Keyword: Disease development
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
The role of Oxalic acid in Clarireedia jacksonii virulence and development on creeping bentgrass Access Restrictions |
Huo, Daowen; Westrick, Nathaniel M.; Nelson, Ashley; Kabbage, Mehdi; Koch, Paul. 2024. Phytopathology. November. 114(11): p. 2394-2400. |
341623 |
Characterizing immune system responses of select plant health products for putting greens | Ervin, Erik; Kaur, Charanpreet; Bais, Harsh; Guertal, Beth; Fidanza, Mike. 2023. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2023 Progress Reports. p. 253-257. |
336618 |
Effect of nitrogen source and rate on Rhizoctonia leaf and sheath spot disease development in interspecific hybrid bermudagrass | Dant, Lukas; Martin, S. Bruce; McCarty, Lambert B.; Kerns, James P. 2019. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 118416. |
309539 |
Quantification of Clarireedia jacksonii in field turfgrass samples in response to fungicide applications using droplet digital PCR | Schaefer, Brian Loarca; Koch, Paul L. 2019. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 122010. |
309563 |
Review of 2018: Problematic diseases and fungicide efficacy testing |
Aynardi, Brian. 2019. Golfdom. June. 75(6): p. FS3-FS4. |
306290 |
Microdochium patch disease development |
McDonald, Brian; Braithwaite, Emily; Kowalewski, Alec; Mattox, Clint. 2019. Golfdom. March. 75(3): p. 29. |
304288 |
Wet Spring Conditions Create Challenging Turfgrass Conditions: Warm Temperatures and Excessive Rainfall Have Turfgrass Growth Surging | Frank, Kevin. 2018. East Lansing, Michigan: Michigan State University Extension, Department of Plant, Soil and Microbial Sciences, Michigan State University. [3] pp. |
299223 |
Evaluation of pathogenecity for a newly discovered summer patch causal pathogen | Grimshaw, Austin; Luo, Jing; Vines, Phillip L.; Hoffman, Lindsey; Bonos, Stacy A.; Clarke, Bruce B.; Murphy, James A.; Meyer, William A.; Zhang, Ning. 2018. Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh Annual Rutgers Turfgrass Symposium. p. 29-30. |
298901 |
Effects of nitrogen, phosphate, and potassium rates on Microdochium patch | Kowalewski, Alec. 2018. Turfgrass and Environmental Research Program: 2018 Research Summaries. p. 279-282. |
305088 |
Get everything right |
Owen, Andy; Bechelet, Henry. 2018. Greenkeeper International. October. p. 40-41. |
302518 |
The increasing role of disease forecasts |
Anonymous. 2018. Greenkeeper International. October. p. 62-63. |
302587 |
Things happen when the heat is on or off | McCarty, Bert. 2018. Carolinas Green. September/October. p. 12, 14-15. |
301185 |
First report of Pyricularia leaf spot on St. Augustine grass (Stenotaphrum secundatum) in China |
Liu, T.; Chen, D.; Liu, Z.; Wang, Z. Y.; Hu, J. S. 2018. Plant Disease. August. 102(8): p. 1666. |
300975 |
Take all patch | Shaw, Cam. 2018. ONCourse. June. p. 14-15. |
298752 |
Prediction model advises fungicide applications for dollar spot control Access Restrictions |
Smith, D. L.; Kerns, J. P.; Walker, N. R.; Payne, A. F.; Horvath, B.; Inguagiato, J. C.; Kaminski, J. E.; Tomaso-Peterson, M.; Koch, P. L. 2018. Golf Course Management. June. 86(6): p. 75. |
298727 |
Cream leaf blight of ultradwarf bermudagrass Access Restrictions |
Kerns, Jim; Butler, Lee. 2018. Golf Course Management. May. 86(5): p. 66-69. |
298234 |
How glyphosate affects plant disease development: It is more than enhanced susceptibility Access Restrictions |
Hammerschmidt, Ray. 2018. Pest Management Science. May. 74(5): p. 1054-1063. |
296609 |
The grass at the Masters Access Restrictions |
Fry, Jack. 2018. Golf Course Management. April. 86(4): p. 70. |
296853 |
How can I identify the different stages of Microdochium Patch on my greens? |
Mumford, Colin. 2018. Greenkeeper International. March. p. 23. |
300045 |
Less art, more science: Build a strong foundation for your greens agronomic program by planning with a purpose Access Restrictions |
