Keyword: Nutrient availability
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Primary plant nutrients modulate the reactive oxygen species metabolism and mitigate the impact of cold stress in overseeded perennial ryegrass |
Ihtisham, Muhammad; Hasanuzzaman, Mirza; El-Sappah, Ahmed H.; Zaman, Fawad; Khan, Nawab; Raza, Ali; Sarraf, Mohammad; Khan, Shamshad; Abbas, Manzar; Hassan, Muhammad Jawad; Li, Jia; Zhao, Xianming; Zhao, Xin. 2023. Frontiers in Plant Science. 14: p. 1149832 [1-13]. |
336945 |
Turfgrass under effluent water irrigation: Long-term data collection | Qian, Yaling; Zhang, Yao. 2022. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2022 Progress Reports. p. 271-284. |
328720 |
Assessment of availability of trace elements in turf soil after biosolids application |
Johnston, Theresa; Tian, Guanglong; Voigt, Thomas; Lindo, Pauline; Cox, Albert; Granato, Thomas; Zhang, Heng; Podczerwinski, Ed. 2022. Agronomy Journal. September/October. 114(5): p. 2981-2993. |
323040 |
Comparison of fresh versus effluent water irrigation on soil chemical properties of golf course greens and fairways Access Restrictions |
Isweiri, Hanan; Qian, Yaling; Davis, Jessica G. 2022. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. June. 14(1): p. 182-193. |
321245 |
Comparing iron sulfate versus chelated iron for the suppression of Microdochium patch on annual bluegrass putting greens in the absence and presence of phosphorous acid | Mattox, Clint; Kowalewski, Alec; McDonald, Brian; Braithwaite, Emily; Cain, Alyssa; Wang, Wrennie; Schmid, Chas. 2021. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2021 Progress Reports. p. 278-280. |
317419 |
Phosphorus source and Epichloë coenophiala strain interact over time to modify tall fescue rhizosphere microbial community structure and function Access Restrictions |
Ding, Na; Guo, Haichao; Kupper, Joseph V.; McNear, David H. 2021. Soil Biology & Biochemistry. March. 154: p. [1-12]. |
315273 |
Mowing does not redress the negative effect of nutrient addition on alpha and beta diversity in a temperate grassland Access Restrictions |
Molina, Cecilia D.; Tognetti, Pedro M.; Graff, Pamela; Chaneton, Enrique J. 2021. Journal of Ecology. March. 109(3): p. 1501-1510. |
317350 |
Effects of water and nutrient availability on morphological, physiological, and biochemical traits of one invasive and one native grass of a Neotropical savanna Access Restrictions |
Musso, Carolina; Fontenele, Hudson G. V.; Pinto, Glória; Oliveira, Rhaul; Correia, Carlos; Moutinho-Pereira, José M.; Soares, Amadeu M. V. M.; Loureiro, Susana. 2021. Environmental and Experimental Botany. February. 182: p. 1-9. |
315281 |
Per-gram competitive effects and contrasting soil resource effects in grasses and woody plants Access Restrictions |
Wilson, Scott D.; Peltzer, Duane A. 2021. Journal of Ecology. January. 109(1): p. 74-84. |
315309 |
Rhizosphere priming effects of Lolium perenne and Trifolium repens depend on phosphorus fertilization and biological nitrogen fixation |
Lu, Jiayu; Yang, Jinfeng; Keitel, Claudia; Yin, Liming; Wang, Peng; Cheng, Weixin; Dijkstra, Feike A. 2020. Soil Biology & Biochemistry. November. 150: p. 44207. |
315618 |
Protection offered by leaf fungal endophytes to an invasive species against native herbivores depends on soil nutrients Access Restrictions |
Graff, Pamela; Gundel, Pedro E.; Salvat, Adriana; Cristos, Diego; Chaneton, Enrique J. 2020. Journal of Ecology. July. 108(4): p. 1592-1604. |
315284 |
Soil microbial biomass, activity and community structure as affected by mineral phosphorus fertilization in grasslands Access Restrictions |
Shi, Yichao; Ziadi, Noura; Hamel, Chantal; Bélanger, Gilles; Abdi, Dalel; Lajeunesse, Julie; Lafond, Jean; Lalande, Roger; Shang, Jiali. 2020. Applied Soil Ecology. February. 146: p. 1-11. |
