Keyword: Oxadiazon
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Herbicide effects on establishment of zoysiagrass from sprigs in two consecutive years |
McFadden, Dani; Fry, Jack D. 2023. 2023 Turfgrass Research: Research Reports [Kansas StateUniversity]. 9(5): p. [1-7]. |
331083 |
Effect of temperature and heat units on zoysiagrass response to herbicides during post-dormancy transition |
Craft, Jordan M.; Godara, Navdeep; Brewer, John R.; Askew, Shawn D. 2023. Weed Science. May. 71(3): p. 233-243. |
332403 |
Identifying herbicides for use during zoysiagrass sprigging |
McFadden, Dani; Fry, Jack D. 2022. 2022 Turfgrass Research: Research Reports [Kansas State University]. 8(5): p. [1-6]. |
323032 |
Identification of two Eleusine indica (goosegrass) biotypes of cool-season turfgrass resistant to dithiopyr |
Elmore, Matthew T.; Diehl, Katherine H.; Di, Rong; Chen, Jinyi; Patterson, Eric L.; Brosnan, James T.; Trigiano, Robert N.; Tuck, Daniel P.; Boggess, Sarah L.; McDonald, Steven. 2022. Pest Management Science. February. 78(2): p. 499-505. |
316876 |
Nitrogen leaching and Tifway bermudagrass response to simultaneous nutrient and pre-emergence herbicide applications Access Restrictions |
Maia, Lucas O. R.; Shaddox, Travis W.; Leon, Ramon G.; Unruh, J. Bryan. 2021. Journal of Environmental Quality. November/December. 50(6): p. 1419-1429. |
316874 |
Response of Susceptible and Putative Resistant Goosegrass (Eleusine indica) Populations to Protoporphyrinogen Oxidase Inhibitors | Head, William Barrett. 2018. M.S. Thesis: Auburn University. viii, 67 pp. |
301820 |
Annual bluegrass control during hybrid bluegrass establishment from sprigs |
Yu, Jialin; McCullough, Patrick. 2017. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 13: p. 1-5. |
287855 |
Evaluation of putative oxadiazon resistant goosegrass (Eleusine indica) populations | Head, William; McElroy, J. Scott; Boyd, Adam; Askew, Shawn D.; Cox, Michael. 2016. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 99756. |
278110 |
Response of goosegrass biotypes protoporphyrinogen oxidase inhibitors | Head, William; McElroy, J. Scott; Boyd, Adam; Flessner, Michael L.; Askew, Shawn D.; Spak, David R. 2016. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 99762. |
278271 | of the most troublesome weeds in the world |
Head, William; McElroy, Scott. 2016. Alabama Green. Summer. 2: p. 18-19. |
285935 |
Late-summer annual weed control | Han, Dave. 2016. Alabama Turf Times. Spring. p. 18. |
307378 |
Multi-year evaluation of preemergence herbicides | McElroy, S.; Flessner, M. L.; Aldahir, P. F. 2015. Proceedings of the Sixty-ninth Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Weed Science Society. 69: p. 93. |
266212 |
Preemergence herbicides affect hybrid bermudagrass nutrient content Access Restrictions |
Jones, Patrick A.; Brosnan, James T.; Kopsell, Dean A.; Armel, Gregory R.; Breeden, Gregory K. 2015. Journal of Plant Nutrition. 38(2): p. 177-188. |
285873 |
Sequential postemergence applications for the control of yellow nutsedge in bermudagrass turf |
Sadi, Masoumeh; Saeedipour, Saeed. 2015. Research Journal of Environmental Sciences. 9(7): p. 342-348. |
269373 |
Preemergence herbicide efficacy for crabgrass (Digitaria spp.) control in common bermudagrass managed under different mowing heights |
Gannon, Travis W.; Jeffries, Matthew D.; Brosnan, James T.; Breeden, Gregory K.; Tucker, Kevin A.; Henry, Gerald M. 2015. HortScience. April. 50(4): p. 546-550. |
258721 |
Preemergence Herbicide Selection Following Winter Stress | Brosnan, James T.; Breeden, Gregory K. 2014. [Knoxville, Tennessee]: Extension, Department of Plant Sciences, Institute of Agriculture, The University of Tennessee. 3 pp. |
