Keyword: Digitaria sanguinalis
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Herbicides for Crabgrass and Goosegrass Control in Turf | Dernoeden, Peter H. 1996. [College Park, Maryland]: University of Maryland. [8] pp. Revised Edition. | 4869 | |
Efficacy of Preemergence Herbicides in Turfgrasses | Johnson, B. J.; Murphy, T. R. 1996. Athens, Georgia: Agricultural Experiment Stations, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, University of Georgia. [1], 25 pp. |
40182 |
National Perennial Ryegrass Test - 1994: 1995 Progress Report | National Turfgrass Evaluation Program. 1996. Beltsville, MD: USDA ARS, Beltsville Agricultural Research Center and National Turfgrass Federation, Inc. 52 pp. |
54885 |
National Tall Fescue Test - 1992: Final Report 1993-1995 | National Turfgrass Evaluation Program. 1996. Beltsville, MD: USDA ARS, Beltsville Agricultural Research Center and National Turfgrass Federation, Inc. 69 pp. |
54903 |
Crabgrass | Duble, Richard L. 1996. PLANTanswers Web Site [Texas A & M]. p. 1-2. |
38703 | |
1995 preemergence annual weed control study | Bingaman, Barbara R.; Christians, Nick E.; Gardner, David S. 1996. 1996 Iowa Turfgrass Research Report. p. 23-26. |
49683 |
Herbicide programs for large crabgrass control in tall fescue turf |
Johnson, B. J. 1996. Agronomy Abstracts. 88: p. 138. |
41642 |
Use of corn gluten meal to reduce the application rate of pendimethalin |
Gardner, D. S.; Christians, N. E.; Bingaman, B. R. 1996. Agronomy Abstracts. 88: p. 139. |
41644 |
Distribution and Adaptation of Crabgrass species in the U. S. | Kim, T. J.; Neal, J. C.; DiTomaso, J. M. 1996. Proceedings of the 50th Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Weed Science Society. 50: p. 117. |
42169 |
Tank-mixed postemergence herbicides for large crabgrass (Digitaria sanguinalis) and goosegrass (Eleusine indica) control in bermudagrass(Cynodon dactylon) turf |
Johnson, Jack B. 1996. Weed Technology. October-December. 10(4): p. 716-721. |
39618 |
Reduced rates of preemergence and postemergence herbicides for large crabgrass (Digitaria sanguinalis) and goosegrass (Eleusine indica) control in bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon) |
Johnson, B. Jack. 1996. Weed Science. July-September. 44(3): p. 585-590. |
38679 |
Crabgrass control with preemergence herbicides |
Whitwell, Ted; Waltz, Clint; Lowe, David. 1996. Clemson University Turfgrass Program. April. p. 28-30. |
42395 |
Postemergence weed control with sulfentrazone |
Waltz, Clint; Tucker, Kevin; Whitwell, Ted. 1996. Clemson University Turfgrass Program. April. p. 31-32. |
42396 |
Effect of reduced dithiopyr and prodiamine rates on large crabgrass (Digitaria sanguinalis) control in common bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon) and tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea) turf |
Johnson, B. Jack. 1996. Weed Technology. April-June. 10(2): p. 322-326. |
37798 |
Spring notebook |
Anonymous. 1996. Lawn & Landscape Digest. Spring. 1(2): p. 2. |
41377 |
Similar fitness between large crabgrass (Digitaria sanguinalis) accessions resistant or susceptible to acetyl-coenzyme A carboxylase inhibitors |
Wiederholt, Ronald J.; Stoltenberg, David E. 1996. Weed Technology. January-March. 10(1): p. 42-49. |
37281 |
Preemergence weed control study - 1994 | Bingaman, B. R.; Christians, N. E. 1995. 1995 Iowa Turfgrass Research Report. p. 23-25. |
51095 |
Postemergence crabgrass control study - 1994 | Bingaman, B. R.; Christians, N. E. 1995. 1995 Iowa Turfgrass Research Report. p. 26-28. |
51096 |
Allelopathy vs. Acremonium endophytesvs. competition effect on crabgrass suppression by 12 perrenial ryegrasses | King, John. 1995. [USGA]. p. 58-59. |
36415 |
