Keyword: Nitrogen fate
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Evaluation of nitrate leaching through bermudagrass turf |
Bowman, Daniel C.; Rufty, Thomas W.; Peacock, Charles H. 2000. North Carolina Turfgrass. April/May. 18(3): p. 28, 30. |
65895 |
Atmospheric polluants and trace gases |
Maggiotto, S. R.; Webb, J. A.; Wagner-Riddle, C.; Thurtell, G. W. 2000. Journal of Environmental Quality. March/April. 29(2): p. 621-630. |
68006 |
Go to jail for using quick-release nitrogen? | Busey, Phil. 2000. The Florida Green. Spring. p. 82-83. |
65002 |
Don't point fingers... Point out facts | Santella, Erica. 2000. The Florida Green. Spring. p. 83. |
65003 |
Where does nutrient pollution come from? |
Anonymous. 2000. Stewardship News. January/February. 3(1): p. 5. |
67550 | |
Gaseous losses and long-term fate of nitrogen applied to Kentucky bluegrass turf |
Redwine, Susan; Baird, James; Paul, Eldor; Branham, Bruce; Horgan, Brian. 1999. Michigan State University Turfgrass Science Web Site. |
59033 | |
Sand-Based Rootzone Physical, Chemical, and Microbial Properties as Influenced by Inorganic Soil Amendments and Sphagnum Peat Moss |
Bigelow, Cale Andrew. 1999. Ph.D. Dissertation: North Carolina State University. [3], xiv, 160 pp. |
72803 |
Gaseous losses and long-term fate of nitrogen applied to Kentucky bluegrass turf | Redwine, Susan; Graeber, Daniel; Baird, James. 1999. 1999 Michigan Turfgrass Field Day. p. 13. |
67761 |
Nitrogen and phosphorus leaching and runoff from golf greens and fairways | Shuman, Larry M. 1999. 1999 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary [USGA]. p. 44-45. |
72331 |
Gaseous losses and long-term fate of nitrogen applied to Kentucky bluegrass turf | Branham, Bruce. 1999. 1999 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary [USGA]. p. 49-50. |
72339 |
Modeling long-term compost application effects on nitrate leaching Access Restrictions |
Gerke, Horst H.; Arning, Martin; Stöppler-Zimmer, Holger. 1999. Plant and Soil. 213(1/2): p. 75-92. |
62700 |
A facility for documenting the effect of urban landscape type on fertilizer nitrogen runoff | Erickson, John E.; Volin, John C.; Cisar, John L.; Snyder, George H. 1999. Proceedings of the Florida State Horticultural Society. 112: p. 266-269. |
71684 |
North Carolina's approach to nutrient management/water quality issues |
Bruneau, A. H.; Peacock, C. H.; Osmond, D. L.; Bowman, D. C.; Hodges, S. C.; Rufty, T. R. 1999. 1999 Annual Meeting Abstracts [ASA/CSSA/SSSA]. 91: p. 133. |
63404 |
Fate of 15N-labeled ammonium nitrate applied to three turfgrass species |
Frank, K. W.; Power, J. F.; Bloom, M. H.; Gaussoin, R. E.; Riordan, T. P. 1999. 1999 Annual Meeting Abstracts [ASA/CSSA/SSSA]. 91: p. 134. |
63447 |
Nitrogen flow through golf course putting greens |
Ruemmele, B. A.; Bresnahan, J. J.; Bushoven, J. T.; Hull, R. J. 1999. 1999 Annual Meeting Abstracts [ASA/CSSA/SSSA]. 91: p. 137. |
63751 |
Assessment and prediction of the fate of nitrate in re-established riparian buffers |
Isenhart, T. M.; Schultz, R. C.; Simpkins, W. W.; Parkin, T. B.; Raich, J. W. 1999. 1999 Annual Meeting Abstracts [ASA/CSSA/SSSA]. 91: p. 369. |
64017 |
Low soil nitrate levels from golf course fairways related to organic matter sink for nitrogen Access Restrictions |
Higby, Jeffery R.; Bell, Paul F. 1999. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. 30(3/4): p. 573-588. |
63991 |
Workshop offers alternative to regulation in Neuse basin |
Rufty, Thomas. 1999. North Carolina Turfgrass. December/January. 17(7): p. 34. |
63356 |
Growth and nitrogen partitioning, recovery, and losses in bermudagrass receiving soluble sources of labeled ¹⁵nitrogen |
Picchioni, G. A.; Quiroga-Garza, Héctor M. 1999. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science. November. 124(6): p. 719-725. |
