Keyword: Pros and cons
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Getting hip to drip | Greenleaf, Cynthia. 2000. Lawn and Landscape. June. 21(6): p. 28, 30, 32. |
67021 |
Golf course master planning |
O'Loughlin, Rick. 2000. Australian Turfgrass Management. June/July. 2(3): p. 16-18. |
65747 |
Beyond the hype and hysteria: An objective- and optimistic- look at biotechnology's potential for turfgrasses Access Restrictions |
Hamblin, Andy M. 2000. On Course. May. 53(12): p. 16, 18-20. |
65404 |
Golf of a different stripe |
Young, Rick. 2000. Golf Journal. May. 53(3): p. 6. |
64876 |
Against the grain: Grass wilts beneath them. Their branches obstruct the natural line of play. They hog sunlight and water. With all the problems mature trees can pose, why do golfers dread the chainsaw? |
Gould, David. 2000. Golf Journal. May. 53(3): p. 12-17. |
64881 |
We've come a long way |
Kaufman, Paul L. Jr. 2000. Carolinas Green. May/June. 36(3): p. 22-24. |
65294 |
PDI, my view: Let's get this straight!! |
Pulley, David. 2000. Carolinas Green. May/June. 36(3): p. 26-27. |
65295 |
Help for your infield: Moisture control and clay - keys to success |
Betulius, Joe. 2000. Athletic Turf: Maintenance & Technology. May/June. 3(3): p. 22. |
65196 |
Liquid vs. granular: A matter of choice | Wisniewski, Nicole. 2000. Lawn and Landscape. May. 1(5): p. 100, 102, 104, 106. |
67931 |
Microbial stimulants: An up-date Access Restrictions |
Isaac, Steve. 2000. International Turfgrass Bulletin. April. 208: p. 28-30. |
66280 |
Turfgrass endophytes | Elmhirst, Janice; Hudgins, Elizabeth. 2000. The Turf Line News. April/May. 157: p. 19. |
65941 |
Myths and dogmas of biocontrol: Changes in perceptions derived from research on Trichoderma harzianum T-22 |
Harman, G. E. 2000. Plant Disease. April. 84(4): p. 377-393. |
64395 |
Top level surfaces at new sports complex in Bristol |
Anonymous. 2000. The Groundsman. April. 54(4): p. 9. |
67590 |
Tackling pitch problems with modern technology |
Keepin, Maureen. 2000. The Groundsman. April. 54(4): p. 44-47. |
67606 |
Sand-based greens...: The good, the bad, and the ugly Access Restrictions |
Fernandez, Fernando Sr. 2000. On Course. April. 53(11): p. 16, 18-21, 36. |
65395 |
Acidify irrigation water to lower soil pH | Howard, Harold F. "Chip". 2000. Grounds Maintenance. April. 35(4): p. Golf 10, G12. |
65910 |
Pros and cons of granular combination products | Barlow, Dave. 2000. Grounds Maintenance. April. 35(4): p. 30, 32, 56. |
65893 |
In the mix: With the right ingredients, the right machine to mix them in, a little patience and a lot of water, hydroseeding can be a profitable service | Wisniewski, Nicole. 2000. Lawn and Landscape. April. 21(4): p. 110, 112, 114, 116, 118, 120+. |
67786 |
A tool for every toolbox: Plant growth regulators | Milano, Bob Jr. 2000. SportsTURF. April. 16(4): p. 48-49. |
65034 |
Foreign workers a solution to the labor crunch | Overbeck, Andrew. 2000. Golf Course News. April. 12(4): p. 13, 20. |
66121 |
Put in good repair?: 'Original' greens restorations are in, but they're not always the right thing to do | Phillips, Hal. 2000. Golfdom. March. 56(3): p. 38-39, 41, 43-45, 47. |
65109 |
How far do you go? | LaFoy, John. 2000. Golfdom. March. 56(3): p. 40, 43-44, 47-48. |
65110 |
PDI - something to think about |
Pulley, David. 2000. Carolinas Green. March/April. 36(2): p. 28-29. |
65337 |
The benefit analysis of greening slope quickly and compulsorily with hydroseeding methed [method] |
Derong, Liu; Yonglin, Ma; Liebao, Han; Shenfu, Wang; Qiuhui, Huang; Jiansan, Liu. 2000. Journal of Beijing Forestry University. March. 22(2): p. 50-53. |
73987 |
Quality appraising model for lawn projects |
Derong, Su; Jinfeng, Wu; Liebao, Han. 2000. Journal of Beijing Forestry University. March. 22(2): p. 54-57. |
73988 |
