Keyword: Integrated Pest Management
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Disease management in lawns and athletic fields |
Dykema, Nancy; Clifford, Miles; Paige, Logan; Choroba, Claire. 2024. Turfgrass Field Day. August 14. p. 10. |
340358 |
Bermudagrass mite (Acari: Eriophyidae) infestation worsens in response to increasing nitrogen fertility and decreasing irrigation volume but not mowing height |
Brown, Matthew S.; Chong, Juang Horng. 2023. Journal of Economic Entomology. December. 116(6): p. 2124-2134. |
334136 |
Relay cropping as an adaptive strategy to cope with climate change |
Gesch, Russ W.; Berti, Marisol T.; Eberle, Carrie A.; Weyers, Sharon L. 2023. Agronomy Journal. July/August. 115(4): p. 1501-1518. |
331125 |
Association of growth-regulating insecticides and limonoid-based formulations: Physicochemical compatibility and toxicity against Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Notuidae) Access Restrictions |
Martins, Liliane Nachtigall; Geisler, Fernanda Carla dos Santos; Amandio, Dylan Thomas Telles; Rakes, Matheus; Pasini, Rafael Antonio; Ribiero, Leandro do Prado; Bernardi, Daniel. 2023. Journal of Economic Entomology. June. 116(3): p. 927-934. |
330157 |
Azadirachtin-based insecticide impairs testis morphology and spermatogenesis of the southern armyworm Spodoptera eridania (Lepidoptera: Nocutuidae) Access Restrictions |
Scudeler, Elton Luiz; Daquila, Bruno Vinicius; De Carvalho, Shelly Favorito; Conte, Helio; Padovani, Carlos Roberto; Dos Santos, Daniela Carvalho. 2023. Pest Management Science. May. 79(5): p. 1650-1659. |
326994 |
Opportunities for and impediments to pollinator conservation in urban settings: A review |
Braman, S. Kristine; Griffin, Becky. 2022. Journal of Integrated Pest Management. 13(1): p. 6 [1-15]. |
324678 |
Management of nuisance geese on school properties and public spaces |
Curtis, Paul D.; Braband, Lynn A. 2022. Journal of Integrated Pest Management. 13(1): p. 28 [1-9]. |
324681 |
Chemical control and insecticide resistance in Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) Access Restrictions |
Van den Berg, Johnnie; du Plessis, Hannalene. 2022. Journal of Economic Entomology. December. 115(6): p. 1761-1771. |
324622 |
Prospects of botanical compounds and pesticides as sustainable management strategies against Spodoptera frugiperda Access Restrictions |
Ngegba, Patrick Maada; Cui, Gaofeng; Khalid, Muhammad Zaryab; Li, Yun; Zhong, Guohua. 2022. Journal of Economic Entomology. December. 115(6): p. 1834-1845. |
324691 |
Optimizing the use of semiochemical-based traps for efficient monitoring of Popillia japonica (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae): Validation of a volumetric approach |
Ebbenga, Dominique N.; Burkness, E. C.; Hutchison, W. D. 2022. Journal of Economic Entomology. June. 115(3): p. 869-876. |
319797 |
Viability of five fairway turfgrasses with and without chemical inputs Access Restrictions |
Pease, Benjamin W.; Stier, John C. 2022. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. June. 14(1): p. 575-582. |
321302 |
Characterizing billbug (Sphenophorus spp.) seasonal biology using DNA barcodes and a simple morphometric analysis |
Rodriguez-Soto, Marian M.; Richmond, Douglas S.; Ramirez, Ricardo A.; Xiong, Xi; Enders, Laramy S. 2021. Insects. October. 12(10): p. 930 [1-20]. |
336762 |
Turfgrass Insects of the United States and Canada Access Restrictions |
Vittum, Patricia J. 2020. Ithaca, New York: Comstock Publishing Associates, Cornell University Press. xxvi, 525 pp., [72] plates. Third Edition. |
310615 |
Antagonist and soil additive to control Microdochium nivale disease Access Restrictions |
Rosenbusch, Jan; Floss, Andre; Praemassing, Wolfgang. 2020. 7th European Turfgrass Society Conference Proceedings. p. 76-77. |
330672 |
