Keyword: Cations
Showing items 1 to 78 of 78.
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Shade and water quality effects on efficacy of plant growth regulators | Richardson, Michael; Brosnan, James; Patton, Aaron. 2023. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2023 Progress Reports. p. 105-109. |
336599 |
Shade and water quality effects on efficacy of plant growth regulators | Richardson, Michael; Brosnan, James; Patton, Aaron. 2021. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2021 Progress Reports. p. 93-97. |
317393 |
A golf course putting green micronutrient - Nickel, it's [its] significance and potential | Liu, Haibo; Li, Mohan; Bethea, Frank Gibson Jr. 2014. ASA, CSSA and SSSA Annual Meetings [2014]. p. 86508. |
250214 |
Hard water reduces 2,4-D efficacy on dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) and broadleaf plantain (Plantago major) | Patton, Aaron J.; Weisenberger, Daniel V. 2014. ASA, CSSA and SSSA Annual Meetings [2014]. p. 88092. |
250261 |
Putting soils to the test | Geary, John. 2011. Australian Turfgrass Management Journal. July/August. 13.4: p. 40-41. |
187499 |
How to interpret your soil test potassium levels | Soldat, Doug. 2008. The Grass Roots. March/April. 37(2): p. 22-23, 25. |
139404 |
Fertiliser fundamentals for sportsfields |
Timms, Kevin. 2007. Proceedings Fourth New Zealand Turf Conference and Trade Show. p. 126-129. |
141409 |
Fertiliser fundamentals for bowling greens |
Timms, Kevin. 2007. Proceedings Fourth New Zealand Turf Conference and Trade Show. p. 248-252. |
141435 |
Considering cation exchange capacity: In this installment of AGCSATech update, John Neylan outlines the new HAL-funded Poa annua control trial which has started in Melbourne and Sydney and also examines the topical issue of alternative water sources. |
Peart, Andrew. 2007. Australian Turfgrass Management. May/June. 9(3): p. 32-34. |
125201 |
Cation ratios and soil testing methods for sand-based golf course greens |
St. John, Rodney; Christians, Nick. 2006. 2006 Iowa Turfgrass Research Report. p. [1-3]. |
113224 |
Environmental impact of irrigating turf with Type I recycled water |
Thomas, James C.; White, Richard H.; Vorheis, Jonathan T.; Harris, Heather G.; Diehl, Kenneth. 2006. Agronomy Journal. July/August. 98(4): p. 951-961. |
113648 |
Base saturation vs sufficiency: BCSR: an integrated approach that works... |
Simmons, Joel. 2006. TurfNet Monthly. July. 13(7): p. 1-2, 4, 6-7. |
113410 |
Soil testing methods for sand-based putting greens Access Restrictions |
St. John, Rodney; Christians, Nick. 2006. USGA Turfgrass and Environmental Research Online. July 1. 5(13): p. [1-5]. |
112051 |
Nonacid Cation Bioavailability in Sand Rootzones |
Woods, Micah Sharpe. 2006. Ph.D. Dissertation: Cornell University. [2]; viii.; 134 pp. |
109838 |
Basic cation saturation ratios and cation exchange capacity of sand-based greens | St. John, Rodney; Christians, Nick; Taber, Henry. 2005. 2005 Annual Meeting Abstracts [ASA/CSSA/SSSA/CSSS]. p. [1]. |
107705 |
Soil Testing Methods and Basic Cation Saturation Ratios of Creeping Bentgrass Greens |
St. John, Rodney Alan. 2005. Ph.D. Dissertation: Iowa State University. iii, 57 pp. |
124429 |
Cation ratios and soil testing methods for sand-based golf course greens | St. John, Rodney; Christians, Nick. 2005. 2005 Iowa Turfgrass Research Report. p. 56-58. |
106455 |
Rip Van Winkle and turfgrass fertility | Rossi, Frank S. 2005. CUTT. 16(3): p. 1, 4. |
107954 |
Research not always what it appears |
Rossi, Frank S. 2005. Golfweek's SuperNEWS. December 9-23. 7(22): p. 18. |
