Keyword: Artificial turf
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
An environmental problem in the making: How media logic molds scientific uncertainty in the production of news about artificial turf in Sweden |
Abalo, Ernesto; Olausson, Ulrika. 2023. JCOM, Journal of Science Communication. 22(1): p. 1-18. |
326987 |
The dark side of artificial greening: Plastic turfs as widespread pollutants of aquatic environments |
de Haan, William P.; Quintana, Rocío; Vilas, César; Cózar, Andrés; Canals, Miquel; Uviedo, Oriol; Sanchez-Vidal, Anna. 2023. Environmental Pollution. October 1. 334: p. 1-8. |
330196 |
Microplastics released from artificial turf applied as hedge walls: Their aging-induced properties and uptake by grass carp, mussels and earthworms Access Restrictions |
Yin, Maozhong; Yang, Luling; Tang, Yankui; Liang, Yi; Wang, Qinghan; Su, Linni; Liu, Jingmin; Zhuang, Yao; Li, Dongdong. 2023. Process Safety and Environmental Protection. June. 174: p. 53-62. |
338357 |
Assessing extraction-analysis methodology to detect fluorotelomer alcohols (FTOH), a class of perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), in artificial turf fibres and crumb rubber infill |
Zuccaro, Philip; Licato, James; Davidson, Emily A.; Thompson, David C.; Vasilou, Vasilis. 2023. Case Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering. June. 7: p. [1-4]. |
338412 |
Short-term impacts of urban landscape conversion on surface runoff quality Access Restrictions |
Chang, Baoxin; Wherley, Benjamin; Aitkenhead-Peterson, Jacqueline; McInnes, Kevin; Dwyer, Philip. 2022. Urban Ecosystems. October. 25(5): p. 1561-1576. |
323349 |
When should you make the move to mats? | Hartwiger, Chris. 2022. USGA Green Section Record. September 16. 60(17): p. [1-2]. |
321916 |
Differences in likelihood of use between artificial and natural turfgrass lawns |
Barnes, Michael R.; Watkins, Eric. 2022. Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism. March. 37: p. 100480 [1-9]. |
321651 |
The impact of incorporated nonwovens on the surface roughness of sport pitches |
Stürmer-Stephan, Bastian; Morhard, Jörg; Griepentrog, Hans W. 2022. Applied Sciences. March 2. 12(6): p. 2966 [1-11]. |
328182 |
Best Management Practices for the Sports Field Manager: A Professional Guide for Environmental Sports Field Management |
2021. s.n.: Sports Turf Managers Association. viii, 97, 2, 1, 2, 2, 5. |
313134 |
Breeding and evaluation of Kentucky bluegrasses, tall fescues, fine fescues, perennial ryegrasses, and bentgrasses for turf | Meyer, William A.; Vines, Phillip L.; Bonos, Stacy A. 2021. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2021 Progress Reports. p. 1-4. |
317365 |
Environmental impacts and runoff dynamics associated with turfgrass removal and urban landscape conversions | Chang, Baoxin; Wherley, Benjamin; Aitkenhead-Peterson, Jacqueline. 2019. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 120081. |
310239 |
Managing water for playability |
Park, Brad. 2019. Update [New Jersey]. Summer. 19(2): p. 6, 15, 17. |
312686 |
The importance sports turf managers for schools and municipalities |
Park, Brad. 2019. Update [New Jersey]. Winter. 19(4): p. 6, 16, 18. |
316616 |
Rubber pellets test positive for lead on artificial field |
Anonymous. 2019. Turf & Rec. October. 32(6): p. 6. |
309197 |
Irrigation redefined |
Currey, Anne. 2019. Irrigation Australia. Autumn. 35(1): p. 35. |
305992 |
Turf market growth: Artificial turf market size worth US$3.8bn by 2025 | Anonymous. 2019. Stadia. September. 92: p. 7. |
308896 |
The plastic problem: There is a growing movement of recycling and second-life initiatives for artificial playing surfaces in the effort to mitigate the environmental impact surrounding their use | Howell, David. 2019. Stadia. September. 92: p. 48-52. |