315321 |
Export of nitrogen and phosphorus from golf courses: A review Access Restrictions |
Bock, Emily M.; Easton, Zachary M. 2020. Journal of Environmental Management. February 1. 255: p. 109817 [1-18]. |
336666 |
Three bermudagrass-suppression techniques have litle effect on soil-nutrient availability and microbial communities 200 days after application |
Farthing, Trevor S.; Muir, James P.; Brady, Jeff A. 2020. Applied Soil Ecology. January. 145: p. 1-8. |
309109 |
Measuring clipping volume is easier and more useful than I expected |
Woods, Micah. 2019. Course Conditions. Spring. p. 7-11. |
306153 |
Managing nutrients with the four Rs: Enhanced efficiency fertilizers increase plant uptake and reduce loss to the environment |
Jiggens, Mike. 2018. Turf & Rec. November/December. 31(7): p. 16-18, 20. |
303907 |
Sodium, bicarbs impact role of soil: Bicarbonates decrease calcium availability and decrease nutrient availability to the roots |
Jiggens, Mike. 2018. Turf & Rec. April/May. 31(3): p. 38-41. |
298850 |
Update on BMPs for anthracnose on annual bluegrass turf: In many cases, a combination of cultural practices can effectively suppress anthracnose, eliminating the need for fungicide Access Restrictions |
Murphy, James A.; Clarke, Bruce B.; Inguagiato, John A. 2018. Golf Course Management. February. 86(2): p. 76-85. |
295080 |
Earth additives: Giving soil what it needs to give back much |
Dahl, Mike. 2018. Landscape Contractor Design Build Maintain Supply. February. 21(2): p. 24, 26-27. |
295912 |
Spring Fertilizer Application Timing | Lanier, Jason. 2017. Amherst, Massachusetts: UMass Extension Turf Program, Center for Agriculture, Food and the Environment. [2] pp. |
295586 |
Nutrient availability on your course | Thoms, Adam; Christians, Nick. 2017. The Reporter [IGCSA]. May. p. 26-27. |
309309 |
Why some warm season grasses are slow to green up | Daly, Tim. 2017. Gwinnett Daily Post. May 4. p. [1-2]. |
287069 |
Sustainable nutrition for sports fields | Strunk, Dan. 2017. Tennessee Turfgrass. April/May. p. 12-16, 18-19. |
289545 |
Changes in land use driven by urbanization impact nitrogen cycling and the microbial community composition in soils |
Wang, Haitao; Marshall, Christopher W.; Cheng, Minying; Xu, Huijuan; Li, Hu; Yang, Xiaoru; Zheng, Tianling. 2017. Scientific Reports. March 10. 7: p. 44049 [1-12]. |
288143 |
Belowground herbivory decreases shoot water content and biomass of Lolium perenne seedlings under nutrient-poor conditions Access Restrictions |
Tsunoda, Tomonori; Kachi, Naoki; Suzuki, Jun-Ichirou. 2017. Botany [Canada]. January. 95(1): p. 29-36. |
279594 |
Nutrition and fertilizing tips | Cumming, Chris. 2016. ONCourse. August. p. 24-25. |
274665 |
Better soils, better turf | Samples, Tom; Sorochan, John. 2015. Tennessee Turfgrass. December/January. p. 18-26. |
272053 |
Why is organic, our best friend, so misunderstood? | Doherty, David L. 2015. The Turf Line News. December/January. 243: p. 26, 28. |
267777 |
Impacts of Kentucky bluegrass invasion (Poa pratensis L.) on ecological processes in the Northern Great Plains Access Restrictions |
Printz, Jeffrey L.; Hendrickson, John R. 2015. Rangelands. December. 37(6): p. 226-232. |
282560 |
The clonal growth of Zoysia japonica in response to the levels and orders of habitat resource gradient | Lai, Su-wen; Li, De-zhi; Chen, Hui-juan; Geng, Song; Chen, Qing-qing; Yun, Xiao-tao; Fan, Zhi-hua; Ouyang, Yi; Huang, Yao-yao; Wang, Ming-zu. 2015. [Caoye Kexue] [Pratacultural Science]. November 20. 32(11): p. 1789-1800. |
270868 |
Ecological characteristics of Festuca arundinacea L. turf cultivated by solid residues from anaerobic digestion project | Song, Chengjun; Tian, Yishui; Luo, Juan; Qi, Yue; Zhao, Lixin; Zhao, Xuelan; Tian, Xi. 2015. Nong Ye Gong Cheng Xue Bao [Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering]. September. 31(17): p. 254-260. |