Herbicide programs utilizing reduced rates for weed control in bermudagrass turf |
Johnson, B. J. 1995. Agronomy Abstracts. p. 145. |
38013 |
Primisulfuron and nicosulfuron activity on selected annual grass species |
Gallaher, K.; Mueller, T. C.; Foss, J. E. 1995. Agronomy Abstracts. p. 160. |
38347 |
What we don't know about crabgrass! | Elmore, C. L. 1995. Proceedings of the 49th Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Weed Science Society. 49: p. 69. |
36996 |
Reduced preemergence herbicide rates for large crabgrass (Digitaria sanguinalis) control in six tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea) cultivars |
Johnson, B. Jack; Carrow, Robert N. 1995. Weed Technology. October-December. 9(4): p. 716-723. |
36785 |
Cross-resistance of a large crabgrass (Digitaria sanguinalis) accession to aryloxyphenoxypropionate and cyclohexanedione herbicides |
Wiederholt, Ronald J.; Stoltenberg, David E. 1995. Weed Technology. July-September. 9(3): p. 518-524. |
35479 |
Salts and surfactants influence nicosulfuron activity |
Nalewaja, John D.; Praczyk, Tadeusz; Matysiak, Robert. 1995. Weed Technology. July-September. 9(3): p. 587-593. |
35498 |
Non-enzymatic conjugation of fenoxaprop-ethyl with glutathione and cysteine in several grass species Access Restrictions |
Tal, J. A.; Hall, J. C.; Stephenson, G. R. 1995. Weed Research. June. 35(3): p. 133-139. |
35013 |
Frequency of Drive (quinclorac) treatments on common bermudagrass tolerance and on large crabgrass control |
Johnson, B. Jack. 1995. Journal of Environmental Horticulture. June. 13(2): p. 104-108. |
34316 |
Biological Characterization of Large Crabgrass (Digitaria sanguinalis) and Giant Foxtail (Setaria faberi) Accessions Resistant to Acetyl-Coenzyme a Carboxylase Inhibitors Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Wiederholt, R. J. 1995. M.S. Thesis: University of Wisconsin. |
36383 |
Evaluating reduced-rate herbicide procedures: A team of researchers studies several strategies for using less herbicide to control large crabgrass and goosegrass in bermudagrass turf Access Restrictions |
Johnson, B. J.; Murphy, T. R. 1995. Golf Course Management. February. 63(2): p. 150-154, 156. |
32968 |
Relative activity of chloroacetamide herbicides on large crabgrass Digitaria Sanguinalis |
Shrefler, J. W. 1995. Southern Weed Science Society Proceedings. January. 48: p. 51-52. |
31190 |
Efficacy of reduced rates of pre herbicides for control of southern crabgrass [Digitaria ciliaris (Retz) Koel.] |
Kelly, S. T.; Coats, G. E. 1995. Southern Weed Science Society Proceedings. January. 48: p. 93-94. |
31059 |
Preemergence control of crabgrass (Digitaria sanquinalis) in bermudagrass |
Waltz, F. C.; Tucker, K. A.; Whitwell, T. 1995. Southern Weed Science Society Proceedings. January. 48: p. 98. |
38904 |
Efficacy and dissipation of dithiopyr and pendimethalin in perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) turf |
Schleicher, Leo C.; Shea, Patrick J.; Stougaard, Robert N.; Tupy, Duane R. 1995. Weed Science. January-March. 43(1): p. 140-148. |
32977 |
1993 Preemergence annual weed control study | Christians, N. E.; Roe, R. G. 1994. 1994 Iowa Turfgrass Research Report. p. 27-29. |
31421 |
1993 Postemergence and preemergence annual grass control study | Christians, N. E.; Roe, R. G. 1994. 1994 Iowa Turfgrass Research Report. p. 30. |
31422 |
Crabgrass germination and development study |
Schmidt, Mark; Throssell, Clark; Weisenberger, Daniel. 1994. 1994 Turfgrass Research Summary [Purdue]. p. 35-38. |
37699 |
Mowing height effects on annual grassy weed control in Kentucky bluegrass |
Gaussoin, Roch. 1994. Turfgrass Research Report for 1994 [Nebraska]. p. 39-41. |
37483 |
Crabgrass control with experimental and commercially available preemergence herbicides |
