Keyword: Golf course values
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
U.S. Adaptive Open, alliance resources change lives |
McKeel, Chava. 2024. Golf Course Management. September. 92(9): p. 30. |
340019 |
Longitudinal analysis of US golf course value | Hipp, J. Aaron; Bunds, Kyle S. 2023. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2023 Progress Reports. p. 355-359. |
336647 |
Seeking green grass: Strong sustainability for golf and turfgrass Access Restrictions |
Fitzpatrick, Robbie; White, Rehema; Matthews, Iain. 2022. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. June. 14(1): p. 23-30. |
321234 |
Can a golf course support biodiversity and ecosystem services? The landscape context matter Access Restrictions |
Petrosillo, Irene; Valente, Donatella; Pasimeni, Maria Rita; Aretano, Roberta; Semeraro, Teodoro; Zurlini, Giovanni. 2019. Landscape Ecology. October. 34(10): p. 2213-2228. |
309104 |
Report: Golf reduces stress, offers mental health benefits Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 2019. Golf Course Management. June. 87(6): p. 22. |
306097 |
Sustainability and golf: Golf courses are an urban centre's green spaces |
Jiggens, Mike. 2019. Turf & Rec. June. 32(4): p. 20, 22, 24. |
306843 |
Bioengineered living shorelines the newest erosion control solution |
Allen, J. Wesley. 2019. The Golf Course Trades. June 5. 29(6): p. 28-29. |
306034 |
Golf and Health Week |
Anonymous. 2019. Greenkeeper International. April. p. 21. |
305913 |
Seeking authenticity |
Martin, Greg. 2019. Golf Course Industry. April. 31(4): p. 40. |
304886 |
Golf Environment Awards, wildflowers and ecology: What is the STRI looking for when assessing whether your course is doing a good job looking after the environment? |
Rumball, Rowan. 2019. Greenkeeper International. March. p. 34-37. |
305841 |
Golf Courses: Living Bio-Filters |
USGA Green Section. 2018. [Far Hills, New Jersey]: United States Golf Association. 2 pp. |
297371 |
Rare flora at Oxford |
Anonymous. 2018. Greenkeeper International. December. p. 14. |
305643 |
BIGGA Photo Competition 2018. The winner... |
Anonymous. 2018. Greenkeeper International. November. p. 26-27. |
305488 |
[Minnesota Golf Industry Day] Access Restrictions |
Randall, Steve. 2018. Golf Course Management. May. 86(5): p. 78. |
298249 |
Golf facilities: An underutilized resource: Golf facilities offer natural areas that can be used for a variety of other purposes to benefit people and the environment Access Restrictions |
Strandberg, Maria; Hedlund, Bruno. 2018. Golf Course Management. April. 86(4): p. 76-81. |
296857 |
Springfield Golf and Country Club to attain Audubon Sancturary Certification | Anonymous. 2018. The Commonwealth Crier. March. p. 13. |
296843 |
GCSAA, now on the First tee Green |
Anonymous. 2018. Golfdom. March. 74(3): p. 8. |
296206 |
The evolution of Homo Sapiens, grass, and a game |
Ward, Dave. 2018. On Course [MAGCS]. March. 71(10[11]): p. Cover, 4-5, 7. |
296382 |
Abacoa Golf Club: A golf course design positively impacting water usage in a mixed-use development |
Sanford, John. 2018. Superintendent. March. 17(3): p. 8. |
296116 |
The future is looking bright! Access Restrictions |
Kalyniuk, Darren. 2018. GreenMaster. Spring. 54(1): p. 24-25. |
295770 |
National Golf Day... You can make a difference! | Schwark, Tom. 2018. Tee-Off Times. Spring. 30(1): p. 15. |
296851 |
Design that works with Mother Nature |
Whitney, Marc. 2018. Superintendent. February. 17(2): p. 8. |
295540 |
Making a difference |
Torgersen, Kate. 2018. Australian Turfgrass Management Journal. January/February. 20(1): p. 52-53. |
295645 |
Drive for show, cut for dough: There are some pretty handy golfers amongst the turf management ranks | Brooks, Mark. 2018. Australian Turfgrass Management Journal. January/February. 20(1): p. 78-79. |
295654 |
Legislators learn golf industry's impact |
Anonymous. 2017. Course Conditions. Summer. p. 11. |
289793 |
Golf clubs as landscape players - Establishment of collaboration networks in the landscape for enhanced contribution to the 2030 agenda on sustainable development | Esselin, Anders. 2017. Research and Development Yearbook 2017 [Scandinavia]. p. 46-47. |
