Keyword: Golf course maintenance equipment
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
We went back to basics with the first golf club in East Germany | Anonymous. 1994. Greenkeeper International. October. p. 19. |
34737 |
Easy life! | Bird, Michael. 1994. Greenkeeper International. October. p. 40. |
34753 |
Buenos Aires Golf Club |
Anonymous. 1994. TGM: Campos Deportivos y Espacios Verdes. October-December. 2(4): p. 42-43. |
41085 |
Golf Club Yacanto |
Anonymous. 1994. TGM: Campos Deportivos y Espacios Verdes. Autumn. 2(2): p. 10-12, 14, 16. |
34902 |
Máquinas para corte de greens ([Greens mowers]) |
Martignone, Agustín. 1994. TGM: Campos Deportivos y Espacios Verdes. Autumn. 2(2): p. 36-39. |
34910 |
Clean sweep |
Williams, Mike. 1994. TURF Management. September. p. 41, 43. |
34383 |
Mower and mayor | Anonymous. 1994. Greenkeeper International. July. p. 8. |
34997 |
Dymond's little gem | Boiling, Chris. 1994. Greenkeeper International. July. p. 33-37. |
35529 |
Mounted or trailed? |
Bird, Michael. 1994. TURF Management. June. p. 18-19. |
33956 |
Assignment Kenya: A superintendent visits Africa to prepare a golf course for international tournament play Access Restrictions |
Moore, Sherwood. 1994. Golf Course Management. June. 62(6): p. 76, 78, 80, 84, 86. |
32098 |
What's "reasonable" for disabled workers?: Examining the Americans with Disabilities Act |
Minton, Eric. 1994. Turf: North. June. 7(6): p. 20-21. |
40769 |
Greenkeepers count the costs of hiring or buying | Bird, Michael. 1994. Greenkeeper International. May. p. 34-35. |
33907 |
Compact tractors | McIver, Terry. 1994. Landscape Management. May. 33(5): p. 12-13. |
33630 |
Utility to golf and back again: Vehicles uses multiply |
Hookway, Bob. 1994. Turf: North. May. 7(5): p. 28-30. |
40809 |
Hurdzan pursues yellowed pages & hickory sticks | Leslie, Mark. 1994. Golf Course News. May. 5 [6](5): p. 37, 47. |
40294 |
Prime cuts |
Shiels, George. 1994. TURF Management. April. p. 12-13. |
33721 |
Integrating classroom instruction with turfgrass field experience through a golf course project |
Danneberger, T. K. 1994. Journal of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Education. Spring. 23(1): p. 56-58. |
34257 |
Up on the roof |
Drury, Sally. 1994. TURF Management. February. p. 20-21, 23. |
33812 |
Rating the waterers |
Usher, Steve. 1994. TURF Management. February. p. 25-26. |
33813 |
Knighton easy |
Drury, Sally. 1994. TURF Management. February. p. 28-29. |
33814 |
Just a trim | Tilley, Hugh. 1994. Greenkeeper International. February. p. 39-40. |
33133 |
Setting up a preventative maintenance program |
Anonymous. 1994. Northern Ohio Turf. February. 35(1): p. 18-19. |
33948 |
Designing the maintenance shop: Perfect planning and perfect results elusive |
Chadbourne, Robert D. 1994. Turf: North. February. 7(2): p. 26-29. |
40715 |
Vandal resistance should be an important design goal |
Kidby, Phillip. 1994. Park & Grounds Management. January. 47(1): p. 18-21. |
33893 |
What to pick up for a company truck |
Anonymous. 1994. Turf & Recreation. January/February. 7(1): p. 34-38. |
33727 |
If all else fails, use your imagination Access Restrictions |
Baranski, John A. 1993. Conference Proceedings: 64th International Golf CourseConference and Show. p. 56-57. |
129829 |
Sign for our times: In the highly visual - and visible - world of today's golf courses, message delivery has gained newfound importance Access Restrictions |
Nesbitt, Scott. 1993. Golf Course Management. December. 61(12): p. 44, 49-51. |
29606 |
Die Motorsense als Freischneider (Teil II) (The motor scythe as a portable brush cutter (Part II)) |