Tredway, Lane. 2018. Golf Course Management. March. 86(3): p. 56, 58, 60, 62. |
295690 |
[Alternatives to chemical treatment that will prevent problems from taking place] |
Dempsey, John. 2018. The Golf Business. March. 12: p. 48-51. |
297724 |
How to win the pathogen war: With the withdrawal of key fungicides from a greenkeeper's arsenal of disease protection weapons, it is time to look more closely at what integrated strategies can be introduced in the battle against invading pathogens | Leyland, Jayne; Corbett, Peter. 2018. GreenKeeping. February. 143: p. 6, 8-9. |
295231 |
Iprodione loss: The best thing that could ever happen! |
Handley, John. 2018. Pitchcare. February/March. 77: p. 124-126. |
296449 |
The turf wave |
Danneberger, Karl. 2018. Golfdom. February. 74(2): p. 35. |
295479 |
First report of rust on perennial ryegrass caused by Puccinia coronata in Jiangsu, China |
Hu, J.; Yang, J. Y.; Li, J.; Gao, T.; Ren, H. Y.; Yang, G. W. 2018. Plant Disease. January. 102(1): p. 248. |
294417 |
Gaining steam in 2017: A state of the pathology lab update | Koch, Paul. 2018. The Grass Roots. January/February. 47(1): p. 6, 8-11. |
295132 |
Green up: Start the season on the right foot for healthy lawns this year |
Woelfel, Rick. 2018. Lawn & Landscape. January. 39(1): p. 88-91. |
294189 |
Gray leaf spot on turfgrass |
Kerns, Jim. 2018. SportsTurf. January. 34(1): p. 32-35. |
298576 |
Soilborne Spring Diseases of Roots, Rhizomes, and Crowns | Thompson, Cole. 2017. [Lincoln, Nebraska]: Extension, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Nebraska - Lincoln. [2] pp. |
290186 |
The Return of Disease Pressure | Thompson, Cole. 2017. [Lincoln, Nebraska]: Extension, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Nebraska - Lincoln. [1] p. |
290969 |
Pythium Root Diseases | Van Ryzin, Benjamin; Thompson, Cole. 2017. [Lincoln, Nebraska]: Extension, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Nebraska - Lincoln. [2] pp. |
291575 |
Novel spring dead spot control using isofetamid | Roberson, Travis L.; McCall, David S.; Estes, Alan; Shelton, Camden D. 2017. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 105999. |
290243 |
Brown patch disease of Zoysia turfgrass (Zoysia matrella (L.) Merr.) caused by Rhizoctonia solani Kühn Access Restrictions |
Adikaram, N. K. B.; Yakandawala, D. M. D. 2017. Journal of Mycopathological Research. 54(4): p. 523-526. |
281710 |
"All about that bass" Al rot anthracnose | Miller, Lee. 2017. The Gateway Green. Summer/Fall. 42(2): p. 10. |
294794 |
Temperature effects on formation of appressoria and sporulation of Collectotrichum cereale on two turfgrass species |
Wang, Yunlong; Kerns, James P. 2017. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 13: p. 1-10. |
287763 |
Dollar spot control in a creeping bentgrass golf green with two commercial products based on microbial fermentation and micronutrients |
Gómez de Barreda, Diego; De Luca Fabra, Verónica. 2017. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 13: p. 1-6. |
287766 |
Conditions favorable for pink snow mold development: Microdochium patch, or pink snow mold, is active on golf courses | Vargas, Joe Jr. 2017. Turf Trends [Idaho]. Summer. 3(2): p. 84-85. |
285641 |
Winter warmer | Anonymous. 2017. The Groundsman [IOG]. December. p. 46. |
294030 |
Oxygen the key to maintaining a putting surface |
Doherty, Dave. 2017. The Boardroom. November/December. 21(273): p. 80. |
294869 |
Dew points to disease risk | Anonymous. 2017. The Groundsman [IOG]. October. p. 46. |
291378 |
Take-all root rot on the increase in the Carolinas: As take-all root rot has increased in the southern U.S., innovative cultural practices and new products for disease control are now at superintendents' disposal Access Restrictions |
Martin, Bruce. 2017. Golf Course Management. September. 85(9): p. 72-77. |
288786 |
Predicting Microdochium patch on creeping bentgrass |
Dwyer, Philip Joseph Jr.; Horvath, Brandon; Kravchenko, Alexandra; Vargas, Joseph M. Jr. 2017. Crop Science. September/October. 51(1): p. 139-144. |
