Keyword: Pesticide residues
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Movement of insecticide residues in turfgrass thatch and soil: Good news for groundwater: An Ohio study shows that turfgrass thatch appears to function as an excellent filter Access Restrictions |
Niemczyk, H. D.; Filary, Z.; Krueger, H. 1988. Golf Course Management. February. 56(2): p. 22, 26. |
124375 |
Dislodgeability of insecticides applied to turfgrass Access Restrictions |
Sears, Mark K. 1985. Greenmaster. July/August. 21(6): p. 19, 21. |
326 |
Dislodgeable residues and persistence of diazinon following application to turfgrass Access Restrictions |
Sears, M. K.; Bowhey, C.; Thompson, D.; Stephenson, G. R.; Braun, H. 1984. GreenMaster. June. 20(5): p. 14-15. |
115612 |
Bioavailability of conjugated and soil-bound [14C]'hydroxymonolinuron'-Β-D-glucoside residues to earthworms and ryegrass Access Restrictions |
Haque, Ajazul; Schuphan, Ingolf; Ebing, Winfried. 1982. Pesticide Science. June. 13(3): p. 219-228. |
168878 |
The role of mercurial fungicides in turfgrass disease control and the implications of such use in environmental pollution Access Restrictions |
Fushtey, S. G. 1982. GreenMaster. May. 18(4): p. 6-8. |
113356 |
Foliar pesticide residues in relation to worker re-entry |
McEwen, Freeman L.; Ritcey, Gwen; Braun, Heinz; Frank, Richard; Ripley, Brian. D. 1980. Pesticide Science. December. 11(6): p. 643-650. |
82447 |
Effects of preemergent herbicide residues on turfgrass quality and performance | Shearman, R. C. 1979. Proceedings of the Thirty-Fourth Annual Texas Turfgrass Conference. p. 44-47. |
96396 |
Safe storage and disposal of pesticides |
Layne, Carlton R. 1979. Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh Annual FloridaTurf-Grass ManagementConference. 27: p. 33-36. |
88765 |
Use of a Residue Extender in Improving Fungicide Effectiveness for Control of Helminthosporium, 1976. |
Cole, H. Jr.; Burpee, L. L.; Sanders, P. L. 1977. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests. 32: p. 155. |
16607 |
Pesticides in Soil and Water |
Guenzi, W. D., ed. 1974. Madison, WI: Soil Science Society of America. | 13652 | |
Pesticide Laws - What they mean to you! |
Hutton, George. 1973. Proceedings of the 1973 Midwest Regional Turf Foundation Conference. p. 54-56. |
88819 |
Behavior of pesticides in soils Access Restrictions |
Helling, Charles S.; Kearney, Philip C.; Alexander, Martin. 1971. Advances in Agronomy. 23: p. 147-240. |
103031 |
Pesticides and the fantasy formula | Van Buskirk, R. G. 1971. The Bull Sheet. June. 25(1): p. [5-7]. |
133867 |
Pesticides are necessary (Les pesticides sont necessaires) Access Restrictions |
Cooper, George S. 1970. GreenMaster. June. 6(6): p. 9-10, 12-14. |
117255 |
Pesticides in water | Nicholson, H. Page. 1969. Proceedings of Scotts Turfgrass Research Conference. 1: p. 35-52. |
75166 |
In the turfgrass ecosystem | Streu, Herbert T. 1969. Proceedings of Scotts Turfgrass Research Conference. 1: p. 53-63. |
75169 |
Pesticide residues in tissues of fishes from native and commercial fisheries in the Mississippi delta | Ludke, J. Larry. 1969. Proceedings of Scotts Turfgrass Research Conference. 1: p. 65-75. |
75173 |
Some effects of pesticides on the turfgrass ecosystem | Streu, Herbert T. 1968. Proceedings of Scotts Turfgrass Research Conference. June. p. 43-44. |
70715 |
Kentucky bluegrass response to pre-emergence herbicide residues in a turfgrass soil |
Engel, R. E.; Callahan, L. M. 1964. Agronomy Abstracts. 56: p. 105. |
111929 |
Research projects listed at the various stations in 1955: Soils | Anonymous. 1956. Turf Research Review [USGA Green Section]. p. 10. |
207919 |
Control of ants in turf and soil Access Restrictions |
Schread, John C.; Chapman, Gordon C. 1948. The Greenkeepers' Reporter. September/October. 16(5): p. 12. |
118347 |
Residual poisons Access Restrictions |
Eisenmenger, Walter S. 1940. Greenkeepers' Reporter. March. 8(2): p. 17-18, 38-39. |
118873 |
Getting the best of sod webworms | Anonymous. 1932. Golfdom: The Business Journal of Golf. August. 6(8): p. 60-61. |
180059 |