Keyword: Pythium aphanidermatum
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Evaluation of fungicide for control of Pythium foliar blight on perennial ryegrass, 2017 | Uddin, Wakar; Rodriguez, Regie. 2018. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 12: p. T002 [1-2]. |
303992 |
Evaluation of fungicides for management of Pythium foliar blight in ryegrass fairways, 2016 Access Restrictions |
Uddin, W.; Aynardi, B. 2017. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 11: p. T027. |
288398 |
Effects of phosphorous acid compounds on the incidence of Rhizoctonia solani in tall fescue and creeping bentgrass |
Lee, David J.; Tredway, Lane P.; Shew, H. David; Peacock, Charles H. 2017. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. November. 13(1): p. 153-159. |
287757 |
Pythium foliar blight control with fungicidal compounds, 2015 Access Restrictions |
Aynardi, Brian; Uddin, Wakar. 2016. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 10: p. T029. |
270997 |
Efficacy of fungicides in controlling Pythium foliar blight, 2014 Access Restrictions |
Aynardi, Brian; Uddin, Wakar. 2015. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 9: p. T010. |
268675 |
Pythium blight management on perennial ryegrass |
Soper, Sam; Schweiger, Bruce; Koch, Paul. 2014. 2014 Summer Fungicide Research Reports [Wisconsin]. p. [1-2]. |
278462 |
Pythium Blight management on Perennial Ryegrass | Soper, Sam; Liesch, P. J.; Schweiger, Bruce; Koch, Paul. 2013. 2013 Summer Fungicide Research Reports [Wisconsin]. p. [1-2]. |
277010 |
Preventative fungicide applications for the control of Pythium blight on perennial ryegrass, 2012 Access Restrictions |
Koch, P. L.; Kerns, J. P. 2013. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 7: p. T003. |
217617 |
Control of Pythium foliar blight in perennial ryegrass using fungicides, 2012 Access Restrictions |
Aynardi, B.; Uddin, W. 2013. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 7: p. T022. |
217619 |
Occurrence of Pythium blight caused by Pythium aphanidermatum on chewing fescue |
Chang, Taehyun; Lee, Yong Se. 2013. Weed and Turfgrass Science. September. 2(3): p. 306-311. |
265261 |
Resistance evaluation of selected tall fescue varieties to Pythium blight caused by Pythium aphanidermatum | Li, Yin-ping; Yuan, Qing-hua; Wang, Yu. 2013. [Cao Di Sue Bao] [Acta Agrestia Sinica]. January. 21(1): p. 180-187. |
270270 |
Pythium blight management on perennial ryegrass |
Koch, Paul; Soper, Sam; Van Ryzin, Ben; Soper, Jacob; Kerns, Jim. 2012. 2012 Summer Fungicide Research Reports [Wisconsin]. p. [1-3]. |
276549 |
Isolation and identification on pathogen of turfgrass pythium disease and its' [its] pathogenicity to tall fescue Access Restrictions |
Li, Yin-ping; Yuan, Qing-hua; Wang, Yu. 2012. Zhongguo Caodi Xuebao [Chinese Journal of Grassland]. 34(6): p. 61-68. |
282552 |
Preventative fungicide applications for the control of Pythium blight on perennial ryegrass, 2011 Access Restrictions |
Koch, P. L.; Kerns, J. P. 2012. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 6: p. T005. |
204053 |
Evaluation of fungicides for control of Pythium foliar blight in perennial ryegrass, 2011 Access Restrictions |
Aynardi, B.; Li, Y.; Rahman, A.; Uddin, W. 2012. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 6: p. T039. |
204058 |
A review of phosphite products and their efficacy | Kerns, Jim. 2012. The Grass Roots. January/February. 41(1): p. 18, 20. |
