Keyword: Animal manures
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Long-term effects of grazing management and buffer strips on phosphorus runoff from pastures fertilized with poultry litter Access Restrictions |
Anderson, Kelsey R.; Moore, Philip A. Jr.; Pilon, Cristiane; Martin, Jerry W.; Pote, Dan. H.; Owens, Phillip R.; Ashworth, Amanda J.; Miller, David M.; DeLaune, Paul B. 2020. Journal of Environmental Quality. January/February. 49(1): p. 85-96. |
322557 |
Incorporating poultry litter ash as a pre-plant fertilizer to reduce nutrient leaching during bermudagrass establishment Access Restrictions |
Vance, Crystal; Beasley, J.; Gaston, L.; Macal, J.; Sanders, K. 2019. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. 50(17): p. 2190-2197. |
308152 |
Effect of controlled drainage on nitrogen fate and transport for a subsurface drained grass field receiving liquid swine lagoon effluent Access Restrictions |
Liu, Yu; Youssef, Mohamed A.; Chescheir, George M.; Appelboom, Timothy W.; Poole, Chad A.; Arellano, Consuelo; Skaggs, R. Wayne. 2019. Agricultural Water Management. May 20. 217: p. 440-451. |
304921 |
Using poultry litter ash to reduce phosphorus leaching in sandy soils | Rice, Lance. 2018. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 112094. |
302072 |
Using nature's mowers: The pros and cons: Some insights into what goes on beyond the green's fences when playing sheep-grazed golf course |
Mitchell, Andrew; Howard, David. 2018. New Zealand Turf Management Journal. Winter. 35(2): p. Cover, 9-11. |
298743 |
Effects of biochar treatment of municipal biosolids and horse manure on quality of runoff from fescue plots Access Restrictions |
Williams, Rachel E.; Edwards, Dwayne R. 2017. Transactions of the ASABE. 60(2): p. 409-417. |
285590 |
Compost use on turf: Compost as a soil amendment prior to planting turf, and using it for maintenance as a top dressing product, are common applications on residential and commercial landscapes, ball fields and golf courses | Johnston, Marsha W. 2017. BioCycle. December. 58(11): p. 26-28. |
294386 |
Three annual flue gas desulfurization gypsum applications on macronutrient and micronutrient losses in runoff from bermudagrass fertilized with poultry litter Access Restrictions |
Watts, Dexter B.; Torbert, H. Allen. 2017. Soil Science. January. 182(1): p. 18-27. |
282354 |
In-vitro evaluation of microbial isolates from composted farmyard manure for biological control of Cocoyam (Taro: Colocasia spp.) leaf blight diseases | Onuh, Martin. 2016. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 99328. |
278223 |
Poor procedures ignore historical successes |
Nickson, David. 2016. TurfCraft International. May/June. 168: p. 15-17. |
290513 |
Use of zeolite with alum and polyaluminum chloride amendments to mitigate runoff losses of phosphorus, nitrogen, and suspended solids from agricultural wastes applied to grassed soils |
Murnane, J. G.; Brennan, R. B.; Healy, M. G.; Fenton, O. 2015. Journal of Environmental Quality. September/October. 44(5): p. 1674-1683. |
265855 |
Organic amendments for turfgrass and other urban landscapes | Evanylo, Greg. 2015. Virginia Turfgrass Journal. July/August. p. 16-19. |
265720 |
Monitoring Bacteroides spp. markers, nutrients, metals and Escherichia coli in soil and leachate after land application of three types of municipal biosolids Access Restrictions |
McCall, Crystal A.; Jordan, Katerina S.; Habash, Marc B.; Dunfield, Kari E. 2015. Water Research. March 1. 70: p. 255-265. |
269414 |
Effects of seasonal nitrogen on binary mixtures of tall fescue and bermudagrass |
Read, John J.; Lang, David J.; Adeli, Ardeshir. 2014. Agronomy Journal. September/October. 106(5): p. 1667-1676. |
249161 |
Phytoremediation of soil phosphorus with crabgrass |