296769 |
Go outdoors and use the golf course in an educational way - Creativity, learning and health in the unlimited classroom | Szczepanski, Anders. 2017. Research and Development Yearbook 2017 [Scandinavia]. p. 48-49. |
296770 |
The natural resources of golf: A natural resources curriculum utilizing ecological-based golf course management | Letot, Carson; Rossi, Frank S. 2017. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 105913. |
290466 |
A quick nine holes to be thankful for | Jones, Pat. 2017. Carolinas Green. November/December. p. 8, 10. |
292373 |
Golf reduces risk of heart disease by 30%: It's official, golf is good for you: A major study has found that people who play the game regularly are 30 per cent [percent] less likely to experience coronary heart disease than those who don't |
Longmire, Tania. 2017. Greenside. November. p. 20. |
294217 |
Golf courses and the armed forces Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 2017. Golf Course Management. November. 85(11): p. 22. |
292057 |
Showing off golf's green acres Access Restrictions |
Hollister, Scott. 2017. Golf Course Management. November. 85(11): p. 30. |
292071 |
[Evolving diversity in Nebraska] |
Bieck, Bill. 2017. Golfdom. November. 73(11): p. 12. |
291932 |
Natural capital on golf courses | Throssell, Clark. 2017. Golfdom. November. 73(11): p. 34. |
291946 |
Let's make a deal: Augusta Ranch Golf Club has worked out a unique arrangement with the facility's homeowners association, as owner Don Rea has sold the course to the HOA, which then leased the course back to him |
Donahue, Steve. 2017. Golf Business [NGCOA]. October. 23(9): p. 20-22. |
293757 |
Best foot forward: Footgolf's march forward continues to be a major trend in the golf industry as a group with 16 courses joins forces with the UK's dedicated footgolf association - And now in Europe golf resorts are building venues with an added twist | Lee, James. 2017. The Golf Business. October. 7: p. 12-14. |
294391 |
Exploring the Natural Capital Value of golf courses |
Donahue, Marie. 2017. MTGF Clippings. Fall/Winter. 25(2): p. 5-7. |
294937 |
Mr. Ferreri goes to Washington |
Cella, Luke. 2017. On Course [MAGCS]. June. 71(2): p. 3. |
288307 |
We all should play more golf |
Reitman, John. 2017. Chips & Putts. June. 23(3): p. 3, 6. |
295670 |
How corporate social responsibility can benefit your club |
Johnston, Alan. 2017. Greenside. March. p. 22-23. |
289582 |
University launches major golf sustainability project |
Anonymous. 2017. Greenkeeping. February. 131: p. 2. |
295324 |
Lower Macungie approves Shephard Hills Golf Club preservation deal | Wagaman, Andrew. 2017. The Morning Call. January 5. p. [1-3]. |
282718 |
Biodiversity in Golf Courses and its Contribution to the Diversity of Open Green Spaces in an Urban Setting | Saarikivi, Jarmo. 2016. Ph.D. Dissertation: University of Helsinki. 28 pp. |
287906 |
Multifunctionality in Golf Courses - Effects of Different Management Practices on the Ecosystem Services Carbon Sequestration and Biodiversity Summary | Scandinavian Turfgrass and Environment Research Foundation. [2016]. [Stockholm, Sweden]: Scandinavian Turfgrass and Environment Research Foundation. [2] pp. |
288805 |
It's time for golf to go on the offensive! Access Restrictions |
Isaac, Steve. 2016. Bulletin for Sports Surface Management. Winter. 272: p. 40-42. |
268967 |
Legacy effect of trees in the heritage landscape of a peri-urban golf course Access Restrictions |
Jim, C. Y.; Chen, Wendy Y. 2016. Urban Ecosystems. December. 19(4): p. 1717-1734. |
282545 |
See you at the movies |
Jackson, Joel. 2016. Golfdom. November. 72(11): p. 13. |
278376 |
Golf's health benefits | Anonymous. 2016. Earth Shaping News. 4th Quarter. p. 26, 30. |
290630 |
Making a racket: Increasing awareness and understanding of the work greenkeepers do is essential to ensuring that the industry gets better legislation to combat disease control | Moverley, John. 2016. Greenkeeping. September. 126: p. 12-14. |
