Keyword: Establishment
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Aminocyclopyrachlor safety in seeded cool-season turfgrass | Straw, Chase; Cooper, Tyler; Beck, Leslie; Henry, Gerald; McCullough, Patrick; Brosnan, James; Breeden, Gregory. 2011. 2011 International Annual Meetings: [Abstracts][ASA-CSSA-SSSA]. p. 66617. |
192767 |
Mesotrione use for hydroseeding perennial ryegrass | Pease, Benjamin; Stier, John. 2011. 2011 International Annual Meetings: [Abstracts][ASA-CSSA-SSSA]. p. 66638. |
192753 |
Traffic tolerance of Kentucky bluegrass varieties in blends and monostands | Dunne, Jeffrey; Rogers, John III. 2011. 2011 International Annual Meetings: [Abstracts][ASA-CSSA-SSSA]. p. 67185. |
192414 |
Response of tall fescue cultivars to mesotrione applied at establishment | Venner, Katelyn; Hart, Stephen; Mansue, Carrie. 2011. 2011 International Annual Meetings: [Abstracts][ASA-CSSA-SSSA]. p. 68332. |
192754 |
Tall fescue and perennial ryegrass re-seeding intervals for amicarbazone | Elmore, Matthew T.; Brosnan, James T.; McCullough, Patrick E.; Breeden, Gregory K. 2011. 2011 Proceedings, Southern Weed Science Society. 64: p. 287. |
226821 |
Autumn terms of sowing of turf grasses and legumes and their initial development |
Ambruz, Josef; Hejduk, Stanislav. 2011. Acta Universitatis Agriculturaeet Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis. 59(6): p. 9-16. |
274810 |
Rizomlu kırmızı yumak (Festuca rubra var. rubra) ile tesis edilen yeşil alanda atıksu arıtma çamurunun tesis gübresi olarak değerlendirilmesi (Assessment as establishing fertilizer of biosolid in a sod establishment with creeping red fescue (Festuca rubra var. rubra)) |
Zorer Çelebi, Şeyda; Arvas, Ösmetullah; Çelebi, Rafet; Yilmaz, İbrahim Hakkı. 2011. Ekoloji. 20(78): p. 18-25. |
276280 |
Research progress of fine turf grass Agrostis stolonifera L. |
Han, Rui-hong; Li, Zhi-dan; Gao, Gui-juan; Chen, Ping; Shi, Xiu-lan; Zhou, Yu-lei; Wang, Ming-zu. 2011. Guangdong Nongye Kexue [Guangdong Agricultural Sciences]. 15: p. Unknown. |
282459 |
Discussion on establishment and management techniques of football filed [field] lawn in Henan province sports center Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Wang, Le-ping. 2011. Ningxia Nong-lin Ke-ji [Ningxia Journal of Agriculture and Forestry Science and Technology]. 10: p. 28-30, 32. |
287120 |
Effects of shading on the growth of Poa pratensis sown in the same year Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Zhang, Shu-yan; Xie, Li-juan. 2011. Neimenggu Nongye Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban) [Joural of Inner Mongolia Agricultural University (Natural Science Edition)]. 2: p. 177-179. |
282847 |
Lawn establishment your way Access Restrictions |
The Lawn Institute. 2011. Turf News [TPI]. November/December. 35(6): p. 11. |
195629 |
The use of soil amendments to improve survival of roadside grasses |
Brown, Rebecca Nelson; Gorres, Josef. 2011. HortScience. October. 46(10): p. 1404-1410. |
192086 |
Successful overseeding Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 2011. Greenkeeper International. September. p. 48. |
196531 |
Losses of surface runoff, total solids, and nitrogen during bermudagrass establishment on levee embankments |
Burwell, Robert W. Jr.; Beasley, Jeffrey S.; Gaston, Lewis A.; Borst, Steven M.; Sheffield, Ron E.; Strahan, Ron E.; Munshaw, Gregg C. 2011. Journal of Environmental Quality. July. 40(4): p. 1241-1248. |
185262 |
Establishing bermudagrass greens |
Hanna, Wayne; Schwartz, Brian; Waltz, Clint. 2011. Asian Golf Business. July. 35: p. 16-19. |
