Keyword: Chlorophyll index
Showing items 1 to 47 of 47.
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Traffic tolerance of bermudagrass (Cynodon spp.) as affected by cultivar and mowing height |
Sancar, Bahar; Sever Mutlu, Songul; Basar, Ebru Kaya. 2023. Grass Research. 3: p. 15 [1-11]. |
337813 |
UAV-based imaging for selection of turfgrass drought resistant cultivars in breeding trials Access Restrictions |
Mutlu, Songul Sever; Sönmez, Namik Kemal; Ço^Dslu, Mesut; Türkkan, Hasan Rasit; Zorlu, Damla. 2023. Euphytica. August. 219(8): p. 83 [1-20]. |
336977 |
Optimization of application rate of organic fertilizer 'Turf spice' for favorable growth of Korean lawngrass (Zoysia japonica) |
Lee, Geung-Joo; Tae, Hyun Sook; Jang, Gong Man; Kim, Young-Sun; Kim, Nam Hee. 2022. Weed and Turfgrass Science. December. 11(4): p. 453-459. |
325218 |
Aerial and ground-based assessments of preemergence herbicide effects on St. Augustinegrass grow-in Access Restrictions |
Wilber, Amy L.; McCurdy, James D.; Czarnecki, Joby M. P.; Stewart, Barry R.; Dong, Hongxu. 2022. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. June. 14(1): p. 812-814. |
321461 |
An ArcGIS Pro workflow to extract vegetation indices from aerial imagery of small-plot turfgrass research |
Wilber, Amy L.; Czarnecki, Joby M.P.; McCurdy, James D. 2022. Crop Science. January/February. 62(1): p. 503-511. |
316844 |
Inhibition responses of creeping bentgrass after applying trinexapac-ethyl as two spraying methods |
Kim, Young-Sun; Heo, Hyeok-Jae; Bae, Eun-Ji; Youn, Jeong-Ho; Lee, Geung-Joo. 2019. Weed and Turfgrass Science. December. 8(4): p. 319-328. |
310192 |
Turf covering for sport season elongation cause no stress for grass species as detected by Chl a fluorescence Access Restrictions |
Prokopiuk, Kamil; Żurek, Grzegorz; Rybka, Krystyna. 2019. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening. May. 41: p. 14-22. |
306715 |
Drought and biostimulant impacts on mineral nutrients, ambient and reflected light-based chlorophyll index, and performance of perennial ryegrass Access Restrictions |
Mahdavi, Shahla; Kafi, Mohsen; Fallahi, Esmaeil; Shokrpour, Majid; Tabrizi, Leila. 2017. Journal of Plant Nutrition. 40(16): p. 2248-2258. |
291474 |
Plant colorants interfere with reflectance-based vegetation indices |
Obear, Glen R.; Kreuser, William C.; Hubbard, Ken; DeBels, Brad; Soldat, Douglas J. 2017. Crop Science. March/April. 57(2): p. 595-601. |
281194 |
Genome-wide association study of heat tolerance in diverse population of perennial ryegrass | Nie, Gang; Yu, Xiaoqing; Taylor, Megan; Song, Xin; Wang, Xingchun; Zhang, Xinquan; Jiang, Yiwei. 2016. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 100447. |
278176 |
Genetic mechanism of nitrogen use efficiency in perennial ryegrass | Li, Yaoshen; Song, Xin; Nie, Gang; Taylor, Megan; Caberato, J. J.; Jiang, Yiwei. 2016. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 100459. |
278231 |
Plant colorants interfere with reflectance based vegetation indices | Obear, Glen R.; Kreuser, William C.; Soldat, Douglas J. 2016. 5th European Turfgrass Society Conference Proceedings. June. p. 165-166. |
317583 |
Prompt chlorophyll a fluorescence as a rapid tool for diagnostic changes in PSII structure inhibited by salt stress in perennial ryegrass Access Restrictions |
Dabrowski, P.; Baczewska, A. H.; Pawluśkiewicz, B.; Paunov, M.; Alexantrov, V.; Goltsev, V.; Kalaji, M. H. 2016. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology, B: Biology. April. 157: p. 22-31. |
269535 |
Growth of creeping bentgrass by application of compound fertilizer containing microbes |
