Keyword: Establishment
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Conditioning course with simple thrifty methods | Jenkins, J. C. 1930. Golfdom: The Business Journal of Golf. April. 4(4): p. 108-110. |
179119 |
The lawn problem in the sunny South |
Hansen, Albert A. 1930. American Home. January. p. 378, 422, 426. |
71348 |
Greenkeeping in South Africa Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Murray, C. M. Murray, C. M. 192x. |
50865 |
Fertilizers for Gardens and Lawns: How to Use Them to Advantage Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Thomas, Harry Higgott. 1929. Plymouth, England: Charles Norrington and Co., Ltd. 48 pp. |
33329 |
Better Lawns |
Welton, F. A.; Salter, Robert M. 1929. Wooster, Ohio: Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station. 16 pp., [2] plates. |
56447 |
Enter now the weedless lawn |
Ziegler, Harry M. 1929. American Home. September. p. 690, 786. |
71347 |
First experiences in construction |
Hansen, Edwin. 1929. The Newsletter [New England]. August. 1(4): p. 2-3. |
284018 |
The story of Kernwood bent |
Mitchell, Robert A. 1929. The Newsletter [New England]. June. 1(2): p. 2. |
283998 |
Improvement of golf turf in Canada | McRostie, G. P. 1929. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. March. 9(3): p. 50-53. |
35561 |
Cultivating creeping bent a hundred years ago | Monteith, John Jr. 1929. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. January. 9(1): p. 8-15. |
35510 |
Le Parcours de Golf: Sa Construction, son Entretien, les Gazons en Général ([The Golf Course: Its Construction, Maintenance, Turfs in General]) |
Bandeville, Maurice L. 1928. Paris, France: Guides Plumon. [9], 135, [13] pp. |
33117 |
Bent Lawns |
O. M. Scott & Sons Co. 1928. Marysville, Ohio: O. M. Scott & Sons Co. 21 pp. |
140161 |
Bent Lawns | O. M. Scott & Sons Co. 1928. Marysville, Ohio: O. M. Scott & Sons Co. 23 pp. |
278757 |
Why fall planting is better | Anonymous. 1928. Lawn Care. August. 1(1): p. 1. |
262547 |
Growing Chewing's fescue on hard clay fairways | Ermer, Frank. 1928. The National Greenkeeper. February. 2(2): p. 11. |
67069 |
Bermuda fairways, tees and lawns | Mendenhall, Chester. 1928. The National Greenkeeper. February. 2(2): p. 12, 26, 28. |
67267 |
Lawns, Golf, and Sport Turf: Production & Maintenance |
Collins, William J. 192x. Boston, MA: Collins Seed Service Co. [1], 29 pp. |
111752 |
Vest-Pocket Manual of Creeping Bent Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Robert F. Leesley Grass Co. 192x. Riverside, IL: Robert F. Leesley Grass Co. |
174168 |
Daffodils for golf courses | Griffiths, David. 1927. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. March. 7(3): p. 51-54. |
50974 |
[Shade grass] | USGA Green Section. 1926. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. December. 6(12): p. 266-267. |
118974 |
Grasses for sandy soils in the North | USGA Green Section. 1926. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. November. 6(11): p. 245. |
119035 |
Seeding as late as October 30 | USGA Green Section. 1926. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. November. 6(11): p. 247. |
119041 |
Fairway grasses for and treatment of sandy soil | USGA Green Section. 1926. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. September. 6(9): p. 207. |
119112 |
Sowing Bermuda seed; rate and method. Fertilizers for Bermuda turf | USGA Green Section. 1926. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. March. 6(3): p. 73. |
121231 |
Native trees, shrubs and flowers for golf courses: Part II. Spring planting | Ricker, P. L. 1926. Bulletin of the Green Section of the U.S. Golf Association. March 16. 6(3): p. 60-63. |
43618 |
Native trees, shrubs, and flowers for golf courses: Part I. Fall plantings | Ricker, P. L. 1925. Bulletin of the Green Section of the U.S. Golf Association. October 15. 5(10): p. 225-230. |
49618 |
Some suggestions for beginners on the vegetative planting of creeping bent | Oakley, R. A. 1924. Bulletin of the Green Section of the U.S. Golf Association. August 21. 4(8): p. 182-184. |
49286 |
Lawns, Links, and Sportsfields |
MacDonald, James. 19xx. London, England: Country Life, Ltd.; New York, New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. ix, 28, [2], 29-38, [2], 39-46, [2], 47-50, [2], 51-56, [2], 57-68, [2], 69-70, [2], 71-77, [1] pp. |
33280 |
Lawn Making: Together with the Proper Keeping of Putting Greens Access Restrictions |
Barron, Leonard. 1923. Garden City, New York: Doubleday, Page & Company, Inc. vi, 176 pp., [xxxi] plates. |
37350 |
The Seeding and Care of Golf Courses |
