Keyword: Percent living ground cover
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Mowing height and fertility regime effects on tall fescue turf in the Pacific Northwest |
Wang, Ruying; Hamilton, Zachary J.; Mattox, Clint M.; McDonald, Brian W.; Schmid, Charles J.; Kowalewski, Alec R. 2024. HortScience. September. 59(9): p. 1323-1327. |
340285 |
Comprehensive assessment of turfgrass wear tolerance: A study on mechanical and chemical traits Access Restrictions |
Głab, Tomasz; Szewczyk, Wojciech; Kopeć-Jarosz, Aneta. 2024. Industrial Crops & Products. September 15. 216: p. 118837 [1-12]. |
337207 |
Clover (Trifolium spp.) inclusion in Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis) lawns |
Boyle, Paige E.; Kopp, Kelly; Dai, Xin; Bushman, Bradley; Johnson, Paul; Grossl, Paul. 2024. HortScience. July. 59(7): p. 1020-1026. |
338361 |
Assessing unmanned aerial vehicle-based imagery for breeding applications in St. Augustinegrass under drought and non-drought conditions |
Rockstad, Greta B. G.; Austin, Robert E.; Gouveia, Beatriz T.; Carbajal, Esdras M.; Milla-Lewis, Susana R. 2024. Crop Science. January/February. 64(1): p. 496-510. |
334642 |
Annual bluegrass and creeping bentgrass tiller response to phosphate fertilizer and soil pH |
McNally, Brandon C.; Elmore, Matthew T.; Murphy, James A.; Murphy, Stephanie L. 2024. Crop Science. January/February. 64(1): p. 511-522. |
334645 |
Traffic tolerance of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) cultivars as affected by nitrogen fertilization |
Pornaro, Cristina; Henry, Gerald; Macolino, Stefano. 2024. HortScience. January. 59(1): p. 64-72. |
334079 |
Genetic variability of traffic tolerance and surface playability of bermudagrass (Cynodon spp.) under fall simulated traffic stress |
Singh, Shehbaz; Yu, Shuhao; Xiang, Mingying; Fontanier, Charles H.; Wu, Yanqi; Martin, Dennis L.; Kajla, Anmol. 2024. HortScience. January. 59(1): p. 73-83. |
334082 |
Improving weed control and playability in naturalized fine fescue areas | Elmore, Matthew T.; Vines, Phillip L.; Diehl, Katherine H. 2023. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2023 Progress Reports. p. 339-342. |
336639 |
Late-spring turfgrass establishment without herbicides |
Muntz, Andrew R.; Danneberger, Karl T.; Street, John R.; Gardner, David S. 2023. HortTechnology. December. 33(6): p. 544-549. |
332913 |
Comparative study of morphological, anatomical, cell wall compositional, and leaf elemental features of traffic-tolerant versus traffic-sensitive tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea) |
Donelan, Thomas; Thoms, Adam; Arora, Rajeev; Tekeste, Mehari Z.; Jjagwe, Pius. 2023. Crop Science. November/December. 63(6): p. 3534-3544. |
333343 |
Advanced turf-type bermudagrass experimental genotypes show marked variation in drought response |
Yu, Shuhao; Martin, Dennis L.; Moss, Justin Q.; Wu, Yanqi. 2023. HortScience. June. 58(6): p. 600-607. |
329816 |
Cool-season golf course fairway species irrigation requirements under limited irrigation |
Powlen, Jada S.; Bigelow, Cale A. 2023. Crop, Forage and Turfgrass Management. June. 9(1): p. 20205 [1-10]. |
331103 |
Effect of temperature and heat units on zoysiagrass response to herbicides during post-dormancy transition |
Craft, Jordan M.; Godara, Navdeep; Brewer, John R.; Askew, Shawn D. 2023. Weed Science. May. 71(3): p. 233-243. |
332403 |
Comparing methods to quantify cover in turfgrass research |
