Keyword: Families in turf
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Arthur Jack Snyder: Biographical sketch | Snyder, Arthur Jack. 2006. ASGCA Architect's Gallery. p. [1-2]. |
113705 | |
Selling sod for a living is a lively business |
Butler, Nancy I. 2006. Mountain West Turf. Winter. 4[6](4): p. 20-21. |
120144 |
The lady is a superintendent Access Restrictions |
Adams, Blair. 2006. GreenMaster. December. 41(6): p. 38. |
119957 |
Retiring Ron but family ties continue |
Anonymous. 2006. Pitchcare. October/November. 9: p. 6. |
118258 |
In their blood Access Restrictions |
Labbance, Bob. 2006. Golf Course Management. September. 74(9): p. 80, 82, 84, 86. |
115118 |
Greenkeeper's nephew at home on ball field |
Lednovich, Michael. 2006. Golfweek's SuperNEWS. September 8. 8(16): p. 20. |
116266 |
A family affair |
Harradine, Peter. 2006. Golf Course Architecture. July. 5: p. 32. |
125084 |
Canadian company to buy PTI |
Bailey, Mike. 2006. Golfweek's SuperNEWS. July 7. 8(12): p. 8. |
113452 |
State steps in to save golf course from developers | Meggitt, Jane. 2006. The Examiner. June 1. p. [1-5]. |
111754 |
Met writers honor Alonzi foursome Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 2006. Golf Course Management. May. 74(5): p. 18. |
111051 |
Juli Inkster: Professional Golfer Access Restrictions |
Jones, Seth. 2006. Golf Course Management. January. 74(1): p. 192. |
109149 |
From "pasture" sod, to quality products Access Restrictions |
Zander, Claus. 2006. TurfNews [TPI]. January/February. 30(1): p. 98. |
109215 |
Football is family business |
Middleton, Sarah. 2005. The Groundsman. December. 58[59](12): p. 20-22. |
110934 |
The family way: Three generations of expertise have gone into making SISIS the successful company it is today... |
Anonymous. 2006[2005]. Pitchcare. December/January. 4: p. 58-59. |
145488 |
What's first with Fore Access Restrictions |
Jones, Seth. 2005. Golf Course Management. October. 73(10): p. 34, 36. |
107135 |
Family tradition: New Hampshire course has legacy of organic management practices |
Lednovich, Michael. 2005. Golfweek's SuperNEWS. October 28. 7(19): p. 18-19. |
115548 |
Brothers in arms: Michael and Vinnie Iacono aren't just siblings - they're bonded in the wonderful world of golf course maintenance | Aylward, Larry. 2005. Golfdom. September. 61(9): p. 74-78. |
205060 |
[Bring on the challenges, triumphs, losses and gains] | MacKenzie, Jack. 2005. Hole Notes. August. 36(7): p. 34. |
207245 |
Keeping it in the family |
Anonymous. 2005. Pitchcare. August/September. 2: p. 8-10. |
145365 |
More than business partners: Ohio golf course owners Arnold and Todd Ingraham are father and son first and foremost | Aylward, Larry. 2005. Golfdom. July. 61(7): p. 62-63. |
205044 |
At home in Latrobe: With all the limelight on his legendary big brother, unassuming Jerry Palmer gets the job done at Latrobe Country Club | Skernivitz, Thomas. 2005. Golfdom. June. 61(6): p. 22-26, 28, 30. |
104845 |
A new life for Terry Laurent, CGCS at Cross Creek Golf Club |
Anonymous. 2005. TurfNet Monthly. June. 12(6): p. 1-3. |
293071 |
Spousing off! |
Leroy, Peter. 2005. Pitchcare. June/July. 1: p. 39. |
145396 |
Out of retirement: Manny Mihailides couldn't be happier selling an irrigation product that his son invented | Aylward, Larry. 2005. Golfdom. May. 61(5): p. 14, 20. |
106375 |
A man with a plan: Don Campbell looks back on his time in turf Access Restrictions |
Ramstead, Ken. 2005. GreenMaster. April. 40(2): p. 20-22. |
104289 |
From hard time to lifetime Access Restrictions |
