Keyword: Reestablishment
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Midland Hills Country Club: Bentgrass removal | Rosenow, Tina. 2024. Hole Notes. October. 59(5): p. 26-27. |
341061 |
Winterkill reestablishment | Frank, Kevin W.; Perkinson, Payton; Guevara, Jackie. 2022. Turfgrass Field Day. p. 6-7. |
322877 |
Practical reestablishment of golf greens following winter damages - A field study Access Restrictions |
Lönnberg, Carl-Johan; Aamlid, Trygve S. 2022. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. June. 14(1): p. 533-538. |
321294 |
Plant parasitic nematodes, substrates or grass species as reasons for poor reestablishment of a sand-based putting green after winter kill Access Restrictions |
Xiao, Kemeng; Hesselsøe, Karin Juul; Magnusson, Christer; Espevig, Tatsiana; Pettersen, Trond; Aamlid, Trygve S. 2022. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. June. 14(1): p. 569-574. |
321301 |
Kentucky bluegrass fairway establishment and drought tolerance under plant growth-promoting microorganisms (PGPMs) application | Zhang, Qi. 2021. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2021 Progress Reports. p. 98-104. |
317394 |
Understanding factors associated with successful re-establishment of golf course putting greens following winterkill | DaCosta, Michelle; Watkins, Eric; Ebdon, Scott; Petrella, Dominic; Aamlid, Trygve S.; Espevig, Tatsiana; Waalen, Wendy; Dalmannsdottir, Sigridur; Lönnberg, Carl-Johan. 2021. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2021 Progress Reports. p. 135-141. |
317401 |
Understanding factors associated with successful re-establishment of golf course putting greens following winterkill | DaCosta, Michelle; Watkins, Eric; Ebdon, Scott; Hoffman, Lindsey; Petrella, Dominic; Aamlid, Trygve S; Espevig, Tatsiana; Waalen, Wendy; Dalmannsdottir, Sigridur; Lönnberg, Carl-Johan. 2020. Turfgrass and Environmental Research Program: 2020 Research Summaries. p. 120-126. |
313717 |
Do not forget about us |
Dowling, Elliott. 2020. USGA Green Section Record. May 15. 58(10): p. 1-2. |
320254 |
Techniques for turfgrass re-establishment following winterkill Access Restrictions |
Frank, Kevin W.; Bogle, Erica; Bryan, Jeff; Vargas, Joe Jr. 2018. Golf Course Management. November. 86(11): p. 64-68. |
302416 |
Reestablishment of golf greens following winter damages: The effect of ice encasement and germination temperature on the reestablishment of five turfgrass species Access Restrictions |
Waalen, Wendy M.; Aamlid, Trygve S.; Heltoft, Pia. 2018. 6th European Turf Society Conference Proceedings. June. 6: p. 70-71. |
311096 |
Successful reestablishment of golf greens following winter damages | Waalen, Wendy. 2017. Research and Development Yearbook 2017 [Scandinavia]. p. 38-39. |
296764 |
Practical re-establishment of golf greens following winter damage - A field study | Lönnberg, Carl-Johan. 2017. Research and Development Yearbook 2017 [Scandinavia]. p. 40-41. |
296765 |
Putting green reestablishment following winterkill |
Frank, Kevin W.; Bogle, Erica N.; Bryan, Jeff M.; Vargas, J. M. Jr. 2017. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 13: p. 1-6. |
287776 |
Two infield renovation in seven days: Passion, friendship and a sense of urgency make playing baseball possible in Greensboro |
Holloway, Jake. 2017. SportsField Management. September. 12(8): p. 12-15. |
289122 |
New pitches for Forest Row Juniors: Sound advice helped to convert disused land into a usable football facility for youth players |
Symonds, Darren. 2017. The Groundsman [IOG]. January. p. 14. |
280851 |
Turfgrass Science & Management |
Emmons, Robert D.; Rossi, Frank and Gifford, Christina; Royael, Scott; Starr, Jennifer, eds. 2016. Stamford, Connecticut: Cengage Learning. xv, 624 pp. Fifth Edition. |
