Keyword: Government agencies
Showing items 1 to 69 of 69.
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Current impediments for New England DOTs to transition to sustainable roadside practices for strengthening pollinator habitats and health |
Campanelli, John; Kuzovkina, Yulia A.; Kocurek, Samuel. 2023. Sustainability. February 2. 15(4): p. 3639 [1-20]. |
336699 |
Putting a value on the human capital of golf courses | Parker, Linda. 2020. The Newsletter [New England]. July/August. p. 15-17. |
311930 |
Putting apprenticeships on the agenda Access Restrictions |
Kealy, Eamon. 2018. Greenside. July. p. 6. |
299451 |
Ramifications of ICE raid on Corso's: After Corso's was raided by ICE, AmericanHort shares its insights on what this means for the industry |
Howard, Conner; Simakis, Michelle. 2018. Lawn & Landscape. July. 39(7): p. 14-16. |
299584 |
H2-B update: Crisis continues |
Anonymous. 2018. Irrigation & Green Industry. July. 21(7): p. 10. |
300349 |
Letter to BC golf superintendents for M.O.E. |
Eby, Chelsea. 2018. The Turf Line News. February/March. 254: p. 36. |
295027 |
Golf course architect Kevin Norby has completed a major renovation at flood ravaged Meadowbrook Golf Club | Anonymous. 2018. The Golf Course Trades. February 5. 28[31](2): p. 40-41. |
294540 |
Spatiotemporal Spillover in Lawn-to-Garden Program Participation in Long Beach, California | Torpey, Holly. 2017. M.S. Thesis: University of Southern California. xiv, 121 pp. |
287884 |
This ain't no filibuster: Government affairs briefing | GCSAA Government Affairs Committee. 2017. 2017 GCSAA Education Conference: Conference Session Presentations. p. [1-52]. |
296734 |
And the winner is... | Todd, Chris. 2017. New Zealand Turf Management Journal. Summer. 34(4): p. 3. |
293649 |
Golf visitors find warm welcome in Washington | Anonymous. 2017. Through the Green [Georgia]. November/December. p. 30-31. |
292990 |
Airplanes, golf courses, trademarks and more: Trump's government will oversee his businesses | Helderman, Rosalind S.; Harwell, Drew; Hamburger, Tom. 2017. The Washington Post. January 15. p. [1-7]. |
280237 |
Should propane be in your plans for 2016?: Some contractors are finding that using propane powered mowers provides a natural advantage | DeWeese, Aaron. 2016. The Landscape Contractor [Illinois]. February. 57(2): p. 10-12, 14. |
272129 |
Is rubber crumb safe?: Concern about the safety of rubber crumb in artificial surfaces escalates as US House of Representative questions are ignored |
Anonymous. 2015. Pitchcare. December/January. 64: p. 6. |
268506 |
China's cold front: While other Asian nations continue to embrace the game, China has always been the big prize, and its crackdown on golf is hurting growth in the region | Stetz, Mike. 2015. Golf Inc.. November/December. 24(6): p. 35-37. |
268823 |
I want you for my landscaper: Are government contracts worth chasing? Three successful landscape companies share the rewards and the many challenges of competing in the government services market | Smith, Joseph. 2015. Turf [North Edition]. July. 28(7): p. 16-20. |
265763 |
Uncertain waters: Golf courses in China, both new and existing, are under more scrutiny than ever, clouding the outlook for the game |
Phillips, Hal. 2015. Golf Course Management China. March/April. p. [14-16], [18], 14-16, 18. |
268844 |
Paving the way: Permeable surfaces help reduce runoff and improve water quality |
Brzozowski, Carol. 2015. Erosion Control. March/April. 22(2): p. 32-39. |
255190 |