Velmans, Heinz. 1993. Greenkeepers Journal. December. 5(4): p. 14-15. |
32636 |
[Equipment replacement programs] |
Hearn, Don; Jamrog, Paul; Leighton, Jim; Finn, Gerry. 1993. The Newsletter [New England]. November. p. 3. |
277905 |
Harold Fiebelkorn, Stoneycroft Hills Club | Elsila, Katie. 1993. A Patch of Green. November/December. p. 9. |
289320 |
Lock it up | Preston, Greg. 1993. Greenkeeper International. November. p. 11. |
30224 |
Keeping pace with technology | Durham, Rob. 1993. The Bull Sheet. November. 47(6): p. 20, 22. |
29113 |
Buying specialized equipment | Trusty, Steve; Trusty, Suz. 1993. Landscape Management. November. 32(11): p. 38,40. |
29758 |
Hydraulics | Tilley, Hugh. 1993. Greenkeeper International. September. p. 20-21. |
1054 |
Making tracks | Tilley, Hugh. 1993. Greenkeeper International. July. p. 8-10. |
28574 |
Golf course equipment and shop management |
Piersol, John R. 1993. Southern Golf. July/August. 24(4): p. 34. |
28605 |
A spot of ironing | White, David. 1993. Greenkeeper International. June. p. 11-12. |
28567 |
Lightning protection - trial by fire |
Anonymous. 1993. Turf & Recreation. April/May. 6(3): p. 56. |
27456 |
Of putting greens and reel grinders | Buchen, Terry. 1993. Golf Course News [United Publications]. April. 5(4): p. 13, 16. |
226311 |
Superintendents seek proper mix of various utility vehicles at nation's golf facilities: Course managers re-evaluating needs concerning heavy and light-duty vehicles | Blais, Peter. 1993. Golf Course News [United Publications]. April. 5(4): p. 25. |
226330 |
Jake has new distributor in Michigan: Valley Turf | Anonymous. 1993. Golf Course News [United Publications]. April. 5(4): p. 52. |
226397 |
Lemons cools off hot spots - for everyone | Leslie, Mark. 1993. Golf Course News [United Publications]. April. 5(4): p. 62. |
226402 |
New British technology makes Bermuda overseeding possible | Anonymous. 1993. Golf Course News. March. 5(3): p. 26-27. |
47461 |
Designing your workshop | Bird, Michael. 1993. Greenkeeper International. February. p. 12, 14. |
27327 |
A look at leasing: Most superintendents still favor purchasing equipment, but for some, leasing may represent an advantageous alternative Access Restrictions |
Nesbitt, Scott. 1993. Golf Course Management. January. 61(1): p. 158-160. |
25890 |
Equipment management in the '90s: A number of observations from construction equipment management may prove beneficial to managers at golf courses Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1993. Golf Course Management. January. 61(1): p. 190, 192. |
25893 |
Wittek Golf Supply - Pro Forma Price Examples |
1992. p. 133-134. In: Wittek Golf Supply Co., Inc. Alternatives to Regulation Golf Facilities : The Development and Operation of Ranges and Non-Regulation Golf Courses. Jupiter, FL : National Golf Foundation. |
65417 |
A golf park for families: Drawing new golfers and a diverse clientele were primary goals for this innovative facility Access Restrictions |
Williams, Steve. 1992. Golf Course Management. December. 60(12): p. 30-31, 34. |
25860 |
Rollers hit the scene |
Anonymous. 1992. OGCSA Newsletter. December. 7(4): p. 28. |
298329 |
Subsurface injection: The race is on! | Leslie, Mark. 1992. Golf Course News. November. 4(11): p. 1, 13. |
49315 |
Hydroject's influences debated [Interview] | Lucas, Pat. 1992. Golf Course News. November. 4(11): p. 11, 14. |
49435 |
Compare and contrast: Market-bound products handle their tasks differently | Leslie, Mark. 1992. Golf Course News. November. 4(11): p. 13. |
49447 |
