Keyword: Organizations
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
4 steps to an effective management system Access Restrictions |
Lyall, Keith. 2023. GreenMaster. Winter. 59(4): p. 14-18. |
333739 |
Take a moment to reflect on turfgrass research | Luck, Garrett. 2021. The Grass Roots. January-December. 50(1): p. 16. |
317461 |
[Oregon regulatory engagement] Access Restrictions |
Phipps, David. 2020. Golf Course Management. March. 88(3): p. 96. |
315741 |
How 'allied' are you? |
Peabody, Cece. 2018. Clippings [New Jersey Turfgrass Association]. 96(1): p. 4. |
296937 |
2018 committees are set |
Anonymous. 2018. SportsTurf. May. 34(5): p. 46-47. |
298797 |
Turfgrass Growers Association: My news to share from the UK Access Restrictions |
Baird, William. 2018. Turf News [TPI]. March/April. 42(2): p. 51-52. |
298288 |
TPI staff is on the road for you Access Restrictions |
Trusty, Suz. 2018. Turf News [TPI]. March/April. 42(2): p. 54-55. |
298290 |
Power up with a peer group: Launch your company to the next level by learning from other owners | Hall, Ronnie. 2017. Turf [North Edition]. December. 30(12): p. Cover, 22-27. |
294167 |
[Who's who on the YGC] |
Anonymous. 2017. Greenkeeper International. March. p. 11. |
286128 |
[MTF updates] | Mitchelson, Carey. 2017. Course Conditions. Spring. p. 36-37. |
285283 |
Building a strong organization through better lines of communication | Kazymerchyk, Stan. 2017. Sports Turf Manager [STC]. Spring. 30(1): p. 20-21. |
297093 |
Rutgers Center for Turfgrass Science celebrates! | Carson, Chris. 2016. Clippings [New Jersey Turfgrass Association]. 91(1): p. 17-19. |
274541 |
[TurfMutt contest winners] Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 2016. Golf Course Management. July. 84(7): p. 89. |
273565 |
[Texas Alliance of Recreational Organizations] Access Restrictions |
Cloud, Brian. 2016. Golf Course Management. July. 84(7): p. 92. |
273568 |
National Golf Day |
Pedersen, Jim. 2016. On Course [MAGCS]. July. 70(3): p. 22. |
274218 |
'Grass roots' outreach expanding Access Restrictions |
Trusty, Suz. 2016. Turf News [TPI]. July/August. 40(4): p. 57-60. |
273598 |
2016 TOCA meeting fetches Golfdom 17 awards |
Anonymous. 2016. Golfdom. June. 72(6): p. 9. |
272689 |
Should you give back? |
Moraghan, Tim. 2016. Golf Course Industry. June. 28(6): p. 10. |
272659 |
Striking while the iron is hot |
Kurcab, Ross. 2016. SportsField Management. June. 11(6): p. 28. |
272985 |
Moving forward Access Restrictions |
Nugent, Will. 2016. Turf News [TPI]. May/June. 40(3): p. 2. |
272032 |
Turfgrass Growers Association holds spring meeting Access Restrictions |
Mudge, Tim. 2016. Turf News [TPI]. May/June. 40(3): p. 60. |
272043 |
Turf Australia announces Next Generation (NxGen) Forum & Field Day Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 2016. Turf News [TPI]. May/June. 40(3): p. 60. |
272044 |
First green merges golf with STEM learning | Shelley, Jeff. 2016. The Golf Course Trades. May 1. 29(5): p. 16-17. |
271334 |
Is anyone listening? |
Britton, Peter. 2016. Pitchcare. April/May. 66: p. 44-49. |
271961 |
California names synthetic turf scientific advisory panel members Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 2016. Turf News [TPI]. March/April. 40(2): p. 60. |
269706 |
[Funding for the Michigan State University Turf Team] |
Mitchelson, Carey. 2016. Course Conditions. Spring. p. 29. |
272740 |