265853 |
Herbicide resistance in the southeast: An emerging problem for turf managers | Brosnan, J.T. 2014. 68th Annual Southeastern Turfgrass Conference [Proceedings]. p. [1-75]. |
272061 |
Physiological response of five goosegrass populations to oxadiazon | Cox, M. C.; Collakova, E.; Askew, S. D. 2014. Proceedings of the Sixty-eighth Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Weed Science Society. 68: p. 23. |
265523 |
Effect of preemergence herbicides on hybrid bermudagrass divot resistance and recovery |
Jones, Patrick A.; Brosnan, James T.; Breeden, Gregory K.; Vargas, José J.; Horvath, Brandon K.; Sorochan, John C. 2014. HortScience. November. 49(11): p. 1449-1453. |
251740 |
Controlling goosegrass on bermudagrass putting greens | McElroy, Scott; Flessner, Michael. 2014. Alabama Turf Times. Fall. p. 20-22, 24-25. |
307438 |
Native grass mixture holds promise |
Anonymous. 2014. The Pallet: Newsletter of Turfgrass Producers of Texas. August. p. 1, 8. |
248612 |
Preemergence crabgrass control with Quali-Pro products | Smith, A. N.; Askew, S. D. 2013. 2013 Virginia Turfgrass Field Days Research Update. p. 35. |
244927 |
Effect of mowing height on preemergence herbicide efficacy for the control of crabgrass species | Landry, Robin; Straw, Chase M.; Tucker, Kevin; Henry, Gerald M.; Gannon, Travis; Brosnan, James T.; Breeden, Gregory K. 2013. ASA, CSSA and SSSA Annual Meetings [2013]. p. 80945. |
232301 |
Investigating a suspected oxadiazon-resistant goosegrass population in turf |
Spak, D. R.; Askew, S. D.; Myers, D.; Cox, M.; Parker, A. 2013. Proceedings of the Sixty-Seventh Annual Meeting of theNortheastern Weed Science Society. 67: p. 96. |
218742 |
Goosegrass and smooth crabgrass control with indaziflam and oxidiazon programs | Venner, K.; Cox, M.; Askew, S. D.; Hope, J. 2013. Proceedings of the Southern Weed Science Society: 66th Annual Meeting. 66: p. 6. |
227335 |
Preemergent herbicide combinations for goosegrass control in bermudagrass fairwaysâ | Cox, M.; Smith, A.; Askew, S. D.; Corbett, J. 2013. Proceedings of the Southern Weed Science Society: 66th Annual Meeting. 66: p. 141. |
227374 |
A suspected oxadiazon-resistant goosegrass population in Virginia | Askew, S. D.; Cox, M.; Spak, D. R. 2013. Proceedings of the Southern Weed Science Society: 66th Annual Meeting. 66: p. 230. |
227392 |
Evaluation of turf reinforcement mats for establishment of buffalograss and zoysiagrass from vegetative plugs Access Restrictions |
Goldsby, A. L.; Fry, J. D. 2013. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 12: p. 193-196. |
223172 |
A spring sports turf program for broadleaf weed control |
Borger, Jeffrey. 2013. Pennsylvania Turfgrass. Winter. 3(1): p. 18-19. |
249169 |
Effect of preemergence herbicides on the recovery of bermudagrass from spring dead spot |
Beck, L. L.; Cooper, T.; Hephner, A. J.; Straw, C. M.; Henry, G. M. 2013. Applied Turfgrass Science. December. 10(1): p. [1-7]. |
217454 |
Efficacy of preemergence herbicides for controlling a dinitroaniline-resistant goosegrass (Eleusine indica) in Georgia Access Restrictions |
McCullough, Patrick E.; Yu, Jialin; Gómez de Barreda, Diego. 2013. Weed Technology. October-December. 27(4): p. 639-644. |
235193 |
Effect of pre-emergence herbicides on bermudagrass recovery from SDS: Be careful what you spray: Some pre-emergence herbicides may limit turf recovery and further weaken the turfgrass system Access Restrictions |
Beck, L. L.; Cooper, T.; Hephner, A. J.; Straw, C. M.; Henry, G. M. 2013. Golf Course Management. July. 81(7): p. 80-85. |