Throssell, Clark; Weisenberger, Daniel; Schleicher, Leo; Reicher, Zachary. 1994. 1994 Turfgrass Research Summary [Purdue]. p. 39-43. |
37701 |
Influence of clippings and irrigation on preemergence control of crabgrass |
Schleicher, Leo; Throssell, C. S.; Weisenberger, Daniel. 1994. 1994 Turfgrass Research Summary [Purdue]. p. 44-51. |
37730 |
Allelopathy vs. Acremonium endophytes vs. competition effect on crabgrass suppression by 12 perennial ryegrasses | King, John. 1994. 1994 Turfgrass Research Summary [USGA]. p. 52-53. |
35307 |
Postemergence control of crabgrass at several growth stages using commercially available and experimental herbicides |
Throssell, Clark; Weisenberger, Daniel; Schleicher, Leo; Reicher, Zachary. 1994. 1994 Turfgrass Research Summary [Purdue]. p. 52-56. |
37725 |
Special weed problems | Elmore, C. L.; Cudney, D. W.; Gibeault, V. 1994. p. 58-59. In: IPM Education and Publications, University of California, Davis, ed. Turfgrass: Pest Management Guidelines. Davis, CA: University of California. |
38237 |
Preemergence annual broadleaf weed control using sulfentrazone |
Throssell, Clark; Weisenberger, Daniel; Schleicher, Leo; Reicher, Zachary. 1994. 1994 Turfgrass Research Summary [Purdue]. p. 70-72. |
37755 |
1993 crabgrass demonstration |
Minner, David. 1994. 1994 Turfgrass Research & Information Report [Missouri]. p. 70-76. |
38406 |
Phytotoxicity to perennial ryegrass turf from sulfentrazone |
Throssell, Clark; Weisenberger, Daniel; Schleicher, Leo; Reicher, Zachary. 1994. 1994 Turfgrass Research Summary [Purdue]. p. 73-76. |
37756 |
1993 Pbi/Gordon post-emergence crabgrass study |
Minner, David. 1994. 1994 Turfgrass Research & Information Report [Missouri]. p. 77-80. |
38409 |
Preemergence and postemergence crabgrass control with dithiopyr fertilizer formulations | Czarnota, M. A.; Bingham, S. W.; Hipkins, L. 1994. Proceedings of the 48th Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Weed Science Society. 48: p. 80. |
34400 |
Crabgrass control in 1992 and 1993 | Bhowmik, P. C. 1994. Proceedings of the 48th Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Weed Science Society. 48: p. 118. |
34421 |
Factors affecting crabgrass (Digitaria Spp.) germination |
Moreno, J. E.; McCarty, L. B. 1994. Southern Weed Science Society Proceedings. 47: p. 71. |
33722 |
The influence of soil components on the pre activity of sethoxydim and quizalofop for the control of large crabgrass (Digitaria sanguinalis) |
McKemie, T. E.; Carlson, D. R.; Monks, D. W.; Burton, J. D.; Weber, J. B. 1994. Southern Weed Science Society Proceedings. 47: p. 234. |
33822 |
Preemergence crabgrass control |
Rossi, Frank; Lickfeldt, Darin. 1994. Wisconsin Turf Research: Results of 1994 Studies. 12: p. 61-62. |
33761 |
Control of weeds in turf - 1994: Evaluation of Pendimethalin for pre-emergent control of crabgrass at 2 rates | Hall, J. C.; Tripp, T. A. 1994. 1994 Annual Research Report [Guelph]. 8: p. 80. |
37695 |
Frequency of quinclorac treatments on bermudagrass tolerance and large crabgrass control | Johnson, B. Jack. 1994. Journal of Turfgrass Management. 1(1): p. 49-59. |
30625 |
A model for predicting large crabgrass (Digitaria sanguinalis) emergence as influenced by temperature and water potential |
King, Charles A.; Oliver, Lawrence R. 1994. Weed Science. October-December. 42(4): p. 561-567. |
32429 |
Grassy weed control in turfgrass |
Duble, Richard; Menn, Wallace. 1994. Texas Turfgrass. Fall. 47(3): p. 6-10. |
32687 |
Herbicide programs for large crabgrass and goosegrass control in Kentucky bluegrass turf |
Johnson, B. Jack. 1994. HortScience. August. 29(8): p. 876-879. |
31157 |
Crabgrass control and dollar spot suppression in creeping bentgrass with DSMA |