Gotcher, Malarie J.; Zhang, Hailin; Schroder, Jackie L.; Patyon, Mark E. 2014. Agronomy Journal. March/April. 106(2): p. 528-536. |
237838 |
Nitrate leaching and turf quality in newly sodded St. Augustinegrass Access Restrictions |
Trenholm, L. E.; Unruh, J. B.; Sartain, J. B. 2013. Journal of Plant Nutrition. 36(12): p. 1935-1943. |
228683 |
Response of a cool-season turf mixture to composted chicken manure in a Mediterranean environment Access Restrictions |
Bilgili, Ugur; Surer, Irfan; Uzun, Pervin; Caliskan, Necla; Acikgoz, Esvet. 2013. Journal of Plant Nutrition. 36(10): p. 1533-1548. |
225884 |
Effects on Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis) establishment, root growth, and weed populations |
Mandal, Mili; Chandran, Rakesh S.; Balasko, John A. 2013. Agronomy [MDPI]. 3(4): p. 670-684. |
269756 |
Lambing, ramming and a load of... Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 2013. Pitchcare. June/July. 49: p. 18-23. |
226323 |
Relationship of soil nutrient content from poultry litter and dairy manure on microbial survival in fescue soils | Gilfillen, Rebecca; Cook, Kimberly; Netthisinghe, Annesly; Woosley, Paul; Cundiff, Gary. 2012. ASA, CSSA and SSSA Annual Meetings [2012]. p. 71574. |
213432 |
Effects of compost sources and seeding treatments on germination and emergence of four turfgrass species Access Restrictions |
Dexin, Shan; Evanylo, Gregory; Goatley, J. Michael. 2012. Compost Science & Utilization. Summer. 20(3): p. 165-170. |
211677 |
Policing the geese Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 2012. Golf Course Management. October. 80(10): p. 36. |
212142 |
Characterization, Utilization, and Remediation of Derelict Poultry House Pad Soils Access Restrictions |
Johnson, Gordon C. 2011. Ph.D. Dissertation: University of Delaware. xvi, 238 pp. |
185168 |
Effects of compost sources and treatments on germination and emergence of four turfgrass species | Evanylo, Gregory; Shan, Dexin; Goatley, James. 2011. 2011 International Annual Meetings: [Abstracts][ASA-CSSA-SSSA]. p. 64661. |
192500 |
Effects of vermicompost as turf-bed substrate modifier on creeping bentgrass Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Wang, Xiao-zhi; Wang, Ai-li; Wang, Shou-hong; Zhao, Hai-tao; Shan, Yu-hua; Qian, Xiao-qing; Feng, Ke. 2011. Shengtai yu Nongcun Huanjing Xuebao [Journal of Ecology and Rural Environment]. 3: p. Unknown. |
290965 |
Producer irresponsiblity | Sullivan, Dan; Goldstein, Nora. 2011. BioCycle, The Journal of Composting & Recycling. June. 52(6): p. 4. |
184835 |
Feed and weeds Access Restrictions |
Carson, Teresa. 2011. Golf Course Management. May. 79(5): p. 38. |
180860 |
Bermudagrass forage yield and ammonia volatilization as affected by nitrogen fertilization Access Restrictions |
Colin, Massey G.; Slaton, Nathan A.; Norman, Richard J.; Gbur, Edward E. Jr.; DeLong, Russell E.; Golden, Bobby R. 2011. Soil Science Society of America Journal. March. 75(2): p. 638-648. |
181123 |
Poultry compost as an amendment for establishing creeping bentgrass in a sand-based rootzone | Summerford, Josh; Karcher, Doug. 2010. Arkansas Turfgrass Report 2009. p. 104-107. |
167370 |
Canada goose weed dispersal and nutrient loading in turfgrass systems |
Ayers, Christopher R.; DePerno, Christopher S.; Moorman, Christopher E.; Yelverton, Fred H. 2010. Applied Turfgrass Science. December. 7(1): p. [1-6]. |
160059 |
Poultry litter and its chemical equivalent can affect ergot alkaloid concentrations in tall fescue |
Rogers, Wendi M.; Roberts, Craig A.; Kallenbach, Robert L.; Rottinghaus, George E.; Hill, Nicholas S.; McClain, William E.; Blevins, Dale G. 2010. Forage and Grazinglands. December 3. p. [1-11]. |
174397 |
Recycling food waste fertilizers now on market |
Gildea, Edward J. 2010. SportsTurf. November. 26(11): p. 38. |
172781 |
