Keyword: Manures
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Use of seaweed on golf courses Access Restrictions |
Board of Greenkeeping Research. 1948. The Journal of the Board of Greenkeeping Research. 7(24): p. 187-188. |
104505 |
A Perfect Turf: How to Plant and Maintain a Perfect Turf in the Pacific Northwest Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Solly, Cecil. 1948. Seattle, Washington. 32 pp. Revised Edition. |
116533 |
Organic materials for soil improvement Access Restrictions |
Sprague, Howard B. 1945. The Greenkeepers' Reporter. July/August. 13(4): p. 14, 32. |
118058 |
Maintenance level of nitrogen and organic matter in grassland and cultivated soils over periods of 54 and 72 years |
White, J. W.; Holben, F. J.; Richer, A. C. 1945. Journal of the American Society of Agronomy. January. 37(1): p. 21-31. |
258988 |
[Unsual maintenance practice] Access Restrictions |
Thomas, L. A. 1943. The Greenkeepers' Reporter. July/August. 11(4): p. 8-9. |
120220 |
A few maintenance tricks Access Restrictions |
Young, O. W. 1943. The Greenkeepers' Reporter. March/April. 11(2): p. 28. |
120207 |
Viable seeds Access Restrictions |
Noer, O. J. 1942. The Greenkeepers' Reporter. November/December. 10(6): p. 29. |
119829 |
Twenty years of greenkeeping Access Restrictions |
Feser, Leo J. 1941. Greenkeepers' Reporter. July/August. 9(4): p. 13-14. |
119313 |
Proper feeding - First step to lawn beauty | Anonymous. 1941. Lawn Care. March. 14(64): p. 1-4. |
263328 |
Winter dressing greens at Riverside |
Mosher, Harold A. 1940. The Newsletter [New England]. November. 12(11): p. 2. |
285392 |
Commercial fertilizer vs. manure for topdressing turf | USGA Green Section. 1940. Turf Culture [II]. November. 2(2): p. 128. |
120190 |
Potash supplies Access Restrictions |
Dawson, R. B. 1940. Journal of the Board of Greenkeeping Research. June. 6(21): p. 121-122. |
51056 |
Organic and inorganic manures: Their relative effectiveness Access Restrictions |
Ferro, R. B. 1940. Journal of the Board of Greenkeeping Research. June. 6(21): p. 122-123. |
51057 |
Organic matter - Its function and use | Anonymous. 1940. Lawn Care. March. 13(59): p. 1-4. |
263314 |
Organic fertilisers |
Bowles, W. H. 1939. The Agrostologist. Summer. [3]([1]): p. VII [7]. |
171467 |
Fairways |
Drake, F. R. 1939. The Australian Greenkeeper. March. 3(4): p. 21-24. |
84256 | |
Lawn Grasses and Their Management Access Restrictions |
North, H. F. A.; Odland, Theodore E.; DeFrance, Jesse A. 1938. Kingston, Rhode Island: Agricultural Experiment Station, The Rhode Island State College. 36 pp. |
56467 |
Protecting turf with manure | Anonymous. 1936. The Turf Survey. March. 1(2): p. 14. |
129288 |
Golf course fertilization Access Restrictions |
Noer, O. J. 1934. The Greenkeepers' Reporter. April. 2(4): p. 1-4. |
120522 |
How to fertilize golf turf | Noer, O. J. 1934. Golfdom: The Business Journal of Golf. March. 8(3): p. 46, 48-50, 52, 54. |
181146 |
A short account of the four and a half years' work at the St. Ives Research Station Access Restrictions |
Dawson, R. B. 1934. Journal of the Board of Greenkeeping Research. Spring. 3(10): p. 121-132. |
48526 |
Fertiliser trials on lawns at Craibstone: With some observations on the use and misuse of sulphate of ammonia Access Restrictions |
Hill, Alfred. 1934. Journal of the Board of Greenkeeping Research. Spring. 3(10): p. 153-160. |
48531 |
Humus analysis | Anonymous. 1933. The National Greenkeeper. October. 7(10): p. 18. |
133756 |
[Fairways farm bluegrass pastures] | Anonymous. 1933. The National Greenkeeper. September. 7(9): p. 13. |
133726 |
Fertilizer facts for fairway improvement | Noer, O. J. 1933. The National Greenkeeper. August. 7(8): p. 5-7, 18. |
133693 |
Remaking a lawn | Anonymous. 1933. The National Greenkeeper. August. 7(8): p. 13-14. |
133706 |
The seed bed of a lawn | Dickinson, Lawrence S. 1933. The National Greenkeeper. May. 7(5): p. 8-9. |