Ultradwarfs: Know the positives and negatives, says Kloska | Leslie, Mark. 2000. Golf Course News. March. 12(3): p. 13, 20. |
66030 |
Herbicide resistant turfgrasses - panacea or problem?: Will herbicide resistant turfgrasses solve your problems or add to them? This author offers his opinion | Neal, Joseph C. 2000. TurfGrass TRENDS. March. 9(3): p. 4-7. |
122833 |
Endophytes - Friends or foes? |
Ruemmele, Bridget. 2000. Turf Notes [New England]. March/April. 8(6): p. 4-5. |
65062 |
Summarizing turf rolling | Beard, James B. 2000. TURFAX. March/April. 8(2): p. 6, 8. |
64973 |
Stand up and mow | Wisniewski, Nicole. 2000. Lawn and Landscape. February. 21(2): p. 58, 60, 64, 66, 70. |
67747 |
Night moves Access Restrictions |
Fowler, Steven W.; Naudet, Paul; Cornthwaite, Blair; McKay, Scott; Adams, Barry; Bueltel, Gary. 2000. Golf Course Management. January. 68(1): p. 17. |
63183 |
Effective use of seawater irrigation on turfgrass | Duncan, R. R.; Carrow, R. N.; Huck, Mike. 2000. USGA Green Section Record. January/February. 38(1): p. 11-17. |
63021 |
Perennial ryegrass on golf courses: Friend or foe? | McCarty, Bert. 2000. Grounds Maintenance. January. 35(1): p. 67-68, 74. |
64677 |
Moapa Valley Surge Irrigation Study | Devitt, D. A.; Andersen, J. 199X. [Reno, Nevada]: University of Nevada Cooperative Extension. [4] pp. |
211536 |
Lawncare Pesticide Application Equipment: A Guide to Selection and Calibration of Granular Spreaders | Whitford, Fred; Weisenberger, Dan; Martin, Andrew; Boger, Allen; Reicher, Zac; Wolf, Bob; Huth, Dave and Blessing, Arlene, ed. 1999. West Lafayette, Indiana: Cooperative Extension Service, Purdue University. 22 pp. |
263967 |
Do it with someone...or by yourself? | Murray, Dan. 1999. On Course. December. 53(7): p. 14, 24. |
62814 |
A decade of piling it on: Has fairway topdressing worked? |
Gilhuly, Larry. 1999. USGA Green Section Record. November/December. 37(6): p. 1-4. |
62490 |
Treating the cause, not the symptoms: Irrigation water treatment for better infiltration |
Carrow, Robert N.; Duncan, Ron, R.; Huck, Mike. 1999. USGA Green Section Record. November/December. 37(6): p. 11-15. |
62493 |
[Bentgrass in the South] Editorial |
McCarty, Bert. 1999. Carolinas Green. November/December. 35(6): p. 6, 8, 11-12. |
63024 |
Processing cores after aeration: What you do with cores depends on how much you are trying to change your soil profile | Cisar, John L. 1999. Grounds Maintenance. November. 34(11): p. Golf 1, Golf 8. |
64619 |
The good, the bad and the reality | Jackson, Joel. 1999. Golfdom. October. 55(7): p. 23. |
62884 |
Nighttime snow removal: Good news and bad news |
Bartley, John. 1999. Snow & Ice Manager. October. 2(4): p. S8-S10. |
64957 |
Sand sports fields have limits, says researcher |
Anonymous. 1999. Athletic Turf: Maintenance & Technology. October. 2(4): p. 10. |
62564 |
Managing Midwestern naturalized areas: Planning, weed control and occasional mowing can create wild-looking spaces on the course Access Restrictions |
Voight, Tom. 1999. Golf Course Management. September. 67(9): p. 59-62. |
61795 |
Fall fertilization |
Ebdon, Scott. 1999. Turf Notes [New England]. September/October. 8(5): p. [1]-7. |
62635 |
Baits target nuisance ants: Products from the structural pest-control industry can offer spot treatments against golf course ants, leaving helpful mounds untouched Access Restrictions |
Potter, Daniel A.; López, Rolando. 1999. Golf Course Management. August. 67(8): p. 64-67. |
61176 |
A constant battle: Contractors and manufacturers share their views for and against the mulching mower | Wisniewski, Nicole. 1999. Lawn and Landscape. August. 20(8): p. 50, 52-55. |
81321 |
Overseeding warm-season grasses |
Landry, Gil. 1999. New Zealand Turf Management Journal. August. 13(3): p. 24-25. |
61881 |
Cleaning up with straight blades on skid-steers & pickups |
