Keyword: Evaluations
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
A TITLE (A TRANSLATED TITLE) Access Restrictions Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Click MORE for a hint! 202X.: p. 1-4. In: Turfgrass Info Cent and Cookingham, Pete, ed. Another TITLE BUT A MONOGRAPH (A translated mono title). 44. Park Ridge, Illinois: Green Media. 1, [4] pp. 76 Edition. |
329332 |
Silicon in turfgrass: A review Access Restrictions |
Guertal, Elizabeth A.; Datnoff, Lawrence E. 2021. Crop Science. November/December. 61(6): p. 3861-3876. |
316762 |
Seed-vectored bacterial endophytes of grasses: What are they and how do they work? | White, James F. Jr.; Chen, Qiang; Kingsley, Kathryn L.; Elmore, Matthew T.; Verma, Satish K. 2018. Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh Annual Rutgers Turfgrass Symposium. p. 13-14. |
298884 |
The microbiome associated with tall fescue under drought stress | Groben, Glen; Luo, Jing; Walsh, Emily; Qu, Henry; Meyer, William; Bonos, Stacy; Clarke, Bruce; Zhang, Ning. 2018. Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh Annual Rutgers Turfgrass Symposium. p. 15. |
298885 |
Elevated jasmonate levels induce shade tolerance in perennial ryegrass | El-Tanbouly, Rania; Katin-Grazzini, Lorenzo; Li, Wei; Yer, Huseyin; Kumar, Rahul; Thammina, Chandra S.; Li, Yi. 2018. 2017 Annual Turfgrass Research Report [Connecticut]. p. 97-101. |
302777 |
Bioremediation and phytoremediation of total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) under various conditions |
McIntosh, P.; Schulthess, C. P.; Kuzovkina, Y. A.; Guillard, K. 2018. 2017 Annual Turfgrass Research Report [Connecticut]. p. 103. |
302780 |
Documenting water use for turfgrasses in the United States | Stier, John C.; Baird, James H.; Chandra, Ambika; Elmore, Matthew T.; Henderson, Jason; Karcher, Douglas E.; Kopp, Kelly L.; Schiavon, Marco; Watkins, Eric. 2018. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 111481. |
302115 |
Brushing has limited effects on putting green performance | Williams, Taylor; Freshour, Lucas; Strunk, William; Dickson, Kyley H.; Sorochan, John C. 2018. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 111828. |
302108 |
Responses of Kentucky bluegrass seedlings to two plant growth promoting microorganisms under salinity | Zhang, Qi; Rue, Kevin. 2018. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 111894. |
302135 |
Examination of biological nitrification inhibition by a fine fescue root exudate | Sessoms, Florence; Petrella, Dominic P.; Horgan, Brian; Venterea, Rodney; Watkins, Eric. 2018. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 112087. |
302193 |
Benchmarking putting green organic matter in the Philadelphia region | Linde, Douglas; Hannan, Brendan. 2018. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 112197. |
302190 |
Application of unmanned aerial vehicle based imagery in turfgrass variety trials | Zhang, Jing; Virk, Simerjeet; Porter, Wesley M.; Kenworthy, Kevin E.; Schwartz, Brian M. 2018. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 112336. |
302008 |
Assessment of topdressing sands and associated cultural practices used to manage ultradwarf bermudagrass greens | Chavarria Sanchez, Manuel Roman; McInnes, Kevin J.; Wherley, Benjaim. 2018. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 112658. |
302131 |
Physiological effects of seaweed and extracts for controlling summer bentgrass decline | Rossi, Stephanie; Huang, Bingru. 2018. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 112737. |
302057 |
Evaluation of two commercially available soil surfactants on soil moisture management of fairway-height creeping bentgrass on a clay loam soil | Nolan, Gary; Fidanza, Michael. 2018. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 113195. |
302118 |