133613 |
Municipal course maintenance | Stodola, Harold W. 1933. The National Greenkeeper. April. 7(4): p. 14-17, 26. |
133601 |
Activated sludge as a substitute for stable manure in fairways | USGA Green Section. 1933. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. January. 13(1): p. 17-18. |
119685 |
New Zealand Greenkeeping Research Access Restrictions |
Levy, E. Bruce. 1932. Journal of the Board of Greenkeeping Research. Autumn. 2(7): p. 258-267. |
47015 |
Comments from an old-timer | O'Neill, James. 1932. The National Greenkeeper. September. 6(9): p. 8, 10-11. |
133222 |
[Use of liquid manure sample] Access Restrictions |
Board of Greenkeeping Research. 1932. The Journal of the Board of Greenkeeping Research. Spring. 2(6): p. 219-220. |
104093 |
Why minerals in fertilizers Access Restrictions |
DeLoach, R. J. H. 1931. Report of the Educational Conferences Held in Connectionwith the 1931 Convention of the National GreenkeepersAssociation. p. 3-5. |
170285 |
[Turf sample for examination] Access Restrictions |
Board of Greenkeeping Research. 1931. The Journal of the Board of Greenkeeping Research. November. 2(5): p. 145-146. |
104034 |
[Manure sample analysis] Access Restrictions |
Board of Greenkeeping Research. 1931. The Journal of the Board of Greenkeeping Research. November. 2(5): p. 146-147. |
104036 |
[Manure analysis and advice on less costly alternatives] Access Restrictions |
Board of Greenkeeping Research. 1931. The Journal of the Board of Greenkeeping Research. November. 2(5): p. 149. |
104039 |
[Fertiliser analysis] Access Restrictions |
Board of Greenkeeping Research. 1931. The Journal of the Board of Greenkeeping Research. November. 2(5): p. 152. |
104043 |
[Use of manure as fertilizer for putting greens in the summer] | USGA Green Section. 1931. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. October. 11(10): p. 206. |
120574 |
Artificial Manure | Anonymous. 1931. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. July. 11(7): p. 147-148. |
35321 |
Some principles of manuring for turf Access Restrictions |
Evans, T. W. 1931. Journal of the Board of Greenkeeping Research. March. 2(4): p. 44-50. |
46997 |
[Advice on moss eradication] Access Restrictions |
Dawson, R. B. 1931. The Journal of the Board of Greenkeeping Research. March. 2(4): p. 68-69. |
104020 |
The life and activity of soil bacteria Access Restrictions |
Smith, James A. 1930. Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Greenkeepers Convention. p. 4. |
130951 |
The valuation of manures Access Restrictions |
Evans, T. W. 1930. Journal of the Board of Greenkeeping Research. October. 1(3): p. 149-152. |
45017 |
[Course inspection of greens, weeds, approaches, fairways] Access Restrictions |
Dawson, R. B. 1930. The Journal of the Board of Greenkeeping Research. October. 1(3): p. 162-167. |
104071 |
[Artificial manure sample analysis] Access Restrictions |
Dawson, R. B. 1930. The Journal of the Board of Greenkeeping Research. October. 1(3): p. 184. |
104078 |
Prices of artificial manures. Sulphate of iron, sulphate of copper and mowrah meal Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1930. Journal of the Board of Greenkeeping Research. October. 1(3): p. 193. |
45024 |
Covering greens with stable manure over winter | USGA Green Section. 1930. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. June. 10(6): p. 117. |
120618 |
The why of poor fairways | MacGregor, John. 1930. The National Greenkeeper. May. 4(5): p. 10, 12. |
131877 |
Greenkeeping problems in Canada | Sansom, W. J. 1930. The National Greenkeeper. March. 4(3): p. 19-23. |
131052 |
A field method of preparing compost |
Wilson, Frank H. Jr. 1930. The Newsletter [New England]. March. 2(3): p. 4. |
284061 |
Organic fertilizers for fairways | USGA Green Section. 1929. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. December. 9(12): p. 226-227. |
