Keyword: Grasses
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Per-gram competitive effects and contrasting soil resource effects in grasses and woody plants Access Restrictions |
Wilson, Scott D.; Peltzer, Duane A. 2021. Journal of Ecology. January. 109(1): p. 74-84. |
315309 |
Planting Guide to Grasses and Legumes for Forage and Wildlife in Georgia | Lee, R. Dewey. 2010. [Griffin, Georgia: University of Georgia Turf Team]. 8 pp. |
147223 |
Evolution of Colletotrichum Species Inhabiting Grasses in Diverse Ecosystems Access Restrictions |
Crouch, Jo Anne. 2008. Ph.D. Dissertation: Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. xxiii, 347 pp. |
136880 |
Weed management in home lawns |
Unruh, J. Bryan; Brecke, Barry; Trenholm, Laurie E. 2008. Florida Turf Digest. September/October. 25(5): p. 16-20. |
138779 |
Large multi-gene phylogenetic trees of the grasses (Poaceae): Progress towards complete tribal and generic level sampling Access Restrictions |
Bouchenak-Khelladi, Yanis; Salamin, Nicolas; Savolainen, Vincent; Forest, Felix; van der Bank, Michelle; Chase, Mark W.; Hodkinson, Trevor R. 2008. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. May. 47(2): p. 488-505. |
161536 |
Manual of Grasses for North America |
Utah State University; Intermountain Herbarium and Barkworth, Mary E.; Anderton, Laurel K.; Capels, Kathleen M.; Long, Sandy; Piep, Michael B., eds. 2007. Logan, Utah: Intermountain Herbarium and Utah State University Press. ix, 627, [2] pp. |
132321 |
The Encyclopedia of Grasses for Livable Landscapes |
Darke, Rick. 2007. Portland, Oregon: Timber Press. 487 p. |
134691 |
Effects of irrigation and mowing on species diversity of grass and wildflower mixtures for the intermountain west Access Restrictions |
Dewey, Daniel W.; Johnson, Paul G.; Kjelgren, Roger K. 2006. Native Plants Journal. Fall. 7(3): p. 267-278. |
285886 |
Leaf vascular systems in C3 and C4 grasses: A two-dimensional analysis |
Ueno, Osamu; Kawano, Yukiko; Wakayama, Masataka; Takeda, Tomoshiro. 2006. Annals of Botany. April. 97(4): p. 611-621. |
110687 |
Warm-Season (C4) Grasses |
Moser: Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE; Burson: USDA-ARS, Department of Soil and Crop Sciences, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX; Sollenberger: Agronomy Department, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL and Moser, Lowell E.; Burson, Byron L.; Sollenberger, Lynn E., eds. 2004. Madison, Wisconsin: American Society of Agronomy, Inc.; Crop Science Society of America, Inc.; Soil Science Society of America, Inc. xxi, 1171 pp. |
101182 |
Wild and Sown Grasses: Profiles of a Temperate Species Selection: Ecology, Biodiversity and Use |
Peeters, Alain. 2004. Rome, Italy: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and Blackwell Publishing. x, 311, [3] pp. |
101958 |
Grasses, rushes, and sedges, oh my! |
Anonymous. 2004. Fine Gardening. May/June. 97: p. 88, 90. |
95091 |
Checklist of Grasses in Namibia |
Klaassen, Esmerialda S.; Craven, Patricia. 2003. Windhoek, Namibia: South African Botanical Diversity Network. vi, 130 pp. |
129172 |
Identifying Grasses in Wisconsin Turf | Newman, R. C. 2003. Madison, Wisconsin: Cooperative Extension, University of Wisconsin-Extension. 11 pp. |
152291 |
Cynodonteae Dumort. |
Barkworth, Mary E. 2003. p. 14-284. In: Barkworth, Mary E.; Capels, Kathleen M.; Long, Sandy; Piep, Michael B., eds. Flora of North America: North of Mexico. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press. |
135137 |