Schueths, Mary Jo. 1999. Snow & Ice Manager. August. 2(3): p. 8-12. |
61952 |
An overview of management companies | Braasch, Dave. 1999. On Course. July. 53(2): p. 16, 18, 22, 24, 32. |
61519 |
Internet marketing: Should you get involved? Access Restrictions |
Heide, Chris. 1999. TurfNews [TPI]. July/August. 23(4): p. 55-56, 59-60. |
60458 |
Protecting your irrigation system from lightning | Blakeslee, Dana. 1999. Grounds Maintenance. June. 34(6): p. 14-16, 18. |
60733 |
Watering woes | Minner, Dave. 1999. SportsTURF. June. 15(6): p. 38. |
60841 |
Rasenschnittgut - Problem oder Chance? (Grass clippings - problem or possibility?) |
Morhard, Jörg. 1999. Greenkeepers Journal. June. 11(2): p. 14, 16. |
60997 |
A new biological control agent for the turf industry |
Ford, Phillip. 1999. Golf & Sports Turf Australia. June. 7(3): p. 29-31. |
60864 | |
This month's question: What are the pros and cons, if any, of tissue testing, and how does it compare with soil testing? |
LaCroix, Wayne; Perry, Glen; DiRico, Bob; Finn, Gerry. 1999. The Newsletter [New England]. May. p. 3. |
157735 |
Golf course maintenance and ecotype evaluation of seashore paspalum |
Duncan, R. R. 1999. Through The Green. May/June. p. 12, 26. |
61070 |
Don't let sprays stray Access Restrictions |
Kind, Mark. 1999. Golf Course Management. May. 67(5): p. 48. |
59297 |
Fertigation design considerations |
Walker, Mitchel. 1999. Landscape & Irrigation. May. 23(5): p. 80, 81. |
67049 |
Drawing a line in the sand | McDivot, Sandy. 1999. Greenkeeper International. April. p. 80-81. |
95526 |
Poa trivialis: Friend and foe | Liskey, Eric. 1999. Grounds Maintenance. April. 34(4): p. G1-G2, G4, G12. |
60703 |
$1 million versus $10 million golf courses: Point | Hurdzan, Michael. 1999. Golf Course News. April. 11(4): p. 15, 66. |
64142 |
Bubble Cover wins converts in Quebec | Leslie, Mark. 1999. Golf Course News. April. 11(4): p. 19, 25. |
64145 |
An old friend not to be forgotten: How today's granular fertilizers can be an an [sic] excellent addition to your greens program |
Muter, Gary. 1999. Through The Green. March/April. p. 12, 27. |
61059 |
New growth regulator herbicide provides excellent control of yellow starthistle |
DiTomaso, Joseph M.; Kyser, Guy B.; Orloff, Steve B.; Enloe, Stephen F.; Nader, Glenn A. 1999. California Agriculture. March/April. 53(2): p. 12-16. |
59473 |
Control landscape weeds pre-emergently | Derr, Jeffrey F. 1999. Grounds Maintenance. March. 34(3): p. C2, C6, C20. |
58426 |
The use of effluent water for sports turf irrigation | Campbell, Alex. 1999. Sports Turf Manager [STA]. March. 12(1): p. 8-9. |
61941 |
Seed, sod, or sprigs: Which would you choose to establish a new green? |
Gross, Patrick J. 1999. California Fairways. March/April. 8(2): p. 10, 12. |
59753 |
Contract management for golf courses: A sign of the times? |
Munro, Peter. 1999. New Zealand Turf Management Journal. February. p. 5-8. |
57363 |
Getting established: Sodding is becoming increasingly popular as turf managers try to get cool-season fields ready for play sooner |
Rogers, John "Trey" III. 1999. Athletic Turf: Maintenance & Technology. January. p. 36-37. |
56633 |
Watering the course! The golfer, the greenkeeper and the agronomist Access Restrictions |
Lodge, Tim. 1999. International Turfgrass Bulletin. January. 203: p. 8-10. |
57065 |
The turfgrass ant: A necessary nuisance?: Ants destroy pests and aerify the soil, but who wants to putt across an anthill? Access Restrictions |
Werle, Sean F.; Vittum, Patricia J. 1999. Golf Course Management. January. 67(1): p. 49-52. |
57291 |
Foliar nutrition of turfgrasses: Superintendents can save money and reduce leaching by feeding grass through the leaves Access Restrictions |
Grigg, Gary T. 1999. Golf Course Management. January. 67(1): p. 65-68. |
57296 |
