Keyword: Mutants
Showing items 1 to 63 of 63.
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Multi-allelic gene editing in an apomictic, tetraploid turf and forage grass (Paspalum notatum Flüggé) using CRISPR/Cas9 |
May, David; Sanchez, Sara; Gilby, Jennifer; Altpeter, Fredy. 2023. Frontiers in Plant Science. 14: p. 1225775 [1-19]. |
336972 |
Morphological and metabolic differences between turfgrass and row-crop biotypes of goosegrass (Eleusine indica) |
Patel, Jinesh; Hall, Nathan D.; Harris, James R.; McElroy, Scott J. 2023. Crop Science. May/June. 63(3): p. 1602-1612. |
329823 |
Herbicide options to manage novel turf-type bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum) |
Boeri, P. Agustin; Unruh, J. Bryan; Kenworthy, Kevin E.; Trenholm, Laurie E.; Rios, Esteban, F. 2021. Weed Technology. November/December. 35(6): p. 886-893. |
318085 |
Diversity of a-tubulin transcripts in Lolium rigidum Access Restrictions |
Chen, Jinyi; Chu, Zhizhan; Han, Heping; Patterson, Eric; Yu, Qin; Powles, Stephen. 2021. Pest Management Science. February. 77(2): p. 970-977. |
315263 |
Response of nine mutant lines and Argentine bahiagrass to post-emergent herbicides | Boeri, Pablo; Unruh, J. Bryan; Kenworthy, Kevin E.; Rios, Esteban F.; Trenholm, Laurie E. 2018. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 112823. |
302146 |
Transcriptome analysis reveals differential gene expression and a possible role of gibberellins in a shade-tolerant mutant of perennial ryegrass |
Li, Wei; Katin-Grazzini, Lorenzo; Gu, Xianbin; Wang, Xiaojing; El-Tanbouly, Rania; Yer, Huseyin; Thammina, Chandra; Inguagiato, John; Guillard, Karl; McAvoy, Richard J.; Wegrzyn, Jill; Gu, Tingting; Li, Yi. 2017. Frontiers in Plant Science. May 26. 8: p. 868 [1-12]. |
287736 |
Gamma-ray irradiation improves turfgrass characteristics of St. Augustinegrass |
Çakir, Mert; Mutlu, Songul Sever; Djapo, Haris. 2017. Crop Science. March/April. 57(2): p. 587-594. |
281196 |
Optimization of ISSR-PCR system and assessing genetic diversity amongst turf grass (Cynodon dactylon) mutants Access Restrictions |
Tiwari, A. K.; Kumar, G.; Tiwari, B.; Kadam, G. B.; Saha, T. N. 2016. The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences. December. 86(12): p. 1571-1576. |
279720 |
Diacylglycerol acyl transferase: A pathogenicity related gene in Colletotrichum gloeosporioides |
Sharma, Meenakshi; Guleria, Shiwani; Kulshrestha, Saurabh. 2016. Journal of Basic Microbiology. November. 56(11): p. 1308-1315. |
286047 |
A novel two-step method for screening shade tolerant mutant plants via dwarfism |
Li, Wei; Katin-Grazzini, Lorenzo; Krishnan, Sanalkumar; Thammina, Chandra; El-Tanbouly, Rania; Yer, Huseyin; Merewitz, Emily; Guillard, Karl; Inguagiato, John; McAvoy, Richard J.; Liu, Zongrang; Li, Yi. 2016. Frontiers in Plant Science. October 3. 7: p. 1495 [1-12]. |
281748 |
Transgenic turfgrasses expressing hyperactive Ser599Ala phytochrome A mutant exhibit abiotic stress tolerance Access Restrictions |
Gururani, Mayank Anand; Ganesan, Markkandan; Song, In-Ja; Han, Yunjeong; Kim, Jeong-Il; Lee, Hyo-Yeon; Song, Pill-Soon. 2016. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation. March. 35(1): p. 11-21. |