Microbial mineralization of organic nitrogen forms in poultry litters |
Rothrock, Michael J. Jr.; Cook, Kimberly L.; Warren, Jason G.; Eiteman, Mark A.; Sistani, Karamat. 2010. Journal of Environmental Quality. September. 39(5): p. 1848-1857. |
169293 |
Apparent use efficiency of nitrogen and phosphorus from litter applied to bermudagrass Access Restrictions |
Sistani, K. R.; Adeli, A.; Tewolde, H. 2010. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. January. 41(15): p. 1873-1884. |
166462 |
Pelletized Poultry Litter as a Nutrient Source for Turfgrass Sports Fields Access Restrictions |
Sprinkle, Amy Lyn. 2009. Ph.D. Dissertation: University of Delaware. 84 pp. |
160660 |
Cycling of Geotube® Solids from Dairy Lagoons Through Turfgrass Sod | Provin, T.; Mukhtar, S.; Munster, C.; Vietor, D.; Tahboub, M.; Schnell, R. 2009. College Station, TX.:Texas Water Resources Institute. [17] pp. |
166335 |
Demonstration and Transfer of Selected New Technologies for Animal Waste Pollution Control | Mukhtar, Saqib; Gregory, Lucas. 2009. College Station, TX: Texas Water Resources Institute. [1], 21 pp. |
166343 |
Carbon and Nitrogen Dynamics in Coal Mine Soils Reclaimed with Poultry Manure | Dere, Ashlee L. 2009. M.S. Thesis: Pennsylvania State University. ix, 152 pp. |
174442 |
Bermudagrass Forage Yield and Ammonia Volatilization as Affected by Nitrogen Fertilization Access Restrictions |
Massey, Colin Grant. 2009. M.S. Thesis: University of Arkansas. [2], vii, 149 pp. |
195653 |
Remote sensing of turfgrass quality on athletic fields treated with pelletized poultry litter | Sprinkle, Amy; Hansen, David; White, Susan. 2009. 2009 International Annual Meetings: [Abstracts][ASA-CSSA-SSSA]. p. 52921. |
158257 |
Suitability of an animal waste-based root zone mixture for putting green construction Access Restrictions |
Amoozegar, Aziz; Peacock, Charles; Niewoehner, Christopher. 2009. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 11(Part 2): p. 1033-1040. |
151023 |
Turfgrass producer turns to feedlot for fertilizer needs Access Restrictions |
Grooms, Lynn. 2009. TurfNews [TPI]. September/October. 33(5): p. 22. |
155088 |
[Poultry litter use in Maryland] Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 2009. Golf Course Management. August. 77(8): p. 88. |
153833 |
Impact of gypsum applied to grass buffer strips on reducing soluble P in surface water runoff |
Watts, D. B.; Torbert, H. A. 2009. Journal of Environmental Quality. July/August. 38(4): p. 1511-1517. |
150431 |
Intake and digestibility of 'coastal' bermudagrass hay from treated swine waste using subsurface drip irrigation |
Burns, J. C.; Stone, K. C.; Hunt, P. G.; Vanotti, M. B.; Cantrell, K. B.; Fisher, D. S. 2009. Journal of Environmental Quality. July/August. 38(4): p. 1749-1756. |
150435 |
Runoff water quality from constructed roadside soils receiving large volume-based compost applications |
Hansen, N. E.; Vietor, D. M.; Munster, C. L.; White, R. H.; Provin, T. L. 2009. Transactions of the ASABE. May/June. 52(3): p. 793-800. |
152331 |
Runoff water quality from broiler litter-amended tall fescue in response to natural precipitation in the Ozark Highlands |
Menjoulet, B. C.; Brye, K. R.; Pirani, A. L.; Haggard, B. E.; Gbur, E. E. 2009. Journal of Environmental Quality. May/June. 38(3): p. 1005-1017. |
148462 |
Broiler litter application method and runoff timing effects on nutrient and Escherichia coli losses from tall fescue pasture |
Sistani, K. R.; Torbert, H. A.; Way, T. R.; Bolster, C. H.; Pote, D. H.; Warren, J. G. 2009. Journal of Environmental Quality. May/June. 38(3): p. 1216-1223. |
148468 |
In Situ Remediation of Pb/Zn Contaminated Materials: Field- and Molecular-Scale Investigations |
Baker, Lucas R. 2008. Ph.D. Dissertation: Kansas State University. xxxvi, 357 pp. |
210947 |
