Keyword: Cornell University
Showing items 1 to 35 of 35.
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
What type of impact are you making on the environment? |
McCall, Mike. 2018. Tee to Green [New York]. May/June. 49(3): p. 2-6. |
300058 |
[The Cornell Turfgrass Program recognizes James B. Beard who passed away May 14, 2018 at 82] | Anonymous. 2018. ShortCUTT. May 21. 19(6): p. [2]. |
300656 |
The natural resources of golf: A natural resources curriculum utilizing ecological-based golf course management | Letot, Carson; Rossi, Frank S. 2017. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 105913. |
290466 |
Rossi to receive GCSAA's President's Award Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 2017. Golf Course Management. December. 85(12): p. 20, 22. |
293855 |
My summer vacation | Soldat, Doug. 2017. The Grass Roots. July/August. 46(4): p. 24, 26-29. |
288680 |
Turfgrass Species and Variety Guidelines for NYS | Cornell Turfgrass. 2015. [Ithaca, New York]: Cornell Turfgrass, Cornell University; [Geneva, New York]: New York State Intergrated Pest Management Program. ii, [99] pp. Revised Edition. |
285559 |
Turfgrass's cutting edge | McCandless, Linda. 2005. College of Agriculture and Life Sciences News [Cornell]. Fall. p. 18-20. |
111998 |
National Turfgrass Evaluation Program (NTEP) 2001 tall fesue variety trial |
Ebdon, J. S.; Griffin, W. T. 2004. University of Massachusetts Turf Research Field Day. p. 71-92. |
177614 |
Soil insect ecology and turfgrass entomology | Peck, Daniel C. 2003. CUTT. Spring. 14(1): p. 6-7. |
89676 |
Dan Peck joins Cornell Turf Team | Seem, Peter. 2002. CUTT. Fall. 13(3): p. 2. |
160802 |
A league of their own: Golfing in the Ivy League |
Rightmire, Jean E. 2002. Turf: North. September. 15(9): p. B12-B15. |
86061 |
Noted turfgrass scientist remembered | Williamson, R. Chris. 2001. The Grass Roots. September/October. 30(5): p. 17. |
75923 |
Golf Revenue Management: An Application to the Robert Trent Jones Golf Course at Cornell University Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Delgado Muerza, Alfonso. 2000. M.S. Thesis: Cornell University. vii, 84 pp. |
91841 |
Cornell's turf program addresses social, economic and environmental issues | Nelson, Eric B. 2000. CUTT. Summer. 11(2): p. 1, 4-5. |
86739 |
New York prepares for 50th-year expo | Anonymous. 1999. Golf Course News. September. 11(9): p. 17. |
62004 |
Digging deep for the root cause of moss: The MetGCSA lends a helping hand in war against moss |
Anonymous. 1999. Tee to Green [New York]. July/August. 29(4): p. 13. |
282216 |
Dr. Rossi heads Maine contingent | Anonymous. 1997. Golf Course News. February. 9(2): p. 37. |
44034 |
NYSTA plans expo | Anonymous. 1996. Golf Course News. August. 8(8): p. 31. |
46766 |
Summer turf seminar set | Anonymous. 1996. Golf Course News. August. 8(8): p. 31. |
46768 |
Ross Society funds Cornell student's work | Anonymous. 1996. Golf Course News. August. 8(8): p. 48. |
46833 |
Integrated pest management is the future | Sann, Christopher. 1994. TurfGrass TRENDS. August. 4 [3](8): p. 6-7. |
37185 |
AREST facility | Anonymous. 1991 [1992]. CUTT. Winter. 2(4): p. 8. |
160780 |
Cornell schedules field day | Anonymous. 1992. Golf Course News. June. 4(6): p. 14. |
48850 |
Cornell investigates Milorganite's effectiveness vs. deer | Anonymous. 1992. Golf Course News. February. 3 [4](2): p. 27. |
48488 |
Cornell honors alumnus Robert Trent Jones: Official rename university's Jones-designed golf course | Anonymous. 1991. Golf Course News. November. 3(11): p. 8. |
51358 |
Groups donate to Cornell research | Anonymous. 1989. Golf Course News. June. 1(4): p. 15. |
54136 |
Cornell Recommendations for Commercial Turfgrass Management Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Cornell University Cooperative Extension. [1987]. [Ithaca, New York]: New York State College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. Unknown. |
14951 |
Turfgrass facilities and programs at Cornell |
Pidduck, Howard. 1978. Proceedings of the 32nd Annual New York State TurfgrassConference. 2: p. 1-2. |
140662 |
The state of New York turfgrass |
Horton, Ted. 1978. Tee to Green [New York]. December. 8(10): p. 4. |
283744 |
Turfgrass disease diagnosis is available at Cornell |
Horton, Ted. 1976. Tee to Green [New York]. June. 6(5): p. 6. |
283757 |
The Grass Sheet: Turf Disease Issue |
Smiley, R. W. 197X. Ithaca, New York: New York State Cooperative Extension, Department of Plant Pathology, Cornell University; [Albany, New York]: New York State Cooperative Extension, State University of New York. [2] pp. |
288347 |
Cornell Turfgrass Research Program |
Horton, Ted. 1975. Tee to Green [New York]. June. 4(5): p. 5. |
283701 |
[Current turf research at Cornell, crabgrass work, mole-drain development] | Cornman, John. 1950. Proceedings of National Turf Field Days. p. 31-33. |
224077 |
A new course of study at Cornell University for the training of superintendents of parks and managers of golf courses | Anonymous. 1922. Bulletin of the Green Section of the U.S. Golf Association. November 16. 2(11): p. 302-303. |
48225 |
Cornell University establishes a course to train men to superintend parks and golf courses | Anonymous. 1921. Bulletin of the Green Section of the U.S. Golf Association. July 20. 1(7): p. 141. |
47606 |