Keyword: Far red light
Showing items 1 to 29 of 29.
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Improving our approach on how we analyze turfgrasses for tolerance to foliar shade | Petrella, Dominic P.; Watkins, Eric. 2019. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 119717. |
310246 |
Overexpression on phytochrome A and its hyperactive mutant improves shade tolerance and turf quality in creeping bentgrass and zoysiagrass Access Restrictions |
Ganesan, Markkandan; Han, Yun-Jeong; Bae, Tae-Woong; Hwang, Ok-Jin; Chandrasekhar, Thummala; Shin, Ah-Young; Goh, Chang-Hyo; Nishiguchi, Satoshi; Song, In-Ja; Lee, Hyo-Yeon; Kim, Jeong-Il; Song, Pill-Soon. 2012. Planta. October. 236(4): p. 1135-1150. |
272619 |
Shade avoidance in soybean reduces branching and increases plant-to-plant variability in biomass and yield per plant Access Restrictions |
Green-Tracewicz, Emily; Page, Eric R.; Swanton, Clarence J. 2011. Weed Science. January-March. 59(1): p. 43-49. |
272604 |
Post-flowering tillering in contrasting light environments of two New Zealand perennial ryegrass cultivars with different perennation strategies Access Restrictions |
Bahmani, I.; Varlet-Grancher, C.; Hazard, L.; Matthew, C.; Betin, M.; Langlais, A.; Lemaire, G.; Thom, E. R. 2000. Grass and Forage Science. December. 55(4): p. 367-371. |
72028 |
Spectral irradiance available for turfgrass growth in sun and shade |
Bell, G. E.; Danneberger, T. K.; McMahon, M. J. 2000. Crop Science. January/February. 40(1): p. 189-195. |
63676 |
The significance of changes in the red/far-red ratio, associated with either neighbour plants or twilight, for tillering in Lolium multiflorum Lam. Access Restrictions |
Casal, J. J.; Sanchez, R. A.; Gibson, Diana. 1990. New Phytologist. December. 116(4): p. 565-572. |
20007 |
Effect of light on turfgrass seedling establishment | Chastain, Thomas G. 1988. Proceedings of the 42nd Northwest Turfgrass Conference. December. 42: p. 6-9. |
38307 |
Tillering responses of Lolium multiflorum plants to changes of red/far-red ratio typical of sparse canopies Access Restrictions |
Casal, Jorge J.; Sánchez, Rodolfo A.; Deregibus, V. Alejandro. 1987. Journal of Experimental Botany. September. 38(194): p. 1432-1439. |
143934 | |
The Effect of Light Quality on Shoot Extension Growth in Three Species of Grasses | Casal, J. J.; Sanchez, R. A.; Deregibus, V. A. 1987. Annals of Botany. January. 59(1): p. 1-7. |
9559 |
Some environmental and cultural effects on "Helminthosporium" diseases |
Hodges, Clinton F. 1984. Florida Turf-Grass Conference Proceedings. September. 32: p. 74-76. |
11084 |
A relationship between phytochrome photoequilibrium and germination of seeds of Poa trivialis L. from contrasting habitats Access Restrictions |
Hilton, Janet R.; Froud-Williams, R. J.; Dixon, J. 1984. New Phytologist. July. 97(3): p. 375-379. |
6145 |
Effects of temperature fluctuation, red and far-red light and nitrate on seed germination of five grasses Access Restrictions |
Williams, E. D. 1983. Journal of Applied Ecology. December. 20(3): p. 923-935. |
3518 |
Effects of light quality on tiller production in Lolium spp. Access Restrictions |
Deregibus, Victor Alejandro; Sanchez, Rodolfo A.; Casal, Jorge Jose. 1983. Plant Physiology. July. 72(3): p. 900-902. |
4336 |
An unusual effect of the far-red absorbing form of phytochrome: Photoinhibition of seed germination in Bromus sterilis L. |
Hilton, Janet R. 1982. Planta. October. 155(6): p. 524-528. |
4914 |
Physiology of seed germination in zoysiagrass (Zoysia japonica Steud.) |
Yeam, D. Y.; Murray, J. J.; Portz, H. L. 1981. Proceedings of the International Turfgrass Research Conference. 4: p. 467-476. |
1190 |
Green coverage and color evaluation of turfgrass by means of light reflection |
Biran, I.; Bushkin-Harav, I. 1981. HortScience. February. 16(1): p. 76-78. |
2295 |
Environmental conditions and endogenous mechanisms involved in secondary dormancy of seeds |
Karssen, C. M. 1980. Israel Journal of Botany. 29(1): p. 45-64. |
413 | |
A systematic relationship between phytochrome-controlled development and species habitat, for plants grown in simulated natural radiation |
Morgan, D. C.; Smith, H. 1979. Planta. 145(3): p. 253-258. |
398 |
Control of fall Panicum seed dormancy by light | Taylorson, R. B. 1979. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Weed Science Society. 33: p. 330. |
659 |
Die Wirkung verschieden langer Lichtperioden auf die Produktivität einiger Gräser (The effect of different daylengths on the productivity of some grasses) |
Winter, C. 1979. Photosynthetica. 13(4): p. 401-408. |
5764 | |
Pathogenesis of Drechslera sorokiniana leaf spot on progressively older leaves of Poa pratensis as influenced by photoperiod and light quality Access Restrictions |
Nilsen, K. N.; Hodges, C. F.; Madsen, J. P. 1979. Physiological Plant Pathology. September. 15(2): p. 171-176. |
5516 |
Studies on the germination of seeds under leaf canopy Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Gorski, T.; Gorska, K.; Rybicki, J. 1978. Flora, German Democratic Republic. 167(3/4): p. 289-299. |
3698 | |
The function of phytochrome in the natural environment-II. The influence of vegetation canopies on the spectral energy distribution of natural daylight |
Holmes, M. G.; Smith, Harry. 1977. Photochemistry and Photobiology. June. 25(6): p. 539-545. |
397 | |
Model for variable light sensitivity in imbibed dark-dormant seeds |
Duke, Stephen O.; Egley, Grant H.; Reger, Bonnie J. 1977. Plant Physiology. February. 59(2): p. 244-249. |
410 |
The effect of different daylengths on the photosynthesis of some grasses |
Burian, W.; Winter, C. 1976. Photosynthetica. 10(1): p. 25-32. |
5801 | |
Photocontrol of seed germination |
Kendrick, Richard E. 1976. Science Progress. Autumn. 63(251): p. 347-367. |
414 | |
Chloroplast fluorescence of C4 plants: I. Detection with infrared color film |
Elkin, Lynne; Park, Roderic B. 1975. Planta. 127(3): p. 243-250. |
6095 |
Influence of tree root competition on growth response of four coolseason turfgrasses |
Whitcomb, Carl E. 1972. Agronomy Journal. May/June. 64(3): p. 355-359. |
907 |
Activation of germination of Highland bentgrass by infra-red lamp |
Pierpont, Merle; Jensen, Louisa. 1958. Proceedings of the 48th Annual Meeting of the Association of Official Seed Analysts. 48: p. 75-80. |
72919 |