308901 |
Stadium conversion revolution: To host more events and generate more revenue, the investment in a turf conversion system is a critical element for any stadium operation | Anonymous. 2019. Stadia. September. 92: p. 54-56. |
308903 |
An architect's POV: A synthetic turf success story |
Izadi, Arash. 2019. Athletic Business. September. 43(7): p. 64, 66, 68. |
308468 |
How's the new baseball surface doing in Phoenix? |
Anonymous. 2019. SportsTurf. September. 35(9): p. 24-25. |
308284 |
Considering synthetic turf: What you need to know |
Jenner, Cory M. 2019. Parks & Rec Business. September. 18(2): p. 24-27. |
308459 |
The rubber crumb debate: Blinding us with science? |
Britton, Peter. 2019. Pitchcare. August/September. 86: p. 14-15. |
308256 |
Synthetic turf 101 |
Anonymous. 2019. SportsTurf. July. 35(7): p. 30-31. |
306754 |
Advancing the sports field management profession: One word at a time |
Anonymous. 2019. SportsTurf. July. 35(7): p. 47. |
306760 |
Straight shooting |
Mears, David. 2019. Pitchcare. June/July. 85: p. 74-81. |
308050 |
Microplastics pollution: A worldwide concern |
Ducrocq, Olivier. 2019. Turf Management Journal. June. 36(2): p. 3. |
306184 |
Patent infringement |
Anonymous. 2019. Greenkeeper International. May. p. 16. |
305869 |
Synthetic sports fields and the heat island effect |
Myrick, Sonia. 2019. Parks & Recreation [Virginia]. May. 54(5): p. 80-81. |
306868 |
Turf gaining ground within indoor training areas |
Steinbach, Paul. 2019. Athletic Business. May. 43(4): p. 32, 34, 36-37. |
306254 |
Synthetic turf central historic stadium's renaissance |
Steinbach, Paul. 2019. Athletic Business. May. 43(4): p. 38-40, 42. |
306257 |
Painted line is void of paint in strange shape |
Mascaro, John. 2019. SportsTurf. May. 35(5): p. 17, 33. |
305175 |
Abrasion injuries on artificial turf: A systematic review Access Restrictions |
Twomey, Dara M.; Petrass, Lauren A.; Fleming, Paul; Lenehan, Kurt. 2019. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport. May. 22(5): p. 550-556. |
306452 |
Grass advocates warn UNC about turf conversion | Steinbach, Paul. 2019. Athletic Business. April. p. [1]. |
307134 |
Campus officials, police defend turf field protections | Steinbach, Paul. 2019. Athletic Business. April. p. [1-2]. |
307272 |
Speaking with one voice |
Gill, Jody. 2019. SportsTurf. April. 35(4): p. 7. |
304696 |
Synthetic turf talk: The use of synthetic playing surfaces continues to cause debate, but they remain ever popular | Anonymous. 2019. PanStadia & Arena Management. 2nd Quarter. p. 84-86. |
308038 |
Coming to terms with artificial turf pitches | O'Donnell, Eric. 2019. Turf Matters. March/April. p. 45-47. |
304869 |
Globe Life Field turns to artificial turf: Ballpark becomes the fourth MLB team to ditch its natural grass playing surface | Anonymous. 2019. Stadia. March. 90: p. 4-5. |
304769 |
Gold standard: World's first installation of Polytan's synthetic hockey turf made from renewable raw material | Anonymous. 2019. Stadia. March. 90: p. 5. |
304771 |
The Grove at Ole Miss: At The University of Mississippi, The Grove is a green space steeped in history with its central place in campus life strong as ever in 2019 | Anonymous. 2019. Turf. Spring. 32(1): p. 30-31. |
308812 |
Synthetic turf changes: What's normal and what's not? |
Schedler, John. 2019. SportsTurf. February. 35(2): p. 28-30, 32. |
303675 |
Proplay stands the test of time: Schmitz Foam Products' ProPlay shock pad performance remains high even when synthetic turf carpet is in for replacement |