Establishing and Maintaining Ornamental Flower Meadows for Low Maintenance Sites | Krouse, John M.; Turner, Thomas R.; Dernoeden, Peter H. 2003. College Park, Maryland: Institute of Applied Agriculture, University of Maryland. [5] pp. |
140914 |
Potential of trees, grasses, and turf legumes for restoring eroded soils |
Santana, Rafael Ramos; Martínez, Gustavo; Macchiavelli, Raúl; Rodríguez, José E.; Guzmán, José L. 2003. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. September. 34(15/16): p. 2149-2162. |
112577 |
Selection and Culture of Landscape Plants in Utah: A Guide for Southwestern and Central Utah (Iron, Beaver, Kane, Millard, Juab, Sanpete, Sevier, Piute, Wayne, Garfield, and Parts of Washington Counties) | Cerny, Teresa A.; Rupp, Larry A.; Reid, Chad R.; Kuhns, Mike. 2002. Logan, Utah: Utah State University Extension. 21 pp. |
132839 |
Selection and Culture of Landscape Plants in Utah: A Guide for High Mountain Valleys (Rich, Morgan, Summit, Daggett, and Wasatch Counties) | Rupp, Larry A.; Varga, William A.; Cerny, Teresa A.; Reid, Chad R.; Kuhns, Mike. 2002. Logan, Utah: Utah State University Extension. 17 pp. |
132966 |
Grasses: Versatile Partners for Uncommon Garden Design |
Ondra, Nancy J. and Steege, Gwen W.; Salter, Marie A., eds. 2002. North Adams, Massachusetts: Storey Books. 143 pp. |
135176 |
Grasses as a single genetic system. Reassessment 2001 Access Restrictions |
Freeling, Michael. 2001. Plant Physiology. March. 125(3): p. 1191-1197. |
72791 |
Evolutionary history of the grasses Access Restrictions |
Kellogg, Elizabeth A. 2001. Plant Physiology. March. 125(3): p. 1198-1205. |
72792 |
Grass: Its Production & Utilization | Hopkins, Alan, ed. 2000. Oxford, England, United Kingdom: Blackwell Science Ltd. xiv, 440 pp. Third Edition. |
130240 |
Case study 3: Soil-water issues relevant to landscape water conservation | Roberts, Eliot C. [2000]. p. 36-38. In: International Turf Producers Foundation. Water Right: Conserving Our Water Preserving Our Environment. Rolling Meadows, Illinois: International Turf Producers Foundation. |
87020 |
The grasses: A case study in macroevolution Access Restrictions |
Kellogg, Elizabeth A. 2000. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics. November. 31: p. 217-238. |
120301 | |
Underground government: Chicago's mayor plants a rooftop garden on City Hall |
Connor, Thomas. 2000. Architectural Record. October 18. p. [1-2]. |
81168 | |
Turf Management Handbook for Professional and Homeowner Use |
Brewer, James D.; Anderson, Charlene. 1999. Floydada, Texas: Soil, The Specialty/and. ii, 226 pp. |
115874 |
Gramineas de Bolivia |
Renvoize, S. A.; Anton, Ana; Beck, Stephan. 1998. Kew: Royal Botanic Gardens. xxx, 644 p. |
134682 |
Céspedes en Campos de Golf: Su Mantenimiento y Otras Consideraciones ([Grasses in Golf Courses: Its Maintenance and Other Considerations]) | Monje Jiménez, Rafael Jesús; García-Verdugo Rodríguez, Juan Carlos. 1997. [Sevilla]: Dirección General de Investigación y Formación Agraria Servicio de Publiciaciones y Divulgación. 121 pp. |
143033 |
Prediction of the growth response to elevated CO₂: A search for physiological criteria in closely related grass species Access Restrictions |
Roumet, C.; Roy, J. 1996. New Phytologist. December. 134(4): p. 615-621. |
39377 |
Native species improve rough: Planting indigenous wildflowers and grasses can reduce maintenance Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1996. GreenMaster. February/March. 31(1): p. 41-42. |
70515 |