286350 |
What's going on at the TDL | Hockemeyer, Kurt. 2017. The Grass Roots. September/October. 46(5): p. 8. |
291696 |
Insect and disease control considerations: A healthy, dense stand of turfgrass isn't just aesthetically pleasing - it also reduces the risk of player injury |
Gardner, David. 2017. SportsField Management. August. 12(7): p. 24-27. |
289057 |
Dry patch of fine turf causes and solutions |
Owen, Andy. 2017. Greenside. July. p. 17-18. |
291381 |
Screening St. Augustinegrass genotypes for brown patch and large patch disease resistance |
Flor, Norma C.; Harmon, Philip F.; Kenworthy, Kevin; Raid, Richard N.; Nagata, Russell; Datnoff, Lawrence E. 2017. Crop Science. July/August. 57(Supplement 1): p. S-89-S-97. |
282501 |
University of Wisconsin snow mold reports | Koch, Paul. 2017. The Grass Roots. July/August. 46(4): p. 6-12. |
288670 |
First report of gray leaf spot (Pyricularia oryzae) on Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) in China |
Xue, L. H.; Liu, Y.; Li, C. J.; Wu, W. X. 2017. Plant Disease. June. 101(6): p. 1049. |
285477 |
Take care of turf | Watkins, Allison. 2017. San Angelo Standard-Times. May 13. p. [1]. |
301039 |
First report of summer patch of creeping bentgrass caused by Magnaporthe poae in China |
Hu, J.; Liu, Q. Y.; Liu, M. H.; Zhang, F. G.; Xiao, Y.; Niu, C. 2017. Plant Disease. April. 101(4): p. 634. |
282573 |
Dollar spot must be ID'd correctly: It's the no. 1 disease golf superintendents face each year |
Jiggens, Mike. 2017. Turf & Rec. April/May. 30(3): p. 39-42. |
289608 |
Curvularia lunata causes a leaf spot on carpetgrass (Axonopus compressus) in China |
Zhang, W.; Liu, J. X.; Huo, P. H.; Nan, Z. B. 2017. Plant Disease. March. 101(3): p. 507. |
282571 |
Red thread is here again - A disease profile |
Rimelspach, J. W.; Hicks, T. E. 2017. OLCA News. Spring. p. 7-8. |
299853 |
Playing solid defense: It may not be possible to completely eradicate disease and other threats from golf course greens, but superintendents have a number of available resources to keep them at bay | Gilliland, Betsy. 2017. Club & Resort Business. February. 13(2): p. 40-44. |
281905 |
Managing Spring Dead Spot of Bermudagrass | Vincelli, Paul. 2016. Lexington, Kentucky: Cooperative Extension Service, College of Agriculture, Food and Environment, University of Kentucky. [4] pp. |
282067 |
Summer Patch | Latin, Richard. 2016. [West Lafayette, Indiana]: Cooperative Extension Service, Purdue University. 3 pp. |
287971 |
Management of Bentgrass Cultivars for Improved Resistance to Microdochium Patch (Microdochium nivale) Under Climate Change Conditions | Stricker, S.; Hsiang, T.; Bertrand, A. [2016]. [Guelph, Ontario, Canada]: University of Guelph; [Québec City, Québec, Canada]: Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada. 45 slides. |
288261 |
Looming Disease Pressure | Thompson, Cole. 2016. [Lincoln, Nebraska]: Extension, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Nebraska - Lincoln. [1] p. |
290045 |
Snow mold fungi Access Restrictions |
Matsumoto, Naoyuki; Hsiang, Tom. 2016. p. 55-94. In: Matsumoto, Naoyuki; Hsiang, Tom. Snow Mold: The Battle Under Snow Between Fungal Pathogens and Their Plant Hosts. Singapore: Springer Science+Business Media Singapore Pte Ltd. |
287987 |
Curvularia malina sp. nov. incites a new disease of warm-season turfgrasses in the southeastern United States Access Restrictions |
Tomaso-Peterson, Maria; Jo, Young-Ki; Vines, Phillip L.; Hoffmann, Federico G. 2016. Mycologia. 108(5): p. 915-924. |
282551 |
Comparative genomic analyses of 15 Acidovorax pathogens provide insights into the emergence of a new turfgrass disease and the host specificity |
Zeng, Q.; Wang, J.; Giordano, P.; Bertels, F.; Chilvers, M.; Vargas, J.; Sundin, G.; Mitkowski, N. 2016. Phytopathology. December. 106(12S): p. S4.27-S4.28. |
286077 |
Fighting brown patch disease in your yard | Bertauski, Tony. 2016. The Post and Courier. December 17. p. [1-2]. |