254253 |
How I survived when my greens didn't: After soil contamination wiped out his greens in 2015, a superintendent learned to control what he can control |
Hartman, Jesse. 2016. Golfdom. July. 72(7): p. 45-50. |
274246 |
Reestablishment of perennial ryegrass in lawns damaged by diesel and hydraulic fluid spills Access Restrictions |
Yuan, Longyi; Gao, Yang; Li, Deying. 2016. HortTechnology. June. 26(3): p. 250-253. |
273314 |
Re-Seeding and Spring Recovery from Winter Injuries (Re-Etablering Etter Vinterskader; Återetablering Efter Vinterskador) |
Kvalbein, Agnar; Espevig, Tatsiana; Aamlid, Trygve S.; Waalen, Wendy. 201X. s.l.: Canadian Turfgrass Research Foundation; [Stockholm, Sweden]: Scandinavian Turfgrass and Environment Research Foundation. [7] pp. |
277513 |
Successful reestablishment of golf greens following winter damages | Waalen, Wendy. 2015. Research and Development Yearbook 2015 [Scandinavia]. p. 32-33. |
277305 |
Accelerating re-establishment of putting greens following winterkill | Michael, Darrell. 2015. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 93583. |
267067 |
Shifnal Cricket Club: One man's mission |
Gale, Laurence. 2015. Pitchcare. August/September. 62: p. 66-71. |
265673 |
Winterkill Reestablishment on Golf Courses Should Be Slow and Steady | Frank, Kevin. 2014. [East Lansing, Michigan]: Michigan State University Extension. [7] pp. |
275052 |
Successful Fairway Renovation/Establishment | Reicher, Zac. [2014]. Lincoln, Nebraska: University of Nebraska-Lincoln. [55] slides. |
288007 |
Winterkill reestablishment | Frank, Kevin W.; Hathaway, Aaron. 2014. The Michigan Turfgrass Foundation and Michigan State University Present: Turfgrass Field Day. p. 6-7. |
247842 |
Common challenges |
Foy, John H. 2014. United States Golf Association. June 11. p. 1-3. |
245457 |
Winterkill recovery: Slow and steady |
Frank, Kevin W. 2014. Course Conditions. Spring. p. 34-35. |
245598 |
Restoring North America's sagebrush steppe ecosystem using seed enhancement technologies | Madsen, Matthew D.; Davies, Kirk W.; Boyd, Chad S.; Kerby, Jay D.; Carter, Daniel L.; Svejcar, Tony J. 2013. Proceedings: 22nd International Grassland Congress: Revitalising Grasslands to Sustain Our Communities. p. 393-401. |
231166 |
Time for plan B |
Vavrek, Bob. 2013. United States Golf Association. July 24. p. 1-2. |
227447 |
Turf dormancy or death? | Frank, Kevin; Hathaway, Aaron; Bryan, Jeff. 2012. Lawncare, Athletic Fields, and Commercial Turf Field Day. p. 7. |
210075 |
[Update on gold coast sports field reconstruction] | Apps, Peter. 2012. Green Side Up. Winter. 4: p. 10-11. |
308853 |
Ecohydrological feedback as a land restoration tool in the semi-arid Brigalow Belt, QLD, Australia Access Restrictions |
Arnold, Sven; Thornton, Craig; Baumgartl, Thomas. 2012. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. December 1. 163: p. 61-71. |
293329 |
Soil microbial community recovery in reclaimed soils on a surface coal mine site Access Restrictions |
Dangi, Sadikshya R.; Stahl, Peter D.; Wick, Abbey F.; Ingram, Lachlan J.; Buyer, Jeffrey S. 2012. Soil Science Society of America Journal. May. 76(3): p. 915-924. |
236084 |
NZ bowling club rattles and rallies |
Palmer, David. 2012. TurfCraft International. January/February. 142: p. 24, 27. |
292213 |
Repairing Spring Flooded Lawns | Mugaas, Bob. 2011. [St. Paul, Minnesota]: Extension, University of Minnesota. [2] pp. |
153064 |
How do I control lady's thumb, dallisgrass, nimblewill, smooth crabgrass, japanese bushclover, or common lespedeza, and large crabgrass (Polygonum persicaria, Paspalum dilitatum, Muhlenbergia schreberi, Digitaria ischaemum, Kummerowia striata, and Digitaria sanguinalis) in a home lawn in James City County Virginia? | Anonymous. [20xx]. Turf Weeds at Virginia Tech. p. [1]. |