224398 |
Pelican Pointe G&CC: Twenty-seven reasons to play golf! | Anonymous. 2013. The Florida Green. Spring. p. 8-9, 12-14, 16, 18-19, 22. |
222418 |
Preemergence herbicide use on athletic fields |
Brosnan, J. T.; Breeden, G. K.; Sorochan, J. C.; Thoms, A. W. 2013. SportsTurf. January. 29(1): p. 8, 10. |
214572 |
Preemergence annual bluegrass control in fairway height zoysiagrass, 2012 |
Dernoeden, Peter H. 2012. 2012 TurfgrassPathology, Weed Science and Management ResearchSummaries. p. 30-32. |
225588 |
Crabgrass prevention on bermudagrass turf in the transition zone | Haguewood, John; Xiong, Xi. 2012. University of Missouri Turf & Ornamental Field Day [2012]. p. 45-46. |
244837 |
Preemergence herbicides impact nutrient concentrations in hybrid bermudagrass | Jones, Patrick A.; Brosnan, James; Breeden, Gregory; Kopsell, Dean; Armel, Greg. 2012. ASA, CSSA and SSSA Annual Meetings [2012]. p. 70829. |
213145 |
Mowing height effects on preemergence herbicide efficacy for smooth crabgrass control | Breeden, Shane M.; Farnsworth, Daniel; Brosnan, James; Breeden, Gregory K. 2012. 67th Annual Meeting of the North Central Weed Science Society. 67: p. 39. |
224645 |
Effectiveness and selectivity of some post-emergence herbicides for early weed control in cool season turfgrass Access Restrictions |
Marchione, V.; Lasorella, C.; Fracchiolla, M. 2012. 3rd European Turfgrass Society Conference Proceedings. 3: p. Unknown. |
233671 |
Preemergence herbicides influence sprig establishment of 'TifEagle' bermudagrass Access Restrictions |
McCullough, Patrick E.; Schwartz, Brian M.; Grey, Timothy; Webster, Theodore. 2012. Weed Technology. April-June. 26(2): p. 300-303. |
209762 |
Spring and fall pre-emergent applications of Specticle for crabgrass control | Xiong, Xi; Lloyd, Dan. 2011. University of Missouri Turf & Ornamental Field Day [2011]. p. 33-34. |
199462 |
Preemergence smooth crabgrass control in a creeping bentgrass fairway with herbicides, 2011 | Dernoeden, P. H.; Ryan, C. P. 2011. 2011 Turfgrass Pathology, Weed Science and Management Research Summaries. p. 42-43. |
225724 |
Spring dead spot recovery in response to preemergence herbicide applications | Beck, Leslie; Cooper, Tyler; Hephner, Andrew; Henry, Gerald. 2011. 2011 International Annual Meetings: [Abstracts][ASA-CSSA-SSSA]. p. 66594. |
192567 |
Pre-emergence herbicide and fertilizer selection influence re-establishment of zoysiagrass sod fields | Wherley, Benjamin; Chandra, Ambika. 2011. 2011 International Annual Meetings: [Abstracts][ASA-CSSA-SSSA]. p. 68395. |
192615 |
Preemergence annual bluegrass control in fairway height zoysiagrass | Dernoeden, P. H. 2011. Proceedings of the Sixty-Fifth Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Weed Science Society. 65: p. 75-76. |
216051 |
Effects of indaziflam on bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.) quality and root strength | Post, Angela R.; Askew, Shawn D. 2011. 2011 Proceedings, Southern Weed Science Society. 64: p. 97. |
226746 |
Effects of methiozolin rates on creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera L.) putting green turf | McNulty, Brendan M. S.; Askew, Shawn D. 2011. 2011 Proceedings, Southern Weed Science Society. 64: p. 294. |
226830 |
Idaziflam utilization for controlling problematic turfgrass weeds |
Perry, D. Hunter; McElroy, J. Scott; Doroh, Mark C.; Walker, R. H. 2011. Applied Turfgrass Science. April 28. p. [1-7]. |
181339 |
Improving weaknesses of preemergence herbicides | McElroy, Scott. 2011. TurfGrass TRENDS. January. p. 61-62. |
177491 |