Kowalewski, Alec R.; Schmid, Charles J.; Braithwaite, Emily T.; McNally, Brandon C.; Elmore, Matt T.; Mattox, Clint M.; McDonald, Brian W.; Wang, Ruying; Lambrinos, John G.; Fitzpatrick, Greg S.; Rivedal, Hannah M. 2023. Crop Science. May/June. 63(3): p. 1581-1591. |
329818 |
Standardization of seed rates for turf establishment under mid hill conditions Access Restrictions |
Acharya, Ashna; Wazir, J. S.; Bhalla, Rajesh. 2022. Indian Journal of Horticulture. December. 79(4): p. 471-477. |
326945 |
Evaluation of hollow-tine core aerification recycling on a sand-based putting green soil properties and playability |
Lindsey, Alex J.; Thoms, Adam W.; Christians, Nick E.; Pease, Ben W. 2022. HortTechnology. December. 32(6): p. 529-533. |
323192 |
Does intensive cutting regime maintain lowland dry heathlands habitat?: The case study of Milano Malpensa airport (Northern Italy) Access Restrictions |
Vegini, Emanuele; Cardarelli, Elisa; Martignoni, Marco; Lonati, Michele; Enri, Simone Ravetto. 2022. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening. September. 75: p. 127687 [1-8]. |
323355 |
Response of drought susceptible and resistant Kentucky bluegrass and tall fescue cultivars and mixtures to limited irrigation |
Powlen, Jada S.; Patton, Aaron J.; Jiang, Yiwei; Fraser, Melodee L.; Bigelow, Cale A. 2022. Crop Science. September/October. 62(5): p. 2024-2034. |
323059 |
Trampling analysis of autonomous mowers: Implications on garden designs |
Sportelli, Mino; Luglio, Sofia Matilde; Caturegli, Lisa; Pirchio, Michel; Magni, Simone; Volterrani, Marco; Frasconi, Christian; Raffaelli, Michele; Peruzzi, Andrea; Gagliardi, Lorenzo; Fontanelli, Marco; Sciusco, Giuliano. 2022. AgriEngineering. September. 4(3): p. 592-605. |
327074 |
Evaluating cool-season grass species as potential perennial groundcover for maize production |
Chen, Allen; Fei, Shui-zhang; Lenssen, Andrew William; Moore, Kenneth J. 2022. Agronomy Journal. July/August. 114(4): p. 2415-2429. |
321742 |
Cultivar blends: A strategy for creating more resilient warm season turfgrass lawns Access Restrictions |
Whitman, Brianna; Iannone, Basil V. III; Kruse, Jason K.; Unruh, J. Bryan; Dale, Adam G. 2022. Urban Ecosystems. June. 25(3): p. 797-810. |
321227 |
Impact of stitched hybrid systems in hybrid bermudagrass athletic fields Access Restrictions |
Dickson, Kyley Hampton; Strunk, William Dan; Sorochan, John Charles. 2022. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. June. 14(1): p. 333-338. |
321269 |
Use of plastic geocellular modules as a replacement gravel layer for natural turf rootzones Access Restrictions |
Young, Thomas; Mann, Ruth; Spring, Christian. 2022. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. June. 14(1): p. 339-351. |
321270 |
An evaluation of mat hybrid turfgrass systems under simulated traffic Access Restrictions |
Thoms, Adam W.; Bearss, Ryan; Rogers, John N.; Sorochan, John C. 2022. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. June. 14(1): p. 385-389. |
321274 |
Effects of mowing height and Cynodon spp. cultivar on traffic tolerance Access Restrictions |
Strunk, William; Dickson, Kyley; Sorochan, John; Thoms, Adam. 2022. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. June. 14(1): p. 412-415. |
321278 |
Establishing seeded tall fescue with covers and drip irrigation methods Access Restrictions |
Bach, Alex P.; Bremer, Dale J.; Lavis, Cathie C.; Keeley, Steven J. 2022. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. June. 14(1): p. 441-449. |
321281 |
Aerial and ground-based assessments of preemergence herbicide effects on St. Augustinegrass grow-in Access Restrictions |
