Keyword: Pros and cons
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
A positive approach to Poa annua management | Zontek, Stanley J. 1973. USGA Green Section Record. July. 11(4): p. 1-5. |
17590 |
Automatic irrigation... and the superintendent Access Restrictions |
Finn, Gerry; Nakanishi, Betty. 1973. Golf Superintendent. June. 41(6): p. Cover, 3, 11-14. |
117166 |
[Causes of "thatch" or "mat" and reducing it] |
Harris, G. S. 1973. Newsletter of the N.Z. Institute for Turf Culture. February. 83: p. 9, 11. |
289448 |
Rolled sod versus palletized sod |
Hawkins, Robert. 1972. Seventh Annual Maryland Sod Conference [Proceedings]. p. 21-23. |
287037 |
Palletized versus rolled sod |
Shirling, Parker. 1972. Seventh Annual Maryland Sod Conference [Proceedings]. p. 24-26. |
287038 |
Cart paths and construction |
Schwartzkopf, Carl. 1972. Proceedings of the 1972 Midwest Regional Turf Foundation Conference. p. 66-68. |
88064 |
Vegetative propagation Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1972. Sports Turf Bulletin. October-December. 99: p. 11-12. |
101978 |
Aerial fungicide applications? | Record, Lee. 1972. USGA Green Section Record. September. 10(5): p. 1-4. |
17548 |
A perspective on pesticides | White-Stevens, Robert. 1972. USGA Green Section Record. July. 10(4): p. 17-21. |
17546 |
The good and not so good of triplex putting green mowers |
Bengeyfield, William H. 1972. USGA Green Section Record. March. 10(2): p. 25-26. |
17438 |
Snowmobile use on the golf course | Zontek, Stanley J. 1972. USGA Green Section Record. January. 10(1): p. 5-7. |
19524 |
A case for fertigation | Radko, Alexander M. 1972. USGA Green Section Record. January. 10(1): p. 8-13. |
19525 |
Counterpoints to fertigation | Bengeyfield, William H. 1972. USGA Green Section Record. January. 10(1): p. 8-13. |
19526 |
The effect of price on long run water supply benefits and costs Access Restrictions |
Gysi, Marshall. 1971. Water Resources Bulletin. June. 7(3): p. 521-528. |
234179 |
[Confusion about Dwarf Spear Grass] Access Restrictions |
Alexander, Paul. 1970. The Golf Superintendent. June. 38(6): p. 11. |
113726 |
Bluegrass blends | Kaufmann, John. 1969. Michigan State University Turfgrass Field Day. p. 14. |
111829 |
The "Purr-Wick" rootzone system for compacted turf areas |
Daniel, W. H. 1969. Proceedings of the First International Turfgrass Research Conference. 1: p. 323-325. |
1753 |
Turfgrass field days as a technique for education |
Davis, R. R. 1969. Proceedings of the First International Turfgrass Research Conference. 1: p. 428-429. |
54312 |
Automatic watering of greens Access Restrictions |
Sports Turf Research Institute. 1968. Journal of the Sports Turf Research Institute. 44: p. 102-103. |
114579 |
Reviewing: Cutter bar mowers |
Anonymous. 1968. Grounds Maintenance. July. 3(7): p. 14-17. |
156307 |
Hydraulic seeding or hydro seeding Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1968. Sports Turf Bulletin. January-March. 80: p. 5-7. |
101675 |
What we have learned about Tifdwarf bermudagrass for golf greens | Moncrief, James B.; Land, Harold; Godwin, Ed; Clarke, Stanley E. 1967. Proceedings: Twenty-First Annual Southeastern TurfgrassConference. p. 13-21. |
230441 |
Alternative water system Access Restrictions |
Metsker, Stan. 1967. The Golf Superintendent. March. 35(3): p. 71-72. |
114125 |
Poa annua - Jekyll or Hyde? | Radko, Alexander M. 1967. USGA Green Section Record. March. 4(6): p. 16-17. |
