Keyword: Playing season
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
[Brighter days ahead] | Rappoccio, Peter J. 2021. The Newsletter [New England]. March/April. p. 1. |
322455 |
When life happens: Your younger, stress-free days might be over. But that doesn't mean the profession must be overwhelming |
Furlong, Ron. 2020. Golf Course Industry. January. 32(1): p. 28, 30-32. |
310405 |
Chapter presidents from around the country tell how this year's golf season played out, what their biggest challenges were and what successes they enjoyed: 2019 was a year of many successes, multiple challenges and happily, a few near misses | Herrick, Christina; McHugh, Clara; Webb, Sarah. 2019. Golfdom. December. 75(12): p. SOI4-SOI6, SOI8-SOI12, SOI14-SOI15. |
309681 |
Wait... we still need to mow: Revenue possibilities abound as the golf season stretches into new months. But later play leads to tricky maintenance decisions involving your course's greens |
Furlong, Ron. 2019. Golf Course Industry. October. 31(10): p. 64-65. |
308909 |
Shrewd in Shropshire: Oswestry Golf Club in Shropshire is known for its all-year-round play |
Anonymous. 2019. GreenKeeping. August. 160: p. 14-18, 20. |
309158 |
Seasons? | Brandenburg, David. 2019. The Grass Roots. July/August. 48(4): p. 36-40, 42. |
310011 |
Turf covering for sport season elongation cause no stress for grass species as detected by Chl a fluorescence Access Restrictions |
Prokopiuk, Kamil; Żurek, Grzegorz; Rybka, Krystyna. 2019. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening. May. 41: p. 14-22. |
306715 |
Renovation: The adequate time factor: Is that late autumn tournament really worth jeopardising the green's playing quality for the start of next season? |
Ormsby, David; Howard, David. 2019. Turf Management Journal. March. 36(1): p. 26-28. |
304329 |
C your way through a successful summer |
Sweet, Kyle D. 2018. The Florida Green. Summer. p. 58-59. |
305116 |
Welcome to the 2018 golf season, finally! Access Restrictions |
Calderwood, Jeff. 2018. GreenMaster. Summer. 54(2): p. 10. |
298803 |
Spring cleaning with a winter crew | Shroyer, Chris. 2018. The Reporter [IGCSA]. June. p. 18. |
309229 |
Pedal to the metal | Brown, Kory. 2018. The Reporter [IGCSA]. May. p. 18. |
309234 |
[End of the conference season and into the golfing season] |
Croxton, Jim. 2018. Greenkeeper International. March. p. 3. |
299972 |
D-backs get new high tech turfgrass installed at Chase Field, giving them a "home field advantage" | Scardino, Danielle. 2018. WLNS. March 20. p. [1-2]. |
296789 |
'We maintain it all winter long': Turf almost ready for Opening Day baseball at Miller Park | Dupont, Amy. 2018. Fox 6 News. March 26. p. [1-6]. |
296921 |
Network of support | Coen, Chris. 2018. The Reporter [IGCSA]. January. p. 10. |
309263 |
Snow, ice and clay: Providing recreational opportunities at a facility with a short golf season requires superintendent Jesse Shaver and the Gull Lake Country Club team to use a different set of construction and maintenance skills |
Cipriano, Guy. 2018. Golf Course Industry. January. 30(1): p. 62-63, 66. |
295068 |
Ready, Set, Wait |
Jacobs, Paul. 2017. Far Hills, New Jersey: United States Golf Association. [3] pp. |
285322 |
The closing season crapshoot | Coen, Chris. 2017. The Reporter [IGCSA]. November/December. p. 10. |
309266 |
Grounds to keep | Fredette, Bob. 2017. Rutland Herald. October 12. p. [1-3]. |
296505 |
Turf 101: Protective measures now save vulnerable spring turf. Our experts say these practices are as easy as... |
