Keyword: Political climate
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
[Responding to possible water restrictions in Minnesota] |
Schmitz, Jake. 2015. Hole Notes. April. 49(3): p. 6-8. |
258655 |
Uncertain waters: Golf courses in China, both new and existing, are under more scrutiny than ever, clouding the outlook for the game |
Phillips, Hal. 2015. Golf Course Management China. March/April. p. [14-16], [18], 14-16, 18. |
268844 |
Big spending, high stakes: And the work grinds on | Valauri, Chris. 2015. Carolinas Green. March/April. p. 18. |
255919 |
[Developing National Occupational Standards] |
Golding, David. 2015. Greenkeeper International. March. p. 61. |
261020 |
Your summons | Bremmer, Mike. 2015. The Grass Roots. March/April. 44(2): p. 20. |
259566 |
Wolves at the gate Access Restrictions |
Stanton, Melanie. 2015. Turf News [TPI]. March/April. 39(2): p. 6-7. |
256272 |
Proposed ban on cosmetic pesticides causes turf war in Montgomery County | Turque, Bill. 2015. The Washington Post. March 9. p. [1-4]. |
256178 |
Trials and tribulations of golf |
Danneberger, Karl. 2015. Golfdom. February. 71(2): p. 50. |
262171 |
Etes-Vous Charlie |
Barber, Chuck. 2015. On Course [MAGCS]. February. 68(10): p. 3. |
257001 |
Environmental awards for Hoban and McCall | Anonymous. 2015. Through the Green [Georgia]. January/February. p. 25. |
254231 |
From the survey: Golfdom asks: What's your biggest concern going into 2015? |
Jones, Seth; Gannon, Grant B. 2015. Golfdom. January. 71(1): p. 25. |
258016 |
P.E.I. pesticide legislation fails to impress municipalities Access Restrictions |
Cousineau, Marc. 2015. GreenMaster. January/February. 50(1): p. 10. |
254268 |
Water use legislation reversed for Vernon golf courses Access Restrictions |
Cousineau, Marc. 2015. GreenMaster. January/February. 50(1): p. 11. |
254269 |
Factors affecting school grounds and athletic field quality after pesticide bans: The case of Connecticut |
Bartholomew, Candance; Campbell, Benjamin L.; Wallace, Victoria. 2015. HortScience. January. 50(1): p. 99-103. |
255333 |
The outlook for golf in China | Curley, Brian. 2015. Golf Course Architecture. January. 39: p. 32-33, 35. |
255752 |
Hazards [Hazard's] bill urges study of synthetic turf |
Anonymous. 2015. Turfgrass Producers International E-Newsletter. January/February. 8(1): p. 3. |
254238 |
Residents rally to save Reston National Golf Course | Goff, Ryan. 2015. Reston Now. January 12. p. [1-2]. |
259539 |
San Jose golf course's latest plan upsets neighbors | Kurhi, Eric. 2015. San Jose Mercury-News. January 11. p. [1-4]. |
259876 |
The Politics of Golf Course Development: An Examination of the Economic, Social, and Environmental Effects of Golf Course Development on Its Primary Stakeholders in the Republic of Panama Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Farr, Donald G. 2014. Ph.D. Dissertation: Florida State University. 281 pp. |
260093 |
A look back Access Restrictions |
McKeel, Chava. 2014. Golf Course Management. December. 82(12): p. 36. |
252361 |
Of pesticides and paranoia |
Aylward, Lawrence. 2014. SportsField Management. December. 9(12): p. 4. |
258778 |
Public perception of pesticide use and current regulatory debates in the United States |
McKeel, C. 2014. Phytopathology. November. 104(11S): p. S3.143. |
251498 |
Canadian pesticide restrictions - A cautionary history |
Yamada, T. 2014. Phytopathology. November. 104(11S): p. S3.143. |
251501 |
Council wants golf, not gardens, at Gus Wortham Access Restrictions |
Morris, Mike. 2014. Houston Chronicle. November 5. p. [1-4]. |
259514 |
Killearn residents challenge golf course plans | Ensley, Gerald. 2014. Tallahassee Democrat. November 6. p. [1-2]. |