269113 |
De Novo transcriptome analysis for Kentucky bluegrass dwarf mutants induced by space mutation |
Gan, Lu; Di, Rong; Chao, Yuehui; Han, Liebao; Chen, Xingwu; Wu, Chao; Yin, Shuxia. 2016. PloS ONE. March 24. 11(3): p. e0151768 [1-17]. |
273380 |
Isolation of prostrate turfgrass mutants via screening of dwarf phenotype and characterization of a perennial ryegrass prostrate mutant |
Chen, Junmei; Thammina, Chandra; Li, Wei; Yu, Hao; Yer, Huseyin; El-Tanbouly, Rania; Marron, Manon; Katin-Grazzini, Lorenzo; Chen, Yongqin; Inguagiato, John; McAvoy, Richard J.; Guillard, Karl; Zhang, Xian; Li, Yi. 2016. Horticulture Research. February 24. 3: p. 1-6. |
269568 |
Development of short growth mutants of perennial ryegrass potentially useful for low maintenance applications | Li, Wei; Yer, Huseyin; Thammina, Chandra; Chen, Junmei; Yu, Hao; El-Tanbouly, Rania; Inguagiato, John; Li, Yi. 2015. 2014 Annual Turfgrass Research Report [Connecticut]. p. 90-95. |
266547 |
Gamma-ray irradiation induces useful morphological variation in bermudagrass | Sever Mutlu, Songul; Djapo, Haris; Ozmen, Suleyman F.; Selim, Ceren; Tuncel, Nina. 2015. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca. 43(2): p. 515-520. |
269296 |
Comparing digital image analysis and visual rating of gamma ray induced Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis) mutants | Tiwari, Ajai Kumar; Kumar, Ramesh; Kumar, Gunjeet; Kadam, Ganesh B.; Saha, T. N.; K. S., Girish. 2015. The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences. August. 85(8): p. 1046-1049. |
269266 |
In vivo assessment of cold tolerance through Chlorophyll-a fluorescence in transgenic Zoysiagrass expressing mutant Phytochrome A |
Gururani, Mayank Anand; Venkatesh, Jelli; Ganesan, Markkandan; Strasser, Reto Jörg; Han, Yunjeong; Kim, Jeong-Il; Lee, Hyo-Yeon; Song, Pill-Soon. 2015. PloS ONE. May 26. 10(5): p. e0127200 [1-17]. |
273385 |
A pleiotropic drug resistance transporter is involved in reduced sensitivity to multiple fungicide classes in Sclerotinia homeocarpa (F.T. Bennett) Access Restrictions |
Sang, Hyunkyu; Hulvey, Jon; Popko, James T. Jr.; Lopes, John; Swaminathan, Aishwarya; Chang, Taehyun; Jung, Geunhwa. 2015. Molecular Plant Pathology. April. 16(3): p. 251-261. |
272952 |
Photo-biotechnology as a tool to improve agronomic traits in crops Access Restrictions |
Gururani, Mayank Anand; Ganesan, Markkandan; Song, Pill-Soon. 2015. Biotechnology Advances. January/February. 33(1): p. 53-63. |
273492 |
Drought resistance analysis of regenerated plants from calli of Lolium perenne carried by the Shenzhou No. 7 spaceship |
Peng, Limei; Cao, Li; Han, Lei; Qian, Yongqiang; Sun, Zhenyuan. 2015. [Caoye Xuebao] [Acta Prataculturae Sinica]. January 20. 24(1): p. 64-71. |
273488 |
Isolation of short-growth perennial ryegrass mutants and evaluation of their shade tolerance | Li, Wei; Thammina, Chandra S.; Chen, Junmei; Yu, Hao; Yer, Huseyin; Inguagiato, John; Katin-Grazzini, Lorenzo; Li, Yi. 2014. 2013 Annual Turfgrass Research Report [Connecticut]. p. 67-72. |
243919 |
Evaluation of short-growth mutants of perennial ryegrass for their shade tolerance | Li, W.; Thammina, C.; Chen, J.; Yu, H.; Cao, K.; Inguagiato, J.; Li, Y. 2014. 2013 Annual Turfgrass Research Report [Connecticut]. p. 81. |