62485 |
Nitrate leaching from grassed lysimeters treated with ammonium nitrate or slow-release nitrogen fertilizer |
Owens, L. B.; Edwards, W. M.; Van Keuren, R. W. 1999. Journal of Environmental Quality. November/December. 28(6): p. 1810-1816. |
62781 |
Early analysis yields interesting trends |
Rufty, T. W.; Bowman, D. C.; Peacock, C. H.; Bruneau, A. H.; Cassel, D. K.; Gilliam, J. W. 1999. North Carolina Turfgrass. August/September. 17(5): p. 15-18. |
62239 |
Golf course nitrogen fate in river basins |
Rufty, Thomas W.; Bowman, Daniel C.; Peacock, Charles H.; Bruneau, Arthur H.; Cassel, D. Keith; Gilliam, J. Wendell. 1999. North Carolina Turfgrass. June/July. 17(4): p. 30, 32-33. |
61496 |
Fate of Nitrogen in a Bermuda Turfgrass Fertilized With Slow Release and Soluble Labeled 15N [Nitrogen] Sources Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Quiroga-Garza, Hector M. 1998. Ph.D. Dissertation: New Mexico State University. |
101487 |
Fate of nitrogen in turfgrass systems | Petrovic, A. Martin. 1998. Proceedings of the Seventh AnnualRutgers Turfgrass Symposium. p. 17-18. |
63037 |
Management practices for golf course roughs, fairways, and tees using buffalograss | Riordan, Terrance. 1998. 1998 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary [USGA]. p. 24. |
61826 |
Germplasm development for buffalograss varieties | Riordan, Terrance. 1998. 1998 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary [USGA]. p. 40-41. |
61844 |
Nitrogen and phosphorus leaching and runoff from golf greens and fairways | Shuman, Larry M. 1998. 1998 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary [USGA]. p. 55-56. |
61860 |
Characterization of leaching at the Coeur d'Alene Golf Course floating green | Johnston, William J. 1998. 1998 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary [USGA]. p. 60-61. |
61866 |
Gaseous losses and long-term fate of nitrogen applied to Kentucky bluegrass turf | Branham, Bruce. 1998. 1998 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary [USGA]. p. 61. |
61867 |
Fate of carbon and nitrogen following the sudden death of mature turf |
Hull, R. J.; Jiang, Z.; Dewitt, H. J.; Sawyer, C. D.; Bushoven, J. T.; Amador, J. A. 1998. 1998 Annual Meeting Abstracts. p. 127. |
56851 |
Assessment of surface water quality on three eastern North Carolina golf courses |
Ryals, Scott C.; Genter, Mary Beth; Leidy, Ross B. 1998. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. October. 17(10): p. 1934-1942. |
66409 |
You and the nitrate bill: BMPs for minimizing nitrogen leaching in golf turf |
Snyder, G. H.; Cisar, J. L. 1998. Florida Turf Digest. May/June. 15(3): p. 22-23. |
57471 |
Fertilizing established lawns |
Reicher, Zac; Throssell, Clark. 1998. Purdue Turfgrass Science Program Publications. March. |
44208 | |
Denitrification in cultivated and noncultivated riparian areas of grass cropping systems |
Horwath, William R.; Elliott, Lloyd F.; Steiner, Jeffrey J.; Davis, Jennifer H.; Griffith, S. M. 1998. Journal of Environmental Quality. January/February. 27(1): p. 225-231. |
115047 |
Nitrates in Groundwater |
Canter, Larry W. 1997. Boca Raton, FL: Lewis Publishers. 263 pp. |
39869 |
The Fate of ¹⁵N Ammonium Sulfate Applied to Kentucky Bluegrass and Perennial Ryegrass Turfs | Engelsjord, M. E.; Branham, B. E. 1997. M. S. Thesis: Agricultural University of Norway. 13 pp. |
40030 |
Nitrogen Losses From Broiler Litter Applied To Fescue Grasslands Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Braun, L. C. 1997. M. S. Thesis: University of Georgia. |
55586 |
Prevention of pollution in surface runoff from urban landscapes |
