Keyword: Irrigation
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
A shot in the eyes, a murder trial and tiny margins that make the difference | Weyandt, Craig. 2024. The Florida Green. Summer. p. 28-30. |
339961 |
Evaluation of saltgrass for turfgrass characteristics under drought and heat stresses | Serba, Desalegn D. 2023. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2023 Progress Reports. p. 71-72. |
336585 |
Effects of moisture management on annual bluegrass weevil movement, oviposition, larval survival, and turfgrass damage | McGraw, Benjamin A. 2023. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2023 Progress Reports. p. 295-300. |
336625 |
An investigation of the impact of compost tea applications on turf quality and soil microbial activity |
Waliczek, T. M.; Wagner, N. C. 2023. Journal of Environmental Horticulture. March. 41(1): p. 1-6. |
327093 |
Mobile irrigation backup plan |
Nicoludis, Zach. 2022. USGA Green Section Record. December 2. 60(22): p. [1-3]. |
323807 |
Cutting back on fried eggs |
Daniels, John. 2022. USGA Green Section Record. September 16. 60(17): p. [1-2]. |
321893 |
The many facets of firm approaches | Green Section. 2022. USGA Green Section Record. September 2. 60(16): p. [1-2]. |
321568 |
Influence of foot traffic, irrigation, nitrogen fertilization, and weather factors on tissue N content in creeping bentgrass 'Focus' Access Restrictions |
Zhou, Qiyu; Soldat, Douglas J. 2022. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. June. 14(1): p. 560-564. |
321299 |
2021 thank you | Schweiger, Bruce. 2022. The Grass Roots. January/February/March. 51(1): p. 38-39. |
317588 |
Best Management Practices for the Sports Field Manager: A Professional Guide for Environmental Sports Field Management |
2021. s.n.: Sports Turf Managers Association. viii, 97, 2, 1, 2, 2, 5. |
313134 |
Golf's Cause and Effect: A History of Greenkeeping |
Lucas, Melvin B. Jr. 2020. [s. l.]: Legendary Publishing and Media Group. 421 pp. |
311650 |
Estimating economic minimums of mowing, fertilizing and irrigating turfgrass |
Soldat, Douglas J.; Brosnan, James T.; Chandra, Ambika; Gaussoin, Roch E.; Kowalewski, Alec; Leinauer, Bernd; Rossi, Frank S.; Stier, John C.; Unruh, J. Bryan. 2020. Agricultural and Environmental Letters. 5(1): p. 1-6. |
315584 |
Managing turfgrass soil and irrigation salinity | Serena, Matteo; Schiavon, Marco. 2019. 2019 GCSAA Education Conference: Free Session Presentations. p. [1-43]. |
303857 |
Evaluation of warm-season species, blends and mixtures to reduce golf course rough inputs | Morris, Kevin. 2019. Turfgrass and Environmental Research Program: 2019 Research Summaries. p. 105-107. |
310834 |
Effects of urbanization on the diversity, abundance, and composition of ant assemblages in an arid city |
Miguelena, Javier G; Baker, Paul B. 2019. Environmental Entomology. August. 48(4): p. 836-846. |
308585 |
Waging the war on weeds: Weed prevention can sometimes seem like a losing battle, but with the right tools and strategies, we can increase our odds against these nasty little invaders |
Williams-Villano, Mary Elizabeth. 2019. Irrigation & Green Industry. July. 23(7): p. 30-33. |
307403 |
Spring lawn care tips to help expand services and business: Getting the new season off to a good start by implementing five best practices |
Ostlund, Bryan. 2019. Green Industry Pros. May/June. 31(4): p. 24-25. |
307131 |
The times call for change: The USGA Green Section's director of education identifies innovative trends to consider |
Jones, Pat. 2019. Golf Course Industry. February. 31(2): p. 6. |
303955 |
All alone |
Cipriano, Guy. 2019. Golf Course Industry. January. 31(1): p. 28. |
303379 |