Preach on: Gary Ingram CGCS - GCSAA's 2020 President's Award for Environmental Stewardship winner - is driven by a dedication to the environmental management of golf courses and sharing his story whenever and wherever he can Access Restrictions |
Aylward, Lawrence. 2020. Golf Course Management. February. 88(2): p. 34-38. |
310664 |
Protect and serve: When it comes to the environment, nature and turf, the winners of the Environmental Leaders in Golf Awards are tireless stewards of their domain Access Restrictions |
Richman, Howard. 2020. Golf Course Management. February. 88(2): p. 42, 44-51. |
310665 |
Floral abundance and richness drive beneficial arthropod conservation and biological control on golf courses Access Restrictions |
Dale, Adam G.; Perry, Rebecca L.; Cope, Grace C.; Benda, Nicole. 2020. Urban Ecosystems. February. 23(1): p. 55-66. |
317353 |
The Migratory Bird Treaty Act | Cella, Luke. 2020. On Course [MAGCS]. January. 73(7[8]): p. 14, 16. |
310355 |
Effects of integrated pest management practices on weed populations in Pacific Northwest turfgrass | Braithwaite, Emily T.; Kowalewski, Alexander R.; Stock, Tim. 2019. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 118474. |
310271 |
Advancing use of key integrated pest management practices in schools | Stock, Tim; Kowalewski, Alexander R.; Braithwaite, Emily T. 2019. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 119321. |
310244 |
Organic land care practices in maintaining sustainability of athletic field turf | Dest, William M.; Ebdon, Jeffrey S. 2019. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 121688. |
310464 |
Mastering the management of mites: The levy-funded project, Integrated pest management of Phytophagus mites in turfgrass (TU17003) has been tackling the issues surrounding Phytophagus mites in turf production through an integrated pest management lens | Page, Jessica. 2019. Turf Australia. Winter. p. 8-9. |
308367 |
The importance sports turf managers for schools and municipalities |
Park, Brad. 2019. Update [New Jersey]. Winter. 19(4): p. 6, 16, 18. |
316616 |
How to conduct an IPM scouting expedition |
Savard, Don. 2019. Update [New Jersey]. Winter. 19(4): p. 7, 15. |
312896 |
Effects of IPM on weeds |
Braithwaite, Emily; McDonald, Brian; Stock, Tim; Kowalewski, Alec. 2019. SportsTurf. December. 35(12): p. 16, 18-19. |
309905 |
Four courses, two superintendents, one vision: Ryan Stewart and Rob Koehler are conserving millions of gallons of water annually, while also overseeing four courses and a staff of nearly 70 | Lewis, Chris. 2019. Golfdom. November. 75(11): p. 23-26. |
309208 |
How much do you know about IPM and how it works? | Han ,Dave. 2019. Alabama Turf Times. Fall. p. 20-23. |
308860 |
Putting pesticides in place: Here are several aspects for lawn care professionals to address when considering adding these services | Duane, Emily W. 2019. Turf. Fall. 32(3): p. 28-29. |
308818 |
2020: Making plans for next year |
Savard, Don. 2019. Update [New Jersey]. Fall. 19(3): p. 8. |
314243 |
Using weather station data on athletic fields | Wallace, Vickie; Siegel-Miles, Alyssa. 2019. New England Blade. September. p. 10-11. |
309015 |
An acoustic trap to survey and capture two Neoscapteriscus species |
Rohde, Barukh B.; Allen, Pablo E.; Benda, Nicole; Brun, Abe; Mankin, Richard W.; Dale, Adam G. 2019. Florida Entomologist. September. 102(3): p. 654-657. |
309130 |
Keep turf growing during the season |
Kauffman, Gordon L. III. 2019. SportsTurf. August. 35(8): p. 34-35. |
307677 |
Going organic: Five questions to ponder before making the switch to organic lawn care |
Robison, Karin. 2019. Horticulture. July/August. 116(4): p. 46-51. |
308035 |
Effects of integrated pest management cultural practices: (Mowing, fertilization, and irrigation) on weed populations in turfgrass | Braithwaite, Emily; McDonald, Brian; Stock, Tim; Kowalewski, Alec. 2019. New England Blade. June. p. 20-22. |
309020 |