Occurrence of Chromatomyia fuscula (zett.) (Diptera: Agromyzidae) in cereals and grasses in Quebec Access Restrictions |
Andersen, A.; McNeil, J. N. 1995. Canadian Entomologist. November/December. 127(6): p. 979-980. |
67882 |
Host range of Pyricularia from rice, cereals and amenity grasses | Purchio-Muchovej, Angela; Muchovej, J. J. 1995. Phytopathology. October. 85(10): p. 1170. |
36093 |
The Grass Genera of the World | Watson, L.; Dallwitz, M. J. 1994. Wallingford, Oxon; United Kingdom: CAB International. 1081 pp. Revised Edition. |
59517 |
Physiology and drought tolerance of endophyte-infected grasses |
West, Charles P. 1994. p. 87-99. In: Bacon, Charles W.; White, James F., Jr., eds. Biotechnology of Endophytic Fungi of Grasses. Boca Raton: CRC Press. |
39996 |
South Florida Turf Grass Association weed identification and biology |
Hall, David W. 1994. Proceedings of the Florida Turfgrass Conference. 42: p. 167-184. |
33779 |
Weed control for professional turf managers - 1994 |
McCarty, L. B. 1994. Proceedings of the Florida Turfgrass Conference. 42: p. 205-220. |
33783 |
Control of flowering and reproduction in temperate grasses Access Restrictions |
Heide, O. M. 1994. New Phytologist. October. 128(2): p. 347-362. |
31960 |
The generosity of grass | Dinelli, Dan. 1993. The Bull Sheet. July. 47(2): p. 14. |
34004 |
Grass Evolution and Domestication |
Chapman, G. P., ed. 1992. Cambridge, England, United Kingdom; New York, New York; Oakleigh, Victoria, Australia: Cambridge University Press. [1], xviii, 390 pp., [1] plate. |
1890 |
An Introduction to the Grasses (Including Bamboos and Cereals) |
Chapman, G. P.; Peat, W. E. 1992. Wallingford, Oxon, United Kingdom; Arizona, USA: CAB International. viii, 111 pp. |
25456 |
The Grass Genera of the World | Watson, L.; Dallwitz, M. J. 1992. Wallingford, Oxon; United Kingdom: CAB International. 1044 pp. |
28010 |
Turf weed identification and control |
Hall, D. W.; McCarthy, L. B. 1992. Proceedings of the 41st Annual Florida Turf-Grass. 40: p. 12-30. |
33508 |
Golf course design for the future |
Smyers, Steve. 1992. Proceedings of the 41st Annual Florida Turf-Grass. 40: p. 48-53. |
33520 |
Water-use efficiency of grasses as affected by soil, nitrogen, and temperature Access Restrictions |
Stout, W. L. 1992. Soil Science Society of America Journal. May/June. 56(3): p. 897-902. |
24580 |
Grass composting principles | Ayer, Ray S. 1992. The Bull Sheet. April. 45(11): p. 12. |
23381 |
Influence of pasture grass and legume swards on seedling emergence and growth of Carduus nutans L. and Cirsium vulgare L. Access Restrictions |
Wardle, D. A.; Nicholson, K. S.; Rahman, A. 1992. Weed Research. April. 32(2): p. 119-128. |
24299 |
The impact of two insecticides on predatory ground beetles (Carabidae) in newly-sown grass Access Restrictions |
Asteraki, E. J.; Hanks, C. B.; Clements, R. O. 1992. Annals of Applied Biology. February. 120(1): p. 25-39. |
24249 |
Entscheidungshilfen Zum Bau Von Sportanlagen: Rasen, Tenne, Kunstrasen ([ Decision-Making During Sports Facilities Construction: Grasses, [Tenne], Artificial Turf]) |
Münster, Herwig; Hofmann, Hans-Uwe; Zerweck, Ulrich. 1991. Ehningen Bei Böblingen, Germany: Expert-Verlag. [10], 132 pp. |
135495 |
The effect of spray volume on control of weedy grasses using MSMA |
Menn, Wallace G. 1991. Texas Turfgrass. Summer. 44(2): p. 16-17. |
21614 |
Prairie; Its place in our history |
Weston, John. 1991. The Gateway Green. Winter/Spring. 16(4): p. 4-6, 9. |
22692 |
The control of sucrose synthesis in leaves of Lolium temulentum L., a fructan-accumulating grass Access Restrictions |