243953 |
Comparing digital image analysis and visual rating of gamma ray induced perennial rye grass (Lolium perenne) mutants | Tiwari, Ajai Kumar; Kumar, Gunjeet; Kadam, Ganesh B.; Saha, Tarak Nath. 2014. HortFlora Research Spectrum. September. 3(3): p. 211-217. |
269466 |
Selection of mutants in centipedegrass with dwarfism and increased stress resistance induced by gamma-ray radiation Access Restrictions |
Lu, S.; Fan, Y.; Xing, B.; Chen, Y.; Guo, Z. 2013. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 12: p. 293-297. |
223226 |
Physiological responses of a centipedegrass mutant to chilling stress |
Chen, Jingjing; Guo, Zhenfei; Fang, Junyang; Lu, Shaoyun. 2013. Agronomy Journal. November/December. 105(6): p. 1814-1820. |
233575 |
SCAR markers were developed to identify zoysiagrass mutants exhibiting fine leaf characteristics |
Chung, Sung Jin; Park, Su Jeong; Choi, Young In; Kim, In-Kyung; Lee, Ka-Yeon; Kim, Hun-Joong; Lee, Geung-Joo. 2013. CNU Journal of Agricultural Science. June. 40(2): p. 115-121. |
269743 |
Isolation and evaluation of perennial ryegrass dwarf mutants induced by ethyl methanesulfonate and gamma-ray irradiation, 2011 | Thammina, Chandra S.; Chen, Junmei; Li, Wei; Yu, Hao; Inguagiato, John; Li, Yi. 2012. 2011 Annual Turfgrass Research Report [Connecticut]. p. 75-79. |
242642 |
Understanding dwarfism and drought resistance in a bermudagrass mutant as compared to its wild type | Anonymous. 2012. ASA, CSSA and SSSA Annual Meetings [2012]. p. 71916. |
213411 |
Screening technique of salt-tolerant somatic mutant in Paspalum notatum Flugge. Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Ye, Xiao-qing; She, Jian-ming; Jia, Xin-ping; Deng, Yan-ming; Liang, Li-jian; Tong, Hong-yu; Shen, Sheng-yuan; Shen, Yao-ming. 2012. Jiangsu Nongye Xuebao [Jiangsu Journal of Agricultural Sciences]. 28(6): p. 1247-1252. |
282470 |
A male- and female-sterile mutant of Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.) induced by space radiation Access Restrictions |
Han, Lei; Luo, Dong; Li, Deying; Qian, Yongqiang; Sun, Zhenyuan. 2011. Scientia Horticulturae. November 22. 131(1): p. 67-73. |
252625 |
Identification of simple sequence repeat markers that differentiate bermudagrass cultivars derived from 'Tifgreen' |
Harris-Shultz, Karen R.; Schwartz, Brian M.; Brady, Jeff A. 2011. Journal of The American Society for Horticultural Science. May. 136(3): p. 211-218. |
181321 |
Morphological mutants of St. Augustinegrass induced by gamma ray irradiation Access Restrictions |
Li, R.; Bruneau, A. H.; Qu, R. 2010. Plant Breeding. August. 129(4): p. 412-416. |
168003 |
Gamma-ray radiation induced dwarf mutants of turf-type bermudagrass Access Restrictions |
Lu, S.; Wang, Z.; Niu, Y.; Chen, Y.; Chen, H.; Fan, Z.; Lin, J.; Yan, K.; Guo, Z.; Li, H. 2009. Plant Breeding. April. 128(2): p. 205-209. |
150936 |
Antioxidant responses of radiation-induced dwarf mutants of bermudagrass to drought stress |
Lu, Shaoyun; Wang, Zhongcheng; Niu, Yuejing; Guo, Zhenfei; Huang, Bingru. 2008. Journal of The American Society for Horticultural Science. May. 133(3): p. 360-366. |
