Keyword: Metsulfuron methyl
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Establishment and management of seeded bermudagrass in the transition zone | Richardson, Michael D. 2002. 2002 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 9. |
85015 |
Effect of pyridine and sulfonylurea admixtures on Virginia buttonweed (Diodia virginiana) control in turf | 2002. p. 50-77. In: Staples, Johnny Thorton Jr. Virginia Buttonweed Management in Warm-Season Turfgrass. Ph.D. Dissertation: Auburn University. |
177522 |
Sulfonylurea herbicides for postemergence control of Virginia buttonweed (Diodia virginiana) | 2002. p. 78-98. In: Staples, Johnny Thorton Jr. Virginia Buttonweed Management in Warm-Season Turfgrass. Ph.D. Dissertation: Auburn University. |
177523 |
Virginia buttonweed (Diodia virginiana) response to herbicides supplemented with dicamba + diflufenzopyr or diflufenzopyr | 2002. p. 99-126. In: Staples, Johnny Thorton Jr. Virginia Buttonweed Management in Warm-Season Turfgrass. Ph.D. Dissertation: Auburn University. |
177524 |
The role of rye removal in improved springtime transitions |
Gelernter, Wendy; Stowell, Larry J. 2002. PACE Insights. 8(7): p. 1-4. |
104868 |
Chemical removal of ryegrass | Miller, Grady. 2002. SportsTurf. November. 18(11): p. 46. |
85462 |
Postemergence control of Henbit in dormant bermudagrass (01-T06) | Hinton, Jason; Gannon, Travis; Yelverton, Fred. 2001. 2001 NCSU Turfgrass Pasture Weed Control and PGR AnnualReport. p. [1-3]. |
142900 | |
Postemergence control of Star of Bethlehem (01-D20) | Gannon, Travis; Hinton, Jason; Yelverton, Fred. 2001. 2001 NCSU Turfgrass Pasture Weed Control and PGR AnnualReport. p. [1-7]. |
142906 | |
Removal of overseeded perennial ryegrass (01-T20) | Hinton, Jason; Gannon, Travis; Yelverton, Fred. 2001. 2001 NCSU Turfgrass Pasture Weed Control and PGR AnnualReport. p. [1-5]. |
142907 | |
Tranxit for removal of overseeded perennial ryegrass (01-D44) | Gannon, Travis; Yelverton, Fred. 2001. 2001 NCSU Turfgrass Pasture Weed Control and PGR AnnualReport. p. [1-6]. |
142908 | |
Clumpy ryegrass control in bermudagrass (01-D21) | Gannon, Travis; Hinton, Jason; Yelverton, Fred. 2001. 2001 NCSU Turfgrass Pasture Weed Control and PGR AnnualReport. p. [1-9]. |
142909 | |
Virginia buttonweed control in common bermudagrass (00-T92) | Hinton, Jason; Gannon, Travis; Yelverton, Fred. 2001. 2001 NCSU Turfgrass Pasture Weed Control and PGR AnnualReport. p. [1-10]. |
142941 | |
Safety of flazasulfuron 25DG to 'Tifsport' bermudagrass (01-T55) | Hinton, Jason; Gannon, Travis; Yelverton, Fred. 2001. 2001 NCSU Turfgrass Pasture Weed Control and PGR AnnualReport. p. [1-3]. |
142991 | |
Safety of flazasulfuron 25DG to 'Tifway' bermudagrass (01-D56) | Gannon, Travis; Yelverton, Fred. 2001. 2001 NCSU Turfgrass Pasture Weed Control and PGR AnnualReport. p. [1-3]. |
142992 | |
Safety of flazasulfuron 25DG to 'El Toro' zoysiagrass (01-D57) | Gannon, Travis; Yelverton, Fred. 2001. 2001 NCSU Turfgrass Pasture Weed Control and PGR AnnualReport. p. [1-3]. |
143000 | |
Safety of flazasulfuron 25DG to common centipedegrass (01-D58) | Gannon, Travis; Yelverton, Fred. 2001. 2001 NCSU Turfgrass Pasture Weed Control and PGR AnnualReport. p. [1-3]. |
143001 | |
Safety of flazasulfuron 25DG to St. Augustinegrass (01-T54) | Hinton, Jason; Gannon, Travis; Yelverton, Fred. 2001. 2001 NCSU Turfgrass Pasture Weed Control and PGR AnnualReport. p. [1-3]. |