Wilber, Amy L.; McCurdy, James D.; Czarnecki, Joby M. P.; Stewart, Barry R.; Dong, Hongxu. 2022. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. June. 14(1): p. 812-814. |
321461 |
Evaluation of irrigation scheduling approaches within sand-capped turfgrass systems Access Restrictions |
Hejl, Reagan Wesley; Wherley, Benjamin G.; McInnes, Kevin; Straw, Chase M.; Fontanier, Charles. 2022. Agronomy Journal. May/June. 114(3): p. 1694-1704. |
320142 |
Correlations among soil, leaf morphology, and physiological factors with wear tolerance of four warm-season turfgrass species |
Wei, Hongjian; Yang, Wen; Wang, Yongqi; Ding, Jie; Ge, Liangfa; Richardson, Michael; Liu, Tianzeng; Zhang, Juming. 2022. HortScience. April. 57(4): p. 571-580. |
332995 |
Evaluation of compost and soil mix ratios for perennial ryegrass establishment on topsoil and subsoil |
Pease, Benjamin; Thompson, Grant L.; Thoms, Adam W. 2022. HortTechnology. April. 32(2): p. 191-198. |
323199 |
Growth, cover, and nitrate leaching losses |
Sevostianova, Elena; Velasco-Cruz, Ciro; Leinauer, Bernd; Serena, Matteo; Sallenave, Rossana; Horvath, Isabelle; Skerker, Jenny Beth. 2022. Journal of Environmental Quality. March/April. 51(2): p. 228-237. |
319861 |
An ArcGIS Pro workflow to extract vegetation indices from aerial imagery of small-plot turfgrass research |
Wilber, Amy L.; Czarnecki, Joby M.P.; McCurdy, James D. 2022. Crop Science. January/February. 62(1): p. 503-511. |
316844 |
Identification of bermudagrass and zoysiagrass with green color retention at low temperature | Robins, Joseph G.; Bushman, B. Shaun. 2021. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2021 Progress Reports. p. 31-33. |
317374 |
Emergence and growth of tall fescue seedlings after postemergence broadleaf herbicide application |
McFadden, Dani; Fry, Jack; Keeley, Steve. 2021. 2021 Turfgrass Research: Research Reports [Kansas State University]. 7(4): p. [1-4]. |
319658 |
2019 National Turfgrass Evaluation Program bermudagrass test: 2019-2020 data |
Parsons, Linda R.; Griffin, Jason J. 2021. 2021 Turfgrass Research: Research Reports [Kansas State University]. 7(4): p. [1-5]. |
319663 |
Tolerance of fine fescues to indaziflam formulations in minimal-to-no mow golf course rough Access Restrictions |
Braun, Ross C.; Patton, Aaron J.; Reiter, Maggie; Elmore, Matthew T.; Tuck, Daniel P. 2021. Crop, Forage and Turfgrass Management. 7(2): p. e20134 [1-4]. |
316781 |
Use of Canopeo for estimating green coverage of bermudagrass during postdormancy regrowth |
Chhetri, Manoj; Fontanier, Charles. 2021. HortTechnology. December. 31(6): p. 817-819. |
316866 |
Comparing rates of mineral oil, sulfur, and phosphorous acid on Microdochium patch suppression and turfgrass quality |
Mattox, Clint; Dumelle, Michael; McDonald, Brian; Gould, Micah; Olsen, Conner; Schmid, Charles; Wang, Ruying; Kowalewski, Alec. 2021. Agronomy Journal. September/October. 113(5): p. 3834-3845. |
316843 |
Identification of wetting agents for water conservation on deficit-irrigated hybrid bermudagrass fairways Access Restrictions |
Xiang, Mingying; Schiavon, Marco; Orlinski, Pawel; Forconi, Alessio; Baird, James H. 2021. Agronomy Journal. September/October. 113(5): p. 3846-3856. |
316862 |
Performance and recovery of turf canopies Access Restrictions |
Braun, Ross C.; Bremer, Dale J.; Hoyle, Jared A. 2021. Crop Science. September/October. 61(5): p. 2926-2938. |
316902 |
Effects of perennial ryegrass competition on bermudagrass and hybrid bermudagrass cover, biomass, and total nonstructural carbohydrate accumulation Access Restrictions |
