Keyword: Mineralization
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Grass variety selection of microbial community composition is associated with differences in soil CO2 emissions |
Giles, M. E.; Caul, S.; King, D.; Mitchell, S.; Sim, A.; Neilson, R.; Paterson, E. 2023. Applied Soil Ecology. October. 190: p. 104968 [1-9]. |
330156 |
Solvita soil test kits to categorize golf course fairway responsiveness to nitrogen fertilization | Guillard, Karl; Noons, Brendan. 2021. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2021 Progress Reports. p. 153-166. |
317391 |
Waterlogging increases organic carbon decomposition in grassland soils Access Restrictions |
Jia, Bin; Niu, Ziqi; Wu, Yining; Kuzyakov, Yakov; Li, Xiao Gang. 2020. Soil Biology & Biochemistry. September. 148: p. 1-9. |
315619 |
Correlation between Solvita Labile Amino-Nitrogen and CO2-Burst soil health tests and response to organic fertilizer in a turfgrass soil Access Restrictions |
Moore, David B.; Guillard, Karl; Morris, Thomas F.; Brinton, William F. 2019. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. 50(22): p. 2948-2959. |
310065 |
The Biogeochemical cycle in artificial soil ecosystems of urban lawn (soils) |
Frid, A. S.; Ermakov, A. V. 2015. Agrokhimiya. 6: p. 77-83. |
273491 |
The Influence of Soil Conditions on Soil Microbiological Activity and Consequent Rock Dust Fertilization Effectiveness | Belliard, Philippe; Hendriks, Peter; Nusselder, Michiel. 2014. Wageningen, The Netherlands: [Wageningen University]. 21 pp. |
264525 |
Predicting turfgrass response to nitrogen fertilization by measuring the labile nitrogen and carbon fractions of soil organic matter | Guillard, Karl. 2014. Proceedings of the Twenty-Third Annual Rutgers Turfgrass Symposium. p. 22-23. |
247664 |
Nitrate, ammonium, and urea leaching in hybrid bermudagrass as affected by nitrogen source |
Guertal, E. A.; Howe, J. A. 2012. Agronomy Journal. March. 104(2): p. 344-352. |
200381 |
Spatial distribution of organic matter and soil properties in the rootzones of aging putting greens | Li, Deying; Gaussoin, Roch. 2010. 2010 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 38. |
173867 |
Comparative study on disturbed and undisturbed soil sample incubation for estimating soil nitrogen-supplying capacity Access Restrictions |
Zhao, Kun; Li, Shi-Qing; Xu, Bing-Cheng; Lu, Hong-Ling; Li, Sheng-Xiu. 2010. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. January. 41(20): p. 2371-2382. |
174821 |
Cycling of Geotube® Solids from Dairy Lagoons Through Turfgrass Sod | Provin, T.; Mukhtar, S.; Munster, C.; Vietor, D.; Tahboub, M.; Schnell, R. 2009. College Station, TX.:Texas Water Resources Institute. [17] pp. |
166335 |
Interactions between N fertilization, grass clipping addition and pH in turn ecosystems: Implications for soil enzyme activities and organic matter decomposition Access Restrictions |
Yao, Huaiying; Bowman, Daniel; Rufty, Thomas; Shi, Wei. 2009. Soil Biology & Biochemistry. 41(7): p. 1425-1432. |
168694 |
Changes in soil biological and physical parameters of golf green rootzones with differing organic matter content and quality: A six-year study Access Restrictions |
Blombäck, K.; Hedlund, Anna; Standberg, Maria. 2009. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 11(Part 2): p. 1041-1052. |
151026 |
The Bremner contribution to controlling nitrogen transformations in soils | Bundy, Larry. 2008. 2008 Joint Annual Meeting: [Abstracts][GSA/SSSA/ASA/CSSA/GCAGS/HGS]. p. 40147. |
145692 |
Double exponential model describes decay of hybrid bermudagrass thatch |
Berndt, William L. 2008. Crop Science. November/December. 48(6): p. 2437-2446. |
142707 |
Nitrogen retention in urban lawns and forests Access Restrictions |
Raciti, S. M.; Groffman, P. M.; Fahey, T. J. 2008. Ecological Applications: A publication of the Ecological Society of America. October. 18(7): p. 1615-1626. |