259535 |
Act now, vote later Access Restrictions |
Seymour, Kaelyn. 2014. Golf Course Management. October. 82(10): p. 36. |
249392 |
The politics of clean water: EREF and Florida's Green Industry professionals need your help | Carraway, Mac. 2014. The Florida Green. Fall. p. 28-31. |
250982 |
One demanding course | Stetz, Mike. 2014. Golf Inc.. Fall. 23(4): p. 10-13. |
254347 |
Asia's mixed messages: Golf is growing in Asia, but the investment outlook is clouded by political uncertainty, population trends and over-development | Crittenden, Jack. 2014. Golf Inc.. Fall. 23(4): p. 41-45. |
254349 |
[Dealing with the California drought] | Ingram, Gary. 2014. Thru the Green [Northern California]. September/October. p. 4-5. |
258874 |
The New York State golf course BMP initiative: Phase 2 |
Benoit, Ken. 2014. Tee to Green [New York]. September/October/November. 45(5): p. 5. |
253793 |
As far as golf goes, nothing is black and white in 'gray' China |
Pioppi, Anthony. 2014. Superintendent. September. 13(9): p. 12. |
250891 |
A battle over artificial turf moves to the ballot box: Two of 12 referendum questions in San Francisco will involve soccer field surfaces | Barro, Josh. 2014. The New York Times. September 25. p. A3. |
253851 |
The next step | Lacy, Bo. 2014. Inland Empire Golf Course Superintendent's Association Newsletter. Summer, August. p. 6. |
248622 |
Positive politics | Robinson, Brett. 2014. Australian Turfgrass Management Journal. July/August. 16(4): p. 38-43. |
248014 |
China's quandary: Big country has a small, complicated interest in the game |
Washburn, Dan. 2014. GolfWorld. July 7. 68(3): p. 24. |
248241 |
Golf's positive impact |
Jackson, Joel. 2014. Golfdom. June. 70(6): p. 12. |
246203 |
2014 National Golf Day takes the Capitol |
Anonymous. 2014. Golfdom. June. 70(6): p. 12. |
246204 |
Sharp Park overcomes another hurdle Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 2014. Golf Course Management. May. 82(5): p. 26. |
241269 |
It's time for the grassroots approach (Le temps est venu d'agir localement!) Access Restrictions |
Cousineau, Ken. 2014. GreenMaster. May/June. 49(3): p. 10-11. |
244494 |
Organics' Day just around the corner...Finally? | Hall, Ron. 2014. Turf [North Edition]. May. 27(5): p. A4. |
244533 |
Crunching numbers: What you need to know about costs when researching franchises | Ingles, Mike. 2014. Turf [North Edition]. May. 27(5): p. A24, A26. |
244545 |
Memo to GCSAA: Welcome to the 'New Washington' Access Restrictions |
Helland, Bob. 2014. Golf Course Management. April. 82(4): p. 36. |
239088 |
Royal Curragh Golf Club 1910 | Gibson, William H. 2014. Through The Green [United Kingdom]. March. p. 6-7. |
266019 |
Crunch year for parks and sports grounds | Sullivan, Sid. 2014. The Groundsman [IOG]. March. p. 22-23. |
249415 |
Drowning in bad PR | Barks, Joe. 2014. Club & Resort Business. March. 10(3): p. 8. |
238397 |
Ice, ice, baby | Breen, Doug. 2014. Green is Beautiful. Spring. p. 26. |
244684 |
What do you think?: Results of our third-annual super survey, including your views on the state of our profession and your favorite golf holes |
Aylward, Lawrence. 2014. Superintendent: Science, Technology and New Products for Golf Course Superintendents. February. 13(2): p. 22-30. |
239113 |
Fields of Green and Gold: Territorial Hunger, Rural Planning, and the Political Ecologies of High-End Golf | Jönsson, Erik. 2013. Ph.D. Dissertation: Lund University. [6], viii, 83 pp. |
254491 |
Pesticide legislation in Denmark - Success or worse case scenario |
Nilsson, Martin. 2013. Conference Zurich 2013 [FEGGA]. p. [1-9]. |
255797 |
Democracy & Despair Riots, Economic Development, and an Emergency Manager in Benton Harbor, MI Access Restrictions |