Jones, Seth. 2005. Golf Course Management. March. 73(3): p. 34, 36. |
102698 |
A true professional: Dave Waymire sets the standards as a golf course superintendent |
Hardy, Scott. 2004. California Fairways. November/December. 13(6): p. 6-7. |
101147 |
Manicuring the eastern shore: LCO advertises on reputation alone |
Burchfield, Gary. 2004. Turf: South. October. 15(10): p. B24, B26-B27. |
101437 |
A kids-eye view of the golf world | Jones, Michael; Jones, Ryan. 2004. Golfdom. August. 60(8): p. 8. |
98724 |
All in the family: Three generations in turf |
Tilton, Lynn. 2004. Turf: West. August. 14(8): p. B1-B2, B4. |
98610 |
Super service: Judy Hutt, owner of Shadow Valley Golf Course in Idaho, is known for her terrific treatment of customers | Aylward, Larry. 2004. Golfdom. July. 60(7): p. 38-40, 42-43. |
96900 |
The new girl | Jennings, Susan. 2004. On Course. July. 58(2): p. 37-38. |
134278 |
Andrea Bakalyar: I learned to value community and service from my dad | Andorka, Frank H. Jr. 2004. Golfdom. June. 60(6): p. 25, 36. |
204878 |
George Hamilton: I learned the importance of education from my dad | Andorka, Frank H. Jr. 2004. Golfdom. June. 60(6): p. 26. |
204879 |
Steve Mona: If it weren't for my dad, I wouldn't be in the career I'm in today | Aylward, Larry. 2004. Golfdom. June. 60(6): p. 28. |
204880 |
Larry Powell: My dad taught me about principles and perseverance | Andorka, Frank H. Jr. 2004. Golfdom. June. 60(6): p. 30. |
204881 |
Gregg Breningmeyer: Dad taught me to maintain integrity | Aylward, Larry. 2004. Golfdom. June. 60(6): p. 32. |
204882 |
Mike Hughes: Dad taught me about parental support | Aylward, Larry. 2004. Golfdom. June. 60(6): p. 34-35. |
204883 |
Riverside Country Club: A taste of old Scotland awaits Fall Field Day participants Access Restrictions |
Suffern, Lori. 2004. GreenMaster. June. 39(3): p. 17-19. |
116636 |
[The Cushman Nationals] | MacKenzie, Jack. 2004. Hole Notes. June. 35(5): p. 38. |
206950 |
A superintendent's distinguished mom | Aylward, Larry. 2004. Golfdom. May. 60(5): p. 10. |
204868 |
Passing the torch: Creating a successful business transition plan Access Restrictions |
Cohn, David. 2004. TurfNews [TPI]. May/June. 28(3): p. 40, 42, 44. |
110250 |
TPI members discuss their family businesses' succession Access Restrictions |
Graff, James; Goodrich, David; Keeven, Tom. 2004. TurfNews [TPI]. May/June. 28(3): p. 46-47. |
110251 |
The value of working together Access Restrictions |
Winstead, Bobby. 2004. TurfNews [TPI]. March/April. 28(2): p. 82-81. |
94323 |
Golf course management has been in his blood forever | Bocher, Lori Ward. 2004. The Grass Roots. January/February. 33(1): p. 9, 11-13, 15. |
93037 |
A history of challenges, family expansion and business growth Access Restrictions |
DeBuck, Norman. 2004. TurfNews [TPI]. January/February. 28(1): p. 104-103. |
92866 |
Time for a 2003 family update | Shackelford, Geoff. 2003. Golfdom. December. 59(12): p. 34. |
204856 |
Back to John's golf course Access Restrictions |
Peacock, James. 2003. Golf Course Management. November. 71(11): p. 58-64, 66. |
91824 |
Feature interview with Jim Healey | Morrissett, Ran. 2003. Golf Club Atlas Web Site. July. p. [1-7]. |
108885 |
Sixth generation success: As a sixth-generation owner, Scott Zaiser has taken his family's business to the next level | Wisniewski, Nicole. 2003. Lawn and Landscape. June. 24(5): p. 48, 50, 52. |
86850 |
John Coghill, Sr.: A name synonymous with progress and perfection | Smith, Dudley. 2003. On Course. April. 56(11): p. 33. |
134207 |
