Keyword: Bermudagrass decline
Showing items 1 to 78 of 78.
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Identification, frequency of occurrence, and inoculum density of select ectotrophic root-infecting fungi within ultradwarf hybrid bermudagrass greens in Mississippi Access Restrictions |
Tucker, Matthew A.; Bronzato-Badial, Aline; King, Jonas; McCurdy, James D.; Vines, Phillip L.; Tomaso-Peterson, Maria. 2022. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. June. 14(1): p. 902-910. |
321479 |
First report of Gaeumannomyces graminicola causing bermudagrass decline of ultradwarf bermudagrass putting greens in North Carolina |
Stephens, Cameron M.; Kerns, James P. 2020. Plant Disease. May. 104(5): p. 1552. |
311295 |
Bermudagrass decline: What's this fungus (WTF) in my greens? | Tucker, Matthew; Badial, Aline; King, Jonas; Tomaso-Peterson, Maria. 2019. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 119533. |
309455 |
Bermudagrass decline: Getting to the root of the problem | Tucker, Matthew Aaron. 2019. Mississippi Turfgrass. Spring. p. 14, 16-18, 20-21. |
306353 |
Evaluation of fungicide treatments for bermudagrass decline control in Arizona, 2017 | Hu, J.; Kopec, D. 2018. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 12: p. T040 [1]. |
303962 |
Methods of identification and distribution of Gaeumannomyces spp. within ultradwarf bermudagrass greens | Tucker, Matthew; Badial, Aline; King, Jonas; Tomaso-Peterson, Maria. 2017. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 108720. |
290328 |
Dissemination of novel ectotrophic root-infecting fungi associated with bermudagrass via vegetative propagation from sod production in the Southeast | Ables, W; Tomaso-Peterson, M. 2016. Phytopathology. April. 106(4s): p. S2.6. |
271857 |
Characterization of pathogenicity and fungicide sensitivity of Gaeumannomyces graminis var. graminis causing bermudagrass decline in golf course turf | Anonymous. 2015. Turfgrass and Environmental Research Program: 2015 Research Summaries. p. 223-226. |
285090 |
Species identification of novel ectotrophic root-infecting fungi associated with decline of ultradwarf bermudagrass | Vines, Phillip L.; Tomaso-Peterson, Maria; Hoffman, Federico; Meyer, Florencia. 2014. ASA, CSSA and SSSA Annual Meetings [2014]. p. 88973. |
250243 |
Multilocus analysis reveals phylogenetic placement of novel ERI fungi within Magnaporthaceae and Phaeosphaeriaceae of Ascomycota |
Vines, P. L.; Tomaso-Peterson, M.; Allen, T. W.; Hoffmann, F. 2014. Phytopathology. November. 104(11S): p. S3.122. |
251487 |
Distribution of ectotrophic root-infecting fungi associated with declining ultradwarf bermudagrass putting greens |
Vines, P. L.; Tomaso-Peterson, M.; Allen, T. W.; Balbalian, C.; Stewart, B. R. 2014. Phytopathology. November. 104(11S): p. S3.122-S3.123. |
251491 |
Can disease be linked to poor bermudagrass transition in the Desert Southwest?: Some diseases may be more active during spring transition than once previously thought | Whitlark, Brian; Towers, Gabe. 2014. USGA Green Section Record. August 22. 52(17): p. 1-4. |
247755 |
Working from the roots up |
Anonymous. 2014. Golfdom. June. 70(6): p. 26. |
246219 |
Characterizing the ectotrophic root-inecting fungal populations responsible for declining ultradwarf bermudagrass putting greens | Vines, Phillip; Tomaso-Peterson, Maria; Stewart, Barry R.; Allen, Thomas; Meyer, Florencia; Dubien, Jan. 2013. ASA, CSSA and SSSA Annual Meetings [2013]. p. 82250. |
232321 |
Disease management |
