaping News. 1st Quarter. p. 20-21. |
265903 |
Jay Morrish |
Anonymous. 2015. Earth Shaping News. 1st Quarter. p. 25. |
265904 |
Pace of Play: Checklist & Tips for Working With Your Course Architect | American Society of Golf Course Architects. 2014. [Brookfield, Wisconsin]: American Society of Golf Course Architects. [1] p. |
250441 |
Innovative solutions | Anonymous. 2014. By Design. Winter. 21: p. 8-21. |
252262 |
The practice of practice | George, Lester. 2014. By Design. Winter. 21: p. 24. |
251776 |
Course architects honor Golfweek's Klein |
Anonymous. 2014. GOLFWEEK. November 21. 40(35-36): p. 12. |
274503 |
New golf courses: America builds again | Lawrence, Adam. 2014. By Design. Fall. 20: p. 8-17. |
248663 |
Architects get creative in Tulsa | Anonymous. 2014. Golf Course Architecture. July. 37: p. 14. |
248478 |
The ASGCA learning experience: Jeff outlines the highlights from the 2014 meetings |
Brauer, Jeffrey D. 2014. Golf Course Industry. June. 26(6): p. 20. |
246096 |
A call for unity |
Anonymous. 2014. Asian Golf Business. April. 63: p. 8-14. |
246966 |
Global view |
Anonymous. 2014. By Design. Spring. 18: p. 12-15. |
237854 |
Smooth flow |
Anonymous. 2014. By Design. Spring. 18: p. 18-19. |
237884 |
The complexity of our canvas |
Andrew, Ian. 2014. By Design. Spring. 18: p. 20. |
237886 |
Merion East: Return to a legend | Lawrence, Adam. 2013. By Design. Summer. 15: p. 8-11. |
222407 |
ASGCA Meeting: Lessons from Georgia | Anonymous. 2013. By Design. Summer. 15: p. 14-15. |
222413 |