282695 |
Autumn dew points to disease risk | Anonymous. 2016. The Groundsman [IOG]. October. p. 55. |
280396 |
Turf grass - Late season | Menchek, Debbie. 2016. The Sun News. September 24. p. [1-3]. |
295598 |
Pest fallen: If there are problems with the course during the peak playing season it may be due to weather-induced pests and diseases | Mackenzie, Noel. 2016. Greenkeeping. August. 125: p. 6, 8. |
295394 |
Still coping with fall flooding |
Anonymous. 2016. Golf Course Industry. August. 28(8): p. 10. |
274441 |
Pesticides and Parkinson's disease: Increasing evidence has shown a link between pesticide exposure and the risk for Parkinson's disease. How real is this link on the golf course? |
Massing, Thomas. 2016. The Clinical Advisor. May. p. 40-44, 48. |
282559 |
The little things mean a lot: Pests and disease on your course usually results in brown grass, but the actual cause can be a variety of issues | Mackenzie, Noel. 2016. Greenkeeping. May. 122: p. 6, 8. |
295437 |
This green is made for walking Access Restrictions |
Guertal, Beth. 2016. Golf Course Management. May. 84(5): p. 92. |
272011 |
Dollar Spot - a New Disease in Scandinavia (Myntfläck - en Ny Sjukdom i Skandinavien/ Myntflekk - en Ny Sykdom i Skandinavia/ Møntplet - en Ny Sygdom i Skandinavien) |
Brurberg, May Bente; Espevig, Tatsiana; Kvalbein, Agnar; Petersen, Karin Normann; Usoltseva, Marina; Wright, Sandra A. I.; Aamlid, Trygve S. 2015. [Stockholm, Sweden]: Scandinavian Turfgrass and Environment Research Foundation, STERF. [4] pp. |
289150 |
Fairy Rings in Turfgrass | Kennelly, Megan. 2015. [Manhattan, Kansas]: Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service, Kansas State University. [3] pp. Revised Edition. |
289737 |
Gray Leaf Spot |
TurfFiles, North Carolina State University. 201X. [Raleigh, North Carolina]: TurfFiles, Center for Turfgrass Environmental Research and Education, North Carolina State University. [18] pp. |
298568 |
The effects of different rates of nitrogen and iron sulfate on Microdochium patch development on trafficked annual bluegrass putting greens in the absence of fungicides | Mattox, Clint; Kowalewski, Alexander R.; McDonald, Brian W. 2015. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 92685. |
266666 |
Phytohormone production of pathogenic bacteria (Acidovorax avenae subsp. avenae) in culture and in creeping bentgrass tissues | Liu, Sha; Vargas, Joseph M.; Merewitz, Emily B. 2015. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 92963. |
266668 |
Microdochium paspali, a new species causing seashore paspalum disease in southern China Access Restrictions |
Zhang, Wu; Nan, Zhibiao; Tian, Pei; Hu, Meijiao; Gao, Zhaoyin; Li, Min. 2015. Mycologia. 107(1): p. 80-89. |
282549 |
Fairy rings are magical | Hsiang, Tom; Barron, George. 2015. Sports Turf Manager [STC]. Summer. 28(2): p. 1, 6-9. |
263927 |
Control of anthracnose basal rot on a newly converted Poa annua putting green, 2014 Access Restrictions |
Aynardi, Brian; Uddin, Wakar. 2015. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 9: p. T008. |
268659 |
Early identification to mitigate fusarium threat this winter: Greenkeepers are using local weather monitoring tools and analysing data more than ever before, to help predict when their turf will be more susceptible to disease |
Mumford, Colin. 2015. Greenside. December. p. 50-51. |
294209 |
Development of a quantitative loop-mediated isothermal amplification assay to detect Magnaporthe oryzae airborne inoculum in turf ecosystems | Villari, C.; Mahaffee, W. F.; Mitchell, T. K.; Pedley, K. F.; Pieck, M.; Peduto Hand, F. 2015. Phytopathology. November. 105(11S): p. S4.142-S4.143. |
267559 |
As fall approaches, it's time to treat for spring dead spot in bermudagrass | Roberts, Joseph. 2015. MTC Turf News. Fall. p. 10-13. |
267570 |
First report of Xanthomonas translucens causing wilt disease on perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) in the United States Access Restrictions |