O. M. Scott & Sons Co. 1922. Marysville, Ohio: O. M. Scott & Sons Co. 54 pp. |
33363 |
Weedless Lawns and Golf Courses | O. M. Scott & Sons Co. 192X. Marysville, Ohio: O. M. Scott & Sons Co. 31 pp. |
129723 |
The Practical Greenkeeper |
Beale, Reginald. 1921. New York, New York: Carters Tested Seeds Inc. 47 pp. Fourth American Edition. |
146220 |
Lawns: Their Making and Maintenance | Elwood, Philip Homer. [19XX]. Amherst, Massachusettes: Massachusetts Agricultural College. 4 pp. |
171858 |
Lawns and Greens: Their Formation and Management Access Restrictions |
Sanders, T. W. 1920. London, England: W. H. & L. Collingridge. 116, pp. [14] plates. 3rd Edition. |
19677 |
Garden Lawns, Tennis Lawns, Croquet Grounds, Putting Greens, Cricket Grounds, Bowling Greens | Sutton & Sons, Reading. 1920. London, England, United Kingdom: Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co., Ltd. 80, iv pp. Thirteenth Edition. |
102047 |
Lawns |
Anonymous. 1919. p. 67-68, 71-73. In: Farmers' Cyclopedia Vol VII. Minneapolis, MN: American Farmers School. |
109907 |
Care of the Green | Lees, Peter W. 1918. New York, NY: C. B. Wilcox & Co. 93 pp. |
33235 |
[Yarrow on tees] | Anonymous. 1917. The Golf Course [New York]. January. 2(1): p. 4. |
137352 |
Fertilizing Lawn and Garden Soils | Brown, Percy E. 1916. Ames, Iowa: Agricultural Experiment Station, Iowa State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. 15 pp. |
108900 |
The Practical Greenkeeper Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Beale, Reginald. 1916. Boston, Massachusetts: Carters Tested Seeds, Inc. 64 pp. Third American Edition. |
146254 |
Lawns and Lawn Making | Montgomery, M. E. 1916. Ithaca, New York: New York State College of Agriculture, Cornell University. 77-80 pp. |
185211 |
Making and Maintaining a Lawn Access Restrictions Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
United States Bureau of Plant Industry. 1916. Washington, D.C. : United States Deptartment of Agriculture, Bureau of Plant Industry, Seed Distribution. 6 pp. |
198215 |
[Seasonal work on the golf course] | Sinclaire, R. O. 1916. The Golf Course [New York]. June. 1(6): p. 54. |
136737 |
The Proper Care of Lawns |
Doogue, Luke J. 1914. Berea, Ohio: The Dunham Co. 31 pp. |
113042 |
The Practical Greenkeeper |
Beale, Reginald. [1914]. Boston, Massachusetts: Carters Tested Seeds Inc. 101 pp. 2nd American Edition. |
146251 |
The Practical Greenkeeper |
Beale, Reginald. 191x. London: James Carter & Co. 103 pp. 5th Edition. |
33126 |
Starting a Lawn | Halligan, C. P. 1913. East Lansing, MI: Michigan Agricultural College Division of Horticulture. 4 pp. |
108350 |
Lawns and tennis grounds from seed |
Sutton and Sons. 1913. p. 377-408. In: Sutton and Sons. The Culture of Vegetables and Flowers From Seeds and Roots. London: Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co. 15th Edition. |
73195 |
The Book of the Links: A Symposium on Golf |
Sutton, Martin Hubert Foquett, ed. 1912. London, England: W.H. Smith & Son. [2], x, 224, xii pp. |
33326 |
Garden Lawns, Tennis Lawns, Croquet Grounds, Bowling Greens, Putting Greens, Cricket Grounds |
Sutton and Sons, Reading. 1912. London, England, United Kingdom: Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co. 75 pp., [6] plates. Eleventh Edition. |
102309 |
Lawn Soils and Lawns |
Schreiner, Oswald; Skinner, J. J.; Corbett, L. C.; Mulford, F. L. 1912. Washington: Government Printing Office. 48 pp. |
108868 |
The Practical Greenkeeper Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Beale, Reginald. 19xx. Boston: Carters Tested Seeds Inc. 1st American Edition. |
146255 |
Green-keeping as applicable to the upkeep of lawns |
Taylor, Joshua. [1912]. p. 138-150. In: Taylor, Joshua. The Art of Golf. London, England: T. Werner Laurie. |
33327 |
Golf greens on sand and in dry climates |
Sutton, Martin H. F. 1912. p. 245-253. In: Hilton, Harold H.; Smith, Garden G., eds. The Royal & Ancient Game of Golf. London: The London and Counties Press Association Ltd., for Golf Illustrated Ltd. |
143818 |
Lawns and Greens: Their Formation and Management |
Sanders, T. W. [1911]. London, England, United Kingdom: W. H. & L. Collingridge. 141, [11] pp. 2nd Edition. |
33315 |
Lawn Soils Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Schreiner, Oswald; Skinner, J. J. 1911. Washington, D.C: U.S. Department of Agriculture. 55 pp. |
108869 |
Lawns and Greens: Their Formation and Management: Garden, Tennis and Croquet Lawns, Bowling and Golf Greens, Cricket Grounds, Grass Paths, etc. | Sanders, Thomas William. 1909. London, England: W.H. & L. Collingridge. 138, [10] pp. 1st Edition. |