Peppers, John M.; Mittlesteadt, Tyler L.; Askew, Shawn D. 2021. Crop Science. September/October. 61(5): p. 3179-3186. |
317049 |
Daily light integral requirements for bermudagrass and zoysiagrass cultivars: Effects of season and trinexapac-ethyl |
Chen, Zhaoxin; Wherley, Benjamin; Reynolds, Casey; Hejl, Reagan; Chang, Baoxin. 2021. Crop Science. July/August. 61(4): p. 2837-2847. |
315936 |
Repetitive overseeding for ecological management of grass playing fields |
Gannett, Maria; Bray, Natalie; Lampman, Joellen; Lerner, Jennifer; Murray, Kathy; Wallace, Victoria; Yeh, Tamson; Slavens, Mark; Thompson, Grant L.; Kao-Kniffin, Jenny. 2021. HortScience. February. 56(2): p. 226-233. |
332953 |
Water use and drought resistance results from C3 grasses evaluated at ten sites in the United States Access Restrictions |
Morris, Kevin N.; Kenna, Michael P. 2020. 7th European Turfgrass Society Conference Proceedings. p. 22-23. |
330037 |
LL002 treatments delayed drought stress symptoms in turf-from pot to plot Access Restrictions |
Corniglia, Matteo; Guglielmi, Federico; Sudiro, Cristina; Altissimo, Adriano. 2020. 7th European Turfgrass Society Conference Proceedings. p. 24-25. |
330039 |
Effect of a biostimulant on late season bermudagrass implantation Access Restrictions |
De Luca, V.; Gómez de Barreda, D. 2020. 7th European Turfgrass Society Conference Proceedings. p. 80-81. |
330677 |
Testing label restrictions on seeding timings of tall fescue and Kentucky bluegrass after herbicide application |
McFadden, Dani; Hoyle, Jared; Keeley, Steve; Raudenbush, Zane. 2020. 2017 Turfgrass Research: Research Reports [Kansas State University]. 6(7): p. [1-3]. |
313084 |
Water requirements of 'Meyer' zoysiagrass for survival and recovery after prolonged drought |
Hong, Mu; Bremer, Dale; Keeley, Steve. 2020. 2017 Turfgrass Research: Research Reports [Kansas State University]. 6(7): p. [1-5]. |
313085 |
Evaluation of selected large patch-tolerant zoysia spp. for performance in Kansas |
Chhetri, Manoj; Fry, Jack; Kennelly, Megan. 2020. 2017 Turfgrass Research: Research Reports [Kansas State University]. 6(7): p. [1-9]. |
313087 |
2019 National Turfgrass Evaluation Program bermudagrass test: Establishment data |
Parsons, Linda; Griffin, Jason J.; Shelton, Michael J. 2020. 2020 Turfgrass Research: Research Reports [Kansas State University]. 6(7): p. [1-4]. |
313089 |
Establishment and persistence of zoysiagrass-tall fescue mixtures Access Restrictions |
Xiang, Mingying; Fry, Jack; Kennelly, Megan. 2020. Crop, Forage and Turfgrass Management. 6(1): p. [1-8]. |
311113 |
Winter golf cart traffic, colorants, and overseeding influence winter green cover and spring recovery of buffalograss Access Restrictions |
Alderman, Evan J.; Hoyle, Jared A.; Braun, Ross C.; Reeves, Jacob A. 2020. Crop, Forage and Turfgrass Management. 6(1): p. e20077 [1-4]. |
329848 |
Water savings and 'Innovation' zoysiagrass quality in response to irrigation strategy |
Chhetri, Manoj; Fry, Jack; Kennelly, Megan; Bremer, Dale; Hoyle, Jared. 2020. 2017 Turfgrass Research: Research Reports [Kansas State University]. 5(6): p. [1-8]. |
313086 |
Performance of multiple turfgrass species during prolonged heat stress and recovery in a controlled environment |
Breuillin-Sessoms, Florence; Watkins, Eric. 2020. Crop Science. November/December. 60(6): p. 3344-3361. |
313062 |
Establishment of low-input turfgrass from seed with patch and repair mixtures: Mulch and starter fertilizer effects Access Restrictions |