Community outreach, Mckinley Park |
Evans, Troy. 2016. Course Conditions. Spring. p. 30. |
272742 |
2016 Michigan Skins game San Diego |
Pawluk, Dave. 2016. Course Conditions. Spring. p. 37-38. |
272787 |
Tucker receives Budding Award Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 2016. Golf Course Management. February. 84(2): p. 24, 26. |
268679 |
The organic opportunity: Current market share for organic lawn care is still small, but the market opportunity is enormous-for contractors who figure out how to make it work |
Wartgow, Gregg. 2016. Green Industry Pros. February. 28(3): p. 28-31. |
271543 |
2015: The good, bad and ugly |
Jackson, Joel. 2016. Golfdom. January. 72(1): p. 14. |
268396 |
Worried about WOTUS?: Our survey found readers split, but our sources consider its threat as real |
Jones, Seth; Gannon, Grant B. 2016. Golfdom. January. 72(1): p. 24. |
268403 |
[Ten years on] | Apel, Justin. 2016. Earth Shaping News. 1st Quarter. p. 3, 5. |
273110 |
Working With Golf Associations |
Golf Course Superintendents Association of America. 201X. [Lawrence, Kansas]: Golf Course Superintendents Association of America. [3] pp. |
282391 |
Reflections on a busy start to 2015 Access Restrictions |
Isaac, Steve. 2015. Bulletin for Sports Surface Management. Summer. 270: p. 32-33. |
262314 |
Do more |
Roberts, Patrick. 2015. Golfdom. October. 71(10): p. 6. |
266693 |
Rising tide |
Jones, Pat. 2015. Golf Course Industry. October. 27(10): p. 4, 6. |
266848 |
Tough new rules affect us all |
Todd, Chris. 2015. New Zealand Turf Management Journal. Autumn. 32(1): p. 3. |
255899 |
Golf organizations publish report on golf facilities in Canada Access Restrictions |
Cousineau, Marc. 2015. GreenMaster. September/October. 50(5): p. 11. |
266348 |
What is TPI doing for you? More than you know Access Restrictions |
Stanton, Melanie. 2015. Turf News [TPI]. September/October. 39(5): p. 22-23. |
265032 |
Q & A with Jerry Rice, CGCS: Long standing superintendent, Lawrence Park Golf Club, Erie, PA (in honor of his retirement at the end of this season) | Anonymous. 2015. Front Nine News. September. 18(3): p. 6-7. |
266068 |
On the horizon for TPI Access Restrictions |
Stanton, Melanie. 2015. Turf News [TPI]. July/August. 39(4): p. 4. |
262470 |
Celebrating turfgrass - The green connecting historic D.C. sites Access Restrictions |
Trusty, Suz. 2015. Turf News [TPI]. July/August. 39(4): p. 57-60. |
262480 |
Steve Trusty inducted into TOCA Hall of Fame Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 2015. Turf News [TPI]. July/August. 39(4): p. 67. |
262483 |
[Mary Owen: Extension Specialist, Turf, University of Massachusetts, Amherst] |
Anonymous. 2015. SportsTurf. July. 31(7): p. 8-10. |
262176 |
All agronomy is local; Chapters fill many needs |
Anonymous. 2015. SportsTurf. July. 31(7): p. 45-47. |
262188 |
A life member writes.. |
Brammah, Gordon. 2015. Greenkeeper International. June. p. 11. |
265072 |
Young greenkeeper committee update |
Anonymous. 2015. Greenkeeper International. June. p. 16. |
265073 |
Golf course equipment managers vote to dissolve Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 2015. Golf Course Management. June. 83(6): p. 26, 28. |
260866 |
No place at the table? |
Moraghan, Tim. 2015. Golf Course Industry. June. 27(6): p. 52, 65. |
262228 |
Advancing GCSAA's mission, vision Access Restrictions |
McKeel, Chava. 2015. Golf Course Management. May. 83(5): p. 36. |