Highlights From the USGA Surface Management Workshop in Arizona |
Gross, Pat. 2018. [Liberty Corner, New Jersey]: United States Golf Association. 2 pp. |
299165 |
Irrigation's impact on heat island mitigation and energy consumption |
Anonymous. 2018. SportsTurf. December. 34(12): p. 34-35. |
303260 |
Get a grip: For Grapids Irrigation CEO Aaron Katerberg, success means getting a handle on his strengths, solid systems and the right people |
Hart, Abby. 2018. Landscape Management. November. 57(11): p. Cover, 34-37, 40-41. |
302661 |
Jim Higgs |
Johnson, Greg. 2018. Course Conditions. Fall. p. 23-26. |
302937 |
Eric Santos: Overflowing with passion: Inspired by his grandfather, BrightView's Eric Santos has a passion for water conservation, which is evident in the efficient landscape irrigation systems he and his teams build | Smith-Ely, Kristin. 2018. Irrigation & Green Industry. June. 21(6): p. 20-24. |
299725 |
Influence of leaf age, irrigation and fertilization on leaf tensile strength of Cynodon dactylon and Zoysia japonica Access Restrictions |
Zhang, Bing; Shi, Jin-Ang; Guo, Hai-Lin; Zong, Jun-Qin; Liu, Jian-Xiu. 2018. Grassland Science. April. 64(2): p. 91-99. |
299732 |
Customers need education to keep lawns weed-free: When customers adopt best mowing and irrigation practices to complement programs offered by lawn care professionals, weeds can often be kept at bay |
Jiggens, Mike. 2018. Turf & Rec. April/May. 31(3): p. 42, 44-47. |
298851 |
Tips on having a great lawn | Kichler, Jeremy. 2018. The Moultrie Observer. April 21. p. [1-3]. |
298042 |
How to maintain a newly planted lawn | Derstine, Eric. 2017. The Daily Reflector. June 17. p. [2]. |
287018 |
Cultural strategies to minimize annual broadleaf weed encroachment, an adendum |
Gardner, Dave. 2017. Hole Notes. May. 52(4): p. 43-45. |
285400 |
Five ways consultants can help replace your pump station |
Colein, Carol. 2017. Superintendent. April. 16(4): p. 10-11. |
284542 |
Turfgrass Science & Management |
Emmons, Robert D.; Rossi, Frank and Gifford, Christina; Royael, Scott; Starr, Jennifer, eds. 2016. Stamford, Connecticut: Cengage Learning. xv, 624 pp. Fifth Edition. |
254253 |
Fine Fescue for Home Lawns | Stahnke, Gwen K.; Johnston, William J.; Ophardt, Marianne. 2016. [Pullman, Washington]: Washington State University Extension. 5 pp. |
274713 |
Helping Your Turf During Dry and Hot Weather | Frank, Kevin. 2016. [East Lansing, Michigan]: Michigan State University Extension. [4] pp. |
275000 |
Management Calendars for Cool- and Warm-Season Lawns in NE | Kreuser, Bill; Thompson, Cole. 2016. [Lincoln, Nebraska]: Extension, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. [1] p. |
290033 |
Influence of diluted seawater irrigation on the physiological and biochemical characteristics of common Egyptian turfgrass | Hegazi, Mahmoud A.; Khatab, Ismael A. 2016. International Journal of Horticultural Science and Ornamental Plants. December. 2(1): p. 27-36. |
285734 |
Preparing your lawn for fall Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 2016. Turf News [TPI]. September/October. 40(5): p. 11. |
275724 |
Alternatives to lawn grass Access Restrictions |
Finch, Calvin. 2016. The San Antonio Express-News. July 1. p. [1-4]. |
274642 |
Practical information for growers from water efficiency project: The first phase of the Rural Water Use Efficiency - Irrigation Futures Project has now been completed in southeast Queensland (SEQ) | Mecham, Liz. 2016. Turf Australia. Spring. p. 22-24. |
301716 |
Factors influencing dislodgeable 2, 4-D plant residues from hybrid bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon L. x C. transvaalensis) athletic fields |
