Keyword: Lawn care industry trends
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
An industry perspective on the future of turfgrass research | Michael, Darrell J. 2019. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 118047. |
309481 |
Business at your fingertips: On-demand lawn care platforms are gaining traction for their quick business opportunities |
Rathmell, Lauren. 2019. Lawn & Landscape. December. 40(12): p. 46. |
309874 |
Our grass is greener | Tracy, Tom. 2019. Virginia Turfgrass Journal. November/December. p. 8. |
309284 |
(Pro)pain: Relief propane has been a viable alternative for fuel when the price at the pump puts the hurt on your bottom line |
Torsiello, John. 2019. Lawn & Landscape. October. 40(10): p. 98, 100. |
308923 |
Ready & waiting: At first glance, on-demand apps can seem the same, but each has components that differentiate one from another |
Horn, Brian; Rathmell, Lauren. 2019. Lawn & Landscape. September. 40(9): p. 72, 74-76. |
308308 |
Please, don't shoot the messenger |
Jiggens, Mike. 2019. Turf & Rec. April/May. 32(3): p. 4. |
306836 |
Let the busy season begin: After enduring the long and frigid winter, landscapers across North America are prepping lawns for the peak season |
Bunyea, Sarah. 2019. Irrigation & Green Industry. April. 22(4): p. 14-16, 18-19. |
306086 |
Natural beauty: As clients aim to become eco-friendly, organic lawn care is growing increasingly popular across the country |
Miller, Jimmy. 2018. Lawn & Landscape. December. 39(12): p. 52, 54-55. |
303173 |
Lawns begone: These residents are ditching grass, traditional front yards | Lehr, Sarah. 2018. The Lansing State Journal. September 17. p. [1-4]. |
300700 |
Marketing myth busters: A reality check for landscapers and lawn care providers |
Silva, Sue. 2018. Lawn & Landscape. July. 39(7): p. 62, 64, 66. |
299598 |
Home pesticide remedies - Use with caution |
Turner, Maria. 2018. Home, Yard, and Garden Pest Newsletter. June 18. [22](8): p. [6-7]. |
306927 |
Communication and the Illinois Lawn Care Application Notice Act |
Turner, Maria. 2018. Home, Yard, and Garden Pest Newsletter. June 11. [22](7): p. [6-7]. |
306933 |
Follow a pattern: Stand out by mowing with a purpose |
White, Patrick. 2018. Turf [North Edition]. April. 31(3[4]): p. Cover, 18-21. |
296761 |
Easy rider: Ride-on spreaders and sprayers are beign made with increased productivity, efficiency and safety in mind |
Schappacher, Emily. 2018. Landscape Management. March. 57(3): p. 18, 20, 22. |
296201 |
Technology a boon to landscapers: Specialty software, apps help to make operations more efficient |
Jiggens, Mike. 2018. Turf & Rec. March. 31(2): p. 14-17. |
296404 |
Should you mow or plow on demand?: What you need to know before putting your business at your customers' fingertips |
Williams-Villano, Mary Elizabeth. 2018. Irrigation & Green Industry. March. 21(3): p. Cover, 14-16, 18. |
296467 |
Train to retain: An onboarding program, including in-the-field training for all team members, is part of LandCare's new staffing philosophy |
Webb, Sarah. 2018. Landscape Management. February. 57(2): p. 24, 26. |
295456 |
Resolve to raise prices |
Kehoe, Kevin. 2018. Landscape Management. February. 57(2): p. 50. |
295461 |
Great gardening: Turf talk | Cunningham, Sally. 2018. The Buffalo News. February 9. p. [1-6]. |
295095 |
Two of five Americans with yards hired pros in 2017, NALP survey shows Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 2018. Turf News [TPI]. January/February. 42(1): p. 60. |
297822 |
Green up: Start the season on the right foot for healthy lawns this year |
Woelfel, Rick. 2018. Lawn & Landscape. January. 39(1): p. 88-91. |
294189 |
Turf debate turns negative into positive | Anonymous. 2017. Turf Australia. Summer. p. 28. |
300857 |
How to do an effective turf conversion |
Anonymous. 2017. Landscape Management. November. 56(11): p. 10. |
292339 |
Fake it: New technology has made synthetic turf more realistic, both in looks and in options |
Anonymous. 2017. Lawn & Landscape. October. 38(10): p. 170-171. |
291107 |
How about rethinking a cultural icon? The front lawn | Borrelli, Christopher. 2017. Chicago Tribune. October 7. p. [1-6]. |
291048 |
Legacy effects and landscape choices in a desert city Access Restrictions |