What are the best ways to manage chafer grubs and leatherjackets?: Integrated pest management and correct identification are key to turf managers' efforts to avoid costly damage by pests Access Restrictions |
Drury, Sally. 2019. Horticulture Week. June. p. 23. |
306830 |
Strategies of eco-friendly turfgrass management and resource recycling for a sustainable golf course |
Kim, Young-Sun; Lee, Kyu-Seung; Lee, Geung-Joo. 2019. Weed and Turfgrass Science. June. 8(2): p. 83-98. |
310204 |
Record keeping |
Turner, Maria. 2019. Home, Yard, and Garden Pest Newsletter. June 18. [23](5): p. [12-13]. |
308406 |
Pesticides of the future |
Handley, John. 2019. Pitchcare. April/May. 84: p. 140-146. |
306984 |
Talking pesticides, thinking organic |
Sherratt, Pamela. 2019. SportsTurf. April. 35(4): p. 50, 49. |
304793 |
Managing thatch on golf courses: Thatch and organic matter in bentgrass/poa annua systems have been managed differently over the years |
Jiggens, Mike. 2019. Turf & Rec. April/May. 32(3): p. 30, 32-33. |
306848 |
If weeds could talk: IPM indicator weeds in home lawns | Adams, Ryan; Carley, Danesha Seth. 2019. North Carolina Turfgrass. March/April. p. 12-14. |
304311 |
Pest population management |
Anonymous. 2019. Greenkeeper International. March. p. 62-63. |
305849 |
Managing city parks without synthetic pesticides or fertilizers |
Bolivar, Derek; Hiple, Alexandra. 2019. Parks & Recreation [Virginia]. March. 54(3): p. 36-39. |
306070 |
Managing golf course ponds, lakes without traditional herbicides: Discover proactive strategies and some of the latest technologies for keeping your course's water bodies stable, eye-pleasing and odor-free | Chen, Benjamin. 2019. Golf Course Management. March 21. p. [1-4]. |
308969 |
Integrated pest management | Haddock, Susan. 2019. Florida Turf Digest. January/February. 36(1): p. 14-16. |
306637 |
Managing insecticide and miticide resistance in Florida landscapes | Benda, Nicole; Dale, Adam. 2019. Florida Turf Digest. January/February. 36(1): p. 18-21, 23. |
306643 |
Organic turf and no-pesticide turf demonstration for home lawns and athletic fields 2017 | Maxey, G. L.; Morris, T. F.; Guillard, K.; Inguagiato, J. C.; Rackliffe, S. L.; Wallace, V. H.; Henderson, J. J. 2018. 2017 Annual Turfgrass Research Report [Connecticut]. p. 48-51. |
302763 |
Developing an IPM program to control frit fry, a challenging turfgrass pest in Hawaii | Cheng, Zhiqiang. 2018. Turfgrass and Environmental Research Program: 2018 Research Summaries. p. 362-366. |
305073 |
Integrated approach to managing mites | Mecham, Liz. 2018. Turf Australia. Winter. p. 21. |
301751 |
Reaching schools with pest IPM programs |
Anonymous. 2018. SportsTurf. December. 34(12): p. 36-37. |
303261 |
Studies on the MN bee labeling laws: Determination of residue in pollen, flowers and leaves from use of systematic insecticides |
Krischik, Vera. 2018. Hole Notes. November/December. 53(10): p. 30-38. |
303506 |
IPHC program still working in Toronto: Integrated plant health care program was founded in 2002 in response to Toronto's new pesticide bylaw |
Jiggens, Mike. 2018. Turf & Rec. June. 31(4): p. 24-27. |
299721 |
Resistance to microdochium nivale and abiotic damage as affected by civitas oneTM in a selection of creeping bentgrass cultivars Access Restrictions |
Aamlid, Trygve S.; Espevig, Tatsiana; Steensohn, Anne A.; Dahl, Eli U. 2018. 6th European Turf Society Conference Proceedings. June. 6: p. 66-67. |
311094 |
Evaluation of civitas oneTM, alone or in combination with fungicides and potassium phosphite, for control of microdochium nivale on nordic golf greens Access Restrictions |
Aamlid, Trygve S.; Niemeläinen, Oiva; Paaske, Klaus; Widmark, David; Ruuttunen, Pentti; Kedonperä, Auli. 2018. 6th European Turf Society Conference Proceedings. June. 6: p. 68-69. |
311095 |
What type of impact are you making on the environment? |