249311 |
Physical and chemical properties of green roof media and their effect on plant establishment | Olszewski, Michael W.; Young, Courtney A. 2011. Journal of Environmental Horticulture. June. 29(2): p. 81-86. |
267442 |
STRI golf course architectural services and united utilities Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 2011. Bulletin for Sports Surface Management. April. 253: p. 41. |
181041 |
Field-based effects of allelopathy in invaded tallgrass prairie Access Restrictions |
Harnden, Jesse; MacDougall, Andrew S.; Sikes, Benjamin A. 2011. Botany [Canada]. April. 89(4): p. 227-234. |
199367 |
Selecting lawn grasses for spring renovations | Wells, Wayne. 2011. Turf Tips [Mississippi State University]. February 28. p. [1]. |
261671 |
Growing Media for Ornamental Plants and Turf |
Handreck, Kevin; Black, Neil. 2010. Sydney, New South Wales, Australia: University of New South Wales Press Ltd. viii, 551 pp. 4th Edition. |
160863 |
Establishment and Management Practices of Two New Warm-Season Turfgrasses in the Southern Transition Zone |
Stiglbauer, John Brandon. 2010. M.S. Thesis: Clemson University. xi, 95 pp. |
166225 |
Effects of nitrogen fertility and mowing heights on anthracnose basal rot severity in annual bluegrass | Backman, Paul A.; Stahnke, Gwen K.; Miltner, Eric; Cook, Thomas; Landschoot, Peter J. [2010]. WSU Puyallup Turfgrass Science. p. [1-3]. |
166270 |
National Seashore Paspalum Test - 2007: Progress Report 2009 | National Turfgrass Evaluation Program. 2010. Beltsville, Maryland: USDA ARS, Beltsville Agricultural Research Center and National Turfgrass Federation, Inc. iv, 15 pp. |
166739 |
Best Management Practices for Nutrient Management of Turf in New Jersey | Murphy, James A.; Murphy, Stephanie L. 2010. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. [6] pp. Revised Edition. |
167108 |
Buffalograss: For Lawns, Turf, and Revegetation | Sharp Bros. Seed Co. 20XX. Healy, Kansas: Sharp Bros. Seed Co. [8] pp. |
210969 |
Cool-Season Grasses: Lawn Establishment and Renovation |
Fresenburg, Brad S. 2010. Columbia, Missouri: University of Missouri Extension. 6 pp. Revised Edition. |
238840 |
Turfgrass Establishment for Texas: Ecological Turf Tips | Chalmers, David R.; McAfee, James. 2010. [College Station, Texas]: AgriLife Communications, Texas A & M System. 7 pp. |
258346 |
Lawn Care in Short-Season, High-Altitude Zones |
Salaiz, Tom; Love, Stephen L.; Bauer, Michael; McCammon, Tony. 2010. Moscow, Idaho: Extension, University of Idaho. 8 pp. |
263913 |
Successful Lawns | Moore-Gough, Cheryl; Gough, Robert E.; Dougher, Tracy. 2010. Bozeman, Montana: Extension, Montana State University. 4 pp. |
266721 |
Establishing Buffalograss in Fine Fescue Turfgrass on the Central Coast of California |
Axtell, Brittani Jean. 2010. M.S. Thesis: California Polytechnic State University. ix, 71 pp. |
270967 |
The Management and Use of Bahiagrass |
Hancock, Dennis W.; Lacy, R. Curt; Stewart, R. Lawton; Tubbs, R. Scott; Kichler, Jeremy; Green, T. Wade; Hicks, Ray. 2010. [Athens, Georgia]: Cooperative Extension, College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, College of Family and Consumer Sciences, University of Georgia. 12 pp. |
282134 |
Black Sand Topdressing to Enhance Establishment of Late Fall Seeded Bentgrass | Golob, C. T.; Johnston. W. J.; Proctor, C. A.; Williams, M. W. 2010. Pullman, Washington: Washington State University. [1] p. |
301365 |