Jeffries, Matthew D.; Gannon, Travis W.; Brosnan, James T.; Ahmed, Khalied A.; Breeden, Gregory K. 2016. PloS ONE. February 10. 11(2): p. e0148992 [1-16]. |
269588 |
Cool-Season Turfgrass Pest Management | Pesticide Education Program, Cooperative Extension, College of Agricultural Sciences, The Pennsylvania State University. 2015. University Park, Pennsylvania: Pesticide Education Program, Cooperative Extension, College of Agricultural Sciences, The Pennsylvania State University. [128] pp. |
286496 |
Establishment and Management of Turfgrass Under Municipal Water Restrictions | Hargey, Daniel Francis. 2015. M.S. Thesis: Texas A&M University. xi, 82 pp. |
295028 |
Using spatial information for managing and harvesting turf | Jochen, Eberhard; McHugh, Allen. 2015. Proceedings of the Irrigation Association of Australia Conference. p. 1-7. |
265701 |
Nitrous oxide emissions and carbon sequestration in turfgrass: Effects of irrigation on nitrogen fertilization | Braun, Ross; Bremer, Dale; Fry, Jack. 2015. Turfgrass and Environmental Research Program: 2015 Research Summaries. p. 198-201. |
285082 |
Practices to promote a positive image |
Winka, Brian. 2015. SportsTurf. November. 31(11): p. 38-39. |
267240 |
Preparing for the deep freeze: There is no one-size-fits-all approach to getting a golf course ready for winter, but superintendents agree on one thing - keep the water flowing |
Phillips, Hal. 2015. Golf Course Management China. September/October. p. [8-12], 8-12. |
268810 |
Field-scale monitoring of pharmaceuticals and personal care products applied to active golf courses via recycled water: The turfgrass/soil system reduces leaching of pharmaceuticals and personal care products after irrigation with recycled water Access Restrictions |
Green, R. L.; Young, M. H.; Conkle, J. L.; McCullough, M.; Devitt, D. A.; Wright, L.; Vanderford, B. J.; Snyder, S. A. 2015. Golf Course Management. September. 83(9): p. 88-97. |
265308 |
Keeping grass between the hashmarks into November |
Anonymous. 2015. SportsTurf. September. 31(9): p. 28-29. |
264926 |
Les Ormes Resort: Catering for golfers... |
Anonymous. 2015. Pitchcare. August/September. 62: p. 32-38. |
265668 |
Bermudagrass fertilization with human urine as a tool to close nutrient cycles: The use of micronutrients |
Nepomuceno Santos, Olivia Silva; Teixeira, Marcelo Batista; Gheyi, Hans Raj; Queiroz, Luciano Matos; da Silva Paz, Vital Pedro; da Silva Linge, Cassia; Kiperstok, Asher. 2015. African Journal of Agricultural Research. August 6. 10(32): p. 3189-3199. |
269305 |
Evaluation of Management Strategies and Physiological Mechanisms of Agrostis species for Reduced Irrigation Environments |
Golden, Lisa C. 2014. M.S. Thesis: University of Massachusetts at Amherst. xii, 75 pp. |
313030 |
Development of turf-type Poa pratensis L. germplasm for seed production without field burning | Johnston, William; Johnson, Richard; Golob, Charles; Dodson, Kathleen; Nelson, Matthew; Stahnke, Gwen; Guertal, Elizabeth. 2014. ATINER's Conference Paper Series. p. AGR2014-1185 [1-7]. |
327833 |
Adding trees to irrigated turfgrass lawns may be a water-saving measure in semi-arid environments |
Litvak, Elizaveta; Bijoor, Neeta S.; Pataki, Diane E. 2014. Ecohydrology. October. 7(5): p. 1314-1330. |
271874 |
Linking urban residential landscape types in a desert environment to landscape water budgets Access Restrictions |
Al-Ajlouni, Malik G.; VanLeeuwen, Dawn M.; St. Hilaire, Rolston. 2014. HortTechnology. June. 24(3): p. 307-312. |
247984 |
Influence on leaching water salinity and nutritive elements for irrigating green turfgrass with recycled water Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Jia, Zhe-feng; Liu, Ju-fang; Chang, Zhi-hui; Yin, Shu-xia; Li, De-ying. 2014. Journal of Beijing Forestry University. January 30. 36(1): p. 94-101. |