177582 |
Management strategies to alleviate winterkill on golf courses | Frank, Kevin W.; Bryan, Jeff; Hathaway, Aaron; Calhoun, Ronald. 2011. Golf Course Turfgrass Field Day. p. 16. |
210030 |
The effects of sod planting method and cultural practices for sports turf | Anderson, Joshua; Karcher, Douglas; Richardson, Michael. 2011. 2011 International Annual Meetings: [Abstracts][ASA-CSSA-SSSA]. p. 65131. |
192874 |
Post renovation: Providing a quality playing green for next season |
Ormsby, David. 2011. New Zealand Turf Management Journal. May. 26(2): p. 13-14. |
181349 |
Regrassing greens at New Haven Country Club: A successful regrassing project, utilizing washed sod, modernized and restored the classic green pads at New Haven Country Club | Booth, Jason. 2011. USGA Green Section Record. February 18. 49(7): p. 1-3. |
175227 |
I scalped my lawn. What measures should I take to try to bring the brown and light green portions back? |
Anonymous. [200x]. Plantfacts. p. [1]. |
166509 |
Developing native multispecies sod: An alternative rehabilitation method for disturbed lands Access Restrictions |
Stott, Lance V.; Dougher, Tracy A. O.; Rew, Lisa J. 2010. Restoration Ecology. September. 18(5): p. 742-752. |
291204 |
Renovation and seeding of turf | Murphy, James A. 2010. Plant & Pest Advisory: Landscape, Nursery & Turf Edition. August 12. 16(11): p. 1-2. |
250797 |
Re-Establishment of Green Turfgrass After Winter Damage, Spring 2009 Summary | Scandinavian Turfgrass and Environment Research Foundation, STERF. [2009]. [Stockholm, Sweden]: Scandinavian Turfgrass and Environment Research Foundation, STERF. [2] pp. |
289619 |
Reestablishment of green turfgrass after winter damage, spring 2009 | Kvalbein, Agnar. 2009. Scandinavian Turfgrass and Environment Research Foundation Research and Development Yearbook 2009. p. 28-29. |
180313 |
Friendly fungi: Mycorrhiza fungi assist grass plants |
Frost, Hugh. 2009. Pitchcare. February/March. 23: p. 84-86. |
147329 |
A winter's tale: Winterkill causes and recovery strategies Access Restrictions |
Frank, Kevin W. 2009. GreenMaster. January/February. 44(1): p. 18-20. |
146127 |
Turfgrass Science and Management |
Emmons, Robert D. and Rosenbaum, David; Serenka, Robert L. Jr., eds. 2008. Clifton Park, New York: Thomson Delmar Learning, Thomson Corporation. xvii, 567 pp. Fourth Edition. |
125961 |
Compost type affects bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.) invasion | Harp, Derald A.; Kee, David; Herschler, Kristen; Ong, Kevin; Sloan, John. 2008. Texas Journal of Agriculture and Natural Resources. 21: p. 82-86. |
290858 |
Turfgrass reestablishment techniques following winterkill | Frank, Kevin W.; Bogle, Erica; Bryan, Jeff; Vargas, Joe Jr. 2008. 2007 MSU Turfgrass Research Reports. 3: p. [1-5]. |
148285 |
Mowing strategies and fertilization improves sports fields during and after 70-day re-establishment window |
Vanini, J. Tim; Rogers, John N. III. 2008. Applied Turfgrass Science. December. 5(1): p. [1-10]. |
132746 |
Greens re-establishment |
Spitz, Phil; Riley, Dustin; Lecour, Chris; Putnam, Clay; FitzGerald, Alan. 2008. TurfNet Monthly. January. 15(1): p. 10-11. |
135206 |
Reseeding | Anonymous. [2007]. DIY Network. p. [1]. |
127927 | |
Turfgrass re-establishment techniques following winterkill | Titus, Erica; Frank, Kevin; Vargas, Joe. 2007. Abstracts: 2007 International Annual Meetings[ASA/CSSA/SSSA]. p. [1]. |
130553 |
Fertilizer programs to facilitate restablishment following winterkill | Titus, Erica; Frank, Kevin; Bryan, Jeff. 2007. Abstracts: 2007 International Annual Meetings[ASA/CSSA/SSSA]. p. [1]. |