Larson, Kelli L.; Hoffman, Jessica; Ripplinger, Julie. 2017. Landscape and Urban Planning. September. 165: p. 22-29. |
288234 |
Water: Where do you stand?: Although the drought may be abating in some areas of the country, growers can benefit by continuing to adapt to the new normal |
Halleck, Leslie F. 2017. Greenhouse Management. August. 37(8): p. 42-43. |
288481 |
The impacts of different management practices on botanical composition, quality, colour and growth of urban lawns Access Restrictions |
Knot, Pavel; Hrabe, Frantisek; Hejduk, Stanislav; Skladanka, Jiri; Kvasnovsky, Michal; Hodulikova, Lucia; Caslavova, Iva; Horky, Pavel. 2017. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening. August. 26: p. 178-183. |
286349 |
Society suggests alternatives to grass for your lawn | Futrick, Teresa. 2017. Altoona Mirror. August 19. p. [1-2]. |
291559 |
Our lawns are killing us. It's time to kick the habit | Richardson, Mark. 2017. The Ecological Landscaper. July. p. [1]. |
288489 |
"Not in their front yard": The opportunities and challenges of introducing perennial urban meadows: A local authority stakeholder perspective Access Restrictions |
Hoyle, Helen; Jorgensen, Anna; Warren, Philip; Dunnett, Nigel; Evans, Karl. 2017. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening. July. 25: p. 139-149. |
286575 |
Rethinking drip: As drip irrigation technology evolves, pros embrace the benefits beyond saving water |
Schappacher, Emily. 2017. Landscape Management. June. 56(6): p. 53-54. |
286046 |
Alternative lawns |
Ashmore, Durant. 2017. USA Today. May 2. p. [1-2]. |
285444 |
Replace lawns and save our state tree | Putz, Francis E. "Jack". 2017. Gainesville Sun. May 12. p. [1-3]. |
287072 |
A quick look in the rear-view mirror: What went wrong in 2016 | Levin, Meta. 2017. The Landscape Contractor [Illinois]. April. 58(4): p. 16, 18. |
283863 |
Logic lawn care - Dedicated to safe, healthy lawns | Witney, Marilyn. 2017. The Landscape Contractor [Illinois]. April. 58(4): p. 20-22. |
283867 |
Lawn care needs won't always be the same: Weather and site conditions are always changing, forcing lawn care professionals to adapt |
Jiggens, Mike. 2017. Turf & Rec. April/May. 30(3): p. 34-36, 38. |
289603 |
Stand-on mower country |
Wartgow, Gregg. 2017. Green Industry Pros. April. 29(4): p. 14, 16. |
285692 |
Tips for spring lawn care | Brohard, Mark. 2017. The Advocate. April 19. p. [1]. |
285992 |
Pros & cons of announcing price increases: How to break the news to customers about price increases resulting from rising costs to run your business |
Pesta, Danielle. 2017. Turf [North Edition]. March. 30(3): p. 12, 14. |
281859 |
Lawn maintenance | Anonymous. 2017. Lawn Mowing Contractors' Association of W. A. (Inc.) Newsletter. February. 558: p. 33-34. |
301493 |
Homes grow but lawns decline |
Wisniewski, Nicole. 2017. Turf [North Edition]. February. 30(2): p. 8. |
281854 |
Removing grass: Less work, more green | Wild, Megan. 2017. The Mother Earth News. February 21. p. [1-3]. |
282748 |
Irrigation gets smart: The obsession with smartphones is driving the latest technology advancements in irrigation systems |
Stahl, Jason. 2017. Turf Design Build. January/February. p. 12-14. |
279943 |
Leading the Defense of the Living Landscape | Green Industry Pros. 2016. [Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin]: Green Industry Pros. [3] pp. |
290831 |
Why do we adopt environmentally friendly lawn care? Evidence from do-it-yourself consumers Access Restrictions |
Suh, Dong Hee; Khachatryan, Hayk; Guan, Zhengfei. 2016. Applied Economics. 48(27): p. 2550-2561. |
269532 |
Let technology drive your business | Cuddihe, Rick. 2016. Turf [North Edition]. December. 29(12): p. 22. |
280841 |
Industry YouTubers: A look inside some of the hottest YouTube channels focused on the landscape industry | Rak, Steve; King, Jennifer. 2016. Turf [North Edition]. December. 29(12): p. 28-30. |
280844 |
Analysis of the economic impacts of Tennessee's turfgrass industry and perceptions of future growth | Jensen, Kimberly L.; English, Burton C.; Menard, R. Jamey; Boyer, Christopher; Brosnan, Jim. 2016. Mid-Continent Regional Science Association 47th Annual Conference and IMPLAN National User's Conference 11th Biennial Conference: 2016 Conference Proceedings. November. p. 31-45. |
308353 |
Poised for (even more) growth: Dig into our data to find out what's going on in the industry |