Recyling home construction waste benefits turfgrass establishment | Heckman, Joseph R. 2010. Proceedings of the Nineteenth Annual Rutgers TurfgrassSymposium. p. 42. |
159470 |
Stresses associated with germination and establishment of overseeded turfgrasses | Richardson, M. D.; Patton, A. J.; Trappe, J. M. 2010. Proceedings of the 7th International Herbage Seed Conference. p. 82-88. |
251288 |
Poultry compost as an amendment for establishing creeping bentgrass in a sand-based rootzone | Summerford, Josh; Karcher, Doug. 2010. Arkansas Turfgrass Report 2009. p. 104-107. |
167370 |
Bermudagrass establishment with extracted humic/fulvic acid and calcium lignosulfonate | Cooper, Tyler; Hephner, Andrew; Beck, Leslie; Williams, Travis; Henry, Gerald. 2010. 2010 International Annual Meetings: [Abstracts][ASA-CSSA-SSSA]. p. 57789. |
170918 |
Carbon dioxide fluxes in biosolid-amended soils during turfgrass establishment | Ruis, Sabrina; Stier, John. 2010. 2010 International Annual Meetings: [Abstracts][ASA-CSSA-SSSA]. p. 58810. |
170850 |
Black sand topdressing to enhance establishment of late fall seeded bentgrass greens | Golob, Charles T.; Johnston, William J.; Proctor, Christopher A.; Williams, Matthew W. 2010. 2010 International Annual Meetings: [Abstracts][ASA-CSSA-SSSA]. p. 58891. |
170865 |
Compost application practices for improving turfgrass establishment and quality on a disturbed urban soil | Dunifon, Shea; Maguire, Rory; Evanylo, Gregory; Goatley, James. 2010. 2010 International Annual Meetings: [Abstracts][ASA-CSSA-SSSA]. p. 59776. |
170593 |
Establishment fertility of velvet and creeping bentgrass fairways | Pease, Benjamin; Stier, John; Hollman, Andrew; Horgan, Brian. 2010. 2010 International Annual Meetings: [Abstracts][ASA-CSSA-SSSA]. p. 60208. |
170597 |
Mesotrione for managing weeds during the establishment of Kentucky bluegrass abd tall fescue turf in the transition zone | Reis, A.; Brosnan, J.; Breeden, G.; Elmore, M. 2010. Proceedings: 64th Annual Meeting of the NortheasternWeed Science Society. 64: p. 7-8. |
162713 |
Competitive effects of crabgrass and goosegrass on 'Zenith' zoysiagrass (Zoysia japonica) establishment | Doroh, M. C.; McElroy, J. S.; Walker, R. H.; Guertal, E. A. 2010. 2010 Proceedings, Southern Weed Science Society. 63: p. 54. |
226470 |
Alternative approaches to soil fumigation for reduced weed competition during turfgrass establishment | Hoyle, J. A.; McElroy, J. S.; Rose, J. J.; Guertal, E. A. 2010. 2010 Proceedings, Southern Weed Science Society. 63: p. 129. |
226483 |
Preemergence herbicides influence establishment of bermudagrass and seashore paspalum putting greens | McCullough, P. E.; Schwartz, B. 2010. 2010 Proceedings, Southern Weed Science Society. 63: p. 130. |
226485 |
Establishment fertility of velvet and creeping bentgrass fairways/tees | Pease, Ben; Stier, John. 2010. 2010 Wisconsin Turfgrass Research Reports. 28: p. [46-49]. |
245022 |
Tenacity® use in hydroseeding trials: Rate and timing [2010] | Pease, Ben; Stier, John. 2010. 2010 Wisconsin Turfgrass Research Reports. 28: p. [60-63]. |
245026 |
Van bölgesinde tesis edilecek çim alanları için uygun tohumluk miktarının saptanması (Determination of proper seeding amounts for established turfgrass field in Van Region) | Zorer Çelebi, Şeyda; Andiç, Nuray; Yilmaz, İ. Hakkı. 2010. Yüzüncü Yil Üniversitesi Tarim Bilimleri Dergisi. 20(1): p. 16-25. |
282423 |
Survey on the investigation of truf [turf] application in Luoyang City Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Chen, Li-wena; Zhang, Guang-bob. 2010. Xinyang Nonglin Xueyuan Xuebao [Journal of Xinyang Agricultural College]. 3: p. Unknown. |
