Keyword: Nitrogen partitioning
Showing items 1 to 30 of 30.
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Nitrogen budgets of urban lawns under three different management regimes in southern California |
Wang, Wenwen; Haver, Darren; Pataki, Diane E. 2014. Biogeochemistry. October. 121(1): p. 127-148. |
285826 |
Nitrogen partitioning comparisons among warm-season turfgrass species Access Restrictions |
Poudel, Bishow; Rowland, Diane; Erickson, John; Unruh, Bryan; Kenworthy, Kevin. 2013. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 12: p. 503-507. |
223296 |
Feedback of grazing on gross rates of N mineralization and inorganic N partitioning in steppe soils of Inner Mongolia |
Wu, Honghui; Dannenmann, Michael; Fanselow, Nicole; Wolf, Benjamin; Yao, Zhisheng; Wu, Xing; Brüggemann, Nicolas; Zheng, Xunhua; Han, Xingguo; Dittert, Klaus; Butterbach-Bahl, Klaus. 2011. Plant and Soil. March. 340(1-2): p. 127-139. |
176972 |
Long-term nutrient fate research | Frank, Kevin W. 2010. 2010 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 27. |
173856 |
Optimum root growth hinges on nitrogen partitioning and metabolism | Hull, Richard J.; Bushoven, John T. 2008. TurfGrass TRENDS. January. p. 75-76, 78. |
134879 |
Carbon and nitrogen in relation to heat tolerance | Rachmilevitch, Shimon; Lambers, Hans; Huang, Bingru. 2006. Proceedings of the Fifteenth Annual Rutgers Turfgrass Symposium. p. 42. |
109340 |
Effect of salinity and nitrogen status on nitrogen uptake by tall fescue turf Access Restrictions |
Bowman, Daniel C.; Cramer, Grant R.; Devitt, Dale A. 2006. Journal of Plant Nutrition. 29(8): p. 1481-1490. |
115027 |
Assimilation and allocation of carbon and nitrogen of thermal and nonthermal Agrostis species in response to high soil temperature Access Restrictions |
Rachmilevitch, Shimon; Huang, Bingru; Lambers, Hans. 2006. New Phytologist. May. 170(3): p. 479-490. |
124346 |
Nitrogen fate in a mature Kentucky bluegrass turf |
Frank, Kevin W.; O'Reilly, Kevin; Crum, Jim; Calhoun, Ron. 2006. USGA Turfgrass and Environmental Research Online. January 15. 5(2): p. [1-6]. |
108947 |
Effects of enhanced nitrogen deposition and phosphorus limitation on nitrogen budgets of semi-natural grasslands Access Restrictions |
Phoenix, Gareth K.; Booth, Rosemarhy E.; Leake, Jonathan R.; Read, David J.; Grime, J. Philip; Lee, John A. 2003. Global Change Biology. September. 9(9): p. 1309-1321. |
160373 |
Gaseous losses and long-term fate of nitrogen applied to Kentucky bluegrass turf | Frank, Kevin. 2001. 2001 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 43. |
78378 |
Nitrogen allocation of turfgrasses: I. Recovery of 15 N-labeled ammonium nitrate applied to buffalograss [Buchloe dactyloides (Nutt.) Englem] Access Restrictions |
Frank, K. W.; Gaussoin, R. E.; Riordan, T. P.; Stroup, W. W.; Bloom, M. H. 2001. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 9(Part 1): p. 268-276. |
74299 |
Nitrogen allocation of turfgrasses: II. Recovery of 15N-labeled ammonium nitrate applied to Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.) and tall fescue (Fescue arundinacea Schreb.) Access Restrictions |
Frank, K. W.; Gaussoin, R. E.; Riordan, T. P.; Stroup, W. W.; Bloom, M. H. 2001. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 9(Part 1): p. 277-286. |
74328 |
Nitrogen Allocation of Three Turfgrass Species and Turf-Type Buffalograss Management Access Restrictions |