Horn, Brian. 2016. Lawn & Landscape. October. 37(10): p. S4-S7. |
277569 |
Pain in the grass: Alternatives to high-maintenance lawns: Had enough of your patchy, weedy lawn? Try something different, from moss to artificial grass | Mahon, Stephanie. 2016. The Guardian. October 29. p. [1-4]. |
282659 |
'Non-lawn' lawn, a growing concept | Feighan, Maureen. 2016. The Detroit News. October 7. p. [1]. |
282690 |
The mowing middle men: In the age of Uber, on-demand apps have become popular in a lot of industries, including landscaping | Anonymous. 2016. Lawn & Landscape. September. 37(9): p. 88, 90, 92, 94, 96. |
275588 |
Is this what the future looks like? | Smith, Russ. 2016. Irrigation & Green Industry. July. 19(7): p. 12-14, 16, 18. |
276656 |
Alternatives to lawn grass Access Restrictions |
Finch, Calvin. 2016. The San Antonio Express-News. July 1. p. [1-4]. |
274642 |
The shrinking of the American lawn: As houses have gotten bigger, yard sizes have receded. What gives? | McGill, Andrew. 2016. The Atlantic. July 6. p. [1-5]. |
291553 |
Many Americans want work, but they don't want to mow lawns: At least not for what landscapers want to pay | Campbell, Alexia Fernández. 2016. The Atlantic. July 11. p. [1-4]. |
301495 |
Joining forces: Tony Szczechowski has systemized and streamlined his Holland, Ohio-based company and is positioned for long-term growth |
Schappacher, Emily. 2016. Landscape Management. June. 55(6): p. 22-24. |
272652 |
Fighting to grow: Challenges continue to mount for those who want to become - and stay - winners in the slow-growth, heavily regulated lawn care industry | Hall, Ronnie. 2016. Turf [North Edition]. June. 29(6): p. 26-28, 30, 34-35. |
273327 |
Posting the little green and white signs | King, Scott E. 2016. The Michigan Landscape. May/June. 59(3): p. 24-25. |
272800 |
Turfing lawn for lettuce, micro-clover or even polypropylene greens: Edible gardens, xeriscaping and fake turf gaining ground as Canadians rethink the lawn | Gallagher, Margaret. 2016. CBC News. May 25. p. [1-3]. |
274637 |
[Can you grow a lawn care business without acquisitions?: Responses] |
Diller, Chad; Jaber, Kyle; Pope, Aaron. 2016. Turf [North Edition]. February. 29(2): p. 4. |
273641 |
TruGreen/Scotts LawnService deal a win-win-win | Hall, Ronnie. 2016. Turf [North Edition]. February. 29(2): p. 52. |
273647 |
The organic opportunity: Current market share for organic lawn care is still small, but the market opportunity is enormous-for contractors who figure out how to make it work |
Wartgow, Gregg. 2016. Green Industry Pros. February. 28(3): p. 28-31. |
271543 |
World Lawn & Garden Consumables | The Freedonia Group. 2015. Cleveland, Ohio: The Freedonia Group. iii, 32 pp. |
293123 |
The evolution in science and practice of professional lawn care | Hurto, Kirk A. 2015. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 94566. |
266952 |
Five years later: Has New Jersey's landmark fertilizer bill made an impact? |
Getz, Lindsey. 2015. Landscape Management. November. 54(11): p. 22, 24-25. |
267328 |
History of the lawn |
Anonymous. 2015. Pallet: Newsletter of Turfgrass Producers of Texas. October. p. 14. |
266042 |
[Mark Wise: Greenwise organic Lawn Care LLC, Evanston, IL] | Levin, Meta. 2015. The Landscape Contractor [Illinois]. October. 56(10): p. 56. |
268430 |
Netafim subsurface lawn irrigation |
Hall, Ronnie. 2015. Turf [North Edition]. October. 28(10): p. 18. |
266320 |
In drought-ridden California, the classic lawn loses ground: With help from public rebates, yards are being redefined as grass gives way to less thirsty materials, including decomposed granite | Medina, Jennifer. 2015. The New York Times. October 26. p. [1-11]. |
267282 |
RCE Organic Land Care Working Program | Rowe, Amy. 2015. Clippings & Green World. Fall/Winter. 90: p. 17-18. |
271570 |
After the ban: A look at lawn care since Ontario's Cosmetic Pesticide Ban | Hirshorn, Susan. 2015. Landscape Trades. August. 37(6): p. 12, 14-15. |
265714 |
Lawns are a soul-crushing timesuck and most of us would be better off without them | Ingraham, Christopher. [2015]. The Washington Post. August 4. p. [1-2]. |
264243 |
'Cosmetic' pesticide use crackdown: What you can do if local governments move to ban pesticides |
Robertson, Gregg. 2015. Landscape Management. June. 54(6): p. 20-21. |