Goatley, J. M. Jr.; Schmidt, R. E. 1994. HortScience. August. 29(8): p. 884-886. |
31160 |
Allelopathic potential of some warm-season grasses Access Restrictions |
Martin, L. D.; Smith, A. E. 1994. Crop Protection. August. 13(5): p. 388-392. |
44207 |
Fall application of prodiamine for spring crabgrass (Digitaria spp.) control |
Fermanian, Thomas W.; Haley, Jean E. 1994. Weed Technology. July-September. 8(3): p. 612-616. |
31544 |
Influence of dates and frequency of Drive treatments on large crabgrass control in tall fescue turf |
Johnson, B. Jack. 1994. Journal of Environmental Horticulture. June. 12(2): p. 83-86. |
34294 |
Managing turf-type tall fescue |
Dernoeden, Peter H.; Carroll, Mark J.; Krouse, John M. 1994. Grounds Maintenance. May. 29(5): p. 42, 44-46, 48. |
203 |
Tank-mixed herbicides on large crabgrass (Digitaria sanguinalis) and goosegrass (Eleusine indica) control in common bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon) turf |
Johnson, B. Jack. 1994. Weed Science. April-June. 42(2): p. 216-221. |
30524 |
Effect of DPX-PE350 on the efficacy of graminicides |
Ferreira, Kenneth L.; Coble, Harold D. 1994. Weed Science. April-June. 42(2): p. 222-226. |
30525 |
W. Va. researchers test 'promising herbicides' | Anonymous. 1994. Golf Course News. April. 5 [6](4): p. 33. |
39536 |
Keep weeds in check all season long: Start with healthy turf |
Harlow, Susan J. 1994. Turf: North. March. 7(3): p. 28-29.Weed Control. |
29896 |
Quinclorac-induced electrolyte leakage in seedling grasses |
Koo, Suk J.; Neal, Joseph C.; Di Tomaso, Joseph M. 1994. Weed Science. January-March. 42(1): p. 1-7. |
30400 |
Postemergence Control of Summer Weeds in Turfgrasses |
Johnson, B. J.; Murphy, T. R. 1993. Athens, Georgia: University of Georgia. 27 pp. |
35057 |
1992 preemergence annual weed control study | Christians, N. E.; Struyk, D. L.; Roe, R. G. 1993. 1993 Iowa Turfgrass Research Report. p. 26-28. |
30410 |
1992 postemergence annual grass control study | Christians, N. E.; Struyk, D. L.; Roe, R. G. 1993. 1993 Iowa Turfgrass Research Report. p. 29-31. |
30425 |
Seeded zoysiagrass and bermudagrass |
Dunn, J. H.; Minner, D. D. 1993. 1993 Turfgrass Research & Information Report [Missouri]. p. 30. |
35062 |
Gallery/team/fertilizer for broadleaf control |
Fresenburg, Brad. 1993. 1993 Turfgrass Research & Information Report [Missouri]. p. 68-71. |
35072 |
Acclaim/Dimension tank mixes on Kentucky bluegrass |
Fresenburg, Brad. 1993. 1993 Turfgrass Research & Information Report [Missouri]. p. 72-74. |
35073 |
1992 crabgrass demonstration [Chemical control of crabgrass in tall fescue] |
Fresenburg, Bard. 1993. 1993 Turfgrass Research & Information Report [Missouri]. p. 75-77. |
35074 |
Dimension spring seeded tolerance [Tolerance of spring seeded cool season grasses to Dimension] |
Fresenburg, Brad. 1993. 1993 Turfgrass Research & Information Report [Missouri]. p. 81-85. |
35079 |
BAS 514 34H for broadleaf weel control [Evaluation of BAS 51434 (Quinclorac) for control of white clover, crabgrass and plantain in Kentucky bluegrass] |
Fresenburg, Brad. 1993. 1993 Turfgrass Research & Information Report [Missouri]. p. 98-100. |
35083 |
BAS 514 34H for spring seeding establishment |
Fresenburg, Brad. 1993. 1993 Turfgrass Research & Information Report [Missouri]. p. 101-104. |
35085 |
Effects of herbicides on root development in Kentucky bluegrass | Bhowmik, P. C.; Baath, G.; O'Toole, B. M.; Seidler-Lozykowska, K. 1993. Proceedings of the 47th Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Weed Science Society. 47: p. 98. |
69799 |
Annual grass control with various postemergence herbicides |
Smith, M. C.; McClelland, M. R.; Jordan, D. L.; Frans, R. E.; King, C. A. 1993. Southern Weed Science Society Proceedings. 46: p. 75. |