198078 |
Control of pythium blight |
Koch, Paul; Soper, Sam; Van Ryzin, Ben; Soper, Jacob; Kerns, Jim. 2011. 2011 Summer Fungicide Research Reports [Wisconsin]. p. [1-2]. |
275640 |
Promotion of turf health through early pathogen detection: Development of a Turf PathoCHIP | Zhang, Ning; Clarke, Bruce B.; Wong, Francis; Harmon, Philip F.; Martin, S. Bruce. 2011. 2011 USGA Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 10. |
195530 |
Fungicidal control of Pythium foliar blight in perennial ryegrass, 2010 Access Restrictions |
Aynardi, B.; Li, Y.; Rahman, A.; Uddin, W. 2011. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 5: p. T004. |
178791 |
Resistance to Rhizoctonia solani AG-2-2 (IIIB) in creeping bentgrass plants transformed with pepper esterase gene PepEST Access Restrictions |
Cho, K.-C.; Han, Y.-J.; Kim, S.-J.; Lee, S.-S.; Hwang, O.-J.; Song, P.-S.; Kim, Y.-S.; Kim, J.-I. 2011. Plant Pathology. August. 60(4): p. 631-639. |
184965 |
Antagonism and mechanism of action of Trichoderma aureoviride against Pythium aphanidermatum causing turfgrass root rot |
Gu, Li-jun; Xu, Bing-liang; Liang, Qiao-lan; Li, Rong-feng. 2011. [Caoye Xuebao] [Acta Prataculturae Sinica]. April 20. 20(2): p. 46-51. |
270322 |
Molecular detection of fungal turfgrass pathogens | Njambere, Evans N.; Clarke, Bruce B.; Zhang, Ning. 2010. Proceedings of the Nineteenth Annual Rutgers TurfgrassSymposium. p. 30. |
159458 |
Evaluation of fungicides for control of Pythium foliar blight in perennial ryegrass, 2009 Access Restrictions |
Uddin, W.; Benelli, J.; Aynardi, B.; Li, Y. 2010. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 4: p. T048. |
169604 |
Genetic structure and distribution of Pythium aphanidermatum populations in Pennsylvania greenhouses based on analysis of AFLP and SSR markers Access Restrictions |
Lee, Seonghee; Garzón, Carla D.; Moorman, Gary W. 2010. Mycologia. July/August. 102(4): p. 774-784. |
223868 |
Isolation and structural identification of herbicidal toxin fractions produced by Pythium aphanidermatum Access Restrictions |
Zhang, Li-hui; Kang, Zhan-hai; Xu, Jiao; Xu, Wen-chao; Zhang, Jin-lin. 2010. Agricultural Sciences in China. July. 9(7): p. 995-1000. |
290785 |
Macroarray detection on fungal turfgrass pathogens |
Njambere, E. N.; Clarke, B.; Zhang, N. 2010. Phytopathology. June. 100(6S): p. S90. |
172818 |
Development of multipex PCR to detect five Pythium species related to turfgrass diseases Access Restrictions |
Asano, Takahiro; Senda, Masako; Suga, Haruhisa; Kageyama, Koji. 2010. Journal of Phytopathology. January. 158(1): p. 1-7. |
163143 |
Inhibition of Pythium Spp. and Suppression of Pythium Blight and Anthracnose with Phosphate Fungicides | Cook, Philip Joshua. 2009. M.S. Thesis: Pennsylvania State University. ix, 69 pp. |
172924 |
Pythium Blight of Turfgrass |
Giesler, Loren J. 2009. Lincoln, Nebraska: Extension, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. [2] pp. |
246795 |
Preventative fungicide application for foliar pythium blight control on perennial ryegrass seedling stand: July-August 2008 |
Dowgiewicz, Jason; Popko, James; Jung, Geunhwa. 2009. University of Massachusetts Turf Research Field Day. p. 121-122. |
184855 |
Evaluation of fungicides for control of Pythium foliar blight in perennial ryegrass, 2008 Access Restrictions |
Uddin, W.; Benelli, J. 2009. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 3: p. T054. |
155277 |