198180 |
Nitrogen availability of different slow release fertilizers as determined by incubation in a sand based growing medium |
Magni, S.; Foschi, L.; Piccotino, D.; Miele, S. 2008. 1st European Turfgrass Society Conference Proceedings. May. 1: p. 121-122. |
137017 |
Mineralization/immobilization of nitrogen and phosphorous in composted growing media Access Restrictions |
Contin, M.; Nobili, M. De; Cattivello, C. 2008. Acta Horticulturae. January. 779: p. 599-605. |
138838 |
Compost maturity effects on nitrogen and carbon mineralization and plant growth Access Restrictions |
Griffin, T. S.; Hutchinson, M. 2007. Compost Science & Utilization. Autumn. 15(4): p. 228-236. |
134431 |
Understanding poa nutrition Access Restrictions |
Turgeon, A. J. 2007. GreenMaster. April. 42(2): p. 36-39. |
128193 |
Mineralization and N fertilizer equivalent value of composts as assessed by tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea) Access Restrictions |
Bowden, C.; Spargo, J.; Evanylo, G. 2007. Compost Science & Utilization. Spring. 15(2): p. 111-118. |
125179 |
Net nitrogen and sulfur mineralization in mountainous soils amended with indigenous plant residues Access Restrictions |
Karyotis, T.; Mitsimponas, T.; Tziouvalekas, M.; Noulas, C. 2006. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. 37(15-20): p. 2805-2817. |
162520 |
Nitrogen's role in turfgrass science: [Part 1] |
Gathercole, William H.; Gilbert, Jenny. 2006. Turf & Recreation. November/December. 19(7): p. 26, 28, 30, 32, 35, 38, 40, 42. |
119093 |
Tillage effects on nitrogen dynamics and grass seed crop production in western Oregon, USA Access Restrictions |
Nelson, M. A.; Griffith, S. M.; Steiner, J. J. 2006. Soil Science Society of America Journal. May/June. 70(3): p. 825-831. |
111607 |
Temperature and soil moisture interactively affected soil net N mineralization in temperate grassland in Northern China Access Restrictions |
Wang, Changhui; Wan, Shiqiang; Xing, Xuerong; Zhang, Lei; Han, Xingguo. 2006. Soil Biology & Biochemistry. May. 38(5): p. 1101-1110. |
200534 |
Going natural | Kerkhoff, Karen L. 2006. Grounds Maintenance. February. 41(2): p. 4. |
135442 |
Carbon and nitrogen mineralization rates after application of organic amendments to soil |
Flavel, Tamara C.; Murphy, Daniel V. 2006. Journal of Environmental Quality. January/February. 35(1): p. 183-193. |
109810 |
Bluegrass Seed | Mahler, Robert L. 2005. Moscow, Idaho: University of Idaho, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences. 3 pp. |
132581 |
Evaluation of maturity and stability of pruning waste compost and their effect on carbon and nitrogen mineralization in soil |
Benito, M.; Masaguer, A.; Moliner, A.; Arrigo, N.; Palma, R. M.; Effron, D. 2005. Soil Science. May. 170(5): p. 360-370. |
105596 |
Rhizodeposits of Trifolium pratense and Lolium perenne: Their comparative effects on 2,4-D mineralization in two contrasting soils Access Restrictions |
Shaw, Liz J.; Burns, Richard G. 2005. Soil Biology & Biochemistry. May. 37(5): p. 995-1002. |
200510 |
Internal iron biomineralization in Imperata cylindrica, a perennial grass: Chemical composition, speciation and plant localization Access Restrictions |
Rodríguez, N.; Menéndez, J.; Tornero, J.; Amils, R.; de la Fuente, V. 2005. New Phytologist. March. 165(3): p. 781-789. |
103250 |
Influence of plants on the chemical extractability and biodegradability of 2,4-dichlorophenol in soil Access Restrictions |
Boucard, Tatiana K.; Bardgett, Richard D.; Jones, Kevin C.; Semple, Kirk T. 2005. Environmental Pollution. January. 133(1): p. 53-62. |
110256 |
The effects of sod cutting and additional liming on potential net nitrification in heathland soils Access Restrictions |