259354 |
Wee One donates solo rider |
Gannon, Grant B. 2015. Golfdom. May. 71(5): p. 8-9. |
264531 |
RISE delivers pollinator petition to White House Council |
Anonymous. 2015. Golfdom. May. 71(5): p. 35. |
264632 |
GCSAA, IGCEMA boards pursue membership union Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 2015. Golf Course Management. April. 83(4): p. 28. |
257478 |
Four Elms CC: A committed committee |
Anonymous. 2015. Pitchcare. April/May. 60: p. 78-83. |
261168 |
Wolves at the gate Access Restrictions |
Stanton, Melanie. 2015. Turf News [TPI]. March/April. 39(2): p. 6-7. |
256272 |
Industry advocacy - Looking to the future Access Restrictions |
Trusty, Steve. 2015. Turf News [TPI]. March/April. 39(2): p. 12-13. |
256275 |
[North Texas GCSA and Texas Scottish Rite Hospital] Access Restrictions |
Cloud, Brian. 2015. Golf Course Management. January. 83(1): p. 142. |
253204 |
[Alabama GCSA and health organizations] Access Restrictions |
Wright, Ron. CGCS and Field Staff Representative, GCSAA. 2015. Golf Course Management. January. 83(1): p. 142. |
253205 |
Out of the bunker: After a rough few rounds because of the difficult economy, things seem to be looking up for the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America |
Aylward, Lawrence. 2015. Superintendent. January. 14(1): p. 22-23, 25-27. |
257749 |
Sustainability is everyone's job |
DeLozier, Henry. 2015. Earth Shaping News. 1st Quarter. p. 15-16. |
265902 |
[Master Plan] |
Harvey, A. John. 2014. The Greenerside. Summer. 38(3): p. 12-15. |
266079 |
True romance |
Jones, Seth. 2014. Golfdom. October. 70(10): p. 22-24, 26, 28. |
256062 |
Centennial's Glen Dube assumes the reins as MetGCSA President |
Collins, Kevin. 2014. Tee to Green [New York]. September/October/November. 45(5): p. 2-3. |
253788 |
Paying it forward Access Restrictions |
Ihms, Keith A. 2014. Golf Course Management. August. 82(8): p. 16. |
247766 |
Audacious goals: Project EverGreen's presence grows one project at a time | Lambertson, Giles. 2014. Turf [North Edition]. August. 27(8): p. A6-A7, A10, A12. |
248370 |
Mosholu welcomes back Scholarship & Parent/Child Tourney |
Brockner, Ed. 2014. Tee to Green [New York]. June. 45(3): p. 8. |
248596 |
Fall 2013 meeting of Japanese Society of Turfgrass Science | Tonogi, Hidaki. 2014. International Turfgrass. January. p. 8. |
235291 |
Committee service is calling you! |
Anonymous. 2014. SportsTurf. January. 30(1): p. 42-44, 46. |
235190 |
2013: A year in review |
Anonymous. 2013. Florida Turf Digest. November/December. 30(6): p. 10-22. |
235530 |
Growing times | Vaughan, Jim. 2013. Australian Turfgrass Management Journal. November/December. 15(6): p. 60-61. |
232692 |
We are all in this together Access Restrictions |
Finlen, Patrick R. 2013. Golf Course Management. March. 81(3): p. 16. |
216467 |
[Blue Ridge Turfgrass Associates established] Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 2013. Golf Course Management. March. 81(3): p. 28. |
216518 |
Sharing the green: Groundwater Awareness Week Access Restrictions |
Wemhoff, Jennifer. 2013. Golf Course Management. March. 81(3): p. 36. |
216527 |
Let's all recruit a new member! (Recrutons tous un nouveau membre!) Access Restrictions |
Mills, John. 2013. GreenMaster. March/April. 48(2): p. 8-9. |
217289 |
John B. Steel 2012 award winner Pelion Scenna Access Restrictions |