Reinert, James A.; Maranz, Steven J.; Hipp, Billy; Engelke, M. C. 1997. p. 7-31. In: Reinert, James A.; Porter, Mary, eds. The Pollution Solution: Be Water Wise. Dallas, TX: Texas A&M University. |
62319 |
Nitrogen partitioning in buffalograss and other turfgrasses | Frank, K.; Riordan, T. P.; Gaussoin, R. E. 1997. 1997 Turfgrass Research Report [Nebraska]. p. 25. |
69687 |
Turfgrass Irrigation with Municipal Effluent: Nitrogen Fate, Turf Crop Coefficients and Water Requirements | Brown, Paul W. 1997. [New York, New York]: The United States Golf Association Green Section. |
94695 |
Nitrogen efficiency and nutrient leaching with various nitrogen fertilizers applied to turf in a lysimeter experiment |
Dressel, J.; Weigelt, W.; Haehndel, R. 1997. Proceedings of the 8th International Turfgrass Research Conference. 8: p. 97-104. |
71930 |
Nitrogen leaching: An evaluation of nitrogen leaching in three golf course putting greens during establishment |
Snyder, George H.; Cisar, John L. 1997. Florida Turf Digest. March/April. 14(2): p. 14-16. |
70835 |
Rolled erosion control systems and their effect on sediment redistribution by rainsplash-a laboratory investigation |
Sutherland, Ross A.; Ziegler, Alan D.; Tran, Liem T. 1997. International Erosion Control Association Proceedings 28:Erosion Control and the Environment...Working in Harmony. February. p. 427-443. |
55788 |
Nutrient losses from lawns |
Kussow, Wayne R. 1996. Turfgrass Field Day for Homeowners [Wisconsin]. p. 8-9. |
67216 |
Turfgrass irrigation with municipal effluent: Nitrogen fate, turf Kc values and water requirements | Brown, Paul. 1996. 1996 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 34-35. |
46549 |
KTURF: A pesticide & nitrogen leaching model Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
58113 |
Leaching and mass balance of 15N-labeled urea applied to a Kentucky bluegrass turf Access Restrictions |
Miltner, E. D.; Branham, B. E.; Paul, E. A.; Rieke, P. E. 1996. Crop Science. November/December. 36(6): p. 1427-1433. |
39463 |
Nitrogen fate in turf |
Branham, B. E. [1995]. Virginia Tech Turfgrass and Horticulture Field Days and Virginia Turf and Landscape Conference and Trade Show Proceedings. p. [1-7]. |
73085 |
Turfgrass irrigation with municipal effluent: Nitrogen fate, turf Kc values and water requirements | Brown, Paul. 1995. 1995 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 38-40. |
11828 |
Fate of 15N amended urea in turfgrass biosystems | Starrett, S. K.; Christians, N. E.; Austin, T. A. 1995. 1995 Iowa Turfgrass Research Report. p. 91. |
51120 |
Fate of nitrogen applied to turfgrass-covered soil columns | Starrett, S. K.; Christians, N. E.; Austin, T. A. 1995. 1995 Iowa Turfgrass Research Report. p. 91. |
51124 |
Nutrient and pesticide mobility in turf | Branham, B. E. 1995. Proceedings of the 65th Annual Michigan Turfgrass Conference. 24: p. 87-92. |
37290 |
Countering the arguments |
Smith, Geoff. 1995. The Groundsman. July. 48(7): p. 9. |
82583 |
Tracking the fate of nitrogen in turf: New research shows that nitrogen applied to a dense well-maintained turf is used up quickly, with little leaching deeper into the soil | Branham, B. E. 1995. Lawn and Landscape Maintenance. July. 16(7): p. 64, 66, 86. |
172612 |
Fate of amended urea in turfgrass biosystems Access Restrictions |
Starrett, S. K.; Christians, N. E.; Austin, T. A. 1995. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. May. 26(9/10): p. 1595-1606. |
52291 |
What happens to pesticides applied to golf courses? |
Kenna, Michael P. 1995. USGA Green Section Record. January/February. 33(1): p. 1-9. |
32638 |
The Fate of Fertilizers and Pesticides When Applied to Turfgrass Maintained Under Golf Course Fairway Conditions |
Starrett, Steven Kent. 1994. Ph.D. Dissertation: Iowa State University. 2 pp.; iii pp.; 71 pp. |
32878 |