Chicken tractoring on the home turf | Heckman, Joseph. 2008. Proceedings of the Seventeenth Annual Rutgers TurfgrassSymposium. p. 43. |
134504 |
Nitrogen availability to turfgrass from pelletized broiler litter | Sprinkle, Amy; Hansen, D. J.; White, Susan. 2008. 2008 Joint Annual Meeting: [Abstracts][GSA/SSSA/ASA/CSSA/GCAGS/HGS]. p. 44830. |
145049 |
Evaluation of Chickity Doo Doo as an organic turfgrass fertilizer | Soldat, Doug; DeBels, Brad; Kreuser, Bill; Melby, Eric. 2008. 2008 Wisconsin Turfgrass Research Reports. 26: p. [21-30]. |
241725 |
Another perspective... [Canada geese and nutrition] | Tracy, Tom. 2008. Virginia Turfgrass Journal. November/December. p. 8. |
142091 |
Comparison of the abilities of centipedegrass (Eremochloa ophiuroides Hack). and zoysiagrass (Zoysia japonica Steud.) to purify liquid animal waste Access Restrictions |
Takada-Oikawa, Naoko; Kawanabe, Sukeo; Oshida, Toshio; Ukiya, Yuya. 2008. Grassland Science. March. 54(1): p. 1-8. |
163433 |
Influence of site conditions on soil responses to manurebased compost applications on athletic fields Access Restrictions |
Petrovic, A. M.; Gruttadaurio, J.; Barlow, J.; Harrison, E. Z.; Bonhotal, J.; Schwarz, M.; Soldat, D. J. 2008. Acta Horticulturae. February. 783: p. 415-424. |
136435 |
Turfgrass response to manurebased compost applications on athletic fields bases on site factors Access Restrictions |
Petrovic, A. M.; Gruttadaurio, J.; Barlow, J.; Harrison, E. Z.; Bonhotal, J.; Schwarz, M.; Soldat, D. J. 2008. Acta Horticulturae. February. 783: p. 425-436. |
136436 |
Evaluating the potential of composted cow manure as a soil amendment in urban landscapes | Shober, Amy; Stanley, Craig; Harbaugh, Brent. 2007. Abstracts: 2007 International Annual Meetings[ASA/CSSA/SSSA]. p. [1]. |
132009 |
Using pelletized poultry litter as a fertilizer on athletic fields | Sprinkle, Amy; Hansen, D. J.; White, Susan. 2007. Abstracts: 2007 International Annual Meetings[ASA/CSSA/SSSA]. p. [1]. |
132703 |
Nutrient and Metal Runoff from Broiler Litter-Amended Tall Fescue in Response to Natural Precipitation Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Menjoulet, Brie C. 2007. M.S. Thesis: University of Arkansas, Fayetteville. xii, 130 pp. |
170393 |
Controlled application rate of water treatment residual for agronomic and environmental benefits |
Oladeji, Olawale O.; O'Connor, George A.; Sartain, Jerry B.; Nair, Vimala D. 2007. Journal of Environmental Quality. November/December. 36(6): p. 1715-1724. |
131102 |
Improving soil health: Compost use on established turf Access Restrictions |
Schwarz, Mary; Bonhotal, Jean; Gruttadaurio, Joann; Harrison, Ellen; Petrovic, A. Martin. 2007. BioCycle, The Journal of Composting & Recycling. September. 48(9): p. 27-29. |
128623 |
The facts about dog waste products and turfgrass |
Thompson, Steve. 2007. Turf & Recreation. April/May. p. 40, 42, 44, 46. |
125563 |
Mineralization and N fertilizer equivalent value of composts as assessed by tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea) Access Restrictions |
Bowden, C.; Spargo, J.; Evanylo, G. 2007. Compost Science & Utilization. Spring. 15(2): p. 111-118. |
125179 |
Aerating grasslands: Effects on runoff and phosphorus losses from applied broiler litter |
Franklin, D. H.; Cabrera, M. L.; West, L. T.; Calvert, V. H.; Rema, J. A. 2007. Journal of Environmental Quality. January/February. 36(1): p. 208-215. |
120344 |
Aggregate associated carbon, nitrogen, and sulphur and their ratios in long-term fertilized soils | Singh, Bal; Yang, Zhihui. 2006. Abstracts: 2006 International Annual Meetings [ASA/CSSA/SSSA]. p. [1]. |
121207 |
What dairy cows are fed impacts manure N excretions and cycling in soils | Powell, J. Mark; Wattiaux, Michel; Broderick, Glen; Moreira, Vinicius; Casler, Michael. 2006. Abstracts: 2006 International Annual Meetings [ASA/CSSA/SSSA]. p. [1]. |