290926 |
Sea Spray nets big rewards for two Texas golf courses (presented by Sea Spray) | 04:40. 2010. GCSAA TV. November 12. |
172968 |
Velvet underground |
Doggett, Greg. 2010. Pitchcare. October/November. 33: p. 30-33. |
172007 |
Syringing: The key to successful seed | Sherratt, Pam; Street, John. 2010. Buckeye Turf. October 12. p. [1-2]. |
171409 |
Mbombela Stadium Access Restrictions |
Frith, Dale. 2010. Bulletin for Sports Surface Management. September. 250: p. 9-11. |
172881 |
Made to order Access Restrictions |
Ellis, Patrick. 2010. Golf Course Management. September. 78(9): p. 56-58, 60, 62, 64, 66. |
169385 |
Is it too late? | Miller, Grady. 2010. SportsTurf. September. 26(9): p. 46. |
169418 |
Differentiating between wear and compaction: How their interaction affects turf stress | Dest, W. M.; Ebdon, J. S. 2010. TurfGrass TRENDS. August. p. 59-61. |
180969 |
Turf 101: Why cool-season grasses should be seeded in August or September | Anonymous. 2010. UNL Turfgrass Extension | University of Nebraska - Lincoln. August 18. p. [1]. |
169135 |
Now is the time to seed lawns and other turf areas | Patton, Aaron. 2010. Purdue Turfgrass Program Website. August 24. p. [1-2]. |
170377 |
Update on university turf-related research projects, part III: Iowa State University |
Minner, Dave; Hoiberg, Andrew. 2010. SportsTurf. July. 26(7): p. 12, 14. |
166662 |
Bermudagrass establishment using saline water for irrigation Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 2010. TurfNews [TPI]. May/June. 34(3): p. 14-15. |
162822 |
Using composted biosolids for turfgrass establishment Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 2010. TurfNews [TPI]. May/June. 34(3): p. 20, 22. |
162825 |
Influence of a superabsorber on the establishment of turf grass Access Restrictions |
Paeßens, B.; Henle, W.; Schneider, H.; Claupein, W. 2010. 2nd European Turfgrass Society Conference Proceedings. May 21. 2: p. Unknown. |
164195 |
Compost...the environmentally friendly way forward |
Mathers, Paul. 2010. Greenkeeper International. April. p. 34-35. |
164874 |
Selection and management of native grasses for lawns and naturalized landscapes in Oklahoma | Martin, Dennis. 2010. OSU Turfgrass Program [Oklahoma State University]. April 8.40 slides. |
167052 |
Effect of turfgrass establishment practices and composted biosolids on water quality |
Schnell, Ronnie W.; Vietor, Donald M.; Munster, Clyde L.; White, Richard H.; Provin, Tony L. 2010. Journal of Environmental Quality. March/April. 39(2): p. 697-705. |
161317 |
Establishing turfgrass without herbicides: Musings on the future | Carey, Ken. 2010. Sports Turf Manager [STA]. Spring. 23(1): p. 1, 12-13. |
162767 |
Cover technology influences warm-season grass establishment from seed |
Patton, Aaron J.; Trappe, Jon M.; Richardson, Michael D. 2010. HortTechnology. February. 20(1): p. 153-159. |
159767 |
Seed coating and seeding rate effects on turfgrass germination and establishment |
Leinauer, Bernd; Serena, Matteo; Singh, Devesh. 2010. HortTechnology. February. 20(1): p. 179-185. |
114829 |
Seeding and Sodding Home Lawns | Mugaas, R.; Pedersen, B. 2009. Minneapolis, Minnesota: University of Minnesota Extension Service, University of Minnesota. [5] pp. |
71121 |
Athletic Field Construction and Establishment: Basic Requirements for Native Soils | Powell, A. J. Jr. [200X]. Lexington, KY: University of Kentucky, College of Agriculture. 2 pp. |
150681 |
Lawn care calendar | Jett, John W. [2009]. West Virginia University Extension Service. p. [1]. |