Evaluation of turfgrass management knowledge gained in an undergraduate horticulture course by implementation and evaluation of a first-week laboratory exercise | Fry, Jack D.; Keeley, Steven J.; Xiang, Mingying; Hong, Mu. 2018. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 113274. |
302125 |
Turfgrass water consumption under varying moisture availability | Pinnix, Drew; Miller, Grady L. 2018. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 113327. |
302051 |
Generating fungal secretomes to investigate pathogen host interaction | Sheltra, Matthew; Benson, Christopher; Huff, David R. 2018. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 113628. |
302136 |
Effect of human traffic on putting surface performance | Moore, Alec; Rossi, Frank S. 2018. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 113664. |
302189 |
The influence of biochar enriched with magnesium and sulfur on the amount of Perennial ryegrass biomass and selected chemical properties and biological of sandy soil Access Restrictions |
Gondek, Krzysztof; Mierzwa-Hersztek, Monika; Kopeć, Michał; Mróz, Tomasz. 2018. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. 49(11): p. 1257-1265. |
299731 |
Auswirkungen des schnittes auf das wachstum der gräser |
Bocksch, Martin. 2018. European Journal of Turfgrass Science. März. 49(1): p. 9-13. |
299505 |
Green space context and vegetation complexity shape people's preferences for urban public parks and residential gardens Access Restrictions |
Harris, Virginia; Kendal, Dave; Hahs, Amy K.; Threlfall, Caragh G. 2018. Landscape Research. 43(1): p. 150-162. |
294903 |
Effects of C/N ratio and pH value on the decomposition of a mixture of Populus alba×P. berolinensis-Hosta plantaginea fallen leaves and turf grass clippings | Wang, Shuai; Xu, Junping; Wang, Nan; Wang, Yu; Chen, Chen; Li, Songsong; Chen, Dianyuan. 2018. Hua Nan Nong Ye Da Xue Xue Bao [Journal of South China Agricultural University]. 39(3): p. 82-89. |
300925 |
Climate variability and water use on golf courses: Optimization opportunities for a warmer future Access Restrictions |
Scott, Daniel; Rutty, Michelle; Peister, Carly. 2018. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. 26(8): p. 1453-1467. |
297740 |
Drop-in pitches good or bad?: Drop-ins can get a bad rap but any pitch system can produce a great surface, subject to the quality of inputs, management and preparation |
Glasgow, Alex. 2018. New Zealand Turf Management Journal. Winter. 35(2): p. 6-8. |
298742 |
Hardness measurement of natural and hybrid turf soccer fields Access Restrictions |
Thanheiser, Selina Yasemin; Grashey-Jansen, Sven; Armbruster, Georg. 2018. Sports Engineering. December. 21(4): p. 367-377. |
302762 |
Impact of fraise mowing on soil physical properties of bermudagrass surfaces |
McCauley, Raymond K.; Miller, Grady L.; Pinnix, Garland D. 2018. North Carolina Turfgrass. November/December. p. 14-16. |
302696 |
The extent and pathways of nitrogen loss in turfgrass systems: Age impacts Access Restrictions |
Chen, Huaihai; Yang, Tianyou; Xia, Qing; Bowman, Daniel; Williams, David; Walker, John T.; Shi, Wei. 2018. Science of the Total Environment. October 1. 637-638: p. 746-757. |
298073 |
Goal line technology: What is it and how does it work? |
Young, Colin. 2018. Turf Management Journal. September. 35(3): p. 22-23. |
300637 |
Application conditions influence turf colorant performance |
Pinnix, Drew; Miller, Grady. 2018. SportsTurf. September. 34(9): p. 18, 20-21. |
301214 |
Topdressing with compost |
Dodson, Katie. 2018. SportsTurf. September. 34(9): p. 22-25. |
301215 |
The effects of mowing on the growth of turfgrasses |
Green, Robert L. 2018. Landscape Contractor Design Build Maintain. September. 21(9): p. 20-22. |
301125 |
Assessing evidence on the agronomic and environmental impacts of turfgrass irrigation management Access Restrictions |