Reedy, Tyler Christian. 2013. M.A. Thesis: Iowa State University. iv, 117 pp. |
260242 |
Pesticide restrictions on the rise |
Nickson, David. 2013. TurfCraft International. November/December. 153: p. 27-29. |
291676 |
Seeking an office beyond the golf course Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 2013. Golf Course Management. September. 81(9): p. 24. |
229374 |
Golf club politics | Bancroft-Turner, David. 2013. Greenkeeper International. July. p. 32-33. |
228356 |
Burger on the menu in Texas city council race Access Restrictions |
Richman, Howard. 2013. Golf Course Management. May. 81(5): p. 20. |
220432 |
[Environmental groups continue efforts to close Sharp Park Golf Course] Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 2013. Golf Course Management. May. 81(5): p. 26. |
220438 |
To the ends of the earth |
Lawrence, Adam. 2013. Golf Course Architecture. January. 31: p. 20-23, 25, 27. |
217185 |
A significant year | Robinson, Brett. 2013. Australian Turfgrass Management Journal. January/February. 15(1): p. 3. |
214662 |
The battlefront in the front yard | Kurutz, Steven. 2012. The New York Times. December 19. p. [1-7]. |
253268 |
Two Knox golf courses removed from greenbelt |
Witt, Gerald. 2012. The Knoxville News Sentinel. October 15. p. [1-3]. |
259826 |
[Funding cuts and the Further Education Colleges] | Golding, David. 2012. Greenkeeper International. September. p. 54. |
212195 |
Breen mixes golf course management, politics Access Restrictions |
McPherson, David. 2012. Golf Course Management. July. 80(7): p. 24. |
208028 |
Green industry groups repair protest sites Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 2012. Turf News [TPI]. January/February. 36(1): p. 16. |
196399 |
Outlook for golf real estate in Europe, Middle East and Africa - return to the Mediterranean? | Anonymous. 2012. Golf Benchmark. January 17. p. [1-2]. |
267377 |
The Child Safe Playing Fields Act: NY's ban on pesticide use on school and day care center grounds | Grant, Jennifer. 2011. CUTT. 22(1): p. 1, 3-4. |
264069 |
Municipal elections yield few surprises in Franklin, Highlands: Highlands gets new faces of leadership |
Eldridge, Davin. 2011. The Macon County News. November 10. p. [1-3]. |
259841 |
Urban concentration likely to put golf in good light | Valauri, Chris. 2011. Carolinas Green. September/October. p. 18. |
191512 |
China's current crackdown... What does it mean? |
Curley, Brian. 2011. Asian Golf Business. August. 36: p. 12-13. |
249303 |
The fuse is lit...China gets tough on golf courses! |
Trinka, Timothy E. 2011. Asian Golf Business. June. 34: p. 20-26. |
249292 |
San Fransisco public golf alliance moves to intervene in lawsuit against Sharp Park Golf Course, joining city and mayor as defendants | Anonymous. 2011. Thru the Green [Northern California]. May/June. p. 7. |
184651 |
A day to remember |
Danneberger, Karl. 2011. Golfdom. March. 67(3): p. 14. |
187781 |
Expectations for the 2011 season (Attentes pour la saison 2011) Access Restrictions |
Cousineau, Ken. 2011. GreenMaster. March/April. 46(2): p. 10, 11. |
179788 |
Maneuvering through club politics: Just like greenkeeping, politics is an art and a science. And regardless of the type of course, understanding the ins-and-outs of your facility is essential to your long-term employment and career success | Williams, Bruce R. 2011. Golf Course Industry. March. 23(3): p. 40, 42, 44. |
197878 |
Is Capitol a hazard for golf? | Potter, Bart. 2011. The Olympian. February 1. p. [1-3]. |
259900 |
Driving toward sustainability |
Jackson, Joel. 2010. Golfdom. December. 66(12): p. 12. |
175723 |
[Alan White, Turf Systems Inc.] |