Kim, Young-Sun; Lee, Chang-Eun; Ham, Soun-Kyu; Lee, Geung-Joo. 2016. Weed and Turfgrass Science. March. 5(1): p. 42-50. |
272501 |
An alternative approach to aerification for a Tifway bermudagrass athletic field | Craft, Jordan; Baldwin, Christian M.; Stewart, Barry R.; Tomaso-Peterson, Maria; McCurdy, James D.; Blythe, Eugene K. 2015. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 92900. |
267066 |
Genetic mechanisms of winter survival in perennial ryegrass | Yu, Xiaoqing; Pijut, Paula M.; Asp, Torben; Byrne, Stephen; Bai, Guihua; Jiang, Yiwei. 2015. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 94711. |
267061 |
Candidate gene association mapping for winter survival and spring regrowth in perennial ryegrass Access Restrictions |
Yu, Xiaoqing; Pijut, Paula M.; Byrne, Stephen; Asp, Torben; Bai, Guihua; Jiang, Yiwei. 2015. Plant Science. June. 235: p. 37-45. |
269303 |
Drones offer unique perspective to turfgrass managers |
Dworak, Scott M.; Gaussoin, Roch E.; Singh, Vishal. 2014. SportsTurf. February. 30(2): p. 12, 14-15. |
236879 |
Optimizing color analysis for different treatment comparisons | Hubbard, Ken; Obear, Glen R.; DeBels, Brad T.; Soldat, Douglas J. 2013. ASA, CSSA and SSSA Annual Meetings [2013]. p. 80318. |
232292 |
Comparison of tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) and common bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon [L.] Pers.) turfgrasses and their seed mixtures Access Restrictions |
Salehi, M. R.; Salehi, H. 2013. Advances in Horticultural Science. 27(1,2): p. 81-87. |
274057 |
Preventive dollar spot control in creeping bentgrass fairway turf using available and experimental fungicides, 2011 | Inguagiato, J.; Gagliardi, M.; Rogers, K.; Cao, X.; Embrey, E. 2012. 2011 Annual Turfgrass Research Report [Connecticut]. p. 29-35. |
242624 |
Drones make sense: Quantifying turf quality using unmanned aerial vehicle-based near-infrared digital image analysis | Dworak, Scott; Gaussoin, Roch; Singh, Vishal. 2012. ASA, CSSA and SSSA Annual Meetings [2012]. p. 71850. |
213132 |
The growth effects of creeping bentgrass by application of liquid fertilizer with saponin and liquid fertilizer with amino acid | Kim, Young-Sun; Ham, Suon-Kyu; Lee, Jae-Pil; Hwang, Young-Soo. 2012. Asian Journal of Turfgrass Science. 26(1): p. 54-59. |
215285 |
Nitrogen source and rate effects on velvet bentgrass putting green turf Access Restrictions |
Pease, Benjamin W.; Koeritz, Eric J.; Soldat, Douglas J.; Stier, John C. 2011. Crop Science. January. 51(1): p. 342-352. |
174181 |
Application timing affects the efficacy of herbicides used for control of bermudagrass in zoysiagrass fairways | Brosnan, James T.; Breeden, Gregory K. 2010. 2010 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 33. |
173860 |
Transitioning to natural organic fertilizers | Miltner, Eric; Stahnke, Gwen; Luchterhand, Randi. 2010. 2010 International Annual Meetings: [Abstracts][ASA-CSSA-SSSA]. p. 59868. |
170913 |
Surface applications of dazomet provide nonselective control of seashore paspalum (Paspalum vaginatum) turf Access Restrictions |
Brosnan, James T.; Breeden, Gregory K. 2009. Weed Technology. April-June. 23(2): p. 270-273. |
152301 |
Performance of granular fertilizer on creeping bentgrass fairway turf - 2007 season |
Lyons, E.; Jordan, K.; Carey, K.; Porter, A. 2007. Guelph Turfgrass Institute Annual Research Report [2007]. 21: p. 13-19. |
141507 |
Performance of fertilizers on low-cut Kentucky bluegrass turf |
Lyons, E.; Jordan, K.; Carey, K.; Porter, A. 2007. Guelph Turfgrass Institute Annual Research Report [2007]. 21: p. 20-29. |