Frank, Kevin W. 2000. Ph.D. Dissertation: University of Nebraska. [3], xii, 194 pp. |
159957 |
Nitrogen allocation of three turfgrass species | Frank, Kevin W. 2000. p. 1-79. In: Frank, Kevin W. Nitrogen Allocation of Three Turfgrass Species and Turf-Type Buffalograss Management. Ph.D. Dissertation: University of Nebraska. |
66395 |
Increasing the nitrogen use efficiency of cool-season turfgrasses by regulating nitrate metabolism | Hull, Richard J. 2000. 2000 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary [USGA]. p. 15. |
72116 |
Nitrogen utilization efficiency of creeping bentgrass genotypes |
Kuo, Y.; Wehner, D. J.; Fermanian, T. W.; Swiader, J. M. 2000. Journal of Turfgrass Management. 3(2): p. 21-29. |
64862 |
Nitrogen utilization in creeping bentgrass |
Kuo, Y.; Fermanian, T. W.; Wehner, D. J. 2000. Journal of Turfgrass Management. 3(2): p. 31-48. |
64863 |
Nitrate uptake and nitrogen use efficiency by Kentucky bluegrass cultivars |
Jiang, Zhongchun; Sullivan, Michael W.; Hull, Richard J. 2000. HortScience. December. 35(7): p. 1350-1354. |
71855 |
Variation in Nitrate Uptake, Nitrate Reduction and Partitioning of Nitrate Reduction in Roots and Shoots of Perennial Ryegrass and Creeping Bentgrass | 1999. In: Bushoven, John T. Genetic Variation in Nitrate Metabolism by Cool-Season Turfgrasses. M. S. Thesis: University of Rhode Island. xi.; 1-23 ; 60-78 pp. |
77333 |
Nitrogen Use Efficiency and the Partitioning of Nitrate Reductase and Biomass Between Roots and Shoots of Perennial Ryegrass and Creeping Bentgrass | 1999. In: Bushoven, John T. Genetic Variation in Nitrate Metabolism by Cool-Season Turfgrasses. M. S. Thesis: University of Rhode Island. xi.; 24-78 pp. |
77334 |
Genetic Variation in Nitrate Metabolism by Cool-Season Turfgrasses | Bushoven, John T. 1999. M. S. Thesis: University of Rhode Island. xi.; 78 pp. |
104938 |
Increasing the nitrogen use efficiency of cool-season turfgrasses by regulating nitrate metabolism | Hull, Richard J. 1999. 1999 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary [USGA]. p. 16-17. |
72295 |
Rhizodeposition and C-partitioning of Lolium perenne in azenic culture affected by nitrogen supply and defoliation |
Paterson, Eric; Sim, Allan. 1999. Plant and Soil. 216(1/2): p. 155-164. |
63690 |
Growth and nitrogen partitioning, recovery, and losses in bermudagrass receiving soluble sources of labeled ¹⁵nitrogen |
Picchioni, G. A.; Quiroga-Garza, Héctor M. 1999. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science. November. 124(6): p. 719-725. |
62485 |
Relative nitrogen limitation at steady-state nutrition as a determinant of plasticity in five grassland plant species | Glimskär, Anders; Ericsson, Tom. 1999. Annals of Botany. October. 84(4): p. 413-420. |
62486 |
Nitrogen partitioning in buffalograss and other turfgrasses | Frank, K.; Riordan, T. P.; Gaussoin, R. E. 1997. 1997 Turfgrass Research Report [Nebraska]. p. 25. |
69687 |
Partitioning of fertilizer nitrogen in Kentucky bluegrass thatch |
Miltner, E. D. 1996. Agronomy Abstracts. 88: p. 144. |
41691 |
Uncertainty analysis of BMP effectiveness for controlling nitrogen from urban nonpoint sources Access Restrictions |
Griffin, Carol B. 1995. Water Resources Bulletin. December. 31(6): p. 1041-1050. |
53313 |
The effect on the soil of the components and management of a ley Access Restrictions |
Troughton, Arthur. 1961. Journal of the British Grassland Society. March. 16(1): p. 1-5. |
189859 |