143003 | |
Treatments for vegetation control under guardrails (00-T111) | Gannon, Travis; Hinton, Jason; Yelverton, Fred. 2001. 2001 NCSU Turfgrass Pasture Weed Control and PGR AnnualReport. p. [1-5]. |
143011 | |
Japanese knotweed control on roadsides (00-T75) | Gannon, T.; Hoyle, S.; Hinton, J.; Yelverton, Fred. 2001. 2001 NCSU Turfgrass Pasture Weed Control and PGR AnnualReport. p. [1-5]. |
143052 | |
Japanese knotweed control on roadsides (00-T89) | Gannon, T.; Hoyle, S.; Hinton, J.; Yelverton, Fred. 2001. 2001 NCSU Turfgrass Pasture Weed Control and PGR AnnualReport. p. [1-5]. |
143053 | |
Sweet gum control with various treatments (00-T112) | Gannon, Travis; Hinton, Jason; Yelverton, Fred. 2001. 2001 NCSU Turfgrass Pasture Weed Control and PGR AnnualReport. p. [1-5]. |
143062 | |
Tolerance of newly seeded 'Reliant' hard fescue (01-D24) | Gannon, Travis; Hinton, Jason; Yelverton, Fred. 2001. 2001 NCSU Turfgrass Pasture Weed Control and PGR AnnualReport. p. [1-6]. |
143066 | |
Seeding restrictions of centipedegrass after treatment with various compounds (00-T116) | Gannon, Travis; Hinton, Jason; Yelverton, Fred. 2001. 2001 NCSU Turfgrass Pasture Weed Control and PGR AnnualReport. p. [1-7]. |
143070 | |
Seeding restrictions with common centipedegrass after herbicide treatments (01-D25) | Gannon, Travis; Hinton, Jason; Yelverton, Fred. 2001. 2001 NCSU Turfgrass Pasture Weed Control and PGR AnnualReport. p. [1-5]. |
143071 | |
Tolerance of seeded centipedegrass to various treatments (00-T77) | Gannon, Travis; Hinton, Jason; Yelverton, Fred. 2001. 2001 NCSU Turfgrass Pasture Weed Control and PGR AnnualReport. p. [1-11]. |
143072 | |
Development of minimal input best management practices for paspalum | Duncan, Ron. 2001. 2001 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 8. |
78338 |
Establishment and management of seeded bermudagrass in the transition zone | Richardson, Michael D. 2001. 2001 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 9. |
78340 |
Genetic enhancement of paspalum for recreational turf | Duncan, Ron R. 2001. 2001 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 24. |
78356 |
Spring transition of tifway (419) bermudagrass as influenced by herbicide treatments | Kopec, D. M.; Gilbert, J. J. 2001. Turfgrass, Landscape and Urban IPM Research Summary [Arizona]. p. 74-85. |
77292 |
Efficacy of preemergence and postemergence herbicides in centipedegrass sod production |
Murphy, T. R. 2001. Southern Weed Science Society Proceedings. 54: p. 70-71. |
80677 |
Postemergence annual bluegrass control in dormant common bermudagrass |
Rodriguez, I. R.; McCarty, L. B.; Higingbottom, J. K. 2001. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 9(Part 2): p. 1041-1044. |
74488 |
New herbicides for warm season turfgrasses |
Murphy, Tim R.; Landry, Gil. 2001. New Zealand Turf Management Journal. November. 16(4): p. 17-18. |
77202 |
Removal of perennial ryegrass from bermudagrass |
Bruneau, Art. 2001. TurfFiles: NCSU Web Site. July 27. p. [1]. |
140930 |
Sorption and leaching potential of herbicides on Brazilian soils Access Restrictions |
Oliveira, R. S. Jr.; Koskinen, W. C.; Ferreira, F. A. 2001. Weed Research. April. 41(2): p. 97-110. |
73383 |
Herbicide effects on perennial ryegrass transition to bermudagrass |