Collis, B. E.; Pollock, C. J. 1991. New Phytologist. December. 119(4): p. 483-489. |
22810 |
Effect of regrowth interval on the productivity of swards defoliated by cutting grazing Access Restrictions |
Binnie, R. C.; Chestnutt, D. M. B. 1991. Grass and Forage Science. December. 46(4): p. 343-350. |
22815 |
Assessment of ergot and blind seed diseases in the Willamette Valley of Oregon | Alderman, S. C. 1991. Plant Disease. October. 75(10): p. 1038-1041. |
22259 |
Monitoring chlorine damage to plants | Morris, Robert Ll.; Lawson-Dyka, Karen. 1991. Landscape Management. October. 30(10): p. 28, 30. |
23976 |
Reproductive Versatility in the Grasses |
Chapman, Geoffrey Peter, ed. 1990. Cambridge, England, United Kingdom; New York, New York; Melbourne, Victoria, Australia: Press Syndicate, Cambridge University Press. xiii, 298 pp. |
19643 |
Grasses of Southern Africa |
Gibbs Russell, G. E.; Watson, L.; Koekemoer, M.; Smook, L.; Barker, N. P.; Anderson, H. M.; Dallwitz, M. J. 1990. South Africa: National Botanical Gardens/Botanical Research Institute. 437 pp. |
20164 |
An ultrasonic rangefinder for measuring the undisturbed surface height of continuously grazed grass swards Access Restrictions |
Hutchings, N. J.; Phillips, A. H.; Dobson, Ruth C. 1990. Grass and Forage Science. June. 45(2): p. 119-127. |
18093 |
Grass: Its Production and Utilization |
Holmes, W., ed. 1989. Oxford, England, United Kingdom: Blackwell Scientific Publications. xiv, 306 pp. Second Edition. |
1083 |
Lawns & Ground Covers: Landscaping, Planting & Care, Sprinkler Systems |
Feldman, Fran, ed. 1989. Menlo Park, California: Sunset Publishing Corporation. 160 pp. Fifth Edition. |
135128 |
Effects of vegetation and ground on noise propagation |
Misawa, Akira. 1989. Proceedings of the Sixth International Turfgrass Research Conference. p. 415-416. |
17170 |
Weed identification in turf |
Hall, David W. 1989. Proceedings of the Florida Turfgrass Conference. 37: p. 75-80. |
37970 |
Effect of soil temperature on evapotranspiration by C3 and C4 grasses |
Feldhake, C. M.; Boyer, D. G. 1986. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. September. 37(4): p. 309-318. |
114917 | |
Neighbour relationships in grass-legume communities. 3. Development of pattern and association in artificial communities Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Turkington, R.; Cavers, P. B. 19xx. | 3300 | |
Gräser: Beschreibung, Verbreitung, Verwendung |
Hubbard, Charles Edward; Boeker, Peter. 1985. Stuttgart, Germany: Ulmer. 475 pp. 2nd Edition. |
135239 |
The FBC Guide to Grass and Broad-Leaved Weed Identification Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
FBC. 1984. Hauxton, Cambridge: FBC regd. office. | 9036 | |
Grasses: A Guide to Their Structure, Identification, Uses, and Distribution in the British Isles |
Hubbard, Charles Edward; Hubbard, J. C. E. 1984. Harmondsworth, London: Penguin Books. 476 pp. 3rd Edition. |
135237 |
The influence of atmospheric pollutants and their cellular products upon photophosphorylation and related events |
Wellburn, A. R. 1984. p. 203-221. In: Koziol, M. J.; Whatley, F. R., eds. Gaseous Air Pollutants and Plant Metabolism. London, UK; Butterworths. |
4283 |
Nitrogen fixation associated with grasses and cereals |
Boddey, R. M.; Dobereiner, J. 1984. p. 277-313. In: Subba Rao, N. S., ed. Current Developments in Biological Nitrogen Fixation. London, UK; Edward Arnold (Publishers) Ltd. |
6750 |