Dorland, E.; van den Berg, L. J. L.; van de Berg, A. J.; Vermeer, M. L.; Roelofs, J. G. M.; Bobbink, R. 2004. Plant and Soil. August. 265(1/2): p. 267-277. |
100889 |
Effects of cultivation and long-term superphosphate applications on pasture soil sulphur mineralisation and availability in the field Access Restrictions |
Goh, K. M.; Pamidi, J. 2004. Plant and Soil. July. 264(1/2): p. 299-312. |
100897 |
Factors influencing 2,4-D sorption and mineralization in soil Access Restrictions |
Picton, Paula; Farenhorst, Annemieke. 2004. Journal of Environmental Science and Health: Part B: Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes. May. B39(3): p. 367-379. |
95183 |
Mineralization of glyphosate in compost-amended soil under controlled conditions Access Restrictions |
Getenga, Z. M.; Kengara, F. O. 2004. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. February. 72(2): p. 266-275. |
93079 |
Mixtures of crushed rock, forest soils, and sewage sludge used as soils for grassed green areas Access Restrictions |
Haraldsen, Trond Knapp; Pedersen, Per Anker. 2003. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening. 2(1): p. 41-51. |
231447 |
Exotic grasses alter controls over soil nitrogen dynamics in a Hawaiian wooldland Access Restrictions |
Mack, Michelle C.; D'Antonio, Carla M. 2003. Ecological Applications: A publication of the Ecological Society of America. February. 13(1): p. 154-166. |
115281 | |
Bermudagrass management in the southern piedmont USA. III. Particulate and biologically active soil carbon Access Restrictions |
Franzluebbers, A. J.; Stuedemann, J. A. 2003. Soil Science Society of America Journal. January/February. 67(1): p. 132-138. |
88643 |
Nutrient leaching and runoff from golf courses | Shuman, Larry M. 2002. USGA Turfgrass and Environmental Research Online. November 1. 1(17): p. [1-11]. |
83191 |
Effect of land use on soil degradation in alpine grassland soil, China Access Restrictions |
Wu, Ronggui; Tiessen, H. 2002. Soil Science Society of America Journal. September/October. 66(5): p. 1648-1655. |
82711 |
Alternative organic sources for putting green construction: Although adjustments must be made, composted biosolids can be used successfully in greens construction Access Restrictions |
Guertal, Elizabeth. 2002. Golf Course Management. August. 70(8): p. 54-58. |
81283 |
Nitrogen sources for turf | Murphy, James A.; Perdomo, Pedro. 2002. Update [New Jersey]. May/June. 2(10): p. 4-6. |
171539 |
Decomposability of C3 and C4 grass litter sampled under different concentrations of atmospheric carbon dioxide at a natural CO2 spring Access Restrictions |
Ross, D. J.; Tate, K. R.; Newton, P. C. D.; Clark, H. 2002. Plant and Soil. March. 240(2): p. 275-286. |
81325 |
Food waste compost effects on fertilizer nitrogen efficiency, available nitrogen, and tall fescue yield Access Restrictions |
Sullivan, D. M.; Bary, A. I.; Thomas, D. R.; Fransen, S. C.; Cogger, C. G. 2002. Soil Science Society of America Journal. January/February. 66(1): p. 154-161. |
78500 |
Comparisons of nitrogen source mineralization rates |
Lee, D. J.; Peacock, C. H. 2001. 2001 Annual Meeting Abstracts [ASA/CSSA/SSSA]. p. [1]. |
78697 |
Nitrogen in soil and fertilizers | Camberato, James J. [200x]. Clemson University Turfgrass Program Home Page. p. [1-10]. |
111843 | |
Soil Inorganic Nitrogen and Effects of Temperature on Mineralization Under Managed Bermudagrass (Cynodon Spp.) Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Lee, David Jackson. 2001. M.S. Thesis: North Carolina State University. viii, 45 pp. |
119480 |
Biological, chemical, and physical processes of composting |
Day, Michael; Shaw, Kathleen. 2001. p. 17-50. In: Stoffella, Peter J.; Kahn, Brian A., eds. Compost Utilization in Horticultural Cropping Systems. Boca Raton, Florida: Lewis Publishers. |
108913 |
Uptake of 15N fertilizer in compost-amended soils Access Restrictions |