270206 |
May moisture to keep turf growing | Anonymous. 2015. The Groundsman [IOG]. May. p. 47. |
262407 |
N and P concentrations at Iowa golf courses Access Restrictions |
Carson, Teresa. 2015. Golf Course Management. April. 83(4): p. 95. |
257523 |
How does sodium affect sand-based putting green soils? | Obear, Glen R. 2015. The Grass Roots. March/April. 44(2): p. 26-29. |
259568 |
Establishing a wildflower area |
Handley, John. 2015. Pitchcare. February/March. 59: p. 104-109. |
258542 |
Elevated ambient carbon dioxide and Trichoderma inoculum could enhance cadmium uptake of Lolium perenne explained by changes of soil pH, cadmium availability and microbial biomass Access Restrictions |
Song, Ningning; Ma, Yibing; Zhao, Yujie; Tang, Shirong. 2015. Applied Soil Ecology. January. 85: p. 56-64. |
251735 |
Responsible Phosphorus Management Practices for Lawns | Adams, Ryan; Christians, Nick; Mugaas, Robert J.; Agnew, Michael L. 2014. Ames, Iowa: Extension and Outreach, Iowa State University. 4 pp. Revised Edition. |
264039 |
Illinois Soil N Test (ISNT) and permanganate-oxidizable soil carbon (POXC) concentrations as predictors of lawn turf response, 2013 | Guillard, Karl; LaClair, Jeremy; Geng, Xingyuan; Morris, Thomas F. 2014. 2013 Annual Turfgrass Research Report [Connecticut]. p. 51-53. |
243907 |
Germination and early plant growth promotion of cool- and warm-season turf grasses inoculated with microbial consortia | Ker, Keomany; Chennupati, B. Pratyusha; Smith, Donald L. 2014. ASA, CSSA and SSSA Annual Meetings [2014]. p. 89160. |
250003 |
Do earthworms affect phosphorus availability to grass? A pot experiment Access Restrictions |
Vos, Hannah M. J.; Ros, Mart B. H.; Koopmans, Gerwin F.; Willem van Groenigen, Jan. 2014. Soil Biology & Biochemistry. December. 79: p. 34-42. |
251240 |
Growth effect and nutrient uptake by application interval of developed slurry composting and biofiltration (DSCB) liquid fertilizer on Kentucky bluegrass |
Ham, Suon-Kyu; Kim, Young-Sun. 2014. Weed and Turfgrass Science. December. 3(4): p. 362-369. |
265208 |
Getting to the root of it |
Owen, Andy; Bechelet, Henry. 2014. Greenkeeper International. November. p. 24-27. |
260907 |
The importance of liming acidic soils | Samples, Tom; Sorochan, John; Brosnan, Jim; Savoy, Hugh; Windham, Alan. 2014. Tennessee Turfgrass. October/November. p. 24-26. |
250730 |
Phosphorus: Is it all bad? Access Restrictions |
Dobson, Jay. 2014. Bulletin for Sports Surface Management. July. 266: p. 13-15. |
247325 |
Relationship between soil phosphorus and phosphorus budget in grass sward with varying nitrogen applications Access Restrictions |
Messiga, Aimé Jean; Ziadi, Noura; Bélanger, Gilles; Morel, Christian. 2014. Soil Science Society of America Journal. July/August. 78(4): p. 1481-1488. |
247912 |
The modern fertilizer market: Over the long run, global energy prices are likely to be the dominating factor influencing fertilizer prices in the U.S. |
Gray, Christopher S. Sr. 2014. Superintendent. May. 13(5): p. 16. |
250944 |
Fireplace Ashes for Lawn and Garden Use | Zhang, Hailin. 2013. Stillwater, Oklahoma: Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Oklahoma State University. 2 pp. Revised Edition. |
265547 |
Managing calcium, magnesium and sulfur in turf | Samples, Tom; Sorochan, John; Thoms, Adam. 2013. Tennessee Turfgrass. December/January. p. 14-18. |
235054 |
Effects of earthworms, arbuscular mycorrhizae, and phosphate rock on setaria grass (Setaria splendida) and phosphorus availability in soil | Sabrina, Djunita Tengku; Hanafi, Mohamed Musa; Gandahi, Allah Wadhayo; Mohamed, Mahmud Tengku Muda; Aziz, Nor Azwady Abdul. 2013. Australian Journal of Crop Science. December. 7(13): p. 2136-2144. |