295389 |
Finally, some help for golf's time crunch | Dunlap, Jim. 2016. The Pellucid Perspective. September. 7(9): p. 16. |
276890 |
Golf courses as a part of urban turf grass phenomenon: Results of swediss [Swedish] interdisciplinary research | Ignatieva, Maria; Eriksson, Fredrik; Eriksson, Tuula; Tidåker, Pernilla; Ahrné, Karin; Wissman, Jörgen; Marstop, Håkan; Poeplau, Christopher; Katterer, Thomas. 2016. 5th European Turfgrass Society Conference Proceedings. June. p. 37-38. |
317639 |
Golf goes to Washington Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 2016. Golf Course Management. May. 84(5): p. 24. |
271996 |
Border fence doomed golf course, not illegal immigration |
Pioppi, Anthony. 2016. Superintendent. May. 15(5): p. 12. |
272792 |
[Golf's fitness benefits] |
Grayson, Fred. 2016. Golf Course Architecture. April. 44: p. 9. |
272851 |
The value of 'thank you' | Evans, Rhett. 2016. Earth Shaping News. 2nd Quarter. p. 26-27. |
290631 |
Multifunctional golf courses | Strandberg, Maria; Schmidt, Karin; Jensen, Anne-Mette Dahl; Wettemark, Carina; Herlin, Ingrid Sarlov; Caspersen, Ole Hjort; Petersen, Torben Kastrup. 2016. The Turf Line News. February/March. 244: p. 30, 33. |
269037 |
Preaching to the choir and beyond Access Restrictions |
Hollister, Scott. 2016. Golf Course Management. February. 84(2): p. 18. |
268671 |
The golf course through an environmental lens Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 2016. Golf Course Management. February. 84(2): p. 24. |
268678 |
Making a way for monarchs Access Restrictions |
Hirt, Megan. 2016. Golf Course Management. February. 84(2): p. 38. |
268699 |
Course Owner in Chief? | Gould, David. 2016. Golf Business [NGCOA]. February. 22(2): p. 14. |
270477 |
Scoundrels or saviors depends on one's point of view | Dunlap, Jim. 2016. The Pellucid Perspective. February. 7(2): p. 8-9. |
272226 |
Leveraging the assets of Oregon's Middlefield Golf Course |
Ammerman, Kris. 2016. Parks & Recreation [Virginia]. January. 51(1): p. 22-23. |
272133 |
Golf is good for you |
Howes, Jeff. 2016. Golf Course Architecture. January. 43: p. 30-31. |
268373 |
Societal Benefits of Golf: Inspiration and Ideas for Local Partnership (Inspiration och Idéer för Lokal Samverkan: Erfarenheter från Sigtunaprojektet) |
Skarin, Ole; Schmidt, Karin; Strandberg, Maria. 2015. [Stockholm, Sweden]: Scandinavian Turfgrass and Environment Research Foundation, STERF. 20 pp. |
289720 |
The Oregon Golf Economy: Summary | SRI International. 2015. s.l.: GOLF 20/20. [3] pp. |
308779 |
Site evaluation: Providing expertise for improvements |
Smith, Aileen. 2015. By Design. Winter. 25: p. 14-15. |
267953 |
Golf is the key to tackling obesity crisis says EU | Dunsmuir, Alistair. 2015. Greenside. December. p. 10. |
294322 |
Hard choices for trees in Hertfordshire Access Restrictions |
Mabbett, Terry. 2015. Greenkeeper International. October. p. 52-54. |
270672 |
Best evening ride ever |
Neff, Matt. 2015. Golfdom. October. 71(10): p. 14. |
266697 |
A sense of place: How clubs become unique |
Waters, George; Cronheim, David B. 2015. NJSGA Golf. Fall/Winter. p. 26-29. |
274152 |
In it together: Great Northern Golf Co. has found success by trusting in what brought a trio of GCSAA and PGA of America members together in the first place Access Restrictions |
Newton, Bill. 2015. Golf Course Management. September. 83(9): p. 76, 78, 80. |
265304 |
[Nevada drought forum] Access Restrictions |
Jensen, Jeff. 2015. Golf Course Management. September. 83(9): p. 112. |
265317 |
A big-picture passion for life and the golf industry: Meet Superintendent of the Year Keith Blayney Access Restrictions |
McPherson, David. 2015. GreenMaster. September/October. 50(5): p. 18-19. |
266351 |
As easy as ABC | Nooten, Sabine; Cook, James; Power, Sally. 2015. Australian Turfgrass Management Journal. September/October. 17(5): p. 48-51, 54. |
265597 |
Our 10 Commandments |
Moraghan, Tim. 2015. Golf Course Industry. August. 27(8): p. 10, 49. |
265050 |
United they stand Access Restrictions |
Richman, Howard. 2015. Golf Course Management. July. 83(7): p. 20, 22. |