141509 |
Performance of fertilizers on low-cut Kentucky bluegrass turf |
Lyons, E.; Jordan, K.; Carey, K.; Porter, A. 2007. Guelph Turfgrass Institute Annual Research Report [2007]. 21: p. 30-40. |
141510 |
Performance of fertilizers on creeping bentgrass putting green turf |
Lyons, E.; Jordan, K.; Carey, K.; Porter, A. 2007. Guelph Turfgrass Institute Annual Research Report [2007]. 21: p. 41-50. |
141512 |
Performance of fertilizers on creeping bentgrass fairway type turf |
Lyons, E.; Jordan, K.; Carey, K.; Porter, A. 2007. Guelph Turfgrass Institute Annual Research Report [2007]. 21: p. 51-62. |
141513 |
Spatial and temporal distribution of water and salts in surface soils of fairways and greens irrigated with reuse water vs. fresh water | Devitt, Dale; Morris, Bob; Lockett, Michelle. 2005. 2005 Annual Meeting Abstracts [ASA/CSSA/SSSA/CSSS]. p. [1]. |
107820 |
Influence of three fertilization programs on turfgrass quality and soil nitrate levels | Rackliffe, S.; McHill, M. 2005. 2005 Turfgrass Research Report [Connecticut]. p. 51-52. |
110510 |
Nitrogen carrier screening trials | Kussow, Wayne R.; Houlihan, S. M. 2004. 2004 Wisconsin Turfgrass Research Report. 22: p. 115-116. |
101704 |
Evaluation of new and conventional potassium fertilizers on putting greens | Kussow, Wayne R. 2004. 2004 Wisconsin Turfgrass Research Report. 22: p. 117-137. |
101705 |
Kentucky bluegrass cultivar evaluation trial: Ammi statistical analysis field validation - 2004 data |
Carey, K.; Gunn, E. 2004. Guelph Turfgrass Institute Annual Research Report 2004. 18: p. 1-3. |
107530 |
Field evaluation of experimental soil surfactants: 2004 season |
Carey, K.; Gunn, E. 2004. Guelph Turfgrass Institute Annual Research Report 2004. 18: p. 24-37. |
107533 |
Performance of waste-based (meat and bone meal) fertilizer on creeping bentgrass putting green turf |
Carey, K.; Gunn, E. 2004. Guelph Turfgrass Institute Annual Research Report 2004. 18: p. 38-43. |
107534 |
Evaluation of the performance of wetting agents for bentgrass putting green turf |
Carey, K.; Gunn, E. 2004. Guelph Turfgrass Institute Annual Research Report 2004. 18: p. 44-51. |
107535 |
Interaction between fertilizer performance of IBDU and milorganite on creeping bentgrass putting green turf - 2004 season |
Carey, K. 2004. Guelph Turfgrass Institute Annual Research Report 2004. 18: p. 61-65. |
107538 |
Using a chlorophyll meter to determine the chlorophyll concentration, nitrogen concentration, and visual quality of St. Augustinegrass |
Rodriguez, Ian R.; Miller, Grady L. 2000. HortScience. July. 35(4): p. 751-754. |
65405 |
The Effects of Mowing and Nitrogen on Tall Fescue Density and Chlorophyll Content. |
Krans, J. V.; Philley, H. W. 1989. Agronomy Abstracts. October. 81: p. 160. |
16555 |
Tall fescue turf performance under a tree shade gradient | Wu, Lin; Huff, David; Davis, William B. 1984. California Turfgrass Culture. 34(4): p. 19-20. |
7948 |
Analysis of dry-matter production as an index of chlorophyll content. IV Maximum dry-matter production rate of clonal swards of Italian ryegrass differing in chlorophyll content Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Okubo, T.; Takahashi, S.; Akiyama, T. 1975. Journal of Japanese Society of Grassland Science (Nippon Sochi Gakkai. 21(4): p. 280-290. |
5276 | |
Simple procedure for quantitative analysis of turfgrass color |
Johnson, G. V. 1974. Agronomy Journal. May/June. 66(3): p. 457-459. |
892 |
A Chlorophyll index to measure turfgrass response |
Madison, John H.; Andersen, Aage H. 1963. Agronomy Journal. September/October. 55(5): p. 461-464. |
12706 |