Giordano, P. R.; Zeng, Q.; Dykema, N. M.; Detweiler, A. R.; Vargas, J. M. Jr. 2015. Plant Disease. September. 99(9): p. 1270. |
265158 |
Fairway patch - a serious emerging disease of couch (syn. bermudagrass) [Cynodon dactylon] and kikuyu (Pennisetum clandestinum) turf in Australia caused by Phialocephala bamuru P.T.W. Wong & C. Dong sp. nov. Access Restrictions |
Wong, P. T. W.; Dong, C.; Martin, P. M.; Sharp, P. J. 2015. Australasian Plant Pathology. September. 44(5): p. 545-555. |
267764 |
The Pythium project | Gilley, Max. 2015. Heart Beat. July. 47(5): p. 10, 16. |
265945 |
Research shows 'mulch fungus' causes turfgrass disease | Anonymous. 2015. July 2. p. [1-3]. |
262522 |
Silicon-induced systemic defense responses in perennial ryegrass against infection by Magnaporthe oryzae Access Restrictions |
Rahman, Alamgir; Wallis, Christopher M.; Uddin, Wakar. 2015. Phytopathology. June. 105(6): p. 748-757. |
262282 |
Rhizoctonia on turfgrass | Mullahy, Sean; Plewa, Diane. 2015. Home, Yard, and Garden Pest Newsletter. May 26. [19](5): p. [3-4]. |
265860 |
Severe symptoms of mosaic and necrosis in cv. Floratam St. Augustinegrass associated with Sugarcane mosaic virus in neighborhoods of St. Petersburg, FL Access Restrictions |
Harmon, P. F.; Alcalá-Briseño, R. I.; Polston, J. E. 2015. Plant Disease. April. 99(4): p. 557. |
258863 |
Million dollar question: It's difficult to predict the impact this winter will have on dollar spot pressure. Our experts provide insight to control this costly turf pathogen |
Torsiello, John. 2015. Golf Course Industry. March. 27(3): p. 46, 48, 50, 52. |
257174 |
Spotlight on turfgrass disease: Anthrancose |
Giordano, Paul. 2014. The Dogwood. Summer. p. 8, 10-11. |
250880 |
Species identification of novel ectotrophic root-infecting fungi associated with decline of ultradwarf bermudagrass | Vines, Phillip L.; Tomaso-Peterson, Maria; Hoffman, Federico; Meyer, Florencia. 2014. ASA, CSSA and SSSA Annual Meetings [2014]. p. 88973. |
250243 |
Proper identification required: When diagnosing turfgrass problems, the first step is to ID the turfgrass species |
Sherratt, Pamela. 2014. SportsField Management. December. 9(12): p. 18-21. |
258791 |
The influence of iron, sulfur and pH on dollar spot development | Reams, Nate; Ervin, Erik; McCall, David; Askew, Shawn. 2014. Virginia Turfgrass Journal. November/December. p. 22-25. |
251005 |
First report of leaf and sheath spot caused by Waitea circinata var. zeae on Paspalum vaginatum and Zoysia tenuifolia in China |
Zhang, W.; Nan, Z. B.; Liu, G. D.; Hu, M. J.; Gao, Z. Y.; Li, M. 2014. Plant Disease. October. 98(10): p. 1436. |
249119 |
Diagnosing the problem - Is it a disease? |
Rimelspach, Joseph; Sherratt, Pamela. 2014. SportsField Management. August. 9(8): p. 22-28. |
252320 |
Can disease be linked to poor bermudagrass transition in the Desert Southwest?: Some diseases may be more active during spring transition than once previously thought | Whitlark, Brian; Towers, Gabe. 2014. USGA Green Section Record. August 22. 52(17): p. 1-4. |
247755 |
Water woes |
Vavrek, Bob. 2014. United States Golf Association. July 9. p. 1. |
247740 |
Effects of relative humidity on infection, colonization and conidiation of Magnaporthe orzyae on perennial ryegrass Access Restrictions |
Li, Y.; Uddin, W.; Kaminski, J. E. 2014. Plant Pathology. June. 63(3): p. 590-597. |
242111 |
Seasonal Activity of Turfgrass Pathogens in the Midwest | Latin, Richard. 2013. [West Lafayette, Indiana]: Purdue Extension, Purdue University. 4 pp. |
257998 |
Early season preventative fungicide applications for the day of dollar spot symptom development |
Soper, Sam; Liesch, P. J.; Schweiger, Bruce; Koch, Paul. 2013. 2013 Summer Fungicide Research Reports [Wisconsin]. p. [1-2]. |
276808 |
Dollar spot control on golf course fairways |
Soper, Sam; Liesch, P. J.; Schweiger, Bruce; Koch, Paul. 2013. 2013 Summer Fungicide Research Reports [Wisconsin]. p. [1-5]. |
277001 |