262834 |
Municipal golf courses: Assets, not liabilities | Spooner, Scott. 2015. Parks & Rec Business. July. 13(12): p. 38-41. |
262826 |
Golf amenities: A good first impression goes a long way | Gaddo, Randy. 2015. Parks & Rec Business. July. 13(12): p. 58-61. |
262828 |
Golf courses as a part of urban green infrastructure: Social aspects of golf courses and extensively managed turfgrass areas from Nordic perspective | Eriksson, Fredrik; Eriksson, Tuula; Ignatieva, Maria. 2015. Proceedings of the 52nd World Congress of the International Federation of Landscape Architects. June. p. 474-478. |
296456 |
An open letter to the POTUS |
Wright, Steven. 2015. Golfdom. June. 71(6): p. 12. |
264640 |
[The legacy of a golf course] |
Kazmierczak, David. 2015. Hole Notes. June. 49(5): p. 54-55. |
265099 |
Societal benefits of golf - A case study at Sigtuna Golf Club, Sweden | Strandberg, Maria. 2015. International Turfgrass. May. p. 1-2. |
292109 |
Rx for recovery: A California superintendent and his wife get the ball rolling on a program to help cancer patients Access Restrictions |
Elliott, Tom. 2015. Golf Course Management. May. 83(5): p. 44-46, 48, 50, 52. |
259358 |
Environmentalist bid to close historic course rejected | Dunlap, Jim. 2015. The Pellucid Perspective. April. 6(4): p. 9. |
258773 |
Luxury public golf course, run by Trump, opens on former Bronx dump | Foderaro, Lisa W. 2015. The New York Times. April 1. p. [1-3]. |
259880 |
Wildlife at The Home of Golf |
Hutchinson, James. 2015. Greenkeeper International. March. p. 22-27. |
261008 |
Are we still on track? |
Woodward, Mark. 2015. Golfdom. February. 71(2): p. 10. |
262159 |
Golf's big, bigger and biggest assets |
Wright, Steven. 2015. Golfdom. February. 71(2): p. 12. |
262160 |
Impact of golf courses on cultural landscapes | Sandberg, Ole R.; Nordh, Helena; Tveit, Mari S. 2015. Popular Scientific Articles - STERF. February. 26: p. 1-15. |
264609 |
Highlighting history: Leading teaching professional Simon Holmes explains why he became involved with the new pan-European Pine Hill Club, a golfing society that aims to highlight classic, architecturally-important courses | Anonymous. 2015. Golf Course Architecture. January. 39: p. 38-39. |
255754 |
The Environmental Benefits of Golf | Bladon, John R. [2014]. [Ontario, Canada]: Canadian Turfgrass Advisory Group. [2] pp. |
308458 |
Understanding the challenges of golf club land valuation & allocation | Pope, David. 2014. The Drive. p. 1, 6-8. |
253918 |
Field observations: The First Green and you | Dain, Ralph K. Jr. 2014. The Florida Green. Summer. p. 38. |
247894 |
Multifunctionality in golf courses - Effects of different management practices on the ecosystem services carbon sequestration and biodiversity | Kätterer, Thomas. 2014. Research and Development Yearbook 2014 [Scandinavia]. p. 58-59. |
277078 |
Hockley Golf Club: Downland on the up |
Anonymous. 2015[2014]. Pitchcare. December/January. 58: p. 34-39. |
252994 |
Turf exhibit unveiled at U.S. National Arboretum |
Anonymous. 2014. Golfdom. November. 70(11): p. 10. |
256088 |
Golf - Where wildness and civilization meet |
Gross, Nancy. 2014. Water Efficiency: The Journal for Water Resource Management. July/August. 9(5): p. 8. |
248235 |
Cape continues to blaze golf's eco trail!: The celebrated 18 here at Cape Kidnappers has, in the first two months of 2014, solidified its place among the top-ranked courses in the world, along with its standing as the game's most ambitious environmental golf property | Anonymous. 2014. Asian Club Business. June. 65: p. 22-28. |
250593 |
Mapping golf courses for multifunctional uses other than golf | Caspersen, Ole H.; Jensen, Anne Mette D.; Jensen, Frank S. 2014. 4th European Turfgrass Society Conference Proceedings. June. 45(2): p. 73-74. |
317779 |
Evaluation of the value of ecosystem services of Beijing Honghua golf course |
Dai, Zi-yun; Gao, Chen-hao; Song, Zheng; Puyang, Xue-hua; Wang, Chang-jun; Han, Lie-bao. 2014. [Caoye Xuebao] [Acta Prataculturae Sinica]. June 20. 23(3): p. 30-38. |
270952 |