Braun, Ross C.; Patton, Aaron J.; Braithwaite, Emily T.; Kowalewski, Alexander R. 2020. Crop Science. November/December. 60(6): p. 3362-3376. |
315184 |
Hydroseeding with mesotrione in tankmix for establishment of perennial ryegrass Access Restrictions |
Pease, B. W.; Stier, J. C. 2020. Agronomy Journal. September/October. 112(5): p. 3429-3434. |
313070 |
Sand-capping depth and subsoil influences on 'Tifway' bermudagrass response to irrigation frequency and drought Access Restrictions |
Dyer, Don W.; Wherley, Benjamin G.; McInnes, Kevin J.; Thomas, James C.; Hejl, Reagan; Reynolds, William C. 2020. Agronomy Journal. September. 112(5): p. 3491-3499. |
315587 |
Effect of wetting agent on nutrient and water retention and runoff from simulated urban lawns |
Chang, Baoxin; Wherley, Benjamin; Aitkenhead-Peterson, Jacqueline; Ojeda, Nadezda; Fontanier, Charles; Dwyer, Philip. 2020. HortScience. July. 55(7): p. 1005-1013. |
317348 |
Response to salt stress imposed on cultivars of three turfgrass species: Poa pratensis, Lolium perenne, and Puccinellia distans Access Restrictions |
Bushman, B. Shaun; Robbins, Matthew D.; Robins, Joseph G.; Thorsted, Kimberly; Harris, Paul; Johnson, Paul G. 2020. Crop Science. May/June. 60(3): p. 1648-1659. |
315611 |
Unmowed cool-season grasses without irrigation in California Access Restrictions |
Reiter, Maggie. 2020. Golf Course Management. March. 88(3): p. 89. |
315734 |
New drought-tolerant bermudagrass genotypes Access Restrictions |
Bowman, Christian S.; Pudzianowska, Marta; Baird, James H. 2020. Golf Course Management. March. 88(3): p. 89. |
315736 |
Drought response and minimal water requirements of diploid and interploid St. Augustinegrass under progressive drought stress Access Restrictions |
Meeks, Meghyn; Chandra, Ambika. 2020. Crop Science. March/April. 60(2): p. 1048-1063. |
313038 |
Utilizing branched-chain amino acids for increasing shoot density and establishment rate in creeping bentgrass |
Mertz, Isaac T.; Christians, Nick E.; Thoms, Adam W. 2020. HortTechnology. February. 30(1): p. 102-106. |
311538 |
Irrigation for drought-sensitive and tolerant cool-season cultivars at two mowing heights Access Restrictions |
Powlen, Jada; Bigelow, Cale; Patton, Aaron J.; Jiang, Yiwei; Fraser, Melodee. 2020. Golf Course Management. January. 88(1): p. 135. |
309994 |
Drought avoidance of warm-season turfgrasses affected by irrigation system, soil surfactant revolution, and plant growth regulator trinexapac-ethyl |
Serena, Matteo; Schiavon, Marco; Sallenave, Rossana; Leinauer, Bernd. 2020. Crop Science. January/February. 60(1): p. 485-498. |
311485 |
Alternative plant materials for landscapes of the southwest USA | Burayu, Worku; Umeda, Kai. 2019. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 118270. |
310332 |
Subsurface drip irrigation and minimum irrigation requirements to maintain bermudagrass and seashore paspalum | Serena, Matteo; Sevostianova, Elena; Leinauer, Bernhard. 2019. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 118516. |
310438 |
Spray volume and application rate of trifloxysulfuron affects long-term dallisgrass control | Henry, Gerald M.; Tucker, Kevin; Brosnan, James T.; Breeden, Gregory K. 2019. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 118570. |
309571 |
Shade tolerance of diploid and interploid hybrids of St. Augustinegrass | Meeks, Meghyn; Genovesi, Dennis. 2019. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 118895. |
310399 |