Suszenie na suszarni sitowo-podlogowj nasion kostrzewy lakowej (Festuca pratensis Huds.) (Drying of meadow fescue (Festuca pratensis Huds.) seeds in a screen-floor drier) |
Urbaniak, Zbigniew; Steblik, Tadeusz. 1984. Biuletyn Instytutu Hodowli i Aklimatyzacji Roslin. 152: p. 75-79. |
7439 | |
Detection of barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV) in cereals and grasses by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) in Sweden |
Eweida, M.; Ryden, K. 1984. Zeitschrift fuer Pflanzenkrankheiten und Pflanzenschutz. 91(2): p. 131-137. |
3783 | |
Wide hybridization experiments in cereals |
Zenkteler, M.; Nitzsche, W. 1984. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 68(4): p. 311-315. |
4275 | |
The morphology and biology of Subanguina radicicola (Nematoda, Tylenchida) |
Chizhov, V. N.; Mar'enko, A. Yu. 1984. Zoologicheskii Zhurnal. 63(5): p. 767-769. |
5709 | |
Die Bedeutung der in der Atmosphare enthaltenen Schwefelverbindungen für die Schwefelversorgung landwirtschaftlicher Nutzpflanzen (The significance of atmospheric sulphur compounds for the supply ofsulphur for agricultural crops) |
Saalbach, E. 1984. Angewandte Botanik. 58(2): p. 147-155. |
4208 | |
Schwermetallgehalte hessischer Boden und das Aufnahmepotential verschiedener Pflanzenarten (Heavy metal content of Hessian soils and their potential uptake by different crops) |
Brune, H. 1984. Angewandte Botanik. 58(1): p. 11-20. |
4292 | |
Isazophos, a promising turf nematicide with low mammalian toxicity |
Tarjan, A. C.; Frederick, J. J. 1984. The Soil and Crop Science Society of Florida: Proceedings. 43: p. 183-188. |
4052 |
Studies on competition for sulfur between subterranean clover and annual ryegrass. I. Effect of nitrogen and sulfur supply |
Gilbert, M. A.; Robson, A. D. 1984. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research. 35(1): p. 53-64. |
4295 | |
Studies on the stomata in the leaf blades of graminaceous weeds |
Ashida, Kaoru; Sugino, Mamoru. 1984. Zasso kenkyu. 29(2): p. 138-146. |
6649 |
Responses of nine tropical grasses to nitrogen fertilizer under rain-grown conditions in south-eastern Queensland. 2. Concentrations and uptakes of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in plant tops |
1984. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture and Animal Husbandry. 24(126): p. 415-420. |
7267 | |
Effect of cover plants in fallow lands on root-knot nematode population |
Atu, U. G. 1984. Beitrage zur Tropischen Landwirtschaft und. 22(3): p. 275-280. |
5867 | |
Growth of some plant species at two localities with different levels of atmospheric pollution |
Iqbal, M. Z. 1984. Geobios. 11(3): p. 97-100. |
3551 | |
Morphological and histochemical changes occurring during the life-span of root-tip galls on Lolium perenne induced by Longidorus elongatus |
Griffiths, B. S.; Robertson, W. M. 1984. Journal of Nematology. July. 16(3): p. 223-229. |
4262 |
Effects of turf competition and fertilizer application on trunk diameter and nutrient composition of honeylocust Access Restrictions |
Khatamian, Houchang; Pair, John C.; Carrow, Robert. 1984. Journal of Arboriculture. May. 10(5): p. 156-159. |
5879 |
Non-crop grasses as hosts for the chinch bug, Blissus leucopterus leucopterus (Say) (Hemiptera: Lygaeidae) |
Ahmad, T. R.; Pruess, K. P.; Kindler, S. D. 1984. Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society. January. 57(1): p. 17-20. |
3387 | |
Analysis and significance of gravity-induced asymmetric growth in the grass leaf-sheath pulvinis | Dayanandan, P.; Kaufman, P. B. 1984. Annals of Botany. January. 53(1): p. 29-44. |
4299 |