246088 |
Potassium needs simplified | Lyons, Eric M. 2013. Green is Beautiful. Fall. p. 17. |
233801 |
Phosphorus availability in root zones as affected by fertilizer type: What are the effects of organic fertilizers that supply excess phosphorus when they are applied in quantities that supply sufficient nitrogen to turf? Access Restrictions |
Stahnke, G. K.; Miltner, E. D.; Cogger, C. G.; Luchterhand, R. A.; Bembenek, R. E. 2013. Golf Course Management. August. 81(8): p. 78-83. |
227748 |
The case for humic acids: How this often-overlooked product category can be used to improve your clients' lawns | White, Patrick. 2013. Turf [North Edition]. August. 26(8): p. C1-C2. |
228868 |
Root zone pH and Penn A-4 creeping bentgrass shoot/root growth |
Pruyne, Derek T.; Schlossberg, Maxim J. 2013. Golfdom. July. 69(7): p. 43. |
226007 |
The top 10 things you wanted to know about wetting agents | Morris, Michael D. 2012. 2012 GCSAA Education Conference: Conference SessionPresentations. p. 1-6. |
202812 |
How management of plants on constructed rootzones influences root growth and plant competition | Lyons, Eric M. 2012. The Bouyoucos Conference on the Advances in Research on Soil Biological, Chemical and Physical Properties for Sustainable Constructed Rootzones [Constructed Rootzones 2012]. p. 33. |
212868 |
An oxidative mechanism for nutrient acquisition from epiphytic/endophytic microbes in tall fescue | Torres, Monica S.; White, James F. Jr.; Kerkhof, Lee; Crawford, Holly; Kobayashi, Donald; Irizarry, Ivelisse; Patel, Madhuri. 2012. Proceedings of the Twenty-First Annual Rutgers Turfgrass Symposium. p. 46-47. |
197354 |
Biosolids effects on soil properties in tall fescue sod production | Cataldi, Joseph; Ervin, Erik H.; Evanylo, Gregory. 2012. ASA, CSSA and SSSA Annual Meetings [2012]. p. 74948. |
213427 |
Root/shoot response of Penn A-4 creeping bentgrass to rootzone acidification by elemental sulfur | Pruyne, Derek T.; Rogan, Chase M.; Schlossberg, Maxim J. 2012. ASA, CSSA and SSSA Annual Meetings [2012]. p. 75470. |
213440 |
Dolomite phosphate rock-based slow-release fertilizer for agriculture and landscapes Access Restrictions |
Yang, Yuangen; He, Zhenli; Yang, Xiaoe; Fan, Jinghua; Stoffella, Peter; Brittain, Charlotte. 2012. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. 43(9): p. 1344-1362. |
210591 |
Effects of microorganism agents on nutrient content of turfgrass clippings composting Access Restrictions |
Li, Feng. 2012. [Anhui Nongye Kexue Shuangyuekan] [Journal of Anhui Agriculture Sciences]. 40(6): p. 3331-3333. |
270111 |
Maintenance planning always pays off |
Powell, A. J. Jr. 2012. The State of Grass [Kentucky Turfgrass Council]. November/December. p. 8-9, 11. |
254466 |
Nutritionism: Better turf through chemistry? | Foy, John. 2012. USGA Green Section Record. October 19. 50(22): p. 1-2. |
212124 |
[K+: So what if grasses take up too much potassium. Is that a problem?] | Laycock, Robert. 2012. Greenkeeper International. July. p. 66. |
211320 |
A review of turfgrass fertilizer management practices: Implications for urban water quality Access Restrictions |
Carey, Richard O.; Hochmuth, George J.; Martinez, Christopher J.; Boyer, Treavor H.; Nair, Vimala D.; Dukes, Michael D.; Toor, Gurpal S.; Shober, Amy L.; Cisar, John L.; Trenholm, Laurie E.; Sartain, Jerry B. 2012. HortTechnology. June. 22(3): p. 280-291. |
209617 |
Influence of contrasting availabilities of water and nutrients on the radiation use efficiency in C3 and C4 grasses Access Restrictions |
Cristiano, Piedad M.; Posse, Gabriela; Di Bella, Carlos M.; Boca, Teresa. 2012. Austral Ecology. May. 37(3): p. 323-329. |