Turf farm goes driving range: Choice Turf succeeds with vertical integration |
Dale, Don. 2003. Turf: West. April. 13(4): p. B1-B3. |
96998 |
Peter Voykin, 1933-2003 | Voykin, Paul. 2003. On Course. March. 56(10): p. 38. |
134206 |
He's been down many roads in his life and career | Bocher, Lori Ward. 2003. The Grass Roots. March/April. 32(2): p. 8-11, 13. |
90576 |
Turfgrass sod production begins at home and extends around the world Access Restrictions |
Graff, Randy. 2003. TurfNews [TPI]. March/April. 27(2): p. 78, 77. |
86978 |
Stillwater's Marlin Murphy: Like father, like son | Traver, Rick. 2002. Hole Notes. November. 33(9): p. 11. |
194217 |
Franklin C.C.'s Mike Luccini looks back on a year without his father, mentor, & friend |
Finn, Gerry. 2002. The Newsletter [New England]. October. p. 1-2. |
278436 |
Tom Savage -n- Pine Meadow Golf Club | Tomaszewski, Larry. 2002. On Course. September. 56(4): p. 9-10, 12. |
82535 |
Top 12 indicators that it has not been a good summer | Anonymous. 2002. On Course. September. 56(4): p. 32. |
82538 |
Pursuing perfection | Wisniewski, Nicole. 2002. Lawn and Landscape. September. 23(9): p. 34-36, 38-39, 109. |
82672 |
Oscar Miles -n- Merit Club | McKone, Erwin. 2002. On Course. July. 56(2): p. 9-12. |
82470 |
The story of Tony Meyer | Braasch, Dave. 2002. On Course. June. 56(1): p. 34-36. |
134177 |
The apple doesn't fall far from the tree: From the Greene family in North Carolina to the Pock family in Arizona, many industry clans have sprouted several generations of superintendents. Some believe golf course maintenance is in the genes | Aylward, Larry. 2002. Golfdom. February. 58(2): p. 34-36, 41-42, 44. |
79677 |
Growing grass in Shakeshaft's heritage | Mongoven, Mike. 2001. The Florida Green. Summer. p. 6. |
74589 |
A diamond in the rough | Ziehm, Len. 2001. On Course. December. 55(7): p. 12-15. |
134142 |
The MGCSA office: [Profile of Scott and Jeff Turtinen] | Anonymous. 2001. Hole Notes. December/January. 32(10): p. 17. |
207944 |
A report in autumn | Miller, Monroe S. 2001. The Grass Roots. November/December. 30(6): p. 11-13. |
140029 |
Kirkland Sod celebrates first 50 years Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 2001. TurfNews [TPI]. November/December. 25(6): p. 68, 70. |
77069 |
Ports of call | MacCallum, Scott. 2001. Greenkeeper International. October. p. 15-19. |
96345 |
Brotherly love: Clem and Bruce Wolfrom designed, built, operate and cherish White Pine National GC | Aylward, Larry. 2001. Golfdom. October. 57(10): p. 44-45. |
76798 |
Strong roots in golf: For many GCSAA families, life has been centered upon this great game Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 2001. Golf Course Management. September. 69(9): p. 118, 120, 122, 124, 126. |
74846 |
Leo's legacy: A physical challenge didn't stop Leo Feser from becoming a GCSAA legend Access Restrictions |
Nitz, Angela. 2001. Golf Course Management. June. 69(6): p. 104, 106, 108, 110. |
73321 |
Manny Francis, 'Jr.' looks back at his career after following his famous father's footsteps |
Finn, Gerry. 2001. The Newsletter [New England]. May. p. 1-2. |
278212 |
A family affair: A superintendent and his family transform their Ohio farmland into Sable Creek Golf Course Access Restrictions |
Frase, Bob. 2001. Golf Course Management. May. 69(5): p. 150, 152, 154, 156. |
73265 |
Three generations of Schallers are linked to the links | Bocher, Lori Ward. 2001. The Grass Roots. May/June. 30(3): p. 11-15. |
140017 |
Steward of land and sky Access Restrictions |
Bird, Amy. 2001. Golf Course Management. March. 69(3): p. 211-213. |