Top dressing hardware | Tilley, Hugh. 1992. Greenkeeper International. October. p. 49-50. |
26826 |
Utility vehicles '92: A tough breed: Recent improvements have redefined this piece of equipment and have made it even more valuable to the superintendent Access Restrictions |
Nesbitt, Scott. 1992. Golf Course Management. October. 60(10): p. 46-47, 52-55. |
25395 |
Toro OKs wetting agents in HydroJect | Phillips, Hal. 1992. Golf Course News. September. 4(9): p. 11, 15. |
48997 |
Replacing course machinery Access Restrictions |
Nesbitt, Scott. 1992. Golf Course Management. August. 60(8): p. 56, 58, 60. |
24873 |
Forces on and off course shape equipment longevity Access Restrictions |
Nesbitt, Scott. 1992. Golf Course Management. August. 60(8): p. 66, 68. |
24875 |
Golf security |
Anonymous. 1992. Parks, Golf Courses & Sports Grounds. August. 57(11): p. 28. |
25460 |
Powerful tools perform in many uses | Anonymous. 1992. Lawn and Landscape Maintenance. July. 13(7): p. 25-26+. |
24913 |
Utility vehicles: Gaining the extra yard | Anonymous. 1992. SportsTURF. July. 8(7): p. 10-12. |
108229 |
The rolling of the green: Attaining tournament-ready putting surfaces has become an art and science for supers | Buchen, Terry. 1992. Golf Course News [United Publications]. July. 4(7): p. 16. |
226188 |
The Placer: Bunker work made easy | Buchen, Terry. 1992. Golf Course News [United Publications]. July. 4(7): p. 44. |
226235 |
EPA considering emission controls for maintenance equipment - mowers included | Blais, Peter. 1992. Golf Course News [United Publications]. July. 4(7): p. 44, 46. |
226237 |
Engines | Anonymous. 1992. Greenkeeper International. June. p. 20-21. |
207965 |
Sports turf mowing trends: Manufacturers' roundtable | Anonymous. 1992. SportsTURF. June. 8(6): p. 35-36. |
24292 |
Issues in golf in the 1990's | Bloch, Stuart F. 1992. USGA Green Section Record. May/June. 30(3): p. 21-23. |
24040 |
Catching up with core cultivation: Research and new equipment continue to improve this traditional form of aerification Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1992. Golf Course Management. March. 60(3): p. 60, 64, 66, 68. |
23305 |
The evolution of portable power tools: The sprit of inventiveness and innovation that has characterized the superintendents' profession has also contributed strongly to industry's advancement Access Restrictions |
Falkner, Michael R. 1992. Golf Course Management. March. 60(3): p. 127-130, 132, 134. |
23317 |
Out of bounds wayward wisdom on...: Course maintenance |
Anonymous. 1992. Divots. March. 42(2): p. 15. |
23249 |
Taking stock | Anonymous. 1991. Greenkeeper International. October. p. 33. |
207772 |
Facility for handicapped puts out call for gear: 'Laundry list' includes balls, baskets, carts, signs, storage building | Anonymous. 1991. Golf Course News. October. 3(10): p. 9. |
50692 |
Not your everyday collection |
Dupes, Martha Gail. 1991. Golf Journal. September. 44(6): p. 4. |
25815 |
Compact tractors | Tilley, Hugh. 1991. Greenkeeper International. August. p. 45-46. |
207699 |
ATV: All-terrain vehicles: Rough busters: Singing in terrain... climb anything, go anywhere vehicles make their mark on the golf course | Anonymous. 1991. Greenkeeper International. July. p. 6-7. |
207643 |
Grass cutting equipment: To buy and what to buy - that's the question | White, David. 1991. Greenkeeper International. April Supplement. p. iii. |
207614 |
Decision-making | Anonymous. 1991. Greenkeeper International. April Supplement. p. iv, vi, xi-xii, xiv. |
207617 |
Going green on the greens | Poole, Ken. 1991. Greenkeeper International. January/February. p. 13. |