132266 |
Turfgrass reestablishment techniques following winterkill | Titus, Erika; Frank, Kevin W.; Vargas, J. M. Jr. 2006. Abstracts: 2006 International Annual Meetings [ASA/CSSA/SSSA]. p. [1]. |
119070 |
Turfgrass reestablishment techniques following winterkill | Titus, Erica N.; Frank, Kevin W.; Vargas, Joseph M. Jr. 2006. Michigan Turfgrass Field Day. p. 13. |
114348 |
Turf renewal hits all time high |
Anonymous. 2006. The Groundsman. November. 60(11): p. 10-11. |
117757 |
Start your renovation now | Miller, Grady. 2006. SportsTurf. October. 22(10): p. 50. |
119855 |
Rx for turf: Diagnosing your site: Knowing when to renovate or re-establish | Holly, Margie. 2006. Grounds Maintenance. July. 41(7): p. 14-18. |
125544 |
Spring into your lawn seminar series - Part 2: Renovating run-down lawns from start to finish | Reynolds, Casey. 2006. TurfFiles: NCSU Web Site. May 30.14:43. |
141360 |
More bermuda in the outfield | Miller, Grady. 2006. SportsTurf. April. 25[22](4): p. 54. |
115432 |
The Golf Course Remodeling Process: Questions & Answers | The American Society of Golf Course Architects. 2005. Brookfield, Wisconsin: The American Society of Golf Course Architects. 4 pp. |
115505 |
Evaluating mowing and fertilizer practices for re-establishment of sports fields in a 70-day growing window | Vanini, J. T.; Rogers, John N. III. 2004. Proceedings of the 74th Annual Michigan Turfgrass Conference. p. [1-4]. |
94894 |
What the "Experts" May Not Tell You About Growing the Perfect Lawn |
Ogren, Thomas L. 2004. New York, New York: Warner Books. xi, 205 pp. |
109986 |
Get ready for reseeding projects | Frank, Kevin. 2004. Landscape Alert Newsletter. August 13. 19(2): p. [6-8]. |
141860 |
Summer is here, and also the overseeding transition blues! |
Foy, John. 2004. USGA World Wide Web Site. June 10. p. [1-2]. |
111333 |
[Does frost seeding rejuvenate turf?] | Murphy, James. 2004. Update [New Jersey]. January/February. 4(1): p. 9. |
171674 |
Winter injury of putting greens 2003 | Minner, Dave. 2003. Hole Notes. September. 34(7): p. 18-19. |
91098 |
Man of Steele: A super story in San Diego |
Waymire, Dave; Hardy, Scott. 2003. California Fairways. September/October. 12(5): p. 8-11. |
99594 |
Managing Spring Dead Spot Disease of Bermudagrass | Martin, Dennis; Hudgins, Betsy. 2002. Stillwater, Oklahoma: Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Oklahoma State University. 2 pp. |
265569 |
Evaluating mowing and fertilizer practices for re-establishment of sports fields in a 60 day growing window | Vanini, J. T.; Rogers, John N. III. 2002. 2002 Michigan Turfgrass Field Day. p. 18-19. |
82183 |
Bermuda species traffic study |
Minner, D. D.; Valverde, F. J. 2002. 2002 Iowa Turfgrass Research Report. p. 74-76. |
80722 |
Species traffic study |
Valverde, F. J.; Minner, D. D. 2002. 2002 Iowa Turfgrass Research Report. p. 79-80. |
80724 |
California native | McCullough, Mike. 2002. Thru the Green [Northern California]. February. 2(2): p. 4. |
158634 |
Establishment, Protection, and Reestablishment of Urban Roadside Vegetation Against Salt and Ice | Johnson, Ann M. 2000. St. Paul, Minnesota:Minnesota Department of Transportation, Minnesota Local Road Research Board. [11], 32 pp. |
115870 |
Gefährdung und Möglichkeiten zur Erhaltung der Biodiversität bei landschaftsbaulichen und Biotopentwicklungsmaßnahmen ([Dangers and possibilities of biodiversity preservation in landscaping and biotope development measures]) |
Molder, Frank. 2000. Rasen-Turf-Gazon. September. 31(3): p. 41-46. |
69871 |
China discovers benefits of turfgrasses | Beard, James B. 2000. TURFAX. July/August. 8(4): p. 7. |
67183 |