273617 |
Creeping Bentgrass Management |
Dernoeden, Peter H. 2013. Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group. xv, 362 pp. 2nd Edition. |
208419 |
Practical Golf Course Maintenance: The Magic of Greenkeeping |
Witteveen, Gordon; Bavier, Michael. 2013. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. xii, 255 pp. 3rd Edition. |
214698 |
Winter damage to turfgrass in Wisconsin | Schweiger, Bruce. 2013. The Grass Roots. May/June. 42(3): p. 30. |
225076 |
On the water front: One USGA agronomist puts reclaimed water debate front and center |
Anonymous. 2013. Golfdom. March. 69(3): p. 33. |
217381 |
Bob Dobson: President of Middletown Sprinkler Co., New Jersey and President, Irrigation Association |
Palmieri, Marisa. 2013. Landscape Management. March. 52(3): p. 56. |
217405 |
Not-so dirty dozen |
Moraghan, Tim. 2013. Golf Course Industry. February. 25(1[2]): p. 26, 50. |
216000 |
[Responsible industry water management practices and water usage] |
MacKenzie, Jack. 2013. Hole Notes. January/February. 45(1): p. 10-11. |
215968 |
Be Patient When it Comes to Lawn Care | Berg, Lora. 2012. Brookings, South Dakota: iGrow, SDSU Extension, South Dakota State University. [1] p. |
275474 |
Impacts of reclaimed water irrigation of urban lawn on groundwater quality Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Wang, Qiao-Huan; Chen, Wei-Ping; Wang, Xiao-Ke; Ren, Yu-Fen; Zhang, Ye. 2012. Huanjing Kexue [Chinese Journal of Environmental Science]. December. 33(12): p. 4127-4132. |
285589 |
Salinity and trinexapac-ethyl effects on seed reserve utilization and seedling growth of two Lolium perenne cultivars Access Restrictions |
Roohollahi, I.; Kafi, M. 2012. Acta Horticulturae. November. 938: p. 153-160. |
216660 |
What makes a field good? |
Miller, Grady. 2012. SportsTurf. September. 28(9): p. 46. |
211360 |
Black marks on turf Access Restrictions |
Mascaro, John. 2012. Golf Course Management. June. 80(6): p. 30, 116. |
206477 |
It's all about the pH Access Restrictions |
Gaussoin, Roch. 2012. Golf Course Management. May. 80(5): p. 94. |
204606 |
IPM: Integrated pest management for sports fields |
Kowalewski, Alec; Hathaway, Aaron; Martinez-Espinoza, Alfredo; Braman, Kris. 2012. SportsTurf. April. 28(4): p. 8, 10, 12-13, 45. |
203119 |
Growing interest in lacrosse coming soon to a field near you |
Sprecher, Mary Helen. 2012. SportsTurf. April. 28(4): p. 28-31. |
203127 |
Landscape irrigation with evapotranspiration controllers in a humid climate |
Davis, Stacia L.; Dukes, Michael D. 2012. Transactions of the ASABE. March/April. 55(2): p. 571-580. |
273102 |
Guarding greens: A superintendent goes underground to justify purchasing fans |
Hendren, Matt. 2012. Golfdom. February. 68(2): p. 48-49. |
198719 |
Some people hate change | Marfise, Nick. 2012. On Course. February. 65(10): p. 3-6. |
198977 |
The guy's got guts (and goats!): Paul Chojnacky keeps Pasatiempo Golf Club a step ahead |
Jones, Seth. 2012. Golfdom. January. 68(1): p. Cover, 14-19. |
197329 |
How do I control annual bluegrass (Poa annua) in a home lawn in Washington County Virginia? | Anonymous. [20xx]. Turf Weeds at Virginia Tech. p. [1]. |
177660 |
Best Golf Course Management Practices: Construction, Watering, Fertilizing, Cultural Practices, and Pest Management Strategies to Maintain Golf Course Turf with Minimal Environmental Impact |
McCarty, L. B. "Bert" and Anthony, Vernon, ed. 2011. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, Pearson Education, Inc. xv, 776 pp., [32] plates. Third Edition. |
183869 |
Fundamentals of Turfgrass Management |