Annual Report of the Grassland Research Institute, 1982 |
Lewis, G. C.; Lam, A. 1983. Hurley, Maidenhead, Berks., UK. 192 pp. |
4325 |
Reacao de especies de gramineas a podridao comum de raizes causada por Cochliobolus sativus (Reaction of species of Gramineae to common root rot caused by Cochliobolus sativus) Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Diehl, J. A. 1983. Tropical Plant Pathology. p. 9-12. |
3540 |
Phenology of Nisia atrovenosa Leth. (Hemiptera: Derbidae) with reference to host plants and weather Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Banerjee, T. C.; Mondal, A. S.; Haque, N.; Goel, S. C. 1983. p. 16-23. In: Goel, S .C., ed. Insect ecology and resource management. Muzaffarnagar, India; Sanatan Dharm College. |
5892 | |
The net stocking method for studying quantitative and qualitative variation with time of grass roots |
Steen, E. 1983. p. 63-74. In: Bohm, W.; Kutschera, L.; Lichtenegger, E., eds. Root Ecology and its Practical Application. A Contribution to the Investigation of the Whole Plant. rdning, Austria; Verlag Gumpenstein. |
5395 |
Summer dormancy and winter regrowth of perennial grasses in Syria |
Ceccarelli, S.; Somaroo, B. H. 1983. Zeitschrift für Acker- und Pflanzenbau. p. 81-88. |
3797 | |
Jednoetapowy zbior nasion wybranych garunkow traw (One-stage seed harvest of selected grass species) Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Fruzynski, J. 1983. Zeszyty Problemowe Postepow Nauk Rolniczych. 282: p. 219-230. |
3920 | |
New species of mites of the genus Steneotarsonemus Beer, 1954 from grasses and moss (Acariformes, Tarsonemidae) Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Livshits, I. Z.; Mitrofanov, V. I.; Sharonov, A. A. 1983. Vestnik Zoologii. 6: p. 79-82. |
5445 | |
The influence of Trifolium repens L. on the initial development of perennial mixtures depending on the seed mixture, N input and time (Zum Einfluß von Trifolium repens L. auf die Anfangsentwicklung perennierender Mischbestände in Abhängigkeit von Saatgutmischung, N-Aufwand und Zeit) Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Opitz von Boberfeld, W. 1983. Zeitschrift für Acker- und Pflanzenbau. 152(1): p. 69-79. |
7411 | |
Fusarium heterosporum, a highly specialized hyperparasite of Claviceps purpurea Access Restrictions |
Hornok, L.; Walcz, Ilona. 1983. Transactions of the British Mycological Society. 80(2): p. 377-380. |
4355 |
The effects of ozone and nitrogen fertilizer on tall fescue, ladino clover, and a fescue-clover mixture. II. Nitrogen content and nitrogen fixation Access Restrictions |
Montes, Ruben A.; Blum, Udo; Heagle, Allen S.; Volk, Richard J. 1983. Canadian Journal of Botany. 61(8): p. 2159-2168. |
3774 |
Improving grass seedling establishment on black earths |
Watt, L. A. 1983. Journal of Soil Conservation, New South Wales. 39(2): p. 201-207. |
5898 | |
The feasibility of microwave ovens for drying plant samples |
Smith, M. C. 1983. Journal of Range Management. 36(5): p. 676-677. |
3749 | |
Ulike grasarter si evne til a binde matjordsjiktet i eng og beite. (Ability of various grass species to increase soil shear strength in meadows and in boxes) |
Myhr, K.; Lotsberg, R. 1983. Forskning og Forsok i Landbruket. 34(3): p. 137-142. |
4049 | |
Effects of long-term exposures to SO2 and NO2 on Poa pratensis and other grasses |
Whitmore, M. E.; Mansfield, T. A. 1983. Environmental Pollution. 31(3): p. 217-235. |
4350 | |
Developments in nonlegume N2-fixing systems |
Vose, P. B. 1983. Canadian Journal of Microbiology. 29(8): p. 837-850. |
6755 |