Friend or foe?: Proper management of golf course trees will help superintendents maximizing their benefits while minimizing their dangers Access Restrictions |
Lilly, Sharon. 1999. Golf Course Management. January. 67(1): p. 212-214, 216, 218, 222, 224. |
57305 |
Synthetic vs natural turf |
Riddel, Robert. 1999. Turf Craft International. January/February. 64: p. 8. |
57991 |
Buy mowers with maintenance in mind | Neidich, Mark H. 1999. Landscape Management. January. 38(1): p. 38, 40. |
57010 |
For richer, for Poa: Cultivar development of greens type Poa annua | Huff, David R. 1999. USGA Green Section Record. January/February. 37(1): p. 11-14. |
56501 |
Striking a balance: A practical approach to mulching |
Anonymous. 1999. Landscape & Irrigation. January. 23(1): p. 28-29. |
56701 |
St. Augustinegrass Lawns | Higgins, Jeffery M. 1998. [Auburn, Alabama; Normal, Alabama]: Alabama Cooperative Extension System. 6 pp. |
58983 |
Zoysiagrass Lawns |
Higgins, Jeff. 1998. [Aurburn, Alabama; Normal Alabama]: Alabama Cooperative Extension System. 5, [1] pp. |
58984 |
Beneficial nematodes | Abbey, Tim. 199x. University of Connecticut Integrated Pest Management Program Web Site. |
59870 | |
Biological control: Bacillus popilliae | Deacon, Jim. [1998]. University of Edinburgh Biology Teaching Organization Web Site. |
59902 | |
Much ado about mulches |
Klett, James E. 1998. Colorado Green. Summer. 14(3): p. 10-12, 25. |
67537 |
Control of nuisance birds on golf courses using trained dogs |
Stedman, Richard. 1998. Turfgrass Management in the Pacific Northwest. summer. 1(3): p. 39-40. |
55412 |
Environmentally friendly turf |
Fermanian, Tom. 1998. Landscape & Irrigation. December. 22(12): p. 7. |
56904 |
Too many treatments can be damaging to beneficial aspects, says turf expert |
Anonymous. 1998. The Groundsman. November. 51(11): p. 9. |
56712 |
Reduce pressures | USGA Green Section. 1998. USGA Green Section Record. November/December. 36(6) |
78072 |
Trees and turf | USGA Green Section. 1998. USGA Green Section Record. November/December. 36(6) |
78074 |
Course makeover can knock over players | Childs, Donald L.; Fruehan, Mark M. 1998. Grounds Maintenance. November. 33(11): p. G8-G9, G12. |
56271 |
Outsourcing may improve your bottom line | GCSAA Leader Board. 1998. Hole Notes. November. 29(9): p. 27. |
67560 |
From maintenance standpoint, environmental landscapes are well worth the extra effort |
Roche, Jerry. 1998. Landscape & Irrigation. November. 22(11): p. 8-11. |
56787 |
Environmental considerations should be #1 intent of design |
Roche, Jerry. 1998. Landscape & Irrigation. November. 22(11): p. 16-17, 20. |
56795 |
Reinforcement systems for sports turf areas |
Baker, Stephen W. 1998. New Zealand Turf Management Journal. November. 12(4): p. 8-9. |
56386 |
Impacts of boom on development | Hurdzan, Michael J. 1998. Golf Course News. November. 10(11): p. 30, 32. |
56224 |
Poa annua: Friend or foe?: Revisiting the 50-year-old debate |
Labbance, Bob. 1998. Turf: North. October. p. B17-B18, B20-B23, B27. |
251883 |
The grass isn't always greener | Fletcher, F. L. 1998. Greenkeeper International. October. p. 13. |
55247 |
Safe as houses? | Steel, Geoff. 1998. Greenkeeper International. October. p. 64. |
198278 |
Low maintenance alternatives to conventional grass lawns |
Cook, Tom. 1998. The Turf Line News. October/November. 148: p. 8-11. |
56911 |
Winter injury of turf under protective cover |
Badra, Abdo. 1998. The Turf Line News. October/November. 148: p. 18-25. |
56913 |
Underground warfare: Superintendents turn to evolving subsurface injection technology to battle pests while slashing insecticide usage rates Access Restrictions |
Perrault, Mike. 1998. Golf Course Management. October. 66(10): p. 20-22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 36, 38, 40. |
54801 |