115540 |
Basic cation soil testing methods for sand based greens |
St. John, Rodney A.; Christians, N. E.; Taber, H. G. 2004. 2004 Annual Meeting Abstracts [ASA/CSSA/SSSA/CSSS]. p. [1]. |
100382 |
Cation ratios and soil testing methods for sand-based golf course greens | Christians, Nick; St. John, Rodney. 2004. 2004 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 10. |
101221 |
Cation ratios and soil testing methods for sand-based golf course greens |
St. John, Rodney; Christians, Nick; Taber, Henry. 2004. 2004 Iowa State Turfgrass Research Report. p. 61. |
97161 |
Bermudagrass management in the southern piedmont USA: VIII. Soil pH and nutrient cations |
Franzluebbers, A. J.; Wilkinson, S. R.; Stuedemann, J. A. 2004. Agronomy Journal. September/October. 96(5): p. 1390-1399. |
107691 |
Clarifying soil testing: II. Choosing SLAN extractants for macronutrients Access Restrictions |
Carrow, R. N.; Stowell, L.; Gelernter, W.; Davis, S.; Duncan, R. R.; Skorulski, J. 2004. Golf Course Management. January. 72(1): p. 189-193. |
93212 |
Cation ratios and soil testing methods for sand-based golf course greens | Christians, Nick. 2003. 2003 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 15. |
93187 |
Labile soil organic matter as a potential nitrogen source in golf greens Access Restrictions |
Kerek, Mine; Drijber, Rhae A.; Gaussoin, Roch E. 2003. Soil Biology & Biochemistry. December. 35(12): p. 1643-1649. |
105083 |
Should turfgrass sod growers be concerned about aluminum toxicity? Access Restrictions |
Liu, Haibo. 2003. TurfNews [TPI]. March/April. 27(2): p. 61, 64. |
86967 |
The dirt on soil testing | Franklin, Curt. 2002. On Course. October. 56(5): p. 7-8, 10. |
83054 |
Picloram and napropamide sorption as affected by polymer addition and salt concentration |
Lu, Jianhang; Wu, Laosheng; Letey, John; Farmer, Walter J. 2002. Journal of Environmental Quality. July/August. 31(4): p. 1234-1239. |
81399 |
Turfgrass Soil Fertility and Chemical Problems: Assessment and Management |
Carrow, R. N.; Waddington, D. V.; Rieke, P. E. 2001. Chelsea, MI: Ann Arbor Press. ix, 400 pp. |
73348 |
Innovative water quality management utilizing wetlands construction on a golf course | Turco, Ronald F. 2001. 2001 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 40. |
78375 |
The damaging effects of high soil pH: Urban legend or reality? Access Restrictions |
Gelernter, Wendy; Stowell, Larry J. 2001. PACE Insights. July. 7(7): p. 1-4. |
104949 |
Influences of base saturation ratios on creeping bentgrass establishment | Sabel, J. A.; Kussow, W. R. 2000. The Grass Roots. July/August. 29(4): p. 11-13, 15. |
66966 |
Calcium/magnesium ratios: Helpful, hype, or hogwash? | Vavrek, Bob. 2000. Thru the Green [Northern California]. April. p. 6. |
205723 |
BCSR - base cation saturation ratios | Huck, Mike. 2000. Thru the Green [Northern California]. April. p. 6. |
205724 |
Soil cation balance | Kussow, Wayne R. 2000. The Grass Roots. March/April. 29(2): p. 58-61. |
65718 |
Interpret a soil-test report: Look further than the recommendations. A deeper understanding of soil properties will make you a better turf and landscape manager | Anderson, William Scott; Robinson, Charles. 1999. Grounds Maintenance. November. 34(11): p. 27-28, 30. |
64622 |
A soil fertility/turf nutrition primer for golf course managers |
Landschoot, Peter. 1999. The Keynoter. May. 27(2): p. 2-3. |
61928 |
Know your soil test reports | Murrell, T. Scott. 1999. Chips & Putts. May. 5(3): p. 5. |
291906 |
Soil and tissue analyses: do they correlate? |