121213 |
Ground cover impacts on sediment and phosphorus export from manured riparian pasture |
Butler, David M.; Franklin, Dorcas H.; Ranells, Noah N.; Poore, Matthew H.; Green, James T. Jr. 2006. Journal of Environmental Quality. November/December. 35(6): p. 2178-2185. |
118635 |
Cowboy golf |
Anonymous. 2006. Golfweek's SuperNEWS. October 27. 8(19): p. 1. |
119427 |
Phytotoxicity of biosolids compost at different degrees of maturity compared to biosolids and animal manures Access Restrictions |
Zubillaga, Marta Susana; Lavado, Raúl Silvio. 2006. Compost Science & Utilization. Autumn. 14(4): p. 267-270. |
118862 |
Fertilization and mowing effects on unimproved mixed-species hayfields in Quebec, Canada |
Eriksen-Hamel, Nikita S.; Whalen, Joann K. 2006. Crop Science. September/October. 46(5): p. 1955-1962. |
115871 |
Maturity effects on mineral concentration and uptake in annual ryegrass Access Restrictions |
Brink, G. E.; Sistani, K. R.; Oldham, J. L.; Pederson, G. A. 2006. Journal of Plant Nutrition. June. 29(6): p. 1143-1155. |
112969 |
Characteristics of organic nitrogen fertilizers |
Gathercole, William H.; Gilbert, Jenny. 2006. Turf & Recreation. April/May. 19(3): p. 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32. |
111731 |
Pursuits; Home: Turf wars; Armed with chicken manure, organic lawn product makers are battling for your backyard Access Restrictions |
Bounds, Gwendolyn; Brat, Ilan. 2006. The Wall Street Journal. April 15. p. [1-3]. |
110864 |
Comparison of the abilities of redtop (Agrostis alba L.) and zoysiagrass (Zoysia japonica Steud.) to purify liquid animal waste Access Restrictions |
Takada-Oikawa, Naoko; Kawanabe, Sukeo; Oshida, Toshio; Itagaki, Shin-ichi; Onozawa, Minori; Sakurai, Masumi. 2006. Grassland Science. March. 52(1): p. 15-21. |
163286 |
Effects of soil type on bermudagrass response to broiler litter application |
Adeli, A.; Rowe, D. E.; Read, J. J. 2006. Agronomy Journal. January/February. 98(1): p. 148-155. |
112354 |
Nutrient Management on Golf Courses in Delaware Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Sprinkle, Amy Lyn. 2005. M.S. Thesis: University of Delaware. 155 pp. |
142345 |
Amending Subsoil With Composted Poultry Litter: Effects on Soil Physical and Chemical Properties, Turfgrass Establishment and Weed Pressure Access Restrictions |
Mandal, Mili. 2005. M.S. Thesis: West Virginia University. ix, 88 pp. |
287946 |
Efficacy of fungicides and nozzle coverage for control of dollar spot on a creeping bentgrass sand-based green, 2004 | Vincelli, P.; Dixon, E.; Williams, D.; Burrus, P. 2005. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests. 60: p. 1-2. |
104693 |
Turfgrass cover and weed pressure in subsoil amended with composted poultry litter | Mandal, M.; Chandran, R. S. 2005. Proceedings: NortheasternWeed Science Society. 59: p. 94. |
104192 |
Susceptibility of Kentucky bluegrass under different regimes of composted poultry litter to Drechslera leaf spot, 2004 | Chandran, R. S.; Baniecki, J. F.; Wilson, A.; Mandal, M. 2005. Biological and Cultural Tests for Control of Plant Diseases. 20: p. [1]. |
104685 |
Nitrogen and phosphorus leaching in golf green sand rootzone mixes amended with various organic materials |
Boniak, R.; Chong, S.-K. 2005. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 10(Part 1): p. 86-92. |
105325 |
Potential management approaches for the sting nematode in bermudagrass sod production Access Restrictions |
Walker, Nathan R.; Zhang, Hailin; Martin, Dennis L. 2005. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 10(Part 2): p. 793-796. |
105714 |
Yield, digestibility, and nutritive value of crabgrass as impacted by nitrogen fertilization rate and source |
Teutsch, Chris D.; Fike, John H.; Tilson, W. Mac. 2005. Agronomy Journal. November/December. 97(6): p. 1640-1646. |