McCall, Mike. 2018. Tee to Green [New York]. May/June. 49(3): p. 2-6. |
300058 |
The New York State Turfgrass Advocacy Day highlights legislative issues |
Maffei, Michael. 2018. Tee to Green [New York]. April. 49(2): p. 6-7. |
298392 |
Pest control primer: It's a complement to lawn care, but before adding pest control, put a licensing, training and sales strategy in place |
Hampshire, Kristen. 2018. Lawn & Landscape. April. 39(4): p. 94-95. |
296598 |
Proactively solving the issues of pests in turf | Mecham, Liz. 2018. Turf Australia. Spring. p. 17. |
301765 |
The queen of green: Laurie Broccolo has diversified, expanded and streamlined her lawn care business with an environmental focus |
Bilyj, Brooke. 2018. Lawn & Landscape. February. 39(2): p. 34, 36, 38, 40-43. |
295429 |
Manipulating turfgrass diversity: A potential new approach for more sustainable southern lawns | Dale, Adam. 2018. Florida Turf Digest. January/February. 35(1): p. 20, 22. |
294199 |
Focus on the environment: Initiatives with impact | National Golf Course Owners Association. 2017. 2017 GCSAA Education Conference: Conference Session Presentations. p. [1-87]. |
296723 |
Home, Lawn and Garden Integrated Pest Management (IPM) | PennState Extension. 2017. University Park, Pennsylvania: PennState Extension, College of Agricultural Sciences, The Pennsylvania State University. [6] pp. |
300640 |
Pest Management on Golf Courses | Anonymous. 2017. s.l.: United States Golf Association (USGA). 02:13 min. |
307880 |
Important events in 2017 | Anonymous. 2017. Research and Development Yearbook 2017 [Scandinavia]. p. 3-5. |
296718 |
Scangreen: Turfgrass species, varieties, seed blends and mixtures for integrated pest management of Scandinavian putting greens | Anonymous. 2017. Research and Development Yearbook 2017 [Scandinavia]. p. 14-15. |
296720 |
Organic turf and no-pesticide turf demonstration for home lawns and athletic fields 2016 | Maxey, G. L.; Henderson, J. J.; Morris, T. F.; Guillard, K.; Inguagiato, J. C.; Rackliffe, S. L.; Wallace, V. H. 2017. 2016 Annual Turfgrass Research Report [Connecticut]. p. 54-57. |
302868 |
Developing an IPM program to control frit fly, a challenging turfgrass pest in Hawaii | Cheng, Zhiqiang. 2017. Turfgrass and Environmental Research Program: 2017 Research Summaries. p. 393-394. |
298260 |
Downriver pollinator project summary |
Greene, Mike. 2017. Turf's Up in the Inland Empire. Winter. p. 2, 4. |
294714 |
Dealing with the many variables |
Saltman, Dave. 2017. Pitchcare. December/January. 76: p. 1. |
294979 |
The plight of the pollinator Access Restrictions |
Carson, Teresa. 2017. Golf Course Management. November. 85(11): p. 28. |
292063 |
Winter field prep 101: These practices protect your fields during colder months and give them a head start in the spring |
Trusty, Suz. 2017. SportsField Management. November/December. 12(10): p. 22-24. |
294577 |
GCSANC member Jay Neunsinger wins ELGA for National Public Course |
Anonymous. 2017. Thru the Green [Northern California]. October/November/December. p. 16. |
294846 |
Developing a degree-day model to predict billbug (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) seasonal activity in Utah and Idaho turfgrass Access Restrictions |
Dupuy, Madeleine M.; Powell, James A.; Ramirez, Ricardo A. 2017. Journal of Economic Entomology. October. 110(5): p. 2180-2189. |
288904 |
It really is time to change your mindset |
Saltman, Dave. 2017. Pitchcare. October/November. 75: p. 1. |
294241 |
Organic parks: The challenge of managing and maintaining well-manicured landscapes |
Ozbenian, Serda. 2017. Parks & Recreation [Virginia]. October. 52(10): p. 26-27. |
291420 |
Reflections on the turf industry |
Hansell, Karl. 2017. Greenkeeper International. September. p. 38-40. |
290143 |
Identifying turfgrass insect activity Access Restrictions |
The Lawn Institute. 2017. Turf News [TPI]. September/October. 41(5): p. 11. |