Murphy, Tim R. 2001. Through The Green. January/February. p. 12, 26. |
73627 |
Take a shot at broadleaf weeds | Hart, Steve. 2001. Grounds Maintenance. January. 36(1): p. 10-12, 14. |
72682 |
Pre- and post-emergence herbicide tolerance of newly seeded bermudagrass |
McCalla, J. H. Jr.; Richardson, M. D.; Boyd, J. W.; Karcher, D. E. 2000. 2000 Annual Meeting Abstracts [ASA/CSSA/SSSA]. p. 169. |
72269 |
Effects of pre-plant herbicides on the establishment of fine fescues during roadside renovation | Gover, A. E.; Johnson, J. M.; Kuhns, L. J. 2000. Proceedings of the 54th Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Weed Science Society. 54: p. 152. |
65453 |
Removal of perennial ryegrass and rough bluegrass from Tifway bermudagrass with herbicides |
Walker, R. H.; Belcher, J. 2000. Southern Weed Science Society Proceedings. 53: p. 49. |
73832 |
Postemegent [Postemergent] weed control in dormant bermudagrass |
Rodriguez, I. R.; Higingbottom, J. K.; McCarty, L. B. 2000. Southern Weed Science Society Proceedings. 53: p. 52. |
73976 |
Plant growth regulators and Missouri roadsides |
Swanigan, Rand. 2000. Proceedings of the North Central Weed Science Society. December. 55: p. 113-114. |
75943 |
Regulating growth, controlling weeds, and suppression of seed heads on turf with Metsulfuron, and Imazapic |
Neidiffer, Larry L. 2000. Proceedings of the North Central Weed Science Society. December. 55: p. 114. |
75944 |
Applicability of ELISA for determination of metsulfuron-methyl in soil samples Access Restrictions |
Seiden, Piet; Bossi, Rossana; Streibig, Jens C. 2000. Pest Management Science. July. 56(7): p. 637-643. |
65929 |
Hydrolysis of triasulfuron, metsulfuron-methyl and chlorsulfuron in alkaline soil and aqueous solutions Access Restrictions |
Sarmah, Ajit K.; Kookana, Rai S.; Duffy, Michael J.; Alston, Angus M.; Harch, Bronwyn D. 2000. Pest Management Science. May. 56(5): p. 463-471. |
64859 |
Manor 60DF (metsulfuron) is an option for removal of perennial ryegrass overseeded into bermudagrass | Yelverton, Fred. 2000. TURFAX. May/June. 8(3): p. 2. |
65813 |
Previously removed herbicides metsulfuron and chlorsulfuron return to turf market | Yelverton, Fred. 2000. TURFAX. March/April. 8(2): p. 2, 7. |
64970 |
Simultaneous analysis of triasulfuron, metsulfuron-methyl and chlorsulfuron in water and alkaline soils by high-performance liquid chromatography Access Restrictions |
Sarmah, A. K.; Kookana, R. S. 1999. Journal of Environmental Science and Health: Part B: Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes. B34(3): p. 363-380. |
115023 |
Photolysis of chlorsulfuron and metasulfuron-methyl in methanol Access Restrictions |
Yang, Xi; Wang, Xiaoshu; Kong, Lingren; Wang, Liansheng. 1999. Pesticide Science. July. 55(7): p. 751-754. |
61168 |
Aerobic soil metabolism of metsulfuron-methyl Access Restrictions |
Li, Yuta; Zimmerman, W T; Gorman, M K; Reiser, R W; Fogiel, A J; Haney, P E. 1999. Pesticide Science. April. 55(4): p. 434-445. |
59381 |
Herbicidal removal of a perennial ryegrass overseeding from Tifway bermudagrass |
Callahan, L. M.; Logan, J.; Parham, J. M.; Walker, D. S. 1998. 1998 Annual Meeting Abstracts. p. 125. |
56729 |
Suppression of seashore paspalum in bermudagrass with herbicides |
Davis, Steve D.; Duncan, Ronny R.; Johnson, B. Jack. 1997. Journal of Environmental Horticulture. December. 15(4): p. 187-190. |