108944 |
Whole-farm perspectives of nutrient flows in grassland agriculture |
Rotz, C. A.; Taube, F.; Russelle, M. P.; Oenema, J.; Sanderson, M. A.; Wachendorf, M. 2005. Crop Science. November/December. 45(6): p. 2139-2159. |
107760 |
Impact of soil amendments on reducing phosphorus losses from runoff sod |
Torbert, H. A.; King, K. W.; Harmel, R. D. 2005. Journal of Environmental Quality. July/August. 34(4): p. 1415-1421. |
110365 |
The Fate of Manure Phosphorus During Production and Harvest of Turfgrass Sod | McDonald, Brandon Tieman. 2005. M.S. Thesis: Texas A&M University. viii, 64 pp. |
149226 |
Ruling the roost: Chicken farmer finds big market for mulch by-product |
Barnett, Ron. 2005. Turf: South. January. 16(1): p. B10-B12, B14-B15. |
103850 |
Optimizing production and P export through manure-grown turfgrass sod |
McDonald, B. T.; White, R. H.; Provin, T. L.; Munster, C. L. 2004. 2004 Annual Meeting Abstracts [ASA/CSSA/SSSA/CSSS]. p. [1]. |
102809 |
Poultry litter sand as a source for putting green construction |
Guertal, Elizabeth A.; Hess, J. B.; Blake, J. P.; Bilgili, S. F.; Norton, R. A.; Macklin, K. S. 2004. 2004 Annual Meeting Abstracts [ASA/CSSA/SSSA/CSSS]. p. [1]. |
102908 |
Alternative uses of warm-season forage grasses |
Sanderson, Matt A.; Brink, Geoffrey E.; Higgins, Kenneth F.; Naugle, David E. 2004. p. 389-416. In: Moser, Lowell E.; Burson, Byron L.; Sollenberger, Lynn E., eds. Warm-Season (C4) Grasses. Madison, Wisconsin: American Society of Agronomy, Inc.; Crop Science Society of America, Inc.; Soil Science Society of America, Inc. |
103333 |
Effect of composted poultry litter on the germination of different weed species | Mandal, M.; Chandran, R. S. 2004. Proceedings: NortheasternWeed Science Society. 58: p. 112. |
94976 |
Abundant geese raise hackles on golf course |
Rawlins, Wade. 2004. North Carolina Turfgrass. December/January. 21(7): p. 4. |
93046 |
Bentgrass response and rootzone mixes properties as affected by the amendment of various treated organic wastes Access Restrictions |
Boniak, R.; Clark, J.; Chong, S. -K.; Indorante, S. J. 2004. Acta Horticulturae. November. 661: p. 65-69. |
101689 |
Nutrient uptake of hybrid and common bermudagrass fertilized with broiler litter |
Brink, G. E.; Sistani, K. R.; Rowe, D. E. 2004. Agronomy Journal. November/December. 96(6): p. 1509-1515. |
100100 |
Forage yield and nutrient uptake of warm-season annual grasses in a swine effluent spray field |
McLaughlin, M. R.; Fairbrother, T. E.; Rowe, D. E. 2004. Agronomy Journal. November/December. 96(6): p. 1516-1522. |
100107 |
Bermudagrass management in the southern piedmont USA: VIII. Soil pH and nutrient cations |
Franzluebbers, A. J.; Wilkinson, S. R.; Stuedemann, J. A. 2004. Agronomy Journal. September/October. 96(5): p. 1390-1399. |
107691 |
Bermudagrass management in the southern piedmont USA: X. Coastal productivity and persistence in response to fertilization and defoliation regimes |
Franzluebbers, A. J.; Wilkinson, S. R.; Stuedemann, J. A. 2004. Agronomy Journal. September/October. 96(5): p. 1400-1411. |
107713 |
Organic by-product solutions |
Morris, Anne. 2004. Superintendent: The Magazine for Golf Course Superintendents. September. 3(9): p. 12-13. |
101358 | |
Phosphorus runoff can be prevented using water treatment residues Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 2004. BioCycle, The Journal of Composting & Recycling. August. 45(8): p. 8. |
97723 |
Mechanical control of shrubs in a semiarid region of Argentina and its effect on soil water content and grassland productivity Access Restrictions |
Adema, Edgardo O.; Buschiazzo, Daniel E.; Babinec, Francisco J.; Rucci, Tito E.; Gomez Hermida, Vanina F. 2004. Agricultural Water Management. August 15. 68(3): p. 185-194. |
107732 |