Stowell, Larry; Gelernter, Wendy. 1997. PTRI 1996 1997 Turfgrass Research Report. p. 103-106. |
63140 |
Ionic balance, biomass production, and organic nitrogen as affected by salinity and nitrogen source in annual ryegrass Access Restrictions |
Sagi, Moshe; Dovrat, Amos; Kipnis, Tal; Lips, Herman. 1997. Journal of Plant Nutrition. 20(10): p. 1291-1316. |
71141 |
Nitrate fertilization for improved root health Access Restrictions |
Gelernter, Wendy; Stowell, Larry J. 1997. PACE Insights. October. 3(10): p. 1-4. |
104998 |
Soil extraction and analysis using Melich III and saturated paste extracts Access Restrictions |
Gelernter, Wendy; Stowell, Larry J. 1996. PACE Insights. December. 2(12): p. 1-3. |
104968 |
Soil and tissue analyses: Do they correlate? Access Restrictions |
Stowell, Larry J.; Gelernter, Wendy. 1996. PACE Insights. October. 2(10): p. 1-3. |
104979 |
Historical changes in Connecticut lakes over a 55-year period |
Siver, Peter A.; Canavan, Richard W. IV; Field, Cathryn K.; Marsicano, Laurence J.; Lott, Anne-Marie. 1996. Journal of Environmental Quality. March/April. 25(2): p. 334-345. |
37428 |
Soil testing and interpretation for golf courses |
Finlayson, Mike. 1994. Proceedings of The 5th New Zealand Sports Turf. p. 61-63. |
32368 |
Soil and tissue testing for turf management |
Thomas, J. C. 1994. Texas Turfgrass. Fall. 47(3): p. 15-22. |
32691 |
Soil nitrogen | Sheard, R. W. 1992. Sports Turf Newsletter [STA]. December. 5(4): p. 2-4. |
149434 |
Uptake of cations by annual ryegrass as related to cations absorbed onto root exchange sites Access Restrictions |
Rengel, Z. 1989. Journal of Plant Nutrition. 12(7): p. 839-858. |
17222 |
Temperature, Magnesium and Aluminum Interaction Effects on Growth and Cation Uptake Rates of Two Ryegrass Cultivars. |
Rengel, Z.; Robinson, D. L. 1989. Agronomy Abstracts. October. 81: p. 250. |
16755 |
Determination of Cation Exchange Capacity of Ryegrass Roots by Summing Exchangeable Cations |
Rengel, Z.; Robinson, D. L. 1989. Plant and Soil. May. 116(2): p. 217-222. |
15766 |
Aluminum and Plant Age Effects on Adsorption of Cations in the Donnan Free Space of Ryegrass Roots |
Rengel, Z.; Robinson, D. L. 1989. Plant and Soil. May. 116(2): p. 223-227. |
15763 |
Irrigation of Turfgrass With Sewage Effluent: Turf, Soil and Water Quality Aspects. |
Hayes, A. R.; Pepper, I. L. 1988. Agronomy Abstracts. November/December. 80: p. 151. |
13524 |
Soil Testing: Sampling, Correlation, Calibration, and Interpretation |
Brown, J. R., ed. 1987. Madison, WI: Soil Science Society of America. ix, 144 pp. |
13660 |
Effect of Urease Inhibitors and Cationic Materials on Growth Response and Ammonia Volatilization Following Fertilization of Kentucky Bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.) With Urea |
Joo, Young Kyoo. 1987. Ph.D. Dissertation: Iowa State University. iii; 117 pp. |
17362 |
Aluminum Influences on Adsorption of Cations onto the Exchange Sites of Ryegrass Roots |
Rengel, Z.; Robinson, D. L. 1987. Agronomy Abstracts. November. p. 214. |
11295 |
Effects of NaCl Stress on Proline and Cation Accumulation in Salt Sensitive and Tolerant Turfgrasses |
Torello, W. A.; Rice, L. A. 1986. Plant and Soil. 93(2): p. 241-247. |
12469 |
Effect of pH on saturated hydraulic conductivity and soil dispersion |
Suarez, D. L.; Rhoades, J. D.; Lavado, R.; Grieve, C. M. 1984. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 48(1): p. 50-55. |
72110 |
Methods of Soil Analysis: Part 2: Chemical and Microbiological Properties |
Page, A. L., ed. 1982. Madison, Wisconsin: Soil Science Society of America. xxiv, 1159 pp. 2nd Edition. |