Hall, Ron. 2010. Landscape Management. November. 49(11): p. 24. |
187517 |
Chipping from the far side of the green |
Walsh, Ed. 2010. Surf 'n' Turf. September/October. p. 3, 5. |
173537 |
Living lawns, dying waters: The suburban boom, nitrogenous fertilizers, and the nonpoint source pollution dilemma Access Restrictions |
Whitney, Kristoffer. 2010. Technology and Culture. July. 51(3): p. 652-674. |
285887 |
Water management in an era of scarcity: Achieving multiple objectives in a complex and dynamic context |
Asmal, Kader. 2010. Golf & Sports Turf Australia. July/August. 18(4): p. 9-10, 12, 14-21. |
274382 |
California GCSA Government Relations news | Husting, Jim. 2010. Thru the Green [Northern California]. May/June. p. 6. |
205900 |
An April confluence Access Restrictions |
Fitzroy, James R. 2010. Golf Course Management. April. 78(4): p. 16. |
161222 |
Lead by example (Precher par l'exemple) Access Restrictions |
Cousineau, Ken. 2010. GreenMaster. March/April. 45(2): p. 12-13. |
161656 |
Iran's sole TPI member Access Restrictions |
Grooms, Lynn. 2010. TurfNews [TPI]. March/April. 34(2): p. 28, 39. |
161186 |
An inconvenient hazard: Not many golf developers have to cope with lethal explosives on their site but that was just what faced Jasmin Selmanagić, who decided to build his course on land near Sarajevo which had once been a battlefield |
Anonymous. 2010. Golf Business Development. March. 5: p. 47. |
260629 |
New chapter in Sharp Park saga Access Restrictions |
Hollister, Scott. 2010. Golf Course Management. February. 78(2): p. 34. |
159867 |
Back to school: Agrium Advanced Technologies offers lawn care professional education along with relaxation |
Jacobs, Daniel G. 2010. Landscape Management. February. 49(2): p. 44. |
163313 |
Joint success sprouts |
Jacobs, Daniel G. 2010. Landscape Management. February. 49(2): p. 46, 48. |
163314 |
Organic lawn care: What you need to know about organic materials and practices |
Kmitta, John. 2010. Landscape & Irrigation. February. 34(2): p. 20-21. |
225482 |
Immigration issues in the turfgrass industry: A Cornell study |
Maloney, Thomas R.; Bills, Nelson L. 2009. CUTT. 20(2): p. 1, 4-7. |
157814 |
[We need to be responsive and pro-active in pesticide regulations] | Wells, Wayne. 2009. Tee to Green [Louisiana/Mississippi]. Winter. p. 12. |
266453 |
Nurtient wars Access Restrictions |
Carson, Teresa. 2009. Golf Course Management. December. 77(12): p. 42. |
158203 |
Teaspoon feeding: Latest GCSAA survey results champion superintendent's nutrient management, help set a course for the future Access Restrictions |
Ostmeyer, Terry. 2009. Golf Course Management. December. 77(12): p. 60, 62, 64, 66, 68, 70. |
158207 |
Time to get in a politician's ear | Jackson, Joel. 2009. Golfdom. December. 65(12): p. 16. |
167980 |
Tomorrow's fertilizer: Cost, improved accuracy and environmental concerns shape the future of fertility | Walsh, John. 2009. Golfdom. December. 65(12): p. 46-49. |
167992 |
These turkeys have ruined my appetite | Jackson, Joel. 2009. Golfdom. November. 65(11): p. 16. |
167940 |
H2O issues invite government control |
Hall, Ron. 2009. Landscape Management. November. 48(11): p. 4. |
159096 |
TPI member benefit: Collective voice Access Restrictions |
Hunter, T. Kirk. 2009. TurfNews [TPI]. November/December. 33(6): p. 8. |
157852 |
It's just business | Jones, Pat. 2009. Golf Course Industry. November. 21(11): p. 50. |
248525 |
Murphy's laws of golf course maintenance: Why is it this sinister someone always shows up at the most inopportune times? | Black, Jim. 2009. Golfdom. October. 65(10): p. 62-63. |
167970 |
Questions and answers with Rick Traver, CGCS | Anonymous. 2009. Hole Notes. October. 41(9): p. 9. |
193596 |