Efficacy of fungicides for control of pythium blight on tall fescue, 2008 Access Restrictions |
Martínez-Espinoza, A. D.; Youmans, J. 2009. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 3: p. T079. |
155356 |
Study on identification and biological characteristics of pythium diseases of turfgrass in Tanjin Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Sun, Shu-qin; Liu, Shui-fang; Yang, Xiu-rong. 2009. [Caoyuan yu Caoping] [Grassland and Turf]. 3: p. 31-33, 38. |
273251 |
Inhibition of Pythium spp. and suppression of Pythium blight of turfgrasses with phosphonate fungicides |
Cook, Phillip J.; Landschoot, Peter J.; Schlossberg, Maxim J. 2009. Plant Disease. August. 93(8): p. 809-814. |
152392 |
Fungicide failure to control Pythium blight on turf grass in Italy (Wirkungsverlust von Fungiziden gegenüber der Pythium-Fäule auf italienischen Rasenflächen) Access Restrictions |
Titone, P.; Mocioni, M.; Garibaldi, A.; Gullino, M. L. 2009. Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection. April. 116(2): p. 55-59. |
273085 |
Evaluation of fungicides for control of Pythium foliar blight in tall fescue, 2007 | Soika, M. D.; Tredway, L. P. 2008. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 2: p. T018. |
163445 |
Pythium blight: [Pythium aphanidermatum] |
Tredway, Lane P.; Wilkerson, Gail G.; Lassiter, Bridget R.; Reynolds, Jenifer J.; Buol, Gregory S. 2008. TurfFiles: NCSU Web Site. April 30. p. 1-3. |
139866 |
Pythium blight (Pythium aphanidermatum), 2007 | Anonymous. 2007. 2006-2007 Fungicide Report [Michigan State University]. p. 41-45. |
177708 |
Evaluations of fungicides for control of Pythium foliar blight on perennial ryegrass, 2006. | Uddin, W.; Tornquist, H. 2007. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 1: p. T054. |
186235 |
Pythium strikes! | Rimelspach, Joe; Hicks, Todd. 2007. Buckeye Turf. August 3. p. [1]. |
131270 |
Evaluation of fungicides for control of Pythium foliar blight on perennial ryegrass, 2005 | Uddin, W.; Soika, M. D.; Soika, E. L. 2006. F&N Tests. 61: p. T041. |
124126 |
Control of pythium blight with phosphonate fungicides | Cook, Philip Joshua; Landschoot, Peter; Schlossberg, Maxim. 2005. 2005 Annual Meeting Abstracts [ASA/CSSA/SSSA/CSSS]. p. [1]. |
107675 |
Evaluation of phosphonate fungicides for control of Pythium blight on creeping bentgrass and perennial ryegrass | Cook, Joshua; Landschoot, Peter; Schlossberg, Maxim. 2005. 2005 Annual Research Report [Penn State]. p. 1-8. |
130207 |
Effect of fungicides and other prophylactic treatments on Pythium blight development on Poa trivialis, 2004 | Datnoff, L.; Cisar, J.; Rutherford, B.; Williams, K.; Park, D. 2005. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests. 60: p. 1. |
104741 |
Effect of fungicides on Pythium blight of tall fescue, 2004 | Burpee, L. L.; Stephens, S. L.; Martinez-Espinoza, A. D. 2005. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests. 60: p. 1. |
104746 |
Early detection of turf disease through direct sensing of a creeping bentgrass canopy. |
Anderson, Zachary; Fermanian, T. W.; Wilkinson, H. T. 2004. 2004 Annual Meeting Abstracts [ASA/CSSA/SSSA/CSSS]. p. [1]. |
100760 |
Methods of direct sensing to measure turf diseases |
Anderson, Zachary; Fermanian, T. W.; Frank, T.; Spomer, L. A. 2004. 2004 Annual Meeting Abstracts [ASA/CSSA/SSSA/CSSS]. p. [1]. |
102455 |
Effect of fungicides for curatively suppressing Pythium blight development of Poa trivialis, 2003 | Datnoff, L.; Cisar, J.; Rutherford, B.; Williams, K.; Park, D. 2004. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests. 59: p. [1]. |