295522 |
Integrated pest management: Dynamic disease control |
Munoz, Marcela. 2017. Pitchcare. August/September. 74: p. 134-137. |
290913 |
Reducing your yard's carbon footprint | Strade, Vera. 2017. August 13. p. [1-2]. |
296959 |
Biodiversity and herbicides |
Anonymous. 2017. Greenkeeper International. July. p. 39. |
288422 |
Plant protection products: A time of change! |
Hughes, Dan. 2017. Pitchcare. June/July. 73: p. 12-16. |
288905 |
Leatherjackets and chafer grubs: Someone will lose their job over this! |
Grundy, James. 2017. Pitchcare. June/July. 73: p. 110-113. |
289043 |
Soaring numbers of Japanese beetles now feeding on turf |
Krischik, Vera. 2017. Hole Notes. June. 52(5): p. 44-45, 47-52, 54-57. |
288449 |
Turf variety selection is first consideration: Growing a healthy lawn means selecting the correct type of grass and using good cultural practices |
Brownbridge, Michael. 2017. Turf & Rec. June. 30(4): p. 16-17. |
286913 |
The grass is not always greener Access Restrictions |
Nikolai, Thomas A. 2017. Golf Course Management. May. 85(5): p. 66. |
284248 |
[Integrated Pest Management techniques] |
Anonymous. 2017. SportsField Management. May/June. 12(5): p. 5. |
285654 |
The driving force for IPM: A conversation with Keith Jones, executive director of the Biological Products Industry Alliance |
Anonymous. 2017. Superintendent. March. 16(3): p. 7. |
282325 |
Resistance management requires cultural practices, chemical rotation: Detailed audits of application efficacy must be part of resistance management protocols and IPM plans |
Fech, John C. 2017. Superintendent. March. 16(3): p. 18-20, 22-23. |
282329 |
GCSAA's best management practices initiative | Lallier, Ken. 2017. Green Mountain Greens. Spring. p. 1, 3-4. |
289072 |
Causing change | Mackenzie, Noel. 2017. Greenkeeping. February. 131: p. 6, 8. |
295325 |
National Resort winner: Ken Nice: Bandon Dunes Golf Resort, Bandon, Ore. Access Restrictions |
Hirt, Megan. 2017. Golf Course Management. February. 85(2): p. 60, 62. |
281037 |
Impact of fraze mowing on spring dead spot in bermudagrass |
Fresenburg, Brad; Miller, Lee; Earlywine, Daniel. 2017. SportsTurf. February. 33(2): p. 12-14. |
283425 |
Illinois Landscape Contractors Association (ILCA) sustainable landscape maintenance annual calendar: January | Anonymous. 2017. The Landscape Contractor [Illinois]. January. 58(1): p. 58-60. |
280848 |
Protecting pollinators and ourselves in turf pest management | Dale, Adam. 2017. Florida Turf Digest. January/February. 34(1): p. 6-9. |
285503 |
Turfgrass Science & Management |
Emmons, Robert D.; Rossi, Frank and Gifford, Christina; Royael, Scott; Starr, Jennifer, eds. 2016. Stamford, Connecticut: Cengage Learning. xv, 624 pp. Fifth Edition. |
254253 |
Integrated Management of Turfgrass Insects | Richmond, Douglas. 2016. [West Lafayette, Indiana]: Purdue Extension, Department of Entomology, Purdue University. 8 pp. |
276186 |
Controlling Crabgrass and Goosegrass With Resistance to Sethoxydim and Other ACCase-Inhibitors in Georgia Turf | McCullough, Patrick. 2016. [Athens, Georgia]: Cooperative Extension, University of Georgia. 8 pp. |
282355 |
Billbug (Sphenophorus spp.) Chemical Ecology and Seasonal Biology in Indiana Turfgrass Access Restrictions |
Duffy, Alexandra G. 2016. M.S. Thesis: Purdue University. xii, 88. |
287925 |
Insect Pests of Home Lawns | Swier, Stanley R.; Eaton, Alan T.; Maccini, Rachel. 2016. Durham, New Hampshire: Cooperative Extension, University of New Hampshire. 5 pp. |
287957 |
BMP - Best Management Practices: Where Leadership & Action Intersect: Best Management Practices and Planning Guide & Template | Golf Course Superintendents Association of America; United States Golf Association. [2016]. [Lawrence, Kansas]: Golf Course Superintendent Association of America; [Far Hills, New Jersey]: United States Golf Association. [63] pp. |
288990 |