Keyword: Insect identification
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Cutworms Access Restrictions |
Sports Turf Research Institute. 1960. Journal of the Sports Turf Research Institute. 36: p. 214. |
112413 |
Watch for insects this spring | Howitt, A. J. 1959. Northwest Turfgrass Topics. February. 1(1): p. [3]. |
264652 |
Grounds Maintenance Handbook Access Restrictions |
Conover, H. S. 1958. New York, New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc.; F. W. Dodge Corporation. vii, 501 pp. Second Edition. |
33161 |
Gall midges (cecidomyidae, diptera) living at the base of grasses Access Restrictions |
Barnes, H. F. 1958. The Journal of the Sports Turf Research Institute. 9(34): p. 430-436. |
74176 |
A new turfgrass insect pest? | Schread, John C.; Radko, Alexander M. 1958. USGA Journal and Turf Management. July. 11(3): p. 29-31. |
36731 |
Sod webworms | Anonymous. 1956. Southeastern Turfletter. August. 3(2): p. 1-2. |
296147 |
Fever flies Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1956. Sports Turf Bulletin. April-June. 33: p. 10-11. |
100841 |
Turf insect problems | Durkin, John J. 1955. Proceedings of the First Annual New Mexico Turfgrass Conference. p. 42-46. |
284977 |
The control of bermuda and rhodes grass scales | Beck, Elmer W. 1955. Ninth Annual Turf Conference [Southeastern]. 9: p. 34-39. |
94654 |
Sod webworms | Anonymous. 1955. Southwestern Turfletter. July. 3: p. 3. |
296082 |
Ants on the golf course | Anonymous. 1954. Southwestern Turfletter. August. 3: p. 3. |
296073 |
Ants Access Restrictions |
Sports Turf Research Institute. 1954. Journal of the Sports Turf Research Institute. June. 30: p. 454. |
111167 |
Insect control | Mathyssee, John G. 1954. USGA Journal and Turf Management. June. 7(2): p. 26-29. |
35915 |
Ground pearl damaging southern turf grasses | Robinson, B. P; Morgan, L. W. 1953. USGA Journal and Turf Management. September. 6(5): p. 28-29. |
35875 |
Cutworms Access Restrictions |
Sports Turf Research Institute. 1952. Journal of the Sports Turf Research Institute. June. 28: p. 192. |
111132 |
Bibio larvae Access Restrictions |
Sports Turf Research Institute. 1952. Journal of the Sports Turf Research Institute. June. 28: p. 193. |
111134 |
Better Lawns and Turf |
Young, Orville W. [1951]. [?Dayton, Ohio?]. 62 pp. |
224 |
Mole-cricket control |
Thames, W. H. 1949. Turf Management Conference [Florida]. p. 20-24. |
141298 |
Grub control in turf (summary) |
Langford, George S. 1949. 1949 Annual Conference Mid-Atlantic Association ofGreenkeepers. p. 42-43. |
137653 |
Large scale application of DDT Access Restrictions |
McLaren, Malcolm. 1949. The Greenkeeping Superintendents Association Twentieth National Turf Conference. 20: p. 83-86. |
123416 |
Lawn Laboratories |
Palmer, E. Laurence. 1948. Ithaca, NY: New York State College of Agriculture at Cornell University. 32 pp. |
41240 |
Cyclocephala (Ochrosidia) borealis in Connecticut | Johnson, J. Peter. 1941. Journal of Agricultural Research. January-June. 62(2): p. 79-86. |
254676 |
Common Insects of Lawns, Ornamental Shrubs and Shade Trees |
Langford, George S.; Cory, Ernest N. 1939. College Park, Maryland: Extension Service, University of Maryland. 54 pp. |
108956 |
Green bugs on Kentucky bluegrass | USGA Green Section. 1939. Turf Culture [II]. April. 1(2): p. 150. |
121075 |
Turf insect pests Access Restrictions |
Decker, George C. 1939. Greenkeepers' Reporter. March. 7(2): p. 17-20, 46. |
118783 |
Meloe proscarabaeus L. Access Restrictions |
Lovibond, Betty. 1939. Journal of the Board of Greenkeeping Research. Spring. 6(20): p. 42-45. |
51033 |
Treatments for the sod web worm |
Stott, Lloyd G. 1938. The Newsletter [New England]. March. 10(3): p. 12. |
284737 |
Turf pests Access Restrictions |
Houser, J. S. 1938. Greenkeepers' Reporter. March. 6(2): p. 14-17, 38, 40-41. |
118613 |
Turf injury by a manure beetle |
Whitcomb, W. D. 1937. The Newsletter [New England]. August. 9(8): p. 8, 10. |
284633 |
Control of grubs | Anonymous. 1937. Lawn Care. March. 10([2]): p. 5-8. |
263236 |
Investigations on the control of leather jackets: Notes on craneflies and their larvae Access Restrictions |
Lovibond, Betty. 1937. Journal of the Board of Greenkeeping Research. Spring. 5(16): p. 12-17. |
49639 |
[Study of insects] Access Restrictions |
Scott, Robert. 1936. The Greenkeepers' Reporter. July. 4(6): p. 16. |
120779 |
Sod webworms and chinch bugs Access Restrictions |
Houser, J. S. 1936. The Greenkeepers' Reporter. April. 4(3): p. 6-8, 22, 24, 26-27. |
120765 |
[Insect pests, maintenance hints, and fall improvements] | Anonymous. 1935. Lawn Care. September. 8(5): p. 1-2. |
263141 |
Webworms |
North, H. F. A. 1934. The Newsletter [New England]. June. 6(6): p. 10. |
284242 |
Chinch bugs attack turf | Anonymous. 1933. Lawn Care. September. 6(5): p. 1-2. |
262961 |
Insects, their habits and control | Hayes, W. P. 1933. The National Greenkeeper. April. 7(4): p. 8-13. |
133600 |
White grubs |
Wilson, Frank H. Jr. 1932. The Newsletter [New England]. October. 4(10): p. 3-4. |
284158 |
The sod web worm |
Wilson, Frank H. Jr. 1930. The Newsletter [New England]. October. 2(10): p. 3. |
284087 |
Watch for web worms | Anonymous. 1929. Lawn Care. June/July. 2(3): p. 5. |
262622 |
The Asiatic beetle in Connecticut |
Friend, Roger B. 1929. New Haven, Connecticut: Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station. |
36702 |
Battle with June beetle - Foe of fine turf | Leach, B. R. 1928. Golfdom: The Business Journal of Golf. July. 2(7): p. 20, 22-25. |
214994 |
[Information about foreign grubs affecting turf] | Leach, B. R. 1927. Golfdom: The Business Journal of Golf. October. 1(9): p. 14-16. |
171138 |
Digger wasps | USGA Green Section. 1922. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. October 16. 2(10): p. 297. |
124217 |
Digger wasps | USGA Green Section. 1922. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. October 16. 2(10): p. 297. |
124222 |
Checking ravages of "seventeen-year locusts" on golf courses | USGA Green Section. 1922. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. July. 2(7): p. 220-221. |
124242 |
The Chinch Bug: Experiments with Insecticides Access Restrictions |
Webster, Francis Marion. 1899. Wooster, Ohio: Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station. [23] pp. |
212105 |