104785 |
Preventative effect of fungicides on Pythium blight development on Poa trivialis, 2002 | Datnoff, L.; Cisar, J.; Rutherford, B.; Williams, K.; Park, D. 2004. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests. 59: p. [1]. |
104786 |
Pythium foliar blight control with the use of fungicides, 2003 | Uddin, W.; Soika, M. D.; Soika, E. L.; Francl, A. 2004. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests. 59: p. [1]. |
104791 |
Effect of fungicides on Pythium blight of tall fescue, 2003 | Burpee, L. L.; Stephens, S. L.; Martinez-Espinoza, A. D. 2004. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests. 59: p. [1]. |
104795 |
Detection of Pyricularia grisea causing gray leaf spot of perennial ryegrass turf by a rapid immuno-recognition assay |
Uddin, W.; Viji, G.; Schumann, G. L.; Boyd, S. H. 2003. Plant Disease. July. 87(7): p. 772-778. |
88685 |
Strategies for preventing and managing fungicide resistance: Rotating fungicides with different biochemical modes of action and using fungicide mixtures are the two primary strategies for managing fungicide resistance Access Restrictions |
Couch, Houston B. 2003. Golf Course Management. May. 71(5): p. 111-115. |
86395 |
Product and service highlights for the turfgrass industry: Disease spotlight: Cooil season pythium |
Anonymous. 2002. The Turf Line News. April/May. 169: p. 48. |
81626 |
Multi-year performance of new BASF fungicides against diseases of turfgrass | Barton, W. R.; Barnes, J. S.; Wetzel, H. C. III. 2001. IXth International Turfgrass Research Conference. 9: p. 59. |
74352 |
Differential biological control of Pythium aphanidermatum on bentgrass cultivars by microbial inoculants | Karp, M. A.; Nelson, E. B. 2001. Phytopathology. June Supplement. 91(6): p. S46-S47. |
73786 |
An immunocapture assay for Pyricularia grisea, causal agent of gray leaf spot (blast) of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) turf | Uddin, W.; Viji, G.; Schumann, G. L.; Boyd, S. H. 2001. Phytopathology. June Supplement. 91(6): p. S90. |
73802 |
F500: A new broad-spectrum fungicide for control of key turfgrass diseases | Portillo, H. E.; Evans, R. R.; Barnes, J. S.; Gold, R. E.; Millhouse, D. E. 2001. Phytopathology. June Supplement. 91(6): p. S202-S203. |
73903 |
Development of brown patch and pythium blight in tall fescue as affected by irrigation frequency, clipping removal, and fungicide application |
Settle, D. M.; Fry, J. D.; Tisserat, N. A. 2001. Plant Disease. May. 85(5): p. 543-546. |
73285 |
Control of Pythium Blight on Turfgrass: Isolate Characterization and Strategies to Delay Fungicide Resistance in Pythium aphanidermatum | Peng, Guangbin. 2000. M.S. Thesis: Iowa State University. vii, 42 pp. |
103365 |
Reaction of tall fescue cultivars to pythium blight and rhizoctonia brown patch, 1997 and 1999 |
Tisserat, N.; Fry, J.; Settle, D.; Parsons, L. 2000. Biological and Cultural Tests for Control of Plant Diseases. p. 53. |
66960 |
Control of Pythium foliar blight on perennial ryegrass | Uddin, Wakar; Soika, Michael D. 2000. 2000 Annual Research Report [Penn State]. p. 53-55. |
72931 |
Effect of silicate applications on pythium root rot tolerance of creeping bentgrass |
Rondeau, E.; Dionne, J.; Desjardins, Y. 2000. 2000 Annual Meeting Abstracts [ASA/CSSA/SSSA]. p. 153. |
70933 |