Gómez-Armayones, C.; Kvalbein, A.; Aamlid, T. S.; Knox, J. W. 2018. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science. August. 204(4): p. 333-346. |
297745 |
Monitoring the impact of hedgerows and grass strips on the performance of multiple ecosystem service indicators Access Restrictions |
Van Vooren, Laura; Reubens, Bert; Ampoorter, Evy; Broekx, Steven; Pardon, Paul; Van Waes, Chris; Verheyen, Kris. 2018. Environmental Management. August. 62(2): p. 241-259. |
299615 |
Disrupting the greens: Aerification using the numbers | Blechta, Ryan. 2018. The Perfect Lie. August. 42(3): p. 4, 6-8. |
301021 |
Effect of cutting frequency on lead speciation in soil and lead accumulation in tall fescue |
Xue, Bohan; Li, Na; Song, Guilong; Li, Shigang; Puyang, Xuehua; Li, Jinbo. 2018. [Caoye Kexue] [Pratacultural Science]. August. 35(8): p. 1852-1861. |
301293 |
Effect of biosolids on drought resistance and cell antioxidant capacity of Poa pratensis |
Yu, Andong; Yu, Fangfang; Teng, Ke; Chang, Zhihui. 2018. [Caoye Kexue] [Pratacultural Science]. August. 35(8): p. 1870-1878. |
301294 |
Hammer time: Management practices and field surface hardness |
Segars, Chrissie; Thoms, Adam; VanLoo, Tim; Salmond, Jeff. 2018. SportsTurf. July. 34(7): p. 18-21. |
299580 |
Determination of mechanical properties of artificial turf football pitches according to structural components Access Restrictions |
Sánchez-Sánchez, Javier; Haxaire, Pascal; Unanue, Jorge García; Felipe, José L.; Gallardo, Ana M.; Gallardo, Leonor. 2018. Proceedings of the Institutionof Mechanical Engineers, Part P:Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology. June. 232(2): p. 131-139. |
299770 |
Effects of mowing (Beolcho) timing and height on growth characteristics of Zoysia japonica and Z. matrella before Chuseok |
Chang, Seog-Won; Koo, Jun-Hak; Sung, Chang-Hyun; Lee, Jeong-Ho; Park, Sho-Jun; Jee, Jae-Uk; Youn, Jeong-Ho. 2018. Weed and Turfgrass Science. June. 7(2): p. 140-147. |
301324 |
Effect of four soil amendments on turfgrass establishment and density in creeping bentgrass grown in sand-based root zone |
Kim, Kyoung-Nam. 2018. Weed and Turfgrass Science. June. 7(2): p. 148-157. |
301327 |
Effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on the physiology of Festuca arundinacea under soil compaction stress |
Xu, Meng; Guo, Shao-xia. 2018. [Caoye Kexue] [Pratacultural Science]. June 20. 35(6): p. 1378-1384. |
299824 |
Effect of arsenic stress on root morphological parameters and absorption of nutrient elements in ryegrass |
Li, Jin-bo; Li, Shi-gang; Song, Gui-long; Puyang, Xue-hua; Xue, Bo-han; Sui, Yong-chao. 2018. [Caoye Kexue] [Pratacultural Science]. June 20. 35(6): p. 1385-1392. |
299828 |
Green roof soil organisms: Anthropogenic assemblages or natural communities? Access Restrictions |
Rumble, Heather; Finch, Paul; Gange, Alan C. 2018. Applied Soil Ecology. May. 126: p. 11-20. |
296635 |
Less mowing equals more bees Access Restrictions |
Lerman, S. B.; Contosta, A. R.; Milam, J.; Bang, C. 2018. Golf Course Management. May. 86(5): p. 71. |
298239 |
Soil bacterial diversity is associated with human population density in urban greenspaces Access Restrictions |
Wang, Haitao; Cheng, Minying; Dsouza, Melissa; Weisenhorn, Pamela; Zheng, Tianling; Gilbert, Jack A. 2018. Environmental Science & Technology. May 1. 52(9): p. 5115-5124. |
297748 |
Research on ecological and climatic regionalization for turfgrass in China based on ArcGIS |
Liu, Zhuo-cheng; Han, Lie-Bao. 2018. [Caoye Kexue] [Pratacultural Science]. May 20. 35(5): p. 1030-1039. |
299816 |
Advances in study on grass height using remote-sensing monitoring |
Feng, Qi-sheng; Yin, Jian-peng; Yang, Shu-xia; Liang, Tian-gang. 2018. [Caoye Kexue] [Pratacultural Science]. May 20. 35(5): p. 1040-1046. |
299818 |