Sikora, L. J.; Enkiri, N. K. 2001. Plant and Soil. August. 235(1): p. 65-73. |
76807 |
Phosphatase activity of extra-radical arbuscular mycorrhizal hyphae: A review Access Restrictions |
Joner, Erik J.; van Aarle, Ingrid M.; Vosatka, Miroslav. 2000. Plant and Soil. 226(2): p. 199-210. |
72191 |
Dynamics of mineral N availability in grassland ecosystems under increased [CO₂]: hypotheses evaluated using the Hurley Pasture Model Access Restrictions |
Thornley, John H. M.; Cannell, Melvin G. R. 2000. Plant and Soil. 224(1): p. 153-170. |
69631 |
Yield parameters as affected by introduction or discontinuation of catch crop use |
Hansen, Elly Møller; Kristensen, Kristian; Djurhuus, J^Dorgen. 2000. Agronomy Journal. September/October. 92(5): p. 909-914. |
69212 |
Mobility of soil nitrogen and microbial responses following the sudden death of established turf |
Jiang, Zhongchun; Bushoven, John T.; Ford, Heather J.; Sawyer, Carl D.; Amador, José A.; Hull, Richard J. 2000. Journal of Environmental Quality. September/October. 29(5): p. 1625-1631. |
68870 |
Stabilization of soil nitrate by reseeding with perennial ryegrass following sudden turf death |
Bushoven, John T.; Jiang, Zhongchun; Ford, Heather J.; Sawyer, Carl D.; Hull, Richard J.; Amador, José A. 2000. Journal of Environmental Quality. September/October. 29(5): p. 1657-1661. |
68878 |
An evaluation of nitrate leaching through bermudagrass turfgrass systems |
Bowman, Daniel C.; Rufty, Thomas W.; Peacock, Charles H. 2000. North Carolina Turfgrass. April/May. 18(3): p. 19-20. |
65827 |
The Effect of 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetate Selection on Microbial Communities in Microcosm and Field Studies and the Impact on Ecosystem Function |
Asuming-Brempong, Stella. 1999. Ph.D. Dissertation: Michigan State University. xi; 137 pp. |
71533 |
Mechanisms of Enhanced Organic Contaminant Degradation in the Grass Rhizosphere Access Restrictions |
Fang, Chengwei. 1999. Ph.D. Dissertation: University of Delaware. xv, 130 pp. |
77389 |
The long term effect of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid on ecosystem functioning of field plot | 1999. p. 64-89. In: Asuming-Brempong, Stella. The Effect of 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetate Selection on Microbial Communities in Microcosm and Field Studies and the Impact on Ecosystem Function. Ph.D. Dissertation: Michigan State University. |
130545 |
Competition under high and low nutrient levels among three grassland species occupying different positions in a successional sequence Access Restrictions |
Schippers, Peter; Snoeijing, Ineke; Kropff, Martin J. 1999. New Phytologist. September. 143(3): p. 547-559. |
62543 |
Interactions between N supply and N uptake by perennial ryegrass, ¹⁵N recovery and soil pH for four acid Scottish soils Access Restrictions |
Logan, K. A. B.; Thomas, R. J. 1999. Grass and Forage Science. March. 54(1): p. 42-51. |
59346 |
Isoproturon sorption and degradation in a soil from grassed buffer strip |
Benoit, P.; Barriuso, E.; Vidon, Ph.; Rèal, B. 1999. Journal of Environmental Quality. January/February. 28(1): p. 121-129. |
57245 |
Evaluation of dissipation mechanisms for Benzo[a]pyrene in the rhizosphere of tall fescue |
Banks, M. K.; Lee, E.; Schwab, A. P. 1999. Journal of Environmental Quality. January/February. 28(1): p. 294-298. |
57274 |
Mulching effects of composted MSW on water percolation and compost degradation rate Access Restrictions |
Agassi, M.; Hadas, A.; Benyamini, Y.; Levy, G. J.; Kautsky, L.; Avrahamov, L.; Zhevelev, H. 1998. Compost Science & Utilization. Summer. 6(3): p. 34-41. |
55192 |
Biodegredation of 2,4-D in a noncontaminated grassland soil profile |
Shaw, Liz J.; Burns, Richard G. 1998. Journal of Environmental Quality. November/December. 27(6): p. 1464-1471. |
56132 |