Woelfel, Rick. 2017. Golf Course Industry. September. 29(9): p. 22-25. |
289845 |
Blow out!: Follow these recommendations for a properly executed irrigation shutdown that protects the system's components and minimizes the risk of weather-induced damage |
Woelfel, Rick. 2017. Golf Course Industry. September. 29(9): p. 30-32. |
289848 |
Changes beneath the surface: After a renovation at Sawgrass, schedule switches might be on the way for the players and the PGA Championship |
Diaz, Jaime. 2017. Golf Digest. May. 68(5): p. 62-66, 68. |
284550 |
Who are you when no one is watching? |
Van Loo, Tim. 2017. SportsTurf. May. 3[33](5): p. 7. |
284335 |
Refreshed and energized | Coen, Chris. 2017. The Reporter [IGCSA]. March. p. 16-17. |
309310 |
Let's Tee it Up...But Remember it is Only March |
Moeller, Adam. 2016. Far Hills, New Jersey: United States Golf Association. 2 pp. |
278001 |
March Madness is Here | Hartwiger, Chris. 2016. Far Hills, New Jersey: United States Golf Association. 2 pp. |
278022 |
2016 season is now upon us | Yager, Garrett. 2016. The Reporter [IGCSA]. April. p. 13. |
309331 |
Opening day anxiety | Coen, Chris. 2016. The Reporter [IGCSA]. April. p. 14-15. |
274539 |
The place to be | VanLanduit, Justin. 2016. On Course [MAGCS]. April. 69(12): p. 3, 22. |
272423 |
Oldest football club calls in IOG for turf care guidance | Powell, Ian. 2016. The Groundsman [IOG]. March. p. 15. |
272084 |
Changing grass, changing times |
Maynard, Warren. 2016. TurfCraft International. March/April. 167: p. 34. |
290501 |
Switching from Conventional Overseeding to Pigment/Liquid Nutrient Programs | Anonymous. 2015. [Far Hills, New Jersey]: United States Golf Association. 2 pp. |
266641 |
Early Spring Impact on Maintenance Budget | United States Golf Association. 2015. [Far Hills, New Jersey]: United States Golf Association. 1 p. |
270882 |
Managing Transitions in the Transition Zone |
Dowling, Elliott. 2015. Far Hills, New Jersey: United States Golf Association. 2 pp. |
277994 |
Frosty the 'no' man! |
Anonymous. 2015. Pitchcare. December/January. 64: p. 142. |
268578 |
[Football and golf] Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 2015. Golf Course Management. September. 83(9): p. 24. |
265281 |
Nova Scotia golf courses in for tough year after late start: Granite Springs Golf Course lost staff because some employees couldn't wait for the season to start | Anonymous. 2015. CBC News. May 11. p. [1]. |
259732 |
2015 season is under way |
Van Landuit, Justin. 2015. On Course [MAGCS]. March. 68(11): p. 3. |
257105 |
Golf courses open early in record-warm temperatures | Louwagie, Sam. 2015. The St. Cloud Times. March 16. p. [1-2]. |
259541 |
2014 winds down | Brandenburg, David. 2014. The Grass Roots. November/December. 43(6): p. 52-53. |
252756 |
Earthworm casts and frost delays |
Bevard, Darin S. 2014. United States Golf Association. November 12. p. 1-2. |
253452 |
[Preparing for next season] |
Piller, Dean. 2014. The Dogwood. Fall. p. 5. |
253980 |
So much for four seasons |
Moeller, Adam. 2012. The Greenerside. Winter. 36(1): p. 11-12. |
282057 |
The long season comes at a price |
Moeller, Adam. 2012. United States Golf Association. October 2. p. 1-2. |
211614 |
Here we go | Kohlstedt, Bob. 2012. On Course [MAGCS]. June. 66(2): p. 3. |
207582 |
An amazing and early spring...a blessing or a curse for golf courses? | Kazmierczak, Dave. 2012. Hole Notes. April. 44(3): p. 23-24. |
207177 |
Enjoy the great spring weather |
Zontek, Stanley J. 2012. United States Golf Association. April 9. p. 1-2. |
202528 |
Let 'er rip |