Cousineau, Marc. 2013. GreenMaster. March/April. 48(2): p. 46-47. |
217319 |
Join. Participate. Get involved: The rewards are many for industry involvement. What's your excuse? |
Williams, Bruce. 2013. Golf Course Industry. March. 25(3): p. 62-64. |
217250 |
In his own words Access Restrictions |
Barbush, Beth. 2013. Golf Course Management. January. 81(1): p. 36. |
214634 |
ASGCA launches award scheme |
Anonymous. 2013. Golf Course Architecture. January. 31: p. 15. |
217046 |
Betting on Dutch success: Burggolf boss Marcel Wellings has recently opened the International course near Schiphol airport, his company's biggest investment to date |
Lawrence, Adam. 2013. Golf Course Architecture. January. 31: p. 30-31. |
217188 |
KAFMO's involvement with Little League |
Anonymous. 2013. SportsTurf. January. 29(1): p. 46. |
214710 |
Design excellence: Highlighting the best |
Lawrence, Adam. 2012. By Design. Winter. 13: p. 8-17. |
214528 |
The spirit of volunteerism |
Goatley, Mike. 2012. SportsTurf. December. 28(12): p. 7. |
214339 |
The "grainy" awards |
Moraghan, Tim. 2012. Golf Course Industry. December. 24(12): p. 20, 48. |
214327 |
The changing face of Turf Australia | Anonymous. 2012. Australian Turfgrass Management Journal. November/December. 14(6): p. 63. |
214072 |
Report from the 3rd European Turfgrass Conference in Kristiansand: Norway 24-26 June 2012 | Aamlid, Trygve S. 2012. International Turfgrass. September. p. 2-3. |
266930 |
Fall is finally here | Millies, Jeff. 2012. The Grass Roots. September/October. 41(5): p. 4. |
211968 |
Sometimes, bigger really is better Access Restrictions |
Fitzsimmons, Lyle. 2012. GreenMaster. July/August. 47(4): p. 5. |
207989 |
Are you a member! (Êtes-vous membre!) Access Restrictions |
Cousineau, Ken. 2012. GreenMaster. July/August. 47(4): p. 8-9. |
207991 |
Growing a foundation from the roots up |
Anonymous. 2012. SportsTurf. March. 28(3): p. 47. |
200374 |
Niel Francis Adams (1938-2012) | Anonymous. 2012. Australian Turfgrass Management Journal. March/April. 14(2): p. 57. |
199593 |
Huang receives fellow designation Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 2012. Golf Course Management. February. 80(2): p. 28. |
198182 |
[Comments to the incoming and outgoing board and website upgrades] | Mikel, Barbara. 2012. Thru the Green [Northern California]. January/February. p. 3. |
196108 |
[Landscaping and wildlife protection] | Smith, Vicky. 2012. Landscape & Urban Design. January/February. p. 16-19. |
260111 |
Sustainability versus representation (La viabilité versus la représentation) Access Restrictions Access Restrictions |
Cousineau, Ken. 2012. GreenMaster. January/February. 47(1): p. 10-11. |
197241 |
The turfgrass industry | Breuninger, James; Welterlen, Mark; Augustin, Bruce; Cline, Van; Morris, Kevin. 2011. 2011 International Annual Meetings: [Abstracts][ASA-CSSA-SSSA]. p. 64257. |
193217 |
There is an old saying - "If you are not moving forward, you are moving backward". | Savard, Don. 2011. Update [New Jersey]. Summer. 11(2): p. 5. |
188878 |
SFMANJ Activities and Education Committee update | Olivi, Matt. 2011. Update [New Jersey]. Summer. 11(2): p. 6, 15. |
188880 |
[GCSA of Northen California celebrates its 80th year] | Mikel, Barbara. 2011. Thru the Green [Northern California]. November/December. p. 3. |
193793 |
Perspective | Anonymous. 2011. Thru the Green [Northern California]. November/December. p. 12. |
193798 |