Degradation of fungicides in turfgrass systems | Sigler, W. V.; Turco, R. F.; Reicher, Z. J.; Throssell, C. S. 1997. 1997 Annual Report [Purdue University Turfgrass Science Program]. |
59392 |
Microbial degradation of fungicides in the turfgrass canopy |
Sigler, W. V.; Turco, R. F.; Throssell, C. S.; Riecher, Z. J.; Bischoff, M. A. 1997. Agronomy Abstracts. 89: p. 129. |
41525 |
Rates of decomposition in soil and release of available nitrogen from cattle manure and municipal waste composts Access Restrictions |
Hadas, Aviva; Portnoy, Rita. 1997. Compost Science & Utilization. Summer. 5(3): p. 48-54. |
40822 |
Assessment of grassland ecosystem responses to atmospheric change using linked plant-soil process models Access Restrictions |
Coughenour, Michael B.; Chen, De-Xing. 1997. Ecological Applications: A publication of the Ecological Society of America. August. 7(3): p. 802-827. |
115495 | |
Carbon and nitrogen allocation in Lolium perenne in response to elevated atmospheric CO₂ with emphasis on soil carbon dynamics |
van Ginkel, J. H.; Gorissen, A.; van Veen, J. A. 1997. Plant and Soil. January. 188(2): p. 299-308. |
40371 |
Influence of compost addition to soil on the behaviour of herbicides Access Restrictions |
Barriuso, Enrique; Houot, Sabine; Serra-Wittling, Claire. 1997. Pesticide Science. January. 49(1): p. 65-75. |
39593 |
Fate of lawn care pesticides during the composting of yard trimmings |
Michel, Frederick C. Jr.; Graeber, Dan; Fomey, Larry J.; Reddy, C. Adinarayana. 1996. p. 1230-1232. In: de Bertoldi, Marco; Sequi, Paolo; Lemmes, Bert; Papi, Tiziano, eds. The Science of Composting. London: Blackie Academic & Professional. |
39768 |
Fate of fungicides in the turfgrass environment |
Pitts, C. H.; Turco, R. F.; Throssell, C. S. 1996. Agronomy Abstracts. 88: p. 152. |
41761 |
Nitrogen transformations in turfgrass soils [II] |
Bowman, Daniel C. 1996. North Carolina Turfgrass. Summer. 14(2): p. 67. |
14473 |
Turfgrass fertilization |
Duble, Richard L. 1996. Landscape & Irrigation. August. 20(8): p. 16, 18, 20, 22. |
71767 |
Degradation of fenamiphos sulfoxide and fenamiphos sulfone in soil with a history of continuous applications of fenamiphos Access Restrictions |
Chung, K.-Y.; Ou, L.-T. 1996. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. May. 30(4): p. 452-458. |
57187 | |
The fate of lawn care pesticides during composting Access Restrictions |
Michel, Frederick C. Jr.; Graeber, Dan; Forney, Larry J.; Reddy, C. Adinarayana. 1996. BioCycle, The Journal of Composting & Recycling. March. 37(3): p. 64-66. |
37227 |
Microbial aspects of environmental fate studies of pesticides |
Skipper, Horace D.; Wollum, Arthur G.; Turco, Ronald F.; Wolf, Duane C. 1996. Weed Technology. January-March. 10(1): p. 174-190. |
37329 |
The energy flow of mineral cycles in a Zoysia japonica and a Miscanthus sinensis ecosystem on Mt. Kwanak: 4. The cycles of phosphorus | Chang, Nam-Kee; Kim, Jung-Seok; Kang, Kyoung-Mi. 1995. Korean Journal of Turfgrass Science. 9(4): p. 275-284[442-451]. |
128390 |
Prediction of the non-fertilizer N supply of mineral grassland soils |
Hassink, J. 1995. Plant and Soil. September. 176(2): p. 71-79. |
35424 |
Microbial degradation and humification of the lawn care pesticide 2, 4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid during the composting of yard trimmings |
Michel, Frederick C. Jr.; Reddy, C. Adinarayana; Forney, Larry J. 1995. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. July. 61(7): p. 2566-2571. |
38849 | |
Liming and nitrogen efficiency: some effects of increased calcium supply and increased soil pH on nitrogen recovery by perennial ryegrass Access Restrictions |
Bailey, J. S. 1995. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. April. 26(7/8): p. 1233-1246. |
37389 |
Bentgrass response to dormant-applied milorganite |
Kussow, Wayne. 1994. Wisconsin Turf Research: Results of 1994 Studies. 12: p. 75-83. |