293337 |
Ability of centipedegrass (Eremochloa ophiuroides [Munro] Hack.) to spread by stolons: Effects of soil, fertilizer, shade and edging Access Restrictions |
Hirata, Masahiko; Mizuno, Shinnosuke; Tobisa, Manabu. 2012. Grassland Science. March. 58(1): p. 28-36. |
199759 |
UQ back on track | Robinson, Brett. 2012. Australian Turfgrass Management Journal. March/April. 14(2): p. 14-15. |
199575 |
MacKenzie returns to NSWGC | Dempsey, Gary. 2012. Australian Turfgrass Management Journal. March/April. 14(2): p. 28-30. |
199580 |
SportsTurf's point - counterpoint: SLAN vs. BCSR: I: Soil fertility interpretation: Base saturation or sufficiency level? |
Schlossber, Max. 2012. SportsTurf. January. 28(1): p. 24-25, 28, 30-31. |
196581 |
Soil pH and its effect on nutrient availability and plant health | Wells, Wayne. 2012. Turf Tips [Mississippi State University]. January 30. p. [1]. |
261783 |
Foliar nitrogen use efficiency of warm-season putting green turf under salinity stress | Liu, Haibo; Menchyk, Nick. 2011. 2011 USGA Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 38. |
195560 |
Beneficial soil bacterial amendment effects on perennial ryegrass growth and quality, and soil phosphorus during the establishment season, 2010 | Sürer, Irfan; Guillard, Karl; Inguagiato, John C. 2011. 2010 Annual Turfgrass Research Report [Connecticut]. p. 78-80. |
246890 |
Carbon, nitrogen, and orthophosphate leaching from soil under single- and mixed-species landscapes |
Pannkuk, Tim R.; Aitkenhead-Peterson, Jacqueline A.; Steinke, Kurt; Thomas, James C.; Chalmers, David R.; White, Richard H. 2011. HortScience. November. 46(11): p. 1533-1539. |
193265 |
Neotyphodium endophyte transmission to Lolium multiflorum seeds depends on the host plant fitness |
Gundel, P. E.; Garibaldi, L. A.; Martínez-Ghersa, M. A.; Ghersa, C. M. 2011. Environmental and Experimental Botany. July. 71(3): p. 359-366. |
202615 |
A phosphorus budget for bahiagrass pastures growing on a typical Florida spodosol |
Obour, A. K.; Silveira, M. L.; Vendramini, J. M. B.; Jawitz, J.; O'Connor, G. A.; Sollenberger, L. E. 2011. Agronomy Journal. May/June. 103(3): p. 611-616. |
181736 |
Enriching the soil: Taking care of what lies beneath can make contractors' work on clients' properties more effective |
Wisniewski, Nicole. 2011. Landscape Management. April. 50(4): p. 10. |
220612 |
Bermudagrass forage yield and ammonia volatilization as affected by nitrogen fertilization Access Restrictions |
Colin, Massey G.; Slaton, Nathan A.; Norman, Richard J.; Gbur, Edward E. Jr.; DeLong, Russell E.; Golden, Bobby R. 2011. Soil Science Society of America Journal. March. 75(2): p. 638-648. |
181123 |
The soil profile: Lindbergh High School |
Simmons, Joel. 2011. SportsTurf. March. 27(3): p. 12, 14-16. |
179374 |
Nutrient interactions in turf management II: A closer look at the cell walls surrounding the protoplasts of plant cells | Hull, Richard J.; Liu, Haibo. 2011. TurfGrass TRENDS. February. p. 43, 46-47. |
182804 |
Bromus inermis invasion of a native grassland: Diversity and resource reduction |
Fink, Krista A.; Wilson, Scott D. 2011. Botany [Canada]. February. 89(3): p. 157-164. |
189326 |
Effect of limestone of different sizes on soil extractable phosphorus and its concentrations in grass and clover species |
Viadé, A.; Fernández-Marcos, M. L.; Hernández Nistal, J.; Alvarez, E. 2011. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. January. 42(4): p. 381-394. |
175652 |
Soil phosphorus available for crops and grasses extracted with three soil-test methods in southern Brazilian soils amended with phosphate rock |
Schlindwein, Jairo A.; Bortolon, Leandro; Gianello, Clesio. 2011. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. January. 42(3): p. 283-292. |