Control of Pythium foliar blight on perennial ryegrass, 1999 | Uddin, W.; Soika, M. D. 2000. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests. 55: p. 527. |
70139 |
Evaluation of fungicides for control of Pythium foliar blight, 1999 | Uddin, W.; Soika, M. D. 2000. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests. 55: p. 528. |
70140 |
When it comes to pythium blight on green overseeded with Poa trivialis: Think prevention! Initial study shows preventive application of fungicide can manage disease development on a bermudagrass golf green |
Datnoff, Lawrence; Cisar, John. 2000. Florida Turf Digest. November/December. 17(6): p. 36-38. |
73596 |
Controlling Pythium blight on overseeded bermudagrass greens | Datnoff, Lawrence E.; Cisar, John L. 2000. Grounds Maintenance: Golf Edition. October. 35(10): p. Golf 1-Golf 2, Golf 8. |
104444 |
Comparison of two strategies for delaying fungicide resistance in populations of Pythium aphanidermatum | Peng, G.; Gleason, M. L.; Nutter, F. W. 2000. Phytopathology. June. 90(6): p. S59-S60. |
72364 |
Evaluation of fungicides for control of pythium blight in perennial ryegrass, 1998 |
Gleason, M. L.; Peng, G.; Christians, N. C.; Dickson, J. R. 1999. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests. 54: p. 517. |
63251 |
Evaluation of fungicides for control of pythium foliar blight, 1998 |
Uddin, W.; Soika, M. D. 1999. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests. 54: p. 520. |
63257 |
Control of pythium foliar blight on perennial ryegrass, 1998 |
Uddin, W.; Soika, M. D. 1999. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests. 54: p. 521. |
63276 |
Evaluation of fungicides for control of pythium blight, 1998 |
Watkins, J. E.; Wit, L. A. 1999. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests. 54: p. 528. |
63283 |
Biological control of pythium blight of turfgrass in golf green by Trichoderma harzianum ABGC-95 | Yeom, Ju-Rip. 1999. Korean Journal of Turfgrass Science. 13(4): p. 223-234 [215-226]. |
128357 |
Evaluation of fungicides for control of pythium blight on perennial ryegrass - 1998 |
Gleason, Mark L. 1999. 1999 Iowa Turfgrass Research Report. July. 20: p. 73. |
60959 |
Baseline sensitivity distribution of isolates of Pythium aphanidermatum to azoxystrobin | Langan, K.; Olaya, G.; Tedford, E. 1999. Phytopathology. June. 89(6): p. S43. |
92132 |
A simple Pythium aphanidermatum field inoculation technique for perennial ryegrass. |
Feng, Yan; Dernoeden, Peter H.; Grybauskas, Arvydas P. 1999. HortScience. April. 34(2): p. 301-304. |
58852 |
Silicon impact on the growth and disease severity of creeping bentgrass |
Gussack, E.; Petrovic, A. M.; Nelson, E. B. 1998. 1998 Annual Meeting Abstracts. p. 136. |
57286 |
Control of pythium foliar blight, 1997 |
Soika, M. D.; Goff, M. 1998. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests. 53: p. 465. |
55715 |
Evaluation of fungicides for control of pythium blight, 1997 |
Watkins, J. E.; Wit, L. A. 1998. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests. 53: p. 467. |
55721 |
Use of trifloxystobin on turfgrass |
Agnew, M.; Young, T.; Houseworth, D.; Laird, D. 1998. Phytopathology. September Supplement. 88(9): p. S2. |
92911 |
Prevention of fungal diseases in transgenic, bialaphos-and glufosinate-resistant creeping bentgrass (Agrostis palustris) |
Liu, Chien-An; Zhong, Heng; Vargas, Joseph; Penner, Donald; Sticklen, Mariam. 1998. Weed Science. January/February. 46(1): p. 139-146. |
42291 |