33775 |
The effects of triclopyr on 2, 4-D mineralization in two soils Access Restrictions |
Lobaugh, Skiff; Farrow, Frank; Feng, Xiuhong; Ogram, Andrew. 1994. Journal of Environmental Science and Health: Part B: Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes. B29(3): p. 459-471. |
31085 |
Growth-linked and cometabolic biodegragation: Possible reason for occurrence or absence of accelerated pesticide biodegradation Access Restrictions |
Robertson, Boakai K.; Alexander, Martin. 1994. Pesticide Science. August. 41(4): p. 311-318. |
31175 |
Degradation of fenamiphos in soil with a history of continuous fenamiphos applications Access Restrictions |
Ou, L.-T.; Thomas, J. E.; Dickson, D. W. 1994. Soil Science Society of America Journal. July/August. 58(4): p. 1139-1147. |
31169 |
Role of nitrogen in herbage production by Agrostis Festuca hill grassland Access Restrictions |
Harrison, A. F.; Taylor, K.; Hatton, J. C.; Howard, D. M. 1994. Journal of Applied Ecology. May. 31(2): p. 351-360. |
37409 |
Effect of concentration, temperature, and soil moisture on the degradation of chlorpyrifos in an urban Iowa soil |
Cink, J. H.; Coats, J. R. 1993. p. 62-69. In: Racke, Kenneth D.; Leslie, Anne R., eds. Pesticides in Urban Environments: Fate and Significance. Washington, D.C.: American Chemical Society. |
37673 |
Nitrogen transformation in soil treated with 15N labelled dried or composted ryegrass |
Zaccheo, P.; Crippa, L.; Genevini, P. L. 1993. Plant and Soil. January. 148(2): p. 193-201. |
27715 |
Microbial degradation of propoxur in turfgrass soil Access Restrictions |
Ou, L.-T; Nkedi-Kizza, P.; Cisar, J. L.; Snyder, G. H. 1992. Journal of Environmental Science and Health: Part B: Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes. B27(5): p. 545-564. |
31071 |
An assessment of the contribution of net mineralization to N cycling in grass swards using a field incubation method |
Hatch, D. J.; Jarvis, S. C.; Reynolds, S. E. 1991. Plant and Soil. December. 138(1): p. 23-32. |
22851 |
Organic matter and nitrogen in the unharvested fractions of grass swards in relation to the potential for nitrate leaching after ploughing |
Whitehead, D. C.; Bristow, A. W.; Lockyer, D. R. 1990. Plant and Soil. April. 123: p. 39-49. |
18302 |
Evaluation of Laboratory Procedures for Prediction of Available Soil Nitrogen in Nebraska. Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Saint-Fort, Roger. 1988. Ph.D. Dissertation: University of Nebraska. 102 pp. |
17350 |
Organic amendments to soils: Proper management of organic matter requires a clear understanding of the decomposition process Access Restrictions |
Hurdzan, Michael J. 1987. Golf Course Management. December. 55(12): p. 30-32, 34, 36. |
11690 |
Organic amendments to soils | Hurdzan, Michael J. 1986. The Indiana Golf Course Superintendents' Association. March. p. 11-15. |
8065 |
Use of different types of fertilizers sometimes misunderstood by industry | Street, John. 1983. Lawn Care Industry. December. 7(12): p. 13-15. |
280014 |
Mineralization of N from several sources and establishment of 'Penncross' creeping bentgrass on putting green media |
Mazur, A. R.; White, C. B. 1983. Agronomy Journal. November/December. 75(6): p. 977-982. |
477 |
Mineralization of organically bound nitrogen in soil as influenced by plant growth and fertilization Access Restrictions |
Sørensen, L. H. 1982. Plant and Soil. February. 65(1): p. 51-61. |
4384 |
Impact of incremental surface soil depths on plant production, transpiration ratios, and nitrogen mineralization rates Access Restrictions |
Lyons, S. M.; Gifford, G. F. 1980. Rangeland Ecology and Management. p. 189-196. |
6574 |
Nitrogen mineralization in Florida Histosols |
Terry, Richard E. 1980. Soil Science Society of America Journal. July/August. 44(4): p. 747-750. |
7234 |