175824 |
Nutrient and sediment runoff and nitrous oxide losses from urban landscapes | Osmond, Deanna; Spence, Porche; Heitman, Josh; Robarge, Wayne; Walker, John. 2010. 2010 International Annual Meetings: [Abstracts][ASA-CSSA-SSSA]. p. 57934. |
170967 |
Soil organic matter levels under pastures and row crops | Heckman, Joseph; Bhashyan, Niketh; Hair, Kate. 2010. 2010 International Annual Meetings: [Abstracts][ASA-CSSA-SSSA]. p. 58639. |
170977 |
A study on mechanism of grass-endophytes symbiosis Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Wei, Yukun. 2010. Zhongguo Nongxue Tongbao / Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 12: p. Unknown. |
271275 |
Sports turf fertility & the nitrogen factor | Sorochan, John. 2010. Sports Turf Manager [STA]. Winter. 23(4): p. 20-23. |
174270 |
Analysis of the response of two tall fescue cultivars of different origin to P deficiency Access Restrictions |
Martinefsky, María Julia; Assuero, Silvia G.; Mollier, Alain; Pellerin, Sylvain. 2010. Environmental and Experimental Botany. December. 69(3): p. 250-258. |
202599 |
Creeping bentgrass putting green cultivation recovery as affected by pre-stress conditioning with liquid fertilizer and biostimulant programs in the cool-humid region |
Bigelow, Cale; Ervin, Erik; Zhang, Xunzhong; Nichols, Adam. 2010. Applied Turfgrass Science. December. 7(1): p. [1-4]. |
168192 |
Plant available nutrients in sand rootzones | Anonymous. 2010. Viridescent - The Asian Turfgrass Center Blog. December 30. p. [1-2]. |
175028 |
Direct and indirect effects of urbanization on soil and plant nutrients in desert ecosystems of the Phoenix metropolitan area, Arizona (USA) |
Davies, Rachel; Hall, Sharon J. 2010. Urban Ecosystems. September. 13(3): p. 295-317. |
168639 |
Aerating your lawn 101 |
Reppe, Ernie. 2010. Reppe Lawn Care. August 24. p. [1]. |
174657 |
Nutrient monitoring of effluent irrigation and soil on fairways Access Restrictions |
Guertal, E. A. 2010. Golf Course Management. July. 78(7): p. 80, 82, 84, 86, 88, 90. |
166391 |
Testing, testing, 1-2-3: Lawn soil testing, results, & recommendations | Diller, Chad. 2010. Tomlinson Bomberger: Lawn Care, Landscape, Pest Control. April 15. p. [1]. |
174652 |
Earthworm effects on plant growth do not necessarily decrease with soil fertility Access Restrictions |
Laossi, Kam-Rigne; Ginot, Amandine; Noguera, Diana Cristina; Blouin, Manuel; Barot, Sébastien. 2010. Plant and Soil. March. 328(1-2): p. 109-118. |
199237 |
Carbon isotope discrimination as an index of tall fescue-endophyte association response to light availability and defoliation |
Belesky, David P.; Ruckle, Joyce M.; Halvorson, Jonathan J. 2010. Environmental and Experimental Botany. January. 67(3): p. 515-521. |
202332 |
Potassium Movement and Uptake as Affected by Potassium Source and Placement | Young, Bradford Kenneth. 2009. M.S. Thesis: Auburn University. xi, 48 pp. |
173075 |
URI organic lawn fertilizer trial - 2009 update |
Anonymous. 2009. 78th Rhode Island Turfgrass Field Day Book. p. 15-16. |
196709 |
Dissolved organic matter loads in surface runoff water under different land uses | Yang, Yuangen; He, Zhenli; Liang, Zhanbei; Wang, Yanbo; Stoffella, Peter J.; Yang, Xiaoe. 2009. 2009 International Annual Meetings: [Abstracts][ASA-CSSA-SSSA]. p. 52612. |
158992 |
Effects of compost on major nutrients in an urban cecil soil | Mikhailova, Elena A.; Barfield, Michael; Sharp, Julia; Schlautman, Mark; Post, Christopher; Hall, Karen. 2009. 2009 International Annual Meetings: [Abstracts][ASA-CSSA-SSSA]. p. 52975. |
158990 |
Nitrogen fertigation of subsurface drip irrigation bermudagrass | Maurer, Michael; Moken, James; Young, Leon. 2009. 2009 International Annual Meetings: [Abstracts][ASA-CSSA-SSSA]. p. 53518. |
159120 |