34797 |
Can you work with Poa annua? Access Restrictions |
Bartlett, Norman. 1967. The Golf Superintendent. February. 35(2): p. 30, 32, 35, 37, 53. |
114111 |
Irrigation today [II.] Automatic irrigation on golf greens |
Cammarota, Angelo. 1966. Summary of Proceedings Annual Conference of the Mid-Atlantic Association of Golf Course Superintendents. p. 14-16. |
141678 |
A chemical team - for aerial brush control on rights-of-way | Byrd, B. C.; Reimer, C. A. 1966. Proceedings of the Twentieth Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Weed Control Conference. 20: p. 422-436. |
229389 |
Night mowing |
Clapper, Orville. 1966. The Newsletter [New England]. October. p. 3. |
284954 |
Night maintenance |
Reidy, James J. 1966. The Newsletter [New England]. September. p. 3. |
284952 |
Irrigation systems - economics: The automatic system | McCrea, Charles. 1966. USGA Green Section Record. May. 4(1): p. 8-9. |
34704 |
Hydro-sprigging - New method of planting courses |
Clements, Sid. 1966. Golf Course Operations. March. 4(1): p. 16-18, 30. |
291857 |
Thatch -- As a problem in turf management | Butler, J. D. 1965. 6th Turfgrass Conference Proceedings [Illinois]. p. [22-24]. |
88268 |
Establishment and Care of Zoysia Lawns |
Hemphill, D. D.; Taven, Ronald. 1965. Columbia, Missouri: Extension Division, University of Missouri. [4] pp. |
120484 |
Pros and cons for bermudagrass in the Mid-Atlantic region |
Radko, A. M. 1964. Summary of Proceedings Annual Conference of the Mid-Atlantic Association of Golf Course Superintendents. p. 1-2. |
141275 |
Bluegrass-fescue versus bentgrass-Poa annua fairways | Holmes, James L. 1964. USGA Green Section Record. November. 2(4): p. 1-4. |
35985 |
Poa annua | Snodsmith, Ralph L. 1963. Illinois Turfgrass Conference Proceedings. p. 13-15. |
95741 |
Some characteristics of the more commonly grown creeping bentgrass | Butler, Jack. 1963. Illinois Turfgrass Conference Proceedings. p. 23-25. |
95744 |
Bamyuda ki (Observation of the vermudagrasses [bermudagrasses]) |
Ozasa, S. 1963. Turf Research Bulletin [Kansai Golf Union Green Section Research Center] [Gurin Kenkyo Hokokushu]. January. 4: p. 67-70. |
79011 |
Fertilization of Tifton 419 ("Tifway") bermudagrass on high sandy soils |
Colburn, William E. 1962. Proceedings of the Tenth Florida Turfgrass Conference. 10: p. 95-97. |
64572 |
Boxing grass clippings Access Restrictions |
Sports Turf Research Institute. 1961. Journal of the Sports Turf Research Institute. 37: p. 327-328. |
112225 |
Heights of cut Access Restrictions |
Sports Turf Research Institute. 1961. Journal of the Sports Turf Research Institute. 37: p. 328-329. |
112226 |
Water: Friend or foe? Access Restrictions |
Engel, Ralph E. 1961. The Golf Course Reporter. May. 28(5): p. 22-25. |
126369 |
The advantages and disadvantages of grass maintenance by contract Access Restrictions |
Sports Turf Research Institute. 1960. Journal of the Sports Turf Research Institute. 36: p. 210-211. |
112405 |
Overseeding with bentgrass | Dudley, J. W. 1959. Proceedings Thirteenth Annual Southeastern Turfgrass Conference. 13: p. 29-30. |
96122 |
Plastic pipe for irrigation | Anonymous. 1957. Mid-Continent Turfletter. December. 5: p. 2. |
280357 |
Centipedegrass for Lawns | Georgia Coastal Plain Experiment Station. 1956. Tifton, Georgia: Georgia Coastal Plain Experiment Station. 3 pp. Revised Edition. |
214588 |