112852 |
Use of Sods in Orchard Management |
Hogue, Gene. 1982. p. 51-55. In: Miller, J. C.; Bell, S. M., eds. Workshop Proceedings - Crop Production Using Cover Crops and Sods as Living Mulches. Corvallis, Oregon: International Plant Protection Center, Oregon State University. |
17516 |
Ionic balance in coastal bermudagrass influenced by nitrogen fertilization and soil salinity |
Thomas, J. R.; Langdale, G. W. 1980. Agronomy Journal. May/June. 72(3): p. 449-452. |
531 |
Nutrient uptake by grass and leaching losses from soluble and S-coated urea and KCl |
Allen, S. E.; Terman, G. L.; Kennedy, H. G. 1978. Agronomy Journal. March/April. 70(2): p. 264-268. |
4075 |
Effect of root temperatures on growth and cation composition of Festuca arundinaceae Schreb. |
Leggett, J. E.; Egli, D. B.; Bush, L. 1977. Agronomy Journal. July/August. 69(4): p. 723-724. |
4114 |
Physical Requirements for Golf Green Construction by USGA Specifications |
Brown, K. W.; Duble, R. L. 1976. College Station, Texas: The Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, Texas A&M University System. [19] pp. |
85031 |
The Influence of Timing of Topdressed Fertilizer on Cation Concentrations in Tall Fescue. |
Brown, J. R.; Rice, Wm.; Strong, I. B.; Farley, Maura. 1976. Agronomy Abstracts. November. 68: p. 144. |
15820 |
Responses of bermudagrass to salinity |
Ackerson, R. C.; Youngner, V. B. 1975. Agronomy Journal. September/October. 67(5): p. 678-681. |
883 |
Cation concentrations and K to Ca + Mg ratio of nine cool-season grasses and implications with hypomagnesaemia |
Thill, James L.; George, J. R. 1975. Agronomy Journal. January/February. 67(1): p. 89-91. |
3215 |
Cation exchange properties Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
7760 |
Organic Acid Concentrations in Agropyron Desertorum as Affected by N Fertilization. |
Grunes, D. L.; Mayland, H. F.; Joo, P. K.; Hewes, D. A.; Prior, R. L.; Visek, W. J. 1973. Agronomy Abstracts. November. 65: p. 98. |
16245 |
Salinity problems Access Restrictions |
Follett, R. Hunter. 1971. Proceedings of the 42nd International TurfgrassConference and Show. p. 21-24. |
128441 |
Divalent Cation Behavior in Perennial Ryegrass |
Morgan, M. A.; Jackson, W. A. 1968. Agronomy Abstracts. November. 60: p. 35. |
17299 |
Potassium and sodium interrelations in growth and mineral content of Italian ryegrass |
Hylton, L. O.; Ulrich, A.; Cornelius, D. R. 1967. Agronomy Journal. July/August. 59(4): p. 311-314. |
12642 |
Soil Surveys and Land Use Planning |
Soil Science Society of America and American Society of Agronomy and Bartelli, L. J.; Klingebiel, A. A.; Baird, J. V.; Heddleson, M. R., eds. 1966. Madison, WI: Soil Science Society of America, 1996. xii, 196 pp. |
85114 |
Salinity Reclamation Under Various Surface Cover Conditions: II. Profile Salinity Changes. |
Heilman, M. D.; Wiegand, C. L.; Gonzalez, C. L. 1966. Agronomy Abstracts. August. 58: p. 50. |
17097 |
Effect of potassium rate and source on yield and composition of bromegrass in Alaska |
Laughlin, Winston M.; Restad, Sigmund H. 1964. Agronomy Journal. September/October. 56(5): p. 484-487. |
12582 |
Silica in soils Access Restrictions |
McKeague, J. A.; Cline, M. G. 1963. Advances in Agronomy. 15: p. 339-396. |
103045 |
Soil aggregation Access Restrictions |
Martin, James P.; Martin, William P.; Page, J. B.; Raney, W. A.; De Ment, J. D. 1955. Advances in Agronomy. 7: p. 2-37. |
103027 |
Lead arsenate for the control of crabgrass |
Welton, F. A.; Carroll, J. C. 1947. Agronomy Journal. June. 39(6): p. 513-521. |
13048 |