154183 |
National Seashore Paspalum Test - 2007: Progress Report 2007 | National Turfgrass Evaluation Program. 2009. Beltsville, Maryland: USDA ARS, Beltsville Agricultural Research Center and National Turfgrass Federation, Inc. iii, 10 pp. |
155488 |
Dormant Seeding Bermudagrass into an Overseeded Stand of Ryegrass Turf Access Restrictions |
Jellicorse, William R. 2009. M.S. Thesis: University of Arkansas. ix, 73 pp. |
164221 |
Cycling of Geotube® Solids from Dairy Lagoons Through Turfgrass Sod | Provin, T.; Mukhtar, S.; Munster, C.; Vietor, D.; Tahboub, M.; Schnell, R. 2009. College Station, TX.:Texas Water Resources Institute. [17] pp. |
166335 |
Preparing to Plant a Florida Lawn |
Trenholm, L. E.; Shober, Amy L. 2009. Gainesville, Florida: Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida. 4 pp. Revised Edition. |
214892 |
Establishing Lawns | Communications and Marketing, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Virginia Cooperative Extension, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. 2009. Blacksburg, Virginia: Communications and Marketing, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Virginia Cooperative Extension, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. [6] panels. |
249760 |
Establishing Buffalograss Turf in Nebraska |
Schild, James A.; Gaussoin, Roch E.; Shearman, Robert C. 2009. Lincoln, Nebraska: Extension, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. [4] pp. |
249882 |
Spring and Summer Lawn Management Considerations for Cool-Season Turfgrasses | Goatley, Michael; Askew, Shawn; McCall, David; Schultz, Peter. 2009. [Blacksburg, Virginia]: Communications and Marketing, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. 13 pp. |
259395 |
Lawn Moss: Friend or Foe? | Goatley, Michael Jr.; Edwards, Susan; Askew, Shawn. 2009. Blacksburg, Virginia: Communications and Marketing, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. 5 pp. |
262274 |
Fertilization and Irrigation Needs for Florida Lawns and Landscapes | Trenholm, L. E.; Gilman, E. F.; Denny, G.; Unruh, J. Bryan. 2009. Gainesville, Florida: IFAS Extension, University of Florida. 6 pp. Revised Edition. |
262998 |
Turf Establishment | Deputy, Jay. 2009. [Honolulu, Hawaii]: College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, University of Hawai'i at Mānoa. 2 pp. |
263849 |
Evaluation of Novel Techniques to Establish and Transition Overseeded Grasses on Bermudagrass Sports Turf | Mittlesteadt, Tyler L. 2009. M.S. Thesis: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. vii, 65 pp. |
272544 |
Selecting Turfgrass | Communications and Marketing, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. 2009. Petersburg, Virginia: Virginia Cooperative Extension, Virginia State University; Blacksburg, Virginia: Virginia Cooperative Extension, Virginia Tech. [6] panels. |
302155 |
Tall fescue/Kentucky bluegrass seeding mixtures for athletic field use in the PNW | Anonymous. 2009. 2009 WSU/OSU Turfgrass Field Day. p. 15-17. |
246725 |
Population dynamics of nematodes from the establishment of a green up to five years old Access Restrictions |
Magunacelaya, J. C.; Müller, C. P. 2009. International Turfgrass Society Annexe - TechnicalPapers 2009. p. 17-18. |
188208 |
Effects of mowing height and traffic on germination of dormant-seeded bermudagrass in an overseeded situation | Jellicorse, Will; Richardson, Mike; Patton, Aaron; Karcher, Doug; McCalla, John. 2009. Arkansas Turfgrass Report 2008. p. 22-24. |
148798 |