Distribution and Cycling of 15N-Labeled Urea in a Kentucky Bluegrass Turf |
Miltner, Eric David. 1994. Ph.D. Dissertation: Michigan State University. xiv, 149 pp. |
36414 |
The fate of nitrogen in a turfgrass environment |
Parkins, Kelly. 1994. Turfgrass Research Conference and Field Day and LandscapeManagement Research Conference and Field Day [1994]. p. 18-19. |
152611 |
Fate of nitrogen, phosphorus, pendimethalin, chlorpyrifos, isazofos, metalaxyl, dicamba, 2, 4-D, and MCPP applied to turfgrass maintained in golf course fairway condition | Starrett, S. K.; Christians, N. E.; Austin, T. A. 1994. 1994 Iowa Turfgrass Research Report. p. 83. |
31442 |
Fate of fertilizer nitrogen applied to turfgrass | Miltner, E. D.; Branham, B. E. 1994. Proceedings of the 64th Annual Michigan Turfgrass Conference. 23: p. 53-55. |
28972 |
Nitrogen fate: What happens to it and where does it go? | Hull, Richard. 1994. TurfGrass TRENDS. September. 4 [3](9): p. 1-10. |
37212 |
How the Winter Seminar can help you with your spring programs; II. [Pond and lake management made easy] |
Quist, Kevin. 1994. Tee to Green [NY]. March/April. 24(2): p. 5-6. |
33511 |
Fate of fertilizer nitrogen and pesticides applied to Kentucky bluegrass | Miltner, E. D.; Branham, B. E. 1993. Michigan State University Turfgrass Field Day. p. 9-12. |
157427 |
Managing nitrogen and phosphorus to protect surface water quality Access Restrictions |
Agnew, Michael L. 1993. Conference Proceedings: 64th International Golf CourseConference and Show. p. 17-18. |
129642 |
Turfgrass irrigation with municipal effluent: Nitrogen fate, turf Kc values and water requirements | Mancino, Charles. 1993. 1993 Turfgrass Research Summary [USGA]. p. 33. |
65324 |
Fate of nitrogen and pesticides applied to a Kentucky bluegrass turf | Miltner, E. D.; Branham, B. E. 1993. Proceedings of the 63rd Annual Michigan Turfgrass Conference. 22: p. 71-76. |
26168 |
Turf fertilization and environmental consequences |
Cooper, Richard. 1993. The Newsletter [New England]. June. p. 5, 8. |
27934 |
Fertilizer Fate Under Golf Course Conditions in the Midwestern Region |
Starrett, Steven Kent. 1992. M.S. Thesis: Iowa State University. iii, 79 pp. |
26090 |
Pesticide and fertilizer fate in turfgrasses managed under golf course conditions in the midwestern region | Horst, Garald E.; Christians, Nick E. 1992. 1992 Environmental Research Summary [USGA]. p. 6-7. |
27765 |
Quantification and fate of nitrogen from amended sand putting green profiles | Brauen, Stanton E.; Stahnke, Gwen K. 1992. 1992 Environmental Research Summary [USGA]. p. 7. |
27766 |
Fate of nitrogen and phosphorus | USGA Green Section. 1992. 1992 Environmental Research Summary [USGA]. p. 9-14. |
27772 |
Pesticide and fertilizer fate in turfgrasses managed under golf course conditions | Starrett, S. K.; Christians, N. E.; Austin, T. A.; Blackmer, A. M. 1992. 1992 Iowa Turfgrass Research Report. p. 123-126. |
70321 |
Nutritional requirements and fertilization |
Turner, Thomas R.; Hummel, Norman W. Jr. 1992.: p. 385-439. In: Waddington, D. V.; Carrow, R. N.; Shearman, R. C., eds. Turfgrass. 32. Madison, Wisconsin: American Society of Agronomy, Inc., Crop Science Society of America, Inc., and Soil Science Society of America, Inc. |
26029 |
Fate of nitrogen applied to turf using large lysimeters | Miltner, E. D.; Branham, B. E. 1992. Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Michigan Turfgrass Conference. 21: p. 195-198. |
26234 |
Grass Species Influence on the Fate of Nitrogen Entrapped in Vegetated Filter Strips Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Lemunyon, Jerrell Lynn. 1991. Ph.D. Dissertation: University of Rhode Island. |
101510 |