Martinez, Alfredo. 2011. Asian Golf Business. March. 31: p. 42-47. |
249286 |
Root decline of warm season turfgrasses |
Fae, Aline; Acuna, Francisca; Danneberger, Karl. 2008. Buckeye Turf. February 19.03:31. |
135023 |
The doctor is in: Diagnosing disease |
Powell, Tracy. 2006. Superintendent: The Magazine for Golf Course Superintendents. November. 5(11): p. 23-24, 26. |
117768 |
The role of ERI fungi in couch decline in Queensland |
Stirling, Marcelle; Stirling, Graham. 2006. Australian Turfgrass Management Journal. June/July. 8(3): p. 68-72. |
277290 |
Disease management tips for summer |
Burpee, Lee; Martinez, Alfredo. 2006. Through the Green [Georgia]. May/June. p. 30-31. |
296573 |
Management of Turfgrass Diseases |
Vargas, J. M. Jr. 2005. New York, New York: John Wiley. xiv, 322 pp. 3rd Edition. |
98813 |
Ecological survey of fungi associated with two ultradwarf bermudagrass cultivars in Florida, USA Access Restrictions |
Brecht, M. O.; Datnoff, L. E.; Stiles, C. M.; Cisar, J. L. 2005. International Turfgrass Society Annexe - Technical Papers 2005. 10: p. 20-21. |
105322 |
Effects of fungicides and mowing heights on the decline of ultradwarf bermudagrass in Florida Access Restrictions |
Datnoff, L.; Stiles, C.; Cisar, J.; Kammerer, S.; Rutherford, B. 2005. International Turfgrass Society Annexe - Technical Papers 2005. 10: p. 22-23. |
105326 |
Disease management tips for winter |
Burpee, Lee; Martinez, Alfredo. 2005. Through the Green [Georgia]. November/December. p. 13. |
296328 |
Bermudagrass decline: Disease or simply declining bermudagrass |
Foy, John. 2005. USGA World Wide Web Site. August 5. p. [1-2]. |
111362 |
Disease management tips for summer [Summer 2005] |
Burpee, Lee; Martinez, Alfredo. 2005. Through the Green [Georgia]. May/June. p. 30, 32. |
296288 |
Summer disease update: Bermudagrass decline Access Restrictions |
Gelernter, Wendy; Stowell, Larry J. 2004. PACE Insights. 10(6): p. 2. |
105058 |
Environment and culture affect bermudagrass growth and decline: The roles temperature and shade play in ultradwarf bermudagrass health are not totally understood |
White, Richard H. 2004. USGA Green Section Record. November/December. 42(6): p. 21-24. |
98650 |
Control of Spring Dead Spot and Bermudagrass Decline | Hagan, Austin. 2003. [Auburn, Alabama]: Alabama Cooperative Extension System. 4 pp. Revised Edition. |
58995 |
Course overcomes damaged greens |
Willard, Christine. 2003. Golf Inc. October. 12(10): p. 32. |
101064 |
Florida greens sing the summertime blues | Lowe, Todd. 2003. USGA World Wide Web Site. September 18. |
93224 |
Disease management tips for spring |
Burpee, Lee. 2003. Through The Green [GA]. March/April. p. 30. |
85717 |
Bermudagrass decline |
Anonymous. [200X]. Texas Extension Web Site. p. [1-2]. |
137989 |
Relationship of environment, management, and physiology to bermudagrass decline | White, Richard H. 2002. 2002 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 10. |
85016 |
Lending muscle to ultradwarfs |
Camberato, James J.; Martin, S. Bruce. 2002. Carolinas Green. November/December. 38(6): p. 20-21. |
84278 |
Fungicide impacts on ultradwarfs |
Camberato, James J.; Martin, S. Bruce. 2002. Carolinas Green. November/December. 38(6): p. 22-24, 26. |
84280 |
Take-All Root Rot (Referred to as Bermudagrass Decline on Bermudagrass | Elliott, Monica L.; Simone, Gary W. 200X. Gainesville, Florida: University of Florida, Cooperative Extension Service. 1-3 pp. |
81127 |