72442 |
Like minds attract Access Restrictions |
Bird, Amy. 2001. Golf Course Management. February. 69(2): p. 195-196. |
71856 |
Past, present, and future plans: As told by the Brouwer family Access Restrictions |
Brouwer, Gerry; Brouwer, Eric; Brouwer, Gerald. 2001. TurfNews [TPI]. January/February. 25(1): p. 58, 60. |
76143 |
Keeping the IRS away with a FLiP Access Restrictions |
Hammond, Kriss. 2001. TurfNews [ASPA]. January/February. 25(1): p. 61-63. |
106813 |
The Winstead family: The moveable turf farm - growing turfgrass sod on investment property Access Restrictions |
Mathews, Wendell. 2001. TurfNews [TPI]. January/February. 25(1): p. 68-70. |
76146 |
[Dedication, patience and social skills] | Abbott, Julie Ann. 2000. A Patch of Green. Summer. p. 19. |
65458 |
To Cary Lee, family is everything [Superintendent profile] |
Marman, Danielle; Bruton, Curtis. 2000. California Fairways. November/December. 9(6): p. 8-10, 12. |
70354 |
A little slice of heaven | Wells, Gordon. 2000. Golf Journal. October. 53(8): p. 22-25. |
72690 |
Klauk honored as Father of the Year |
Anonymous. 2000. Newsline. August. 5(8): p. 10. |
66930 |
Trans-Miss grants $8,000 in annual scholarships to GCSAA's 'Footsteps on the Green' program | Anonymous. 2000. Hole Notes. July. 31(5): p. 22. |
198163 |
First wives' club Access Restrictions |
Szabo, Margaret Campbell. 2000. Golf Course Management. June. 68(6): p. 156. |
65131 |
Retaining an important labor source - Family members: When your family's the boss: How to survive the stresses of working in a family-owned business Access Restrictions |
Michaud, Laura. 2000. TurfNews [TPI]. May/June. 24(3): p. 29-30, 33. |
66287 |
The Lain family reviews the past, present and future of Pine Island Turf Nursery Access Restrictions |
Lain, Charles; Lain, Chip; Lain, Shari. 2000. TurfNews [TPI]. May/June. 24(3): p. 44, 48-49. |
66292 |
Turfgrass industry 1935-2000: As told by the "oldest sod man" Emory Patton and his daughter Diana Access Restrictions |
Patton, Emory; Patton, Diana. 2000. TurfNews [TPI]. May/June. 24(3): p. 49, 51-52, 55, 60-61. |
66293 |
Small beginnings | MacCallum, Scott. 2000. Greenkeeper International. February. p. 58-59. |
208607 |
WCTA membership profile: Dean Piller | Benedetti, Ray. 2000. The Turf Line News. February/March. 156: p. 22-23. |
63862 |
Jacobson proves that you can go back home | Anonymous. 2000. Golf Course News. February. 11(2): p. 52. |
65594 |
Lopez: Youths, family, golf help one another | Anonymous. 2000. Golf Course News. January. 12(1): p. 33. |
63946 |
Family ties - balancing a career and family |
Costa, Bob. 2000. California Fairways. January/February. 9(1): p. 39. |
64800 |
Golf course ownership: It's not all luxurious and fun! | Thibault, Mark. 1999. On Course. December. 53(7): p. 10-12. |
62808 |
Maples clan stands tall in Pinehurst |
Klein, Bradley S. 1999. Golfweek's SuperintendentNews. December 10/24. 1(23): p. 10. |
253218 |
When the Luccini family gets together, "turf talk" is always the favorite pastime |
Finn, Gerry. 1999. The Newsletter [New England]. October. p. 1-2. |
157719 |
Spence earns respect for job done off the course |
Spence, Chris. 1999. Golfweek's SuperintendentNews. September 17. 1(16[17]): p. 18. |
253572 |
Panel discussion: Team building with family business members, suppliers and customers Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1999. TurfNews [ASPA]. March/April. 23(2): p. 29, 31. |
105311 |
Heritage Award essay | Ross, Brandice. 1999. A Patch of Green. Spring. p. 17-18. |
59803 |