136637 |
Fungal induced sex change in male buffalograss mimics tasselseed-2 mutants |
Huff, D. R.; Chandra, Ambika. 2004. 2004 Annual Meeting Abstracts [ASA/CSSA/SSSA/CSSS]. p. [1]. |
101346 |
A non-Mendelian inheritance of resistance to strobilurin fungicides in Ustilago maydis Access Restrictions |
Ziogas, Basil N.; Markoglou, Anastasios N.; Tzima, Aliki. 2002. Pest Management Science. September. 58(9): p. 908-916. |
82733 |
What stay-green mutants tell us about nitrogen remobilization in leaf senescence Access Restrictions |
Thomas, Howard; Ougham, Helen; Canter, Peter; Donnison, Iain. 2002. Journal of Experimental Botany. April. 53(370): p. 801-808. |
79366 | |
Characterization of Cynodon ssp. and Gossypium ssp. Genomes Using Molecular and Cytological Techniques Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Karaca, Mehmet. 2001. Ph.D. Dissertation: Mississippi State University. 249 pp. |
94259 |
A TERMINAL FLOWER1-like gene from perennial ryegrass involved in floral transition and axillary meristem identity Access Restrictions |
Jensen, Christian S.; Salchert, Klaus; Nielsen, Klaus K. 2001. Plant Physiology. March. 125(3): p. 1517-1528. |
72794 |
Getting to the root of the problem: Course dug deep to eradicate its mutant bermudagrass to prepare for fairway reseeding | Phillips, Hal. 2001. Golfdom. February. 57(2): p. 81-82. |
74756 |
Characteristics of iron uptake in Ni-tolerant mutant and wild-type of ryegrass Access Restrictions |
Yang, Xiaoe; Wang, Guirong; Zhang, Chengdong; Römheld, Volker. 2000. Journal of Plant Nutrition. November/December. 23(11/12): p. 1867-1876. |
71910 |
psbA mutation (valine₂₁₉ to isoleucine)in Poa annua resistant to metribuzin and diuron Access Restrictions |
Mengistu, Lemma W.; Mueller-Warrant, George W.; Linston, Aaron; Barker, Reed E. 2000. Pest Management Science. March. 56(3): p. 209-17. |
64406 |
Grass mutation work to assist in selection | Chives, Ian. 2000. Australian Turfgrass Management. February/March. 2(1): p. 39. |
64463 |
BAS1: A gene regulating brassinosteroid levels and light responsiveness in Arabidopsis Access Restrictions |
Neff, Michael M.; Nguyen, Serena M.; Malancharuvil, Elizabeth J.; Fujioka, Shozo; Noguchi, Takahiro; Seto, Hideharu; Tsubuki, Masayoshi; Honda, Toshio; Takatsuto, Suguru; Yoshida, Shigeo; Chory, Joanne. 1999. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. December 21. 96(26): p. 15316-15323. |
64454 |
The effect of the slow-to-green mutation on cell division during leaf initiation and early leaf growth in Lolium temulentum Access Restrictions |
Moses, Lynne; Ougham, Helen J.; Francis, Dennis. 1997. New Phytologist. 135: p. 51-57. |
93106 |
Analysis of pigments and thylakoid membrane proteins in photosystem I- mutants from Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 | Jeon, Eun Kyung; Chang, Nam-Kee. 1997. Korean Journal of Turfgrass Science. 11(1): p. 45-58[200-213]. |
129795 |
Influence of respiration on photosynthetic electron transport in psaB mutants from cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 | Yoon, Byoung-Cheol; Chang, Nam-Kee. 1997. Korean Journal of Turfgrass Science. 11(1): p. 59-72[214-227]. |