Vavrek, Bob. 2012. United States Golf Association. March 16. p. 1-3. |
200798 |
Give thanks |
Zontek, Stanley J. 2012. United States Golf Association. January 13. p. 1-2. |
197080 |
Parting words from the president | Sterr, Dan. 2011. On Course. November. 65(7): p. 3. |
194942 |
The seasonal dilemma: Hiring seasonal employees can challenge even the most veteran of superintendents, but the right strategy can increase your odds of finding the right fit for your course Access Restrictions |
Scott, Mike. 2011. Golf Course Management. June. 79(6): p. 82, 84, 86. |
183640 |
Hanging on 'til spring |
Miller, Monroe. 2011. Golf Course Industry. February. 22[23](11[2]): p. 52. |
179681 |
Split decision: Bent vs. Bermuda. The brutal summer of 2010 has left many superintendents re-evaluating which variety makes the most sense for their greens Access Restrictions |
Walsh, John. 2011. Golf Course Management. January. 79(1): p. 40-42, 44, 46, 48, 50. |
174803 |
2010 sports report | Schneider, Jake. 2011. The Grass Roots. January/February. 40(1): p. 17. |
175740 |
Full Steam Ahead | Gorman, Peter. 2010. [Newington, Connecticut]: Suffield CC Superintendent's Blog. [1] p. |
276106 |
On Your Mark...Get Set...Golf! | Gorman, Peter. 2010. [Newington, Connecticut]: Suffield CC Superintendent's Blog. [2] pp. |
276107 |
Putting turf to bed |
Moore, Shawn; Thibeault, Peter; Warczak, Eddie; Keller, Lee. 2010. SportsTurf. October. 26(10): p. 12-13. |
171035 |
Extending the golfing season versus coring now | Danneberger, Karl. 2010. Buckeye Turf. September 9. p. [1]. |
169907 |
Tolerance and recovery of Kentucky bluegrass subjected to seasonal wear Access Restrictions |
Park, Bradley S.; Lawson, T. J.; Samaranayake, Hiranthi; Murphy, James A. 2010. Crop Science. July/August. 50(4): p. 1526-1536. |
163945 |
Buckle your seatbelts and strap on your helmets, the season has begun! |
Oatis, David A. 2010. United States Golf Association. July 2. p. 1-3. |
165206 |
April bowls diary 2010: [Onslaught of another bowling season] | Gale, Laurence. 2010. April 4. p. [1-3]. |
169326 |
Spring fever |
McClellan, Ty. 2010. United States Golf Association. April 1. p. 1-4. |
161439 |
Expectations must be managed in the early golf season! |
Bevard, Darin S. 2010. United States Golf Association. March 3. p. 1-2. |
160301 |
The best laid plans... |
Oatis, David. 2010. United States Golf Association. March 17. p. 1-3. |
161526 |
December bowls diary: [No such thing as putting the green to bed] | Anonymous. 2009. December 2. p. [1-2]. |
169322 |
Day 1 | Knox, Kurt. 2009. Island View Golf Club. April 10. p. [1]. |
174578 |
With spring so near, is golf soon to follow? |
McClellan, Ty. 2009. USGA World Wide Web Site. March 11. p. [1-3]. |
146381 |
USGA Green Section Florida regional update - January 2009 | Lowe, Todd. 2009. United States Golf Association. January 23. p. [1]. |
160210 |
Feature interview with Scott Whitley and Richard Phinney: June 2008 | Anonymous. 2008. Golf Club Atlas Web Site. June. p. [1-3]. |
150345 |
One season ends and another begins Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Foy, John. 2008. USGA World Wide Web Site. May 10. p. [1-2]. |
138542 |
Manage turf for climate change... |
Rossi, Frank S. 2008. TurfNet Monthly. April. 15(4): p. 6-7. |
136424 |
Health hazard warning! |
Gilhuly, Larry. 2008. USGA World Wide Web Site. April 8. p. [1]. |
139149 |
Ain't nothin' finer! [Creeping bentgrass & the disturbance theory part 1] Access Restrictions |
Bechelet, Henry; Lockyer, John. 2008. February 23. p. [1-4]. |
144472 |