The Effects of Four Pre-Emergent Herbicides on the Rooting Architecture of Hybrid Bermudagrass Access Restrictions |
Nettles, Christopher Jerome Jr. 2010. M.S. Thesis: Mississippi State University. viii, 70 pp. |
259983 |
Preemergence herbicides influence establishment of bermudagrass and seashore paspalum putting greens | McCullough, P. E.; Schwartz, B. 2010. 2010 Proceedings, Southern Weed Science Society. 63: p. 130. |
226485 |
Non-selective and preemergence herbicide mixtures for winter annual broadleaf weed and preemergence crabgrass (Digitaria Spp.) control | Breeden, G. K.; Brosnan, J. T.; Elmore, M. T. 2010. 2010 Proceedings, Southern Weed Science Society. 63: p. 143. |
226508 |
Preemergence control of goosegrass [Eleusine indica (L.)] in bermudagrass turf | Landry, R. S.; Estes, A. G.; McCarty, L. B. 2010. 2010 Proceedings, Southern Weed Science Society. 63: p. 144. |
226509 |
Evaluation of pre-emergent herbicides for goosegrass control (Eleusine indica) | Nagata, Norman M.; Fujitani, Earl; Kubo, Ron; Yonahara, Bob; Clark, Jamie. 2010. Sup's Scoop. February. p. 9. |
266054 |
Timing of oxadiazon and quinclorac applicationon newly sprigged turfgrass species Access Restrictions |
Brecke, Barry J.; Stephenson, Daniel O. IV; Unruh, J. Bryan. 2010. Weed Technology. February-April. 24(1): p. 28-32. |
160948 |
BASF goosegrass control | Reicher, Zac; Weisenberger, Dan. 2009. 2009 Annual Report: Purdue University Turfgrass Science Program. p. [1-3]. |
170265 |
Annual bluegrass control with AE 717 | Jester, J. L.; Willis, J. B.; Goddard, M. J.; Mittlesteadt, T. L.; Askew, S. D. 2009. 2009 Proceedings, Southern Weed Science Society. 62: p. 410. |
225890 |
Preemergence smooth crabgrass control in common bermudagrass using granular experimentals and Ronstar 2G (08-T27) | Warren, L. S.; Yelverton, Fred. 2008. 2008 NCSU Turfgrass and Pasture Weed Control and PGR Annual Report [North Carolina State University]. p. [1-5]. |
242012 |
Preemergence goosegrass control in common bermudagrass using Echelon formulations, Barricade 4F and Ronstar 2G (08-T24) | Warren, L. S.; Yelverton, Fred. 2008. 2008 NCSU Turfgrass and Pasture Weed Control and PGR Annual Report [North Carolina State University]. p. [1-4]. |
242112 |
Preemergence goosegrass control in common bermudagrass using Ronstar flowable and other industry standards (08-T28) | Warren, L. S.; Yelverton, Fred. 2008. 2008 NCSU Turfgrass and Pasture Weed Control and PGR Annual Report [North Carolina State University]. p. [1-5]. |
242113 |
Preemergence goosegrass control in common bermudagrass using Ronstar flowable 3.17SC and Dimension 2EW combinations (08-T29) | Warren, L. S.; Yelverton, Fred. 2008. 2008 NCSU Turfgrass and Pasture Weed Control and PGR Annual Report [North Carolina State University]. p. [1-5]. |
242114 |
Taking a look at the new product parade | McCarty, Bert. 2008. Carolinas Green. January/February. p. 13-14. |
144888 |
Season-long grassy weed control with various preemergence herbicides | Miller, Grady L.; Weinbrecht, Jan S. [2007]. University of Florida Turfgrass Science Web Site. p. [1]. |
128830 |
Preemergence smooth crabgrass control in common bermudagrass using various sprayable Ronstar formulations (07-T26) | Warren, L. S.; Yelverton, Fred. 2007. 2007 NCSU Turfgrass & Pasture Weed Control & PlantGrowth Regulator Annual Report [North Carolina StateUniversity]. p. [1-4]. |
241096 |
Preemergence smooth crabgrass control in tall fescue using various sprayable Ronstar formulations (07-T31) | Warren, L. S.; Yelverton, Fred. 2007. 2007 NCSU Turfgrass & Pasture Weed Control & PlantGrowth Regulator Annual Report [North Carolina StateUniversity]. p. [1-3]. |