Meyer Zoysia Grass: A Report on Relatively New Advertised Lawn Grass, Its Origin, Some of its Advantages and Disadvantages as a Home Lawn Grass, Range of Adaptation, Rate of Speed, Advertising Claims, Etc. |
National Better Business Bureau, Inc. 1956. New York, New York: National Better Business Bureau, Inc. 4 pp. |
287806 |
Zoysia - An evaluation |
Anonymous. 1956. Plants & Gardens: Lawns. Summer. 12(2): p. 132. |
292452 |
Annual meadow-grass in turf - An appraisal Access Restrictions |
Haes, E. C. M. 1956. The Journal of the Sports Turf Research Institute. 9(32): p. 216-218. |
74065 |
Is fairway renevation paying off? Access Restrictions |
Radko, Alexander. 1956. The Golf Course Reporter. August. 24(6): p. 20-22, 24. |
122442 |
How does Zoysia look for Midwestern lawns? Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1956. The Golf Course Reporter. May. 24(3): p. 36, 38. |
122136 |
Bentgrass or ryegrass for winter greens | Anonymous. 1954. Southwestern Turfletter. October. 5: p. 1-2. |
296072 |
Are you considering zoysia? |
Nutter, Gene C. 1954. Bulletin - Florida Turf Association. October. 1(4): p. 4-6, 8. |
288555 |
[Advantages and disadvantages of sterilizing compost] Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1954. The Golf Course Reporter. July. 22(5): p. 21. |
121578 |
Bermuda and zoysia grass management Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1954. The Golf Course Reporter. May. 22(3): p. 12. |
121321 |
Grass growth stunting with maleic hydrazide Access Restrictions |
Escritt, J. R. 1953. The Journal of the Sports Turf Research Institute. 8(29): p. 269-273. |
74090 |
Our old friend (?) Poa Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1953. The Golf Course Reporter. November/December. 21(8): p. 10. |
121507 |
Poa annua - Friend or foe? - It depends on where you are | Anonymous. 1953. Western Turfletter. September. 3: p. 2-3. |
280539 |
The zoysias as turf grasses in the Midwest | Daniel, W. H.; Payne, K. T. 1952. The Bull Sheet. November. 6(5): p. [3]. |
133632 |
The zoysias as turf grasses in New Jersey Access Restrictions |
Engel, Ralph E.; Steiniger, Eberhard; Ahlgren, Gilbert H. 1952. The Golf Course Reporter. May/June. 20(3): p. 25-26. |
121683 |
Poa annua - friend or foe? | Grau, Fred V. 1948. USGA Journal and Turf Management. June. 1(2): p. 13-15. |
36124 |
Bermuda grass | Anonymous. 1948. Timely Turf Topics. February. p. 2. |
36700 |
Wartime maintenance of golf courses in England: The pros and cons of grazing |
Gault, J. 1940. The Australian Greenkeeper. October. 5(2): p. 27-29. |
84255 |
Pro and con N. A. G. A. affiliation |
Parker, Charles W. 1937. The Newsletter [New England]. February. 9(2): p. 6, 8. |
284620 |
Earthworms as Pests and Otherwise | Walton, W. R. 1935. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Agriculture. 14 pp. Revised Edition. |
275100 |
Will fair-trade laws help? Junior Capper-Kelly Bill may solve golf pros price-cutting competition | Hayward, Paul H. 1935. Golfdom: The Business Journal of Golf. July. 9(7): p. 22, 26. |
181751 |
[Advice on sheep on golf courses] Access Restrictions |
Board of Greenkeeping Research. 1935. The Journal of the Board of Greenkeeping Research. Spring. 4(12): p. 80-81. |
104177 |
Advantages to greenkeepers from fairway watering |
Anonymous. 1934. The Newsletter [New England]. December. 6(12): p. 10. |
284306 |
About fairway watering |
Anonymous. 1934. The Newsletter [New England]. March. 6(3): p. 10. |
284226 |