Anonymous. 2019. PanStadia & Arena Management. 1st Quarter. p. 56. |
308029 |
Track changes: A trio of new sports surfaces were unveiled as FSB | Anonymous. 2018. Stadia. Showcase. p. 5. |
294595 |
Field day: A compact hybrid pitch system and a new, shallower turf with a reduced stitching depth expand surface application possibilities | Anonymous. 2018. Stadia. Showcase. p. 5. |
294596 |
Effects of structural components of artificial turf on the transmission of impacts in football players Access Restrictions |
Encarnación-Martínez, Alberto; García-Gallart, Antonio; Gallardo, Ana M.; Sánchez-Sáez, Juan A.; Sánchez-Sánchez, Javier. 2018. Sports Biomechanics. 17(2): p. 251-260. |
299777 |
Sports turf training brought to you! | 2018. Sports Turf Manager [STC]. Winter. 31(1): p. 18-19. |
297224 |
Designing a synthetic field in flood-prone areas: Lessons learned from Hurricane Florence |
Anonymous. 2018. SportsTurf. December. 34(12): p. 20-23. |
303255 |
TV station reports students hospitalized due to hot turf Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 2018. Turf News [TPI]. November/December. 42(6): p. 111. |
305235 |
A crater like dent in the synthetic turf with a large amount of infill displaced | Anonymous. 2018. The Rocky Mountain Half-Time. Fall. p. 3, 24. |
301477 |
Still hard to predict which horses will take to synthetic surfaces | Nevills, Joe. 2018. The Rocky Mountain Half-Time. Fall. p. 23. |
301501 |
Which option best suits your school?: Making a good choice starts with completing a feasibility study to identify specific expectations, budgets, playing pressures and environmental constraints |
Ormsby, David. 2018. New Zealand Turf Management Journal. Autumn. 35(1): p. 24-27. |
295988 |
37 students hospitalized after hot turf made them sick |
Anonymous. 2018. The Turf Line News. September/October. 257: p. 20. |
309421 |
How convertible end zone panels work |
Schroder, Eric. 2018. SportsTurf. September. 34(9): p. 16. |
301211 |
3G artificial surfaces: The rubber crumb debate ... and more: The sad passing of twenty-year-old Lewis Maguire in March of this year has, yet again, triggered the debate surrounding the safety of rubber crumb infill in 3G pitches. Additionally, the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment in the Netherlands has further environmental concerns |
Britton, Peter. 2018. Pitchcare. August/September. 80: p. 10-13. |
304175 |
A World Cup pitch with Irish roots Access Restrictions |
Hayden, Richard. 2018. Greenside. July. p. 23-26. |
299475 |
The naturals: Can plant-based infills supplant crumb rubber? |
Steinbach, Paul. 2018. Athletic Business. July/August. 42(6): p. 70-72, 74. |
299792 |
University research centers put turf to the test |
Newcomb, Tim. 2018. SportsTurf. July. 34(7): p. 10-12. |
299567 |
Small wonders: Polytan's miniature artificial pitches have been a success | Anonymous. 2018. Stadia. June. p. 5. |
298738 |
World cup winners!: The expertise of two UK companies in particular will be showcased when the 2018 FIFA World Cup kicks off on 14 June. Here's a brief insight into some of the products and suppliers involved - with more to come next issue | Hoskins, Colin. 2018. The Groundsman [IOG]. June. p. 26-29. |
299515 |
From the ground-up: Investment in artificial turf technology has led to FIFA-level quality playing surfaces with performance akin to natural grass | Anonymous. 2018. Stadia. June. p. 62. |
298740 |
Determination of mechanical properties of artificial turf football pitches according to structural components Access Restrictions |
Sánchez-Sánchez, Javier; Haxaire, Pascal; Unanue, Jorge García; Felipe, José L.; Gallardo, Ana M.; Gallardo, Leonor. 2018. Proceedings of the Institutionof Mechanical Engineers, Part P:Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology. June. 232(2): p. 131-139. |