241097 |
Preemergence smooth crabgrass control in tall fescue with various Ronstar formulations (06-T22) | Warren, L. S.; Yelverton, Fred. 2006. 2006 NCSU Turfgrass & Pasture Weed Control & Plant Growth Regulator Annual Report [North Carolina State University]. p. [1-3]. |
240092 |
Evaluation of various Ronstar formulations for smooth crabgrass control in common bermudagrass (06-D35) | Gannon, Travis; Yelverton, Fred. 2006. 2006 NCSU Turfgrass & Pasture Weed Control & Plant Growth Regulator Annual Report [North Carolina State University]. p. [1-3]. |
240093 |
Field management in the transition zone | Bruneau, Art; Reynolds, Casey. 2006. SportsTurf. April. 25[22](4): p. 8, 10-12, 14, 16, 18. |
114936 |
Poa annua control on greens with fall application of Ronstar | Reicher, Zac; Weisenberger, Dan. 2005. 2005 Annual Report: Purdue University Turfgrass Science Program. p. [1-2]. |
129853 |
Crabgrass control in common bermudagrass with experimental oxadiazon herbicides | Anonymous. 2005. 2005 Summary of Turfgrass, Forage, & NoncroplandManagement Research [Georgia]. p. 1-4. |
149813 |
Crabgrass control in tall fescue with experimental oxadiazon herbicides | Anonymous. 2005. 2005 Summary of Turfgrass, Forage, & NoncroplandManagement Research [Georgia]. p. 1-4. |
149895 |
Management of Poa species in turf - Bayer product update | Spak, D. R.; Myers, D. F. 2005. Proceedings: NortheasternWeed Science Society. 59: p. 112. |
104268 |
Managing silvery thread moss in creeping bentgrass greens Access Restrictions |
Yelverton, Fred H. 2005. Golf Course Management. March. 73(3): p. 103-107. |
102717 |
A preemergence control primer | Gardner, David. 2005. Landscape Management. January. 44(1): p. 52, 54, 56-57. |
101144 |
Preemergence herbicides influence dwarf bermudagrass root growth |
McCullough, P. E.; Whitwell, T.; McCarty, L. B.; Liu, Haibo. 2004. 2004 Annual Meeting Abstracts [ASA/CSSA/SSSA/CSSS]. p. [1]. |
103081 |
Preemergence smooth crabgrass control in common bermudagrass with various ronstar formulations (04-D19) | Gannon, Travis; Yelverton, Fred. 2004. 2004 Herbicide - PGR Annual Reports [North Carolina State University]. p. [1-3]. |
217532 |
Preemergence smooth crabgrass control in tall fescue with various ronstar formulations (04-T18) | Warren, L. S.; Yelverton, Fred. 2004. 2004 Herbicide - PGR Annual Reports [North Carolina State University]. p. [1-3]. |
217533 |
Herbicide systems for Poa annua control in overseeded bermudagrass | Nutt, Bill; Murphy, Tim R. 2004. 2004 Summary of Turfgrass, Forage, & Noncropland Management Research [Georgia]. p. 1-5. |
102770 |
Crabgrass control in common bermudagrass with oxadiazon formulations | Nutt, Bill; Murphy, Tim R. 2004. 2004 Summary of Turfgrass, Forage, & Noncropland Management Research [Georgia]. p. 1-4. |
102775 |
Control of silvery-thread moss (Bryum argenteum hedw.) in creeping bentgrass (Agrostis palustris huds.) putting greens |
Burnell, Keith D.; Yelverton, Fred H.; Neal, Joseph C.; Gannon, Travis W.; McElroy, J. Scott. 2004. Weed Technology. July-September. 18(3): p. 560-565. |
110195 |
Weed control in ornamental grasses: Ornamental grasses can tolerate some common herbicides Access Restrictions |
Tallarico, John; Voigt, Tom. 2004. Golf Course Management. February. 72(2): p. 143-147. |
93030 |
Weed control trials in Cotula: 2003 update |
Hannan, Brendan. 2003. Proceedings of the Second New Zealand Sports TurfConference and Trade Show. 2: p. 172-174. |
140636 |
Workshop on warm season grasses |
McMaugh, Peter. 2003. Proceedings of the Second New Zealand Sports TurfConference and Trade Show. 2: p. 192-194. |