Perceived species-richness in urban green spaces: Cues, accuracy and well-being impacts |
Southon, Georgina E.; Jorgensen, Anna; Dunnett, Nigel; Hoyle, Helen; Evans, Karl L. 2018. Landscape and Urban Planning. April. 172: p. 1-10. |
295818 |
The art and science of syringing for turfgrass canopy cooling: Does syringing effectively cool plants under heat stress, and are there drawbacks to the practice? Access Restrictions |
Huang, Bingru; Rossi, Stephanie; Burgess, Patrick. 2018. Golf Course Management. April. 86(4): p. 72-75. |
296855 |
Influence of leaf age, irrigation and fertilization on leaf tensile strength of Cynodon dactylon and Zoysia japonica Access Restrictions |
Zhang, Bing; Shi, Jin-Ang; Guo, Hai-Lin; Zong, Jun-Qin; Liu, Jian-Xiu. 2018. Grassland Science. April. 64(2): p. 91-99. |
299732 |
Organic matter management: Extract and replace versus injection on sand-based greens |
Broadbelt, Jeff; McCoy, Ed. 2018. Golf Course Industry. April. 30(4): p. 50-54. |
297679 |
Current and historical land use influence soil-based ecosystem services in an urban landscape Access Restrictions |
Ziter, Carly; Turner, Monica G. 2018. Ecological Applications. April. 28(3): p. 643-654. |
297726 |
The efficiency of vegetative buffer strips in runoff quality and quantity control Access Restrictions |
Saleh, I.; Kavian, A.; Roushan, M. Habibnezhad; Jafarian, Z. 2018. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology. April. 15(4): p. 811-820. |
288604 |
Evaluation of organic and inorganic compounds extractable by multiple methods from commercially available crumb rubber mulch Access Restrictions |
Benoit, Gaboury; Demars, Sara. 2018. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution. March. 229(64): p. [1-13]. |
296860 |
Passion play: Driven by a love of the profession and a desire to give back to an industry that has given him so much, it's full speed ahead for Darren J. Davis, CGCS, GCSAA's 82nd president Access Restrictions |
Hollister, Scott. 2018. Golf Course Management. March. 86(3): p. Cover, 34-38, 40, 42, 44, 46. |
295688 |
San Antonio... in 280 characters or less Access Restrictions |
Hollister, Scott. 2018. Golf Course Management. March. 86(3): p. 16. |
295647 |
Let's get physical Access Restrictions |
Guertal, Beth. 2018. Golf Course Management. March. 86(3): p. 72. |
295695 |
Winter overseeding of bermudagrass and effects on bermudagrass health Access Restrictions |
Bigelow, Cale; Munshaw, Gregg; Richardson, Mike; Zhang, Xunzhong; Goatley, Mike; Jackson, Kevin. 2018. Golf Course Management. March. 86(3): p. 73. |
295697 |
Spring bulbs add color to dormant warm-season turf |
Wisdom, Michelle; Richardson, Mike. 2018. Golfdom. March. 74(3): p. 35. |
296213 |
Hydrocarbon machine fluid injury on greens: What do we know? |
Berndt, Lee. 2018. Golfdom. March. 74(3): p. 36-39. |
296214 |
Lactic acid is a major contributor to dog urine injury in cool-season lawn species |
Chang, Zhihui; Huang, Shuai; Li, Deying. 2018. Crop Science. March/April. 58(2): p. 917-924. |
296646 |
Documenting changes in USGA specification rootzone properties in ultradwarf bermudagrass greens Access Restrictions |
Cisar, John; Fidanza, Mike. 2018. Turf News [TPI]. March/April. 42(2): p. 44-49. |
298286 |
Artificial lawns: Environmental and societal considerations of an ecological simulacrum Access Restrictions |
Francis, Robert A. 2018. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening. March. 30: p. 152-156. |
295810 |
A computational approach for predicting plant canopy induced wind effects on the trajectory of golf shots Access Restrictions |
Yaghoobian, Neda; Mittal, Rajat. 2018. Sports Engineering. March. 21(1): p. 1-10. |
295817 |
Fight or flight for workers |
Bollig, Jeff. 2018. Superintendent. March. 17(3): p. 32. |
296126 |