Soilless sod: Use tied to economy, USGA specs | Shank, Bruce F. 2000. TurfGrass TRENDS. January. 9(1): p. 9-12. |
122003 |
The right choices make site restoration easier |
Tilton, Joseph Lynn. 2000. Erosion Control. January/February. 7(1): p. 66-70, 73. |
64080 |
Overseeding With Ryegrass |
Polomski, Bob; McCarty, Bert; Shaughnessy, Debbie. 1999. Clemson, South Carolina: Home & Garden Information Center, Clemson Extension, Clemson University. [2] pp. |
150412 |
Establishment, competition and the distribution of native grasses among Michigan old-fields Access Restrictions |
Foster, Bryan L. 1999. Journal of Ecology. June. 87(3): p. 476-489. |
60370 |
Zeoponic materials allow rapid greens grow-in: A nutrient-loaded amendment feeds roots and builds soil structure Access Restrictions |
Andrews, Richard D.; Koski, Anthony J.; Murphy, James A.; Petrovic, A. Martin. 1999. Golf Course Management. February. 67(2): p. 68-72. |
56962 |
Turfgrass improvement program | Voigt, Tom. [199x]. University of Illinois Turfgrass Program Web Site. p. [1-5]. |
109816 | |
Don't forget the algicides Access Restrictions |
Kind, Mark. 1998. Golf Course Management. November. 66(11): p. 48. |
55795 |
Renovate, re-establish? Check the turf carefully |
Roche, Jerry. 1998. Landscape & Irrigation. November. 22(11): p. 12-14. |
56791 |
High-traffic weeds | Minner, Dave. 1998. SportsTURF. July. 14(7): p. 52. |
53218 |
Safe & Easy Lawn Care: The Complete Guide to Organic, Low - Maintenance Lawns |
Ellis, Barbara. 1997. Boston : Houghton Mifflin. 121 pp. |
64739 |
Exakte Vorbereitung und Koordination sind alles (Exact preparation and coordination are everything) |
Amberger, M.; Müller-Beck, K. G. 1997. Greenkeepers Journal. June. 9(2): p. 25-26, 31. |
41280 |
Reestablish, renovate, rejuvinate! |
Sorochan, John C.; Rogers, John N. III. 1997. Grounds Maintenance. February. 32(2): p. 14-16, 20, 24. |
58450 |
Resurfacing bentgrass greens | Walker, Tom. 1996. Proceedings of the 66th Annual Michigan Turfgrass Conference. 25: p. 201-203. |
39742 |
Ökologie des alpinen Rasens - Grenzen der Begrünung ([Ecology of alpine turfgrass - new frontiers in regrassing]) |
Tappeiner, Ulrike. 1996. Rasen-Turf-Gazon. June. 27(2): p. 36-40. |
38719 |
Saatgutvermehrung von subalpinen und alpinen Ökotypen des horstbildenen Schwarz-Rotschwingels (Festuca nigrescens) ([Seed increase on subalpine and alpine ecotypes of nesting dark red fesuce (Festuca nigrescens)]) |
Werder, Martin. 1996. Rasen-Turf-Gazon. March. 27(1): p. 19-20. |
55849 |
Avoiding the hazards of golf course renovation |
Manuel, George B. 1995. USGA Green Section Record. July/August. 33(4): p. 5-7. |
34386 |
Kikuyugrass management in cool and warm-season turf |
Cudney, David W.; Downer, James A.; Henry, J. Michael; Gibeault, Victor A. 1994. Turfgrass Research Conference and Field Day and Landscape Management Research Conference and Field Day [1994]. p. 2. |
152599 |
Over the tracks at Newbury |
Green, Laurence. 1994. The Groundsman. August. 47(8): p. 6. |
32037 |
=Top-quality turf | USGA Green Section. 1994. USGA Green Section Record. January/February. 32(1) |
77980 |
How to Have a Beautiful Lawn: Easy Steps in Turfgrass Establishment and Care for Aesthetic and Recreational Purposes Including Sports Fields |
Beard, James B. 1993. College Station, Texas: Beard Books. 113 pp. Fifth Edition. |
65137 |
ABC's of Grounds Maintenance - Volume 3: Soccer/Football Field Refurbishment Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Perry, Floyd. [1993]. Orlando, FL: Floyd Perry's Grounds Maintenance Services. |
94476 |
Tee construction: Use of the laser grader | O'Brien, Patrick M. 1993. USGA Green Section Record. July/August. 31(4): p. 6-8. |
28856 |