Christians, Nick E. 2011. Hoboken, New Jersey, [Toronto, Ontario, Canada]: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. ix, 398 pp., [16] plates. Fourth Edition. |
195012 |
A study to investigate methods to estimate water replenishment by irrigation | Tocco, Rodney; Nikolai, Thomas A. 2011. Golf Course Turfgrass Field Day. p. 6. |
210021 |
Intensive, new water-audit approach and decision-support system | Cline, Van; Rice, Kathy; Carson, Troy; Carrow, Robert. 2011. 2011 International Annual Meetings: [Abstracts][ASA-CSSA-SSSA]. p. 67598. |
192421 |
Couch fairways: Whitford Park Golf Club |
Anonymous. 2011. New Zealand Turf Management Journal. November. 26(4): p. 30-32. |
196311 |
[Dwayne McAllister, Supervisor, Sports Fields & IPM, Oakville] | Anonymous. 2011. Sports Turf Manager [STA]. Autumn. 24(3): p. 19. |
204936 |
Human health issues on synthetic turf in the USA |
Serensits, T. J.; McNitt, A. S.; Petrunak, D. M. 2011. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers:Part P, Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology. September. 225(3): p. 139-146. |
196644 |
Is there any way to cool synthetic turf? | Serensits, Tom. 2011. SportsTurf. June. 27(6): p. 20-22. |
183774 |
Brown patch: Proper mowing and irrigation techniques can ensure lawns stay splotch free |
LaWell, Carolyn. 2011. Lawn & Landscape. May. 32(5): p. 123. |
228129 |
[Kenny Perkins, CEO, Integrated Turf Care] |
Hall, Ron. 2011. Landscape Management. February. 50(2): p. 36. |
220609 |
Just do it: Under the most trying of circumstances, Paul Sabino and his team persevered by paying attention to the fundamentals |
Sabino, Paul. 2011. Golf Course Industry. January. 22[23](11[1]): p. 34. |
199528 |
Wanted: Poa: Dead or alive? |
Black, Jim. 2011. Golf Course Industry. January. 22[23](11[1]): p. 78-80. |
199560 |
A working life: The football groundsman |
King, Mark. 2011. The Guardian. January 8. p. [1-3]. |
178281 |
Planting a bermudagrass green Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Anonymous. [200x]. United States Golf Association. 02:28. |
160482 |
Growing Media for Ornamental Plants and Turf |
Handreck, Kevin; Black, Neil. 2010. Sydney, New South Wales, Australia: University of New South Wales Press Ltd. viii, 551 pp. 4th Edition. |
160863 |
Care of zoysiagrass | Anonymous. [200x]. University of Nebraska - Lincoln Extension. p. [1]. |
162079 |
Spring seeding dead spots: Steps to bring your lawn back to life this spring | Cooper, Pamm. [20XX]. Residential Water Quality. p. [1]. |
163041 |
Overseed existing lawn | Guillard, Karl. [20XX]. Residential Water Quality. p. [1]. |
163067 |
White grubs | Anonymous. [20xx]. OSU Turfgrass Program [Oklahoma State University]. p. [1-2]. |
167053 |
Status Assessment of Water Use Research in Turf Growth and Maintenance Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Poulter, Rachel; Dahler, Janelle. 2010. Sydney, Australia: Horticulture Australia Limited. ii, 55 pp. |
196991 |
Cool-Season Grasses: Lawn Establishment and Renovation |
Fresenburg, Brad S. 2010. Columbia, Missouri: University of Missouri Extension. 6 pp. Revised Edition. |
238840 |
Lawn Care in Short-Season, High-Altitude Zones |
Salaiz, Tom; Love, Stephen L.; Bauer, Michael; McCammon, Tony. 2010. Moscow, Idaho: Extension, University of Idaho. 8 pp. |
263913 |
Not happy! |
Minner, David. 2010. SportsTurf. December. 26(12): p. 46. |
174086 |
Dry, seeding, leaves and planning |
Brame, Bob. 2010. United States Golf Association. November 2. p. 1-2. |
171951 |
Summer lawn care | Anonymous. 2010. Louisiana State University Agricultural Center. September 16. p. [1-2]. |
175466 |
More views on synthetic turf irrigation |
Yates, Wm. Richard. 2010. SportsTurf. August. 26(8): p. 30-31. |
168166 |