Effect of manifold layout and fertilizer solution concentration on fertilization and flushing times and uniformity of drip irrigation systems Access Restrictions |
Tang, Pan; Li, Hong; Issaka, Zakaria; Chen, Chao. 2018. Agricultural Water Management. March 1. 200: p. 71-79. |
296662 |
Synthetic pitches: Things to consider before installation: The decision for a sports facility to invest in a synthetic turf pitch is considerable and is normally made by the highest levels of authority within an organisation |
Allen, Curtis. 2018. Pitchcare. February/March. 77: p. 102-105. |
296418 |
Determining fungicide rates for soils old and new |
Tang, Kaiyuan; Shaddox, Travis. 2018. Golfdom. February. 74(2): p. 29. |
295477 |
Groundwater nutrient concentrations and mass loading rates at Iowa golf courses Access Restrictions |
Schilling, Keith E.; Streeter, Matthew T. 2018. JAWRA: Journal of the American Water Resources Association. February. 54(1): p. 211-224. |
294936 |
Effect of soil carbon on phytotoxicity of topramezone-treated irrigation water to st. augustinegrass |
Della Torre, Carl J. III; Haller, William T.; Gettys, Lyn A. 2018. HortTechnology. February. 28(1): p. 22-27. |
296612 |
Measuring and modeling hydraulic lift of Lolium multiflorum using stable water isotopes Access Restrictions |
Meunier, Félicien; Rothfuss, Youri; Bariac, Thierry; Biron, Philippe; Richard, Patricia; Durand, Jean-Louis; Couvreur, Valentin; Vanderborght, Jan; Javaux, Mathieu. 2018. Vadose Zone Journal. February. 17(1): p. 1-15. |
295805 |
Herbicidal potential of the allelochemicals from Pennisetum purpureum Schumach. on the seedling growth of Paspalum conjugatum | Ismail, B. S.; Tan, P. W.; Chuah, T. S.; Nornasuha, Y. 2018. Australian Journal of Crop Science. February. 12(2): p. 173-177. |
295808 |
Physiological integration of antioxidant enzymes and malondialdehyde in connected and disconnected Zoysia japonica clonal ramet under nutrient heterogeneity |
Xu, Su-nan; Li, Yue; Chen, Zhong-lin; Zhang, Li-hong. 2018. [Caoye Kexue] [Pratacultural Science]. February 20. 35(2): p. 341-347. |
296633 |
Effect of arbuscular mycorrhiza and a grass endophyte on the drought tolerance of perennial ryegrass |
Wang, Xiao-yu; Guo, Yan-e; Feng, Xi; Shi, Ying; Duan, Ting-yu. 2018. [Caoye Kexue] [Pratacultural Science]. February 20. 35(2): p. 380-390. |
296634 |
Role of sodium ion transporters and osmotic adjustments in stress alleviation of Cynodon dactylon under NaCl treatment: A parallel investigation with rice Access Restrictions |
Roy, Swarnendu; Chakraborty, Usha. 2018. Protoplasma. January. 255(1): p. 175-191. |
288241 |
Successive evolutionary steps drove Pooideae grasses from tropical to temperate regions Access Restrictions |
Zhong, Jinshun; Robbett, Meghan; Poire, Alfonso; Preston, Jill C. 2018. New Phytologist. January. 217(2): p. 925-938. |
294420 |
Interactive effects of melatonin and cytokinin on alleviating drought-induced leaf senescence in creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera) Access Restrictions |
Ma, Xiqing; Zhang, Jing; Burgess, Patrick; Rossi, Stephanie; Huang, Bingru. 2018. Environmental and Experimental Botany. January. 145: p. 1-11. |
293632 |
Insights into the MicroRNA-regulated response of bermudagrass to cold and salt stress Access Restrictions |
Hu, Zhengrong; Liu, Ao; Gitau, Margaret Mukami; Huang, Xuebing; Chen, Liang; Fu, Jinmin. 2018. Environmental and Experimental Botany. January. 145: p. 64-74. |
293638 |
The microbiome of the National Mall Access Restrictions |
Carson, Teresa. 2018. Golf Course Management. January. 86(1): p. 28. |
294070 |
Weighing in on fairway rolling Access Restrictions |
Nikolai, Thomas A. 2018. Golf Course Management. January. 86(1): p. 104. |
294093 |
Effects of creeping bentgrass seeding rates and traffic on putting green establishment: A conservative seeding rate can result in cost-effective and speedy green establishment Access Restrictions |