Late season golf: To play or not to play | Stier, John. 2008. The Grass Roots. January/February. 37(1): p. 5, 7-9, 11. |
134835 |
A new beginning | Brandenburg, David. 2008. The Grass Roots. January/February. 37(1): p. 37, 39, 41. |
134885 |
Temple leading by example in the search for sustainable growth | Callander, Colin. [2007]. GT Network - Golf Ecology. p. [1-2]. |
125324 | |
Optimal maintenance for hardening and early spring growth of golf green turfgrass | Linde, Mats; Barth, Magnus; Blombäck, Karin; Ericsson, Tom; Strandberg, Maria; Tronsmo, Arne. 2007. Scandinavian Turfgrass and Environment Research Foundation Research and Development Yearbook 2007. p. 22-23. |
174467 |
Another golf season will soon be behind us and what a year it has been for the WGCSA | VanHerwynen, Jim. 2007. The Grass Roots. September/October. 36(5): p. 31. |
139434 |
At long last...autumn! | Miller, Monroe S. 2007. The Grass Roots. September/October. 36(5): p. 37, 39. |
139437 |
Slow down | Cella, Luke. 2006. On Course. December. 60(7): p. 5, 31. |
135565 |
A winter break? Not really |
Zontek, Stanley J. 2006. USGA World Wide Web Site. November 21. p. [1-2]. |
138763 |
July football diary 2006: [Summer application of fertilizer] |
Gale, Laurence. 2006. July 7. p. [1-3]. |
160265 |
The season upcoming | Norton, Pat. 2006. The Grass Roots. March/April. 35(2): p. 37-39. |
110572 |
Hold your horses | Vavrek, Bob. 2006. USGA World Wide Web Site. March 15. p. [1]. |
110978 |
The human element | Vermeulen, Paul. 2006. USGA World Wide Web Site. January 30. p. [1-2]. |
111056 |
Player perceptions of Australian Football League grass surfaces Access Restrictions |
Aldous, D. E.; Chivers, I. H.; Kerr, R. 2005. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 10(Part 1): p. 318-324. |
105396 |
The relationship of Australian football grass surfaces to anterior cruciate ligament injury Access Restrictions |
Chivers, I. H.; Aldous, D. E.; Orchard, J. W. 2005. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 10(Part 1): p. 327-332. |
105401 |
Avoiding bare ends this summer: The start of a new bowling season brings new challenges for greenkeepers, not least of which is maintaining a complete cover |
Ormsby, David. 2005. New Zealand Turf Management Journal. November. 20(4): p. 17-18. |
108236 |
Fiscal/Agronomic Year | Nelson, Matt. 2005. USGA World Wide Web Site. October 6. p. [1-2]. |
110715 |
Seeding during the season | Sherratt, Pam; Street, John. 2005. Buckeye Turf. August 22. p. [1-2]. |
126892 |
August rugby diary 2005: [Preparing turf surfaces for play] |
Gale, Laurence. 2005. August 1. p. [1-3]. |
148972 |
The play season is over; Now it is time to get back to work! |
Foy, John. 2005. USGA World Wide Web Site. April 22. p. [1-2]. |
111349 |
[Managing snow mold and topdressing while deciding when to reopen] | Brame, R. A. 2005. USGA World Wide Web Site. March 1. p. [1]. |
110891 |
When to play & when to fold |
Danneberger, Karl. 2004. MiSTMA Newsletter. Winter. p. 6. |
97130 |
Northeast news update [December 2004] | Oatis, David; Skorulski, Jim; Baird, Jim. 2004. USGA World Wide Web Site. December 10. p. [1]. |
110744 |
Winter play on the golf course | Nutter, Liz. 2004. Tennessee Turfgrass. October/November. p. 18-20. |
307306 |
School is back in session | Oatis, David; Skorulski, Jim; Baird, Jim. 2004. USGA World Wide Web Site. September 7. p. [1]. |
110742 |
Rounds played increase in first quarter | Anonymous. 2004. Grounds Maintenance. June. 39(6): p. 10. |
136540 |
The wear factor | Vavrek, Bob. 2004. USGA World Wide Web Site. March 22. p. [1]. |
110785 |