261797 |
How to bring down fuel costs even more: Three successful firms share their fuel-saving strategies |
Hall, Ronnie. 2015. Turf [North Edition]. June. 28(6): p. 24-29. |
261878 |
Do you need a turf disease strategy?: Having a plan in place to prevent lawn disease damage will please clients and boost your revenue |
Crain, Tom. 2015. Turf [North Edition]. June. 28(6): p. 33-36, 38, 40. |
261880 |
Two different approaches to lawn disease control: Having a plan in place to prevent lawn disease damage will please clients and boost your revenue |
Crain, Tom. 2015. Turf [West Edition]. June. 28(6): p. 33-37. |
261882 |
Exploring social and cultural norms to promote ecologically sensitive residential garden design Access Restrictions |
Uren, Hannah V.; Dzidic, Peta L.; Bishop, Brian J. 2015. Landscape and Urban Planning. May. 137: p. 76-84. |
274749 |
Mulching vs. collecting: Despite evidence that leaving lawn clippings is good for turf, landscape companies somtimes face the mulch-or-bag question |
Palmieri, Marisa. 2015. Landscape Management. May. 54(5): p. 24-25. |
259302 |
Smart moves: Home automation technology is on the rise, bringing opportunities for landscape companies |
Pfledderer, Sarah. 2015. Landscape Management. May. 54(5): p. 34, 36, 38, 40. |
259315 |
April is...National Lawn Care Month: Campaign achieves over one million impressions and still counting |
Anonymous. 2015. Turfgrass Producers International E-Newsletter. May/June. 8(3): p. 4-5. |
260350 |
Some bright green lawns in California require no water | Fitzsimmons, Emma G. 2015. The New York Times. April 24. p. [1-4]. |
267744 |
Wolves at the gate Access Restrictions |
Stanton, Melanie. 2015. Turf News [TPI]. March/April. 39(2): p. 6-7. |
256272 |
April is National Lawn Care Month: The importance of this observance | Anonymous. 2015. Landscape & Irrigation. March. 39(2): p. 50. |
273345 |
The future of applications: The latest ride-on sprayer/spreaders are evolving in the lawn care market | Cameron, Kendall. 2015. Turf [North Edition]. March. 28(3): p. 34, 36-38. |
257551 |
Natural Lawn Care | Eartheasy. 2014. [Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada]: Eartheasy Lawn. [4] pp. |
276346 |
The lawn care business - A look into 2014 |
Borger, Jeffrey A. 2014. Pennsylvania Turfgrass. Summer. 3(3): p. 8-11. |
255686 |
Follow these turf trends toward profit | Michelson, Anne. 2014. Turf [North Edition]. December. 27(12): p. B1-B4, B6, B8. |
252855 |
Beyond manure: The future is bright for natural and organic lawn care options |
O'Brien, Dianna Borsi. 2014. Landscape Management. November. 53(11): p. 23-25. |
250989 |
Brinly-Hardy Company celebrates 175th anniversary: Hearing the voice of the customer | Turner, Brad. 2014. Landscape & Irrigation. October. 38(8): p. 34-36. |
273296 |
Creations for lawn care: Take a look at the latest chemical technology to hit the marketplace |
Getz, Lindsey. 2014. Lawn & Landscape. October. 35(10): p. 112, 114, 116. |
252771 |
Now's the Time for Late Season Lawn Care in South Dakota! | Chalmers, David. 2013. Brookings, South Dakota: iGrow, SDSU Extension, South Dakota State University. [3] pp. |
275520 |
Prohibiting pesticides on turf: What we have learned from New York State |
Kao-Kniffin, J. T. 2013. Proceedings of the Sixty-Seventh Annual Meeting of theNortheastern Weed Science Society. 67: p. 90. |
218723 |
Lawn Fertilization Service Needs Differ | Brooks, Ashley. 2012. [Columbia, South Carolina]: Busy Bee Lawn Care. [4] pp. |
276562 |
Consumer preferences for low-input turfgrasses: A conjoint analysis |
Hugie, Kari; Yue, Chengyan; Watkins, Eric. 2012. HortScience. August. 47(8): p. 1096-1101. |
210079 |
How much does a bit of grass add to your house value? $83,600 | Campion, Vikki. 2012. The Daily Telegraph [Australia]. February 12. p. [1-2]. |
300681 |
Steps to a Low-Input, Healthy Lawn | Wertheim, Frank. 2011. [Orono, Maine]: Cooperative Extension, The University of Maine. [4] pp. |
264018 |
Cutting Back on Lawn Chemicals | Hadden, Evelyn. 2011. s.l.: Lawn Reform Coalation. [2] pp. |
276784 |
Advances in genetic transformation of turfgrasses Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Wei, Rui; Xu, Xing; Ma, Dongmei. 2011. Nongye Kexue Yanjiu [Journal of Agricultural Sciences]. 32(2): p. 52-55. |
290951 |