Environmental impacts by golf courses and strategies to minimize them: State of the art |
Peña Guzmán, Carlos Andrés; Mesa Fernández, Duvan Javier. 2014. International Journal of Arts and Sciences. 7(3): p. 417-431. |
328166 |
Improving the quality of sports fields in the City of Toronto | Stukas, Ray. 2014. Sports Turf Manager [STC]. Autumn. 27(3): p. 18-20. |
253974 |
Doing more with less: There's never a slow season for Nick Caggiano and his Nashua, N.H., parks & rec staff | Trusty, Suz. 2014. Turf [North Edition]. January. 27(1): p. B4, B6, B8. |
235691 |
The Lawn Institute supports "Grass Roots" initiative Access Restrictions |
Hunter, T. Kirk. 2013. Turf News [TPI]. July/August. 37(4): p. 8. |
226300 |
Water use management policy (Politique de gestion de l'eau) Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 2013. GreenMaster. March/April. 48(2): p. 32-33. |
217308 |
Researchers feel the pinch | Slape, Christina. 2012. Sustainable Golf Practices. Winter. p. [1-3]. |
197270 |
Propane group highlights on-site refueling options | Anonymous. 2011. SportsTurf. July. 27(7): p. 42. |
185591 |
Boom or bust: Local authority sports provision Access Restrictions |
Gingell, Steve. 2011. Bulletin for Sports Surface Management. April. 253: p. 36-38. |
181039 |
Stand-alone industry code for composting Access Restrictions |
Kessler, Andrew C.; Kessler, Amy McCrae. 2010. BioCycle, The Journal of Composting & Recycling. December. 51(12): p. 25-28. |
174589 |
Join a watershed team Access Restrictions |
Johnson, Mark. 2010. Golf Course Management. November. 78(11): p. 34. |
171907 |
The right call: Properly distinguishing between independent contractors and full-time employees is a process that can have serious tax implications Access Restrictions |
Perry, Phillip M. 2010. Golf Course Management. September. 78(9): p. 88, 90, 92. |
169388 |
More nails in the coffin? Access Restrictions |
Isaac, Steve. 2010. Bulletin for Sports Surface Management. July. 249: p. 26. |
168125 |
A seasonal message | Golding, David. 2008. Greenkeeper International. December. p. 9. |
191961 |
Australian-New Zealand partnership beginning to deliver |
Holborn, Shane. 2007. New Zealand Turf Management Journal. November. 22(4): p. 1. |
130932 |
Wear tolerance studies on bermudagrass at Redlands Research Station |
Loch, Don; Roche, Matt. 2007. New Zealand Turf Management Journal. November. 22(4): p. 22-26. |
130939 |
Successful workshop shows the can-do attitude of our leading outdoor multi-use sports stadia managers |
McAuliffe, Keith. 2007. New Zealand Turf Management Journal. November. 22(4): p. 28-29. |
130941 |
A meeting with the Secretary of Agriculture |
Horgan, Brian. 2006. Hole Notes. January/February. 37(1): p. 11. |
193285 |
Potential performance measures for LTCCP activity group: Recreation |
Greenaway, Rob. 2005. Proceedings of the Third New Zealand Sports Turf Conference and Trade Show. 3: p. 183. |
141107 |
Engineers and inspectors... |
Witteveen, Gordon. 2004. TurfNet Monthly. December. 11(12): p. 13-14. |
292971 |
Making Proposition 40 work for you! |
Neal, Kevin. 2004. Divot News. September. 10(9): p. 4. |
297295 |
IRS tees up new depreciation ruling, "catch up" allowed for 2001 |
Anonymous. 2002. Divot News. July. 8(7): p. 14-15. |
91124 |
STRI working with the National Trust Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 2002. International Turfgrass Bulletin. April. 216: p. 18-19. |
80639 |
It's more than just about the turf |
Gravett, John. 2001. Green is Beautiful. October. p. 4. |
297597 |
MOE changes rules for surface water takings in the GTA |