Mass balance assessment of pesticides and nutrients applied to golf turf | Petrovic, A. Martin. 1991. 1991 Environmental Research Summary [USGA]. p. 4. |
44761 |
The fate of pesticides and fertilizers in a turfgrass environment | Yates, Marylynn. 1991. 1991 Environmental Research Summary [USGA]. p. 5-6. |
44764 |
Pesticide and fertilizer fate in turfgrasses managed under golf course conditions in the midwestern region | Horst, Garald; Christians, Nick. 1991. 1991 Environmental Research Summary [USGA]. p. 6. |
44765 |
Quantification and fate of nitrogen from amended sand putting green profiles | Brauen, Stanton; Stahnke, Gwen K. 1991. 1991 Environmental Research Summary [USGA]. p. 7. |
44766 |
Evaluation of several N sources for turfgrass fertilization |
Hummel, Norman W.; Petrovic, Martin A. 1990. 1989-90 Cornell University Turfgrass Research Report. p. 8-15. |
21620 |
Installation of intact soil monolith lysimeters for turfgrass research |
Miltner, E. D.; Branham, B. E.; Loudon, T. L. 1990. Agronomy Abstracts. October. p. 179. |
19834 |
The fate of nitrogen applied to turf in the fall | Hull, R. J.; Liu, Haibo; Brown, H. J. 1989. 58th Rhode Island Turfgrass Field Day. p. 32-37. |
211847 |
Protecting Groundwater |
Petrovic, A. Martin. 1989. Grounds Maintenance. January. 24(1): p. 96, 98, 100. |
14036 |
Ground water contamination from nitrogen fertilizers and pesticides |
Hummel, Norman. 1988. OGCSA Newsletter. December. 3(4): p. 17-23. |
276298 |
Seasonal Changes in Smooth Bromegrass Top and Root Growth and Fate of Fertilizer Nitrogen |
Power, J. F. 1988. Agronomy Journal. September/October. 80(5): p. 740-745. |
13241 |
Denitrification Losses from Kentucky Bluegrass Sod |
Mancino, C. F.; Torello, W. A.; Wehner, D. J. 1988. Agronomy Journal. January/February. 80(1): p. 148-153. |
11589 |
Turfgrass management effects on ground water quality |
Petrovic, A. Martin. 1987. 1987 Cornell University Turfgrass Research Report. p. 21-26. |
62150 |
Ammonia Volatilization | Kissel, David E. 1987. ALA. September. 8(8): p. 26-28. |
11040 |
The fate of nitrogen applied to turf |
Waddington, Donald V. 1985. Grounds Maintenance. November. p. 14,16,18+. |
8251 |
A microecosystem for fertilizer and pesticide fate research |
Branham, B. E.; Wehner, D. J.; Torello, W. A.; Turgeon, A. J. 1985. Agronomy Journal. January/February. 77(1): p. 176-180. |
2056 |
Nitrogen-15 recovery for five years after application of ammonium nitrate to crested wheatgrass |
Power, J. F.; Legg, J. O. 1984. Soil Science Society of America Journal. March/April. 48(2): p. 322-326. |
6546 |
Studies of the fate of NO3- and NH4+ nitrogen from various fertilizers on a 'Penncross' creeping bentgrass 80%-20% sand:peat golf putting green |
Mancino, C. F.; Troll, J. 1983. Agronomy Abstracts. August. p. 128. |
7127 |
Urease activity in a Kentucky bluegrass turf |
Torello, W. A.; Wehner, D. J. 1983. Agronomy Journal. July/August. 75(4): p. 654-656. |
469 |
Gaseous nitrogen losses from turf: Ammonia volatilization | Torello, William; Wehner, David. 1981. Lawn Care Industry. October. 5(10): p. 24-25. |
279894 |
The fate of nitrogen fertilizer applied to turfgrass |
Starr, J. L.; DeRoo, H. C. 1981. Crop Science. July/August. 21(4): p. 531-536. |
2955 |
Fate and action of nitrogen in the soil |
Tucker, T. C. 1980. Proceedings of the 1980 Arizona Turfgrass Conference. p. 22-24. |
90170 |
Thatch influence on mobility and transformation of nitrogen carriers applied to turf |
Nelson, K. E.; Turgeon, A. J.; Street, J. R. 1980. Agronomy Journal. May/June. 72(3): p. 487-492. |
532 |
Fate of nitrogen in turf | Turgeon, A. J. 1979. Proceedings of the Thirty-Fourth Annual Texas Turfgrass Conference. p. 16-20. |
96388 |
How fertilizer moves and reacts in the soil | Morgan, Wayne C. 1979. A Patch of Green. February. p. 5-6, 17-18. |
252936 |