140648 |
New options for annual bluegrass control in overseeded bermudagrass putting greens |
Toler, Joe E.; McCarty, Lambert B.; Higingbottom, Jason K. 2003. HortScience. October. 38(6): p. 1232-1234. |
91398 |
Effect of brown patch (caused by Rhizoctonia solani) control on preemergence herbicide efficacy in tall fescue (Festuca arundinacae) Access Restrictions |
Ferrell, Jason A.; Murphy, Tim R.; Burpee, Leon L.; Vencill, William K. 2003. Weed Technology. October-December. 17(4): p. 747-750. |
92554 |
Puttin' on a show...with a little help from pre-emergent herbicide and other cultural practices | Clayton, Debbie. 2003. Golfdom. September. 59(9): p. 85-86. |
90733 |
Winterkill renovation and herbicides often don't mix: Sprig establishment, which is sometimes necessary following winterkill in turfgrass, can be significantly impaired by some pre-emergence herbicides Access Restrictions |
Fagerness, Matt J.; Yelverton, Fred H. 2003. Golf Course Management. March. 71(3): p. 113-115. |
85371 |
Controlling liverwort and moss now and in the future |
Fausey, Jason C. 2003. HortTechnology. January-March. 13(1): p. 35-38. |
84173 |
Calibration of computer model scenarios for pesticide and nutrient runoff and leaching in turfgrass environments | Armbrust, Kevin L. 2002. 2002 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 41. |
85331 |
Ronstar: Demonstration of efficacy of various granular formulations |
Bingaman, B. R.; Christians, N. E. 2002. 2002 Iowa Turfgrass Research Report. p. 54-58. |
80715 |
Cotula herbicide demonstrations - follow-up report |
Hannan, Brendan. 2002. New Zealand Turf Management Journal. November. 17(4): p. 35. |
83827 |
Tolerance of ornamental grasses to preemergence herbicides |
Derr, Jeffrey F. 2002. Journal of Environmental Horticulture. September. 20(3): p. 161-165. |
81551 |
Herbicide loss following application to a roadside Access Restrictions |
Ramwell, Carmel T.; Heather, Andrew I. J.; Shepherd, Anthony J. 2002. Pest Management Science. July. 58(7): p. 695-701. |
81026 |
Bermudagrass [Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.] and zoysiagrass (Zoysia japonica) establishment after preemergence herbicide applications Access Restrictions |
Fagerness, Matthew J.; Yelverton, Fred H.; Cooper, Richard J. 2002. Weed Technology. July-September. 16(3): p. 597-602. |
82700 |
Fumigant alternatives for methyl bromide prior to turfgrass establishment Access Restrictions |
Unruh, J. Bryan; Brecke, Barry J.; Dusky, Joan A.; Godbehere, John S. 2002. Weed Technology. April-June. 16(2): p. 379-387. |
80617 |
Dinitroaniline resistant annual bluegrass in North Carolina Access Restrictions |
Isgrigg, John III; Yelverton, Fred H.; Brownie, Cavell; Warren, Leon S. Jr. 2002. Weed Science. January/February. 50(1): p. 86-90. |
78785 |
Poa annua control in an overseeded bermudagrass fairway (00-T97) | Gannon, Travis; Hinton, Jason; Yelverton, Fred. 2001. 2001 NCSU Turfgrass Pasture Weed Control and PGR AnnualReport. p. [1-14]. |
142808 | |
Control of Poa annua in nonoverseeded bermudagrass (01-T01) | Hinton, Jason; Gannon, Travis; Yelverton, Fred. 2001. 2001 NCSU Turfgrass Pasture Weed Control and PGR AnnualReport. p. [1-6]. |
142811 | |
Comparison of standard preemergence crabgrass herbicides (01-T13) | Hinton, Jason; Gannon, Travis; Yelverton, Fred. 2001. 2001 NCSU Turfgrass Pasture Weed Control and PGR AnnualReport. p. [1-4]. |
142913 | |
Comparison of standard preemergence crabgrass herbicides (01-T14) | Hinton, Jason; Gannon, Travis; Yelverton, Fred. 2001. 2001 NCSU Turfgrass Pasture Weed Control and PGR AnnualReport. p. [1-4]. |
142914 |