Effect of seeding rate and rolling on the establishment of hard fescue |
Dernoeden, P. H.; Pigati, R. L. 2009. 2009 Turfgrass Pathology, Weed Science and Management Research Summaries [University of Maryland]. p. 37-39. |
225827 |
Tall fescue quality as influenced by organic and synthetic organic fertilizer and weed control programs |
Dernoeden, P. H.; Pigati, R. L. 2009. 2009 Turfgrass Pathology, Weed Science and Management Research Summaries [University of Maryland]. p. 40-52. |
225822 |
2003 National Turfgrass Evaluation Program (NTEP) fineleaf fescue trial | Stahnke, Gwen; Miltner, Eric; Bembenek, Richard; Luchterhand, Randi. 2009. 2009 WSU/OSU Turfgrass Field Day. p. 45-72. |
246740 |
Response of Kentucky bluegrass cultivar with the use of mesotrione at fall establishment | Mansue, Carrie; Hart, Steven E. 2009. Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual Rutgers TurfgrassSymposium. p. 46. |
143821 |
Evaluating the role of habitat quality on establishment of GM Agrostis stolonifera plants in non-agronomic settings |
Watrud, Lidia S.; Bollman, Mike; Storm, Marjorie; King, George; Reichman, Jay R.; Burdick, Connie; Lee, E. Henry. 2009. Molecular Breeding of Forage and Turf: The Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on the Molecular Breeding of Forage and Turf. p. 341-349. |
155408 |
Seeding rates and establishment techniques when interseeding T-1 and alpha creeping bentgrass into poa annua putting greens and fairways | Baldwin, Christian; Brede, A. Douglas. 2009. 2009 International Annual Meetings: [Abstracts][ASA-CSSA-SSSA]. p. 51957. |
159140 |
Turfgrass armoring of levees constructed with high saline soils within the New Orleans levee district | Borst, Steven; Beasley, Jeffrey; Straham, Ron; Henning, Shelby W. 2009. 2009 International Annual Meetings: [Abstracts][ASA-CSSA-SSSA]. p. 54137. |
158194 |
Potential use of mesotrione in turfgrass systems | Bhowmik, Prasanta; Sarkar, Dipayan. 2009. 2009 International Annual Meetings: [Abstracts][ASA-CSSA-SSSA]. p. 55382. |
158652 |
Climate change and sustainable turf; A teachable moment | Rossi, Frank S. 2009. 2009 International Annual Meetings: [Abstracts][ASA-CSSA-SSSA]. p. 55820. |
158706 |
Native grass tolerance to aminopyralid and DPX-KJM44 | Vassios, J. D.; Douglass, C.; Bridges, M.; Lindenmayer, B.; Nissen, S. 2009. 2009 Proceedings, Southern Weed Science Society. 62: p. 143. |
225790 |
Cultural and chemical methods to improve perennial ryegrass establishment in dense bermudagrass | Mittlesteadt, T. L.; Goddard, M. J.; Willis, J. B.; Askew, S. D. 2009. 2009 Proceedings, Southern Weed Science Society. 62: p. 442. |
226247 |
Improving creeping bentgrass infested turf with mesotrione and seeding | Goddard, M. J.; Willis, J. B.; Askew, S. D. 2009. 2009 Proceedings, Southern Weed Science Society. 62: p. 443. |
226249 |
Establishment techniques in under-sown perennial ryegrass for seed production Access Restrictions |
Deleuran, Lise C.; Boelt, Birte. 2009. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica: Section B, Soil and Plant Science. 59(1): p. 57-62. |
245286 |
Effect of phosphorus placement on tall fescue establishment Access Restrictions |
Carroll, Mark. 2009. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 11(Part 1): p. 327-338. |
151014 |
Timing of seeded bermudagrass establishment affects first-winter survival Access Restrictions |
Munshaw, G. C.; Philley, H. W.; Goatley, J. M. Jr.; Gerard, P. D.; Stewart, B. R. 2009. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 11(Part 1): p. 417-426. |
151034 |