Relationship of environment, management, and physiology to bermudagrass decline | White, Richard H. 2001. 2001 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 10. |
78341 |
Management of new dwarf bermudagrasses | White, Richard H. 2001. 2001 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 20. |
78353 |
Opportunity knocks with the ultradwarfs: Success with an ultradwarf might be easier than you think | Hartwiger, Chris. 2001. USGA Green Section Record. September/October. 39(5): p. 1-5. |
75375 |
Bermudagrass decline |
Anonymous. [2000]. MSU CARES Website. p. [1-2]. |
72772 | |
Relationship of environment, management, and physiology to bermudagrass decline | White, Richard H. 2000. 2000 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary [USGA]. p. 27. |
72130 |
Characterization and Management of Bermudagrass Decline on Golf Course Greens | Gelernter, Wendy; Stowell, Larry J. 199X. San Diego, California: PACE Turfgrass Research Institute. 4 pp. |
105024 |
Gaeumannomyces (gay-man-o-myces) Access Restrictions |
Gelernter, Wendy; Stowell, Larry J. 1999. PACE Insights. September. 5(9): p. 1-4. |
104927 |
Warm-season solutions | Simone, Gary W. 1998. Landscape Management. December. 37(12): p. 67-68. |
56645 |
Bermudagrass decline increasing? | Beard, James B. 1998. TURFAX. September/October. 6(5): p. 1. |
56083 |
Bermudagrass decline identified on Louisiana golf courses |
Holcomb, Gordon E. 1997. Louisiana Agriculture. Winter. 40(1): p. 21. |
56164 |
Bermudagrass decline | Duble, Richard L. 1996. PLANTanswers Web Site [Texas A & M]. p. 1. |
38737 | |
Take-all patch (bermuda decline) | Duble, Richard L. 1996. PLANTanswers Web Site [Texas A & M]. p. 1. |
38773 | |
USGA, supers confront concerns over unstable Bermudagrass | Leslie, Mark. 1996. Golf Course News. May. 8(5): p. 15, 34. |
45184 |
Effect of systemic fungicides on a bermudagrass putting green infested with Gaeumannomyces graminis var. graminis | Elliot, M. L. 1995. Plant Disease. September. 79(9): p. 945-949. |
35165 |
Disease response of bermudagrasses to Gaeumannomyces graminis var. graminis | Elliott, M. L. 1995. Plant Disease. July. 79(7): p. 699-702. |
34649 |
Management of Turfgrass Diseases |
Vargas, J. M. Jr. 1994. Boca Raton, FL: Lewis Publishers. xv, 294 pp. 2nd Edition. |
30672 |
Historical perspective of research on ectotrophic root-infecting pathogens of turfgrasses |
Smiley, Richard W. 1993. p. 1-15. In: Clarke, Bruce B.; Gould, Ann B., eds. Turfgrass Patch Diseases: Caused by Ectotrophic Root-Infecting Fungi. St. Paul, Minnesota: The American Phytopathological Society. |
29581 |
Geographic distribution, host range, and symptomatology of patch diseases caused by soilborne ectotrophic fungi |
Jackson, Noel. 1993. p. 17-39. In: Clarke, Bruce B.; Gould, Ann B., eds. Turfgrass Patch Diseases: Caused by Ectotrophic Root-Infecting Fungi. St. Paul, Minnesota: The American Phytopathological Society. |
29582 |
Ecology and epidemiology of ectotrophic root-infecting fungi associated with patch diseases of turfgrasses |
Landschoot, Peter J.; Gould, Ann B.; Clarke, Bruce B. 1993. p. 73-105. In: Clarke, Bruce B.; Gould, Ann B., eds. Turfgrass Patch Diseases: Caused by Ectotrophic Root-Infecting Fungi. St. Paul, Minnesota: The American Phytopathological Society. |
29586 |
Disease management |
Elliott, M. L.; Simone, G. W.; Freeman, T. E. 1993. p. 102-114. In: McCarty, L. B.; Elliot, Monica L. Best Management Practices for Florida Golf Courses. Gainesville, FL: Department of Environmental Horticulture, University of Florida. |
35708 |
Integrating strategies for the management of patch diseases caused by root invading ectotrophic fungi |