Cirone, Vito; Crozier, Chris. 1999. Green is Beautiful. June. p. 8. |
297541 |
The First Tee and BLM sign management pact | Anonymous. 1998. Golf Course News. July. 9(7): p. 32-33. |
52656 |
MMSD to privatize | Anonymous. 1998. Golf Course News. January. 10(1): p. 67, 70. |
42563 |
NCA to keep tab on legislators | Anonymous. 1997. Golf Course News. February. 9(2): p. 74. |
44175 |
Court backs club's right to privacy | Blais, Peter. 1996. Golf Course News. August. 8(8): p. 1, 58. |
46008 |
NTEP funding raises questions | Morris, Kevin N. 1996. Golf Course News. July. 8(7): p. 10, 14. |
45342 |
As Maine goes... One-stop permitting is here! | Leslie, Mark. 1996. Golf Course News. July. 8(7): p. 35, 39. |
45430 |
Cooperation at EPA results in better science | Phillips, Hal. 1996. Golf Course News. July. 8(7): p. 53, 57. |
45459 |
USGA: A gov't agency? | Pierce, Mike. 1996. Golf Course News. February. 8(2): p. 18. |
44894 |
Group backs military cause: Several Defense Department golf courses scheduled to privatize this year | Blais, Peter. 1996. Golf Course News. February. 8(2): p. 74. |
44979 |
What to do when faced with a violation by DEPE | Mampe, Doug. 1994. The Greenerside. March/April. 17(2): p. 16-17. |
297016 |
Ministry plan in-hand |
Gravett, John W. 1994. Greens. Spring. p. 18. |
297534 |
Crackdown on land speculation hurting Chinese development | Glucksman, Robert B. 1994. Golf Course News. January. 6(1): p. 71. |
39226 |
Ministry of the Environment: Posting regulations update for 1993 |
Gravett, John W. 1993. Green is Beautiful. Summer. p. 4. |
297467 |
"Spills Bill" has serious implications for horticultural industry |
Willis, Sarah. 1993. Green is Beautiful. Summer. p. 5-6. |
297468 |
Remove gov't participation | Krause, Scott F. 1993. Golf Course News. March. 5(3): p. 12. |
47430 |
'Get in the loop' on new legislation, official says | Anonymous. 1993. Golf Course News. March. 5(3): p. 33. |
48164 |
Golf Asia '93 certified by U.S. Dept. of Commerce | Anonymous. 1992. Golf Course News. October. 4(10): p. 29-30. |
48958 |
Feds display recycled goods June 29-30 | Blais, Peter. 1992. Golf Course News. May. 4(5): p. 43-44. |
49232 |
Law will now be enforced | Anonymous. 1992. Greenkeeper International. April. p. 10. |
207863 |
Hiers joins gov't panel | Anonymous. 1991. Golf Course News. November. 3(11): p. 19. |
51388 |
Spon's Grounds Maintenance Contract Handbook |
Chadwick, Ronald M. 1990. London, England: E. & F. N. Spon Limited, Chapman and Hall (Taylor & Francis). xi, 157 pp. First Edition. |
112516 |
Nuisance Canada goose control procedures |
Lucas, Pat. 1980. Tee to Green [New York]. May. 10(4): p. 4-5. |
282813 |
Labor to publish club dues rules Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1978. The Golf Superintendent. August. 46(8): p. 49. |
112845 |
Forest service to review 2,4,5-T uses Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1978. The Golf Superintendent. August. 46(8): p. 50. |
112849 |
Regulatory viewpoints on pesticides Access Restrictions |
Carter, Edward P. 1971. Proceedings of the 42nd International TurfgrassConference and Show. p. 8-11. |
128425 |
Green chairman forum: "Whats ahead for golf": Part 1. The tax story Access Restrictions |
Slowinski, Walter A. 1963. Summary of Papers Presented at the 34th International Turf-Grass Conference. February. p. 10-11. |
130364 |
C. W. A. in golf: Course and clubhouse work costing $1,613,528 reported by 22 states | Anonymous. 1934. Golfdom: The Business Journal of Golf. May. 8(5): p. 52. |
181207 |