The effects of iron sulfate applications at different water carrier volumes on microdochium patch suppression, percent green cover, and turfgrass quality on an annual bluegrass putting green |
Mattox, Clint; Kowalewski, Alec; McDonald, Brian W. 2019. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 119074. |
309453 |
Optimizing irrigation rates and frequency for perennial ryegrass in Western Oregon | Cain, Alyssa; Olsen, Conner; Kowalewski, Alec; Gould, Micah A.; Mattox, Clint. 2019. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 119699. |
310339 |
Can smart irrigation controllers improve water use efficiency in urban landscapes? | Evans, Shane R.; Kopp, Kelly L.; Johnson, Paul G.; Hopkins, Bryan G. 2019. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 120100. |
309471 |
Pre- and post-emergent herbicides for control of wild poinsettia in Alabama roadsides | Boyd, Adam P.; Han, David Y.; Guertal, Elizabeth A. 2019. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 120104. |
309572 |
Application of unmanned aerial systems based imagery and data analytics in turfgrass field trials | Zhang, Jing; Schwartz, Brian M.; Kenworthy, Kevin E.; Wu, Yanqi; Chandra, Ambika; Milla-Lewis, Susana R.; Raymer, Paul L. 2019. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 120429. |
310343 |
Object based image analysis of high resolution multi-spectral imagery for classifying and quantifying weeds in turfgrass areas | Hahn, Daniel. 2019. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 121248. |
309573 |
Effects of preemergence herbicides on St. Augustinegrass (Stenotaphrum secundatum) sod grow-in | Wilber, Amy L.; McCurdy, James D.; Richard, Michael P. 2019. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 121398. |
309575 |
Annual bluegrass weevil (Listronotus maculicollis) and paclobutrazol for annual bluegrass (Poa annua) control in creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera) fairways | Diehl, Katherine H.; Elmore, Matthew T.; Murphy, James A.; Koppenhofer, Albrecht M.; Kostromytska, Olga S. 2019. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 121494. |
309450 |
Persistence and performance of low-maintenance cool-season grasses without irrigation in Central California | Reiter, Maggie. 2019. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 121988. |
310330 |
Effects of deficit irrigation on warm season turfgrasses under fairway maintenance | Reid, Christopher; Fontanier, Charles Henry; Ochsner, Tyson E.; Wu, Yanqi. 2019. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 122495. |
310321 |
Applications of unmanned aerial vehicle based imagery in turfgrass field trials |
Zhang, Jing; Virk, Simerjeet; Porter, Wesley; Kenworthy, Kevin; Sullivan, Dana; Schwartz, Brian. 2019. Frontiers in Plant Science. 10: p. 00278 [1-12]. |
336819 |
Evaluation of water retention products to conserve urban water resources in home lawns Access Restrictions |
Baliga, Vikram B.; Young, Joseph R.; Carrillo, Mario A. 2019. Crop, Forage and Turfgrass Management. 5(1): p. 1-9. |
322564 |
Optimizing irrigation rates and frequency for perennial ryegrass in western Oregon |
Olsen, C.; Cain, A.; Gould, M.; Mattox, C.; Kowalewski, A. 2019. Crop, Forage and Turfgrass Management. 5(1): p. 1-3. |
322567 |
Fraise mowing as a spring transition aid Access Restrictions |
McCauley, Raymond K.; Pinnix, Garland D.; Miller, Grady L. 2019. Crop, Forage and Turfgrass Management. 5(1): p. 1-5. |
322586 |
Annual bluegrass weevil (Listronotus maculicollis) and paclobutrazol for annual bluegrass (Poa annua) control in fairways |