[Pros and cons to greens rolling] Access Restrictions |
Dawson, R. B. 1931. The Journal of the Board of Greenkeeping Research. March. 2(4): p. 62. |
104015 |
Feeding hungry fairways right diet for better turf | Noer, O. J. 1930. Golfdom: The Business Journal of Golf. August. 4(8): p. 17-20. |
181219 |
Fungi facts for greensmen | Davis, W. H. 1930. Golfdom: The Business Journal of Golf. May. 4(5): p. 92, 94, 96, 98-100. |
179344 |
Benefits of drainage |
Sullivan, James C. 1930. The Newsletter [New England]. May. 2(5): p. 2-3. |
284073 |
"Come in," says Moore | Moore, Hugh Carlton. 1930. The National Greenkeeper. January. 4(1): p. 23. |
131034 |
[Pro shop vs. department stores] | Anonymous. 1929. Golfdom: The Business Journal of Golf. June. 3(6): p. 38. |
176259 |
Lime - For or against | Chinery, W. D. 1929. The National Greenkeeper. April. 3(4): p. 18-19. |
129548 |
Who'll serve club better - waiters or waitresses? | Fulton, Jack Jr. 1929. Golfdom: The Business Journal of Golf. February. 3(2): p. 50, 52, 54. |
175900 |
Does it pay to lime your lawn? | Anonymous. 1929. Lawn Care. February. 2(1): p. 4. |
262583 |
Coast pro proposes new salary plan | Anonymous. 1929. Golfdom: The Business Journal of Golf. January. 3(1): p. 17-18. |
175859 |
Earthworms as Pests and Otherwise | Walton, W. R. 1928. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Agriculture. 14 pp. |
275104 |
Golf grasses: The bluegrasses | Carrier, Lyman. 1928. The National Greenkeeper. February. 2(2): p. 14-15. |
67293 |
Experiences with and opinions on Poa annua in putting greens | Anonymous. 1928. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. January. 8(1): p. 10-12. |
51081 |
I do not condemn Poa annua | MacGregor, John. 1927. The National Greenkeeper. November. 1(11): p. 26. |
84705 |
Experience of the Kirtland Country Club with creeping bent greens | Boggs, Arthur. 1927. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. October. 7(10): p. 201. |
51019 |
Poa annua? No! | McNamara, John. 1927. The National Greenkeeper. September. 1(9): p. 21. |
84668 |
Annual bluegrass (Poa annua) | Piper, C. V.; Oakley, R. A. 1927. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. July. 7(7): p. 128-129. |
95618 |
Is Poa annua good or bad? |
Morley, John. 1927. The National Greenkeeper. July. 1(7): p. 7-8, 28. |
84635 |
Earthworms and soil benefits | Anonymous. 1926. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. August. 6(8): p. 170. |
50337 |
Should putting greens be kept closely cut at all times? | Macbeth, Norman. 1923. Bulletin of the Green Section of the U.S. Golf Association. December 15. 3(12): p. 319. |
48693 |
Should putting greens be kept closely cut at all times? Some expressions of opinion from men of wide experience | Wilson, Hugh I.; Hood, A. J.; Rockefeller, W. J.; Fownes, Wm. C. Jr.; Bole, J. K.; Taylor, James L.; Sherman, Sherrill; Anonymous; Harban, Walter S. 1923. Bulletin of the Green Section of the U.S. Golf Association. November 22. 3(11): p. 291-293. |
48682 |
Top-dressing | Carrier, Lyman. 1923. Bulletin of the Green Section of the U.S. Golf Association. March 21. 3(3): p. 73-77. |
48604 |
Some observations on tile draining | Carrier, Lyman. 1922. Bulletin of the Green Section of the U.S. Golf Association. November 16. 2(10): p. 315-316. |
48234 |
Inland and seaside courses |
1902. p. 147-153. In: Taylor, J. H. Taylor on Golf: Impressions, Comments and Hints. New York, New York: D. Appleton and Company. |
124574 |