Green, Thomas O.; Chestnut, Eric C.; Rogers, John N. III; Crum, James R. 2018. Golf Course Management. January. 86(1): p. 106-108, 110. |
294352 |
Yep, we did that before Access Restrictions |
Guertal, Beth. 2018. Golf Course Management. January. 86(1): p. 122. |
294096 |
Controlling Poa annua in creeping bentgrass fairways Access Restrictions |
Diehl, Katherine; Elmore, Matthew T.; Koppenhöfer, Albrecht M.; Murphy, James A. 2018. Golf Course Management. January. 86(1): p. 123. |
294097 |
Does temperature influence hydraulic oil injury? |
Berndt, William L. 2018. Golfdom. January. 74(1): p. 47. |
294959 |
An honest day's wage | Grams, Scott. 2018. The Landscape Contractor [Illinois]. January. 59(1): p. 5-6. |
294849 |
Exploring alternative management options for multiyear perennial ryegrass seed production in northern Minnesota |
Heineck, Garett; Watkins, Eric; Ehlke, Nancy Jo. 2018. Crop Science. January/February. 58(1): p. 426-434. |
294909 |
The best on tour: Golfweek takes a look at several of the best features and amenities on the PGA Tour |
Klein, Bradley S.; Kaufmann, Martin; Shackelford, Geoff; Kilbridge, Dan. 2018. GOLFWEEK. January. 44(1): p. 32-37. |
294949 |
Twenty-year engineering assessment of an LID facility in Boulder, CO |
Jones, Jonathan; Phares, Natalie; Wenk, William; Figueroa, Jorge; Figurski, Melissa; Barnes, Emily. 2018. Stormwater. January/February. 19(1): p. 18-29. |
294619 |
Digging for answers: Improving soil quality to resist drought conditions |
Dobbs, Gerald. 2018. Parks & Rec Business. January. 16(6): p. 28-31. |
294698 |
Carbon dynamics of a warm season turfgrass using the eddy-covariance technique Access Restrictions |
Pahari, Roshani; Leclerc, Monique Y.; Zhang, Gengsheng; Nahrawi, Hafsah; Raymer, Paul. 2018. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. January 1. 251: p. 11-25. |
289639 |
Thermo-carbide slag pretreatment of turfgrass pruning: Physical-chemical structure changes, reducing sugar production, and enzymatic hydrolysis kinetics Access Restrictions |
Tao, Xue; Zhang, Panyue; Zhang, Guangming; Nabi, Mohammad; Jin, Shuguang; Wang, Siqi; Ye, Junpei; Liu, Xiaoya. 2018. Energy Conversion and Management. January 1. 155: p. 169-174. |
292755 |
Influence of different planting methods on 'Lanyin No.III' zoysiagrass soilless sod quality |
Song, Hua-wei; Deng, Ming; Liu, Ying; Zhang, Ju-ming. 2018. [Caoye Kexue] [Pratacultural Science]. January 20. 35(1): p. 63-68. |
296627 |
The Heat is on: Protect Golf Course Turf During High Temperatures | Frank, Kevin; Vargas, Joe Jr. 2017. [East Lansing, Michigan]: Extension, Michigan State University. [2] pp. |
286095 |
Ice on Putting Greens: Big Deal or No Deal? |
Frank, Kevin W. 2017. [East Lansing, Michigan]: Extension, Michigan State University. [1] p. |
286330 |
Homeowners Associations (HOAs) and Residential Landscape Ecology in Phoenix, Arizona | Stiller, Matthew; Turner, V. Kelly. [2017]. [Kent, Ohio]: Department of Geography, Kent State University. 1 sheet; 28 cm. x 21.5 cm. |
286723 |
Can a Golf Course Riparian Buffer Zone Reduce Fertilizer, Pesticide and Sediment Runoff into the Brown's Creek Watershed?: Year One - Phase I | Vogel, Max J. [2017]. Lake Elmo, Minnesota: Oak-Land Jr. High School. 21 pp. |
286724 |
Can a Golf Course Riparian Buffer Zone Reduce Fertilizer, Pesticide and Sediment Runoff into the Brown's Creek Watershed?: Year One - Phase I |
Vogel, Max. 2017. Lake Elmo, Minnesota: Oak-Land Jr. High School. 41 pp. |
286745 |
Golf Spectating Could Benefit Health, New Study Shows | Golf & Health Project. [2017]. s.l.: Golf & Health Project. [3] pp. |
287700 |
Skin Injury Due to Artificial Turf: The Skin as a Readout System | van den Eijnde, Wilbert. 2017. Ph.D. Thesis: Radboud University Medical Center. 179 pp. |
287875 |