Diehl, K.; Elmore, M.; Koppenhöfer, A.; Murphy, J.; Tuck, D.P.; Kostromytska, O. 2019. Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Plant, Pest, and Soils Conference. 4: p. 35. |
306911 |
Sequential-application herbicides for bermudagrass control Access Restrictions |
Beck, Leslie; Serena, Matteo. 2019. Golf Course Management. October. 87(10): p. 77. |
308657 |
Response of pale swallowwort (Vincetoxicum rossicum) to multiple years of mowing Access Restrictions |
Biazzo, Jeromy; Milbrath, Lindsey R. 2019. Invasive Plant Science and Management. October. 12(3): p. 169-175. |
310217 |
Evaluation of commercial and consumer grade robotic mowers | Soldat, Doug; Bero, Nick. 2019. The Grass Roots. September/October. 48(5): p. 16-20. |
310558 |
Kentucky Bluegrass Performance Under Chronic Drought Stress Access Restrictions |
Sandor, Daniel; Karcher, Douglas; Richardson, Michael; Hignight, Debra; Hignight, Kenneth. 2019. Crop, Forage and Turfgrass Management. June 1. 5(1): p. 1-9. |
313034 |
Drought performance and physiological responses of bermudagrass and seashore paspalum |
Jespersen, David; Leclerc, Monique; Zhang, Gengsheng; Raymer, Paul. 2019. Crop Science. March/April. 59(2): p. 778-786. |
304741 |
Wetting Agents and Winter Injury | USGA Green Section. 2018. [Far Hills, New Jersey]: United States Golf Association. 2 pp. |
299194 |
Assessing grasses for establishment on two New Jersey roadsides | Park, Bradley S.; Schmid, Chas; Watkins, Eric; Murphy, James A. 2018. Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh Annual Rutgers Turfgrass Symposium. p. 22-24. |
298895 |
2017 Alliance for Low Input Sustainable Turfgrass (ALIST) - Perennial ryegrass | Wallace, V.; Maxey, G.; Vose, S. 2018. 2017 Annual Turfgrass Research Report [Connecticut]. p. 94-96. |
302776 |
Don't go chasing waterfalls: What are the benefits of fairway irrigation and how do you avoid the pitfalls? | Rixon, Stella. 2018. GreenKeeping. April. 145: p. 6, 8. |
296748 |
Effects of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer and topsoil amendment on native plant cover in roadside revegetation projects Access Restrictions |
Hillhouse, Heidi L.; Schacht, Walter H.; Soper, Jonathan M.; Wienhold, Carol E. 2018. Environmental Management. January. 61(1): p. 147-154. |
294907 |
Evaluation of trampling resistance of two superior cultivars of warm-season turfgrasses |
Yang, Xiang-yang; Li, Dan-dan; Liu, Jian-xiu; Guo, Ai-gui; Guo, Hai-lin. 2018. [Caoye Kexue] [Pratacultural Science]. January 20. 35(1): p. 54-62. |
296625 |
Basamid® bermudagrass efficacy | Yelverton, Fred. 2017. 2017 GCSAA Education Conference: Conference Session Presentations. p. [1-3]. |
296693 |
Advanced Turf-Type Bermudagrass and Zoysiagrass Experimental Genotypes Show Marked Variation in Responses to Drought Stress Under Field Conditions Access Restrictions |
Yu, Shuhao. 2017. M.S. Thesis: Oklahoma State University. ix, 96 pp. |
298886 |
Improvement of bermudagrass, kikuyugrass, and zoysiagrass for winter color retention and drought tolerance | Lukaszewski, Adam J.; Pudzianowska, Marta; Baird, Jim. 2017. 2017 Turfgrass & Landscape Research Field Day. p. 10-16. |
289799 |
USGA/NTEP Cool-Season Water Use Trial | Schiavon, Marco; Verzotto, Antonio; Poleska, Magdalena; Baird, Jim. 2017. 2017 Turfgrass & Landscape Research Field Day. p. 17-22. |
289803 |
Management of salinity and rapid blight disease on annual bluegrass putting greens | Schiavon, Marco; Petelwicz, Pawel; Verzotto, Antonio; Poleska, Magdalena; Orlinski, Pawel; Baird, Jim. 2017. 2017 Turfgrass & Landscape Research Field Day. p. 36-42. |
289814 |