299770 |
Artificial intelligence? |
Anonymous. 2018. Pitchcare. June/July. 79: p. 98. |
300544 |
The year of the carpet? | Anonymous. 2018. Turf Matters. May/June. p. 10. |
298424 |
Plastic fields are really heating up on Twitter! |
Anonymous. 2018. Turfgrass Producers International E-Newsletter. May/June. 11(3): p. 8-13. |
300558 |
What is driving the recent boom in sports landscaping business?: Large and small operators report good business and a healthy outlook, but how can they captialise on growing demand? Access Restrictions |
Abbott, Jez. 2018. Horticulture Week. April. p. 16. |
300026 |
PAHs transfer to water and air, study suggests: EU and US publications on rubber crumb due in a few weeks |
Anonymous. 2018. Pitchcare. April/May. 78: p. 5. |
299304 |
The allure of an artificial-turf lawn | Lane, Mac. 2018. News & Record [NC]. April 15. p. [1-3]. |
296923 |
Artificial turf makes athletic fields easier to maintain | Frick, Chase. 2018. The Appalachian. April 19. p. [1-3]. |
298049 |
After the final whistle |
Kirsch, Volker. 2018. PanStadia & Arena Management. 2nd Quarter. p. 86. |
301386 |
'Real grass all day long': Texas Rangers players sound off on new stadium |
Engel, Mac. 2018. Turfgrass Producers International E-Newsletter. March/April. 11(2): p. 4-6. |
297777 |
Synthetic pitches: Things to consider before installation: The decision for a sports facility to invest in a synthetic turf pitch is considerable and is normally made by the highest levels of authority within an organisation |
Allen, Curtis. 2018. Pitchcare. February/March. 77: p. 102-105. |
296418 |
Case study: Natural grass to synthetic turf |
Fitch, Jon P. 2018. SportsTurf. February. 34(2): p. 22-25. |
298695 |
Analyzing thermal characteristics of urban streets using a thermal imaging camera: A case study on commercial streets in Seoul, Korea |
Lee, Sugie; Moon, Hyunbin; Choi, Yeri; Yoon, D. K. 2018. Sustainability. February. 10(2): p. 519 [1-21]. |
336691 |
Comprehensive multipathway risk assessment of chemicals associated with recycled ("crumb") rubber in synthetic turf fields Access Restrictions |
Peterson, Michael K.; Lemay, Julie C.; Shubin, Sara Pacheco; Prueitt, Robyn L. 2018. Environmental Research. January. 160: p. 256-268. |
291047 | |
Hybrid hype: Australian-based HG Sports Turf recently completed the construction of two state of the art 'hybrid' grass pitches for Auckland Council, an Australasian first at community level |
Anonymous. 2018. Australian Turfgrass Management Journal. January/February. 20(1): p. 12-13. |
295626 |
Stay ahead of the game: The science of synthetic-turf replacement |
Shay, Thomas P. 2018. Parks & Rec Business. January. 16(6): p. 32-35. |
294700 |
Skin Injury Due to Artificial Turf: The Skin as a Readout System | van den Eijnde, Wilbert. 2017. Ph.D. Thesis: Radboud University Medical Center. 179 pp. |
287875 |
Descriptive Analysis of Lower Limb Injuries on Differently Aged Artificial Turf | Saxton, Kourtney Hope. 2017. M.S. Thesis: The University of Montana. 24 pp. |
288312 |
Quantifying water required to cool artificial turf | Kanaan, Ahmed; Serena, Matteo; Sevostianova, Elena; Sevostianov, Igor; Leinauer, Bernd. 2017. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 106290. |
290242 |
Swiss roll: A new installation marks the second Swiss Super League club to switch to synthetic turf | Anonymous. 2017. Stadia. Showcase. 81: p. 6. |
280702 |
Seal of approval: A synthetic playing surface has achieved a new benchmark in professional certification | Anonymous. 2017. Stadia. Showcase. 81: p. 53-54. |