64499 |
Influence of compost addition to soil on the behaviour of herbicides Access Restrictions |
Barriuso, Enrique; Houot, Sabine; Serra-Wittling, Claire. 1997. Pesticide Science. January. 49(1): p. 65-75. |
39593 |
Differential Susceptibility of Five Bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum Fluegge) Cultivars to Metsulfuron Methyl Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Baker, R. D. 1996. M. S. Thesis: University of Florida. |
53243 |
Bahiagrass | Duble, Richard L. 1996. PLANTanswers Web Site [Texas A & M]. p. 1. |
38706 | |
Herbicidal removal of perennial ryegrass overseeding from Tifway bermudagrass |
Callahan, Lloyd M. 1996. 1996 Turfgrass Management Annual Research Summary Report [Tennessee]. December. p. 51-56. |
251955 |
Research projects begin to blossom at Envirotron |
McCarty, Bert. 1995. Florida Turf Digest. September/October. 12(5): p. 20, 24, 28, 30. |
70575 |
Persistence of metsulfuron-methyl in two soils Access Restrictions |
Ismail, B. S.; Lee, H. J. 1995. Journal of Environmental Science and Health: Part B: Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes. July. B30(4): p. 485-497. |
52747 |
Evaluation of trinexapac-ethyl in combination with several plant growth regulators applied to tall fescue | Gover Arthur E.; Watschke, Thomas L.; Batey, David A. 1993. Proceedings of the 47th Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Weed Science Society. 47: p. 108-109. |
69967 |
Star-of-Bethlehem control |
Powell, A. J. Jr.; King, R. G.; Tapp, L. D. 1992. Kentucky Turfgrass Research 1990-1992. p. 65. |
60247 |
Tolerance of 'Tifway' bermudagrass during spring green-up to postemergence herbicides |
Murphy, T. R. 1988. 1987-1988 Turfgrass Research Report [Georgia]. p. 26-27. |
185160 |
Annual and perennial grass weed control in cool-season turf |
Dernoeden, Peter H. 1987. 33rd Annual Rocky Mountain Regional Turfgrass Conference. 33: p. 104-120. |
276202 |
The use of postemergence herbicides on tall fescue | Haley, J. E.; Fermanian, T. W. 1987. 1986 Illinois Turfgrass Research Report. March. p. 49-58. |
69650 |
Growth Retardation of Bermudagrass with Metsulfuron Methyl and Sulfometuron Methyl |
Rogers, J. N. III; Miller, E. M.; King, J. W. 1987. Agronomy Journal. March/April. 79(2): p. 225-229. |
9880 |
Herbicides for control of bahiagrass in centipedegrass |
Turner, D. L.; Dickens, R. 1985. Agronomy Abstracts. December. p. 121. |
6967 |
Selective Weeding in Roadside Grasses with Chlorsulfuron and Metsulfuron Methyl. |
Flanigan, Helen A.; Maxcy, Frank B.; Gorrell, R. Michael; Keller, Albert; Spatcher, David L. 1985. Proceedings of the North Central Weed Control Conference. December. 40: p. 34. |
8417 |
The use of postemergence herbicides on tall fescue | Haley, J. E.; Fermanian, T. W. 1985. 1984 Illinois Turfgrass Research Report. March. p. 51-52. |
93874 |
Suppression of inflorescence development in tall fescue |
Dickens, R.; Turner, D. L. 1984. Agronomy Abstracts. November. p. 149-150. |
6991 |
Growth retardation of bermudagrass lawn turf by Metsulfuron methyl and Sulfometuron methyl |
Rogers, J. N. III; King, J. W. 1984. Agronomy Abstracts. November. p. 154. |
7001 |
The use of growth retardants on tall fescue |
Fermanian, T. W.; Haley, J. E. 1983. U. of I. Turfgrass Field Day. p. 10. |
297270 |