Development of transgenic creeping bentgrass resistant to the major pathogenic fungi | Vargas, Joseph Jr.; Sticklen, Mariam. 1997. 1997 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary[USGA]. p. 37-38. |
54563 |
Fungicides evaluated for control of pythium blight on perennial ryegrass | Watkins, J. E.; Wit, L. A. 1997. 1997 Turfgrass Research Report [Nebraska]. p. 65. |
69731 |
Simultaneous control of weeds, dollar spot and brown patch diseases in transgenic creeping bentgrass |
Sticklen, M. B. 1997. Agronomy Abstracts. 89: p. 127. |
41514 |
Pythium foliar blight: Quantifying resistance among varieties |
Wilkinson, H. T.; Ortiz, L. M. 1997. Agronomy Abstracts. 89: p. 136. |
41605 |
Artificial inoculation and microclimate modification for inducing pythium blight development of turfgrass |
Giesler, L. J.; Watkins, J. E. 1997. Phytopathology. June. 87(6): p. S33. |
92427 |
Research results for the control of Pythium root rot with fungicides (CAFDI Project) |
MacDonald, Leslie. 1997. The Turf Line News. April/May. 139: p. 8-11. |
61204 |
National Tall Fescue Test - 1992: Final Report 1993-1995 | National Turfgrass Evaluation Program. 1996. Beltsville, MD: USDA ARS, Beltsville Agricultural Research Center and National Turfgrass Federation, Inc. 69 pp. |
54903 |
National Tall Fescue Test - 1992: 1995 Progress Report | National Turfgrass Evaluation Program. 1996. Beltsville, MD: USDA ARS, Beltsville Agricultural Research Center and National Turfgrass Federation, Inc. 49 pp. |
55927 |
Pythium root diseases and summer decline phenomena | Kane, Randy; Wilkinson, Hank. 1996. On Course. May. 49(12): p. 4, 16, 24, 28. |
82925 |
The Pythium scare | Arthur, Jim; Shiels, George. 1996. Greenkeeper International. January. p. 78. |
80076 |
Engineering Herbicide Resistance in Creeping Bentgrass (Agrostis palustris Huds.) and its Potential Application on the Prevention of Fungal Diseases |
Liu, Chien-An. 1995. Ph.D Dissertation: Michigan State University. x, 194 p. |
71480 |
Control of pythium foliar blight, 1994 |
Soika, M. D.; Sanders, P. L. 1995. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests. 50: p. 377. |
27995 |
Control of pythium foliar blight with fungicide treatments, 1994 |
Soika, M. D.; Sanders, P. L. 1995. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests. 50: p. 378. |
25756 |
Investigation of antagonistic effects in tank-mixed fungicides for the control of Pythium blight in turf |
Barton, Wayne; Goudy, Heather. 1995. 1995 Research Report: Guelph Turfgrass Institute. 9: p. 69-72. |
51782 |
Forecasting pythium blight on turfgrass in Iowa, 1991-1994 | Nutter, F. W. Jr.; Gleason, M. L.; Newton, J. 1995. Phytopathology. September. 85(9): p. 1045. |
35474 |
Mowing height and vertical mowing frequency effects on putting green quality Access Restrictions |
Salaiz, T. A.; Horst, G. L.; Shearman, R. C. 1995. Crop Science. September/October. 35(5): p. 1422-1425. |
35173 |
Resistance in Creeping Bentgrass (Agrostis palustris Huds.) to Pythium aphanidermatum (Edson) Fitzp. Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Icard, Alan Harold. 1994. M.S. Thesis: University of Georgia. viii, 45 pp. |
146189 |
Brown patch and pythium blight fungicide field studies | Vargas, Joe Jr.; Dykema, Nancy; LeCureux, Paul. 1994. 1994 Michigan Turfgrass Field Day. p. 11-12. |
93799 |
Control of Pythium blight, 1993 |
Soika, M. D.; Sanders, P. L. 1994. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests. 49: p. 360. |
34231 |