280707 |
Winter field prep 101: These practices protect your fields during colder months and give them a head start in the spring |
Trusty, Suz. 2017. SportsField Management. November/December. 12(10): p. 22-24. |
294577 |
Turf, trends and conservation: Seedsmen, and those who partner with the industry, share their insight as to what's driving the turf seed market and what areas hold the most promise |
Handke, Laura. 2017. Seed World. October. p. 30-31. |
294616 |
Windsor Tennis Club: Winter sorted at Windsor |
McCullough, Chris. 2017. Pitchcare. October/November. 75: p. Cover, 106-111. |
294284 |
Study calls for artificial turf users health watch: Inadequate monitoring could be jeopardising health suggests Stirling University professor |
Anonymous. 2017. Pitchcare. October/November. 75: p. 7. |
294249 |
Green groups head for court over rubber crumb pollution: Dutch environment organisations have made a formal legal complaint about the use of rubber crumb on sports fields |
Anonymous. 2017. Pitchcare. October/November. 75: p. 10. |
294250 |
Fake it: New technology has made synthetic turf more realistic, both in looks and in options |
Anonymous. 2017. Lawn & Landscape. October. 38(10): p. 170-171. |
291107 |
Turf in tennis court installations: An emerging market |
Sprecher, Mary Helen. 2017. SportsTurf. October. 33(10): p. 36, 38. |
291340 |
DC's artificial turf field hardness tests reveal standards discrepancy | Lambert, Evan. 2017. FOX 5. October 11. p. [1-3]. |
296919 |
Double play: When a field becomes used for multiple sports | Sprecher, Mary Helen. 2017. The Rocky Mountain Half-Time. Fall. p. 9-11. |
290711 |
Gribblehirst Park: A new breed: Auckland Council has broken new ground by commissioning the first community full-hybrid pitches in Australasia | Myer, Spencer. 2017. New Zealand Turf Management Journal. Autumn. 34(1): p. 38-39. |
281684 |
Managing high-use sports fields |
Serensits, Tom. 2017. Pennsylvania Turfgrass. Fall. 6(4): p. Cover, 10-13. |
294347 |
New hero for turf |
Dowie, Alastair. 2017. TurfCraft International. September/October. 176: p. 45. |
293791 |
Standard issue: High-performance sports turf was installed ahead of the 2017 EuroHockey championship | Anonymous. 2017. Stadia. September. 84: p. 4. |
290664 |
Artificial intelligence: The first artificial playing surfaces were crude affairs, used by only the most basic of venues. Now, synthetic turf is proving popular with even the upper echelons of sport | Williams, Richard N. 2017. Stadia. September. 84: p. 42-43, 45, 47-48. |
290667 |
New dog park first in Edmonton with artificial turf |
Anonymous. 2017. Turf & Rec. September/October. 30(6): p. 8. |
294542 |
The pitch sheriffs of Nottingham: Having won the 2016 IOG Industry Award for Best Maintained Artificial Pitch, the University of Nottingham grounds team's mission now is to elevate its grass pitches to similar levels of national recognition | Hoskins, Colin. 2017. The Groundsman [IOG]. August. p. 16-18. |
288914 |
Is 3G position statement premature?: Four governing bodies, three associations and the Department for Culture Media and Sport state that 3G pitches are safe whilst, in the EU, a total ban is being considered! |
Anonymous. 2017. Pitchcare. August/September. 74: p. 4. |
290877 |
Stoke City Football Club: May the fourth be with you |
Barrow, Jake. 2017. Pitchcare. August/September. 74: p. 82-88. |
290896 |
Wavertree Stadium: Making a sandwich...: "Sports-mad" Liverpool is bullish about its prospects for hosting the Commonwealth Games, a mood bolstered by its newly upgraded athletics centre of excellence |
Rhodes, Greg. 2017. Pitchcare. August/September. 74: p. 106-111. |
290904 |