207516 |
A good idea isn't enough... even if it works: It takes planning, financing, patience and humility to turn a good idea into profits | Bradshaw, Kit. 1990. The Florida Green. Fall. p. 44, 46-47, 49, 53. |
29182 |
Trimmer technology: Manufacturers are striving to reduce weight and noise levels without sacrificing effective power Access Restrictions |
Quinn, Patrick. 1990. Golf Course Management. March. 58(3): p. 108, 112, 114, 118. |
18380 |
Airborne unit reborn for U.S. market: With an American-designed cutting head, beefed up deck and commercial engine, this "megatrimmer" takes aim at golf course slopes Access Restrictions |
Quinn, Patrick. 1990. Golf Course Management. March. 58(3): p. 114, 118. |
18381 |
The Dutch invention that has taken over from the fork | Arthur, Jim. 1989. the Golf Course: Incorporating Golf Greenkeeping [BIGGA]. August. p. 16-17. |
216160 |
A maintenance problem solved | Rzadzik, Tony. 1989. The Bull Sheet. August. 43(3): p. 8. |
131978 |
Superintendent revives rundown Ross treasure Access Restrictions |
Klein, Bradley S. 1989. Golf Course Management. July. 57(7): p. 106, 108-109. |
15194 |
Leases equipment | USGA Green Section. 1989. USGA Green Section Record. July/August. 27(4) |
77513 |
Grooming reels provide proven results Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1989. Golf Course Management. June. 57(6): p. 44, 48. |
14890 |
Superintendents vary on support for new mechanic 'peer groups' | Kieffer, Larry. 1989. A Patch of Green. May/June. p. 10, 19. |
289269 |
The greening of Cantigny | Rzadzik, Tony. 1989. The Bull Sheet. March. 42(10): p. 6, 8, 10, 14. |
132021 |
Correct cultural methods help to control fusarium at Liphook | Campbell, John. 1989. The Golf Course: Incorporating Golf Greenkeeping [BIGGA]. January/February. p. 19-20. |
213867 |
Lightweight fairway mower comparison | Blumquist, David. 1989. The Bull Sheet. January. 42(8): p. 3-4. |
132001 |
In defense of Kentucky bluegrass fairways | Smith, Dudley. 1989. The Bull Sheet. January. 42(8): p. 8, 10-11. |
132002 |
A belated update on the tool from down under | Opperman, Fred. 1988. The Bull Sheet. December. 42(7): p. 3-4. |
18862 |
A new tool from down under |
Opperman, Fred D. 1988. The Bull Sheet. June. 42(1): p. 8. |
12473 |
The RAC Country Club | Campbell, John. 1988. the Golf Course [BIGGA]. March. p. 20-21. |
213774 |
Establishing a successful lubrication program: A comprehensive daily routine and an informed choice of lubricants are two important ingredients of a good program Access Restrictions |
Jones, Pat. 1988. Golf Course Management. February. 56(2): p. 140-144. |
124388 |
Triplex Mowing Successful at Three Area Clubs |
Kirkman, Ron. 1988. The Newsletter [New England]. January. p. 1-3. |
11558 |
What the market will bear | Harrison, Thomas R. 1988. The Grass Roots. January/February. 15(1): p. 21, 23. |
138373 |
Update on vehicle technology: Industry continues to make advances in the design and production of golf cars and utility vehicles Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1987. Golf Course Management. October. 55(10): p. 80-87. |
123883 |
Preventive maintenance: From theory to application Access Restrictions |
Sheffield, Michael L. 1987. Golf Course Management. July. 55(7): p. 80. |
123868 |
Leasing equipment: Some pros and cons Access Restrictions |
Chaltas, Jeff. 1987. Golf Course Management. July. 55(7): p. 82. |
123869 |
One manager's approach: Speeding access to key information for mechanics and staff Access Restrictions |
Buchen, R. Terry. 1987. Golf Course Management. July. 55(7): p. 110-111. |
123871 |