30579 |
Efficacy of metolachlor in bermudagrass |
Murphy, T. R.; Johnson, B. J. 1993. Southern Weed Science Society Proceedings. 46: p. 100. |
30569 |
Weed control in Coastal bermudagrass with norflurazon applied preemergence |
Savoy, B. R.; Smith, K. L. 1993. Southern Weed Science Society Proceedings. 46: p. 108. |
30577 |
Preemergence annual grass control |
Rossi, Frank; Berg, Henry. 1993. Wisconsin Turf Research: Results of 1993 Studies. 11: p. 30-32. |
59883 |
Response of Kentucky bluegrass to three consecutive annual applications of dithiopyr Access Restrictions |
Bhowmik, P. C.; O'Toole, B. M. 1993. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 7: p. [277]-283. |
27993 |
Dithiopyr fertilizer granules for the early pre-emergence control of crabgrass |
Hall, J. C.; Sagan, K. L. 1993. Guelph Turfgrass Institute: 1993 Research Report. 7: p. 44. |
52534 |
Dithopyr fertilizer granules for the pre-emergence control of crabgrass |
Hall, J. C.; Sagan, K. L. 1993. Guelph Turfgrass Institute: 1993 Research Report. 7: p. 45. |
52535 |
Dithiopyr fertilizer granules for the post-emergence control of crabgrass |
Hall, J. C.; Sagan, K. L. 1993. Guelph Turfgrass Institute: 1993 Research Report. 7: p. 46. |
52536 |
Pendimethalin for the early pre-emergence control of crabgrass |
Hall, J. C.; Sagan, K. L. 1993. Guelph Turfgrass Institute: 1993 Research Report. 7: p. 47. |
52537 |
Postemergence herbicides for control of crabgrass |
Hall, J. C.; Sagan, K. L. 1993. Guelph Turfgrass Institute: 1993 Research Report. 7: p. 48. |
52538 |
The use of corn gluten meal as a natural preemergence weed control in turf Access Restrictions |
Christians, Nick E. 1993. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 7: p. 284-290. |
21003 |
Herbicides for high maintenance turfgrass |
Lewis, W. M. 1993. North Carolina Turfgrass. Winter. 11(4): p. 37, 39. |
30477 |
Weed flora of golf courses in the Southern Korea including Cheju Island | Kim, K. U.; Shin, D. H.; Kwon, S. T.; Park, S. J.; Lee, S. J.; Kim, I. S. 1993. Korean Journal of Turfgrass Science. December. 7(2/3): p. 67-80 [651-664]. |
128309 |
Corn by-product works against crabgrass | Hall, Ron. 1993. Bioturf News. October. p. B-31. |
29122 |
Summer Weed Control with Herbicides in Turfgrasses |
Johnson, B. J.; Murphy, T. R. 1993. Athens, Georgia: University of Georgia. 16 pp. |
35055 |
Turf weeds: Preventative control crucial | Vrabel, Tom; Mudge, Laurence. 1993. SportsTURF. August. 9(8): p. 13. |
28476 |
July 13 meeting to be at Washington GCC; Lee Dieter to host individual tourney | Anonymous. 1993. Turfgrass Matters. July. 45(5): p. 1,5. |
32487 |
Sequential herbicide treatments for large crabgrass (Digitaria sanguinalis) and goosegrass (Eleusine indica) control in bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon) turf |
Johnson, B. Jack. 1993. Weed Technology. July-September. 7(3): p. 674-680. |
30325 |
Crabgrass control | Rindels, Sherry. 1993. Integrated Pest Management at Iowa State University. July 28. p. [1]. |
125145 |
Lawn weed control for homeowners [EB0607] | Johnston, William J.; Stahnke, Gwen K.; Parker, Robert. 1993. Washington State University College of Agriculture and Home Economics Database Systems. May. p. 1-10. |
156371 |
Summer grass and crowfoot grass |
Harrington, Kerry. 1993. New Zealand Turf Management Journal. May. 7(2): p. 33-34. |
28380 |
Performance of Cool-Season Turfgrasses in Nitrogen Fertility Programs in the Mountain Region of Georgia |
Johnson, B. J.; Carrow, R. N. 1993. Athens, Georgia: University of Georgia. 18 pp. |
35053 |
Pre-emergents applied early in spring give good control, too | Hall, Ron. 1993. Landscape Management. March. 32(3): p. 66. |
27419 |