129800 |
Development of herbicide resistant turfgrass through mutant selection and protoplast transformation | Lee, Lisa; Laramore, Cynthia; Day, Peter; Tumer, Nilgun. 1994. Proceedings of the Third Annual Rutgers Turfgrass Symposium. p. 38. |
62912 |
Molecular analysis of antifungal production in Pseudomonas cepacia M53 | Margulies, Elliott H.; Kobayashi, Donald. 1994. Proceedings of the Third Annual Rutgers Turfgrass Symposium. p. 40. |
62914 |
Pathogenicity and biological control of Gaeumannomyces-like fungi | Elliott, Monica. 1992. 1992 Environmental Research Summary [USGA]. p. 15-16. |
27774 |
Vegetative bermudagrass breeding | Burton, Glenn W. 1992. 1983-1992 Turfgrass Research Summary. p. 28-29. |
94294 |
Leaf development in Lolium temulentum L.: characterization of a slow-to-green mutant Access Restrictions |
Ougham, Helen J.; Thomas, Ann M.; Thomas, Barry J.; Roberts, Peter C.; Mutinda, Charles; Hayward, Michael D.; Dalton, Susan J. 1992. New Phytologist. October. 122(2): p. 261-272. |
24950 |
Paspalum spp. |
Bovo, O. A.; Mroginski, L. A.; Quarin, C. 1988. p. 495-503. In: Bajaj, Y. P. S., ed. Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry 6: Crops II. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer-Verlag. |
14448 |
Improvement of seed production and seed quality in Eastern gamagrass |
Barnett, F. L.; Fick, W. H.; Owensby, C. E. 1988. Proceedings of the Thirtieth Grass Breeders Work PlanningConference. 30: p. 58. |
169222 |
Gamma irradiation as a means of producing new sources of disease resistance in St. Augustinegrass Stenotaphrum secundatum Access Restrictions |
Toler, R. W.; Grisham, M. P. 1985. Proceedings of the Fifth International Turfgrass Research Conference. p. 165-174. |
9006 |
Use of tissue culture to regenerate plantlets of common bermudagrass |
Ahn, B. J.; Huang, F. H.; King, J. W. 1984. Arkansas Farm Research. July/August. 33(4): p. 6. |
6845 |
Inheritance of a Virescent Trait in Bromus inermis Leyss |
Dunn, G. M.; Lea, H. Z. 1977. Agronomy Abstracts. November. 69: p. 54. |
15843 |
Separation of chlorophyll degradation from other senescence processes in leaves of a mutant genotype of meadow fescue (Festuca pratensis L.) Access Restrictions |
Thomas, Howard; Stoddard, John L. 1975. Plant Physiology. September. 56(3): p. 438-441. |
7369 |
Breeding bermudagrass for turf |
Burton, Glenn W. 1974. Proceedings of the Second International Turfgrass Research Conference. p. 18-22. |
225281 |
Gamma-Ray Induced Mutants in Vegetatively Propogated Turf Bermudagrass. |
Powell, Jerrel B.; Burton, Glenn W. 1971. Agronomy Abstracts. August. 63: p. 49. |
15987 |
Grasses of the future: I. Developing new bermudagrass for golf Access Restrictions |
Burton, Glenn W.; Powell, Jerrel B. 1971. Golf Superintendent. June. 39(6): p. 22-25. |
117039 |
Cytogenetics of a temperature-sensitive albino mutant in smooth bromegrass (Bromus inermis Leyss) |
Dunn, G. M.; Nasiruddin, M. 1971. Crop Science. March/April. 11(2): p. 208-211. |
2834 |
Isolation Requirements for Bromegrass (Bromus inermis Leyss.) Seed Production. |
Greenshields, J. E. R.; Knowles, R. P.; Ghosh, A. N. 1966. Agronomy Abstracts. August. 58: p. 32. |
17016 |