120836 |
You don't need manure in making top-dressing - green crop method serves | Leach, B. R. 1929. Golfdom: The Business Journal of Golf. November. 3(11): p. 14-16. |
176437 |
Arsenate drives away skunks | Bedford, Sanders. 1929. The National Greenkeeper. November. 3(11): p. 18-19. |
130700 |
Injury from shallow surface soil on hard clay or silt | USGA Green Section. 1929. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. October. 9(10): p. 185. |
120984 |
Fertilizing: Have you planned a fall fertilizing program? | Valentine, Joseph; Shave, Herbert E.; Binnie, Alex; Muirden, James; Galvin, Thomas; Gray, John; Mayo, Joe L.; Bolton, James W.; Mayo, Joe P.; Goodrich, Ford; Campbell, J. O.; Morley, John. 1929. The National Greenkeeper. September. 3(9): p. 20-21. |
130636 |
Top-dressing preparation by the "soiling method" | Leach, B. R. 1929. Golfdom: The Business Journal of Golf. September. 3(9): p. 50, 52, 54. |
176361 |
Too much dope | Jepson, Jolly O. 1929. The National Greenkeeper. August. 3(8): p. 40. |
130561 |
Fungus diseases and why: A practical discussion of plant life in all its phases. How plants feed and live and die | Cannaday, J. E. 1929. The National Greenkeeper. June. 3(6): p. 10-17, 34. |
130270 |
Regaining out lost "Eden": A return to natural conditions will open the way for easy greenkeeping | Smith, Jas A. 1929. The National Greenkeeper. May. 3(5): p. 13-14, 16-17. |
130237 |
Fertilization program for renewing fairways balances many factors | Noer, O. J. 1929. Golfdom: The Business Journal of Golf. May. 3(5): p. 16-18. |
176101 |
Breaking up manure | Arnold, A. E. 1929. The National Greenkeeper. May. 3(5): p. 25-26. |
130252 |
How I make and use our compost | Gillett, A. J. 1929. Golfdom: The Business Journal of Golf. May. 3(5): p. 72-73. |
176235 |
Golf course maintenance | Alves, Grange. 1929. The National Greenkeeper. February. 3(2): p. 27-30. |
129507 |
Reseeding bare spots and renovating thin turf | USGA Green Section. 1928. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. November. 8(11): p. 234-235. |
119888 |
Comparing available nitrogen in manure, mushroom soil and other organic fertilizers | USGA Green Section. 1928. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. January. 8(1): p. 17-18. |
121100 |
Kentucky Bluegrass in Missouri |
University of Missouri, College of Agriculture, Agricultural Experiment Station King, B. M. 1927. Columbia, Missouri: University of Missouri. 11 pp. |
94961 |
Putting greens and fairways | Swinn, G. 1927. The Journal of the Golf Greenkeepers' Association. p. 18-21. |
277880 |
[Construction and maintenance of golf greens, tees, and bunkers] | Kirby, William. 1927. The Journal of the Golf Greenkeepers' Association. p. 23-36. |
277962 |
Construction of (a) putting greens | Williams, Robert. 1927. The Journal of the Golf Greenkeepers' Association. p. 60-77. |
277967 |
Principles underlying the practical uses of fertilizers on greens and fairways | Noer, O. J. 1927. The National Greenkeeper. December. 1(12): p. 9-11, 33. |
84710 |
Composition and properties of individual fertilizer materials | Noer, O. J. 1927. The National Greenkeeper. November. 1(11): p. 11-13, 32-33. |
84696 |
How and why of fairway fertilization | Noer, O. J. 1927. Golfdom: The Business Journal of Golf. November. 1(10): p. 15-18, 29. |
215318 |
How best to utilize manure | USGA Green Section. 1927. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. October. 7(10): p. 202. |
121121 |
Bone meal as a fertilizer for fairways | USGA Green Section. 1927. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. August. 7(8): p. 163. |
121144 |
[Large oak trees dying] | Lott, Noah. 1927. Golfdom: The Business Journal of Golf. August. 1(7): p. 13. |
171065 |
Fertilization of new fairway seedings | Noer, O. J. 1927. Golfdom: The Business Journal of Golf. July. 1(6): p. 5-8. |