Dernoeden, Peter H. 1993. p. 123-161. In: Clarke, Bruce B.; Gould, Ann B., eds. Turfgrass Patch Diseases: Caused by Ectotrophic Root-Infecting Fungi. St. Paul, Minnesota: The American Phytopathological Society. |
29588 |
Integrated disease management |
Elliott, Monica L.; Simone, Gary A.; Freeman, T. E. 1993. Proceedings of the 41st Annual Florida Turf-Grass. 41: p. 77-93. |
30605 |
Bermudagrass decline: Transmission of the causal agent Gaeumannomyces Graminis Var. Graminis by vegetative planting material Access Restrictions |
Elliott, M. L. 1993. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 7: p. 329-334. |
20961 |
Bermudagrass decline: Chemicals alone won't control this root-rotting fungus | Elliott, Monica L. 1993. The Florida Green. Fall. p. 48, 50, 52. |
81754 |
Cultural and chemical control of bermudagrass decline caused by Gaeumannomyces graminis var. Graminis | Elliott, M. L. 1992. Phytopathology. October. 82(10): p. 1123. |
25568 |
Bermudagrass Decline |
Elliott, M. L.; Freeman, T. E. 1991. [Gainesville, Florida]: Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida. 4 pp. |
58925 |
Determination of an etiological agent of bermudagrass decline | Elliott, Monica L. 1991. Phytopathology. November. 81(11): p. 1380-1384. |
23925 |
'Beautiful' case of bermudagrass decline now on research green | Elliott, Monica. 1991. The Green Sheet [Florida]. November/December. 7(5[6]): p. 7. |
276991 |
Couch decline in Western Australia |
Parish, J. A. 1988. Australian Golf Course Superintendents' Association 10th National Turf Grass Conference [Proceedings]. p. [57-63]. |
291197 |
1987 recommendations for commercial turfgrass pest control |
Anonymous. 1987. Florida Turf Digest. September. 4(9): p. 33-38, 51-56. |
251741 |
Association of Phialophora radicicola Cain with declining bermudagrass in Florida | Freeman, T. E.; Augustin, B. J. 1986. Phytopathology. October. 76(10): p. 1057. |
9656 |
Bermudagrass decline -- cause, occurrence, and control |
Freeman, T. E.; Augustin, B. J. 1985. Proceedings of the Florida Turfgrass Conference. 33: p. 15-17. |
31551 |
Bermudagrass Decline | Augustin, Bruce J. 1985. The Green Sheet. July/August. 1(5): p. 3. |
11516 |
Bermudagrass Decline | Freeman, T. E.; Augustin, B. J. 1984. Gainesville, Florida: Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida. [4] pp. |
278443 |
Bermudagrass decline investigations | Augustin, Bruce J.; Freeman, Ed. 1984. The Florida Green. Winter. p. 12. |
223620 |
Bermudagrass Decline - Progress Report II |
Freeman, T. E.; Augustin, B. J. 1984. Florida Turf-Grass Conference Proceedings. September. 32: p. 22-26. |
8499 |
Bermudagrass decline |
Freeman, T. E.; Augustin, B. J. 1984. Florida Turf Digest. May. 1(2): p. 3. |
8240 |
Bermudagrass Decline-Progress Report |
Freeman, T. E.; Augustin, Bruce J. 1983. Florida Turf-Grass Conference Proceedings. October. 31: p. 29-34. |
8487 |
Bermudagrass decline research progress report |
Augustin, Bruce J.; Davis, Michael J. 1982. Florida Turf Magazine. Summer. [15]([3]): p. 4. |
295338 |
Identification and Control of Bermudagrass Diseases |
Freeman, T. E. 1982. Proceedings of the 30th Florida Turf-Grass Conference. October. 30: p. 97-100. |
8482 |
Bermudagrass decline |
Davis, Michael J.; Augustin, Bruce J.; Atilano, Raymond A. 1982. Grounds Maintenance. October. 17(10): p. 42, 44. |
6376 |
[Black die on bermuda greens] Access Restrictions |
Noer, O. J. 1957. The Golf Course Reporter. June. 25(4): p. 26. |
122462 |