33314 |
Garden Lawns, Tennis Lawns, Bowling Greens, Croquet Grounds, Putting Greens, Cricket Grounds Access Restrictions Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Sutton & Sons, Reading. 1909. London, England, United Kingdom: Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co. Ltd. 63 pp. |
204657 |
Les Gazons (The Turf) |
Forestier, Jean Claude Nicolas. 1908. Paris, France: Lucien Laveur. 121, [15] pp. |
33184 |
The Seeding and Preservation of Golf Links Access Restrictions Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
J. M. Thorburn & Co. 1908. New York, New York: J. M. Thorburn & Co. 33 pp. 2nd Edition. |
110084 |
Lawns and How to Make Them: Together With the Proper Keeping of Putting Greens |
Barron, Leonard. 1906. Garden City, New York; New York, New York: Doubleday, Page & Company. [6], 174 pp., xxxi plates. |
33123 |
The Lawn Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Corbett, L. C. 1906. Washington, D.C.: United States Department of Agriculture. 20 pp. |
108867 |
The formation of turf | Beale, Gilbert. 1906. p. 19-45. In: Hutchinson, Horace G., ed. Golf Greens and Green-Keeping. London: Country Life Ltd. & George Newnes, Ltd. |
72588 |
Formation and upkeep of courses made out of pine forests | Fergusson, S. Mure. 1906. p. 119-126. In: Hutchinson, Horace G., ed. Golf Greens and Green-Keeping. London: Country Life Ltd. & George Newnes, Ltd. |
72630 |
Beautifying the Home Grounds Access Restrictions |
Corbett, L. C. 1904. Washington: Government Printing Office. 24 pp. |
108870 |
Lawns and gardens |
Country Life. [190x]. p. 56-66. In: Cook, E. T., ed. The Century Book of Gardening: A Comprehensive Work for Every Lover of the Garden. London: The offices of Country Life. |
125113 |
Lawns and tennis grounds from seed |
Sutton & Sons. 1900. p. 371-383. In: Sutton and Sons. The Culture of Vegetables and Flowers From Seeds and Roots. London: Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co. 9th Edition. |
84075 |
Garden Lawns, Tennis Lawns, Putting Greens, Cricket Grounds |
Sutton & Sons, Reading. 1899. London, England, Great Britain: Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co. Ltd. 34 pp., [6] plates. |
102310 |
The Seeding and Preservation of Golf Links Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
J. M. Thorburn & Co. 1899. New York: J. M. Thorburn & Co. 31 pp. |
110684 |
Lawns and lawn making |
Lamson-Scribner, F. 1898. p. 355-372, [8] plates. In: United States Department of Agriculture. Yearbook of the United States Department of Agriculture: 1897. Washington, D.C.: United States Department of Agriculture. |
106879 |
The Lawn [Chapter IX.] |
1897. p. 105-114. In: Jonsson-Rose, N. Lawns and Gardens : How to plant and beautify the home lot the pleasure ground and garden. New York, NY: G. P. Putnam's Sons, The Knickerbocker Press. |
17028 |
The Formation of Lawns, Tennis and Cricket Grounds from Seed |
Sutton & Sons. 1892. London, England, United Kingdom: Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co., Limited. 19, [3] pp. |
39404 |
Grasses of North America for Farmers and Students: Comprising Chapters on their Physiology, Composition, Selection, Improving, Cultivation, Management of Grass Lands; Also Chapters on Clovers, Injurious Insects, and Fungi Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Beal, W. J. 1887. Lansing, Michigan: Thorp & Godfrey. xiii, 457 pp. 1st Edition. |
96317 |
Making a Lawn. Mixed Lawn Grass Seeds Analyzed | Beal, W. J. 1886. East Lansing, MI: The Agricultural College of Michigan, Botanical Department. 10 pp. |
38392 |
[Forming the lawns of Paris] |
1878. p. 128-130. In: Robinson, W. The Parks and Gardens of Paris : considered in relation to the wants of other cities and of public and private gardens. London: MacMillian and Co. 2nd Edition. |
23709 |
Lawns |
[Browne, D. J.]. 1855. Report of the Commissioner of Patents For the Year 1854: Agriculture. 1854: p. 390-393. |
262580 |
Making or regulating lawns |
Anonymous. 1847. Annals of Horticulture. 2: p. 192. |
291159 |
Renovating turf |
Loudon, Jane. 1845. p. 199. In: Loudon, Jane. The Lady's Country Companion. Bungay: Privately published for the members of the National Trust by Paradigm Press. reprint Edition. |
103234 |
Grass lawns and lands |
Anonymous. 1843. The Gardener and Practical Florist. 2: p. 206. |
283812 |
An Essay on Agriculture; on the nature and nutrive qualities of fiorin grass Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Richardson, William. 1818. Printed for Whitmore and Penn, Charging Cross. 173 pages. | 35511 |