170339 |
European red fescue and Chewings' or (New Zealand) red fescue | USGA Green Section. 1927. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. May. 7(5): p. 103. |
121147 |
Compartive value of different manures | USGA Green Section. 1927. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. May. 7(5): p. 103. |
121150 |
Conducting experiments with milorganite | Noer, O. J. 1927. The National Greenkeeper. March. 1(3): p. 7-9. |
84501 |
Utilizing manure containing a large proportion of straw | USGA Green Section. 1926. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. November. 6(11): p. 246-247. |
119040 |
Shavings in manure | USGA Green Section. 1926. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. October. 6(10): p. 227. |
119062 |
Preparing compost in the open | USGA Green Section. 1926. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. August. 6(8): p. 185-186. |
119124 |
Manure and crab grass seeds | Anonymous. 1926. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. April. 6(4): p. 88. |
50301 |
Breaking down fresh manure with ammonium sulfate | USGA Green Section. 1926. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. March. 6(3): p. 74. |
121237 |
Building a putting green on clay soil | USGA Green Section. 1926. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. March. 6(3): p. 75. |
121249 |
Calendar chart of winter grasses on Bermuda greens | Birchett, Frederick W. Jr. 1926. Bulletin of the Green Section of the U.S. Golf Association. March 16. 6(3): p. 64-66. |
43613 |
Soil foundation of a putting green | USGA Green Section. 1926. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. February. 6(2): p. 50. |
121273 |
Improving poor fairway turf | USGA Green Section. 1926. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. January. 6(1): p. 16-17. |
121399 |
Winter and early spring work in improving fairways; utilizing manure; undesirability of ryegrass | USGA Green Section. 1925. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. December. 5(12): p. 284-285. |
121627 |
Winter covering of putting greens with straw or manure | USGA Green Section. 1925. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. November. 5(11): p. 263. |
121740 |
Winter treatment of fairways | Anonymous. 1925. Bulletin of the Green Section of the U.S. Golf Association. October 15. 5(10): p. 235. |
49622 |
Winter treatment of Bermuda greens; Poa annua and Poa bulbosa for early spring and late fall turf on Bermuda greens | USGA Green Section. 1925. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. September. 5(9): p. 211-212. |
121529 |
Improving thin stands on fairways | USGA Green Section. 1925. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. September. 5(9): p. 212-213. |
121532 |
Making compost | USGA Green Section. 1925. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. June. 5(6): p. 142-143. |
121664 |
Shavings or chips in manure | USGA Green Section. 1925. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. June. 5(6): p. 143. |
121666 |
[Utilization of stable manure and its effect in producing grubs] | USGA Green Section. 1925. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. May. 5(5): p. 117-118. |
121468 |
How to use manure | Anonymous. 1925. Bulletin of the Green Section of the U.S. Golf Association. March 16. 5(3): p. 67. |
49532 |
Value of dragging or harrowing; treating thin fairway turf | USGA Green Section. 1925. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. February 16. 5(2): p. 46. |
121485 |
[The bird's-nest fungus in turf] | USGA Green Section. 1924. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. December. 4(12): p. 301-302. |
117955 |
Top-dressing Bermuda greens with barnyard manure | USGA Green Section. 1924. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. November. 4(11): p. 277. |
121855 |